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Dean of the University
New Haven, Conn.
. 1-r^-
Preface v
Historical Sketch vii
Annals, 1910-1921 xix
Trustees xxv
Faculty xxxiii
Records of the Faculty, not Wesleyan Graduates xlviii
Graduates i
Non-Graduates 612
Masters of Arts or of Science, not Wesleyan Graduates . . 847
Honorary Alumni 850
Summary 910
Index 911
Four editions of the Alumni Record of Wesleyan University have been
published to date. The first (1869) was compiled and published at his
own expense by Orange Judd, '47; the second (1873) was published by
the Alumni Association; the third (1883) and the fourth (1911) were
issued by the University. This fifth edition was authorized by the
Trustees in May, 19 19, but publication has been delayed by the high cost
of printing. The present intention is to issue a sixth edition in 1931,
when the college celebrates its one hundredth anniversary.
The plan of this book follows that of 191 1, but with certain curtail-
ments, due to limitation of space, and with some additional matter. With
the large graduating classes of recent years, the number of individual
records to be treated has risen to over 6,500 ; an account of each, as com-
plete as in the previous edition, would have made a book too cumbersome
for convenient use. Therefore the records of those who died before
191 1 are giyen in this edition in condensed form, though all essential
facts are stated ; and, in order to save further space, the appointments
of Methodist Episcopal ministers are not given year by year, but only
their Conference relations.
In accord with the practice of a number of colleges and universities
which have adopted this method, among others, of emphasizing the
importance of high scholarship, a new feature in this edition is the men-
tion of honors achieved at graduation. Up to the year 1873 the highest
scholar of a graduating class at Wesleyan was termed the Valedictorian,
the second in rank, the Salutatorian; the abbreviations Valedic. and
Salut. after the bachelor's degree in this book indicate these respective
honors. Beginning in 1874, honors in general scholarship were awarded
in two grades, first and second, and special honors were granted in the
several departments of study. Since 1897, honors in general scholar-
ship have been distinguished as honors and high honors, and honors in
the several departments of study are also divided into two groups, simi-
larly named. With this explanation, the italic abbreviations after the
bachelor's degree in the book will, it is hoped, be intelligible. The fol-
lowing further explanatory remarks may be offered concerning certain
other features:
Abbreviations. Only those in common use have been employed, as, for
instance, b. for born, m. for married, d. for died. An asterisk before a
name indicates decease.
Degrees. All degrees are from Wesle3^an University, unless other-
wise stated, except that in a few cases, for lack of information, M.D. is
printed without indication of the college from which it was received.
Bibliography. On account of lack of space it has been impossible to
include mention of articles and ephemeral publications; the titles of
books only are given, and in many cases merely a selection of titles from
a long list.
Fraternities. Mention of fraternities is restricted to those in active
existence at the present time, including the Commons Club. These are,
in the order of their establishment: Phi Nu Theta (Eclectic), Psi
Upsilon, Chi Psi, Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Beta Theta Pi,
Commons Club, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Chi Rho, Delta Upsilon, Sigma
Nu, and Gamma Psi.
The committee of the Trustees charged with the publication of the
Fifth Edition of the Record consists of Dr. David G. Downey, '84, Mr.
Henry I. Harriman, '95, and Dr. Frank K. Hallock, '82, to each of
whom the Editor is greatly indebted for advice and assistance.
It was not until about the close of the first quarter of the last century
that the Methodist Episcopal Church began to give any very earnest and
hearty patronage to the cause of higher education. Between the years
1824 and 1826, the flourishing seminaries at Wilbraham, Kents Hill, and
Cazenovia were opened under the auspices of the denomination, and
immediately secured a large attendance. While the seminaries served to
foster and encourage the newly-awakened interest in education, the lead-
ing minds of the Church became convinced of the need of some institu-
tion of collegiate rank, located in New England or New York, which
should provide facilities for the highest intellectual culture.
At this juncture, a seeming accident turned their attention to Middle-
town, Conn., and secured the immediate establishment of the projected
institution at this place. In 1825, Capt. Alden Partridge, first Superin-
tendent of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, opened in Mid-
dletown the "American Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy."
Through the liberality of the citizens of Middletown, two substantial
stone buildings had been erected for the school; and it was for a short
time very prosperous, drawing cadets from almost every state in the
Union. Its prosperity, however, soon waned; and, because of failure to
obtain a charter from the Legislature, it was removed, early in 1829, to
Norwich, Vt., leaving vacant the buildings it had occupied. The Rev.
Laban Clark, D.D., then Presiding Elder of the New Haven District,
happened shortly after to be in Middletown; and being informed that
one of the trustees of these buildings had casually suggested selling them
to the Methodists, for the sum of five thousand dollars, he at once noti-
fied them that he would be one of ten to purchase the property, and
would promptly secure the other nine. This led to the serious considera-
tion of the matter; and at the ensuing session of the New York Con-
ference, May, 1829, Dr. Clark presented from the trustees proposals for
the transfer of the property in due form, and urged their acceptance
upon the conference. A committee, consisting of James Emory, Samuel
Lucky, and Heman Bangs, was appointed to consider these proposals.
The New England Conference, being invited to unite in the project,
appointed Timothy Merritt, S. Martindale, and Willbur Fisk to act in
conjunction with the New York Committee.
The first act of this joint committee was to issue proposals inviting
the several towns within a specified region to compete for the location
'. ; • -of' l^e college by the offer of subscriptions. Liberal offers came from
Troy, N.'Y./ Bridgeport, Conn., and Wilbraham, Mass.; but those from
Middletown were now so modified that the committee had no hesitation
in preferring them. The trustees of the Academy, with the consent of
the stockholders, offered the entire property, valued at about $30,000, to
the conferences, on the two conditions, that it should be perpetually used
for a college or university, and that a fund of $40,000 should first be
raised for the endowment of the college. About $18,000 of this fund
was promptly subscribed by citizens of Middletown. The report of the
committee recommending the acceptance of this offer was adopted at
the session of conference in May, 1830. The $40,000 was soon raised,
trustees were at once chosen, and the college organized under the name,
"The Wesleyan University."
At the first meeting of the joint Board of Trustees and Visitors,
August 24, 1830, the Rev. Willbur Fisk, D.D., then principal of Wes-
leyan Academy, was elected first President of the Wesleyan University.
In October of the same year, a preparatory school was opened in the
buildings, under the superintendence of the Rev. W. C. Larrabee. In
May, 1 83 1, a charter was granted the University which provided that the
institution should be non-sectarian in character; and on the twenty-first
of the following September its halls were opened to students. The
Faculty consisted of President Fisk, Professors Augustus W. Smith and
John Mott Smith, and Tutor W. Magoun. At first, in accordance with
the peculiar views of President Fisk, which were afterwards entertained
by Presidents Wayland of Brown and Marsh of the University of
Vermont, the proficiency of the student was made the only basis of
classification; and any student able to pass the requisite examination
received a diploma, without regard to the time he had spent in college.
This plan, however, was soon abandoned, and the usual system of classi-
fication adopted in its stead. It is worthy of note, that the Wesleyan
University anticipated another of the most important features of the
new education, by establishing, very early in its history, a scientific
course, to meet the wants of those who wished to obtain advanced
literary and scientific training, but whose tastes or circumstances forbade
the ordinary classical course. In its early days of poverty and of
struggle, the institution had many faithful and earnest friends, among
whom Dr. Laban Clark and Dr. Heman Bangs are worthy of especial
mention; but to no one was it so deeply indebted as to its President,
Willbur Fisk. His pure and lofty piety and his gentle and winning
manner endeared him to all who knew him ; while his tact and prudence,
his high administrative ability, his thorough culture and extensive repu-
tation, and his untiring efforts in behalf of the University, soon assured
its success, and secured for it general recognition.
At the death of Dr. Fisk, in 1839, Dr. Stephen Olin, then in Europe,
was elected President. On his return from Europe, the following year.
Dr. Olin found himself too feeble to assume the duties of the presi-
dency, aiid consequently resigned it early in 1841. In February of that
year, Dr. Nathan Bangs was elected to the vacant post. Dr. Bangs,
then in the midst of a long and honorable career, felt that the sphere
of his greatest usefulness lay elsewhere; he accepted the position with
reluctance, and in July, 1842, willingly resigned it to Dr. Olin, whose
health had now so improved as to justify his acceptance.
Dr. Olin's fame as a pulpit orator, and his previous success in a similar
situation, caused him to be greeted with an enthusiastic welcome. His
health was so feeble as never to allow him to devote himself as he wished
to the work of instruction. He was, however, very successful in improv-
ing the financial condition of the University, and extending its reputation ;
and his noble and commanding character was itself an inspiration to
all the students under his charge. He received very efficient aid in the
general administration of the University from Professor Augustus W.
Smith, LL.D., who for several years filled the office of Vice-President
Dr. Olin died in 185 1. After an interval of a year, Professor Smith
was elected to the chair of President. Dr. Smith had been connected
with the University from the beginning; he was a most thorough
scholar, and extended, while President, the high and well-deserved
reputation he had won as a professor of mathematics. It was the con-
stant desire of President Smith, during the whole term of his adminis-
tration, to secure such an endowment fiind for the University as would
relieve it from the constant pressure of financial embarrassment, and
assure its continued existence and prosperity. About $100,000 was sub-
scribed to this fund; and although, as is usual in such cases, the full
amount subscribed was never realized, yet by the persevering labors of
President Smith, ably aided by Professor H. B. Lane, more than $80,000
was at this time invested for the endowment of professorships. Mr.
Isaac Rich, of Boston, was the chief donor to this fund.
Upon the resignation of President Smith, in 1857, the Rev. Joseph
Cummings, D.D., LL.D., President of Genesee College (B.A., Wesleyan,
1840), was elected to the vacant post, although he did not assume office
until the spring of 1858. The personal force and energy of President
Cummings, his tireless industry, his hearty devotion to the welfare of the
University, together with his skill and popularity as an instructor, com-
bined to make his administration in many respects a very successful
one. It was particularly marked by the growth of the material interests
of the institution, in which President Cimimings always took especial
concern. To his labors the University is principally indebted for the
line of noble buildings that now crown the hill.
During the Commencement week of 1868, a new and tasteful, library
building, capable of containing ninety thousand volumes, was dedicated.
This building was erected by the late Mr. Isaac Rich, at a cost of
$40,000. During the same week, the contributions of Mr. Rich to the
Endowment Fund were increased to $100,000. In the fall of 1868, the
old "Boarding Hall" was remodeled and transformed into "Observatory
Hall," by the addition of a tower, in which was placed one of Alvan
Clark's finest refracting telescopes. The Commencement season of 1871
was rendered memorable by the dedication of two new and beautiful
buildings. The one, the Memorial Chapel, was erected at a cost of about
$60,000, in memory of those alumni and students who fell in the war for
the Union. The funds for the erection of this chapel were mostly
raised by general subscription during the centenary year, 1866, The
other building was the Orange Judd Hall of Natural Science, erected
during the years 1869-71, at a cost of $100,000. For this building the
University is indebted to the munificence of Orange Judd (B.A., Wes-
leyan, 1847), of New York, N. Y., who will ever be remembered as
one of the most faithful and generous friends of his Alma Mater.
It was during this period also that provision was made for the regular
increase of the library and the scientific collections of the University.
During the years 1864-65, a library ftmd amounting to $27,600 was
raised by the alumni. This fund, although originally none too large,
and afterwards somewhat depleted by unfortimate investments, secured
for the library a continuous, if not a very rapid, growth. The completion
of the Orange Judd Hall of Natural Science, in 1872, provided ample
accommodations for the proper care and arrangement of the scientific
collections of the University; and in the years immediately following,
large additions were made to these collections, chiefly by the endeavors
of Mr. G. Brown Goode (B.A., Wesleyan, 1870), tlien Curator of the
Museum. Since that time the growth of the Museum has been constant
and rapid. In 1872 the college curriculimi was enlarged, especially in
the department of natural science, and modified by the extension of the
elective system ; and in the fall of that year the halls of the University
were, for the first time, opened to women.
President Cimimings resigned his position in June, 1875, though he
continued in charge of the department of philosophy until January, 1878.
At a special meeting, held July 28, 1875, the Trustees elected as the
succ^essor of President Cimimings, the Rev. Cyrus D. Foss, D.D. (B.A.,
Wesleyan, 1854). President Foss entered upon the duties of his office
at the opening of the fall term, and was formally inaugurated October
26, 1875. He found it necessary to give immediate attention to the
enlargement of the permanent funds of the University. The growth of
the endowment during the previous ten years had by no means kept pace
with the growth of the unproductive wealth of the University in buildings,
collections, and other material facilities. The increase in the number
of buildings and the needful enlargements of the course of study ren-
dered the annual expenditures, of necessity, greater than ever; while,
on the other hand, in the stagnation of business and general financial
depression that followed the panic of 1873, the productive property of
the University had depreciated greatly in value. In March, 1876, a com-
mittee of the Trustees decided that only about one-half of the bills
receivable reported at the previous Commencement could be any longer
considered good. A debt, allowed gradually to increase for twenty
years, had reached the sum of $60,000 ; while the total amount of funds
from which income was available was only $141,000. The annual expen-
diture was about $46,000; the annual income from all sources only
$20,000. In these circumstances, it was evident — to quote the words of
President Foss in his report to the conference in 1876 — that "only
large and generous help, promptly given to the institution, could save
it from disaster." Never, perhaps, was the University in a more critical
position. It is gratifying to be able to record that the generosity of
its friends soon removed it out of urgent danger. A committee appointed
by the Alumni Association appealed for aid to all the graduates of the
college. In response to this appeal about $40,000 was subscribed, of
which the greater part was paid. Still more largely liberal was the
response to the untiring energy of President Foss. The inevitable
annual deficit, while it yet continued, was met by generous -annual sub-
scriptions, in advance, chiefly from the Trustees. The debt of the Uni-
versity was paid. Largely by his efforts, the "Centennial Fund," started
in 1876, was carried to about $400,000, some of which was not paid in
until after his retirement from the presidency. During the five years of
his administration, nearly $250,000 was added to the permanent produc-
tive funds. If the needs of the University were still great, the danger
of immediate disaster was past. Of the group of generous friends whose
liberality brought this timely aid, the largest giver was Hon. George I.
Seney (non-graduate, class of 1845), who began then the series of his
princely gifts.
But it was not financial success alone that marked the administration
of President Foss, A character so noble, a kindness and courtesy so
unvarying, an enthusiasm for goodness so inspiring, a piety so high and
pure — these could not fail of their effect upon all who knew him. His
influence was itself an education of the best sort. No president of
Wesleyan University was ever more respected; none was ever better
In May of 1880, President Foss was called by the General Confer-
ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church to fill the highest office in the
gift of the Church. At the annual meeting of the Trustees in June fol-
lowing, the place thus made vacant was filled by the election of the Rev.
John W. Beach, D.D. (B.A., Wesleyan, 1845). President Beach brought
to his position a sound, conservative scholarship, combined with energy
and caution in the management of practical affairs and a remarkable
mastery of administrative details. The opening years of his adminis-
tration promised a large increase in the resources of the University, but
adverse circumstances prevented the complete fulfillment of that promise.
A period of general financial stringency came on. There was a shrinkage
in rates of interest, and Mr. Seney, the most liberal benefactor of the
University thus far, who had already given over $175,000, found it
impossible to pay the large additional sum which he had promised in
the first year of President Beach's administration. For some years,
therefore, the University grew but slowly, yet it continued to grow.
No additional debts were incurred, the number of the Faculty was not
lessened, while the number of students steadily, though slowly, increased.
President Beach retired from office in 1887, and Senior Professor
John M. Van Vleck (B.A., Wesleyan, 1850), to whose wise counsels
Wesleyan University had owed so much ever since its early days, served
as Acting-President for two years. In November, 1888, the Rev.
Bradford Paul Raymond, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., was elected President,
but did not assume the duties of his office until the beginning of the
next college year, in September, 1889. At the time of his election, Presi-
dent Raymond was at the head of Lawrence University, in Appleton,
Wis. He had enjoyed a thorough educational training, and brought to
his new office enthusiasm, vigor, and liberal notions of educational policy.
He held the chair of President until 1908, a longer period than that of
any preceding President.
Those nineteen years were marked by great advancement in almost
every department of the college life. In December, 1889, Dr. Daniel
Ayres (non-graduate, class of 1842) gave to the University securities to
the value of two himdred and fifty thousand dollars, "for scientific pur-
poses." In the next year, 1890, by the will of D. B. Fayerweather,
Wesleyan received a bequest of one hundred thousand dollars and a share
in the residue of the estate. There was considerable litigation attending
the settlement of the estate, but the University has received in all from
that source the sum of nearly $224,000. Twenty-five thousand dollars of
the Fayerweather bequest was added to an amount already raised by
subscription for a new college gymnasium; and this building, the
Fayerweather Gymnasium, was formally dedicated in October, 1895.
With this exception, the full amount of* these two large bequests was
devoted to the increase of the permanent Endowment Fund. Other gifts
from time to time increased this permanent Endowment Fund before the
close of the term of President Raymond to the sum of $1,506,909.
The real property of the University also largely increased during
President Raymond's term. In the summer of 1893 the interior of old
North College was entirely renovated by Mr. John E. Andrus (B.A.,
Wesleyan, 1862) at an expense of about $26,500. In 1903-04 a new
physical laboratory was erected by the liberality of Mr. Charles Scott
and Mr. Charles Scott, Jr. (B.A., Wesleyan, 1886), of Philadelphia, to
be called the John Bell Scott Laboratory of Physics, in memory of John
Bell Scott of the class of 1881, who died while serving as naval chaplain
during the Spanish war of 1898. This well-appointed building cost
about $117,000. During the same years the Willbur Fisk Hall on High
Street was erected at a cost of about $118,000, and was paid for
mostly by individual gifts in the "Twentieth Century Thank Offering
On the morning of March i, 1906, the old North College burned to
the ground. The new structure, which took its place and occupies the
same site, was opened in January, 1908. It cost about $134,000.
The Alumni Library Fund, which had originally amounted to $27,600,
had been reduced by unfortunate investments to about $18,000, a sum
altogether inadequate to the needs of the library. In the Commencement
season of 1895, a movement was started to increase this fund by a general
subscription among the alumni, and Mr. John E. Andrus, '62, generously
offered to give one dollar for every three that should be thus contributed.
The sum raised in this way amounted to $1 6,857- Then, in the fall of
1898, the library received the sum of $30,000 and a choice collection of
6,000 volumes by the will of the Rev. Albert S. Hunt, D.D. (B.A., Wes-
leyan, 1851). Three years later the Library Fund received a further
addition of $20,000 from a bequest of Mrs. Stephen Wilcox, of Brooklyn,
N. Y. The Library Fund was thus increased to more than $89,000.
The total property of the University increased in these ways amounted,
at the close of the administration of President Raymond, to $2,589,923,
having more than doubled since he took office.
The question of co-education was a matter of earnest discussion during
the whole term of President Raymond. So long as there were com-
paratively few women in college their presence excited little opposition,
but after 1890 their number rapidly increased. In March, 1899, the
Trustees authorized the appointment of a joint committee of Trustees,
Faculty, and alumni to consider the whole question of co-education in
Wesleyan University. The deliberations of this committee lasted some-
what over a year, and they were not able then to agree upon a unanimous
report. But as the result of their deliberations, in June of 1900 the
Trustees voted' that the number of women to be admitted to the college
in future should be limited to twenty per cent, of the total number of
students in the preceding year. This action, however, like all measures
of compromise, was not really satisfactory to anybody, and the opposi-
tion to co-education, although less bitter and pronounced, continued,
until finally, in February, 1909, the Trustees voted that no women should
be admitted to any class later than that entering in 1909. In point of
fact, no women presented themselves for admission after the passage
of that vote, and with the graduation of the class of 1912 the presence
of women undergraduates ceased. The Trustees in a later resolution
made it clear that women may be admitted as graduate students, and a
few have availed themselves of the privilege.
The large addition to the resources of the University during President
Raymond's administration allowed an expansion of the course of study
and an increase in the number of the Faculty. When he took office
the Faculty numbered twenty. W^hen he resigned it numbered thirty-
seven. There was also a corresponding increase in the number of
students enrolled. Appropriations were made by the State and the
National Government for the prosecution of scientific research in the
laboratories of the University, and it was in this period that the important
investigations of Professors Atwater, Rosa, Benedict, and Conn did
much to extend the reputation of the University.
But large as was the increase in the resources of the University, its
expenditures more than kept pace with its income, until during the last
few years of President Raymond's term there was a considerable annual
deficit. The cares and responsibilities' of his office, increasing with the
growth of the University, told heavily upon the health of Presi
Raymond, and he was obliged in the summer of 1907 to tender his
resignation, to take effect in 1908. He accepted the position of Professor
of the English Bible, but his continued ill health rendered it impossible
for him to perform the duties of that office, and, in 1909, he was retired
as Professor Emeritus. He continued until his death in 1916 to reside
in Middletown, where his genial, sympathetic nature had won for him
the lasting respect and love of a host of friends. Through the major
part of his administration President Raymond was ably assisted in the
conduct of the internal affairs of the University by Professor John M.
Van Vleck, who held the office of Vice-President from 1890 to 1903,
and for a third time served as Acting-President during Dr. Raymond's
absence on leave in 1896-97. .
On the resignation of President Raymond, Professor William North
Rice, '65, who, since the retirement of Professor Van Vleck, had been
the senior professor in active service, was made Acting-President, and
he filled that office for an interregnum of two years. On November 13,
1908, the Trustees elected to the presidency William Arnold Shanklin,
D.D., LL.D., then President of Upper Iowa University. President
Shanklin assumed the duties of his office immediately after Commence-
ment, 1909, and was formally inaugurated on November 12, 1909. He
devoted his first year to familiarizing himself with the details of adminis-
tration and forming acquaintance with the student body, and with the
patrons and friends of the University. The next year, 1910-11, he
engaged in an effort to secure an addition of $1,000,000 to the resources
of the University. From the outset his remarkable energy and the
charm of his personality evoked most general and hearty enthusiasm,
stimulated everywhere the interest and loyalty of the alumni and friends
of the University, and thus assured the success of his administration.
One of the first tasks which President Shanklin set for himself was
the improvement of the financial condition of the University. As a
result of the vigorous campaign of 1910 and 191 1, he was able to announce
in June, 1912, that subscriptions were in hand amounting to $1,043,828.
Practically every subscription was ultimately paid in full. This very
considerable addition to the endowment funds made possible the payment
of a deficit of $90,000 which had accumulated in recent years, the enlarge-
ment of the Faculty, an increase in salaries, and the setting aside of a
small surplus to meet future needs,
A programme of conservative but steady advancement in educational
policy was inaugurated at the first Faculty meeting over which President
Shanklin presided, by the appointment of a special committee on the
improvement of scholarship. Within the next few years the requirements
for promotion and graduation were raised to a higher standard by the
adoption of a number of recommendations from this committee.
The normal development of the University was interrupted by the
conditions which grew out of the Great War. Shortly after its outbreak
much interest in military matters began to be manifested. In 1915
several alumni and students attended the summer training camp in
Plattsburg, N. Y. In 1916 a still larger number were in attendance. A
Reserve Officers' Training Corps was authorized in 1916, and established
shortly before the declaration of war in April, 1917. The Faculty had
already voted to put the facilities and equipment of the University at
the disposal of the National Government, and to adjust generously the
credits for uncompleted courses in the case of students entering the
national service. The response of both alumni and students to the call
of the nation was prompt and general. In the spring of 1918 a broad
scheme was adopted for the fuller adaptation of the curriculum to the
requirements of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, and this scheme
was readily adjusted to the plan prepared in the ensuing summer by the
War Department for the establishment of the Student Army Training
Corps. President Shanklin had a part in the preparation of this plan
as a member of the Committee of Seven representing the Emergency
Council on Education, comprising all the institutions of higher education
in the country.
In October, 1918, the entire undergraduate body, with the exception
of a few students exempted from military duty, was inducted with
impressive ceremony into the service of the Government, and Major
Philip G. Wrightson, U. S. A,, assumed command. The difficulties of
the trying period that followed were very much mitigated by the helpful
spirit of cooperation shown by the Commandant, his staff, and the
Faculty. Several members of the Faculty were engaged in important
research work for the Government; Dean Nicolson became Assistant
District Supervisor of the New England District of the Student Army
Training Corps, and practically every member of the instructing staff
was assigned unfamiliar duties. The University became for the time
being a military post; but in few institutions did the anomalous arrange-
ment work as smoothly and as successfully as at Wesleyan. In
November came the armistice ; the undergraduates were mustered out of
service, and the administration of the University returned to an academic
basis. At the Victory Commencement in June, 191 9, Wesleyan fittingly
commemorated the devotion of her sons, especially of the twenty-seven
who gave their lives in the cause of freedom and justice.
Immediately after the armistice, liberal arrangements were announced
by means of which students who had left college to enter the national
service were enabled to complete their work for graduation, an oppor-
tunity of which a gratifyingly large number availed themselves. This
seemed to the Faculty also an appropriate time for a thorough revision
of the curriculum, of scholarship regulations, and of requirements for
admission, and a Committee on Academic Policy was therefore constituted
to study these problems. Though no radical changes were introduced,
the adoption of numerous amendments suggested by the experience of
recent years and the systematic correlation of all provisions relating to
instruction and scholarship resulted in marked improvement in the desired
In view of the gradual advancement in standards, the increase in the
size of the student body from less than three hundred men in 1909 to
more than five hundred in 191 5 was especially gratifying. With the
attainment of an enrollment of five hundred, the much discussed question
of the limitation of numbers had to be faced frankly, and in 1920, pur-
suant to recommendations of the Faculty, the Trustees authorized the
limitation of the imdergraduate body to an average attendance of about
five hundred.
The increased importance accorded in recent years to physical educa-
tion, which received added emphasis from the experiences of the war,
was recognized by the election in 1913 of Edgar Fauver, M.D., as
Professor in charge of the department; by the extension in 1919 of the
required work in physical training to cover the whole of the first three
years of the college course, with the instruction on the same basis as in
other departments; by the development of a complete system of intra-
mural athletics; by the addition in 1915 of swimming to the number
of intercollegiate sports ; and by constituting the Professor of Physical
Education college physician, with full supervision over the health of the
college community.
Increased attention was also given to the development of the religious
training and spiritual life of the students by the appointment of a salaried
graduate secretary of the Christian Association, by the maintenance,
beginning with the year 1909, of Sunday services in the Memorial Chapel
addressed by distinguished preachers, and by the organization in 1916
of the Church of Christ in Wesleyan University, membership in which
is supplemental to the student's membership in his home church. The
student body not only supports its Christian Association, but also con-
tributes regularly to the work of the West China University at Cheng-tu,
the President of which, as well as several members of the Faculty, are
graduates of Wesleyan University.
In order to meet the exigencies caused by the war-time rise in prices,
and to make possible the enlargement of the Faculty, President Shanklin
began in the autumn of 1919 a campaign for the raising of three million
dollars of additional endowment. By Commencement, 1921, $1,200,000
had been subscribed to meet a conditional gift of $400,000 from the
General Education Board. The exhibition of loyalty on the part of the
alumni was even more notable than in 1911, both in their organized
cooperation and in the percentage of subscribers. A gift of $75,000
from the Carnegie Corporation and a bequest of $20,000 from Mr.
William H. Burrows, a member of the Board of Trustees, were added
to the endowment of the library, which was thus increased to $215,000.
In addition to these sums, the University received the largest single
benefaction in its history, a bequest from Mr. William F. Armstrong,
of New York City, amounting to about a million dollars. In anticipation
of the completion of this fund, the Trustees authorized in 1919 and 1920
an increase of about fifty per cent, in Faculty salaries and the addition
of several members to the instructing staff. Aside from the amounts
raised by the general campaigns of 1910-12 and 1919-21, the most notable
addition to the permanent funds was the gift in 191 1 by Miss Elizabeth
J. Mead, of Stamford, Connecticut, of $67,250 for the endowment of a
chair of Ethics and Religion.
In 191 1 the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
placed Wesleyan upon its list of approved colleges whose professors
should be entitled to receive the retiring allowances provided by that
corporation. This action may properly be considered as equivalent to
a material increase in the endowment funds, or as an increase in Faculty
salaries. In consequence of a change in the regulations of the Carnegie
Foundation and the establishment of the Teachers Insurance and Annuity
Association, the Trustees in 1921 entered into an agreement with the
latter corporation on behalf of the Faculty.
During the administration of President Shanklin there have been not-
able improvements in buildings, grotmds, and equipment. In 19 14 the
generosity of Mr. Charles Gibson, a Trustee, made possible the extension
of Fayerweather Gymnasium to contain a swimming pool, at a total cost
of over $40,000. In the following year various gifts, including one
anonymous subscription of $75,000, provided for the erection of the New
Dormitory at a cost of about $150,000, and the generosity of Mr. Joseph
Van Vleck, together with a bequest from his brother. Professor John
M. Van Vleck, '50, made possible the erection and partial equipment of
the Van Vleck Observatory. In the same year a gift of $35,000 by
Mr. Ralph H. Ensign and his son Mr. Joseph Ensign, with other sub-
scriptions to a total amount of $55,000, permitted a most successful
remodeling of the Memorial Chapel, and an excellent organ was installed
through the liberality of Mr. John Gribbel, Vice-President of the Board
of Trustees. Announcement has been made, also, of the gift by Mrs.
Gardner Hall, Jr., of $150,000 for the construction of a chemical labor-
atory in memory of her late husband.
In the meantime the library collection has grown from 80,000 volumes,
in 1909, to 127,000, in 1921, and there has been a corresponding enlarge-
ment of tlie laboratory equipment in the departments of psychology,
biology, chemistry, and physics. The development of the equipment of
the Van Vleck Observatory includes the installation of a new twenty-
inch lens for the telescope, one of the ten largest lenses in this country.
The steady growth of the University in property and in the nimibers
of its Faculty and students, together with the extension of its several
fields of activity, has increased very greatly the complexity of its admin-
istrative problems. This difficulty has necessitated important changes in
the organization of the committees of both Trustees and Faculty. In
191 1 an Advisory Committee of the Academic Council was created to
cooperate with the President in dealing with questions of appointments
to the Faculty; and in order to promote cooperation between the Trus-
tees and the Faculty, the Committee of the Board on Faculty and Cur-
riculum has since 1918 conferred regularly with this Advisory Committee.
Upon the retirement in 1918 of Professor Rice, who as senior professor
had hitherto assisted President ShankHn in the internal administration
of the University and had served as Acting-President from December,
1917, to June, 1 918, during the absence of the President in Europe on
duties in connection with the Great War, it was decided to revive the
office of Vice-President, to which the first appointee was Professor
George M. Dutcher, and to create the office of Dean, which was filled
by the selection of Professor Frank W. Nicolson, who had served as
Secretary of the Faculty for more than a quarter of a century. In the
office of Assistant Treasurer, as well as of Librarian, Dr. William J.
James, '83, has rendered efficient service for many years. Professor
Leroy A. Howland, '00, is now Vice-President.
An important change in the organization of the growing body of
alumni was effected in 1912 through the supersession of tlie venerable
Alumni Association by an Alumni Council with a salaried secretary.
The result has been the formation of additional local alumni associations
in every part of the country where a sufficient group of alumni can be
found, and the helpful interest and cooperation of Wesleyan graduates
in all plans for the advancement of the University. The first three
secretaries, who have had the responsibility of organizing and developing
the work, have been Warren F. Sheldon, '99, Roy B. Chamberlin, '09,
and Arthur B. Haley, '07. Since 1916, tlie Council has published the
Wesleyan Alumnus as its organ.
At the close of the first ninety years of its history, Wesleyan may
survey with pride the steady enlargement of its resources and its con-
sistent adherence to high intellectual and moral standards. These
standards found their justification in the careers of Wesleyan alumni,
whose unfaltering loyalty and generous support have contributed so
largely to the success of their Alma Mater. It involves no diminution
of the achievement of the earlier generations to pronounce the last dozen
years, under the inspiring and tireless leadership of William Arnold
Shanklin, the greatest period in the development of Wesleyan University,
for it is by the loyal and indefatigable advancement of the ideals with
which they so nobly endowed the institution that he has brought their
work to a full and splendid fruition.
UNIVERSITY, 1910-1921
[For the Annals from the founding of the University (1831) to 1882,
see The Alumni Record, 3rd edition (1881-83) ; from 1882 to 1910,
4th edition (1911).]
Nov. Freshman and Sophomore class societies abolished. — Initiation
into Phi Beta Kappa of four members of the Senior class, thus reverting
to the former custom of initiating before the completion of the course.
191 1, Feb. Joe Beech Fund of $500.00 raised among the under-
graduates for missionary work in China.
Mar II. Advisory Committee instituted by the Academic Council, to
confer with the President as to appointments to the Faculty. — Wesleyan
wins championship of New England Basketball League. — 30. Trustees
authorize the appointment of an Alumni Secretary.
April. College receives outright $67,250.00 on which annuity has been
May. Ground purchased for the Observatory from Mr. Samuel Russell
for $8,000.00. — 4. Wesleyan competes for the first time in the New
England Oratorical League. — 31. Phi Gamma Chapter of Alpha Chi Rho
organized from the Alpha Chi Alpha, a local fraternity since December
I, 1910.
June. A Record of Scientific Work at Wesleyan published (No. 49
of The Bulletin), with a bibliography of the professors of science.
New scholarship regulations were adopted this year. Hereafter sixty
per cent, of the work of a student must be above fourth grade, if he is
to graduate. — Freshmen debarred from athletics for the first half of the
Sept. I. Foss House seriously damaged by fire. — Walter Hubbard, of
Meriden, leaves $40,000.00 to the college in his will.
Oct. 14. First meeting of the Alumni Council; "George L Bodine,
Jr., '06, secretary pro te?npore.
1912, Mar. 30. Gift of a swimming pool from Mr. Charles Gibson,
a Trustee.
May 28. Chi Psi Lodge damaged by fire.
June. The undergraduates subscribe over $11,500.00 for the Endow-
ment Fund.
Commencement. — Annoimcement of the completion of the Million
Dollar Campaign.
1912-16] ANNALS.
Dec. Debating League formed between Bowdoin, Hamilton, and
The year is marked by many successes in athletics. J. L Wendell, '13,
won the second place in the iio-meter international hurdle race at the
Olympic Games, Stockholm, in the summer of 1912, and in February,
1913, broke the world record for 50-yard indoor hurdle race. He later
equalled the world record for the 70-yard hurdles. Wesleyan won four-
teen out of sixteen games in basketball this year, and was generally con-
sidered to have the championship team of the East. In football the
score for the season was 113-35 points, with victories over Bowdoin,
Brown, Tufts, Union, New York University, and Trinity. Wesleyan
won the championship doubles in tennis this year. There was great
development in intra-mural athletics.
Oct. 24. Formal opening of the Beta Theta Pi chapter house, the
gift of William R. Baird, in memory of his son, Raimond Diiy Baird,
'09. — Trustees make plans for raising money for a new dormitory, and
determine the site. — Argus changed in form; reduced to four pages of
larger size.
Nov. 21. Gift announced of a cup from F. A. Jackson, '81, for
competition in scholarship between the fraternities.
1914, Jan. 16. Pool opened, cost about $40,000.00. — Omega Phi, a
local fraternity, given provisional recognition by the College Body.
Feb. New Faculty regulations announced, governing house parties.
June 15. Presentation by the Class of 1889 of a flag staff and endow-
ment fund to purchase flags. — 16. Ground broken for the Van Vleck
Spring term. Squire Fellowship founded, the endowment of the
Squire Scholarship being increased to $10,000.00. — The rule adopted in
191 1, requiring sixty per cent, of marks to be above fourth grade for
graduation, applied, with certain modifications, for promotion from class
to class. — System of Faculty advisers begun. — Independents (not mem-
bers of fraternities or the Commons Club) organized. — Young Faculty
Club formed.
Fall term. Various clubs organized— Radio Club, Westgate Club,
Literary Society, and Short Story Club.
Nov. W. T. Rich, Trustee, endows a fellowship in Economics.
1915, Spring term. Library now numbers over 100,000 volumes. —
Swimming team organized, independent of college athletics and managed
by the Andrus Swimming Association.
June 21. Commencement on Monday instead of Wednesday, under a
plan of a week-end Commencement. — Ground broken for the New
Summer. Granolithic walks laid on the campus ; expenses met in part
by gifts of residents of Middletown amounting to $3,000.00.
ANNALS. [1916-17
Fall term. For the first time, over 500 men in college. — Joint Com-
mittee of Faculty and Trustees on military matters appointed. — Four
undergraduates and one assistant attend the training camp for officers at
Plattsburg, N. Y., during the summer. — Faculty voted to give academic
credit for military instruction. — George Slocum Bennett Lectureship
Fund established. — House on Wyllys Street opened as college infirmary.
Oct. Night watchman employed for the first time.
Dec. Rule concerning conditions changed; no one with a condition
promoted to the Sophomore class.
Feb. 2.2. Cannon scrap abolished by vote of the undergraduates.
(The custom dates from before Civil War times.) — 27. Death of ex-
President Raymond.
Mar. Publications Board organized.
May. Required chapel: omitted for the rest of the year on account of
remodeling of Memorial Chapel, through the gift of Ralph H. Ensign
and Joseph R. Ensign of Simsbury. New organ built, the gift of John
Gribbel, Vice-President of the Board of Trustees. — Atwater (Chemistry)
Club organized.
Jime 16. Dedication of Van Vleck Observatory.
Summer. Tower removed from Observatory Hall. — Eight new tennis
courts built, west of Mt. Vernon Street and north of the new Observa-
(3ct. New Dormitory completed and occupied. — Announcement of gift
of $150,000.00 for a new chemical laboratory from Mrs. Gardner Hall,
Jr., of South Willington, in memory of her late husband. — Faculty and
students contribute over $5,000.00 to the fund for the relief of war
prisoners. — First appearance of the Wesleyan Alumnus.
Nov. 21. Liberal Arts Club organized.
Dec. 14. Faculty votes to approve the organization of a Reserve
Officers' Training Corps under (jeneral Orders 49.
1917, Jan. 12. Announcement of the gift of a chime of bells by the
Class of 1863.
Feb. 23. Alpha Sigma Delta fraternity organized. — Visitors' Days
inaugurated, with Teachers' Conference.
Mar. 9-10. First celebration of "sub-freshman" days, apart from
Washington's Birthday. — 28. Two hundred and sixty-seven students
assemble to learn the rudiments of military training. Professor W. G.
Cady, Commandant. — 31. Faculty votes leave of absence, with full credit
for the year, to students leaving to enlist in the Army or Navy, or in
Y. M. C. A. or ambulance work.
Apr. 15. Reserve Officers' Training Corps recognized by the War
Department; Lieutenant A. J. Hanlon, '06, detailed in charge of military
instruction at Wesleyan. — 17. Dr. F. K. Hallock, '82, presents a Wes-
leyan ambulance for use in the war. A number of students sail for
France for ambulance work.
May 14. Colors presented to the Reserve Officers' Training Corps
unit by the Class of 1897.
Spring term. ^ Forty-three undergraduates leave for various military
camps, twenty-eight to join the Naval Reserve, and twelve to enter the
Ambulance Corps.
Commencement. — Baccalaureate and University sermons and Com-
mencement exercises held in remodeled Memorial Chapel, instead of in
the First Methodist Episcopal Church.
1917-19] ANNALS.
Sept. 20. Unveiling of windows in Memorial Chapel in memory of
former Presidents Fisk, Olin, Cummings, and Foss ; installation of the
new organ. — Alumni Council presents a National flag and two service
flags to the chapel.
Fall term. Number of students reduced by war conditions from 504
last year to 402. — 225 alumni and non-graduates and 173 of last year's
undergraduates reported to be in military or naval service. — Faculty
votes full semester's credit to students leaving after the first half of the
year to enter the Army or the Navy. — War measures : Literary Monthly
suspended; Argus becomes a weekly publication again; Dramatic Asso-
ciation in abeyance ; minor sports dropped ; annual class dances
omitted. — Course in Fundamentals of Student Life organized, required
of Freshmen. — Reserve Officers' Training Corps conducted this year
under Major Wygant, U. S. A., with the assistance during the spring
term of two Canadian officers.
Oct. 22. Faculty and students subscribe $25,000.00 to second Liberty
Nov. 3. Students subscribe $4,500.00 to the Students' War Friendship
1918, Jan. President Shanklin leaves for France for six months'
Y. M. C. A. service with the American Expeditionary Forces ; Professor
Rice appointed Acting President.
Winter term. In order to save coal, morning chapel services discon-
tinued from Jan. 27 until after Easter vacation ; New Dormitory closed
for same reason.
Apr. 8. Lieutenant W. E. Herr, '15, killed in action; first Wesleyan
man to fall in the War.
May. Faculty adopts program of studies leading to certificates of
proficiency in Military Science, for the benefit of those desiring to
prepare for a career in the Army.
Commencement. — Xi Chapter of Psi Upsilon celebrates its 75th anni-
versary.— Professor Rice becomes Emeritus after fifty-one years of
teaching. — W. F. Sheldon, '99, resigns as Alumni Secretary, succeeded
by R. B. Chamberlin, '09.
Fall term. Joint Committee of Faculty and Trustees organized for
conference on questions of mutual interest, comprised of the Trustees'
Committee on Faculty and Curriculum and the Advisory Committee of
the Academic Council. — Office of Vice-President revived, and title of
Dean created. — A number of the Faculty engage in National or State
service : Dean Nicolson, Assistant Educational Director of the S.A.T.C. ;
Professor Dodge, Lieutenant Commander of the Navy ; Professor
Wriston on the Connecticut State Council of Defense; Professor Cady
engaged in experimental work at the Naval Station in New London,
Sept. 19. Unveiling of window in Memorial Chapel in memory of
former President Smith.
Fall term. Students' Army Training Corps in operation; courses
arranged to conform to the Government requirements ; year divided into
three terms instead of two semesters ; no absences from classes allowed ;
fraternity activities suspended; Argus not published.
Oct. I. Two hundred and seventy students inducted into Students'
Army Training Corps, Major P. G. Wrightson, U. S. A., commanding;
ANNALS. [1919-21
total enrollment of students at beginning of year, 409. — College dormi-
tories used as barracks ; mess-hall built on Wyllys St. to accommodate
500.— Six students die of influenza; Associate Professor W. E, Rich,
'13, dies at Camp Devens.
1919, Feb. 22, Dedication of a chime of bells manufactured in London,
England, presented by the Class of 1863, housed in a new cupola on
South College. — 28. Press Club organized.
Mar. 3. First meeting of the Medical Club.
Apr. 3. Inter-Fraternity Council organized.
Spring term. Honor Roll published of 27 graduates and non-graduates
who have fallen in the War. — Marking system changed from figures to
May 2. Recommendation of President Shanklin adopted for a cam-
paign to raise $3,000,000.00 additional endowment, of which $2,000,000.00
should be the first unit; after announcement of bequest of William F.
Armstrong, May, 1920, it was determined to complete the $3,000,000.00
fund as soon as possible. — Question of publishing Fifth Edition of the
Alumni Record referred to a committee of the Trustees with power.
June 21-23. Victory Commencement. — Medals presented to Wesleyan
men who were in the War. Trustees voted 41 War Degrees to those
who left college for patriotic service after completing satisfactorily
three-fourths of the requirements for a degree.
Fall term. Enrollment reaches 594, the largest in the history of the
college ; question of limitation of numbers receives consideration. — Re-
quirement for admission to B.S. and Ph.B. courses increased from 14^
to 15 units. — Changes in curriculum come into effect : Ph.B. course
revived; Physical Education required for three years instead, of two,
with academic credit; changes in requirements for general and depart-
mental honors.
Oct. 28. Gamma Psi (local) Fraternity recognized by the Student
Dec. 6. Local fraternity. Omega Phi, installed as chapter of National
fraternity, Delta Upsilon, which was in existence at Wesleyan 1850-52.
1920, Feb. 27. The degree Master of Science abolished; Master of
Arts to be given without Greek or Latin requirement.
May 22. Alpha Sigma Delta, local fraternity, installed as chapter of
Sigma Nu, National fraternity.
May. Announcement of the bequest to the college by William F.
Armstrong, of New York City, of $100,000, and the residue of his estate
estimated at nearly a million dollars, the largest gift ever made to the
Commencement. — Trustees adopt resolution retiring members of the
Faculty at 68 years of age ; also impose a limitation of numbers, the
average attendance of undergraduates hereafter to be 500.
Vacation improvements : Tunnel built under college buildings for steam-
heating pipes, and two new boilers installed ; two additional tennis courts
built east of the Gymnasium; baseball grandstand removed and rear
campus improved by grading; practice baseball diamond constructed on
Foss House grounds ; total cost, over $100,000.
Fall term. Increased endowment permits additions to the Faculty,
which now numbers 56 as against 51 last year; salaries of full professors
19211 ANNALS.
increased approximately 50 per cent. — List of honor students published,
the requirement being an average of B — for the work of the previous
year (increased to B the following year).
Nov. 18. First meeting of the Adam Smith Club (Economics).
1921, Feb. 10. William James Club organized (Psychology).
Commencement. — Departments of English Literature and English
Language combined. — Requirements for Phi Beta Kappa elections
changed; hereafter all are eligible who make an average of B-|-, pro-
vided that not more than 12 per cent, of the class be elected. — Two and
three-quarter millions of dollars raised to date in the Endowment
Rev. Laban Clark, D.D 1831-1868
Hon. Jacob Sleeper 1869-1871
Charles Carter North, M.A 1871-1877
Hon. Oliver Hoyt 1877-1881
Andrew Varick Stout 1881-1882
Hon. Oliver Hoyt 1882-1887
Hon. George Greenwood Reynolds, LL.D. ..(No. 166) .1887-1903
Henry Cruise Murphy Ingraham, LL.D. ...(No. 778) 1903-1911
Hon. John Cheesman Clark, LL.D (No. 1432) 1911-1920
John Gribbel, LL.D 1920-
John Gribbel, LL.D 1912-1920
Rev. David George Downey, D.D., Litt.D., LL.D. (No. 1355) 1920-
George Washington Stanley 1831-1833
Rev. Heman Bangs 1833-1838
Rev. Jacob Frederick Huber, M.A 1838-1842
Rev. Charles Adams, D.D 1842-1844
Charles Woodward, M.D 1844-1859
Rev. Benjamin Griffen 1859-1861
Rev. John Parker 1861-1864
Rev. John Wesley Lindsay, D.D (No. 127) 1864-1865
Hon. Arthur Benjamin Calef, M.A (No. 412) 1865-1871
Rev. Bradford Kinney Peirce, D.D (No. 164) 1871-1874
Rev. Samuel Foster Upham, D.D., LL.D. ...(No. 548) 1874-1882
Rev. Edson Wyllys Burr, D.D (No. 648) 1882-1900
Rev. Edmund Mead Mills, Ph.D., D.D (No. 983) 1900-1903
Rev. David George Downey, D.D., Litt.D., LL.D. (No. 1355) 1903-1920
George Seymour Godard, M.A., B.D (No. 1691) 1920-
John Lyon Smith 1831-1834
Rev. Heman Bangs 1834-1835
John Lyon Smith 1835-1856
Hon. Daniel Wetmore Camp 1856-1877
Hon. Oliver Hoyt 1878-1879
William Hoyt 1879-1892
John Emory Andrus, LL.D (No. 710) 1892-1902
Rev. Charles Henry Buck, D.D (No. ^'j^) 1902-1907
Clinton DeWitt Burdick, LL.D (No. 1427) 1907-
Rev. Laban Clark, D.D
Rev. Thomas Burch
Rev. Heman Bangs
Hon. Isaac Kellogg
Aaron Sanford
James L. Phelps, M.D
John Lyon Smith
Rev. President Willbur Fisk, D.D
Rev. Joseph Annis Merrill
Hon. Abel Bliss
Abraham Avery
Rev. John Wesley Hardy
Hon. Isaiah Fisk
William R. Shafter
George Washington Stanley
Hon. Elijah Hubbard
Henry L. DeKoven
Jonathan Barnes
Hon. William Lucius Storrs, LL.D
Hon. Samuel Dickinson Hubbard, LL.D.
Isaac Webb
William James Trench
Rev. Charles D. Cahoon
Charles Sherman
Hon. Seth Sprague
Samuel Russell
Hon. Ebenezer Jackson, M.A
Rev. Charles Adams, D.D
Rev. President Nathan Bangs, D.D. ....
Rev. President Stephen Olin, D.D., LL.D.
Rev. Ezekiel Robinson
Charles Woodward, M.D
George Andrews
Rev. George Gary, D.D 1843-1855
Hon. James Harper 1844-1860
Hon. Jacob Sleeper 1844-1878
Rev. Schuyler Seager, D.D (No. 42) 1844-1851
Rev. Benjamin Ray Hoyt 1844-1860
Hon. Elisha Harris 1845-1861
Thomas Grisv^old Mather 1847-1854
Rev. Bishop Edmund Storer Janes, D.D., LL.D 1847-1876
Rev. Professor Charles Kittredge True, D.D 1847-1871
Daniel Drev^ 1847-1879
Isaac Rich 1849-1872
Rev. President Nathan Bangs, D.D 1851-1862
Rev. Benjamin Griffen 1851-1861
President Augustus William Smith, LL.D 1853-1866
John Gove • 1853-1863
Hon. Lee Claflin 1853-1871
Joseph Tobey 1854-1861
Hon. Charles Parker 1854-1859
Hon. Daniel Wetmore Camp 1855-1877
Rev. James Porter, D.D 1855-1871
Rev. Gardner Baker 1855-1859
John Hubbard Watkinson (Class of 1835) 1857-1871
Rev. President Joseph Cummings, D.D. , LL.D. (No. 119) 1858-1875
Rev. David Patten, D.D (No. 12) 1858-1871
Preston Bennett 1858-1863
Rev. John Parker 1859-1871
Andrew Varick Stout 1859-1864
Cornelius Walsh 1859-1874
Rev. Seth Hov^ard Beale 1859-1884
Rev. Daniel Curry, D.D., LL.D (No. 49) 1862-1887
Rev. John Wesley Lindsay, D.D (No. 127) 1862-1875
Hon. Arthur Benjamin Calef, M.A (No. 412) 1862-1880
Hon. Benjamin Douglas 1862-1885
Hon. Oliver Hoyt 1862-1887
Daniel Henry Chase, LL.D (No. i). 1862-1877
Rev. James Pike, D.D (Class of 1842) 1862-1871
Oliver Cutts 1863-1879
Charles Carter North, M.A 1864-1891
Horace Smith 1865-1871
Daniel Drew Chamberlain, M.A 1865-1880
Rev. Bradford Kinney Peirce, D.D (No. 164) 1871-1882
Rev. Jonathan Kelsey Burr, D.D (No. 254) 1871-1882
Orange Judd, M.A (No. 315) 1871-1892
Rev. Samuel Foster Upham, D.D., LL.D (No. 548) 1871-1904
Rev. Gardner Baker 1871-1874
Henry J. Baker 1871-1879
Rev. William G. Queal 1871-1878
John Clark Rand, M.A (No. 746) 1871-
Rev. Pearly P. Ray 1871-
Rev, Lorenzo Dow Barrows, D.D 1871-
HoN. William Deering 1871-
Rev. Joseph Elijah King, Ph.D., D.D (No. 316) 1871-
George Ingraham Seney, M.A (Class of 1845) 1871-
Rev. Bostwick Hawley, D.D (No. 72) 1871-
Prof. Harvey Bradburn Lane, M.A (No. 20) 1871-
Rev. Daniel Avery Whedon, D.D (No. 268) 1871-
Rev. Morris D'Camp Crawford, D.D 1871-
Rev. William Griffin, D.D 1871-
HoN. Charles Parker 1871-
HoN. George Greenwood Reynolds, LL.D (No. 166) 1871-
Rev. Winfield Scott Smyth, Ph.D (No. 749) 1871-
James Horton Taft 1874-
Rev. Henry Ward Bennett, M.A (No. 713) 1874-
Rev. James Clarke Watson Coxe, Ph.D., D.D. (No. 756) 1874-
HoN. George J. Ferry 1874-
JosEPH Shipley Spinney 1875-
Rev. William Rice, D.D 1875-
JoHN Flavel Judd 1875-
HoN. Watson Carvosso Squire, LL.D (No. 639) 1875-
Rev. President Cyrus David Foss, D.D., LL.D. (No. 481) 1875-
,HoN. Reuben Barnes Dunn 1877-
Andrew Varick Stout 1877-
Rev. Reuben Nelson, D.D 1877-
JoHN Humphrey Sessions 1878-
Joseph B. Thomas, Jr (No. 941) 1878-
Rev. Henry Crounce Abbott, M.A (No. 608) 1878-
Rev. Abraham Merrill Wheeler, M.A (No. 503) 1878-
Rev. George Janvrin Judkins, M.A (No. 658) 1878-
Rev. Bishop William L. Harris, D.D., LL.D 1879-
WiLLiAM HoYT 1879-
BowLES Colgate 1879-
SiMEON Sereno Scranton 1880-
HoN. David Ward Northrop, M.A (No. 871) 1880-
Hon. Augustus Ledyard Smith, M.A (No. 495) 1880-
William H. Wallace 1880-
Stephen Barker 1880-
Rev. George Henry Whitney, D.D (No. 606) 1880-
WiLLiAM J. Hutchinson 1880-
Payne Pettibone 1880-
Charles Lacey Hamilton, M.A (No. 918) 1880-
Rev. David Copeland, Ph.D., D.D (No. 508) 1880-
Samuel Talcott Camp 1880-
Hon. Phineas Chapman Lounsbury, LL.D 1880-
Rev. Bishop Gilbert Haven, D.D (No. 284) 1880-1881
Charles Scott 1880-1904
Stephen Henry Olin, LL.D (No. 835) 1880-
Rev. Micah Jones Talbot, D.D (No. 226) 1880-1881
Rev. President John Wesley Beach, D.D., LL.D. (No.
253) 1880-1887
John Clark Rand, M.A (No. 746) 1881-1892
Rev. Bishop Edward Gayer Andrews, D.D., LL.D. (No.
307) 1881-1907
Rev. Daniel Avery Whedon, D.D (No. 268) 1881-1905
Rev. George Loomis, D.D (No. 193) 1881-1885
Rev. George Gamaliel Dains, M.A (No. 617) 1882-1884
Anderson Fowler 1882-1891
Hon. David Benjamin Lockwood, M.A (No. 374) 1882-1887
Rev. Edson Wyllys Burr, D.D (No. 648) 1882-1900
Robert Seney 1883-1889
Rev. Aaron Rittenhouse, D.D (No. 702) 1883-1884
William Murphy Ingraham, M.A (No. 288) 1883-1903
Rev. David Hough Ela, D.D (No. 560) 1883-1887
Rev. Nathan Willis Wilder, M.A (No. 707) 1884-1888
Rev. Andrew Longacre, D.D 1885-1901
Rev. James Monroe Buckley, D.D., LL.D. (Class of i860) 1885-1920
Rev. Charles E. Libbey, Ph.B 1885-1888
Rev. Daniel Clark Knowles, D.D (No. 594) 1885-1909
George W. Cheeseman 1885-1886
Rev. Melvin Dewain Kinney, M.A (No. 659) 1886-1893
Rev. Henry Alanson Starks, D.D (No. 903) 1886-1892
John Newton Camp 1886-1889
Cephas Brainerd Rogers 1886-1919
Rev. Edmund Mead Mills, Ph.D., D.D (No. 983) 1886-
Hon. Darius Baker, M.A (No. 908) 1887-1912
Rev. John Wesley Lindsay, D.D (No. 127) 1887-1907
Rev. DeWitt C. Olmstead 1887-1888
Mark Hoyt 1887-1897
Hon. William Connell 1888-1909
Rev. David Hough Ela, D.D (No. 560) 1888-1903
George Slocum Bennett, M.A (No. 770) 1888-1910
Hon. Martin Augustine Knapp, LL.D (No. 868) 1888-
Rev. Albert Sanford Hunt, D.D (No. 422) 1888-1898
Rev. Oliver Haley Fernald, M.A (No. 735) 1888-1894
Joseph Shipley Spinney 1888-1893
Charles Lee Rockwell 1888-
Hon. George West 1888-1901
Rev. Bishop Daniel Ayres Goodsell, D.D 1888-1892
Rev. Leonard Lemon Beeman, M.A (No. 1068) 1888-1893
Rev. President Bradford Paul Raymond, D.D., LL.D. . . 1889-1908
John Emory Andrus, LL.D (No. 710) 1889-
Rev. James Oscar Woodruff 1889-1896
Rev. Edgar Moncena Smith, D.D (No. 963) 1889-1894
Hon. Daniel Ayres, M.D., LL.D (Class of 1842) 1890-1892
Rev. Azel Washburn Hazen, D.D 1892-1913
Rev. James Emery Cochran Sawyer, D.D 1892- 1895
Letsome Terrell Wooster 1892-1902
Rev. Henry Ward Bennett, D.D (No. 713) 1893-1898
Rev. William Valentine Kelley, D.D., L.H.D. (No. 803) 1893-
James Henry Alexander 1893-1903
Roswell Sargeant Douglass, M.A (No. 692) 1893-1899
Rev. Joel Osmon Sherburn, M.A (No. 1025) 1893-1906
Webster Rogers Walkley, D.C.L (No. 677) 1894-1919
Hon. William Copeland Wallace, M. A., LL.B. (No. 1132) 1894-1901
Rev. Joseph Franklin Haley, M.A (No. 1124) 1894-1899
Frank Smith Jones 1894-1912
Rev. John Hamline Coleman 1895-1904
Rev. Edwin Bailey Olmstead (Class of 1880) 1896-1897
Rev. Charles Wesley Gallagher, D.D (No. 915) 1896-1899
Henry Cruise Murphy Ingraham, LL.D. ...(No. 778) 1897-1911
George Silas Coleman, LL.D (No. 1119) 1897-1919
Rev. Ensign McChesney, Ph.D., D.D (No. 869) 1897-1899
Andrew Craig Fields 1898-1903
Rev. Olin Burr Coit, D.D (No. 1146) 1898-1903
Rev. James Marcus King, D.D., LL.D (No. 723) 1898-1907
Rev. Webster Harrison Pearce, D.D 1899-1902
Rev. Frank Mason North, D.D., LL.D (No. 984) 1899-
Rev. Isaac Harrison Whittier Wharff, D.D. (No. 1164) 1899-1909
Rev. Edward Olin Thayer, D.D (No. 1106) 1899-1904
Charles Gibson 1900-
William Edwin Sessions 1900-1920
Rev. Bishop Herbert Welch, D.D., LL.D. ...(No. 1499) 1901-1906
James Noel Brown 1901-1917
Henry Hobart Benedict 1901-19.10
Rev. David George Downey, D.D., Litt.D., LL.D. (No.
1355) 1902-
Rev. Charles Henry Buck, D.D (No. 772) 1902-1910
Hon. Wesley Ulysses Pearne, B.A (No. 1053) 1902-1917
William Perry Billings 1902-1916
Rev. Charles Wesley McCormick, Ph.D., D.D. (No. 1277) 1902-1903
Abram Winegardner Harris, Sc.D., LL.D. ..(No. 1245) 1903-1907
Rev. John Young Dobbins, D.D 1903-1906
Rev. Albert Pearne Palmer, M.A (No. 960) 1903-1913
Orris King Eldredge 1903-1906
Frederic Wilcox Clarke, B.S (No. 909) 1904-1918
Rev. William John Chapman, M.A (No. 1036) 1904-1910
John Thomas Porter 1904-1913
Cyrus Daniel Jones 1904-1912
Rev. Wilbur Fisk Holmes, M.A (No. 1246) 1904-1909
Charles Scott, Jr., M.A (No. 1451) 1905-
Albert Randolph Crittenden 1905-1921
Rev. Andrev^ Jackson Coultas, Jr., D.D. ..(No. 1239) 1905-1920
Samuel Wood Bowne 1905-1910
John Gribbel, LL.D 1905-
James Gardner Shepherd 1905-1912
George Davis Beattys, M.A., LL.B (No. 1382) 1906-
Rev. Warren Lanning Hoagland, D.D (No. 831) 1906-1917
John Edgar Leaycraft 1906-1916
Clinton DeWitt Burdick, LL.D (No. 1427) 1907-
Rev. William Monroe Newton, B.A (No. 1810) 1907-1910
Rev. Charles Edward Davis, D.D (No. 1121) 1907-
Rev. William Ingraham Haven, D.D., LL.D. (No. 1153) 1907-
Theodore E. Hancock, LL.D (No. 953) 1907-1916
Rev. Abraham John Palmer, D.D (No. 933) 1908-
Rev. David Howard Tribou, D.D 1908-
President William Arnold Shanklin, L.H.D., LL.D. . . 1909-
WiLLiAM Henry Burrows 1909-1917
Rev. Howard Abbott Clifford, M.A (No. 1351) 1909-1919
Rev. Edwin Sloan Tasker, D.D (No. 1623) 1909-
HoN. Arthur Eugene Sutherland, LL.D. ..(No. 1403) 1910-1912
Reuben Nelson Bennett, B.A (No. 1942) 1910-1921
Rev. Elwell Alexander Bishop, D.D (No. 1169) 1910-1912
Hon. John Cheesman Clark, LL.D (No. 1432) 1910-
WiLLiAM Thayer Rich 1910-
Rev. Charles Otis Judkins, D.D (No. 1848) 1910-1919
Amos Jay Givens, M.D., LL.D 1911-1917
Hon. Frank Bentley Weeks, LL.D 1911-
George Willets Davison, LL.D (No. 1681) 1912-
Wilbur Fisk Hamilton, B.S (No. 1215) 1912-1917
Henry Ingraham Harriman, Ph.B., LL.B. (No. 1846) 1912-
William Henry Hall, B.S (No. 1696) 1912-
JoHN Edward Eustis, LL.D (No. 1043) 1912-
Lewis Edward Gordon, B.A (No. 1793) 1913-1916
James Aylward Develin, Ph.B., LL.B (No. 1327) 1913-
Rev. Bishop William Burt, D.D., LL.D. ...(No. 1204) 1913-
Robert Boyd Ward .< 1913-1915
Charles Arthur Hadley, B.A (No. 2082) 1913-1919
George Hamilton Bickford, B.A (No. 1637) 1913-1914
Albert Wheeler Johnston, B.S (No. 1749a) 1914-
Augustus Burr Carrington, M.A., LL.B. ..(No. 1118) 1916-
Cyrus John Strong, M.D (No. 1455) • 1916-1920
Abram Winegardner Harris, Sc.D., LL.D. (No. 1245) 1917-
Rev. Willard Baker Dukeshire, B.A (No. 1683) 1917-1920
Frank Kirkwood Hallock, M.A., M.D (No. 1307) 1917-
Charles Leonard Foster, M.A., LL.B (No. 1269). 1917-
Clarence Lucian Newton, Ph.B., J.M (No. 2298) 1917-
WiLLiAM Adelbert Jones, M.A (No. 1274) 1917-
George Luther Peck, B.A (No. 1620) 1917-
WiLLiAM Prince Underbill 1918-
Frank Harder Ryder, B.A (No. 2164) 1919-
Addison Loomis Green, B.A (No. 1388) 1919-
George Seymour Godard, M.A., B.D (No. 1691) 1919-
Jason Shepherd Joy, B.A (No. 2815a) 1919-
Herbert Bronson Shonk, B.A., LL.B (No. 2387) 1919-
Everett Dale Bristol, B.S., M.D (No. 2351) 1919-
Vernon Benjamin Swett, B.A (No. 1916) 1919-
Frederick Morgan Davenport, Ph.D., LL.D. (No. 1549) 1920-
HoRACE Augustus Moses 1920-
Fredric Worthen Frost, B.A., LL.B (No. 1791) 1920-
Rev. Jacob Francis Cooper, D.D (No. 1324) 1920-
Francis Asbury Beach 1921-
HoN. RoLLiN Simmons Woodruff, LL.D 1921-
WiLLBUR FiSK 183I-1839
Stephen Olin 1839-1841
Nathan Bangs 1841-1842
Stephen Olin 1842-1851
Augustus William Smith 1852-1857
Joseph Cummings (No. 119) 1857-1875
Cyrus David Foss (No. 481) 1875-1880
John Wesley Beach (No. 253) 1880-1887
Bradford Paul Raymond 1889-1908
William Arnold Shanklin 1909-
acting presidents.
Augustus William Smith 1835-36, 1839-41
John Johnston , 1851-52, 1857-58
John Monroe Van Vleck (No. 406) 1872-73, 1887-89, 1896-97
William North Rice (No. 813) *i907-o8, 1908-09
VICE presidents.
John Monroe Van Vleck (No. 406) 1890-1903
George Matthew Dutcher 1918-1921
Leroy Albert Rowland (No. 2150) 1921-
Frank Walter Nicolson 1918-
Willbur Fisk, Moral Science and Belles-Lettres 1831-1836
Augustus William Smith, Mathematics 1831-1836
tjohn Price Durbin, Natural Science 1831-1832
John Mott Smith, Ancient Languages 1831-1832
Jacob Frederick Huber, Modern Languages 1831-1842
♦First half-year.
fElected, but did not serve.
William Williams Mather, Chemistry, Mineralogy, and
Geology (Acting) 1833-1834
Daniel Denison Whedon, Ancient Languages 1833-1842
Augustus William Smith, Mathematics, Natural Philoso-
phy, and Astronomy 1836-1839
Joseph Holdich, Moral Science and Belles-Lettres 1836-1849
John Johnston, Natural Science 1837-1873
Augustus William 'Smith, Mathematics and Natural Phi-
losophy 1839-1840
Augustus William Smith, Natural Philosophy and As-
tronomy 1840-1843
Harvey Bradburn Lane (No. 20), Mathematics and Civil
Engineering 1840-1843
Nathan Bangs, Ecclesiastical History 1841-1842
William Marinus Willett, Hebrew 1841-1842
William Lucius Storrs, Law 1841-1846
Alfred Saxe (No. 84), Normal Instruction 1841-1843
Stephen Olin, Ecclesiastical History 1842- 1843
Augustus William Smith, Mathematics and Astronomy . . . 1843- 1857
Harvey Bradburn Lane (No. 20), Greek and Latin 1843-1848
Harvey Bradburn Lane (No. 20) , Greek 1848-1861
John Wesley Lindsay (No. 127), Latin and Hebrew 1848-1860
Charles Kittredge True, Moral Science and Belles-Lettres 1849-1858
Joseph Cummings (No. iig), Moral Philosophy 1858-1861
Charles Kittredge True, Intellectual Philosophy and Belles-
Lettres 1858-1860
John Monroe Van Vleck (No. 406), Mathematics and
Astronomy 1858-1904
Archibald Campbell Foss (No. 436), Latin and Hebrew .. 1860-1863
Joseph Cummings (No. 119), Moral and Intellectual Phi-
losophy 1861-1875
Calvin Sears Harrington (No. 438), Greek 1861-1863
Calvin Sears Harrington (No. 438), Latin 1863-1886
Fales Henry Newhall (No. 296), Rhetoric and English
Literature 1863-1871
James Cooke Van Benschoten, Greek 1863-1902
William North Rice (No. 813), Geology and Natural His-
tory 1867-1884
George Prentice, Rhetoric and English Literature 1871-1873
John Johnston, Natural Science (Emeritus) 1873-1879
George Prentice, Modern Languages 1873-1893
Caleb Thomas Winchester (No. 906), Rhetoric and Eng-
lish Literature 1873-1890
Wilbur Olin Atwater (No. 790), Chemistry 1874-1907
Joseph Cummings (No. 119), Mental Philosophy and
Political Economy 1875-1878
Cyrus David Foss (No. 481), Moral Philosophy 1875-1880
John Wesley Beach (No. 253), Moral Philosophy 1880-1887
George Lewis Westgate (No. 822), Political and Social
Science 1880-1881
George Lewis Westgate (No. 822), History and Political
Economy 1881-1885
WilHam North Rice (No. 813), Geology 1884-1918
Morris Barker Crawford (No. 1037), Physics 1884-1921
Woodrow Wilson, History and Political Economy 1888- 1890
Herbert William Conn, Biology 1888-1917
Elmer Truesdell Merrill (No. 1280), Latin 1888-1905
Andrew Campbell Armstrong, Philosophy 1888-
Bradford Paul Raymond, Moral Philosophy 1889- 1908
Caleb Thomas Winchester (No, 906), English Literature 1890-1920
Edward Bennett Rosa (No. 1450) , Physics 1892- 1903
William Edward Mead (No. 1279), English Language 1893-
Walter Parke Bradley, Chemistry 1893-1914
Oscar Kuhns (No. 1393), Romance Languages 1893-
Willard Clark Fisher, Economics and Social Science 1896-1913
Edward Burr Van Vleck (No. 1375), Mathematics 1898-1906
Max Farrand, History 1900-1901
Raymond Dodge, Psychology 1902-
John Monroe Van Vleck (No. 406), Mathematics and
Astronomy {Emeritus) 1904-1912
Karl Pomeroy Harrington (No. 1308), Latin 1905-
William Arthur Heidel, Greek 1905-
Francis Gano Benedict, Chemistry 1905-1907
Robert Herndon Fife, Jr., German 1905-1920
George Matthew Dutcher, History 1905-
Walter Guyton Cady, Physics 1907-
Bradford Paul Raymond, English Bible 1908-1909
Bradford Paul Raymond, Ethics and Biblical Literature
{Emeritus) 1909-1916
Frank Walter Nicolson, Latin 1913-
Charles Augustus Tuttle, Economics and Social Science . . 1913-
Joseph William Hewitt, Classics 1913-
Edgar Fauver, Physical Education 1913-
Leroy Albert Howland (No. 2150), Mathematics 1913-
Frederick Slocum, Astronomy 1914-1918
Burton Howard Camp (No. 2197), Mathematics 1914-
Edgar Sheffield Brightman, Ethics and Religion 1917-1919
Henry Sollet Wygant, Military Science and Tactics 1917-1918
William North Rice (No. 813), Geology (Emeritus) 1918-
Frank Edgar Farley, English Literature 1918-
Charles Ruglas Hoover, Chemistry 1918-
Edward Christian Schneider, Biology 1919-
Paul Holroyd Curts, German 1920-
Carey Herbert Conley, Rhetoric 1920-
Albert Mann, Jr. (No. 2550), Romance Languages 1920-
Henry Merritt Wriston (No. 2899), History 1920-
Frederick Slocum, Astronomy 1920-
Homer Edwards Woodbridge, English Literature 1920-
Morris Barker Crawford (No. 1037), Physics (Emeritus) 1921-
John Monroe Van Vleck (No. 406), Mathematics 1853-1857
Albert Sanford Hunt (No. 422), Moral Science and Belles-
Lettres 1853-1855
Morris Barker Crawford (No. 1037), Physics 1881-1884
Herbert William Conn, Biology 1886-1888
William Edward Mead (No. 1279), English Language 1890-1893
Andrew Stephenson, History 1890-1894
Walter Parke Bradley, Chemistry 1890-1893
Oscar Kuhns (No. 1393), Romance Languages 1890-1893
Edward Bennett Rosa (No. 1450), Physics 1891-1892
Willard Clark Fisher, Economics and Social Science 1892-1896
Alfred Pearce Dennis, History 1894-1896
Frank Walter Nicolson, Latin 1895-1913
Edward Burr Van Vleck (No. 1375), Mathematics 1895-1898
Albert Bernhardt Faust, German 1896-1903
James Morton Paton, Greek 1898-1905
Max Farrand, History 1898-1900
Raymond Dodge, Philosophy 1899-1902
Francis Gano Benedict, Chemistry 1901-1905
George Matthew Dutcher, History 1901-1905
George Davis Chase, Latin 1902-1905
Walter Guyton Cady, Physics 1903-1907
Robert Herndon Fife, Jr., German 1903- 1905
Joseph William Hewitt, Latin and Greek 1905-1913
Thomas Emery McKinney, Mathematics 1906- 1908
Leroy Albert Howland (No. 2150), Mathematics 1908-1913
Burton Howard Camp (No. 2197), Mathematics 1909-1914
Edgar Fauver, Physical Education 191 1-1913
David Day Whitney (No. 2457), Zoology 1911-1916
Durant Drake, Ethics 1912-1915
Raemer Rex Renshaw, Chemistry 1912-1913
Carey Herbert Conley, Rhetoric 1913-1920
Louis Bliss Gillet, English Literature 1913-1917
Paul Holroyd Curts, German 1913-1920
Albert Mann, Jr. (No. 2550), Romance Languages 1913-1920
Walter Richard Miles, Psychology 1913-1914
Lee Ward, Chemistry 1914-1915
Moses Leverock Crossley, Chemistry 1914-1918
Edgar Sheffield Brightman, Ethics and Religion 1915-1917
Charles Ruglas Hoover, Chemistry 1915-1918
John Kenyon Lamond, Mathematics 1915-1916
Hubert Baker Goodrich, Zoology 1917-
Wesley Everett Rich (No. 2883), Economics and Social
Science 1917-1918
Henry Merritt Wriston (No. 2899), History 1917-1920
David Lindsey Randall, Chemistry 1918-1919
Wilbur Garland Foye, Geology 1918-
Henry Bass Hall, Economics and Social Science 1919-1921
Paul Burt (No. 2977), History 1919-1920
Eugene Shepard Clark (No. 2979), Romance Languages .. 1919-
Lloyd- Preston Rice (No. 3030), Economics and Social
Science 1919-1920
William Colcord Woods (No. 3048), Biology 1919-
George Albert Hill, Chemistry IQIQ-
Clyde Olin Fisher, Economics and Social Science 1920-
Thomas Wainwright Bussom, Romance Languages 1920-
Kossuth Mayer Williamson, Economics and Social Science 1921-
Joseph Holdich, Moral Science and Belle s-Lettres 1835-1836
John Johnston, Mathematics 1835-1837
Harvey Bradburn Lane (No. 20), Mathematics and Natu-
ral Philosophy 1839-1840
William Abbey Turner, Chemistry 1919-1920
Binney Gunnison, Public Speaking 1920-
Robert Maurice Mathews, Mathematics 1920-
Henry Harmon Stevens, German 1920-1921
Philip Lombard Given (No. 2740), Philosophy 1920-
Wallace Frank Powers, Physics 1920-
George Humphrey, Psychology 1920-
Kossuth Mayer Williamson, Economics and Social Science 1920-1921
William George Chanter (No. 3065), Ethics and Religion 1920-
Karl Skillman Van Dyke (No. 3280), Physics 1921-
Atcheson Laughlin Hench, English 1921-1922
Charles Wilbert Snow, English 1921-
Oliver Payson Hubbard, Chemistry, Mineralogy, and
Geology 1834-1835
John Johnston, Natural Science 1835- 1837
Charles David Burritt (No. 215), Botany 1844-1845
Moses Clark White (No. 269), Histology, and the Use
of the Microscope 1868-1875
Henry Norman Hudson, Shakespeare 1868-1869
Noah Cressy, Comparative Osteology 1868-1871
George Brown Goode (No. 917), Natural History 1879-1881
Henry Alanson Starks (No. 903), Ethics, and Evidences
of Christianity 1896-1898
Henry Alanson Starks (No. 903), The Bible, and Evi-
dences of Christianity 1898-1899
Clark Smith Beardslee, Ethics 1909-1911
Arthur Lincoln Gillett, Evidences of Christianity 1909-1911
Henry Barrett Learned, History *i909-i9io
Moses Leverock Crossley, Chemistry 1913-1914
Frederick Morgan Davenport (No. 1549), Political Science 1917-1918
Leo Frederick Rettger, Bacteriology 1917-1918
Henry Gordon Manning, Military Science and Tactics 11918-1919
John Douglas Adam, Ethics and Religion -^191^-1920
William John Wilkinson, History 1919-
Elias Hershey Sneath, Ethics tti9i9-i920
William Churchill Gerrish, History 1920-
William Rhodes Bagnall (No. 116), Hebrew 1842-1846
Henry DeKoven (class of 1836), Modern Languages 1842-1843
Jacob Frederick Huber, Modern Languages 1843-1844
James Cooke Van Benschoten, Modern Languages 1863-1873
Fales Henry Newhall (No. 296), Hebrew 1863-1871
FoUansbee Goodrich Welch, Gymnastics 1868-1869
George Prentice, Hebrew 1871-1880
Wilbur Olin Atwater (No. 790), Chemistry 1873-1874
Ralph Guernsey Hibbard, Elocution 1876-1904
Arthur Taylor Neale (No. 1019), Practical Chemistry .. 1876-1877
Morris Barker Crawford (No. 1037), Physics 1880-1881
William Lambert Gooding, Ethics 1 881 -1882
Lawrence Bunting Fletcher, Physics 1882- 1883
Frank Sargent Hofifman, Mental Philosophy 1883- 1885
Alfred Charles True (No. 1030), Greek 1884-1885
Herbert William Conn, Biology 1884-1886
Alfred Charles True (No. 1030), Greek and Latin 1885-1886
Abram Winegardner Harris (No. 1245), History and Polit-
ical Economy 1885-1888
Elias Hershey Sneath, Mental Philosophy 1885-1888
Alfred Charles True (No. 1030) , Latin 1886-1888
Walter Parke Bradley, Chemistry 1889-1890
Oscar Kuhns (No. 1393), French 1889-1890
William John James (No. 1328), Mathematics 1890-1895
Winthrop More Daniels, Economics and Social Science . . 1891-1892
Frank Walter Nicolson, Latin 1894-1895
♦First half-year.
fFirst term.
ft Second half-year.
William Snyder Eichelberger, Mathematics 1894-1896
Charles Ford Langworthy, Chemistry 1894- 1896
James Morton Paton, Greek 1895-1898
Max Farrand, History , 1896-1898
Francis Gano Benedict, Chemistry 1896-1901
George Herbert Ling, Mathematics 1896-1901
Charles Hubbard Judd (No. 1802), Philosophy 1896- 1898
Arthur Gordner Leacock, Latin 1896-1897
Herman Wadsworth Hayley, Latin 1897-1899
Raymond Dodge, Philosophy 1898-1899
Emory Bair Lease, Latin ; 1899-1901
George Davis Chase, Latin 1901-1902
Arthur Constant Lunn, Mathematics and Astronomy 1901-1902
Walter Guyton Cady, Physics 1902-1903
Otto Dunkel, Mathematics 1902-1904
Burton Howard Camp (No. 2197), Mathematics 1904-1905
Evert Mordecai Clark, Mathematics (winter term), 1904-1905
Arthur Henry Harrop, Greek (second half-year), 1904-1905
Bernard Capen Ewer, Mathematics (spring term), 1904-1905
Ralph Clewell Super, Modern Languages 1905-1909
Robert Allyn Budington, Biology 1905-1908
Roswell Powell Stephens, Mathematics 1905-1907
Leroy Albert Howland (No. 2150), Mathematics 1905-1906
John Wesley Wetzel, Public Speaking 1906-1917
Burton Howard Camp (No. 2197), Mathematics 1907-1909
Raemer Rex Renshaw, Chemistry 1907-1912
Clarence Frederic Hale (No. 2365), Chemistry 1907-1908
Albert Davis, English 1907-1908
Isaiah Bowman, Physical Geography 1907-1909
John William Turrentine, Chemistry 1908-1911
Louis BHss Gillet, English 1908-1913
David Day Whitney (No. 2457), Biology 1908-1911
Alexander Chilson Stevens (class of 1906), Descriptive
Geometry 1908-1911
Gilbert Haven Cady, Physical Geography 1909-1910
Paul Holroyd Curts, German 1909-1912
Charles Edward Graves (No. 2682), Romance Languages 1909-1911
John Kenyon Lamond, Mathematics 1910-1915
John Hamilton Blair, History and Economics 1911-1912
Fred Harvey Heath, Chemistry 1911-1912
Albert Mann, Jr. (No. 2550), Romance Languages 1911-1913
George Wiley Sherburn (No. 2567), English 1911-1912
Walter Ransom Barrows, Physical Geography 1911-1912
John Peter Senning, History 1912-1914
Lee Ward, Chemistry 1912-1914
Friedrich Schoenemann, German 1912-1913
Enoch Burton Gowin, Social Science 1912-1914
Bert Emsley, English 1912-1913
Walter Loring Barrows, Physical Geography 1912-1916
Wesley Everett Rich (No. 2883), Economics and Social
Science -. 1914-1917
Henry Merritt Wriston (No. 2899), History 1914-1917
William H. Scheifley, Romance Languages 1915-1916
Harold Douglass Allen (No. 2592), German 1916-1917
Hubert Baker Goodrich, Zoology 1916-1917
George McCutcheon McBride, Physical Geography 1916-1917
Gordon Thorn Fish, Biology 1916-1917
Lawrence Lesure Steele, Chemistry 1916-1917
Paul Burt (No. 2977), History 1916-1917
Eugene Shepard Clark (No. 2979), Romance Languages .. 1916-1919
Clarence Newton Reynolds, Mathematics 19 16- 1920
Binney Gunnison, Public Speaking 1917-1920
John Edward Jacoby, English Literature 1917-1918
Lloyd Preston Rice (No, 3030), Economics and Social
Science 1917-1919
William Colcord Woods (No. 3048) , Biology . 1917-1919
Noel Edgar Bensinger (No. 3055), German and History .. 1917-1918
Ray Ethan Torrey, Botany 1918-1919
Hugh Llewellyn Smith (No. 3190), Romance Languages . . 1918-
Frank Marshall Clark (No. 3301), Chemistry 1918-1919
Carl Leo Stearns (No. 3355), Mathematics 1918-1919
Philip Lombard Given (No. 2740), Philosophy 1919-1920
Emil Smith Liston, Physical Education 1919-1920
William George Chanter (No. 3065), Ethics and Religion 1919-1920
Carl Leo Stearns (No. 3355), Astronomy 1919-1920
Atcheson Laughlin Hench, English Language 1920- 1921
Gerhard Baerg, German 1920-
John Elmer Cavelti (No. 3388), Chemistry 1920-
John Frederick Martin, Physical Education 1921-
Thomas Findlay Mackenzie, Economics and Social Science 1921-
Lambert Armour Shears, German 1921-
William Magoun 1831-1832
Daniel Henry Chase (No. i ) 1834-1835
Willard Martin Rice (No. 56), Latin 1837-1840
Loren Laertes Knox (No. 76), Mathematics 1838-1841
George Willis Ninde (No. 135) 1841-1842
William Rhodes Bagnall (No. 116), Latin 1842-1846
Edmund Longley (No. 128), Mathematics 1843-1844
Charles David Burritt (No. 215), Mathematics 1844-1845
William Francis Smith (No. 206), Languages 1846-1847
Reuben Harrison Loomis (No. 291), Mathematics 1846-1848
John Wesley Lindsay (No. 127), Languages 1847-1848
Daniel Steele (No. 352) , Mathematics 1848- 1850
Albert Sanford Hunt (No. 422), Logic and Rhetoric 1851-1852
Albert Sanford Hunt (No. 422), Mathematics 1852-1853
Solomon Chapin (No. 553) 1857-1858
Darius Baker (No. 908) , Latin 1872-1874
Edgar Moncena Smith (No. 963), Mathematics 1872-1874
Charles Francis Rice (No. 988) , Latin 1874-1877
Morris Barker Crawford (No. 1037), Mathematics 1874-1877
Clarence Abiathar Waldo (No. 1108), Mathematics 1877-1881
John Pancoast Gordy (No. 1175), Mental Philosophy 1878-1883
Hinckley Gilbert Mitchell (No. 1018), Latin and Hebrew 1880-1883
Alexander Martin Wilcox (class of 1877), Greek 1880-1883
Abram Winegardner Harris (No. 1245), Mathematics ... 1881-1884
Thomas Hooper Eckfeldt (No. 1268), Greek 1883-1884
Elmer Truesdell Merrill (No. 1280), Latin 1883-1886
Henry Seely White (No. 1318), Mathematics 1884-1887
Franklin Henry Taylor (No. 1372), Greek 1886-1891
Robert Henry Williams (No. 1412) , Latin 1886-1889
William John James (No. 1328), Mathe7natics 1887-1890
Edward Burr Van Vleck (No. 1375), Mathematics 1887-1890
Karl Pomeroy Harrington (No. 1308), Latin 1889-1891
William Snyder Eichelberger, Mathematics 1890-1894
John Rogers Commons, Economics and Social Science 1890-1891
Frank Walter Nicolson, Latin 1891-1894
Frederic Samuel Goodrich (No. 1606), Greek 1891-1892
Charles Jaques Goodwin, Greek 1892-1895
Arthur Wilson James (No. 1527), German .' 1893-1896
Frederick Curry Ostrander (No. 1760), Modern Languages 1900-1902
Ralph Clewell Super, Modern Languages 1902-1905
Harry Torsey Baker (No. 2127), English 1903-1904
William Marinus Willett, Hebrew 1838-1841
Jacob Frederick Huber, Modern Languages 1848-1863
William Jay Foss (No. 535) , Greek 1857-1858
Lyman Coleman, Hebrew and Biblical Literature 1860-1861
Ralph Guernsey Hibbard, Elocution 1860-1876
Lyman Coleman, Biblical Literature 1861-1862
Charles Summer Nash, Hebrew 1883-1884
George Brown Goode (No. 917), Museum 1870-1871
Arthur Taylor Neale (No. 1019), Practical Chemistry .. 1874-1876
John Henry Pillsbury (No. 1056), Natural History 1875-1877
WilHs Gaylord Clarke (No. 1144), Library 1877-1878
Burdett Alberto Rich (No. 1188), Library 1878-1880
Henry Leslie Osborn (No. 1186), Natural History 1878-1881
Joseph Chester Burke (No. 1035), Physics 1879-1881
John Harper Long, Chemistry 1880-1881
George Fletcher Winchester, Library 1 880-1 881
Joseph Chester Burke (No. 1035), Natural History 1881-1882
Charles Dayton Woods (No. 1263), Chemistry 1881-1883
Merrill Hitchcock (No. 1272), Astronomy and Physics .. 1881-1882
William Edward Mead (No. 1279), Library 1881-1882
Walter Bradford Barrows, Natural History 1882-1884
Willis Kimball Stetson (No. 1291), Library 1882-1885
Henry Seely White (No. 1318), Astronomy and Physics . . 1882-1883
William Edward Mead (No. 1279), Rhetoric 1884-1885
Edward Burr Van Vleck (No. 1375), Physics 1884- 1885
Elbert William Rockwood, Chemistry 1884- 1886
Frederick Shenstone Woods (No. 1413), Physics 1885-1886
John Littlefield Tilton (No. 1406), Natural History 1886-1888
Thomas Hazen Clark, Chemistry 1886- 1889
Aaron Louis Treadwell (No. 1536), Natural History 1888-1891
John Law Bridge (No. 1508), Chemistry 1889-1891
Dudley Chase Abbott (No. 1542), Library 1889-1890
Henry Lincoln Houghton, Physics 1889-1890
William Snyder Eichelberger, Astronomy 1890-1896
Charles Manning Child (No. 1595), Biology 1890- 1892
Richard Watson Cooper (No. 1597), Library 1890- 1891
James Alonzo Hulse (No. 1613), Physics 1 890-1891
Frank Burnett Dains (No. 1600), Chemistry 1891-1893
Frederick Allen King (No. 1649), Library ' 189 1- 1893
Charles Wilfred Savage (No. 1661), Physics 1891-1893
Lewis Gardner Westgate (No. 1626), Physical Geography 1892-1893
John Hendley Barnhart (No. 1674), Museum 1892-1893
Duncan Starr Johnson (No. 1703), Biology 1892-1893
Everett Hallerton Scott (No. 1719), Library 1892-1893
Samuel Ward Loper, Museum 1893-1894
Charles Ford Langworthy, Chemistry 1893-1894
Olin Freeman Tower (No. 1728), Chemistry 1893-1894
Frederic Cutts (No. 1738), Physics 1893-1894
Charles Gourlay Goodrich (No. 1743), Library 1893- 1894
Albert Emory Loveland (No. 1754), Biology 1893-1894
Frederick Curry Ostrander (No. 1760), Secretary's Office 1893-1894
William James Shaw, Philosophy 1894-1896
Edmond Robert Sturtevant, Chemistry 1894- 1896
William Merrill Esten (No. 1788), Biology 1894-1905
Robert Elmer Hendershot (No. 1796), Library 1894-1895
Rupert Henry Hopkins (No. 1797), Physics 1894-1896
Frederic Lawrence Knowles (No. 1803), Secretary's Office 1894-1895
Arthur Whitmore Smith, Physics 1895-1896
Edward Francis Coffin (No. 1835), Secretary's Office 1895-1896
Ernest Ketcham Smith (No. 1864), Library 1895-1896
Ernest Ketcham Smith (No. 1864), Secretary's Office ... 1896-1897
Louis Arthur Norris (No. 1906), Library 1896-1897
Edmund David Searls (No. 1915), Physics 1896-1898
Olin Freeman Tower (No. 1728), Chemistry 1897-1898
Charles Harvey Brown (No. I944), Library 1897-1899
Alvenza Ingham Smith (No. 1972), Secretary's Office 1897-1898
Harry Egerton Ford, Modern Languages 1898- 1900
Arthur Whitmore Smith, Physics 1898-1899
John Ferguson Snell, Chemistry 1898-1899
Harry Edward Wells, Chemistry 1899-1901
George Alfred Mellen, English 1899-1900
Frederick Warren Grover, Physics 1 899-1 901
Robert Ellsworth Harned (No. 2083), Library 1899-1900
Fred Wooding Hutchinson (No. 2085), Astronomy 1899-1900
Harry Torsey Baker (No. 2127), English '. 1900-1903
Walter Fenno Dearborn (No. 2143), Library 1900-1901
Thomas Joseph Bryan, Chemistry 1901-1902
Richard Granville Povey (No. 2226), Physics 1901-1902
Josiah Willard Taylor (No. 2308), Library 1901-1902
Allan Winter Rowe, Chemistry 1902- 1904
William Harry demons (No. 2266), Library 1902-1903
Clarence Albert Pierce (No. 2300), Physics 1902-1904
George Franklin Strong (No. 2390), Library 1903-1904
Alfred Ludvig Gunderson, Physics 1904- 1905
George Paget Owen Fenwick, Chemistry 1904-1905
Samuel Foss Holmes (No. 2428), English 1904-1906
Clarence Frederic Hale (No. 2365), Chemistry 1905-1907
Erwin Stanley Fulton, Chemistry 1905- 1906
Martin Stuart Hall, Physics 1905-1906
Thorne Martin Carpenter, Chemistry 1906- 1907
Albert Davis, English 1906-1907
Harold DeForest Arnold (No. 2524), Physics 1906-1907
Mary Abbie Richardson, Library 1906-1910
Alexander Chilson Stevens (class of 1906), Physics 1907-1911
Charles Lewis Brightman, Physics 1909-1910
Oscar Fred Hedenburg (No. 2750), Chemistry 1909-1911
Harvey Alden Wooster (No. 2782), Psychology 1909-1910
Ernest Francis Amy (No. 2718), English 1910-1911
Ralph Edgar Gould, Physics 1910-1911
Harold Putnam Frost (No. 2863), Physics 1911-1912
Ralph Maynard Holmes, Physics 1911-1913
Robert Reed Stevens, Chemistry 1911-1913
Mary Abbie Richardson, Library 1912-1913
Bertha Ellen Wood, Library 1912-1913
Raymond Haskins Drake (No. 2918), Biology 1912-1913
Floyd Hill Frame, Physics 1912-1913
Gertrude Hurst Wilson, Library 1913-1918
Elsie Bailey Cruttenden, Library 1913-1914
Haynes Harold Fellows (No. 2991), Biology 1913-1914
Leo Gilbert Cummings, Physics 1913-1915
Clinton Bedford Ogilvie, Physics 1913-1915
Earl Stanley Hall, Physical Education 1913-1916
Margaret Sharpe, Library 1914-1916
Eli Allison (No. 3052) , Physics 1914-1916
Russell Irving Carton (No. 3082), Biology 1914-1915
James Holmes Defandorf (No, 3153), Biology 1915-1916
Harold Andrew Richmond (No. 3185), Psychology 1915-1917
Henry Hopkins Wright (No, 3206), Chemistry 1915-1916
Francis Chapin Breckenridge, Physics 1915-1916
John William Edwards, Observatory 1915-1918
Ruth Norton, Library 1916-1917
Wynne Chard Stevens, Greek 1916-1917
Wilfred McKinley Bywater (No. 3219), Chemistry 1916-1917
Warren McAllister Deacon (No. 3229), Biology 1916-1917
Bradford Downey (No. 3231), Economics 1916-1917
George Shelton Hubbell (No. 3247), English Literature ,. 1916-1918
Edward Leopold Markthaler (No. 3257) , Physical Education 1916-1917
Eldon Hubert Martin (No, 3258), English Literature 1916-1917
Harrison Monell Sayre (No. 3271), Philosophy 1916-1917
Henry Peter Ward, Chemistry 1916-1917
Ray Cowley Young, Physics 1916-1917
Isabelle Taylor Hoffnagle, Library 1917-1918
Willard Earle Honsinger (No, 3246), Chemistry 1917-1918
Frank Marshall Clark (No, 3301), Chemistry 1917-1918
Leslie Lovell Perry, Chemistry 1917-1918
Bessie Mary Gustaf son. Library 1918-
Carl Leo Stearns (No. 3355), Observatory 1918-1919
Emil Smith Liston, Physical Education 1918-1919
Franklin Patton Kellom (No. 3248), History 1918-1919
Wilson Davis Langley (No. 3432), Chemistry 1918-1919
Stephen Adams Norton (No. 3446), Physics 1918-1919
Gordon Bridge Randall (No. 3458), Physics 1918-1919
Kenneth Porter Stevens (No. 3468), Biology 1918-1920
John Elmer Cavelti (No. 3388), Chemistry 1919-1920
Tadashi Fujimoto, Physics 1919-1920
Sidney Merritt Newhall (No. 3531), Psychology 1919-
Joseph Roland Smith (No. 3465), English Language 1919-1920
Carleton Southwick Spear (No. 3542), Chemistry 1919-1920
Elizabeth Butcher, Library 1919-
Clara Estelle Dickson, Dean's Office 1919-
Edwin Carl Anderson (No. 3373), Physics 1920-
Earl Matthias Bilger (No. 3564), Chemistry 1920-1921
Paul Oswald Frey, Physical Education 1920-1921
Hugh Deal Hughes (No. 3592), Chemistry 1920-1921
John Frederick Martin, Physical Education 1920-1921
George William Bain (No. 3559), Physics 1921-
Robert Watkins Clarke (No. 3573), Biology 1921-
Richard Timothy Steele (No. 3705), Physical Education .. 1921-
Merrill James Dorcas, Chemistry 1921-
Warren Edward Steller, Physical Education 1921-
Jacob Frederick Huber 1835-1842
Joseph Holdich 1842-1845
Harvey Bradburn Lane (No. 20) 1845-1853
Albert Sanford Hunt (No. 422) 1853-1855
John Monroe Van Vleck (No. 406) 1855-1857
Harvey Bradburn Lane (No. 20) 1857-1860
Archibald Campbell Foss (No. 436) 1860-1863
Calvin Sears Harrington (No. 438) 1863-1864
Fales Henry Newhall (No. 296) 1864-1867
Calvin Sears Harrington (No. 438) 1867-1869
William North Rice (No. 813) 1869-1880
Morris Barker Crawford (No. 1037) 1880-1882
William North Rice (No. 813) 1882-1892
Morris Barker Crawford (No. 1037) 1892-1895
Frank Walter Nicolson 1895-
Jacob Frederick Huber 1837-1842
Augustus William Smith 1842-1848
John Johnston 1848-1851
Harvey Bradburn Lane (No. 20) 1851-1861
John Monroe Van Vleck (No. 406) 1861-1865
Edgar Moncena Smith (No. 963) 1873-1874
Morris Barker Crawford (No. 1037) 1874-1877
Willis Gaylord Clarke (No. 1144) 1877-1878
Clarence Abiathar Waldo (No. 1108) 1878-1881
Abram Winegardner Harris (No. 1245) 1881-1884
Henry Seely White (No. 1318) 1884-1887
William John James (No. 1328) 1887-1891
Frederic Samuel Goodrich (No. 1606) 1891-1892
Daniel Henry Chase (No. i) 1834-1835
Jacob Frederick Huber 1837-1842
John Johnston 1842-1848
John Wesley Lindsay (No. 127) 1848-1854
John Monroe Van Vleck (No. 406) 1854-1857
John Wesley Lindsay (No. 127) 1857-1860
John Monroe Van Vleck (No. 406) 1860-1867
Samuel Gray Hulbert 1867-1868
William North Rice (No. 813) 1868-1869
Caleb Thomas Winchester (No. 906) 1869-1885
Willis Kimball Stetson (No. 1291) 1885-1887
Oscar Kuhns (No. 1393) 1887-1891
William John James (No. 1328) 1891-
Days Elizabeth Diefendorf 1901-1904
Ernestine Rose (No. 2333) 1904-1905
Adrienne VanWinkle 1905-1907
Marguerite Morgan VanBenschoten (No. 2467) 1907-1910
Edith Leona Eastman 1910-1915
Eugenia May Henry 1915-
George Brown Goode (No. 917) 1871-1879
William North Rice (No. 813) 1879-1884
Walter Bradford Barrows 1884-1886
Samuel Ward Loper 1894-1910
Charles Spaulding Aldrich 1894-1896
Frederick William Marvel 1896-1901
David Connolly Hall 1901-1902
Frederick William Marvel 1902-1903
Horace Cheney Swan 1903-1905
Howard Roland Reiter 1905-1911
Frederick Slocum 1914-1918, 1920-
Edgar Fauver 1913-
Anna Almira Fisher 1901-1904
Julia Brazos (No. 21 14) 1904-1910
Olin Safford Blakeslee 1891-1901
Francis Henry Joseph Newton 1905-
Charles Willard Shaw 1910-
Warren French Sheldon (No. 2099) 1912-1918
Roy Bullard Chamberlin (No. 2730) 1918-1921
Arthur Benjamin Farnham Haley (No. 2614) 1921-
Chester Miller Knight 1910-1911
Floyd Emerson Logee 1911-1913
William George Chanter (No. 3065) 1913-1914
Hermann Arthur Lum 1914-1920
William Ernest KroU 1920-1921
Herman David Berlew (No. 3561) 1921-
(not Graduates of Wesleyan University.)
(Arranged according to rank, in the order of appointment.)
B.A., Brown University, 1815; M.A., Brown, 1818; D.D., Augusta
College, 1829; D.D., Brown, 1835. Born August 31, 1792, Brattleboro,
Studied law in Ljmdon, Vt, 1815-16. Taught in Oaklands, near
Baltimore, Md. ; continued the study of law, 1816-17. In poor health;
resided at home, Lyndon, Vt., 1817-18. Methodist Episcopal minister,
New England Conference, 1818-23. Superannuated on account of ill
health, 1821-23. Presiding Elder of Vermont District, 1823-26.
Chaplain of Vermont Legislature, 1826. Principal of Wesleyan Acad-
emy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1826-31. Elected Bishop of the Wesleyan
Church of Canada, but declined to accept the office, 1828. President
OF Wesleyan University, 1830-39. Visitor of U. S. Military Academy,
West Point, N. Y., 1832. Delegate of Methodist Episcopal Church to
the Wesleyan Conference in England, 1835-36. Elected Bishop of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, but declined, 1836. Member of Board of
Education of Connecticut, 1839. Delegate to General Conference,
Methodist Episcopal Church, 1824, '28, '32. Died February 22, 1839,
Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Middlebury College, 1820; M.A., Middlebury, 1823; D.D., Mid-
dlebury, 1832, and Wesleyan, and University of Alabama, 1834; LL.D.,
Yale College, 1845. Born March 2, 1797, Leicester, Vt.
Commenced teaching in South Carolina ; principal of Tabernacle
Academy, S. C. Joined South Carolina Conference, Methodist Episcopal
Church, 1824. Professor of Belles-Lettres, Franklin College, Ga., 1826-
33. President of Randolph-Macon College, Va., 1834-37. Traveled in
Europe and the East, 1837-40. President of Wesleyan University,
1839-41, 1842-51. Delegate to General Conference, Methodist Episcopal
Church, 1844; to Evangelical Alliance, London, England, 1846. Died
August 16, 1 85 1, Middletown, Conn.
D.D. Born May 2, 1778, Stratford, Conn.
Taught in Canada, 1799. Methodist Episcopal minister, New York
Conference, 1802-19. Presiding Elder of Rhinebeck District, 1813-18;
New York District, 1819. One of the founders of the Missionary Society
of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Publishing agent and editor of
books, Methodist Episcopal Church, 1820-28. Editor of The Christian
Advocate and Journal, New York, N. Y., 1828-32. Editor of The Metho-
dist Magazine and Quarterly Review, New York, 1832-36. Correspond-
ing secretary of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, 1836-41. President of Wesleyan University, 1841-42.
Stationed in New York and Brooklyn, 1842-48. Presiding Elder of East
New York District, 1848-52. Superannuated, 1852-62. Trustee of
Wesleyan University, 1851-62. Delegate to the first delegated General
Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1812; delegate, 1812-52,
ten sessions. Died May 3, 1862, New York, N. Y.
B.A., Hamilton College, 1825; M.A., Hamilton; LL.D., Centenary
College, La., 1847, and Hamilton, 1850. Born May 12, 1802, Newport,
N. Y.
Taught in Oneida Conference (now Cazenovia) Seminary, N. Y.,
1825-27; principal, 1827-31. Professor of Mathematics and Astron-
omy, Wesleyan University, 1831-57. President of Wesleyan Uni-
versity, 1852-57. Professor of Natural Philosophy, U. S. Naval
Academy, Annapolis, Md., 1859-66. One of the corps of astronomers
sent to Labrador by the U. S. Government to observe the solar eclipse,
i860. Died March 22, 1866, Annapolis, Md.
BA., Lawrence University, 1870; S.T.B., Boston University, 1873;
Ph.D., Boston University, 1881 ; D.D., Northwestern University, 1884;
LL.D., Lawrence University, 1889; M.A. (ad eundem) , Wesleyan, 1894;
D.D., Yale University, 1901. Born April 22, 1846, Stamford, Conn.
Studied in Hamline University, Minn., 1866-69; Lawrence University,
Wis., 1869-70; School of Theology, Boston University, 1870-73. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister, New England Southern Conference, 1874-83.
Studied in Germany, 1880-81. President of Lawrence University, 1883-
89. President of Wesleyan University, 1889-1908 ; Professor of the
English Bible, 1908-09; of Ethics and Biblical Literature {Emeri-
tus), 1909-16. Author: Christianity and the Christ. Died February 27,
1916, Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Hamilton College, 1883; B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1891 ;
M.A. (Hon.), Hamilton, 1893; M.A. {ad eundem), Wesleyan, 1912;
D.D., University of Washington, 1895, and Allegheny College, 1910;
LL.D., Baker University, 1906, Trinity College, Conn., 1910, University
of Vermont, 191 1, Hamilton, 1913, and Allegheny College, 1915; L.H.D.,
Upper Iowa University, 1909. Born April 18, 1862, Carrollton, Mo.
Methodist Episcopal minister. South Kansas, Columbia River, Puget
Sound, Upper Iowa, and Philadelphia Conferences, 1887-1905. President
of Upper Iowa University, 1905-09; Wesleyan University, 1909 .
Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1908; Methodist Ecu-
menical Conference, 191 1. Member, University Senate, M. E. Church,
1906; Connecticut State Board of Education, 1918 — -. Trustee, Ameri-
can University Union in Europe, 1918 . President, Association of
American Colleges, 1919.
Address : 269 High St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Cincinnati College, 1825; M.A., Cincinnati, 1828. Born 1800,
in Bourbon County, Ky.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Ohio Conference, 1820-26. Agent for
Augusta College, Ky., 1825-26. Professor of Ancient Languages,
Augusta College, 1826-31. Chaplain, U. S. Senate, 1831. Professor
(elect) of Natural Science, Wesleyan University, 1831 ; did not
serve. Editor of The Christian Advocate and Journal, New York,
N. Y., 1832-34. President of Dickinson College, Pa., 1834-45. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister, Philadelphia Conference, 1846-49. Presiding
Elder, North Philadelphia District, 1849. Corresponding secretary of
the Missionary Society, Methodist Episcopal Church, 1850-72. Delegate
to General Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, 1844-72, eight
sessions. Died October 18, 1876, New York, N. Y.
B.A., Columbia College, 1816. Born October 10, 1795, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York Conference, 1817-20. Prin-
cipal of Wesleyan Seminary (situated at New York, N. Y., imtil 1826,
when it was removed to White Plains, N. Y.), 1820-31. Professor of
the Latin and Greek Languages and Literature, Wesleyan Uni-
versity, AND Acting Professor of Natural Science, 1831-32. Died
December 27, 1832, Middletown, Conn.
M.A. (Hon.), Washington (now Trinity) College, Conn., 1834. Born
March 9, 1801, Basle, Switzerland.
Studied in the Gymnasium in Basle. Apprentice and clerk in a com-
mercial house in Basle, 1814-18. Engaged in bookkeeping in Trieste,
Austria, 1818-19. Emigrated to America, 1819. Studied and taught in
Bedford Academy, Pa., 1820-22. Studied theology, 1822-24. Studied in
Theological Seminary of the German Reformed Church, Carlisle, Pa.,
1825-26. Teacher of Modern Languages, Dickinson College, 1826-31.
Professor of Modern Languages, Wesleyan University, 1831-42;
Librarian, 1837-42; Instructor in Modern Languages, 1843, 1848-63.
Taught modern languages in Middletown, Conn., 1842-78. Died January
3, 1878, Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Hamilton College, 1828; M.A., Hamilton, 1831 ; D.D., Emory
College; LL.D., Wesleyan, 1867. Born March 20, 1808, Onondaga,
N. Y.
Studied law in Rochester, N. Y. Taught in Oneida Conference (now
Cazenovia) Seminary, N. Y., 1829. Tutor in Hamilton College, 1831-32.
Professor of the Latin and Greek Languages and Literature,
Wesleyan University, 1833-42. Joined New York Conference, Metho-
dist Episcopal Church, 1834. Transferred to Troy Conference, 1842.
Stationed at Pittsfield, Mass., 1843-45. Professor of Rhetoric, Logic,
and History, University of Michigan, 1845-52. Principal of a school,
Ravenswood, N. J., 1852-54. Stationed at New York and Jamaica, N. Y.,
New York East Conference, 1855-56. Editor of The Methodist Quar-
terly Rezfiew, 1856-84. Delegate to General Conference, Methodist
Episcopal Church, 1852. Died June 8, 1885.
M.A, (Hon.), 1834. Born May 24, 1804, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Graduated at U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., 1828.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry in the same, 1829-35. Acting Pro-
fessor OF Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology, Wesleyan Univer-
sity, 1833-34. First lieutenant, U. S. Army, 1834-36. Professor of
Chemistry, University of Louisiana, 1836. On the geological survey
of the State of New York, 1836-44. Ohio state geologist, 1837-40.
Kentucky state geologist, 1838-39. Professor of Natural Science, Ohio
University, 1842-45; Vice President and Acting President, 1847-50.
Editor of The Wesleyan Agriculturist, 1851-52. Died February 27, 1859,
Columbus, Ohio.
M.A., Princeton College, 1828; D.D., La Grange College, 1843. Born
April 20, 1804, Thomey, Cambridgeshire, England.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Philadelphia Conference, 1822-35.
Assistant Professor of Moral Science and Belles-Lettres, Wes-
leyan University, 1835-36; Professor, 1836-49. Corresponding secre-
tary of American Bible Society, 1849-78. Visited Europe in behalf of
the American Bible Society, 1859. Superannuated, New York Confer-
ence, 1878-93. Delegate to General Conference, Methodist Episcopal
Church, 1840, '48, '52, '60. Died April 10, 1893, Morristown, N. J.
B.A., Bowdoin College, 1832; M.A,, Bov^rdoin, 1835; LL.D., McKen-
dree College, 1850. Born August 23, 1806, Bristol, Me.
Taught in Oneida Conference (now Cazenovia) Seminary, N. Y., 1832-
35; principal, 1835. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, and
Lecturer in Natural Science, Wesleyan University, 1835-37; Pro-
fessor OF Natural Science, 1837-73; Professor Emeritus, 1873-79.
Died December 2, 1879, Clifton, N. Y.
Born January 3, 1803, New York, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York, Genesee, and Oneida Con-
ferences, 1823-33. Health failed; located, 1833. Teacher of Hebrew
IN Wesleyan University, 1838-41 ; Professor of Hebrew and Biblical
Literature, 1841-42. Editor of The Classic, Wesleyan University, 1842.
Founder and President of Newbury Biblical Institute, Vt, 1843-48.
Engaged in literary work in Jersey City, N. J., 1848-95. Editor of The
Bible Magazine, 1882. Delegate to General Conference, Methodist
Episcopal Church, 1828. Died December 7, 1895, Jersey City, N. J.
B.A., Yale College, 1814; M.A., Yale, 1817; LL.D., Western Reserve
University, 1846. Born March 25, 1795, Middletown, Conn.
Admitted to the bar, 1817. Member of the Connecticut House of
Representatives, 1827-29. Member of Congress, 1829-33, 1839-40.
Speaker of the Connecticut House of Representatives, 1834. Associate
Judge of the Connecticut Supreme Court of Errors, 1840. Professor
of Law, Wesleyan University, 1841-46. Chief Justice of Connecticut
Supreme Court of Errors, 1857-61. Professor of Jurisprudence, Yale
College, 1846-47. Died June 25, 1861, Hartford, Conn.
B.A., Harvard University, 1832; D.D., Harvard, 1849. Born August
14, 1809, Portland, Me.
Preached in Methodist Episcopal Church, Medford, Mass., 1831-32;
Newton Upper Falls, 1832-33. Methodist Episcopal minister. New Eng-
land and New York Conferences, 1833-49, 1860-70, 1875-78. Professor
OF Moral Science and Belles-Lettres, Wesleyan University, 1849-
60. Financial Agent of Wesleyan University, 1870-77. Professor
of Logic and Practical Theology, Tabernacle College, Brooklyn, N, Y.,
1875. Died June 19, 1878.
B.A., Hamilton College, 1856; M.A., Madison University, 1857;
LL.D., Rochester University, 1875. Born IDecember 15, 1827, La Grange,
N. Y.
Studied in Genesee College, Lima, N. Y., 1850-54. Teacher of Ancient
Languages, Oxford Collegiate Institute, N. Y., 1855-56; Susquehanna
Seminary, Binghamton, N. Y., 1856-57. Principal of Oxford Collegiate
Institute, N. Y., 1857-58. Studied in the Universities of Berlin, Bonn,
Gottingen, and Athens, 1858-61. Principal of High School, Lyons,
N. Y., 1861-62. Teacher of Ancient Languages in Oneida Conference
(now Cazenovia) Seminary, N. Y., 1862-63. Professor of the Greek
Language and Literature, and Instructor in the Modern Lan-
guages, Wesleyan University, 1863-73; Professor of the Greek
Language and Literature, 1873- 1902. Director, American School of
Classical Studies in Athens, 1884-85. Died January 17, 1902, Middletown,
M.A. (Hon.), 1865; D.D., Northwestern University, 1875. Born
December 15, 1834, Grafton, Mass.
Studied in Methodist General Biblical Institute, Concord, N. H., 1855-
56. Taught in Piedmont Station, Va., 1856-57. Methodist Episcopal
minister. New England Conference, 1857-71. Studied in University of
Halle, Germany, 1867-68. Professor of Rhetoric and English Litera-
ture, Wf:sleyan University, 1871-73; Instructor in Hebrew, 1871-
80; Professor of Modern Languages, 1873-93. Member of Committee
of Revision, Methodist Hymnal, 1876. Delegate to General Conference,
Methodist Episcopal Church, 1884. Died October 10, 1893, Pasadena,
B.A., Boston University, 1881 ; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University,
1884; M.A. (ad eundem), Wesleyan, 1894. Born January 10, 1859,
Fitchburg, Mass.
Instructor in Biology, Wesleyan University, 1884-86; Associate
Professor, 1886-88; Professor, 1888-1917. Director, Cold Spring Har-
bor Biological Laboratory, 1889-97. Lecturer on Biology, Trinity Col-
lege (Conn.), 1888-89. Lecturer on Agricultural Bacteriology, Conn.
Agricultural College, 1901-05. Secretary, Society of American Bacterio-
logists, 1899-1902; President, 1902-17. Bacteriologist, and director of the
laboratory, Conn. State Board of Health, 1905-17. Author: Evolution
of To-day; Story of Germ Life; The Living World; Agricultural
Bacteriology; Elementary, Introductory, and Advanced Physiology, and
more than 150 scientific papers. Corresponding editor: Revue Generale
du Lait. Died April 18, 1917, Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Princeton University, 1881 ; M.A., Princeton, 1884, and Wesleyan
(ad eimdem), 1894; Ph.D. (Hon.), Princeton, 1896. Born August 22,
i860, New York, N. Y.
Fellow in Mental Science, Princeton University, 1881-82. Studied in
Princeton Theological Seminary, 1882-85 (graduated, 1885) ; University
of Berlin, Germany, 1885-86. Associate Professor of Ecclesiastical
History, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1886-87. Instructor in
History, Princeton University, 1887-88. Professor of Philosophy,
Wesleyan University, 1888 . Chairman, Section of Metaphysics,
St. Louis Exposition, 1904. President, American Philosophical Associa-
tion, 1915; Chairman, Committee on International Cooperation, 1916 — ^ — .
Lecturer, Hartford Theological Seminary, 1902; Columbia University,
1904. Author: Transitional Eras in Thought. Associate editor: New
Princeton Review, 1887-88. Cooperating editor: Psychological Review,
1904-10. Translator : Falckenherg's History of Modern Philosophy.
Address: 132 High St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Princeton University, 1870; M.A., Princeton, 1882; Ph.D.,
Johns Hopkins University, 1886; LL.D., Wake Forest College, 1887,
Tulane University, 1898, Johns Hopkins University, 1901, Rutgers Col-
lege, 1902, University of Pennsylvania, 1903, Brown University, 1903,
Harvard University, 1907, Williams College, 1908, and Dartmouth
College, 1909; Litt.D., Yale University, 1901. Born December 28, 1856,
Staunton, Va.
Studied in Law School of the University of Virginia, 1879-80. Prac-
tised law, Atlanta, Ga., 1882-83. Graduate student, Johns Hopkins
University, 1883-85. Professor of History and Political Economy, Bryn
Mawr College, 1885-88; Wesleyan University, 1888-90. Professor of
Jurisprudence and Politics, Princeton University, 1890-1902; President,
1902-10. Governor of New Jersey, 1911-13 (resigned). President of
the United States, 1913-21. Author: Congressional Government; The
State ; A History of the American People, etc.
Address : Washington, D. C.
B.A., Williams College, 1884; Ph.D., University of Gottingen, 1889;
M.A. {ad eundem), Wesleyan, 1894; Sc.D., Wesleyan, 1914. Born July
7, 1862, Lee, Mass.
Studied in the University of Gottingen, Germany, 1884-86, 1888-89.
Assistant in Chemistry, Williams College, 1886-88. Instructor in
Chemistry, Wesleyan University, 1889-90; Associate Professor,
1890-93; Professor, 1893-1914. Research chemist, U. S. Rubber Co.,
1914-19. President and treasurer, Bradstone Rubber Co., 1919 .
Address: Woodbine, N. J.
B.A., Mount Allison University, Canada, 1883; B.A., Harvard Uni-
versity, 1887; M.A., Harvard, 1888; M.A. {ad eundem), Wesleyan,
1900; LL.D., Mount Allison University, 1920. Born November 4, 1864,
Sackville, N. B., Canada.
Tutor in English and French, Mount Allison College, Canada, 1883-84.
Studied in Harvard College, 1885-87. Graduate student. Harvard Uni-
versity, 1887-88. Instructor in Sanskrit, Harvard University, 1888-89;
Instructor in Latin, 1889-91. Tutor in Latin, Wesleyan University,
University of Leipzig, 1899-1901. Instructor in German, Western
Reserve University, 1901-03. Associate Professor of German, Wes-
LEYAN University, 1903-05 ; Professor, 1905-20. Gebhard Professor of
Germanic Languages and Literature, Columbia University, 1920 .
Instructor in German, Summer School, University of Virginia, 1903-05 ;
Columbia University, 1907, 1917. Lecturer, Chautauqua Institution,
N. Y., 1917, 1918. Author : Der Wortschats des englischen Maundeville,
1902; The German Empire between two Wars, 1916. Editor: E. T. A.
Hoffman's Meister Martin.
Address : Columbia University, New York, N. Y.
B.A., Central Wesleyan College, 1888; M.A., Central Wesleyan, 1891 ;
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1895; M.A. (ad eundem), Wesleyan, 1906.
Born March 10, 1868, Burlington, Iowa.
Studied in the University of Berlin, Germany, 1888-90. Acting Pro-
fessor of Latin, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1890-91 ; Professor of
Greek, 1891-94. Fellow in Greek, University of Chicago, 1894-95.
Docent in Ancient Philosophy, University of Chicago, 1895-96. Pro-
fessor of Latin, Iowa (now Grinnell) College, 1896-1905. Professor
of Greek, Wesleyan University, 1905 . Author: Pseudo-Pla-
tonica; The Necessary and the Contingent in the Aristotelian System.
Editor: Plato's Euthyphro. Associate editor : Classical Philology.
Address: 136 High St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Bowdoin College, 1897; M.A., Bowdoin, 1899; M.A., Harvard
University, 1900; Ph.D., Harvard, 1902; M.A. (ad eundem), Wesleyan,
1915. Born August 23, 1875, Armley, Yorkshire, England.
Assistant in Latin and Greek, Bowdoin College, 1897-98. Principal
of High School, Hanover, N. H., 1898-99. Graduate student, Harvard
University, 1899-1902. Instructor in Latin, Worcester Academy, Mass.,
1902-03 ; Master in Latin, 1903-05. Associate Professor of Latin and
Greek, Wesleyan University, 1905-13; Professor of Classics,
1913 . Joint editor : Xenophon's Anabasis, I-IV.
Address : 31 College Place, Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Yale University, 1905; M.A., Yale, 1907; Ph.D., Yale, 1909;
M.A. (ad eundem), Wesleyan, 1920. Born July 3, 1884, DeKalb, 111.
Taught in Cheshire School, Conn., 1905-07. Graduate student, Yale
University, 1907-09. Instructor in German, Sheffield Scientific School,
1907-08. Instructor in German, Wesleyan University, 1909-12;
Associate Professor, 1913-20; Professor, 1920 . Studied in Ger-
many, 1912-13.
Address : 196 College St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A.. Oberlin College, 1899; M.D., Columbia University, 1909; M.A.
(ad eundem), Wesleyan, 1915. Born May 7, 1875, North Eaton, Ohio.
Coach and Gymnasium Director, Centre College, Ky., 1899-1900.
Tutor in Greek, Oberlin Academy, and Teacher of Gymnastics, Oberlin
College, 1900-03. Taught in Horace Mann School, New York, N. Y.,
1903-04. Studied in College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1904-09.
Associate Professor of Physical Education, Columbia University, 1909-
II. Associate Professor of Physical Education, Wesleyan Uni-
versity, 1911-13; Professor, 1913 •
Address: 55 Mt. Vernon St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., University of Michigan, 1902; M.A., University of Chicago,
1912; M.A. (ad eundem), Wesleyan, 1920. Born January 29, 1879,
Tecumseh, Mich.
Professor of English, Grand Island College, Neb., 1905-07. Instructor
in English, Purdue University, 1907-09. Instructor in Rhetoric, Univer-
sity of Michigan, 1909-13. Associate Professor of Rhetoric, Wes-
leyan University, 1913-20; Professor, 1920 .
Address: 32 Wyllys St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Amherst College, 1883; M.A., Amherst, 1886; Ph.D., Univer-
sity of Heidelberg, 1886; LL.D., Wabash College, 1913; M.A. {ad
eundem), Wesleyan, 1915. Born November 27, 1862, Hadley, Mass.
Principal, High School, Ware, Mass., 1883-84. Studied in Germany,
1884-86. Instructor in Political Economy, Amherst College, 1886-92:
Associate Professor of Political Economy and International Law, 1892-
93. Professor of History and Sociology, Wabash College, 1893-98; of
Political Economy and Political Science, 1898- 1913. Professor of Eco-
nomics AND Social Science, Wesleyan University, 1913 . Pro-
fessor of Economics and Social Science, Indiana University (summer
sessions), 1911-13, 1915. Author: Outline of Course in Economic
Theory, 1894; Principles of Economics, 1919.
Address : Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Brown University, 1895; M.A., Brown, 1896; Ph.D., Brown,
1898; M.A. {ad eundem), Wesleyan, 1915. Born February 6, 1873,
Fairhaven, Mass.
Instructor in Mathematics, Brown University, 1895-1900; .Assistant
Professor of Astronomy, 1900-09; Professor of Naval Science, 1918-19;
Professor of Nautical Science, 1919-20. Assistant Professor of Astron-
omy, University of Chicago, 1909-14. Professor of Astronomy, Wes-
leyan University, 1914-18, 1920 . Instructor in Navigation, U. S.
Shipping Board, 1917-18.
Address : 74 Wyllys St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Brown University, 1906; M.A., Brown, 1908; S.T.B., Boston
University, 1910; Ph.D., Boston University, 1912; M.A. {ad eundem),
Wesleyan, 1918. Born September 20, 1884, Holbrook, Mass.
Assistant in Philosophy and Greek, Brown University, 1906-08.
Studied in Boston, Berlin, and Marburg, 1908-12. Professor of Philoso-
phy and Psychology, Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1912-15. Asso-
ciate Professor of Ethics and Religion, Wesleyan University,
1915-17; Professor, 1917-19. Professor of Philosophy, Boston Uni-
versity, 1919 . Author: The Sources of the Hexateuch, 1918.
Address: 43 Braeland Ave., Newton Centre, Mass.
Ph.B., Penn College, 1906; B.S., Haverford College, 1907; M.A.,
Haverford, 1908; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1913; M.A. {ad eundem),
Wesleyan, 1918. Born September 30, 1885, Oskaloosa, Iowa.
Assistant in Chemistry, Haverford College, 1908-09. Professor of
Chemistry, Penn College, 1909-10. Austin Teaching Fellow, Harvard
University, 1910-11; Carnegie Research Fellow, 1911-13. Associate
Professor of Chemistry, Syracuse University, 1913-15. Associate Pro-
fessor OF Chemistry, Wesleyan University, 1915-18; Professor,
1918 .
Address : 151 Mt. Vernon St., Middletown, Conn.
Born March 5, 1875, Fort Brown, Texas.
Commissioned second lieutenant, U. S. Army, 1898 ; retired for phy-
sical disability, with rank of major, 1917. Commandant, Reserve
Officers' Training Corps, with Rank of Professor, Wesleyan Uni-
versity, 1917-18. Commandant, University of Chicago Students' Army
Training Corps, 1918-19. On Army recruiting duty, Birmingham, Ala.,
1920. With Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Cornell University,
1921 .
Address : Military Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
B.A., Harvard University, 1893; M.A., Harvard, 1894; Ph.D., Har-
vard, 1897; M.A. (ad eundem), Wesleyan, 1918. Born April 25, 1868,
Manchester, N. H.
Graduate student, and Assistant in English, Harvard University, 1893-
97. Instructor in English, Haverford College, 1897-98. Instructor in
English, Syracuse University, 1898-99; Associate Professor, 1899-1901 ;
Professor, 1901-03. Associate Professor of English, Simmons College,
1903-06; Professor, 1906-18. Professor of English Literature, Wes-
leyan University, 1918 . Author: Scandinavian Influences in the
English Romantic Movement, 1903. Joint-author: An Advanced English
Grammar, 191 3 ; A Concise English Grammar, 1918. Editor : Milton's
Paradise Lost, Books I and II, 1898.
Address : 142 High St., Middletown, Conn.
B.S., Tabor College, 1897; Ph.D., Yale University, 1901 ; Sc.D.,
Denver University, 1914; M.A. {ad eundem), Wesleyan, 1920. Born
August 21, 1874, Wapello, Iowa.
Instructor in Chemistry, Tabor College, 1897-99. Graduate student,
Yale University, 1899-1901. Professor of Biology, Tabor College, 1901-
03; Colorado College, 1903-19; Wesleyan University, 1919 .
Commissioned Captain, Sanitary Corps, U. S. Army, December, 1917;
promoted to Major, June, 1918. Member of Medical Research Board.
In charge of Physiology, Air Service, A. E. F., France, August, 1918-
March, 1919; Medical Research Laboratory, Mineola, N. Y., April-July,
1919. Part author: Report of Pike's Peak Expedition, 191 1; Manual
of the Medical Research Laboratory, Air Service.
Address : 97 Broad St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Williams College, 1902; M.A., Harvard University, 1904;
Ph.D., Harvard, 1919. Born September 28, 1882, Williamstown, Mass.
Taught in Dow Academy, Franconia, N. H., 1902-03. Graduate
student. Harvard University, 1903-06; Assistant in English, 1904-05.
Instructor in English, Colorado College, 1906-08; Assistant Professor,
1908-10; Professor, 1910-17. Visiting Professor of English, University
of Illinois, 1917-19. Associate Professor of English, Indiana Univer-
sity, 1919-20. Professor of English Literature, Wesleyan Univer-
sity, 1920 . Taught in the summer school of Harvard University,
1918, 1921 ; University of Colorado, 1919; Indiana University, 1920.
Author : Essentials of English Composition.
Address : 86 Pearl St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., De Pauw University, 1882; M.A., De Pauw, 1884; Ph.D., Johns
Hopkins University, 1890.
Principal of public schools, Sparland, 111., 1882-84. Professor of Latin
and Greek, Upper Iowa University, 1884-88. Graduate student, Johns
Hopkins University, 1888-90. Associate Professor of History, Wes-
leyan University, 1890-94. Professor of History, De Pauw Univer-
sity, 1894 .
Address : Greencastle, Ind.
B.A., Princeton University, 1891 ; M.A., Princeton, 1892; Ph.D.,
Princeton, 1894. Born January 10, 1869, Beverly, Md.
Fellow, Princeton University, 1891-92; Instructor, 1892-94. Associ-
ate Professor of History, Wesleyan University, 1894-96. Associate
Professor of History, Smith College, 1898-1904; Professor, 1904-07.
Commercial attache, American Embassy, Rome, 1918 .
Address : American Embassy, Rome, Italy.
B.A., New York University, 1883; B.A., Harvard University, 1884;
Ph.D., University of Bonn, 1894. Born May 12, 1863, New York, N. Y.
Graduate student. Harvard University, 1884-87. Professor of Latin,
Middlebury College, 1887-91. Studied in the University of Bonn, Ger-
many, 1891-92, 1893-94; American School of Classical Studies, Athens,
1892-93. Instructor in Greek, Wesleyan University, 1895-98; Asso-
ciate Professor, 1898-1905. Managing editor, American Journal of
Archcuology, 1906-08; Editor-in-chief, 1908 .
Address : Cambridge, Mass.
B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1889; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1892.
Born April 20, 1870, Baltimore, Md.
Instructor in German, Johns Hopkins University, 1894-96. Associate
Professor of German, Wesleyan University, 1896-1903. Assistant
Professor of German, University of Wisconsin, 1903-04. Assistant
Professor of German, Cornell University, 1904-10; Professor, 1910 .
Author : Charles Sealsfield; The German Element in the United States;
Guide to the Materials for American History in Swiss and Austrian
Address : Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
B.A., Harvard University, 1889; M.A., Harvard, 1895; Ph.D., Har-
vard, 1897. Born October 27, 1867, Dighton, Mass.
Taught in Bristol Academy, Taunton, Mass., 1889-94. Studied in the
University of Leipzig, Germany, 1897-98. Taught in Lawrenceville
School, N. J., 1898-99. Assistant Professor of Comparative Philology,
Cornell University, 1899-1901. Instructor in Latin, Wesleyan Uni-
versity, 1901-02; Associate Professor, 1902-05. Professor of Latin,
University of Maine, 1905 . Editor : Selected Lives of Nepos.
Address: Orono, Me.
B.A., Marietta College, 1887; M.A., Marietta, 1890; Ph.D., University
of Chicago, ,1905.
Professor of (Mathematics and Astronomy, Marietta College, 1890-
1906. Associate Professor of Mathematics, Wesleyan University,
1906-08. Professor of Mathematics, University of South Dakota,
1908 .
Address: Vermilion, S. Dak.
B.S., University of Oregon, 1902; M.S., University of Oregon, 1903;
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1907. Born August 31, 1880, Sierraville,
Scholar in Chemistry, University of Oregon, 1901-02; Instructor in
Chemistry, 1902-04. University Fellow in Chemistry, Columbia Uni-
versity, 1904-05. Instructor in Chemistry, New York Evening High
Schools, 1905-06. Instructor in Qualitative Analysis, Columbia Univer-
sity Summer School, 1907. Instructor in Chemistry, Wesleyan
University, 1907-12; Associate Professor, 1912-13. Associate Pro-
fessor of Organic Chemistry, Iowa State College, 1 913- 19. Captain,
Chemical Warfare Service, U. S. Army, June, 1918-February, 1919.
Assistant Professor of Chemical Research in Pharmacology, Harvard
Medical School, 1919 .
Address: Harvard Medical School, Brookline, Mass.
B.A., Columbia University, 1904. Born December 20, 1881, New
York, N. Y.
Taught in Wilbraham Academy, Mass., 1904-05. Professor of Eng-
lish, Temple College, 1906-07. Graduate student, Harvard University,
1905-06; Columbia University (also Assistant in English), 1907-08.
Instructor in English, Wesleyan University, 1908-13; Associate
Professor, 1913-17. Associate Professor of English Literature, Mt.
Holyoke College, 1921 .
Address: Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.
B.S., Rhode Island State College, 1907; M.A., Yale University, 1908;
Ph.D., Yale, 1910. Born August i, 1887, Hillsdale, R. I.
Instructor in Mathematics, Wesleyan University, 1910-15; Asso-
ciate Professor, 1915-16. Professor of Mathematics, Pennsylvania Col-
lege of Gettysburg, 1916 . On leave of absence, to serve as Director,
American Red Cross, 1918 .
Address : Gettysburg, Pa.
B.A., Harvard University, 1900; M.A., Harvard, 1902; Ph.D., Colum-
bia University, 191 1. Born December 18, 1878, Hartford, Conn.
Resident, University Settlement, New York, N. Y., 1900-01. Graduate
student, Harvard University, 1901-03; Columbia University, 1910-11.
Instructor in Philosophy, University of Illinois, 1911-12. Associate
Professor of Ethics and Religion, Wesleyan University, 1912-15,
Professor of Philosophy, Vassar College, 1915 . Author: Problem
of Things in Themselves, 191 1; Problems of Conduct, 1914; Problems
of Religion, 1916.
Address: 162 College St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
B.A., Yale University, 1906; Ph.D., Yale, 1909. Born May 18, 1883,
Laurens, N. Y.
Instructor in Chemistry, Wesleyan University, 1912-14; Asso-
ciate Professor, 191 4- 15. Research Chemist, National Aniline and
Chemical Company, Buffalo, N. Y,, 191 5-21. Professor of Chemistry,
Washington University, 1921 .
Address: Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.
Ph.B., Brown University, 1909; M.Sc, Brown, 1910; Ph.D., Brown,
Instructor in Chemistry, Brown University, 1909-11. Associate Pro-
fessor of Chemistry, William Jewell College, 1911-12; Professor of
Organic Chemistry and Biology, 1912-13. Lecturer, International Com-
mittee, Y. M. C. A., 1911-13. Lecturer in Chemistry, Wesleyan
University, 1913-14; Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1914-18.
Address: Calco Chemical Co., Bound Brook, N. J.
B.A., Earlham College, 1908; M.A., State University of Iowa, 1910;
Ph.D., State University of Iowa, 1913. Born March 29, 1885, Dickey
County, N. Dak.
Professor of Psychology and Education, Penn College, 1908-09. Fel-
low in Psychology, State University of Iowa, 1909-11. Associate Pro-
fessor OF Psychology, Wesleyan University, 1913-14. Research
psychologist, Nutrition Laboratory, Carnegie Institution, Boston, Mass.,
1914 .
Address : Nutrition Laboratory, Vila St., Boston, Mass.
B.S., Amherst College, 1909; M.A., Columbia University, 1914; Ph.D.,
Columbia, 1916. Born September 11, 1887, Salem, Mass.
Assistant in Biology, Amherst College, 1909-11. Graduate student,
Columbia University, 1911-14 (University Scholar, 1911-12; Assistant,
1912-14). Fellow in Biology, Princeton University, 1914-15. Instructor
in Biology, Union College, 1915-16. Instructor in Zoology, Wes-
leyan University, 1916-17; Associate Professor, 1917 . Instruc-
tor in Embryology, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.,
Address : 65 Home Ave., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Colby College, 1909; M.A., Harvard University, 1912; Ph.D.,
Harvard, 191 5. Born February 8, 1886, Brockton, Mass.
Taught in Mount Hermon School, Mass., 1909- 11. Graduate student,
Harvard University, 1911-15. Sheldon Traveling Fellow of Harvard,
1915-16. Assistant Professor of Geology, Middlebury College, 1916-18.
Associate Professor of Geology, Wesleyan University, 1918 .
Address : i Miles Ave., Middletown, Conn,
B.A., Yale University, 1904; M.A., Yale, 1905; Ph.D., Yale, 1907.
Born December 8, 1882, Athol, Mass.
Graduate student, and Assistant in Chemistry, Yale University, 1904-07.
Instructor in Chemistry, New Hampshire College, 1907-10. Professor
of Chemistry, Baker University, 1910-18. Associate Professor of
Chemistry, Wesleyan University, 1918-19. Professor of Chemistry,
Albion College, 19 19 .
Address: Albion College, Albion, Mich.
B.S., Massachusetts Agricultural College, 1912; M.A., Harvard Uni-
versity, 1916; Ph.D., Harvard, 1918. Born January 2^, 1885, Cambridge,
Engaged in manufacturing, 1912-13. Graduate student, and teacher
of Economics and Sociology, Harvard University, 1913-18. Member,
National Industrial Conference Board, 1918-19. Associate Professor
OF Economics and Social Science, Wesley/\n University, 1919-21.
In the Department of Economics, Wellesley College, 1921 .
Address : Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass.
B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1913; M.A., Harvard Univer-
sity, 1914; Ph.D., Harvard, 1917. Born March 22, 1892, Worcester,
Assistant in Organic Chemistry, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1914-
16. Instructor in Chemistry, Harvard University, 1917-19. Associate
Professor of Chemistry, Wesleyan University, 1919 .
Address : 59 Home Ave., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Trinity College, N. C, 1911 ; M.A., Columbia University, 1916;
Ph.D., Cornell University, 1919. Born August 8, 1891, Kittrell, N. C.
Principal, Lakewood School, Durham, N. C, 1911-12; Burgaw High
School, N. C, 1912-16. Fellow in Economics and Finance, Cornell Uni-
versity, 1916-17. Instructor in Economics, Cornell University, 1917-19.
Assistant Professor of Economics, Clark College, and Lecturer in
Economics, Clark University, 1919-20. Associate Professor of Eco-
nomics and Social Science, Wesleyan University, 1920 .
Address : 49 Brainerd Ave., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Amherst College, 1912; Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1920.
Born March 11, 1889, Reading, Pa.
Fellow in Romance Languages, Johns Hopkins University, 1912-13.
Instructor in Romance Languages, Amherst College, 1913-14; Trinity
College (Conn.), 1914-17. Appointed Fellow and Preceptor, Princeton
University, May, 1917. Lieutenant (junior grade), U. S. Naval Reserve
Force, 1917-19. Instructor in Romance Languages, University of
Minnesota, 1919-20. Associate Professor of Romance Languages,
Wesleyan University, 1920 .
Address: 330 Washington St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., University of Alabama, 1913; M.A., Harvard University, 1916;
Ph.D., Harvard, 1920. Born October 29, 1891, Lower Peachtree, Ala.
Taught in High Schools, Alabama, 1913-15. Graduate student,
Harvard University, 1915-17. Employed in Government war work in
Washington, D. C, 1917-18. Assistant in Economics, Harvard Univer-
sity, 1919-20. Instructor in Economics, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 1920. Assistant Professor of Economics and Social
Science, Wesleyan University, 1920-21 ; Associate Professor,
1921 .
Address : 255 William St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Harvard University, 1886. Born December 20, 1863, Erie, Pa.
Clerk in American Baptist Publication Society, Boston, Mass., 1886-87.
Studied in Newton Theological Seminary, 1887-89; Crozer Theological
Seminary, 1889-90. Assistant pastor. People's M. E. Church, Boston,
Mass., 1890-92. Taught in Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, N. Y., 1892-
93; School of Expression, Boston, 1893-95, 1897-1907; Worcester Acad-
emy, Mass., 1895-96; Andover Theological Seminary, 1900-07; Harvard
University, 1905-06 ; James Millikin University, 1907-13 ; Lombard Col-
lege, 1913-16; College of Emporia, 1916-17. Instructor in Public
Speaking, Wesleyan University, 1917-20; Assistant Professor,
1920 .
Address : 324 Washington St., Middletown, Conn.
Ph.B., Yale University, 1910; M.A., Yale, 1914; Ph.D., Yale, 1916.
Born May 13, 1887, Housatonic, Mass.
Assistant in Chemistry, Mass. Agricultural College, 1910-12. Graduate
student, and Assistant in Chemistry, Yale University, 1912-16. Instruc-
tor in Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, 1916-17. Commissioned
first lieutenant. Sanitary Corps, U. S. Army, October, 1917. Discharged
with commission as captain, Reserve Corps, April, 1919. Assistant
Professor of Chemistry, Wesleyan University, 1919-20. In Govern-
ment service, Washington, D. C.
Address : Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C.
B.A., Butler College, 1906. Born March 20, 1884, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Graduate student, Cornell University, 1906-07. Teaching Fellow, Uni-
versity of Illinois, 1907-08; Princeton University, 1908-09. Taught in
University High School, Chicago, 1909-12; graduate student. University
of Chicago, 1909-11. Taught in Polytechnic High School, Riverside,
Cal., 1912-18; Riverside Junior College, 1916-18; Central High School,
Duluth, Minn., 1918-19. Instructor in Mathematics, University of
Minnesota, 1919-20. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Wes-
leyan University, 1920 .
Address : 264 William St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Yale University, 1907; M.A., Harvard University, 1912; Ph.D.,
Harvard, 1916. Born May 3, 1885, Watertown, N. Y.
Taught in High School, Watertown, N. Y., 1907-10. Studied in the
Universities of Munich and BerHn, and traveled in Europe, 1910-11.
Graduate student, Harvard University, 1911-16; Instructor in German,
1913-16. Instructor in Modern Languages, Princeton University, 1916-17.
Served as first lieutenant. Corps of Interpreters, U. S. Army, 1918-19.
Instructor in German, Harvard University, 1919-20. Assistant Pro-
fessor OF German, Wesleyan University, 1920-21.
Address: Watertown, N. Y.
B.A., Clark College, 1910; M.A., Clark University, 1911; Ph.D.,
Clark University, 1914. Born March o.'j, 1889, Spencer, Mass.
Graduate student, Clark University, 1910-11. Assistant in Physics,
Clark College, 1911-13. Fellow in Physics, Clark University, 1912-14,
Associate Professor of Physics and Mathematics, Richmond College.
1914-16. Instructor in Physics, Simmons College, 1916-17; New York
University, 1917-20. Assistant Professor of Physics, Wesleyan
University, 1920 .
Address : 61 Home Ave., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Oxford University, England, 1912; M.A., Oxford, 1920; Ph.D.,
Harvard University, 1920. Bom July 17, 1889, Boughton-under-Bleau,
Kent, England.
Studied in London School of Economics, 1912-13. King Edward VII.
Scholar, Leipzig University, 1913-14. Classical master, Reading School,
England, 1914-15. Tutor in classics, Borough Road Normal College,
London, 1915-16. Professor of Ancient History, St. Francis Xavier
University, Nova Scotia, 1916-18. Graduate student, Harvard Univer-
sity, 1918-20. Assistant Professor of Psychology, Wesleyan
University, 1920 .
Address: 208 High St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Lafayette College, 1912; M.A., Harvard University, [917;
Ph.D., Harvard, 1921. Born December 31, 1892, Orange, N. J.
Instructor in English, Lafayette College, 1912-14. Assistant Professor
of English and Latin, Pennsylvania Military College, 1914-16. Graduate
student. Harvard University, 1916-18, 1919-20. With Base Hospital 7,
American Expeditionary Force, May, 1918-April, 1919. Instructor in
English Language, Wesleyan University, 1920-21; Assistant
Professor, 1921-22.
Address: 417 High St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Bowdoin College, 1907; M.A., Columbia University, 1910. Born
April 6, 1883, St. George, Me.
Instructor in English, New York University, 1907-08. Graduate
student, Columbia University, 1908-09. Instructor in English, Bowdoin
College, 1909-10; Williams College, 1910-11. With the Bureau of
Education in Alaska, 1911-12. Instructor in English, University of
Utah, 1913-15; Indiana University, 1916-17, 1919-21. Commissioned
first lieutenant, Field Artillery, U. S. Army, 1917. Professor of
English {pro tempore^, Reed College, 1919. Assistant Professor of
English, Wesleyan University, 1921 .
Address : 53 Home Ave., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Yale College, 1828; M.A., Yale, 1831 ; M.D., Medical College
of South Carolina, 1837; LL.D., Hamilton College, 1861 ; M.A. (Hon.),
Dartmouth College, 1873. Born March 31, 1809, Pomfret, Conn.
Studied in Hamilton College, 1825-26. Taught in Geneva, N. Y.,
1828-29; Richmond, Va., 1829-31. Assistant in Yale Chemical Labora-
tory, 1831-36. Lecturer in Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology,
Wesleyan University, 1834-35. Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy,
and Geology, Dartmouth College, 1836-66; Lecturer, 1866-69; Lecturer
in Chemistry and Pharmacy, 1869-71 ; Professor, 1871-83 ; Professor
Emeritus, 1883-1900. Overseer of Thayer School of Civil Engineering,
Dartmouth College, 1871-95. Secretary of New York Academy of
Sciences. Died March 9, 1900, New York, N. Y.
B.A., Middlebury College, 1840; M.A. (Hon.), Trinity College, Conn.,
1847; LL.D., Middlebury College, 1881. Born January 28, 1814, Corn-
wall, Vt.
Taught in Kentucky, 1840-41 ; Huntsville, Ala., 1841-43. Delivered
lectures in Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore. Md., Washington, D. C, Boston,
Mass., etc., 1844-45. Ordained priest of the Protestant Episcopal Church,
1849. Editor of The Churchnmn, New York, N. Y., 1853-55; The
Church Monthly, 1856-58. Rector of St. Michael's Church, Litchfield,
Conn., 1858-60. Chaplain in U. S. Army, 1862-65. Lecturer on
Shakespeare, Wesleyan University, 1868-69. . Engaged in literary
work and teaching, in or near Boston, Mass., 1865-86. Editor of The
Saturday Evening Gazette, 1867-70. Died January 16, 1886, Cambridge,
M.D., Berkshire Medical College, 1862; Ph.D. (Hon.), University
of Vermont, 1878; V.S., Montreal Vermont College, 1878. Born March
6, 1839, Rome, Mass.
Practised medicine in Canaan, N. Y., 1862-68. Studied in Lawrence
Scientific School, Cambridge, Mass., 1865-67. Lecturer on Compara-
tive Osteology, Wesleyan University, 1868-71. Veterinary Surgeon
to Conn. State Board of Agriculture, 1871-73. Professor of Veterinary
Science, Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass., 1873-76. Lecturer on
Veterinary Medicine, University of Vermont, 1876-79. Practised as
veterinary surgeon, Hartford, Conn., 1879-82. Deceased; date of death
E[LiAS] hershe:y sneath.
B.A., Lebanon Valley College, 1881 ; B.D., Yale University, 1884;
M.A., Lebanon Valley, 1889; Ph.D., Yale, 1890; LL.D., Lebanon
Valley, 1903. Born August 7, 1857, Mountville, Pa.
Instructor in Mental Philosophy, Wesleyan University, 1885-88.
Lecturer on the History of Philosophy, Yale University, 1889-91 ;
Instructor in Philosophy, 1891-93; Assistant Professor of Philosophy,
1893-98; Professor of Philosophy, 1898-1904; Professor of Theory and
Practice of Education, and Director of the Summer School, 1904-12;
Professor of the Philosophy of Religion and Religious Education,
1912 . Lecturer in Ethics, Wesleyan University, 1920. Author:
The Philosophy of Reid; The Ethics of Hobbes; The Mind of Tennyson.
Address : 285 Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn.
B.A., Amherst College, 1876; M.A., Amherst, 1878; D.D., Berea
College, 1898. Born February i, 1850, Coventry, N. Y.
Instructor in Hebrew, Hartford Theological Seminary, 1879-81.
Pastor of Congregational Church, LeMars, Iowa, 1883-85; Prescott,
Ariz., 1885-86 ; West Springfield, Mass., 1886-88. Associate Professor
of Systematic' Theology, Hartford Theological Seminary, 1888-90;
Professor of Biblical Dogmatics and Ethics, 1890-1914. Lecturer in
Ethics, Wesleyan University, 1909-11. Author: Christ's Estimate
of Himself; Teacher-Training zvith the Master Teacher; Jesus the
King of Truth. Died April 14, 19 14, Hartford, Conn.
B.A., Amherst College, 1880; .M.A., Amherst, 1884; D.D., Amherst,
1901. Born January 5, 1859, Westfield, Mass.
Graduated from Hartford Theological Seminary, 1883 ; graduate
student, 1883-84, Assistant pastor, Plymouth Congregational Church,
Milwaukee, Wis., 1884-85. Pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church,
Grand Forks, N. Dak., 1885-88. Studied in the Universities of Berlin
and Tubingen, Germany, 1889-91. Instructor in Apologetics, Hartford
Theological Seminary, 1888-90; Associate Professor, 1890-95; Professor,
1895 . Lecturer in Evidences of Christianity, Wesleyan Uni-
versity, 1909-11. Trustee of Smith College and of Amherst College.
Editor-in chief : Hartford Seminary Record, 1894 •
Address: 16 Marshall St., Hartford, Conn.
B.A., Harvard University, 1890; M.A., University of Chicago, 1894,
and Harvard University, 1897; Ph.D., Yale University, 1909. Born
March 21, 1868, Exeter, N. H.
Headmaster, School for Boys, Plymouth, Mass., 1890-92. Taught in
University School, Chicago, 111., 1892-93. Graduate student, University
of Chicago, 1893-94. Instructor in History, Armour Institute of
Technology, Chicago, 111., 1894-96. Graduate student. Harvard Univer-
sity, 1896-99; Assistant in History, 1897-98. Lecturer in Harvard
Summer School, 1898. Studied in the University of Leipzig, Germany,
1899- 1900. Instructor in History, Sheffield Scientific School, Yale Uni-
versity, 1900-06. Lecturer in History, Wesleyan University, 1909-
10 (first half-year). Special agent, U. S. Department of Justice,
1917-19. Lecturer on European History, Leland Stanford, Jr., Univer-
sity, 1920. Member, Board of Education, District of Columbia, 1917-20.
Chairman, Publication Committee, American Historical Association,
1915 . Author: The President's Cabinet, 1912; Some Aspects of
the Cabinet Meeting, 1915.
Address: 2123 Bancroft Place, N. W., Washington, D. C.
B.A., Indiana University, 1896; M.A., Indiana University, 1897; Ph.D.,
Yale University, 1902. Born March 17, 1874, Huntingburg, Ind.
Assistant in Chemistry and Bacteriology, Indiana University, 1897-
1900. Instructor in Bacteriology, Yale University, 1902-06; Assistant
Professor of Bacteriology and Hygiene, 1906-19 ; Professor of Bacteri-
ology, 1919 . Lecturer in Bacteriology, Wesleyan University,
Address : 198 Edwards St., New Haven, Conn.
B.A., Toronto University, 1909. Born 1885, Clarkson, Ont, Canada.
Taught in Lindsay Collegiate Institute, Canada, 1910. Instructor in
History, University of Toronto, 1914. Lieutenant, Northamptonshire
Regiment, British Army, 1914-16. Wounded in the Battle of the Somme,
September, 1916. Discharged, unfit for duty, January, 1918. Lecturer
IN Military Science and Tactics, Wesleyan University, 1918-19
(first term). Teaching in Normal School, Stratford, Ont, Canada,
1919 .
Address : 289 Ontario St., Stratford, Ont., Canada.
Graduated from the University of Edinburgh, 1889; D.D., Rutgers
College, 1899, Princeton University, 1919. Born August 23, 1866.
Falkirk, Scotland.
Presbyterian minister, Vermont, New York, and New Jersey, i8qi-
191 1. Professor of Practical Theology, Hartford Theological Seminary,
1913 • Associate at Barnard College, 1916 . Lecturer in
Ethics and Religion, Wesleyan University, 1919-20 (first term).
Author: Religion and the Growing Mind, 1912; Under the Highest
Leadership, 1917.
Address : 25 Arnoldale Road, Hartford, Conn.
B.L.H., William and Mary College, 1902; M.A., Columbia University,
1918; LL.D., Washington College, 1920. Born November 29, 1876,
North Stamford, Conn.
Instructor, William and Mary College, 1902-06. Studied in Europe,
1906-07. Graduate student, Princeton University, 1907-09. Professor
of History and Economics, and Dean, Washington College, 1909-17.
Educational Director, Y. M. C. A., with the army in America and France,
1918-19. Lecturer in History, Wesleyan University, 1919 .
Address: Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Harvard University, 1899; M.A., Columbia University, 1907.
Born November 13, 1877, Brooklyn, N. Y.
In the banking business. New York, N. Y., 1899- 1906. Graduate
student, Columbia University, 1906-08, 1911-12. Taught in Charlton
School, New York City, 1908-11; Browne and Nichols School, Cam-
bridge, Mass., ^1912-19; on leave of absence, 1919-20. Lecturer in
History, Wesleyan University, 1920 .
Address : Home Ave., Middletown, Conn.
M.A. (Hon.), 1866. Born September 23, 1837, Plymouth, Conn.
Teacher of Elocution, Wesleyan University, 1860-76 ; Instructor,
1876-1904. Also engaged in giving public readings, and at intervals as
Instructor in Conn. State Normal School, New York Central Conference
Seminary, Hartford Theological Seminary, etc. Died January 26, 1904,
New Britain, Conn.
M.D., New York Homoeopathic Medical College, 1870. Born June 8,
1843, Concord, N. H.
Instructor in Gymnastics, Yale College, 1867-72. Instructor in Physi-
cal Culture, Dartmouth College, 1867-68. Instructor in Gymnastics,
Wesleyan University, 1868-69. Practised medicine in New York,
N. Y., 1872-82. Proprietor and medical superintendent of a sanitary
institute, New York, N. Y., 1877-82.
Address : unknown.
B.A., Dickinson College, 1874; M.A., Dickinson, 1875; Ph.D., Dick-
inson, 1887. Born December 22, 1851, Galena, Md.
Teacher of Natural Science, Wilmington Conference Academy, Dover,
Del., 1874-76. Graduate student. Harvard University, 1876-77. Teacher
of English, Wilmington Conference Academy, 1877-78. Studied in the
Universities of Gottingen, Leipzig, and Heildelberg, Germany, 1878-81.
Instructor in Ethics, Wesleyan University, 1881-82. Principal of
Wilmington Conference Academy, Dover, Del., 1882-98. Professor of
Philosophy and Education, Dickinson College, 1898-1916. Died Sep-
tember 4, 1916, Carlisle, Pa.
B.A., Columbia University, 1877; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University,
1881. Born October 21, 1857, New York, N. Y.
Fellow, Columbia University, 1877-80: Johns Hopkins University,
1880-81. Assistant in Physics, University of Pennsylvania, 1881-82.
Instructor in Physics, Wesleyan University, 1882-83. Journalist,
1883 .
Address: New York, N. Y.
B.A.. Amherst College, 1876; B.D., Yale University, 1880; M.A.,
Amherst, 1884; Ph.D., Amherst, 1896; LL.D., Knox College, 1914.
Born February 9, 1852, Sheboygan Falls, Wis.
Hooker Fellow, Yale University, 1880-82. Studied in Germany, 1882-
83. Instructor in Mental Philosophy, Wesleyan University,
1883-85. Professor of Philosophy, Union College, 1885 . Author:
The Sphere of the State ; The Sphere of Science.
Address : Union College, Schenectady, N. Y.
B.A., Johns Hopkins University, 1886; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1891.
Born September 18, 1865, Baltimore, Md.
Assistant in the Nautical Almanac Office, Washington, D, C, 1889-90,
1896-98. Assistant in Astronomy, Wesleyan University, 1890-96 ;
Tutor in Mathematics, 1890-94; Instructor in Mathematics, 1894-
96. Computer in U. S. Naval Observatory, 1898-1900. Professor of
Mathematics, U. S. Navy, 1900 . Director, Nautical Almanac,
1910 . Member, U. S. Eclipse Expedition, Pinehurst, N. C, 1900.
In charge of U. S. Eclipse Expedition, Fort de Kock, Sumatra, 1901 ;
Daroca, Spain, 1905. Foreign correspondent, Bureau des Longitudes,
Address : U. S. Navy Observatory, Washington, D. C.
B.A., Princeton University, 1888; M.A., Princeton, 1890. Born
September 30, 1867, Dayton, Ohio.
Studied in the University of Leipzig, Germany, 1890-91. Instructor
IN Economics and Social Science, Wesleyan University, 1891-92.
Professor of Political Economy, Princeton University, 1892-1911.
Member, Board of Public Utilities Commission, New Jersey, 191 1 -14;
Interstate Commerce Commission, 1914 . Author : Revision and
Continuation of Alexander Johnston's History of the United States;
Elements of Public Finance; Continuation of Alexander Johnston's
History of American Politics.
Address : 1236 i6th St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
B.A., Middlebury College, 1887; M.A., Middlebury, 1890; Ph.D.,
University of Strassburg, 1893; Sc.D., Middlebury, 1912. Born August
9, 1864, Middlebury, Vt.
Assistant in Chemistry, Wesleyan University, 1893-94; In-
structor, 1894-95. Associate editor, Experiment Station Records, U. S.
Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, 1895-1905; Chief of
Nutrition Investigations, 1905-15; Chief of Office of Home Economics,
1915 •
Address : U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
B.A., Syracuse University, 1892, and Harvard University, 1893 ; M.A.,
Harvard, 1894; Ph.D., Harvard, 1899. Born May 27, 1868, Lehman," Pa.
Studied in Harvard College, 1892-93. Graduate student, Harvard
University, 1893-94, 1897-99. Instructor in Greek, Wesleyan Academy,
Wilbraham, Mass., 1894-96. Instructor in Latin, Wesleyan Univer-
sity, 1896-97. Professor of Greek, Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H.,
1899 . Instructor in Harvard Summer School, 1905. Author :
Studies in the Life of St. Paul.
Address : Exeter, N. H.
B.A., University of Toronto, 1893; M.A., Columbia University, 1894;
Ph.D., Columbia, 1896.
University Fellow in Mathematics, Columbia University, 1893-95;
Assistant in Mathematics, 1895-96. Instructor in Mathematics,
Wesleyan University, 1896-1901. Tutor, Instructor, and Adjunct
Professor of Mathematics, Columbia University, 1901-09. Professor of
Mathematics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 1909 ; Dean of
the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 191 1 ; Acting President, 1919-20.
Address : Saskatoon, Canada.
B.A., Amherst College, 1887; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1890.
Graduate student, Harvard University, 1887-90 (Morgan Fellow, 1888-
90). Studied in the Universities of Leipzig and Berlin, Germany
(Rogers Fellow, Harvard University), 1890-91. Instructor in Latin,
Harvard University, 1891-93; Tutor, 1893-96; Assistant in the Library,
1896-97. Instructor in Latin, Wesleyan University, 1897-99.
Editor: The Alcestis of Euripides. Died September 24, 1899, Boston,
B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1885; M.A., Ohio Wesleyan, 1888;
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1894.
Taught in Little Rock University, Ark., 1885-87; University of the
Pacific, 1887-91. Fellow, Johns Hopkins University, 1892-93; Fellow
by courtesy, 1893-94. Taught in Allegheny College, 1894-96 ; University
of Chicago, summer quarter, 1896; University of Michigan, 1896-97.
Instructor in Latin, Wesleyan University, 1899-1901. Professor of
Latin, College of the City of New York, 1901 . Editor: Livy,
Books I, XXI, XXII.
Address: 502 West 151st St., New York, N. Y.
B.A., Lawrence College, 1898; M.A., University of Chicago, 1900;
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1904. Born February 19, 1877, Racine,
Graduate student. University of Chicago, 1898-1901. Instructor in
Mathematics, Wesleyan University, 1901-02. Instructor in Mathe-
matics, University of Chicago, 1902-10; Assistant Professor, 1910-17;
Associate Professor, 1917 .
Address : University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.
M.E., University of Virginia, 1896 ; B.A. and M.A., University of
Virginia, 1898; M.A., Harvard University, 1899; Ph.D., Harvard, 1902.
Born in Richmond, Va.
Instructor in Mathematics, Wesleyan University, 1902-04.
Studied in the University of Gottingen, Germany, 1904-05 ; University
of Paris, 1905-06; University of Pisa, 1909-10. Instructor in Mathe-
matics, University of Minnesota, 1906-07; University of Missouri,
1907-16. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Washington University,
1916-18; Associate Professor, 1918 .
Address : Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.
B.A., Ohio University, 1895; M.A., Ohio University, 1899.
Studied in the Universities of Jena, Leipzig, and Lausanne, 1895-97;
University of Grenoble, 1899-1901. Instructor in Romance Languages,
University of Cincinnati, 1901-02. Tutor in Modern Languages,
Wesleyan University, 1902-05; Instructor, 1905-09. Associate Pro-
fessor of Spanish, French, and German, Hamilton College.
Address : Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y.
B.A., Williams College, 1896; M.A., Williams, 1899. Born October
22, 1872, Leyden, Mass.
Taught in Dow Academy, Franconia, N. H., 1896-98. Assistant in
Biology, Williams College, 1898-99. Scholar in Zoology, Columbia Uni-
versity, 1899-1900; Demonstrator in Physiology, 1900-02. Instructor
in Zoology and Physiology, Mount Hermon School, Mass., 1902-05.
Instructor in Biology, Wesleyan University, 1905-08. Associate
Professor of Zoology, Oberlin College, 1908-13; Professor, 1913 .
Instructor in Zoology, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.,
1900-07; Instructor in Embryology, 1909-18.
Address : Oberlin, Ohio.
B.S., National Normal University, 1900; B.A., National Normal,
1901 ; B.A., Yale University, 1905; M.A., Yale, 1906; Ph.D., Yale, 191 1.
Born November 27, 1879, Ashville, Ohio,
Instructor in Mathematics, Wesleyan University, 1904-05
(winter term). Professor of Mathematics, East Texas Normal Col-
lege, 1906-08. Graduate student, Yale University, 1908-11. Instructor
in English, University of Texas, 1911-17; Adjunct Professor, 1917-20;
Chairman, Department of English, 1920 .
Address : Univ. of Texas, Austin, Texas.
B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1894; M.A., Ohio Wesleyan, 1896;
M.A., Harvard University, 1903 ; Ph.D., Boston University, 1905. Born
October 9, 1869, Duncans Falls, Ohio.
Vice President and Professor of Latin and Greek, Union College,
1894-95. Professor of Latin and Greek, Ashland College and Missouri
Wesleyan College, 1895-1901. Graduate student, Harvard University,
1901-04; Boston University, 1904-05. Instructor in Greek, Wesleyan
University, 1904-05 (second half-year). Professor of Latin, Univer-
sity of Denver, 1905-13. Instructor in Latin and Greek, Allegheny
College, 1913-15; Registrar, 1914-15. Professor of Latin, Albion
College, 1915-20; Professor of Latin and Greek, 1920 .
Address: Albion, Mich.
B.A., Brown University, 1899; M.A., Brown, 1900; Ph.D., Harvard
University, 1904. Born October 5, 1877, Vernon, Conn.
Taught in Mount Hermon School, Mass., 1904-05. Instructor in
Mathematics, Wesleyan University, 1905. Instructor, and Assistant
Professor, of Philosophy, Northwestern University, 1905-11. Assist-
ant Professor, and Professor of Philosophy, Reed College, 1911-15.
Acting Professor of Philosophy, Boston University, 1915-16. Professor
of Psychology, Pomona College, 1916 .
Address : 339 Yale Ave., Claremont, Cal.
B.A., University of Georgia, 1896; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University,
1905. Born November 4, 1874, Barnesville, Ga.
Engaged in teaching, 1896-1900. Graduate student, Johns Hopkins
University, 1900-05. Instructor in Mathematics, Wesleyan Uni-
versity, 1905-07. Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, University of
Georgia, 1907-10; Associate Professor, 1910-19; Professor, 1919 .
Address : University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.
Ph.B., Southwestern University, 1894. Born March 21, 1871, Lena,
Graduated from the Cumnock School of Oratory, Northwestern Uni-
versity, 1897. Director, Department of Oratory, University of Denver,
and Instructor in the Iliff School of Theology, 1897-1900. Instructor in
Elocution, Yale Law School, 1901 . Instructor in Public Speaking,
Yale University, 1905-08; Assistant Professor, 1908-14. Instructor in
Elocution and Pulpit Delivery, Hartford Theological Seminary, 1906 .
Instructor in Public Speaking, Wesleyan University, 1906-17.
Address : 344 Farmington Ave., Hartford, Conn.
B.A., Columbia University, 1903; M.A., Columbia, 1904; Ph.D.,
Cornell University, 1906. Born February 21, 1881, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Graduate student, Cornell University, 1904-06. Assistant in Eng-
lish, Wesleyan University, 1906-07 ; Instructor, 1907-08. Instructor
in English, Dartmouth College, 1908-10. Died June 28, 1910, Hyde Park,
N. Y.
B.S., Harvard University, 1905; Ph.D., Yale University, 1909; Sc.D.,
Yale, 1921. Born December 26, 1878, Waterloo, Ont, Canada.
Taught in Yale University, 1905-09. Leader of the Yale South
American Expedition, 1907. Instructor in Physical Geography,
Wesleyan University, 1907-09. Assistant Professor of Geography,
Yale University, 1909-15. Director, American Geographical Society of
New York, 191 5 . Chief territorial specialist, American Commission
to Negotiate Peace, 1918-19.
Address: American Geographical Society, Broadway at 156th St., New
York, N. Y.
Ph.B., University of North Carolina, 1901 ; M.S., University of North
Carolina, 1902; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1908. Born July 5, 1880,
Burlington, N. C.
Instructor in Chemistry, Lafayette College, 1902-05. Assistant in
Chemistry, and graduate student, Cornell University, 1905-08. Instruc-
tor IN Chemistry, Wesleyan University, 1908-11. Chemist, U. S.
Department of Agriculture, 1911-17; Director, Experimental Plant,
1917 .
Address: Summerland, Cal.
B.A., Northwestern University, 1905; M.A., Northwestern, 1911 ;
Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1917. Born December 18, 1882, Chicago,
Professor of English, Southwest Kansas College, 1905-06. Instructor
in Geology, Northwestern University, 1907. Professor of Geology and
Chemistry, Southwestern College, Kans., 1908-09. Assistant in Geology,
Yale University, 1909-10. Instructor in Physical Geography, Wes-
leyan University, 1909-10. Assistant, Illinois Geological Survey, 1910-
19. Geological expert, Yunnan Ming Hsien Mining Company, China,
1919 .
Address : Yunnan, China.
B.A., Cornell University, 1901 ; M.A., Cornell, 1902; Ph.D., Harvard
University, 1908. Born July 28, 1880, Ithaca, N. Y.
Studied in the University of Leipzig, 1903 ; Harvard University, 1904-
05. Instructor in History, Leland Stanford, Jr., University, 1908-09.
Professor of History, Toledo University, 1909-10. Instructor in History
and Economics, University, of Rochester, 1910-11; Wesleyan Univer-
sity, 1911-12. Resided in Ithaca, N. Y., 1912-15. Died September 8,
191 5, Cortland, N. Y.
B.S., New Hampshire College, 1905; Ph.D., Yale University, 1909.
Born February 25, 1883, Warner, N. H.
Instructor in Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1909-
10 ; Case School of Applied Science, 1910-11; Wesleyan University,
191 1 -12; University of North Dakota, 1912-14. Assistant Professor of
Chemistry, University of North Dakota, 1914-16; University of
Washington, 19 16- .
Address : University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
B.A., Oberlin College, 1906 ; M.A., Yale University, 1913.
Graduate student. University of Washington, 1906-07 ; Yale University,
1909-11. Instructor in Physical Geography, Wesleyan University,
1911-12. Teaching in the Francis W, Parker School, Chicago, 111.
Address : 330 Webster Ave., Chicago, 111.
B.A., 'University of Iowa, 1905.
Taught in High School, Aberdeen, S. Dak., 1905-06; Grand Forks,
N. Dak,, 1906-09. Instructor in History and Political Science, Illinois
College, 1910-11. Instructor in History, Wesleyan University,
Address: unknown.
Ph.D., University of Marburg, Germany, 191 1. Born May 30, 1886,
Kottbus, Germany.
Instructor in German, Wesleyan University, 1912-13; Harvard
University, 191 3 .
Address : 67 Sparks St., Cambridge, Mass.
Ph.B., University of Wisconsin, 1909; M.A., University of Wisconsin,
1910; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1918. Born February 24, 1883,
Benson, Minn.
University Scholar, Columbia University, 1910-11. Instructor in
Social Science, Wesleyan University, 1912-14. Assistant Professor
of Commerce, New York University, 1915- . On the staff of the
Alexander Hamilton Institute, 1915-19.
Address : 32 Waverly Place, New York, N. Y.
B.A., Harvard University, 191 1.
Instructor in English, Syracuse University, 1911-12; Wesleyan
University, 1912-13.
Address : 94 Ashland Ave., Methuen, Mass.
Instructor in Physical Geography, Wesleyan University, 1912-
16. With the Chase Brass Manufacturing Company, Waterbury, Conn.
Address : Waterbury, Conn.
B.A., Indiana University, 1901 ; M.A., Indiana University, 1903 ;
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1914.
Instructor in German, Indiana University, 1903-10. On leave of
absence, studying in the Universities of Leipzig, Munich, and Paris, 1906-
09. Instructor in Romance Languages, University of Illinois, 19 10- 11.
Graduate student, University of Chicago, 1911-12; University of Penn-
sylvania (Harrison Fellow), 1912-14. Research Fellow, University of
Pennsylvania, 1914-15. Instructor in Romance Languages, Wes-
LEYAN University, 1915-16.
Address : 409 E. 4th St., Bloomington, Ind.
B.A., Park College, 1898; Ph.D., Yale University, 1921. Born Octo-
ber II, 1876, Benton, Kansas.
Studied in Auburn Theological Seminary, 1 898-1 901. Taught in Insti-
tuto Ingles, Santiago, Chile, 1901-07; Colegio Nacional "Bolivar,"
Oruro, Bolivia, 1907-08. Director, American Institute, La Paz, Bolivia,
1908-15. Graduate student, Yale University, 1915-17. Instructor in
Physical Geography, Wesleyan University, 1916-17. Librarian,
American Geographical Society, New York, N. Y., 1917-19. Executive
secretary. Committee on Cooperation in Mexico, 1919-20. Research
associate, Hispanic-American Division, American Geographical Society,
1920 .
Address: American Geographical Society, Broadway at 156th St.,
New York, N. Y.
B.A., Amherst College, 1911 ; M.A., Yale University, 1915. Born
January 8, 1890, Newark, N. J.
In business, 1911-12. Studied in the University of Paris, 1912-13;
Yale University, 1913-15. Instructor in Biology, New York University,
1915-16; Wesleyan University, 1916-17. Commissioned second lieu-
tenant. Infantry, U. S. Army, August, 191 7. Served in France with the
301st Infantry and in the Quartermaster's Corps, July, 1918-May, 1919.
With Sutton, Fisk & Company, investment bankers, New York, N. Y.,
1919 .
Address : 15 Broad St., New York, N. Y.
B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1912; M.S., Worcester Poly-
technic Institute, 1914; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1916. Born April
II, 1891, Bristol, Conn.
Instructor in Chemistry, Wesleyan University, 1916-17. Com-
missioned first lieutenant. Ordnance Reserve Corps, U. S. Army, June,
1917 ; promoted to captain, January, 1918. Discharged, January, 1919.
Associate Chemist, Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, 1919 .
Address : Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.
Ph.B., Brown University, 1913; .M.A., Brown, 1914; Ph.D., Harvard
University, 1919. Born February 6, 1890, Nashua, N. H.
Assistant in Mathematics, Brown University, 1913-14. Instructor in
Mathematics, Wesleyan University, 1916-20. Instructor in Mathe-
matics, Dartmouth College, 1920-21. Assistant Professor of Mathe-
matics, West Virginia University, 1921 .
Address : Morgantown, W. Va.
B.A., University of Michigan, 1910; M.A., University of Pennsyl-
vania, 1913. Born 1887, York, Pa.
Studied in Graduate School, Harvard University, 1913-14, 1916-17.
Instructor in Rhetoric, University of Minnesota, 1914-15. Instructor in
English, Cornell University, 1915-16. Instructor in English Litera-
ture, Wesleyan University^ 1917-18. Editor, compiler, author, and
translator, 1918 .
Address: York, Pa.
B.S., Mass. Agricultural College, 1912; M.A., Harvard University,
1916; Ph.D., Harvard, 1918. Born December 15, 1887, North Leverett,
Assistant Professor of Biology, Grove City College, 1912-15. Gradu-
ate student, Harvard University, 1915-18. Instructor in Biology,
Wesleyan University, 1918-19; Mass. Agricultural College, 1919 .
Address: Mass. Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass.
B.A., Baker University, 1913. Born August 21, 1890, Stockton, Mo.
Physical Director, High School, Fort Scott, Kans., 1913-15. Athletic
Coach, Kemper Military Academy, 1915-16. Director of Physical Edu-
cation, Michigan College of Mines, 1916-18. Assistant in Physical
Education, Wesleyan University, 1918-19 ; Instructor, 1919-20.
Professor of Physical Education, Baker University, 1920 .
Address: Baldwin, Kans.
B.A., University of Kansas, 1916; M.A., Cornell University, 1918;
Ph.D., Cornell, 1920. Born October 28, 1887, Hillsboro, Kans.
Instructor in German, University of Kansas, 1916-17. Fellow, Cor-
nell University, 1917-18. Interpreter, U. S. Army, 1918-19. University
Fellow, Cornell University, 1919-20. Instructor in German, Wes-
leyan University, 1920 .
Address: 18 Brainerd Ave., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Oberlin College, 1920. Born 1895, Hadjin, Turkey in Asia.
Assistant in Physical Education, Wesleyan University, 1920-
21 ; Instructor, 1921 .
Address: Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Sydney University, Australia, 1919; B.Ec, Sydney, 1919; M.A.,
Columbia University, 1921. Born September 6, 1894, Taree, New South
Studied in Columbia University, 1919-21. Instructor in Economics
and Social Science, Wesleyan University, 1921 .
Address: 60 Pearl St., Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Columbia University, 1912; M.A., Columbia, 1914. Born Feb-
ruary 23, 1890, New York, N. Y.
Taught in the extension department of Columbia University, 1916-17,
1920-21. U. S. Government censor. 1917-18. Taught in the Marquand
School, Brooklyn, N. Y,, 1920. Instructor in German, Wesleyan
University, 1921 .
Address: Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Brown University, 1823; M.A., Brown. Born September 15,
1802, Pembroke, Mass.
Studied law. Taught in Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1828-
31. Tutor, Wesleyan University, 1831-32. Taught in Brooklyn and
New York, N. Y. Practised law in New York, N. Y., 1846. Private
secretary of U. S. charge d'affaires at Turin, Italy; also tutor in his
family, 1848. Remained in the employ of the succeeding charge d'affaires
for several years. Secretary of the British vice-consul, Turin, Italy,
1857-71. U. S. consular agent for Turin and provinces; taught English
and Italian at Turin; tutor in English to the royal family at Turin,
1867-68. Died September 26, 1871, Turin, Italy.
B.A., Oberlin College, 1888; M.A., Oberlin, 1890. Born October 13,
1862, Hollandsburg, Ohio.
Graduate student, Johns Hopkins University, 1888-90. Tutor in
Economics and Social Science, Wesleyan University, 1890-91.
Associate Professor of Political Economy, Oberlin College, 1891-92.
Professor of Political Economy, Indiana University, 1892-95. Professor
of Sociology and Civics, Syracuse University, 1895-96; Professor of
Sociology, 1896-99. Expert agent. Industrial Commission, 1901. Assist-
ant secretary. National Civic Federation, 1902. Professor of Economics,
University of Wisconsin, 1904 . Member, Wisconsin Industrial
Commission, 1911-13; U. S. Industrial Relations Commission, 1913-15.
Author: Distribution of Wealth; Social Reform and the Church; Rep-
resentative Democracy.
Address : Madison, Wis.
B.A., Bowdoin College, 1887; M.A., Bowdoin, 1890; Ph.D., Johns
Hopkins University, 1890. Born March 13, 1866, Farmington, Me.
Graduate student, Johns Hopkins University, 1887-90 (University
Scholar, 1888-89; Fellow in Greek and Sanskrit, 1889-90). Professor
of the Greek Language and Literature, Cornell College, Iowa, 1890-92.
Tutor in Greek, Wesleyan University, 1892-95. Professor of Greek,
St. Stephen's College, 1898-99; Lehigh University, 1899 .
Address : 18 East St., Bethlehem, Pa.
B.A., Yale College, 1817; M.A., Yale, 1833; M.A. (Hon.), Middle-
bury College, 1833; S.T.D., College of New Jersey (now Princeton
University), 1847. Born June 14, 1796, Middlefield, Mass.
Taught in Latin Grammar School. Hartford, Conn., 1817-20. Tutor
in Yale College; also studied in Yale Divinity School, 1820-25. Pastor
of Congregational Church, Belchertown, Mass., 1825-32. Principal of
Burr Seminary, Vt., 1832-37. Principal of English Department of
Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1837-42. Studied in Germany, and
traveled in Europe and the East, 1842-44. Instructor in Latin and Greek,
Amherst College, 1844-46. Professor of German, College of New Jer-
sey (now Princeton University), 1847-49, 1858-60. Taught in Phila-
delphia, Pa., 1849-58. Traveled in Europe and the East, 1856-57.
Teacher of Hebrew and Biblical Literature, Wesleyan University,
1860-62. Professor of Latin and Greek, Lafayette College, 1862-82.
Died March 16, 1882, Easton, Pa.
B.A., Amherst College, 1877; M.A., Amherst, 1891 ; B.D., Hartford
Theological Seminary, 1883; D.D., Amherst, 1897. Born February 18,
1856, Granby, Mass.
Instructor, Robert College, Constantinople, Turkey, 1877-80. Studied
in Hartford Theological Seminary, 1880-84. Teacher of Hebrew,
Wesleyan University, 1883-84. Pastor of First Congregational
Church, East Hartford, Conn., 1884-90. Instructor in Elocution and
Biblical Theology, Hartford Theological Seminary, 1890-91. Professor
of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, Pacific Theological Seminary,
1891-1911; President and Professor of Church Polity, 191 1 .
Address : Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, Cal.
Born January 6, 1805, Hudson, N. Y.
Studied in Yale College, 1825-26. In poor health; engaged occa-
sionally as clerk in banks in Middletown, Conn., 1826-36. In business,
Middletown, Conn., 1836-40. Engaged in farming in Michigan,- 1840.
Secretary of the Russell Manufacturing Company, Middletown, Conn.,
1845-67. Librarian of Wesleyan University, 1867-68. Engaged in
literary and scientific work, Middletown, Conn., 1868-72. Died March
12, 1872, Middletown, Conn.
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1876. Born January 10,
1855, Wellesley Hills, Mass.
Instructor in Chemistry and Physics, Colegio Nacional, Argentine
Republic, 1879-81. Taught in State Normal School, Westfield, Mass.,
1881-82. Assistant in Natural History, Wesleyan University,
1882-84; Curator of the Museum, 1884-86. First assistant orni-
thologist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1886-94. Professor of
Zoology and Physiology, Michigan Agricultural College, 1894 .
Entomologist, Mich. Agricultural Experiment Station, 1897-98.
Address : East Lansing, Mich.
M.A. (Hon.), Trinity College, Conn., 1882. Born July 3, 1835,
Guilford, Conn.
Instructor in Geology, Trinity College, Conn., 1890-91. Assistant
geologist, U. S. Geological Survey, 1891-94. Assistant in the
Museum, Wesleyan University, 1893-94; Curator of the Museum,
1894-1910. Engaged in field work, U. S. Geological Survey, 1896-1904.
Author: Echoes of the Home of Halleck: Life and Writings of Henry
C. Work. Died March 31, 1910, Middletown, Conn.
B.A., Brown University, 1894; M.A., Wesleyan University, 1896.
Born April i, 1871, Weathersfield, Vt.
Director of the Gymnasium, Wesleyan University, 1894-96.
Practising law in Troy, N. Y., 1898 .
Address: 21 Second St., Troy, N. Y.
Ph.B,, Brown University, 1894. Born December 25, 1869, Rehoboth,
Instructor in Drawing and Physical Culture, Brown University, 1894-
96. Director of the Gymnasium, Wesleyan University, 1896-1901,
1902-03. Instructor in the G3'mnasium, Moses Brown School, Provi-
dence, R. I., 1901-02. Director (now Professor) of Physical Training,
Brown University, 1903 .
Address : Brown University, Providence, R. I.
Ph.B., Brown University, 1901 ; M.S., University of Chicago, 1903;
M.D., University of Chicago, 1907. Born May i, 1875, Sherbrooke,
Que., Canada.
Director of the Gymnasium, Wesleyan University, 1901-02.
Instructor in Physical Training, University of Oklahoma, 1902-03 ;
Instructor in Physical Training and Physiology, 1903-05 ; Professor of
Physical Training and Director of Athletics, 1905-06. Studied in Rush
Medical College, Chicago, 1906-08. Professor of Physical Education,
University of Washington, 1908-17 ; of Hygiene, and University Phy-
sician, 1919 . Served in U. S. Army in Italy, 1917-19.
Address : University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
M.D., Tufts College, 1903. Born June 29, 1878, Providence, R. I.
Director of the Gymnasium, Wesleyan University, 1903-05. Pro-
fessor of Physiology and Physical Training, and Medical Director,
Trinity College, Conn., 1905 .
Address : Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.
B.A., Princeton University, 1898; M.A., Princeton, 1900. Born 1871,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Studied in Princeton Theological Seminary, 1900-02. Director of the
Gymnasium, Wesleyan University, 1905-11. Professor of Physical
Education, Lehigh University, 1911 .
Address: Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pa.
The records of those who died before the publication of the last edition of the Alumni
Record in iqii will be found complete in that volume. In order to save space, a con-
densed statement only, including, however, all important items, is given in this issue.
For explanation of the terms employed to indicate relative scholastic standing, such
as Valedictory^ Salutatory^ and the various awards of Honors^ see the Preface.
1. *DANIEL HENRY CHASE. B.A. (vale die. ) ; M.A., 1836;
LL.D., 1856. 4>. B. K. Born March 8, 1814, Hoosick, N. Y. Brother
of No. 93. School principal. Died May 15, 1905, Middletown, Conn.
2. *BENJAMIN I. DIEFENDORF. B.A.; M.A., 1836. Born
March 12, 1809, Canajoharie, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister and
school principal. Died October 19, 1875, Frey's Bush, N. Y.
3. nVILLIAM GOLLICAR. B.A. (salut.). School principal. Died
4. *JOHN ROPER. B.A. ; M.A., 1836. Born June 6, 1813, York-
shire, England. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died March 30, 1847,
Chillicothe, Ohio.
5. *GEORGE HOPKINS ROUND. B.A. ; M.A., 1836. Born Jan-
uary 21, 1807, Richfield, N. Y. Brother of No. 224. School principal
Died August 3, 1879, Lenoir, N. C.
1814, Charlton, N. Y. Law student. Died January 2, 1838, Michigan
City, Ind.
CLASS OF 1834.
7. *AARON COKE BANGS. B.A.; M.A., 1837. Born Novem-
ber I, 1815, Kortright, N. Y. Teacher. Died October 9, 1837.
8. *WILLIAM MILLER BURTON. B.A. ; M.A., 1838. Born
1808, Litchfield County, Conn. College professor; rector, Protestant
Episcopal Church. Died November 20, 1854, Tecumseh, Mich.
9. *FISHER AMES FOSTER. B.A.; M.A., 1837. Born July 4,
181 1. Lawyer, journalist, and government official. Died April 27, 1883.
Born July 14, 1807, Frankfort, Me. Teacher and preacher. Died
August 24, 1854, Wayland, Mass.
11. *JOHN WESLEY MERRILL. B.A.; M.A., 1837; D.D.,
McKendree College, 1844. ^' ^- ^- Born May 9, 1808, Chester, N. H.
Brother of No. 23, and of A. B. Merrill (class of 1837). Methodist
Episcopal minister; professor in theological schools. Died February 9,
1900, Concord, N. H.
12. *DAVID PATTEN. B.A. ; M.A., 1837; D.D., 1855. 4>. X. 0.
<E>. B. K. Born October 10, 1810, Boston, Mass. Methodist Episcopal
minister; professor in theological schools. Died March 26, 1879,
Boston, Mass.
13. ^GARDNER RICE. B.A. ; M.A., 1837. Born December 13,
1805, Wayland, Mass. Principal of various academies. Died February
24, 1881, Shrewsbury, Mass.
14. *PERLEE BLAKE WILBUR. B.A. ; M.A., 1837. Born
December 21, 1806, Dutchess County, N. Y. President of girls' schools.
Died June 11, 1859, Cincinnati, Ohio.
CLASS OF J835. .
15. *ELIJAH KEELER BANGS. B.A.; M.A., 1838. Born July
12, 1817, New York, N. Y. Son of President Nathan Bangs. Engaged
in business. Died February 19, 1894, New York, N. Y.
16. *HOLDEN DWIGHT. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A., 1839. Born
August 28, 1810, Thompson, Conn. Brother of No. 50, Teacher and
school principal. Died November 24, 1846, Berea, Ohio.
17. *REUBEN HOLMES HARRIS. B.A. ; M.A., 1838. Born
February 21, 1814, Derby, Conn. Teacher. Died August 27, 1844,
Chardon, Ohio.
18. *HUGH BLAIR JOLLEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1838. Born Novem-
ber I, 181 1, Coeymans, N. Y. Principal of various academies. Died
March i, 1896, Newark, N. J.
10. *JOHN CHRISTIAN KEENER. B.A., 1839; M.A., 1842;
D.D , Florence College, Ala.; LL.D., Southern University, Ala., 1879.
Born February 7, 1819, Baltimore, Md, Bishop of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, South. Died January 19, 1906, New Orleans, La.
20. *HARVEY BRADBURN LANE. B.A. ; M.A., 1-839. ^- ^^
4>. B. K. Born January 10, 1813, Wyoming Valley, Pa. Brother of
G. W. Lane (class of 183s). College professor; later in business.
Died August 28, 1888, Saratoga, N. Y.
21. *MARVIN MARCY MASON. B.A. Born, January 26, i8c8.
Southbridge, Mass. Teacher, Died July 2, 1854, Vineville, Ga.
Born July i, 1817, Middletown, Conn. Brother of H. R. Mather
(class of 1844). Lawyer and manufacturer. Died October 8, 1890,
Cleveland, Ohio.
23. *ANNIS MERRILL. B.A.; M.A., 1838. 4>. B. K. Born
September 9, 1810, Harwich, Mass. Brother of No. 11, and of A. B.
Merrill (class of 1837). College professor and lawyer. Died February
2, 1905, San Francisco, Cal.
GRADUATES. [1836-36
24. *ELISHA BOURNE NYE. B.A. ; MA., 1838; M.D., Yale
University, 1837. 4>. B. K. Born November 7, 1812, Sandwich, Mass.
Physician. Died March 7, 1889, Middletown, Conn.
June 24, 1810, Glastonbury, Conn. Rector, Protestant Episcopal
Church. Died March 24, 1896, Jamaica, N. Y.
26. ^BENJAMIN FRANKLIN TEFFT. B.A. ; M.A., 1838; D.D.,
Ohio Wesleyan University, 1846; LL.D., Madison (now Colgate)
University, 1852. Born August 20, 1813. Floyd, N. Y. Methodist
Episcopal minister ; college professor ; journalist. Died September 16,
1885, Brewer, Me.
27. nVILLIAM DOWNES TUBBS. BA. (salut.). Died 1835.
CLASS OF ^836*
28. *HENRY BANNISTER. B.A. ; M.A., 1839; D.D., 1850.
<E>. B. K. Born October 5, 1812, Conway, Mass. School principal;
professor in a theological seminary. Died April 15, 1883, Evanston, 111.
29. *DWIGHT ELIZUR BATES. B.A. ; M.A., 1839. Born
November 21, 1814, Springfield, Mass. Brother of No. 91. Civil
engineer. Died February 19, 1899, Hamburg, Ala.
Ph.D., Waco University, 1872. Born May 9, 1809, Torrey, N. Y.
Geologist. Died February, 1884, Austin, Texas.
31. *WILLIS STEPHEN BURR. B.A. Born 1816, Haddam, Conn.
Lawyer. Died October 15, 1869, Selma, Ala.
M.A., 1840. Born October 7, 1814, Caroline County, Va. Cotton
planter. Died October 5, 1866, St. Louis, Mo.
33. *DAVIS WASGATT CLARK. B.A.; M.A., 1839; D.D., 1850.
^. B. K. Born February 25, 1812, Mount Desert. Me. Bishop of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. Died May 23, 1871, Cincinnati, Ohio.
34. *WILLIAM HALSEY. B.A.; M.A., 1840. Born February 9,
1810, Bridgehampton, N. Y. School principal. Died December 20,
1880, Harrisburg, Texas.
29, 1817, Cromwell, Conn. Student of law and theology. Died May
16, 1839, Cromwell, Conn.
36. *THEODORE HINSDALE. B.A. Born February 3, 1819,
Middletown, Conn. Lawyer. Died August 19, 1880, Brooklyn, N. Y.
1836-37] GRADUATES.
37. *DANIEL PARISH KIDDER. B.A. ; M.A., 1840; D.D.,
McKendree College, 1851, and Wesleyan, 1855. <I>. B. K. Born October
18, 1815, Darien, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister, professor of
theology; corresponding secretary, M. E. Board of Education. Died
July 29, 1891, Evanston, 111.
May II, 1815, Brimfield, Mass. Lawyer. Died April i, 1891, Cincinnati,
B.A. (salut.) ; M.A., 1843; M.A., Transylvania University; LL.D.,
University of Mississippi. Born. December 31, 1815, Jefferson County,
Miss. School principal. Died March 9, 1900.
40. *WILLIAM WHITING MARSH. B.A. ; M.A., 1839- Born
April 17, 1811, Victor, N. Y. School principal. Died June 15, 1863,
Victor, N. Y.
41. *WILLIAM HENRY POTTER. B.A. ; M.A., 1839. Born
October 21, 1814, Cumberland, R. I. Teacher. Died May 29, 1882,
Jackson, La.
42. *SCHUYLER SEAGER. B.A. ; M.A., 1839 i D.D., 1855.
Born July 26, 1807, Simsbury, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister,
and school principal. Died October 22, 1874, Lockport, N. Y.
O'Fallon University. Born February 19, 1813, Exeter, R. I. College
professor ; later in business. Died April 9, 1904, Collegeville, Pa.
44. ♦WILLIAM ASBURY YOUNG. B.A.; M.A., 1839- Born
December 5, 1816, Berne, N. Y. Lawyer. Died November 29, 1889,
Albany, N. Y. .
45. *WILLIAM HENRY ANDERSON. B.A.; M.A., 1840; D.D.,
Wofiford College, S. C, and Southern University, Ala., 1866. Born
September 17, 1817, Wilmington, N. C. College president. Died May
2, 1893, Carlisle, Ky.
46. *SMITH CLIFT. B.A. Born about 1815, Carmel, N. Y.
Lawyer. Died August 16, 1893, Newport, R. I.
47. *CHARLES COLLINS. B.A. {vale die.) ', M.A., 1840; D.D.,
Centenary College, Masonic College, and Dickinson College, 1851.
4>. N. e. $. B. K. Born April 17, 1813, North Yarmouth, Me. College
president. Died July 10, 1875, Memphis, Tenn.
48. *GEORGE BRAINERD CONE. B.A. ; M.A.. 1840. Born
about 1812, Coventry, Conn. Teacher. Died 1851 (or 1852), Gaines-
ville, Ala.
49. *DANIEL CURRY. B.A. ; M.A., 1840; D.D., 1852; LL.D.,
Syracuse University, 1878. #. N. 9. <J>. B. K. Born November 26, 1809,
near Peekskill, N. Y. Brother of John Curry (class of 1842). Metho-
dist Episcopal minister; editor of church papers. Died August 17, 1887.
50. *LEWIS DWIGHT. B.A.; M.A., McKendree College, 1840.
Born July 22., 1813, Thompson, Conn. Brother of No. 16, School prin-
cipal ; Methodist Episcopal minister ; later engaged in business. Died
December 24, 1891, St. Louis, Mo.
$. B. K. Born April 18, 1816, Duxbury, Mass. Brother of E. H.
Harlow (class of 1849). Methodist Episcopal minister. Died January
21, 1881, Omaha, Neb.
52. *DANIEL LESTER HARRIS. B.S., 1838. Born February 6,
1818, Providence, R. L Brother of No. 123. President of railroad.
Died July 11, 1879, Springfield, Mass.
53. *WILLIAM HYER. B.A. ; M.A., 1840. Born February 14,
1807, near Carlisle, Pa. Minister, Methodist Episcopal Church South.
Died November 3, 1855, Vicksburg, Miss.
54. *GEORGE KELLOGG. B.A.; M.A., 1840. Born June 19,
1812, New Hartford, Conn. Brother of J. Kellogg (class of 1840).
Inventor and manufacturer. Died May 6, 1901, New Hartford, Conn.
55. *CHARLES ANTHON LEE. B.A. Born about 1817, Balti-
more, Md. Law student. Died December, 1837, Carlisle, Pa.
56. *WILLARD MARTIN RICE. B.A. ; M.A., 1840; D.D., 1866.
4>. N. e. *. B. K. Born April 30, 1817, Lowville, N. Y. Presbyterian
minister; recording secretary, Presbyterian Board of Publication.
Died March 6, 1904, Haverford, Pa.
57. *RICHARD S. SEELY. B.A. Born about 1813. In the
ministry, Methodist Episcopal and Protestant Episcopal churches.
Died February 18, 1871.
58. *JAMES McMillan SHAFTER. B.S., 1838; M.A. (Hon.),
1845. Born May 27, 1816, Athens, Vt. Brother of O. L. Shafter (class
of 1834). Lawyer and judge. Died August 27, 1892, San Francisco,
May, 1844, Windham, Pa.
B.A. (salut.). Farmer. Died
60. *ERASTUS WENTWORTH. B.A. ; M.A., 1840; D.D.,
Allegheny College, 1850. ■^. T. $. B. K. Born August 5, 1813, Stoning-
ton. Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister ; college professor and
president. Died May 25, 1886, Sandy Hill, N. Y.
61. *EPHRAIM EMERSON WILEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1840; D.D..
Genesee College, 1854. <l>. B. K. Born October 6, 1814, Me'.rose, Mass.
Brother of Nos. 142 and 248. College president. Died March 13, 1893,
Emory, Va.
CLASS OF 1838.
LL.D., i860. <^. N. e. 4>. B. K. Born 1816, Seneca, N. Y. School
teacher and college professor. Died September 12, 1864, Lima, N. Y.
63. *EDWARD BANNISTER. B.A. ; M.A., 1841 ; D.D., Dickin-
son College, 1863. *• ^- K. Born December 14, 1814, Phelps, N. Y.
Brother of W. H. Bannister (class of 1849). Methodist Episcopal
minister, school principal, and college president. Died September 27,
1871, Marysville, Cal.
64. *ARTEMAS BIGELOW. B.A.; M.A., 1841. Born July 4,
1818, Springfield, Mass. Scientist and manufacturer. Died November
2g, 1901, Vineland, N. J.
65. ♦LORENZO WHITING BLOOD. B.A.; M.A., 1841. Born
April 13, 1812, Mason, N. H. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
September 13, 1889, Willimantic, Conn.
66. ^HAMILTON BREWER. B.A. ; M.D., Yale University, 1841.
*. B. K. Born August 3, 1813, East Hartford, Conn. Physician; later
in business. Died May 21, 1855, Middletown, Conn.
67. *WILLIAM HINKLEY BUSSELL. B.A., 1839; M.A., 1842.
*. B. K. Born December 4, 1809, Portland, Me. Teacher. Died April
9, 1897, Watervliet, N. Y.
68. *EDWARD COOKE. B.A. (salut) ; M.A., 1841 ; D.D.,
McKendree College, 1854, and Harvard University, 1855. *. N. 0.
4>. B. K. Born January 19, 1812, Bethlehem, N. H. Methodist Episcopal
minister, school principal, and college president. Died September 18,
1888, Newton Centre, Mass.
July 19, 1819, Baltimore, Md. Lawyer.
Washington, D. C.
B.A.; M.A., 1841. Born
Bied September 30, 1889,
70. *SILAS FITCH. B.A. ; M.A., 1841. Born March 15, 1813,
Franklin, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died October 26, 1885,
Irvington, N. Y.
71. *ALBERT S. HANKS. B.A. Lawyer. Died 1847.
72. *BOSTWICK HAWLEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1841 ; D.D., 1863.
*. B. K. Born April 8, 1814, Camillus, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died July 29, 1910, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
73. *VARNUM LUTHER HOPKINS. B.A. ; M.A., 1841. Born
September 17, 1809, Thompson, Conn. Teacher, preacher, and farmer.
Died April 12, 1890, Richfield Springs, N. Y.
74. *ROBERT DAVIS HOWE. B.A. ; M.A., 1842. Born April
16, 1818, Albany, N. Y. School principal, and in business. Died
November 2^, 1880, Vicksburg, Miss.
75. *JESSE BEAUFORT HURLBERT. B.A. ; M.A., 1841. Born
about 1820. near JPrescott, Ont., Canada. Principal of girls' schools ;
college professor. Died 1891.
76. *LOREN LAERTES KNOX. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A., 1841 ;
D.D., Lawrence University, 1868. $. B. K. Born January 8, 181 1,
Nelson, N. Y. School principal; college professor. Died January 18,
1901, Evanston, 111.
77. ^STEPHEN MARTINDALE. B.A. Born June 3, 1819, Cen-
treville, Md. Brother of No. 294. Lawyer. Died May 28, 1852.
78. *WILLIAM MATTOCKS. B.A. Born June 20, 1818,
Peacham, Vt. Brother of No. 194. Lawyer. Died December 22, 1859,
Kenosha, Wis.
79. *CHARLES NEGUS. B.A.; M.A., 1857. Born December 19,
1815, Stockbridge, Mass. Lawyer and judge. Died May 4, 1877, Fair-
field, Iowa.
80. *ANTHONY PALMER. B.A. Born March 23, 1815, Wood-
stock, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died June 13, 1877,
Norwich, Conn.
81. *ERASTUS OTIS PHINNEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1841 ; M.D.,
Harvard University, 1841. Born February 26, 1810, Sandwich, Mass.
Physician. Died July 8, 1883, Monument Beach, Mass.
82. *JOHN WESLEY PRATT. B.A. Born December 8, 1815,
Pratt's Hollow, N. Y. Teacher and preacher, also engaged in farming.
Died February 9, 1896, Lansingville, N. Y.
83. *LEONIDAS ROSSER. B.A.; M.A., 1841 ; D.D., Emory
and Henry College, 1858. Born July 31, 1815, Petersburg, Va. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister. Died January 24, 1892, Ashland, Va.
84. *ALFRED SAXE. B.A.; M.A., 1841. *. B. K. Born Sep-
tember 5, 181 3, Sheldon, Vt. Teacher and preacher. Died October 8,
1846, Sheldon, Vt.
85. *FRANKLIN SOULE. B.A. ; M.A.. 1841. Born January 17,
1810, Freeport, Me. Newspaper editor. Died July 3, 1882, San Fran-
cisco, Cal.
1838-39] GRADUATES.
86. *ELIHU SPENCER. B.A. ^. B. K. Born February 26, 1820,
Warren, Ohio. Lawyer. Died April 11, 1858, Middletown, Conn.
LL.D., 1859. Born August 15, 1817, near Hamilton, Ont., Canada.
School principal. Died June 24, 1886, New York, N. Y.
88. *EDGAR BANKS WAKEMAN. B.S. Born 1816, Monticello,
N. Y. Brother of D. B. Wakeman (class of 1836). Lawyer. Died
November 5, 1885, Bloomfield, N. J.
89. *HIRAM ABIJAH WILSON. B.A. ; M.A., 1841. Born
December 19, 1812, Winsted, Conn. School principal ; later engaged
in business. Died May 23, 1893, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
CLASS OF 1839.
90. *JOSEPH TRUE ARNOLD. B.A. ; M.A., 1842. Born April
20, 1807, Derby, Vt. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died July 24, 1893,
St. Peter, Minn.
91. *FRANCIS ASBURY BATES. B.A.; M.A., 1842; M.D.,
Louisiana Medical College, 1843. Born February 14, 1819, Springfield,
Mass. Brother of No. 29. Physician and planter. Died April 23, 1889,
Marion, Ala.
92. *GEORGE WHITING BURKE. B.A. ; M.A., 1842; M.D.,
Yale University, 1843. <I>. B. K. Born June 27, 1821, New Haven, Conn.
Physician. Died June 4, 1904, Middletown, Conn.
93. *SIDERA CHASE. B.A.; M.A., 1842. A. K. E. «l>. B. K.
Born October 31, 1818, Hoosick, N. Y. Brother of No. i. Teacher,
manufacturer, and journalist Died September 21, 1897, Nordhofif, N. J.
94. *LESTER MUMFORD CLARK. B.A. ; M.A., 1843. *• N- e.
Teacher. Died 1843, in Missouri.
95. *JONATHAN COE. B.A. ; M.A., 1842. *. N. 0. Born June
I, 1815, Winsted, Conn. Rector, Protestant Episcopal Church. Died
April 25, 1866, Athens, N. Y.
96. *ABIEL CONVERSE. B.S. Born December 13, 1815,
Thompson, Conn. Lawyer. Died April 7, 1906, Thompson, Conn.
97. *WALDO FLINT CONVERSE. B.A. Born October 8, 1818,
New Braintree, Mass. Manufacturer. Died February 17, 1899, San-
dusky, Ohio.
Born December 4, 1815. Lawyer. Died March 30, 1877, Farmington,
99. *CLARK TITUS HINMAN. B.A. ; D.D, Ohio Wesleyan
University, 1851. $. N. 0. 4>. B. K. Born August 3, 1819, Kortright,
N. Y. School principal and college president. Died October 21, 1854,
Troy, N. Y.
100. *MEAD HOLMES. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A., 1843. Born
December 11, 1819, New York, N. Y. Presbyterian minister. Died June
17, 1906, Rockford, 111.
16, 1819, Perry, N. Y. Teacher; later in business. Died January 23,
1895, Fort Wayne, Ind.
102. *HERMAN MERRILLS JOHNSON. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A.,
1842; D.D., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1852. *. N. 6. $. B. K. Born
November 25, 1815, Butternuts, N. Y. College professor and president.
Died April 5, 1868, Carlisle, Pa.
103. *JOB WATERMAN KEECH. B.A.; M.A., 1842. Born
May 3, 1807, Sherburne, N. Y. Teacher and farmer. Died June 4, 1871,
Oakland, Wis.
104. *ICHABOD MARCY. B.A.; M.A., 1847. ^- N. 9. Born
July 16, 181 1, Leyden, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
March 20, 1899, Ashmont, Mass.
lOo. *JOSHUA NEWHALL. B.A. ; M.A., 1842. *. N. 9. Born
November 4, 1813, Lynn, Mass. Teacher. Died September 16, 1844,
Lynn, Mass.
Born March 15, 1814, Pompey, N. Y. School principal ; later engaged in
farming. Died September i, 1894, Macomb, 111.
107. *ALBERT FRANKLIN PARK. B.A.; M.A., 1842. Born
December 11, 1814, Preston, Conn. Teacher, preacher, and lawyer.
Died October 8, 1900, Preston, Conn.
108. *JAMES LODOWICK PHELPS. B.A. ; M.A., 1844. Born
October 4, 1819, New York, N. Y. Lawyer. Died November 3, 1898,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
109. *HUMPHREY PICKARD. B.A. ; M.A., 1842; D.D., 1857.
*. N. 9. Born June 10, 1813, Fredericton, N. B., Canada. Brother of
No. 137. Methodist minister and college president. Died February 28,
1890, Sackville, N. B., Canada.
110. *LANSING PORTER. B.A. Born March 8, 1817, Auburn,
N. Y. Congregational minister; later engaged in farming. Died Jan-
uary 12, 1902, West Point, Miss.
1839-40] GRADUATES.
111. *JOHN HENRY ROLSTON. BA. Born October ii, 1819,
New York, N. Y. Manufacturer and banker. Died October 26, 1888,
Elizabeth, N. J.
112. *DENNIS SAGE. B.A. Born August 21, 1817, Middletown,
Conn. In business. Died July 26, 1897, Boston, Mass.
113. ♦DEWITT CLINTON VOSBURY. B.A. ; M.A., 1867.
Born June 20, 1815, Windsor, N. Y. Teacher. Died January 4, 1879,
Binghamton, N. Y.
114. *SAMUEL HENRY WARD. B.A. Born June 13, 1817,
East Windsor, Conn. In business. Died March 22, 1853, on shipboard.
llo. *HIRAM WILLEY. B.A. Born May 23, 1818, East Had^
dam, Conn. Lawyer and judge. Died March 8, 1910, Hadlyme, Conn.
CLASS OF 1840.
116. nVILLIAM RHODES BAGNALL. B.A. ; M.A., 1843-
^. T. *. B. K. Born July 17, 1819, Boston, Mass. Methodist Episcopal
minister; later manufacturer and writer. Died August 3. 1892, Middle-
town, Conn.
117. *ULYSSES CHAPMAN.' B.A. ; M.A., 1843. Born March
31, 1808, North Killingworth, Conn. Teacher. Died December 7, 1896,
Benton, Texas.
118. *LORANUS CROWELL. B.A. ; M.A., 1843; D.D., 1877.
4>. N. e. *. B. K. Born October 28, 1815, Ware, Mass. Brother of No.
557. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died April 8, 1889, Lynn, Mass.
119. *JOSEPH CUMMINGS. B.A. ; M.A., 1843; D.D., 1854;
D.D., Harvard University, 1861 ; LL.D., Northwestern University, 1866.
$. N. 9. 4>. B. K. Born March 3, 1817, Falmouth, Me. College presi-
dent. Died May 7, 1890, Evanston, 111.
120. *JOSEPH DENISON. B.A.; M.A., 1843; D.D., McKendree
College, 1865. *• ^^- ©• Born October i, 1815, Bernardston, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal minister; college president. Died February 19,
1900, Manhattan, Kans.
121. *CHARLES GIBBS DOWNEY. B.S.; M.A. (Hon.), 1844.
Born October, 1819. College professor. Died October 9, 1857, Indian-
apolis, Ind.
122. *JOHN HARRISON GOODALE. B.A. {salut.). ^. N. 0.
Teacher and journalist. Died November 11, 1890, Nashua, N. H.
123. *WILLIAM HENRY HARRIS. B.A. Born March 7, 1820,
Sterling, Conn. Brother of No. 52. In business. Died August 25, 1896,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
124. ^CHESTER DORMAN HUBBARD. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A.,
1843. *• N- ©• *• ^- ^- Born November 25, 1814, Hamden, Conn.
Brother of H. B. Hubbard (class of 1842). Manufacturer; U. S.
congressman. Died August 23, 1891, Wheeling, W. Va.
Born August 23, 1816. Teacher. Died November 16, 1845, Brooklyn,
N. Y.
126. *NATHANIEL CLARK LEWIS. B.A. ; M.A., 1843. Born
February 15, 1815, New London County, Conn. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died May 28, 1882, Onarga, 111.
127. *JOHN WESLEY LINDSAY. B.A. ; B.D., Union Theolog-
ical Seminary, 1842 ; M.A., Wesleyan University, 1843 ; D.D., Wesleyan,
1863. *• B. K. Born August 20, 1820, Barre, Vt. Brother of J. N.
Lindsay (class of 1841).
Studied in Union Theological Seminary, 1840-42. Methodist Episco-
pal minister. New York Conference, 1843-47, 18I60-65, 1894-95. Tutor
in Wesleyan University, 1847-48; Professor of Latin and Hebrew, 1848-
60. President of Genesee College, Lima, N. Y., 1865-68. Professor of
Exegetical Theology, Boston Theological Seminary, 1868-71 ; of the
same in School of Theology, Boston University, 1871-83; of New Testa-
ment Greek and Exegesis, 1883-84. Dean of the College of Liberal Arts,
Boston University, 1872-82. Professor Emeritus, Boston University,
1884-1912. Presiding Elder of Boston District, 1884-89; North Boston
District, 1889-94. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1864,
'68, '72. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1862-75, 1887-1907; of Boston
University, 1869-82. Author : Commentary on Deuteronomy. Died
March 6, 1912, Clifton Springs, N. Y. ^
Married June 16, 1852, Emily Bond, of Baltimore, Md., who died April
5. i860. Children: Thomas Bond (No. 1047), b. April 28, 1853, d. July
22. 1909; Lucy Henrietta, b. November 6, 1855; William Birckhead, b.
Au-gust 14, 1858 (B.A., Boston University, 1879).
128. *EDMUND LONGLEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1843. *• B. K. Born
April I, 1819, Sidney, Me. College professor. Died May 27, 1906,
Emory, Va.
129. *ROBERT MATHISON. B.A. ; M.A., 1843; M.D., New
York University, .1848. Born July 22, 1818, New York, N. Y. Drug-
gist. Died August 18, 1904, Springfield, Mass.
1867, Cazenovia, N. Y.
131. *DARIUS MORRIS. B.S. Born April 27, 1815, South
Wilbraham, Mass. Teacher and preacher. Died August 29, 1864.
1840-41] GRADUATES.
1850. Born August 11, 1817, Orrington, Me. Brother of No. 133, and
of Z. A. Mudge (class of 1839). Lawyer; later geologist and college
professor. Died November 21, 1879, Manhattan, Kans.
133. *THOMAS HICKS MUDGE. B.A. ; M.A., 1843. Born Sep-
tember 23, 181 5, Orrington, Me. Brother of No. 132, and of Z. A.
Mudge (class of 1839). Methodist Episcopal minister. Died July 24,
1862, Baldwin, Kans.
134. *GEORGE FRANCIS NEEDHAM. B.A. Born February 7,
1816, Boston, Mass. Teacher; later engaged in business. Died 1895,
Chicago, 111.
135. *GEORGE WILLIS NINDE. B.A. Born October 21, 1817,
Baltimore, Md. Teacher. Died September 6, 1842, Lyons, N. Y.
136. *THOMAS GILBERT OSBORN. B.A. ; M.A., 1843. ^. B. K.
Born October 15, 1820, Riverhead, N, Y. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died February 27, 1888, Norwalk, Conn.
137. *THOMAS PICKARD. B.A.; M.A., 1849. Born October
21, 1819, Fredericton, N. B., Canada. Brother of No. 109. College
professor; later engaged in farming. Died September 12, 1895,
Sackville, N. B., Canada.
138. *DAVID PLUMB. B.A. Born August, 1810, Stratford,
Conn. Farmer ; later engaged in literary pursuits. Died 1889.
139. *CHANDLER ROBBINS. B.A.; M.A., 1843. Born Febru-
ary 20, 1815, Charlestown, Va. School principal and college professor.
Died May 8, 1871, Springfield, Ohio.
140. *CHAUNCEY SHAFFER. B.A. ; LL.D., Fort Wayne Col-
lege, 1889. Born June 4, 1818, Lisle (now Barker), N. Y. Lawyer.
Died May 15, 1894, New York, N. Y.
141. *HENRY VAN VALKENBURG. B.A. Born 1812, Bath,
N. Y. In business. Died August 22, 1874, Cincinnati, Ohio.
142. *WILLIAM STEVENS WILEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1843; M.D
Born June 4, 1812. Maiden, Mass. Brother of Nos. 61 and 248.
Physician. Died March 12, 1857, Jonesville, N. C.
143. *HENRY WRIGHT ADAMS. B.A.; M.A., 1844; M.A.
(Hon.), Trinity College, 1848; M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1865.
<ir. T. Born March 12, 1818, Brookfield, Vt. Inventor. Died Septem-
ber 21, 1881, Charlotte, N. C.
144. *ROBERT ALLYN. B.A.; M.A, 1844; D.D., 1864; LL.D.,
McKendree College, 1876. $. N. 9. $. B. K. Born January 25, 1817,
Ledyard, Conn. School principal and college president. Died January
7, 1894, Carbondale, 111.
145. *JAMES NELSON BANKS. B.A.; M.A., 1845; M.D.,
Columbian College (now George Washington University), 1842. Born
May 12, 1817, Veteran, N. Y. Physician. Died January 10, 1907,
Chicago, 111.
14G. *SAMUEL SULLY BEMENT. B.A. ; M.A., 1846. Born
March 17, 1820, Ashfield, Mass. School principal. Died January 10,
1892, Lowell, Mass.
147. *JAMES GILMAN BLAIR. B.A.; M.A., 1844; M.D.,
Willoughby Medical College and University of Louisville, 1854; D.D.,
McKendree College, 1856; LL.D., Hamline University, 1863. Born
September 18, 1816, Marcellus, N. Y. School principal and college pro-
fessor. Died December 22, 1878, Fairmont, W. Va.
148. *BAILEY EVANS BORDEN. B.A. Born December 8,
1812, Warwick, R. I. Lawyer. Died November 2, 189^, Pawtucket,
R. L
M.A., 1844; D.D., Indiana Asbury (now De Pauw) University, i860.
<E>. N. 0. Born December 8, 1812, Acton, Me. College professor.
Died March 20, 1862, Lima, N. Y.
150. *WILLIAM CAMPBELL. B.A. Born October, 1812, in
North Carolina. Died August 3, 1844, Lynn, Mass.
151. *MORGAN ROYAL DANIELS. B.A.; M.A., 1846. Born
May 14, 1816, South Windsor, Conn. Architect and builder. Died
August 22,, 1868, Hartford, Conn.
152. *CALEB DOW. B.A. ; M.A., 1844. *• N. 9. Brother of
C. M. Dow (class of 1844) and E. D. Dow (class of 1846). Rector,
Protestant Episcopal Church. Died October 29, 1890, Griffin, Ga.
Born July 11, 1821, Baltimore, Md. Lawyer and teacher. Died March
22, 1883, Emmorton, Md.
154. *JOHN HUBBARD HALL, Jr. B.A.; M.A., 1844. Born
October 24, 1819, Fayetteville, N. C. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died February 9, 1886, Cazenovia, N. Y.
155. *SAMUEL EUGENE HARTWELL. B.S. Born in Strong,
Me. Died August, 1869, Strong, Me.
156. *HORACE BYRON HURLBURT. B.A.; M.A., 1846.
Deceased; date of death unknown.
157. *GEORGE LANDON. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A., 1844. $. N. O.
«l>. B. K. Born December 4, 1816, in Luzerne County, Pa. Methodist
Episcopal minister ; later engaged in business and farming. Died June
16, 1904, Camptown, Pa.
Vermont. Teacher. Died 1845 or 1846, near Athens, Ga.
159. *ELIAS GILBERT MERWIN. B.A. ; M.A. 1849. Born
April 25, 1825, New Haven, Conn. Lawyer. Died March 27, 1891,
Boston, Mass.
160. *WILLIAM CAPERS MILLER. B.A.; M.A., 1844. Physi-
cian. Died, probably about 1861.
161. *JOHN WESLEY NORTH. B.A. ^. T. Born January 4,
1815, Sand Lake, N. Y. Lawyer and judge. Died February 22, 1890,
Fresno, Cal.
162. *GIDEON PALMER. B.A. Born October 30, 1816, Mont-
ville, Conn. In business. Died March 6, 1894, Jacksonville, Fla.
163. *SILAS WHEELOCK PALMER. [Name changed by
Massachusetts Legislature to KAZLITT ARVINE.] B.A. Born
December, 1819, Centerville, N. Y. Baptist minister. Died 1851,
Worcester, Mass,
164. *BRADFORD KINNEY PEIRCE. B.A.; M.A., 1844; D.D.,
1868. A. K. E. Born February 3, 1819, Royalton, Vt. Methodist Epis-
copal minister. Died April 19, 1889, Newton Centre, Mass.
165. *DANIEL JARVIS PINCKNEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1844. Born
January i, 1818, Ulysses, N. Y. Teacher, journalist, and farmer. Died
June 17, 1883, Chicago, 111.
M.A., 1844; LL.D., 1871. *. N. e. $. B. K. Born February 7, 1821,
Amenia, N. Y.
Studied law in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1841-42; Brooklyn, N.Y., 1842-
44. Practised law in Milton, N. Y., 1845-51 ; Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1851-
54; Brooklyn, N. Y., 1854-1906. Judge of the City Court, Brooklyn,
N. Y., 1860-66. Elected one of the judges of the City Court, Brooklyn,
N. Y., for fourteen years, 1872. Appointed by the Governor of the
State of New York to hold Supreme Court in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1881.
Appointed by the Governor member of a commission to revise the
Judiciary Article of the New York State Constitution, 1890. Lay dele-
gate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1872, '76, '80, '84. Trustee
of Wesleyan University, 1871-1913; president of the Board, 1887-1903.
Died January 23, 1913, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Married October 15, 1846, Harriet Townsend, of Milton, N. Y., who
died October i, 1903. Child: Frank (No. 875), b. June 30, 1848, d.
October 22, 1905.
GRADUATES. [1841-42
Born October 26, 1813, Granville, Mass. In business. Died December
25, 1865, Blandford, Mass.
168. *RICHARD SUTTON RUST. B.A. ; M.A., 1844; D.D,
Ohio Wesleyan University, 1861 ; LL.D., Central Tennessee College,
1877. ^. T. Born September 12, 1815, Ipswich, Mass. Methodist
Episcopal minister and college president. Died December 22, 1906,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
169. *CALEB SIDNEY SANFORD. B.A.; M.A., 1844. Born
June 9, 1812, Homer, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister; later in
business. Died June 14, 1884, Mansfield, Mass.
'J>. N. e. *. B. K. Born December 28, 1814, Edinburg, N, Y. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister. Died February 16, 1854, Holliston, Mass.
171. *CLINTON WILLIAM SEARS. B.A. ; M.A., 1844. Born
April 2.7, 1820, Carroll, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister and college
president. Died August 29, 1863, Urbana, Ohio.
D.D., 1863. *. N. e. *. B. K. Born December 2, 1814, Winchester,
N. H. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died February 25, 1888, Newton-
ville, Mass.
1821, Hartford, Conn. Died February 24, 1855, on shipboard.
174. *SULLIVAN HARDY WESTON. B.S.; M.A. (Hon.), 1846;
D.D., Columbia University, 1861. Born October 7, 1816, Bristol, Me.
Rector, Protestant Episcopal Church. Died October 12, 1887, New
York, N. Y.
175. *MATTHIAS EVANS WILLING. B.A. ; M.A., 1844. Born
January 17, 1814, Princess Anne, Md. Rector, Protestant Episcopal
Church. Died March 2, 1891, New York, N. Y.
CLASS OF 1 842.
176. *JOSEPH AUGUSTUS ADAMS. B.A. Born March 17,
1818, South Newmarket, N. p. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
August '^, i860, San Francisco, Cal.
M.D., University of Maryland, 1849. Born November 20, 1814, Wood-
bury, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister ; later practised medicine.
Died November 26, 1900, Dover, N. J.
178. *WILLIAM BARDWELL. B.A. ; M.A., 1845. Born October
14, 1814, Whately, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died March
27, 1851, Northampton, Mass.
179. *GEORGE HYDE BLISS. B.S. Born April 27, 1820,
Wilbraham, Mass. In business. Died June 23, 1903, Watsonville, Cal.
180. *WILLIAM LATHROP BLISS. B.A. ; M.A., 1845; M.D.,
Yale University, 1848. Born March 16, 1816, Wilbraham, Mass. Died
March 2, 1850, Wilbraham, Mass.
181. *CYRUS BOLSTER. B.A.; M. A., 1845. Died February, 17,
1853, New Orleans, La.
182. *OLIVER ELBRIDGE BROWN. B.A. Born 1813, Hunt-
ington, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died July 28, 1867.
183. *JOHN DENNETT CHASE. B.A.; M.D., Berkshire Medi-
cal College, 1846. Born March 6, 1821, Milton, N. H. Physician. Died
November 17, 1863, Washington, Ga.
184. *GILES HAMLIN CORNWELL. B.S. Born 1819, Charles-
town, N. H. Died 1894.
185. *NELSON GOODRICH. B.A. ; M.A., 1846. Born June 13,
1816, Glastonbury, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died April 2,
1891, Quarryville, Conn.
18G. *MILES TOBEY GRANGER. B.A.; M.A., 1845; LL.D.,
1883. Born August 12, 1817, New Marlboro, Mass. Judge; U. S.
congressman. Died October 21, 1895, Canaan, Conn.
187. ^JOSEPH M. GREENWOOD. B.A. Born January 18,
1824, Haverstraw, N. Y. Lawyer. Died May 13, 1899, Brooklyn, N. Y.
188. *ERASTUS OTIS HAVEN. B.A. ; M.A., 1845 1 D.D.,
Union University, 1854; LL.D., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1863.
<f>. N. e. 4>. B. K. Born November i, 1820, Boston, Mass. College
president. Bishop, Methodist Episcopal Church. Died August 2, 1881,
Salem, Ore.
Born March 17, 1819, South Canaan, Conn. School principal. Died
June 2,T, 1875, Paterson, N. J.
190. *JOHN CLOUGH INGALLS. B.A. ; M.A., 1845. Born
June 2"^, 1808, Sandown, N. H. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
February 28, 1897, Melrose, Mass.
191. *RICHARD INGRAHAM. BA. 4>. N. 9. $. B. K. Born
July 8, 1823, Amenia, N. Y. Brother of Nos. 288 an-l 778, and of T. M.
Ingraham (class of 1844). Lawyer. Died May 16, 1910, Hempstead,
N. Y.
192. *HIRAM WARD LOCKE. B.A. Born 1819, New Glouces-
ter, Me. Died October 22, 1859.
193. *GEORGE LOOMIS. B.A.; M.A., 1845; D.D., Genesee
College, i860. A. K. E. $. B. K. Born June 30, 1817, Attica, N. Y.
College president. Died February 26, 1886, Clifton Springs, N. Y.
194. *GEORGE MATTOCKS. B.A. Born 1823, Peacham, Vt.
Brother of No. 78. Died January 24, 1844, Peacham, Vt.
Born January 7, 1821, New York, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died December 30, 1902, Meriden, Conn.
196. *ELIJAH WASHINGTON MERRILL. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A.,
1845. Born March 13, 1816, North Conway, N. H. Congregational
minister. Died February 15, 1892, Minneapolis, Minn.
197. *WILLIAM MERRILL. B.A. ^. N. 0. Born May 11, 1814,
Compton, N. H. School principal. Died October 23, 1889, Upper
Fairmount, Md.
198. *FRANKLIN AlUZZY. B.A. Born December 22, 1815,
Searsmont, Me. Lawyer. Died March 14, 1879, Niles, Mich.
199. *THOMAS ALDEN NICKERSON. B.A. Lawyer. Deceased;
date of death unknown.
200. *IRA PERRY. B.A. ; M.D.,- Berkshire Medical College, 1845.
Born March 23, 1819, Natick, Mass. Physician. Died 1891, Nordhoff,
201. *WILLIAM GIFFORD PIERCE. B.A., 1882; M.A.(Hon.),
1882. Born November 27, 1816, Canaan, Conn. Congregational min-
ister. Died October i, 1887, Champaign, 111.
202. *JAMES MADISON QUINLAN. B.A. Born August 28,
1821, Seward, N. Y. School principal. Died June 3, 1898, Newark,
Born March 5, 1821, Rhinebeck, N. Y. In business. Died November
15j 1905, Yonkers, N. Y.
204. *CHARLES WHITE RAND. B.A. Born July 5, 1820, Bath,
N. H. Brother of No. 205. Lawyer. Died August 3, 1874, Littleton,
N. IJ.
1842-431 GRADUATES.
205. *EDWARD DEAN RAND. B.A. {valedic). *. N. 9. Born
December 26, 1821, Bath, N. H. Brother of No. 204. Lawyer. Died
January 14, 1885, Lisbon, N. H.
206. *WILLIAM FRANCIS SMITH. B.A.; M.A., 1846. Born
November 19, 1821, South Norwalk, Conn. Son of Professor John
Mott Smith. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died October 29, 1883,
Middletown, Conn.
1822, Waterville, Me. Deceased; date of death unknown.
Born September 21, 1817, Herkimer, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died November i, 1869.
209. *EBENEZER STEVENS. B.A. Born 1820. Died 1850,
Utica, N. Y.
210. *EDSON HIGGINS TAFT. B.S. Born March 8, 1820^
Newfane, Vt In business. Died August 26, 1891, San Francisco, Cal.
211. ♦GEORGE EDWARD TAYLOR. B.A. ; M.A., 1845. Born
March 30, 1815, Portland, Me. School principal. Died May 5, 1879,
Portland, Me.
212. *CHARLES TOLKIEN. B.A. Died a few months after
213. *LOUDON BAILEY WARD. B.A.; M.A., 1846. Born
December 20, 1820, Middletown, Cqnn. Teacher and farmer. Died July
2, 1883, Austin, Texas.
214. *DANIEL GUNNISON WAY. B.A. 4>. N. 6. Born March
23, 1823, Lempster, N. H. Lawyer. Died May 16, 1846, Cambridge,
CLASS OF 1843.
215. *CHARLES DAVID BURRITT. B.S.; B.A., 1845; M.A.,
1855. X. ^. Born May 20, 1823, Ithaca, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died May 7, 1856, Ithaca, N. Y.
216. *MILTON BUTTERFIELD. B.A. ; M.A., 1846. Deceased;
date of death unknown.
D.D., Lawrence University, 1859; LL.D., East Tennessee Wesleyan
University, 1872. <i>. N. G. $. .B. K. Born November 24, 1814, Littleton,
N. H. Methodist Episcopal minister and college president. Died Febru-
ary I, 1874, Atlanta, Ga.
.218. *CURTIS PEARL DAVISON. B.A.; M.A., 1846. Born
July 16, 1815, Otis, Mass. Died November 29, 1863, Royalton, N. Y.
219. *WILLIAM DUVAL. B.A. Born February 3, 1822, New
York, N. Y. In business. Died February 12, 1902, Brooklyn, N. Y.
220. *WILLIAM ADOLPHUS HUNT. B.A. Born November
17, 1820, Rhinebeck, N. Y. Lawyer. Died December 31, 1897, Peeks-
kill, N. Y.
221. *SHEPARD KOLLOCK. B.A. Died within a year after
222. *JOHN TYLER PETTEE. B.A.; M.A., 1846. *. N. 9.
Born September 5, 1822, Sharon, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister,
and teacher. .Died February 17, 1907, Meriden, Conn.
223. *DANIEL CURTIS RAND. B.A. Manufacturer. Deceased;
date of death unknown.
224. *JOHN WESLEY ROUND. B.A. ; M.A., 1846. Born July
2^, 1822, Richfield, N. Y. Brother of No. 5. School principal. Died
January 5, 1862, Florida, N. Y.
Born September 28, 1817, Lancaster, N. H. Died 1850, on shipboard.
226. *MICAH JONES TALBOT. B.A. ; M.A., 1846; D.D., 1872.
■*-. T. Born February 25, 1821, East Machias, Me.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New England Southern Conference,
1845-59, 1868-86. Editorial contributor to The Fall River News, 1856-
58. Principal of Providence Conference Seminary (now East Green-
wich Academy), R. I., 1858-62. Editorial contributor to The Bristol
Phenix, 1864-67. Superintendent of schools, Newport, R. I., 1865-66.
Editor of The Newport Daily News, 1866-67. Editorial contributor to
The Fall River Nezvs, 1867, Presiding Elder, New Bedford District,
1869-70 J Providence District, 1870-74; Providence North District, 1879-
82; Providence District, 1882-86. Supernumerary, 1886-87. Financial
agent of Preachers' Aid Society, 1887-93. Supernumerary, 1893-1901.
Agent, Providence City Evangelization Union, 1901-05. Superannuated,
1905. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1868, '72, '80, '84,
'g6; Methodist Ecumenical Conference, 1891. Trustee of Wesleyan
University, 1880-81. Author: History of East Greenwich Academy.
Died August 30, 1916, Dorchester, Mass.
Married August 19. 1847, Eliza Davis Slade, of Somerset, Mass., who
died August 29, 1863. Married November 21, 1871, Martha Ann
Gardiner, of Providence, R. I., who died February 11, 191 1. Children:
1843-44] GRADUATES.
Herman Jones, b. June 23, 1849, d. September 6, 1850; Emory Harlow
(No. 1062), b. September 11, 1851 ; Anna Mary, b. September 3, 1853, m-
Walter Spalding; George Park, b. August 20, 1857, d. December 10,
1891 ; Micah Jones, b. July, 1863 (deceased) ; Mary Gardiner, b. April 29,
227. *JOHN HANSON TWOMBLY. B.A. ; M.A., 1846; D.D.,
1871. *. N. e. *. B. K. Born July 19, 1814, Rochester, N. H. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister. Died January i, 1893, Newton Lower Falls,
*. N. e. Born December 8, 1824, Manhasset, N. Y. Lawyer. Died
December 20, 1871, Brooklyn, N. Y.
229. *THOMAS PARKER UNDERWOOD. B.A. (salut.) ;
M.A., 1846. 4». N. e. *. B. K. Born June 8, 1818, Fayette, Me.
Teacher. Died January 27, 1852, Fayette, Me.
25, 1824, Middletown, Conn. Lawyer. Died August 30, 1862, in the
second battle of Manassas. Va.
231. ^ABRAHAM JAMES WRIGHT. B.A.; M.A., 1847. Born
August 22, 1822. School principal. Died September 5, 1881.
M.A., 1847. Born January i, 1822, Augusta, N. Y. Teacher and lawyer.
Died February 17, 1861, Brenham, Texas.
233. *ADIN SPAULDING BOYDEN. B.A. $. N. 9. Born
August 30, 1815, East Barnard, Vt. Teacher and preacher. Died July
28, 1879, East Barnard, Vt.
234. *MAJOR PLUMER CRAFTS. B.A. ^. N. 0. Born June 16,
1817, Washington, Vt. School principal; later in business. Died June
13, 1881, Terre Haute, Ind.
235. *ORAN FAVILLE. B.A.; M.A., 1847. ^. T. *. B. K:
Born October 13, 1817, Manheim. N. Y. Teacher, college president, and
journalist. Died November 2, 1872, Waverly, Iowa.
236. *FRANCIS SOUTHACK HOYT. B.A.; M.A., 1847; D.D.,
Baldwin University, 1869. and Ohio Wesleyan University, 1873. "*■. T.
Born November 5, 1822, Lyndon, Vt. Brother of Nos. 285 and 395.
Taught in Norwich, Conn., 1844-46. Methodist Episcopal minister.
New Hampshire Conference, 1846-47. Principal of Newberry Seminary,
Vt, 1847-48. Taught in Newark (N. J.) Wesleyan Institute, 1848-50.
Principal of the Oregon Institute, Salem, Oregon, 1850-56. President
of Willamette University, Ore., 1856-60. Professor of Chemistry, Ohio
Wesleyan University, 1861-66; of Biblical Theology in the same, 1866-72.
Editor of The Western Christian Advocate, 1872-84. Presiding Elder of
Cleveland District, North Ohio Conference, 1884-90; of Sandusky
District, 1890-96. Superannuated, 1896. President of Board of Trus-
tees, Baldwin University, 1885-1909. Professor of Biblical Theology
and Greek New Testament, Baldwin University, 1896-1909. Delegate to
General Conference, M. E. Church, i860, '72, '7(>, '80, '84; Methodist
Ecumenical Conference, 1881. Editor : Revised Edition of Angus's
Bible-Handbook. Died January 21, 1912, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Married December 25, 1848, Phoebe Martha Dyar, of Phillips, Me.,
who died December 16, 1908. Children : Frances Jocelyn, b. December
6, 1852; Charles Albert, b. August 22, 1854; Edgar Freeman, b. August
2, 1856; Willson Dyar, b. March 12, 1859; Francis Corliss, b. August
26, 1862; George Benjamin, b. August 20, 1865.
237. *PHILIP OLMSTEAD HYATT. B.A.; M.D., 1849. X. ^.
Born January 15, 1822, Ridgefield, Conn. Physician. Died July 7, 1851,
Ridgefield, Conn.
University, 1852. Born October 6, 1824, New York, N. Y.
Engaged in farming in New Jersey, 1845-48. Studied in Medical
College, New York University, 1849-52. Practised medicine in Newark,
N. J., 1853-54. Clerk in Hall of Records, New York, N. Y., 1855-56.
Engaged in the drug business in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1857-1904. Retired,
1904. Died January 5, 1912, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Married June 22, 1857, Cornelia J. Board, of New York, N. Y., who
died September 9, 1897. Child: Frederick Clarke, b. May 10, 1859, d.
March 26, 1863.
1850; M.D., Georgetown University, 1863. X. ^. Born July 7, 1824,
Coventry, Conn. Brother of No. 240. School principal. Died October
17, 1905, Washington, D. C.
240. *SILAS LAWRENCE LOOMIS. B.S. ; M.A. (Hon.), 1849;
M.D., Georgetown University, 1856. Born May 22, 1822, Coventry,
Conn. Brother of No 239. Professor in medical colleges. Died June
22, 1896, Fernandina, Fla.
241. *RUSSELL ZELOTES MASON. B.A. {salut.) ; M.A.,
1847; LL.D., University of Wisconsin, 1866. ^. T. «l>. B. K. Born
January 17, 1819, Cheshire, Vt. College professor and president; later
engaged in manufacturing. Died October, 1907, Boulder, Col.
242. *CHARLES THOMAS POOLER. B.S. ^. T. Born August
30, 1822, Brooklyn, Conn. School principal. Died February 10, 1897,
Deansboro, N. Y.
243. *WILLIAM CHASE PRESCOTT. B.A. ; M.A., 1847. ^. T.
^. B. K. Born October 2^, 1821, Gilmanton, N. H. In business. Died
September 16, 1907, Bradfield, England.
1844-451 GRADUATES.
244. *ALPHONZO ROLLINS. B.A.; M.A., 1847. Born 1816,
Hallowell, Me. College professor. Died May 29, 1854, Morristown,
245. *JAMES ARNOLD SAWYER. B.A. ; M.A., 1847. Born
October 13, 1810, Austerlitz, N, Y. School principal and farmer. Died
November 19, 1878, Koro, Wis.
246. *BENEDICT STARR. B.A. ; M.A., 1850. Born August 4,
1822, Danbury, Conn. School principal. Died September 10, 1902, Dan-
bury, Conn.
247. *JAMES STRONG. B.A. (vale die.) ; M.A., 1847; S.T.D.,
1856; LL.D., 1881. ^'. T. *. B. K. Born August 14, i822,-New York,
N. Y. Professor of theology. Died August 7, 1894, Round Lake, N. Y.
248. *GEORGE HEDDING WILEY. B.A. Brother of Nos. 61
and 142. College professor. Died September 21, 1899, Jackson, La.
1818, Hancock, N, Y. Methodist Episcopal 'minister. Died January 5,
1846, Liberia, Africa.
uary 14, 1821, Kensington, Conn. Engaged in business and farming.
Died October 4, 1887, Kensington, Conn.
251. *DENISON GARDNER YORK. B.A. Born August 19,
1817, Brookfield, N. Y. Brother of S. P. York (class of 1854). Died
December 11, 1844, Tunkhannock, N. Y.
Born June 25, 1814, Marblehead, Mass. Teacher. Died July i, 1884,
Marblehead, Mass.
253. *JOHN WESLEY BEACH. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A., 1848;
D.D., 1872; LL.D., Northwestern University, 1882. *. N. 0. «l>. B. K.
Born December 26, 1825, Trumbull, Conn. Brother of No. 274. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister, and college president. Died January i, 1902,
Middletown, Conn.
254. *JONATHAN KELSEY BURR. B.A. ; M.A., 1855; D.D.,
1872. $. N. e. 4'. B. K. Born September 21, 1825, Middletown, Conn.
Brother of No. 648. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died April 24, 1882,
Trenton, N. J.
255. *JOHN STEVENS COVEL. B.A.; M.A., 1849. Born
December 16, 1823. Lawyer. Died 1864, Dubuque, Iowa.
^. T. Born February 27, 1821, Sandwich, Mass. Teacher. Died Feb-
ruary 26, 1854, Sandwich, Mass.
257. *JONATHAN GOODIER. B.A.; M.A., 1848. X. ^. Born
February 6, 1822, Herkimer County, N. Y.
Taught in Whitestown Seminary, N. Y., 1845-46 ; Washington, D. C.,
1846-49. Engaged in the lumber business in Utica, N, Y., 1851-95.
Retired from business, 1895. Died July 31, 1910, Utica, N. Y.
Married August 12, 1851, Clara Sill Treadway, of Middletown,
Conn., who died November 30, 1909. Children : Minnie Elizabeth, b.
January 24, 1854, m. W. T. Dunmore (No. 950, d. December 11, 1904;
Lewis Edward, b. March 23, 1857 (B.A., Yale, 1877) ; Wadsworth Leach,
b. August 13, 1858; George William, b. October 3, 1864; John Frederick,
b. November 29, 1868, d. January 29, 1871.
■^. T. Born October i, 1819, Wyoming Valley, Pa. Lawyer. Died
August 2, 1872, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
259. *ELI HUBBARD. B.A. ; M.A., 1848. ^. T. Born 1818, in
Central New York. Teacher. Died December 22, 1868, Louisville,
2G0. *JARVIS NICHOLS HUSTED. B.A. ; M.A., 1848; M.D.,
New York University, 1850. Born July 27, 1823, North Greenwich,
Conn. Physician. Died April 13, 1893, New York, N. Y,
2G1. *WILLIAM ROSS JOHNSON. B.A.; M.A., 1848. Born
January 11, 1826, Troy, N. Y. Brother of J. E. Johnson (class of
1850). Rector, Protestant Episcopal Church. Died April 16, 1890,
Utica, N. Y.
262. *J0SEPH; JAMESON LANE. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A., 1848.
^. T. ^. B. K. Born January 3, 1825, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Teacher.
Died March 28, 1851.
263. *JOHN TAYLOR McLEAN. B.A. ; M.A., 1848; M.D.,
University of Louisiana, 1850. Born October 4, 1823, New York, N. Y.
Physician. Died July 16, 1902, Alameda, Cal,
264. *ROBERT CARTER PITMAN. B.A. ; M.A., 1853; LL.D.,
1869. Born March 16, 1825, Newport, R. I. Lawyer and judge. Died
March 5, 1891, Newton, Mass.
265. *JOHN EASTMAN SANBORN. B.A.; M.D., Harvard
University, 1850. Born August 17, 1824. Gilmanton, N. H. Brother of
No. 524. Physician. Died April i, 1903, Melrose, Mass.
1845-46] GRADUATES.
266. *HIRAM FRANCIS SAVAGE. B.A. ; M.A., 1848. ^. T.
Born October 16, 1819, Edinburg, N. Y. School principal. Died July,
1894, South Glens Falls, N. Y.
267. *JOHN KELSEY THOMPSON. B.A. Born March 15,
1822, Lee, N. H. Died July, 1878, in Arizona.
268. *DANIEL AVERY WHEDON. B.A. ; M.A., 1848; D.D.,
1869. $. N. e. *. B. K. Born December 16, 1823, Brantingham, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died May 21, 1906, East Greenwich, R. I.
269. *MOSES CLARK WHITE. B.A. ; M.A., 1848; M.D., Yale
University, 1854. *. B. K. Born July 24, 1819, Paris, N. Y. Physician
and college professor. Died October 24, 1900, New Haven, Conn.
270. *SENECA WIETING. B.A.; M.A., 1848. Born November
6, 1818, Saltspringville, N. Y. Teacher and bookkeeper. Died Decem-
ber 30, 1879, Fort Plain, N. Y.
271. *DEXTER RUSSELL WRIGHT. B.A. ; M.A., 1848; LL.B.,
Yale University, 1848. «J>. B. K. Born June 2^, 1821, Windsor, Vt.
Lawyer. Died July 23, 1886, New Haven, Conn.
CLASS OF 1846*
272. *DIXON ALEXANDER. B.A.; M.D., Castleton Medicai
College, 1848; M. A., Wesleyan, 1849. '^- T. Born March 24, 1822,
DeKalb, N. Y. Physician. Died February 18, 1897, Fayette, Iowa.
273. *HENRY BAYLIES. B.A. ; M.A., 1849. *• N. 0. Born
September 9, 1822, Edgartown, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister;
later engaged in teaching and business. Died December 13, 1893,
Maiden, Mass.
274. *SAMUEL FERGUSON BEACH. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A.,
1849. *. N. e. ^. B. K. Brother of No. 253. Bank president. Died
September 15, 1893, Alexandria, Va.
275. *ELI CONVERSE BRUCE. B.A. ; M.A., 1849; D.D.,
Syracuse University, 1882. Born April 18, 1820, Worthington, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died January 18, 191 1, Syracuse, N. Y.
276. *PERRY G; CHILDS. B.A. X. <ir. Born December 4, 1826,
Cazenovia, N. Y. Miner and broker. Died July 16, 1893, Oakland,
277. *FRIEND SMITH DAVENPORT. B.A. Born February 18,
1824. Farmer. Died April 17, 1849.
278. *ZEBINA THOMAS DEAN. B.A.; M.D, Cleveland
Medical College, 1849, and Cincinnati Medical College, 1850. ^. T.
Born February 9, 1821, Pittsford, Vt. Physician, Died December 25,
1862, Milan, Ohio.
May 26, 1826, Rhinebeck, N. Y.
Studied law in Rhinebeck and New York, N. Y., 1847-48. In business
in New York and Liverpool as partner in a shipping house, 1849-50.
Practised law in New York, N. Y., 185 1- 1900. Retired, 1900, Died July
4, 1918, New York, N. Y.
Married October 16, 1856, Helen Jay Prime, of New York, N. Y.
Children : Frederick Prime, b. 1857 ; Elizabeth Waters, b. 1859, m. S. H.
Russell ; Helen Jay, b. 1864.
280. *AMZI WESLEY GENUNG. B.A. Born November 3, 1821,
Honesdale, Pa. Bookkeeper. Died March 18, 1881, San Francisco, Cal.
281. *JOHN BINNEY GOULD. B.A. ; M.A., 1849. X. ^. Born
April 7, 1824, Hull, Mass. Brother of T. L. Gould (class of 1850).
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died December 29, 1908, Reading, Mass.
282. ^ALBERT SCHUYLER GRAVES. B.A. ; M.A., 1856. ^. T.
4>. B. K. Born January 17, 1824, Salisbury, Vt. Brother of No. 799.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died September 14, 1887, Stratford,
283. *FRANCIS WARD HAMMOND. B.A. Born October 4,
1821, New Village, N. Y. Brother of No. 800, and of G. H. Hammond
(class of 1868). School principal; later engaged in business. Died
November 4, 1894, Toano, Va.
284. ^GILBERT HAVEN. B.A. j M.A., 1849. *• N. 9. *. B. K.
Born September 19, 1821, Maiden, Mass. Bishop of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. Died January 3, 1880, Maiden, Mass.
285. *BENJAMIN THOMAS HOYT. B.A. ; M.A., 1849. 4^. T.
Born October 18, 1820, Boston, Mass. Brother of Nos. 236 and 395.
College professor. Died May 24, 1867, Greencastle, Ind.
286. *ZENAS HURD. B.A. Born October 27, 1821. Methodist
Episcopal minister, and teacher. Died May 11, 1896, Lima, N. Y.
287. *AMMI BRADFORD HYDE. B.A. ; M.A., 1849; D.D.,
Genesee College, 1867, and Syracuse University (ad eundem), 1874;
Litt.D., University of Denver, 1909. $. N. 9. *. B. K. Born March 13,
1824, Oxford, N. Y.
Taught in Oneida Conference (now Cazenovia) Seminary, N. Y., 1846-
62. Methodist Episcopal minister, Oneida (now Central New York)
Conference, 1862-64. Professor of Greek, Allegheny College, 1864-79;
of Hebrew and English Literature, 1879-84. Professor of Greek,
University of Denver, 1884-1906; Professor Emeritus and Librarian,
1906-21. Chaplain, Colorado Senate, 191 1. Died March 23, 1921,
Denver, Col.
Married July 25, 1850, Mira Smith, of Utica, N. Y., who died Septem-
ber 12, 1899. Children: Maria Hibbard, b. July 11, 1855; Fannie
Garrettson, b. June 2,7, 1857, d. October 26, 1863.
*. B. K. Born February 2, 1827, Amenia, N. Y. Brother of Nos. 191
and 778, and of T. M. Ingraham (class of 1844). Lawyer. Died June
7, 1908, Brooklyn, N. Y.
289. *LEW1S FULLER JONES. B.A.; M.A., 1852. ^. T.
$. B. K. Born August 5, 1821, Petersburg, N. Y. Lawyer and judge.
Died November 5, 1895, Mariposa, Gal.
^. T. Born August 2(i, 1826, New Lebanon, N. Y. Manufacturer.
Died April 14, 1853.
^. N. e. $. B. K. Born January 3, 1818, Bloomfield, Conn. Methodist
Episcopal minister. Died October 31, 1891, Bloomfield, Conn.
292. *OLIVER MARCY. B.A. ; M.A., 1849; LL.D., University
of Chicago, 1873. *. N. 0. 4>. B. K. Born February 13, 1820, Coleraine,
Mass. College professor. Died March 19, 1899, Evanston, 111.
293. *JAMES EDWIN MARSH. B.A.; M.A., 1849; M.D.,
Dartmouth College, 1855. *. N. 0. 4>. B. K. Born April 19, 1822,
Holliston, Mass. Druggist. Died July 7, 1869.
294. *DANIEL MARTINDALE. B.A. Born January 24, 1827,
Troy, N. Y. Brother of No. T]. Lawyer. Died November i, 1853.
295. *SAMUEL SOBIESKI NELLES. B.A. ; M.A., 1849; D.D.,
Queen's College, i860; LL.D., University of Victoria College, 1872.
Born October 17, 1823, Mount Pleasant, Ont., Canada. College presi-
dent. Died October 21, 1887, Coburg, Ont, Canada.
296. *FALES HENRY NEWHALL. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A., 1849;
D.D., Genesee College, 1866. *. N. O. 4>. B. K. Born June 19, 1827,
Saugus, Mass, Professor in Wesleyan University. Died April 6, 1883,
Worcester, Mass.
297. *LEWIS FREDERICK PELTON. B.A. ; M.A., 1849; M.D.,
New York University, 1851. X. ^I'. Born February 13, 1828, Westfield,
Mass. Physician. Died September 17, 1883, Mount Kisco, N. Y.
298. *CHARLES POWERS. B.A. *. X. 6. Born in Amenia,
N. Y. Lawyer. Died February 3, i860, Ottawa, 111.
299. *ELBERT GEORGE ROBERTS. B.A. X. ^. Born October
14, 1824, Cornwall; Conn. Manufacturer. Died July 24, 1889, Litch-
field, Conn.
GRADUATES. (1846-47
300. *EDWIN CLOWES RUSHMORE. B.A. ; M.D., New York
University, 1854. X. ^. Born August 7, 1824, Hempstead, N. Y.
Physician. Died February 4, 1885, H'empstead, N. Y.
301. *DAVID ALEXANDER SCOTT. B.A. Born August 25,
1825, Montgomery, N. Y. Lawyer. Died August 27, 1890, Sabael, N. Y.
302. *SETH LORING SPRAGUE. B.A.; M.A., 1849; M.D.,
Harvard University, 1850. X. ^. Born August 25, 1825, Duxbury,
Mass. Physician. Died March 25, 1897, Weston, Mass.
303. *WILLIAM TUNISON. B.A. ; M.A., 1849. *• N. 9. «l>. B. K.
Born August 19, 1825, Trenton, N. J. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died April 8, 1888, Orange, N. J.
304. *SMITH TUTTLE. B.A. Born August 10, 1827, Burlington,
Taught in Maryland. Practised law in New York, N. Y., 1873- 1906.
Died March 2, 1914, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Married December 29, 1858, Jennie A. Rogers, who died January 10,
191 1. Children: Pauline, b. December 19, 1859, d. January 2, 1862;
Edith, b. January 10, 1863, d. August 3, 1903 ; Caroline R., b. November
8, 1864; Margaret, b. July 31, 1866, m. Charles Irving Rogers; Hubert
Smith, b. December 29, 1868, d. August 22, 1870; Mabel, b. August 25,
1872, m. William Graham Hamilton ; Harold S., b. October 8, 1873, d.
July 22, 1874; Philip, b. April 13, 1879.
Born February 19, 1826, Trenton, N. J. Banker. Died March 28, 1884,
Trenton, N. J.
306. *CALEB P. WICKERSHAM. B.A. ; M.A., 1850. Born
December 12, 1814, East Marlboro, Pa. School principal. Died Sep-
tember 12, 1888, Kennett Square, Pa.
CLASS OF 1847.
307. *ED WARD GAYER ANDREWS. B.A. ; M.A., 1854; D.D.,
Genesee College, 1863; LL.D., Allegheny College, 1881, and Wesleyan,
1900. A. K. E. 4>. B. K. Born August 7, 1825- New Hartford, N. Y.
Brother of T. F. Andrews (class of 1841). Bishop of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. Died December 31, 1907, Brooklyn, N. Y.
4>. N. e. Born December 3, 1823, Worcester, Mass. Minister, Congre-
gational and later Roman Catholic Church. Died October 12, 1897,
Hartford, Conn.
309. *JOHN COLBURN. B.A. (valedic). ^. T. ^. B. K. Born
June 26, 1826, Lansingburg, N. Y. Teacher; later in business. Died
July 21, 1881, Hampton, Va.
310. CORNELIUS COLE. B.A.; M.A., 1850. ^. T. Born
September 17, 1822, Lodi, N. Y. Brother of G. W. Cole (class of 1850).
Admitted to the bar, 1848. Engaged in mining in California, 1849.
Practised law in San Francisco, Cal., 1850-51. Settled in Sacramento,
Cal., and practised law, 1851-63. Editor of The Times (daily and
weekly), Sacramento, Cal., 1856. Practised law in Sacramento, Cal.,.
1857-63. District attorney for city and county of Sacramento, 1857-59.
Member of National Republican Committee, 1856, and for many years
after. Representative in Congress from California, 1863-64. U. S.
senator from California, 1867-73 (for four years chairman of the com-
mittee on appropriations). Practised law in Los Angeles, Cal. Author:
Memoirs, 1908. Oldest living graduate.
Married January 6, 1853, Olive A. Colegrove, of Trumansburg, N. Y.,
who died August 18, 1918. Children : Emma, b. August 18, 1854, m. W.
Van H. Brown (deceased) ; Seward, b. March 13, 1856; Willoughby, b.
November 20, 1857, d. October 10, 1912; Lucretia, b. January 2, i860,
m. Howard S. Waring (deceased) ; Cornelia, b. June i, 1863, m- James
G. McLoughlin (deceased) ; Schuyler, b. February 14, 1865; Grace, b.
January 19, 1868, m. Reginald H. Jones ; Frederick, b. July 15, 1870, d.
October 2, 1873 ; George Townsend, b. August 28, 1874.
Address : 6121 Lexington Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
311. *HENRY A. COOLIDGE. B.A. 4'. T. Born July 12, 1822,
Forestville, N. Y. Journalist. Died October 31, 1894, Washington,
D. C.
312. *JAMES ALEXANDER DEAN. B.A. ; M.A, 1850; D.D.,
Illinois Wesleyan University, 1873. ^. T. Born April 3, 1823, Hubbard-
ton, Vt. Methodist Episcopal minister, school principal and college
president. Died March 29, 1885, New Brunswick, N. J.
Born May 18, 1827, Farmington, Conn. Bookseller. Died March 22,
1901, Elyria, Ohio.
314. *DANIEL HAIGHT. B.A. ; M.A., 1850. Born January 6,
1827, Greenwich, Conn. Lawyer. Died March 14, 1908, Port Chester,
N. Y.
315. *ORANGE JUDD. B.A. ; M.A., 1850. ^. T. *. B. K. Born
July 26, 1822, near Niagara Falls, N. Y. Publisher. Died December 27,
1892, Evanston, 111.
316. *JOSEPH ELIJAH KING. B.A. ; M.A., 1850; D.D., Union
College, 1863 ; Ph.D., Regents of University of New York, 1872. ^. T.
*. B, K. Born November 30, 1823, Laurens, N. Y. Brother of No. 723.
Taught in Vermont Conference Seminary, Newbury, Vt, 1847-48;
principal, 1848-53. Joined Vermont Conference, M. E. Church, 1849.
Principal of Fort Plain Seminary, N. Y., 1853-54. President of Fort
Edward Institute, N. Y., 1854-1913. Transferred to Troy Conference,
1856. President, First National Bank of Fort Edward, N. Y. Trustee
of Wesleyan University, 1871-1913. Delegate to General Conference,
M. E. Church, 1856, '64; reserve delegate, 1868, '72. Died June 3, I9I3^
Fort Edward, N. Y.
Married 1850, Melissa Bayley, of Newbury, Vt, who died October
17, 1887. Married December 28, 1889. Mrs. Josephine Mary Batcheller.
Children: Mary Ellen, b. July 20, 1852, m. M. W. VanDenburg (No.
942), d. February 13, 1879; Charles Joseph, b. December 24, 1855, d.
March 25, 1858 ; Alice Eliza, b. September 10, 1859, m. W, W. McGilton
(No. 1278) ; Helen Melissa, b. April 2, 1863, m. J. E. Cheesman.
317. *JOHN PARKER LEE. B.A.; M.A., 1850. Born January
15, 1821, Stanstead, Que., Canada. School principal ; later engaged in
business and farming. Died November 22, 1910, Los Angeles, Cal.
318. *EDWARD SPALDING LIPPITT. B.A.; M.A., 1850. X. ^.
Born September 17, 1824, Woodstock, Conn.
Principal of Literary Institute, Pembroke, N. H., 1847-48. Taught in
Wesleyan Female College, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1848-52. Principal of Boys'
Classical School, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1852-54. Admitted to the bar, 1854.
Practised law in Cincinnati, 1854-62. City solicitor of Cincinnati, 1859-
60. Professor of Mathematics, University of the Pacific, Cal., 1862-63.
Principal, and superintendent of schools, Petaluma, Cal." 1863-67.
Acting pastor of First Congregational Church, Petaluma, Cal., 1863.
Stationed at M. E. Church, Petaluma, 1864-66. Principal of Scientific
and Classical Institute, Petaluma, and acting pastor of First Congrega-
tional Church, 1866-68. Practised law in Petaluma, 1870-1912. City
attorney for Petaluma, 1875-83. General counsel, S. F. & N. P. Rail-
way Company, 1875-92. Presidential elector, State of California, 1888.
Died May 3, 1912, Petaluma, Cal.
Married November 22, 1848, Helen M. Young, of Lebanon, N. H.,
who died June 2^, 1849. Married July 2, 1851, Sarah Lucretia Lewis, of
Monroe, La, Children : Sarah Frances, b. October 10, 1853, d. October
5, 1859; Afartha Lewis, b. December 26, 1855, d. October 11, 1859; Mary
Willis, b. March 9, 1858, m. J. H. Fitch; Helen Marion, b. March 31,
i860, m. T. K. Dougherty; Edward Lewis, b. June 29, 1862 (B.A., Univ.
of the Pacific, 1882) ; Fannie Richardson, b. March 9, 1865, d. August 5,
1865; Frank Kavanaugh, b. March 9, 1865; Lois Gertrude, b. June 10,
319. *JAMES N. MARTIN. B.A. ; M.A., 1853; Ph.D., Univer-
sity of the Pacific ; D.D., from the same. Born October 10, 1823,
Augusta, Ont, Canada. Methodist Episcopal minister, and college
president. Died January 18, 1909, Seattle, Wash.
B.A. ; M.A., 1867. X. ^. Born August 16, 1824, Paterson, N. J.
Brother of J. I. Morrow (class of 1849). Manufacturer. Died Febru-
ary 24, 1895, Huntington, N. Y.
321. *JOHN HALL NEWTON. B.A. ; M.A., 1850. Born March
22, 1826, Durham, Conn. Congregational minister. Died August 15,
1863, Middletown, Conn.
322. *BENJAMIN PILSBURY. B.A. ; M.A., 1850; D.D., East
Tennessee Wesleyan University, 1875. $. N. 9. $. B. K. Born October
25, 1824, Boscawen, N. H. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died Febru-
ary 2y, 1887, Middletown, Conn.
323. *SILAS WRIGHT ROBBINS. B.A. (salut) ; M.A, 1850.
^. T. *, B. K. Born January 12, 1827, Dorset, Vt. Congregational
minister. Died May 31, 1907, Hartford, Conn.
324. *JAMES ROGERS. B.A. ; M.A., 1850. Born September 28,
1818, Cambria, N. Y. Teacher and preacher. Died May 15, 1898,
Crestview, Fla.
325. *PERRY CHILDS SMITH. B.A.; M.A., 1850. Born
November 24, 1827, Cazenovia, N. Y. Son of President Smith;
brother of No. 495. Manufacturer ; later government official. Died
May 16, 1903, Newport, R. I.
1824, Moravia, N. Y. Rector, Protestant Episcopal Church. Died
April 16, 1864, Port Byron, N. Y.
327. *BENJAMIN VAN KIRK. B.A. ; M.A., 1850. Born July 4,
1827, Pennington, N. J, School principal. Died December 17, 1909,
Philadelphia, Pa.
tember 21. 1828, Wilkinson Co., Miss. Lawyer. Died February 6, 1904,
Iberville, La.
329. *ALEXANDER WINCHELL. B.A. ; M.A., 1850; LL.D.,
1867. *. N. e. *. B. K. Born December 31, 1824, North East, N. Y.
College professor. Died February 19, 1891, Ann Arbor, Mich.
■4'. T. *. B. K. Born March 8. 1828, Middletown, Conn. Congrega-
tional minister. Died May 31, 1866, Darien, Conn.
331. *FRANKLIN OTIS BLAIR. B.A.; M.A., 1851. Born
November 30, 1822, Blandford, Mass. College professor. Died October
14, 1896, Trinidad, Col.
332. ^WILLIAM WARNER CLARK. B.A. ; M.A., 1851. *. B. K.
Born August 19, 1826, Bristol, Vt. Teacher. Died September 19, 1869.
333. *JOHN CURRIER CLARKE. B.A. ; M.A., 1851. ^. T.
Born March 3, 1822, Chester, N. H. Teacher ; later engaged in business.
Died 1903, Detroit, Mich.
334. *JOEL BARBER CLOUGH. B.S. Born October 30, 1823,
Palmer, Mass. In the railroad business. Died August 22, 1887, Helena,
♦DAVID NELSON CONGER. B.A, Born July 30, 1825,
Danby, Vt. School principal ; later engaged in farming. Died July 9,
1904, Moberly, Mo.
Born August 16, 1826, Washingtonville, N. Y. School principal ; later
engaged in farming. Died February 9, 1896, Gibbon, Neb.
337. *JOSEPH BENSON FREEMAN. B.A. *. N. 9. ^. B. K.
Teacher. Died March i, 1849, in Ohio.
338. *JOHK PHILANDER GRIFFIN. B.A. ; M.A., 1852.
A. A. $. Born January 7, 1821, Vernon, N. Y. School principal; later
engaged in business. Died April 21, 1890, Syracuse, N. Y.
339. *SAMUEL HALL HARRINGTON. B.A.; M.D., Starling
Medical College, 1852. Born November 18, 1827, Lyons, N. Y. Physi-
cian. Died September, 1859, Richmond, Ind.
340. *WILLIAM GEORGE HAWKINS. B.A. Born October 22,
1823, Baltimore, Md. Rector, Protestant Episcopal Church. Died July
18, 1909, Denver, Col.
341. *EBENEZER HODSDON. B.A. ; M.A., 1852. Born October
27, 1818, Berwick, Me". School principal; later engaged in farming.
Died August 22, 1894, Corning, Mo.
342. *WILLIAM CASE KENDALL. B.A. ; M.A., 1851. Born
December 25, 1822, Covington, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died February i, 1858, West Falls, N. Y.
343. *EDWIN RUTHVEN KEYES. B.A.;" M.A., 1851. *. B. K.
Born May 7, 1826, West Henrietta, N. Y. Minister, Methodist Episco-
pal, later Swedenborgian, Church. Died November 16, 1886, Yonkers,
N. Y.
344. *JAMES ELIJAH LATIMER. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A., 1851;
D.D., 1868. -P. T. 4>. B. K. Born October 7, 1826, Hartford, Conn.
Methodist Episcopal minister, later professor of theology. Died Nov-
ember 27, 1884, Auburndale, Mass.
345. *WILLIAM CONWAY LAWES. B.S. Died 1870, Donald-
sonville, La.
346. *ROBERT McGONEGAL. B.A. ; M.A., 1851. Born March
25, 1822, Ithaca, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal, later Baptist, minister.
Died December 4, 1892, Norwalk, Conn.
347. *RALZA MORSE MANLY. B.A. ; M.A., 1851. ^. T. Born
January 16, 1822, Dorset, Vt. School principal and college instructor.
Died September 16, 1897, San Diego, Cal.
1848-49] GRADUATES.
348. *EDMUND MAURIN. B.A. Deceased; date of death
349. *HENRY SANBORN NOYES. B.A. ; M.A., 1851. <!'. N. e.
$. B. K. Born December 24, 1822, Landaff, N. H. College professor.
Died May 24, 1872, Evanston, 111.
350. *DANIEL FARNUM POND. B.S. Born July 14, 1822,
Mendon, Mass. In business. Died January 20, 1896, New York, N. Y.
351. *BENJAMIN TITUS ROBERTS. B.S. ; M.A., 1858. ^. T.
Born July, 1823, Leon, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister; later
school principal. Died February ttj, 1893, Cattaraugus, N. Y.
352. *DANIEL STEELE. B.A. {salut.') ; M.A., 1851 ; D.D., 1868.
4>. N. e. $. B. K. Born October 5, 1824, Windham, N. Y.
Tutor in Mathematics, Wesleyan University, 1848-50. Methodist
Episcopal minister. New England Conference, 1850-62, 1872-89. Pro-
fessor of Ancient Languages, Genesee College, 1862-69; Acting Presi-
dent, 1869-71. Vice-president of Syracuse University, 1871-72. Instruc-
tor in New Testament Greek and Exegesis, Boston University, 1884-
85 ; Acting Professor of the same, 1892-93 ; Acting Professor of
Systematic Theology, 1886-89; of Practical Theology, 1890-94. Instruc-
tor in N. E. Deaconess Training School, 1895-99. Associate editor of
Divine Life, 1889-93; of The Christian Witness, 1896-1914. Super-
annuated, 1906. Author: Love Enthroned ; Milestone Papers; Binney's
Theological Compend Improved, etc. Died September 2, 1914, Milton,
Married August 8, 1850, Harriet Binney, of Wilbraham, Mass., who
died February 24, 1902. Children: Wilbur Fletcher, b. May 17, 1851
(class of 1871) ; Arthur Brainerd, b. April 20, 1855. d. February 24, 1857;
Charles Breed, b. December 12, 1857; Caroline Binney, b. August 31,
1861 ; Mary Grace, b. April 11, 1871.
353. *DANIEL WOOSTER STEVENS. B.A. ; M.A., 1851. X. ^.
Born May 5, 1822, Walden, Vt. School principal. Died June 23, 1878,
Mt. Washington, Ohio.
December 28, 1822, Pawlet, Vt. Lawyer. Died November 11, 1871,
Springfield, Mass.
355. *JOHN WILSON ALLEN. B.A.; M.A., 1852. Born 1824,
Farmington, Me. Insurance agent. Died February 25, 1906, Maiden,
356. *DANIEL AMES. B.A. Born February 2, 1822, Springfield,
Mass. Preacher and teacher. Died January 23, 1898, Harper's Ferry,
W. Va.
357. *JOSEPH ALBERT BAILEY. B.A. X. ^. Born August
17, 1823, Middletown, Conn. Baptist minister. Died May 11, 1873,
Carlsbad, Germany.
December 14, 1828, Charlotte, Vt. Died October 2, 1850, Mechanics-
ville, N. Y.
359. *CHARLES SOMENDYKE BROWN. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A.,
1852. a>. N. e. i\ B. K. Born February 7, 1825, Plattekill, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died November 14, 1880, Nyack, N. Y.
3G0. *JAMES CALDER. B.A. ; M.A., 1852; D.D., Hillsdale
College, 1866. i\ X. O. *. B. K. Born February 16, 1826, Harrisburg,
Pa. Methodist Episcopal, later Baptist, minister, and college president.
Died November 22, 1893, Harrisburg, Pa.
. Masonville, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister, and teacher. Died
January 17, 1892, San Leandro, Cal.
362. *CFI]ARLES GALUSHA COLBY. B.A. Born 1830. Died
October, 1866, New York, N. Y.
363. *ALMON ORSON COOLEY. B.A. Lawyer. Died Septem-
ber 26, 1899, Fredericksburg, Texas.
364. *CHARLES ROLLIN DEAN. B.A. ; M.A., 1852. ^. T.
#. B. K. Born June 25, 1827, Lanesboro, Mass. In business. Died
March 28, 1894, New York, N. Y.
365. *LORENZO DOW. B.A. ^. T. «i>. B. K. Born July 10,
1825. Sumner, Me. Engaged in business and mining. Died October 12,
1899, New York, N. Y.
X. ^. $. B. K. Born October 6, 1829, Middletown Point, N. J. Banker.
Died January 12, 1908, Brooklyn, N. Y.
367. *JOHN CATLIN HOLABIRD. B.A. X. ^. Born in
Winchester, Conn, Died May 28, 1853, in California.
368. *ANDREW HUNT. B.A. ; M.A., 1852. $. N. 9. ^. B. K.
Born October 27, 1824, Amenia, N. Y. Brother of No. 422. School
principal. Died May 13, 1881, Rhinebeck, N. Y.
369. *FRANK GRANT JOHNSON. B.S. ; M.D., Castleton
Medical College, 1851. Born January 30, 1825, East Windsor, Conn.
Studied medicine; principal of a grammar school, North Providence,
R. I., 1849. Studied medicine; principal of Wethersfield Academy,
Conn. ; studied in Vermont Medical College, 1850. Studied and grad-
uated at Castleton Medical College, Vt., 1851. Practised medicine in
Brooklyn, N. Y., 1852-56. Patented about one hundred new inventions,
1852-81. Died ; date of death unknown.
Married October 30, 1851, Mary A. Bell, of Hempstead, N. Y., who
died February 2, 1864. Married April 28, 1865, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Bell,
of Brooklyn, N. Y., who died January 24, 1869. Married November 16,
1870, Mrs. Rebecca E. Lund, of New Bedford, Mass. Children : Belle,
b. November 20, 1853, d. January 5, 1856; Kate, b. March 3, 1856, d.
January i, 1863; Minnie, b. June 6, 1863, d. August 30, 1863; Frank
Read, b. March 2, 1866.
370. ♦GEORGE: GARDNER JONES. B.A.; M.A., 1852. $. N. 0.
$. B. K. Born October 9, 1822, Sterling, Mass. Brother of No. 463.
Rector, Protestant Episcopal Church. Died May 9, 1891, Brighton,
371. *JOHN WESLEY JONES. B.A. Born August 31, 1821,
Lincolnville, Me. Engaged in mining and journalism. Died November
14, 1897, Benicia, Cal.
372. *ROMULUS OSCAR KELLOGG. B.A. ; M.A., 1852.
^. N. 0, Born January 6, 1827, Goshen, Conn. Brother of No. 592.
College professor ; later Methodist Episcopal minister. Died January
27, 1865.
373. *JOHN ROBERT LIVINGSTON. B.A. ; M.A., 1852. Born
August 28, 1829, Barrytown, N. Y. Brother of C. O. Livingston (class
of 1852). Rector, Protestant Episcopal Church. Died April 11, 1878,
Glenham, N. Y.
Born January 7, 1827, Weston, Conn. Lawyer. Died January 19,
1897, Bridgeport, Conn,
376. *JACOB LA GRANGE McKOWN. B.A. ; M.A., 1852; D.D.,
Union College, 1870. X. ^. Born 1830, in Albany County, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died May 2, 1879, Newark, N. J.
376. *LORENZO MARSHALL. B.A. S^. T. Born April 7, 1824,
Beekmantown, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died August 4,
1898, Glens Falls, N. Y.
377. *GEORGE FREDERICK MELLEN. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A.,
1852. *. N. 0. $. B. K. Teacher. Died September 30, 1855, Andover,.
378. *WESLEY HULL MILLER. B.A. Born December 23, 1819,
Mount Pleasant, Pa. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died April 14,
1887, Fayette, Iowa.
Hebron, Conn. In business. Died December 21, 1897, Austin, Texas.
GRADUATES. [1849-50
380. *JOHN PEGG. B.A.; M.A., 1852. ^. T. *. B. K. Born
March 10, 1827, Coventry, England. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died June 18, 1894, New Rochelle, N. Y.
381. *JULIUS ROWLEY POMEROY. B.A. ; M.A., 1852. <i^. T.
4>. B. K. Born July 4, 1825, Sharon, N. Y. Brother of Nos. 466 and
541, and of R. M. Pomeroy (class of 1852) and W. Pomeroy (class of
1861). Lawyer. Died April 10, 1877, Brooklyn, N. Y.
^. T. *. B. K. Born 1828, Boston, Mass. Professor of music. Died
March 5, 1856, Boston, Mass.
383. *GEORGE WORTHY QUEREAU. B.A. ; M.A., 1852; D.D.,
Northwestern University, 1866. *. B. K. Born June 9, 1827, Stanford-
ville, N. Y. School principal; later manufacturer. Died April 11, 1900,
Aurora, 111.
Ph.D., Lawrence University, 1868. ^. N. 9. <J>. B. K. Born December
22, 1827, Sidney, Me. Teacher. Died January 27, 1884, Deering, Me.
385. *WILLIAM WHITE RUNYAN. B.A.; M.A., 1852. Born
March 13, 1828, Seneca, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister ; later
engaged in farming. Died May 23, 1909, Marion, Kans.
386. *JOHN HENRY SMITH. B.A. $. N. 0. Born July 2, 1821,
Boston, Mass.
Went South ; taught ; studied law, 1849. Druggist in Brownsville,
Minn., 1855-80. Resided in Idaho Springs, Col., 1880-83; Denver,
1883. Senator from Minnesota for one term. Deceased; date of death
Married 1847 or 1848, Miss Taylor. Child : Walter, b. 1849 or 1850.
387. *WILLIAM WATSON TAGGART. B.A. ; M.A., 1852.
Born December 2S, 1826, Leray, N. Y Manufacturer. Died November
29, 1904, Watertown, N. Y.
388. *JABEZ BROOKS. B.A.; M.A., 1853 ; D.D., Lawrence Uni-
versity, 1867. ^- Tf"- ^- B. K. Born September 18, 1823, Stockport,
England. Brother of No. 410. College professor and president. Died
January 26, 1910, San Jose, Cal.
389. ^NATHANIEL JUDSON BURTON. B.A. (valedic.) ;
M.A., 1853; D.D., 1870; M.A. (Hon.), Yale University, 1882. A. K. E.
*. B. K. Born December 17, 1824, Trumbull, Conn. Brother of H. E.
Burton (class of 1864). Congregational minister. Died October 13,
1887, Hartford, Conn.
1853. X. ^. Born March 28, 1826, East Woodstock, Conn. Methodist
Episcopal minister. Died June 20, 1866.
391. *IRAH EATON CHASE. B.A.; M.A., 1853; M.D., Berk-
shire Medical College and Jefferson Medical College, 1853. *. B. K.
Born June i, 1831, Newton, N. H.
At home, studying, in New Bedford, Mass., 1850-51, Studied medicine
in Philadelphia, Pa., Woodstock, Vt., and Pittsfield, Mass., 1851-53.
Practised medicine in Haverhill, Mass, 1853-94. Traveled and studied
abroad, in various parts of Europe and the East, 1866-69, 1880-81, 1894-
95> 1907. Retired from active practice, 1894. Trustee and vice-president
of Tilton Seminary, N. H. ; also lecturer on physiology and hygiene.
Lay delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1876, '92, Died
September 24, 1919, Haverhill, Mass,
Married January i, 1856, Josephine Brownell, of New Bedford, Mass.,
who died November 10, 1898. Married August 13, 1906, Alice Elisabeth
Dow, of Isles of Shoals, N. H.
392. *SETH CHURCH. B.A. ^. N. e. Born October 12, 1822,
Winsted, Conn. School principal. Died October 5, 1852, Athens, Tenn.
393. *ALONZO JAY EDGERTON. B.A. ; M.A., 1853; LL.D.,
University of South Dakota, 1889, and Wesleyan, 1891. Born June 7,
1827, Rome, N. Y. Judge; U. S. Senator. Died August 9, 1896, Sioux
Falls, S. Dak.
vard University, 1854. Born September 4, 1828, Gilmanton, N. H.
Physician. Died July i, 1902, Floral City, Fla.
395. *ALBERT HARRISON HOYT. B.A. ; M.A., 1868; M.A.
(Hon.), Dartmouth College, 1878. Sk. T. Born December 6, 1826, Sand-
wich, N. H. Brother of Nos. 236 and 285.
Began the study of law in Portsmouth, N. H., 1851. Commissioner of
common schools, Rockingham County, N. H., 1852-53. Clerk of State
Court for said county, 1853-56. Practised law in Portsmouth, N. H.,
1857-62. City solicitor, 1857-59. Served on the General Staff of the
Army, with the rank of major, 1862-66. Commissioned brevet lieuten-
ant-colonel, 1865. Resided in Boston, Mass.; engaged in editorial and
other literary work, 1866-77. Resided in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1877-81 ; in
Boston, Mass., 1881-1915. Clerk in the office of the Assistant Treasurer
of the United States, Boston, 1887-1915. Died June 11, 1915, Boston,
Married June 28, i860, Sarah F. Green, of Elizabeth, N. J., who died
June 15, 1893. Child: Francis Warburton, b. September 6, 1861, d.
March 31, 1862.
^. T. Born April 6, 1826, Shoreham, Vt. School principal. Died
October 27, 1880, Albany, N. Y.
397. *WILLIAM LAWRENCE. B.A.; M.A., 1853. ^- B. K.
Methodist Episcopal, later Baptist, minister. Died April 28, 1890, Avon,
Born June 21, 1827, Fairfield, Conn. Brother of R. P. Lyon (class of
1850). School principal; later editor and florist. Died May 6, 1905,
South Norwalk, Conn.
X. ^I'. Born September 28, 1827, New York, N. Y. Brother of No. 425.
Preacher and teacher. Died November 6, 1857, Otisville, N. Y.
400. *FRANK PULVER. B.A. ^. T. Born 1827. Lawyer.
Died May 17, 1887, Paterson, N. J.
401. *WILLIAM BEINHAUER SILBER. B.A. (sahit.) ; M.A.,
1853; Ph.D., New York University, 1868; M.D., Detroit Homoeopathic
College, 1873 ; LL.D., Iowa Wesleyan University, 1874- ^- '^- *• B. K.
Born November 22, 1826, New York, N. Y. School principal. Died May
5, 1906, New York, N. Y.
402. *GEORGE McKENDREE STEELE. B.A. ; M.A., 1853;
D.D., Northwestern University, 1866 ; LL.D., Lawrence University, 1879,
$. N. e. $. B. K. Born April 13, 1823, Strafford, Vt. Brother of No.
469. College president. Died January 14, 1902, Kenilworth, 111.
403. *GEORGE STILLMAN. B.A. ; M.A., 1853- Born Novem-
ber 30, 1826, Sheffield, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died June
12, 1910, Rockville Centre, N. Y.
D.D., 1878. A. K. E. ^. B. K. Born May 26, 1823, Boston, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died February 26, 1893, Evanston, 111.
405. *JOHN BULLOCK VAN PETTEN. B.A. ; M.A., 1853;
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1889. X. ^. Born July 19, 1827, Sterling,
N. Y. Brother of No. 448. School principal. Died October 31, 1908,
Cazenovia, N. Y.
40G. *JOHN MONROE VAN VLECK. B.A.; M.A., 1853; LL.D.,
Northwestern University, 1876, and Wesleyan, 1900. *. N. G. $. B. K.
Born March 4, 1833, Stone Ridge, N. Y.
Taught in Providence Conference Seminary (now East Greenwich
Academy), R. I., 1850. Assistant in Nautical Almanac Office, Cam-
bridge, Mass., 1851-53. Adjunct Professor of Mathematics in Wesleyan
University, 1853-57; Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, 1858-
1904; Professor Emeritus, 1904-12; Vice-president, 1890-1903; Acting
President, 1872-73, 1887-89, 1896-97. Lay delegate to Methodist Ecu-
menical Conference, 1881, '91, 1901. Died November 4, 1912, Middle-
town, Conn.
Married May 2, 1854, Ellen Maria Burr, of Middletown, Conn., who
died December 26, 1899. Children: Anna (No. 1234), b. April 30, 1856;
Clara (No. 1295), b. August 29, 1859; Edward Burr (No. 1375), b. June
7, 1863; Jane (No. 1505), b. September 5, 1864.
407. *SAMUEL ROGERS ADAMS. B.A. ; M.A., 1856. A. T.
Born June 5, 1825, Campton, N. H. Teacher and preacher. Died
December 21, 1862, Springfield, Mo.
A. T. Born January 27, 1830, Palmyra, N. Y.
In business. Palmyra, N. Y., 1852-57; Fremont, Ohio, 1857-60;
Rochester, N. Y., 1861. In U, S. Army, 13th New York Volunteers,
1862-63. In business. Palmyra, N. Y., 1863-79. Resided in Fremont,
Ohio, 1879-1919. Died October 26, 1919, Fremont, Ohio.
Married August 12, 1851, Mary E. Nixon, of Macedon Centre, N. Y.,
who died June, 1857. Married November 8, 1859, Caroline E, Dollison,
of Fremont, Ohio, who died 1865. Children : Mary Josephine, b. Novem-
ber 8, 1854, d. 1879; Julia Ann, b. December 23, i860, m. T. Decker.
409. *CHARLES WESLEY BOWEN. B.A.; M.A.. 1856. Born
July 21, 1830, Paris, N. Y. Brother of No. 478. School principal.
Died May 28, 1885, Liberty, N. Y.
410. *ADIN BROOKS. B.A.; M.D., Albany Medical College, 1856.
<i^. T. Born April 15, 1830, Stockport, Cheshire, England. Brother of
No. 388. Physician. Died October 4, 1857, Red Wing, Minn.
3, 1823, Carthage, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died February
17, 1867, San Francisco, Cal.
412. *ARTHUR BENJAMIN CALEF. B.A.; M.A., i860. ^. T.
*. B. K. Born June 30, 1825, Sanbornton, N. H. Judge. Died August
17, 1900, Middletown, Conn.
413. *JAMES MONROE CARROLL. B.A.; M.A., 1854- A. T.
^. T. 4>. B. K. Born April 21, 1828, Bolton, N. Y. Methodist Epis-
copal minister. Died December 5, 1901, New Haven, Conn.
414. *EDWIN HALSEY COLE. B.A. _^. B. K. Born April 18,
1827, Chatham, Conn. School principal. Died July 16, 1859, Cromwell,
A. T. Born August 20, 1826, Windham, N. H. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died November 4, 1894, Exeter, N. H.
416. *DELOSGARY. B.A. ^. T. ^. B. K. Born 1831, in Oneida
County, N. Y. Lawyer, Died July 27, 1870, Binghamton, N. Y.
417. *JOHN HENRY GAYLORD. B.A.; M.A., 1854. A. T.
Born November 2;^, 1824. New Milford, Conn. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died June 2, 1899, Springfield, Mass.
^. T. Born June 3, 1823, Sudbury, Mass. In the insurance business.
Died September 4, 1900, Sudbury, Mass.
419. *HARMON SAWYER HERRICK. B.A. ; M.D., California
Medical College, 1875. Born 1819, Pittstown, N. Y. Physician. Died
February 19, 1891, Hamilton, Nev.
420. *OTHNIEL HOLMES. B.A. ; M.A., 1854. A. T. Born June
14, 1823, Marcellus, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
November 18, 1899, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
421. *SETH PARKER HOLWAY. B.A. ^. T. «J>. B. K. Born
March 6, 1833, Warren, R. I. Brother of No. 486. Lawyer, later
engaged in business. Died August 12, 1896, San Francisco, Cal.
422. *ALBERT SANFORD HUNT. B.A. {vale die. ) \ M.A..
1854; D.D., 1873. 4>. N. e. <E>. B. K. Born July 3, 1827, Amenia, N. Y.
Brother of No. 368. Methodist Episcopal minister; secretary, Ameri-
can Bible Society. Died September 11, 1898, New York, N. Y.
423. *WILBUR FISK LOOMIS. B.A.; M.A., 1854. *. N. 9.
<^. B. K. Born August 11, 1830, Manchester, Conn. Brother of No.
441. Congregational minister. Died January 7, 1864, Nashville, Tenn.
424. *ANDREW McKEOWN. B.A.; M.A., 1854; D.D., 1873.
4^. T. <i>. B. K. Born July 30, 1823, Nicteaux, N. S., Canada. Brother
of H. McKeown (class of 1852-). Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
December 11, 1893, Newton, Mass.
425. *JAMES BAYLES PEARSON. B.A.; M.A., 1854. X. ^.
Born September 26, 1829, New York, N. Y. Brother of No. 399.
Principal of East Hartford Academy, Conn., 1851-52. State register
of Connecticut for six months. Associate principal of Flushing Female
Seminary, N. Y., 1853-55. Principal of High School, Fall River, Mass.,
1855-58, Studied in Union Theological Seminary, 1858. Associate
principal of Spingler Institute, New York, N. Y., 1859. Pastor of First
Congregational Church, Winsted, Conn., 1860-62. Delegate to the U. S.
Christian Commission. Supplied Second Congregational Church, West
Winsted, Conn., 1862. Pastor of Congregational church, Thomaston,
Conn., 1863-65. Left the ministry on account of ill health, 1865.
Engaged in the life insurance business in New York, N. Y., 1866-69.
President of Commonwealth Life Insurance Company, New York, N. Y.,
1870. Stock broker in New York, N. Y., 1873. Superintendent of agen-
cies of Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., Newark, N. J., 1873-75. Vice-
president of same company, residing in New York, N. Y., 1876-1902.
Retired, 1902. Died May 29, 191 7, New York, N. Y.
Married 1852, Ellen J. Ferree, of Middletown, Conn. Children:
Charles James, b. September 10, 1854; Carrie Louise, b. October 18, 1862;
Frederick Welles, b. June 18, 1866^
426. ^ELLIOTT JUDSON PECK. B.A. ; M.A., 1855. A. T.
$. B. K. Born May 22, 1822, Stratford, Conn. In business. Died
March 5, 1893, Stratford, Conn.
1851-52] GRADUATES.
427. *NICHOLAS HENRY RIGHTOR. B.A. Born in Donald-
sonville, La. Lawyer. Died August ii, 1900, New Orleans, La.
428. *JASPER TENNEY. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A., 1854. $. N. 6.
«!>. B. K. Born November, 1827, Hartford, Vt. Teacher. Died June 15,
1858, Hartford, Vt.
November i, 1824, Redding, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died October 13, 1875, Wales, Mass.
430. *NATHAN DISBROW BANGS. B.A. X. <i^. Born Janu-
ary 17, 1834, New York, N. Y. Publisher. Died September 14, 1881,
New York, N. Y.
431. *CHARLES WESLEY BENNETT. B.A. ; M.A., 1855; D.D.,
Genesee College, 1870; LL.D , Syracuse University, 1887. ^. T. Born
July 18, 1828, East Bethany, N. Y. College professor. Died April 17,
1891, Evanston, 111.
432. *SIMEON FISH CHESTER. B A. ; M.A., 1855. ^. N. 9.
4>. B. K. Born June i. 1824, Brooklyn, Ohio. School principal. Died
September i, 1909, Springfield, Mass.
433. *WILLIAM ROBERT CLARK. B.A.; M.A., 1855; D.D.,
Lawrence University, 1869. *. N. 0. 4>. B. K. Born September 26,
1822, Greenfield, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died June 18,
1905, Cambridge, Mass.
434. *ADAM CLARKE CRYSLER. B.A. A. T. Born July 14,
1826. Teacher. Died April 26, 1855.
LL.B , Yale University, 1855. «^. B. K. Born September 11, 1829,
Plattekill, N. Y. Lawyer. Died March 15, 1884, Geneva, N. Y.
436. *ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL FOSS. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A.,
1855. *. N. e. *. B. K. Born March 6, 1830, Phillipstown, N. Y.
Brother of Nos. 481 and 535. Methodist Episcopal minister, and
college professor. Died March 30, 1870, Clarens, Switzerland.
437. *JAMES SAYRE GRIFFING. B.A. Born October 28, 1822,
Owego, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died April 3, 1882,
Osawatomie, Kans.
438. *CALVIN SEARS HARRINGTON. B.A. (salut); M.A.,
1855; D.D., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1877. ^- Tf"- ^- B. K. Born
May 17, 1826, St. Johnsbury, Vt. College professor. Died February 16,
1886, Middletown, Conn.
439. *JAMES WESLEY HORNE. B.A. ; M.A., 1855; LL.D,
Liberia College, 1882. Born March 24, 1823, on the Island of Jamaica.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died September 6, 1884, Southport, Conn.
D.D., 1906. 4>. N. e. Born November 18, 1830, Lansingburg, N. Y.
Taught in Amenia Seminary, N. Y., 1852-53 ; Pennington Seminary,
N. J., 1854-57. Methodist Episcopal minister, New Jersey and Newark
Conferences, 1857-85. Principal of Bordentown Military Institute,
N. J., 1885-1917. Died July 31, 1917, Bordentown, N. J.
Married May 18, 1864, Sarah Durland, of Warwick, N. Y. Children:
Thomas Durland, b. May 18, 1865; Seymour (No. 1565), b. August 21,
1867; Louise E., b. August 29, 1869, m. R. E. Whitney.
441. *FRANCIS ASBURY LOOMIS. B.A. Born April 2, 1825,
Manchester, Conn. Brother of No, 423. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died June 12, 1904, East Greenwich, R. I.
442. *JAMES ELY McINTIRE. B.A. 4>. N. 6. Born August 8,
1831, Springfield, Mass. Lawyer. Died October 2,2., 1893, Springfield,
443. *WALTER OAKLEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1855. Born August 11,
1824, Shrub Oak, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died February
I, 1899, Topeka, Kans.
444. *JOHN GIFFORD PARSONS. B.A. A. T. Born July 6
1830, Froome, England. Preacher. Died August 21, 1853, Hartford,
44.5. *CHARLES TALCOTT RANSOM. B.A. X. ^. Lawyer
Died April 9, 1888, New York, N. Y.
446. *EDWARD PETER SHAW. B.A. ; M.A., 1855. A. T
Born August 2-^, 1829, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. School principal. Died
April 8, 1905, Redding Ridge, Conn.
1855. A. T. Born July 8, 1825, Lisbon, N. H. Teacher, later lawyer.
Died March 18, 1897, New York, N. Y.
A. T. Born March 17, 1825, Sterling, N. Y. Brother of No. 405.
Taught in Addison, N. Y., 1852-53 ; Elmira, 1853-55 ; Binghamton,
1855-57 ; Homer, 1857. Engaged in surveying in Oswego and Jefferson
Counties, N. Y., 1858-59. Taught in Peoria Co., 111. ; for some time
principal of a ward school in Peoria, 111., 1860-72. Taught and farmed
in Peoria Co., Ill,, 1872-81. Engaged in farming in Clarke Co., Iowa,
1881-1911. County surveyor of Clarke Co., 1891-97. Died June 10,
191 1, New Virginia, Iowa.
Married January 25, 185 1, Sarah A, Nipper, of Oswego, N. Y.,
who died November 11, 1868. Married July 4, 1869, Matilda A. Schiiltz,
of Navarre, Ohio, who died March 15, 1886. Children: Sarah Theresa,
1862-53] GRADUATES.
b. September i8, 1852, m. Prof. J. E. Oliver; William Johnston, b. April
6, 1854; John Bullock, b. April 29, 1856, d. September 28, 1856; Robert
Marshman, b. November 23, 1861 ; Howard, b. June 7, 1866, d. Septem-
ber 3, 1866; George Milton, b. February 14, 1868; Minnie Amelia, b.
August 17, 1872; Ellen Eliza, b. August 24, 1874; Centa Gertrude, b.
May 24, 1876, d. October 21, 1909; Albert Bullock, b. September 26,
1878; Margaret Matilda, b. September 18, 1880; Eva May, b. November
29, 1882.
449. *GORHAM ROLLINS WALTON. B.A.; M.A., 1855.
^. B. K. Born March 20, 1826, Mercer, Me. Lawyer. Died September,
1866, Mercer, Me.
460. *GEORGE WILLIAM WENDELL. B.A. ; M.A., 1855.
^. T. 4'. B. K. Born March 11, 1831, Dover, N. H. Government
official and clerk. Died February 18, 1902, Cambridgeport, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died May 24, 1887, Chemung, N. Y.
452. *AARON WHITE. B.A.; M.A., 1855. ^. T. $. B. K.
Born September 18, 1824, Kirkland, N. Y.- School principal. Died
April 10, 1897, Cazenovia, N. Y.
^. T. *. B. K. Born November 2, 1830, Groton, Vt. Lawyer. Died
May 21, 1898, Boston, Mass.
454. *WILLIAM FITCH CONRAD. B.A. ; M.A., 1856. Born
November 7, 1826, Ithaca, N. Y. Judge. Died December 20, 1901,
Des Moines, Iowa.
455. *SAMUEL WOODWARD COOKE. B.A.; M.A., 1856.
A. T. Born September 9, 1825, Hadley, Mass. Dentist. Died October
26, 1906, Worcester, Mass.
456. *JOHN THOMAS DICKINSON. B.A. ; M.A., 1856. ^. T.
Born July 7, 1832, Cincinnatus, N. Y. College professor. Died May 26,
1886, Mount Pleas^ant, Iowa.
457. *JOHN PRICE DURBIN. B.A. Died September 11, 1870,
Saratoga, N. Y.
458. *JASPER FISH. B.A.; M.A., 1856. Born March 23, 1826,
Woodstock, Vt. School principal, later farmer. Died August 19, 1891,
Kearney, Neb.
459. *FRANKLIN HANNAHS. B.A. ; M.A., 1856. ^. T.
$. B. K. Born October 19, 1828, Floyd, N. Y. Teacher. Died August
9, 1862, Harrison's Landing, Va.
460. *RALPH CHANDLER HARRISON. BA. (valedic.) ;
M.A., 1856; LL.B., Albany Law School, 1859- *• N- 6. $. B. K..
Born October 22, 1831, Cornwall Bridge, Conn.
Taught in Amenia Seminary, N, Y., 1853-56. Member of Connecticut
Legislature, 1857. Studied in Albany Law School, N. Y., 1858-59.
Practised law in San Francisco, Cal., 1859-91. Elected member of
Board of Freeholders to frame a charter for San Francisco, 1880;.
president of the Board, 1886. Associate justice of the Supreme Court
of California, 1891-1903. Member of Supreme Court Commission of
California, 1904. Presiding justice. District Court of Appeals of
California, First District, 1905-06. Practised law in San Francisco,
1906-18. Trustee of San Francisco Public Library, 1887-1918; San
Francisco Law Library, 1888-1918. Died July 18, 1918, San Francisco,
Married July 3, 1865, Juliet Lathrop Waite, of Chicago, 111., who died
August 2, 1890. Married September 27, 1892, Ella Spencer Reid, of
New York, N. Y. Children: Richard Calhoun, b. December 12, 1867
(B.A., Harvard. 1890) ; Philip Julian, b. March 12, 1869, d. April 27,,
1891; Robert Waite, b. September 24, 1872 (B.A., Harvard, 1895).
461. *FRANCIS DAY HODGSON. B.A. ; M.A., 1856. Born:
June 7, 1832, Philadelphia, Pa. School principal. Died December 12,
1899, Newark, N. Y.
1856. <J>. N. e. *. B. K. Born November 17. 1823, near Old Franklin,.
Mo. School principal. Died April 13, 1873, Westport, Mo.
463. *HIRAM AUGUSTUS JONES. B.A. ; M.A., 1856. $. N. 9.
^. B. K. Born Decem.ber 3, 1831, Grafton, Mass. Brother of No. 370.
College professor. Died April 11, 1898, Appleton, Wis.
464. *SAVILLION LEE. B.A. A. T. Born February 14, 1826,
East Lyme, Conn. Teacher and preacher, later florist. Died February
20, 1888, Riverhead, N. Y.
465. *SYLVESTER HILL OPDYKE. B.A. ; M.A., 1856. ^. T.
<J>. B. K. Born June 22, 1828, Everettstown, N. J. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died October 21, 1880, Newton, N. J.
466. *CHARLES RHODES POMEROY. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A.,
1856; D.D., Simpson Centenary College, 1875. ^. T. ^. B. K. Born
June 15, 1830, Weybridge, Vt. Brother of Nos. 381 and 541, and of
R. M. Pomeroy (class of 1852) and W. Pomeroy (class of 1861).
Studied in Union Theological Seminary, 1853-54. Taught in Fort
Edward Institute, N. Y., 1854. Principal of Union Village Academy,
N. Y,, 1855; Cooperstown Seminary, N. Y., 1856; Rochester High
School, N. Y., 1857; Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., 1859.
Resigned on account of ill health, i860. Methodist Episcopal minister,
Genesee, Des Moines, Upper Iowa, and Puget Sound Conferences, 1868-
74. President of State Normal School, Emporia, Kans., 1874-79;
Callanan College, Des Moines, Iowa, 1880-89. Dean, and Professor of
Mental and Moral Philosophy, Puget Sound University, Wash., 1896-99.
Died June 25, 1916, Ellisport, Wash.
Married December 2, 1854, Mary J. Meeker, of North Hoosick, N. Y.
Child : Charles Harrington, b. March 28, 1863 (B.A., Iowa State Univ.,
4G7. *DAVID HENRY SHERMAN. B.A.; M.A., 1856; D.D.,
Kentucky University, 1862. Born August 11, 1827, Barre, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal minister, later school principal. Died October 11,
1890, West Medway, Mass.
Albany Medical College, 1855. ^- ^^- Born June 29, 1833, Troy, N. Y.
Brother of No. 526, and of J. A. Skilton (class of 1849). Physician;
U. S. Consul-general for Mexico. Died November 20, 1897, Brooklyn,
N. Y.
4G9. *JOEL AUGUSTUS STEELE. B.A. ; M.A., 1856. «l>. N. 9.
Born May 14, 1827, Needham, Mass. Brother of No. 402. Methodist
Episcopal minister. Died September 26, 1903, New London, Conn.
470. *JOHN TEVIS. B.A. ; M.A., 1856; LL.B., Harvard Univer-
sity, 1856. Born 1834, Shelbyville, Ky. Lawyer. Died January 10,
1861, Shelbyville, Ky.
471. *HENRY WHITE WARREN. B.A.; D.D., Dickinson
College, 1872; LL.D., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1892. 4>. B. K. Born
January 4, 1831, Williamsburg, Mass. Brother of No. 472.
Taught in Amenia Seminary, N. Y., and Wesleyan Academy, Wilbra-
ham, Mass., 1853-55. Methodist Episcopal minister, New England,
Philadelphia, and New York East Conferences, 1855-80. Member of
Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1861-62, Elected Bishop of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1880. Visited Mexico (1884), China
(1888), Europe (1891), Japan, China, and the Philippines (1903), India
(1904). Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1880; Metho-
dist Ecimienical Conference, 1881. Author: Sights and Insights; The
Lesser Hymnal; Among the Forces, etc. Editor: Monthly Studies in
St. Paul's Epistles; The Study. Died July 24, 1912, Denver, Col.
Married April 6, 1855, Diantha Lord Kilgore, of Bartlett, N. H., who
died June 21, 1867. Married December 27, 1883, Mrs. Elizabeth Eraser
IlifT, of Denver, Col. Children : Carrie Louise, b, June 2, 1856, m. Rev.
J. W. Frizzelle; Henry Mather (No. 1261), b. October 15, 1858; Ellen
Russell, b. April 2, i860, m. Rev. J. R. Van Pelt.
Wesleyan University, 1862; LL.D., Wesleyan, 1874. «l>. B. K. Born
March 13, 1833, Williamsburg, Mass. Brother of No. 471.
Head master of a private school in Mobile, Ala., 1853-54. Preached
in Ballardvale, Mass., 1854-55. Methodist Episcopal minister. New
England Conference. 1855-62. Studied in Berlin and Halle, Germany;
traveled in the East, 1856-58. Delegate to World's Convention of the
Evangelical Alliance, Berlin, Germany, 1857. Member, Examination
Committee, Harvard College, 1857-58. Professor of Systematic Theol-
ogy in the Missions-Anstalt, Bremen, Germany, 1861-66; of the same
in Boston Theological Seminary, 1866-71. Dean of the School of Theol-
ogy, Boston University, 1867-73 > Professor of Comparative Theology,
and of the History and Philosophy of Religion, 1874 — • First presi-
dent of Boston University, 1873-1903. First president of Massachusetts
Society for the University Education of Women, 1876. Delegate to
General Conference, M. E. Church, 1872, '76, '84, '92, '96, 1900 ; Metho-
dist Ecumenical Conference, 1891. Fraternal delegate to British Wes-
GRADUATES. • [1853-54
leyan Methodist Conference, 1882. Author: The True Key to Ancient
Cosmology; Paradise Found; The Quest of the Perfect Religion;
The Story of Gottlieb; In the Footsteps of Arminius; The Earliest
Cosmologies, etc.
Married April 14, 1861, Harriet Cornelia Merrick, of Wilbraham,
Mass. Children : Mary Christine, b. July 24, 1863 (B.A., Boston
University, 1885), m. H. M. Ayars ; William Marshall, b. November 4,
1865 (B.A., Boston Univ., 1887) ; Anna Merrick, b. May 26, 1868 (B.A.,
Boston Univ., 1891), m, G. A. Dunn ; Winifred, b. January 3, 1870 (B.A.,
Boston Univ., 1891), m. G. A. Wilson.
Address : 131 Davis Ave., Brookline, Mass.
Born 1828, Greenport, N. Y. Teacher. Died December 5, 1874, Green-
port, N. Y.
474. *M[OSES] EMORY ^yRIGHT. B.A. «l>. B. K. Born May
22, 1828, Leicester, Vt. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died December
13, 1909, Gloucester, Mass.
475. *HENRY BAKER. B.A. ; M.A., 1861 ; D.D., Baldwin
University, 1885. ^. T. Born June 19, 1829, Rochester, N. H. Brother
of C. Baker (class of 1843), F. Baker (class of 1852), and G. G. Baker
(class of 1863). Methodist Episcopal minister. Died July 25, 1910,
Chautauqua, N. Y.
1874. St'. T. Born October 3, 1829, Windham, Vt. Brother of C. L.
Barrows (class of 1867). Methodist Episcopal minister. Died Febru-
ary 25, 1905, Brookfield, Mass.
477. *FRANCIS EVERETT BEERS. B.S. A. T. Born August
29, 1833. Aurelius, N. Y.
Taught in Illinois, 1855. Traveled in the West, 1856. County sur-
veyor of Webster County, Iowa, 1857. Master of a steamboat on the
Mississippi river, 1858-61. Taught in Bridgeport, Conn., 1862. Trav-
eled in the West, 1863. Opened a coal mine in Marion County, Iowa,
1864. Built the steamer Emma Logan, at Pittsburgh, Pa., 1865. In the
steamboat business on the Alleghany and Ohio Rivers, 1865-70. Engaged
in farming in Grundy County, Iowa, 1870-82. Secretary of school
board, 1873-76. Member, Board of School Supervisors of Grundy
County, 1876-78 ; President of the Board, 1878. President, Gilmore City
School Board, 1900-14. Engaged in farming, Gilmore City, Iowa, 1882-
1920. Died March 7, 1920, Gilmore City, Iowa.
Married January 2, 1871, Emma I. Trask, of Youngsville, Pa.
Children: Lyman Trask, b. April 23, 1872; Mary Bertha, b. January 27,
1874, m. H. S. Van Alstine ; Percy Merle, b. November 16, 1875 (LL.B.,
Drake University) ; Ralph Waldo, b. December 27, 1877 ; Bessie Emma,
b. January 2, 1882, d. December 11, 1901 ; Fern Sigourney, b. May 8,
1885, m. Randall Melson ; Helen, b. March 23, 1887 (B.A., Iowa State
University), m. G. L. Norman.
478. *WILLIAM CASE BOWEN. B.A. ; M.A., i860. ^. T.
4>. B. K. Born November 25, 1832, Berkshire, N, Y. Brother of No. 409.
Methodist Episcopal minister ; later school principal. Died June 10,
1891, Bordentown, N. J.
479. *JACOB WHITBECK BROWN. B.A.; M.A., 1857. X. ^.
In the railroad business. Died August 19, 1863, Elmira, N. Y.
480. *CALVIN BEACH FORD. B.A. ; M.A., 1857. ^. T. Born
May 8, 1828, Milford, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
November 30, 1910, Milford, Conn.
481. *CYRUS DAVID FOSS. B.A. (vale die); M.A., 1857; D.D.,
1870; LL.D., Cornell College, 1879, and University of Pennsylvania,
1889. i\ N. e. *. B. K. Born January 17, 1834, Kingston, N. Y.
Brother of Nos. 436 and 535. College president, later bishop of the
Methodist Episcopal church. Died January 29, 1910, Philadelphia, Pa.
482. *CHARLES WESLEY GULICK. B.A. 4>. N. 0. <l>. B. K.
Born September 20, 1832, Hector, N. Y. Broker. Died February 23,
1910, Brooklyn, N. Y.
483. *PHILIP DELANO HAMMOND. B.A. ^. T. Born Janu-
ary I, 1827, Bridgewater, Vt. Journalist. Died December 24, 1884,
Minneapolis, Minn.
484. nVILLIAM TOUCEY HILL. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A., 1857.
*. N. e. $. B. K. Born July 22, 1830, Redding, Conn.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East Conference, 1855-99.
Presiding Elder of New Haven District, 1876-80; of New York East
District, 1880-84. Superannuated, 1899. Died February 21, 1916, New
Haven, Conn,
Married August 3, 1854, Jane Cassandra Burr, of Middletown, Conn.
Children: Emma Elizabeth, b. July 30, 1856; William Burr, b, Novem-
ber 17, 1857 (class of 1880) ; Cyrus Foss, b. August 12, 1859, d. Novem-
ber 16, 1889; Ellen, b. May 7, 1862.
485. *WILLIAM HENRY HOLLIS. B.A. X. ^. *. B. K.
Born November 30, 1830. Lawyer. Died .February 7, 1881, Brooklyn,
N. Y.
486. *EMORY FISK HOLWAY. B.A. ^. T. ^. B. K. Born
April 15, 1836, Westport. Mass. Brother of No. 421. Lawyer. Died
November 21, 1887, Mobile, Ala.
487. *CHARLES LAFAYETTE HOWE. B.A. ; M.A., 1869;
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1877. A. T. Born February 12, 1825,
Barre, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died February 28, 1883,
Cazenovia, N. Y,
488. *FENNER EMORY KING. B.A. ; M.A., 1857. ^- T. Born
December 25, 1825, Cambridge, N. Y, Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died March 30, 1869, near Corydon, Iowa,
489. *JOSEPH HUGHES KNOWLES. B.A.; M.A., 1857; D.D,
Baldwin University, 1890. ^'. T. *. B. K. Born April 19, 183 1, Yard-
ville, N. J. Brother of No. 594. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
February 20, 1898, New York, N. Y.
490. ^ERASMUS DARWIN LEAVITT. B.A.; M.A., 1874; M.D.,
Harvard University, 1870. X. ^. Born March 19, 1833, Croydon, N. H.
Physician. Died November 29, 1909, Butte, Mont.
491. *wiLLIAM MILTON McLAUGHLIN. B.A. Born Decem-
ber 29, 1829, West Winfield, N. Y. School principal. Died May 18,
1895, Brookfield, Mass.
492. ^CORNELIUS KLUMP MARTIN. B.A. ; M.A., 1857.
^. N. e. Born April 16, 1828, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Lawyer. Died
October 23, 1882, Milwaukee, Wis.
4>. N. e. <l>. B. K. Born October 11, 1833, Boston, Mass. Methodist
Episcopal minister. Died August 23, 1888, Boston, Mass.
494. *JOHN WESLEY SELLECK. B.A. ; M.A., 1858. Born
November 26, 1829, Hyde Park, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died October 27, 1898, New York, N. Y.
495. *AUGUSTUS LED YARD SMITH. B.A.- M.A., 1857.
4>. N. e. Born April 5, 1833, Middletown, Conn. Son of President
Smith; brother of No. 325. In business. Died August 12, 1902,
Appleton, Wis.
496. *WILLIAM AUGUSTUS SMITH. B.A. ; D.D., Garrett Bib-
lical Institute, 1880. X. ^. Born May 27, 1834, Brockville, Ont,
Canada. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died September 30, 1887, Rock-
ford, 111.
497. *GEORGE STEVENS. B.A. ^. T. $. B. K. Born March
4, 1829, Jefferson, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died October
17, 1896, Bloomington, 111.
498. *FRANKLIN WESLEY TABER. B.A. *. N. 9. Born
December 30, 1828, Orient, N. Y. Lawyer. Died March 8, 1887.
499. *RILEY TREADWAY TAYLOR. B.A.; M.A., 1857; D.D.,
Allegheny College, 1871. ^. T. 4>. B. K. Born June 29, 1826, Plain-
field, N. Y. College president. Died November i, 1909, Baltimore,
500. *JOSEPH JOHNSON TURTON. B.A. ; M.A., 1857. Born
August 24, 1831, Hull, England.
Taught in Rogersville Academy, N. Y., 1854-56. Methodist Episcopal
minister. East Genesee and Central New York Conferences, 1856-96.
Superannuated, 1896. Died August 26, 1915, Perry, N. Y.
Married March 5, i860, Sophia Boardman, of Westfield, Pa., who died
1854-55] GRADUATES.
July 21, 1886. Married February 5, 1891, Mary Elizabeth Robinson, of
Elmira, N. Y. Children: Charles Mark, b. June 3, 1861 (B.A., Syracuse,
1883) ; Fanny Boardman, b. May 24, 1867, m. W. J. Boise; Lillie Mabel,
b. August 5, 1873, m. Rev. Frederick Maunder.
501. *JOSEPH VINTON. B.A. ; M.A., 1857. A. T. Born April
12, 1829, Willington, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
August 25, 1889, Plainville, Conn.
502. *GEORGE ELLIOTT WAITE. B.A. A. T. Born December
30, 1827, Stratton, Vt. Lawyer and judge. Died June 5, 1901, Geneseo,
^. T. Born May 13, 1824, Salem, N. H.
Taught in Wesleyan Female Seminary, Springfield, Vt., 1854-55 ;
principal, 1855-56. Principal ol High School, Urbana, 111., 1857-60;
Bellows Falls, Vt., 1860-62; Great Falls, N. H., 1862-63; Wesleyan
Seminary, Springfield. Vt, 1864-67. Methodist Episcopal minister,
Vermont Conference, 1868-87. Supernumerary, 1887-91. Superannuated,
1891. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1878-83. Died March 10, 191 1,
Methuen, Mass.
Married November 14, 1855, Rosella A. Frost, of Springfield, Vt.
Children: Lizzie Inez, b. May 11, 1857, d. October 8, 1857; Elwyn
Merrill, b. October 13, 1858; Alice Rosella, b. April 2, 1869.
CLASS OF 1855.
504. *JONAS MINOT BAILEY. B.A.; M.A., 1858. Born
February 6, 1826, Bath, N. H. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
March 11, 1878, Woburn, Mass.
505. *CHARLES CANDEE BALDWIN. B.A. ; M.A., 1858;
LL.B., Harvard University, 1857 ; LL.D., Wesleyan, 1892. . ^. T.
*. B. K. Born December 2, 1834, Middletown, Conn. Judge. Died
February 2, 1895, Cleveland, Ohio.
D.D., 189T. $. B. K. Born July 23, 1834, Hartwick, N. Y. Methodist
Episcopal minister. Died June 13, 1904, Rochester, N. Y.
507. *ANDREW JACKSON COE. B.A. X. ^. Born September
15, 1835, Meriden, Conn. Lawyer, later farmer. Died February 25,
1897, Meriden, Conn.
508. *DAVID COPELAND. B.A.; M.A., 1858; Ph.D., Lafayette
College, 1875; D.D., Wesleyan, and Syracuse University, 1877. ^- '^•
Sk. T. ^. B. K. Born December 21, 1832, Braintree, Vt. School
principal. Died December 6, 1882, Royalton, Vt.
509. *WILLIAM HAWLEY FANTON. B.A. Born January 14,
1834, Redding, Conn. Government official. Died September 3, 1910,
New York, N. Y.
510. *DENISON GAGE. B.A. ; M.A., 1858. «^. B. K. Born
October 6, 1828, Maiden, Mass. School principal. Died July 25, 1862,
Mount Vernon, Iowa.
511. *JOB GARDNER. B.A. Born December 2^, 1826, Swansea,
Mass. Farmer, Died November 27, 1907, South Swansea, Mass.
612. *JAMES T. GRAHAM. B.A. ; M.A., 1858. A. T. Born
December 23, 1826, Greenwich, N. Y. Lawyer. Died August 8, 1886,
Coila, N. Y.
513. *ROBERT HENRY. B.A. ; M.A., 1858. Born November 12,
1833, Lowell, Mass.
Engaged in manufacturing in Fall River, Mass., 1865-1914. Died
March 3, 1914, Fall River, Mass.
514. *JOSEPH S. E. LEONARD. B.A. ; M.D., Louisville Medical
College, Ky., i860. Born August 3, 1835, New Albany, Ind. Physician.
Died i860 or 1861, New Madrid, Mo.
515. *HENRY LUMMIS. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A., 1858; D.D.,
1887. ^. T. 4>. B. K. Born May 25, 1825, Port Elizabeth, N. J. Col-
lege professor. Died April 14, 1905, Appleton, Wis.
Born May 8, 1833, Medusa, N. Y. Manufacturer and farmer. Died
November 7, 1907, Medusa, N. Y.
517. '^JOHN HENRY MANSFIELD. B.A. ; M.A., 1858. *. B. K.
Born April 28, 1826, Wellesley, Mass. Brother of No. 595.
Principal of Falley Seminary, Fulton, N. Y., 1855. Methodist Episco-
pal minister. New England Conference, 1856-77, 1883-1909. In business
in Westfield, Mass., 1877-82; in Alban}^ N. Y., 1882-83. Superannuated,
1909. Died September i, 1914, Boston, Mass.
Married September 16, 1855, Harriet Newell Sikes, of Belchertown,
Mass. Children: Edward Henry (No. iiSS), b. June 9, 1856, d. August
29, 1916; Hattie Emma, b. June 12, i860, m. J. N. Mason; Arthur N.,
b. October 3, 1861, d. October 28, 1861 ; Bertha Frances, b. July 14, 1866
(B.A., Boston Univ., 1889), m. Luther Freeman.
518. *ANDREW MERWIN. B.A. X. >P. Born May 12. 1836,
Brooklyn, N. Y. In business. Died Alarch 27, 1909, Orange, N. J.
519. *ROBERT SANFORD MORAN. B.A.; M.A., i860; D.D.,
Randolph-Macon College, 1868. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
April 4, 1892.
520. *WILLIAM XAVIER NINDE. B.A.; M.A., 1858; D.D.,
1874. *. B. K. Born June 21, 1832, Cortlandville, N. Y. Bishop of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. Died January 3, 1901, Detroit, Mich.
621. *ELIAS RAYMOND PENNOYER. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A.,
1858. ^. T. $. B. K. Born August 15, 1830, Norwalk, Conn. School
principal. Died October 16, 1907, Boothbay Harbor, Me.
522. *WILLIAM ROE. B.A. A. A. *. Born December 14, 1834,
Butler, N. Y. Brother of No. 571.
Engaged in farming in Minnesota, 1856-58. In business in Wolcott,
N. Y., 1859-60. Studied law, 1860-62. Practised law in Wolcott, N. Y.,
1862-1917. Died April i, 1917, Wolcott, N. Y.
Married January 20, 1857, Sarah jane Dill, of Wolcott, N. Y. ;
deceased. Married November 9, 1895, Kittie J. Traver, of Victory, N. Y.
Children : Flora Esther, b. October 30, 1858 ; George Willis, b. Novem-
ber 2, i860; Ada Dill, b. December 20, 1863; Jessie Monta, b. July 24,
1869; Sarah Cornelia, b. August 23, 1871 ; Frederick William (No.
1968), b. April 3, 1874; William, b. June 9, 1897; Helen E., b. Septem-
ber 20, 1898.
623. *JOHN EMORY ROUND. B.A.; M.A., 1858; D.D., East
Tennessee Wesleyan University, 1882. A. A. 4>. Born November 25,
1835, Winfield, N. Y. Brother of No. 836. College president. Died
January 10, 1892, Baltimore, Md.
624. JOSEPH HENRY SANBORN. B.S. ; M.D., Dartmoutli Col-
lege, 1857. Born May 21, 1834, Boston, Mass. Brother of No. 265.
Resided in Missouri, 1858-59; Reading, Mass., 1860-62; Dubuque, Iowa,
1863-64; Vandalia, 111., 1864-65. Land commissioner of Florida Rail-
road Company, 1866-69. Practised medicine in Anna, 111., 1869-81 ;
Hartford City, Ind., 1882-87 ; Cleveland, Tenn., 1888-91 ; Chicago, 111.,
1892 .
Married October 8, 1857. Child: Winnifred, b. March 31, 1861.
Address: unknown.
526. *ALBERT AUGUSTUS SCOTT. B.A. ; M.A., 1858. Born
May 4, 1827, Lincolnville, Me. Teacher. Died May 4, 1862, Kents
Hill, Me.
626. *CHARLES CANDEE SKILTON. B.A. ; M.A., 1858. X. ^.
*. B. K. Born July 3. 1835, Troy, N. Y. Brother of No. 468, and of
J. A. Skilton (class of 1849).
In business in Troy, N. Y., Savannah, Ga., and Washington, D. C,
1856-67. Engaged in manufacturing in Chicago, 111., 1867-73; in New
York, N. Y., 1873-1915. Died December 8, 1915, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Married, 1875.
527. ^MATTHEW HENRY SLEE. B.A. ; M.A., 1858. A. T.
Born October 31, 1837, Leeds, England. In business. Died April 17,
1909, Auburn, N. Y.
628. *EDWARD HYDE TRUE. B.A.; M.A., 1858. X. ^.
Born March 20, 1836, Amenia, N. Y. Son of Professor C. K. True;
brother of No. 1030. Rector, Protestant Episcopal Church. Died July
18, 1907, Gettysburg, Pa.
GRADUATES. 11856-56
529. *HENRY VOSBURGH. B.A.; M.A, 1872. Born July 23,
1827, Kinderhook, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died March
29, 1900, Oramel, N. Y.
530. *JOHN HOWARD WHITING. B.A. $. N. G. $. B. K.
Born December 6, 1834, Painted Post, N. Y. Banker. Died September
18, 1895, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
531. *SAMUEL WESLEY WOOD. B.A. ^. T. *. B. K.
Born August 18, 1832, New Providence, N. J. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died January 7, 1856, Basking Ridge, N. J.
532. *THOMAS MOODY WYATT. B.A. ; LL.B., Harvard
University, 1856. Born October 24, 1827, Franklin, N. H. Lawyer.
Died July 14, 1906, Brooklyn, N. Y.
CLASS OF t856.
533. *SOLON ARMSTRONG. B.A.; M.A., 1859- A. T. Born
May 15, 1834, Sutton, N. H. In business. Died January .25, 1902,
Minneapolis, Minn.
534. *ARTHUR WILLIAM BACON. B.A. Born September 10,
1836, Middletown, Conn. Lawyer. Died March 12, 1907, Middletown,
535. *WILLIAM JAY FOSS. B.A. (valedic). $. N. 9. *. B. K.
Born November 23, 1835, Verbank, N. Y. Brother of Nos. 436 and 481.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died June i, 1859.
536. *BURWELL PHILIP GOODE. B.A. ; M.A., 1859; M.D.,
Medical College of Ohio, 1858. $. N. 9. Born February 25, 1833, New
Burlington, Ohio. Physician. Died April 23, 1910, Wyoming, Ohio.
537. *JOHN JAY HARRISON. B.A. ; M.A., 1859. $. N. 9.
4>. B. K. Born November 18, 1834, Lebanon Springs, N. Y. Rector,
Protestant Episcopal Church; later bank president. Died April 16, 1910,
Sag Harbor, N. Y.
538. *EDWARD JOHNSON. B.A. ; M.A., 1859. ^. T. <^. B. K.
Born April 20, 1831, Lynn, Mass. Teacher, Died February 24, 1894,
Lynn, Mass.
539. ^ALEXANDER DIEGO McVOY. B.A.; M.A., 1859.
A. A. $. Born May 7, 1832, Elizabeth, N. J. College president. Died
April II, 1905, San Antonio, Texas.
540. *CHARLES HENRY PAYNE. B.A. ; M.A., 1859; D.D.,
Dickinson College, 1870; LL.D., Ohio State University, 1875. <ir. T.
<S>. B. K. Born October 24, 1830, Taunton, Mass. Methodist Episcopal
minister; secretary, Board of Education, M. E. Church. Died May 5,
1899, Clifton Springs, N. Y.
541. *DANIEL POMEROY. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A, 1866. ^. T.
<l>. B. K. Born September 2, 1834, Galway, N. Y. Brother of Nos. 381
and 466, and of R. M. Pomeroy (class of 1852), and W. Pomeroy (class
of 1861). Manufacturer, Died February 4, 1898, New York, N. Y.
542. *JAMES MARGARUM POMEROY. B.A. ; M.A., 1859.
^. T. $. B. K. Born August 8, 1836, Belleville, N. J. Lawyer. Died
November 27, 1887, St. Louis, Mo.
543. *ORVILLE WATSON POWERS. B.A. ; M.A., 1859.
A. A. $. Born January 28, 1835, Augusta, N. Y. Brother of No. 633.
Principal of Rhinebeck Academy, N. Y., 1858. Profcssic in Lawrence
University, Wis., 1859-60. In business in New York, N. Y., 1861-63.
Teacher of physical culture in Chicago, 111., 1864. Assistant secretary
and actuary of Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, Hartford,
Conn., 1865-66. General manager for Europe of Wilcox and Gibbs Sew-
ing Machine Company, 1867- 1906. Trustee of same company, 1884-
1912. Died August 24, 1912, Boston, Mass.
Married August 8, 1876, Carolyn Stickney, of Hyde Park, 111. Chil-
dren: Clifford Stickney, b. December 20, 1877 (B.A., Oxford Univ.,
England) ; Marion, m. W. A. Kirkpatrick; Carol, b. December 18, 1884
(B.A., Cambridge Univ., England).
544. *ALLEN REYNOLDS. B.A.; M.A., 1859. Born December
25, 1828, Copake, N. Y. Brother of J. D. Reynolds (class of 1859).
Engaged in farming in Hillsdale, N. Y., 1856-1911. Died March 12,
191 1, White Plains, N. Y.
Married January i, 1868, Alice Mead. Children: James, b. April 14.
1869, d. April 27, 1870; Augustus M., b. November 17, 1870, d. February
26, 1871; Allen, b. October i, 1872; Martha, b. October 23, 1879.
545. *GEORGE CROSBY SMITH. B.A.; M.A., 1859. ^P. T.
*. B. K. Born July 13, 1830, St. Johnsbury, Vt. School principal. Died
December 13, 1891, Carmel, N. Y.
sity of Michigan, 1857. Born June 15, 1839, Paterson, N. J. Brother
of C. R. Snyder (class of 1861). In business. Died May, 1910, Genoa,
547. *ANDREW JACKSON SPENCER. B.A. Born November
12, 1835, Middletown, Conn. Lawyer. Died March 24, 1904, Amity-
ville, N. Y.
548. *SAMUEL FOSTER UPHAM. B.A.; M.A., 1859; D.D.,
Mount Union College, 1872; LL.D., Hamline University, 1889, and
Wesleyan, 1898. $. N. 9. *. B. K. Born May 19, 1834, Duxbury,
Mass. Professor of Theology. Died October 5, 1904, Madison, N. J.
549. *EMERSON WARNER. B.A. ; M.A., 1859; M.D., Harvard
University, 1863. *. N. 0. Born April 30, 1831, New Braintree, Mass.
Physician. Died December 30, 1905, Worcester, Mass.
650. *LORENZO DOW BLANCHARD. B.A. ; M.A, i860. ^. T.
Born July 18, 1837, Norwich, Conn. Brother of J. A. Blanchard (class
of 1861). Lawyer. Died October 28, 1908, Ocean Grove, N. J.
551. *CHARLES W[ESLEY] BROOKS. B.A.; B.D., Garrett
Biblical Institute, 1861 ; AI.A., Wesleyan, 1866. A. A. <E>. Born January
22, 1834, Lowville, N. Y.
Taught in Lodi, 111., 1858-59. Studied in Garrett Biblical Institute,
Evanston, 111., 1860-61. Methodist Episcopal minister, Wisconsin and
Northern New York Conferences, 1861-99. Superannuated, 1899. Died
July 17, 1916, Sandy Creek, N, Y.
Married January 22, 1862, Sarah Esther Higgins, of Geneva, 111. Chil-
dren : Anna Maud, b. July 17, 1868 ; Susan Louisa, b. April 7, 1870, m.
Dr. E. D. Hall.
552. HENRY AARON BUDINGTON. B.A. ; M.A., i860. ^. T.
«l>. B. K. Born January 13, 1831, Leyden, Mass.
Taught in Rittenhouse Academy, Washington, D. C, 1858-59. Prin-
cipal of Bound Brook Academy, N. J., 1859-60. Taught in Berlin, Conn.,
1861-62. Assistant assessor of internal revenue, Greenfield, Mass.,
1862-69. Insurance agent, 1865-69. Editor of The Franklin County
Times, Greenfield, Mass., 1869-73. Advertising agent and correspondent
for the press, Springfield, Mass., 1873-86. Manager of the Star Publish-
ing Company, Springfield, Mass., 1886 . For a time, editor and
publisher of Alcyone,
Married October 26, 1857, Zadel Barnes, of Middletown, Conn. ;
divorced. Married September 12, 1881, Sophia Steele Billings, of Spring-
field, Mass. Children: Justin Llewellyn, b. August 22, 1859; Henry, b.
January 14, 1865.
Address : Cassadaga, Fla.
553. *SOLOMON CHAPIN. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.D., Hahnemann
Medical College, Philadelphia, 1869. A. A. ^. Born June 2, 1831, Wil-
braham, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister, later physician. Died
February 24, 1881, Connersville, Md.
554. *ROBERT CLARK. B.A. ; ALA., i860. Born September
13, 1 83 1, Landgrove, Vt. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died January
25, 1901, Providence, R. I.
555. QUINCY JOHNSON COLLIN. B.A. ; M.A., 1863. $. N. 6.
Born August 20, 1836, Hillsdale, N. Y.
Pastor of Hillside Church, Rhinebeck, N. Y., 1857-58. Methodist
Episcopal minister, New York and California Conferences, 1858-77.
Supernumerary, 1877. Principal of Franklin Academy, Santa Clara,
Cal., 1878-81. Congregational minister, 1881-1903. Engaged in fruit
farming, 1903 .
Married March 28, i860, Martha Collin, of Hillsdale, N. Y. Children :
Carrie Louise, b. January 14, 1862; May Amelia, b. May 15,' 1865, d.
March 18, 1869; Grace Adelia, b. July 19, 1868; Ralph Vincent, b.
December 22, 1875, d. June 30, 1876.
Address: Hopkinton, Mass.
556. *GEORGE FISK COMFORT. B.A. ; M.A., i860; L.H.D.,
New York University, 1888; LL.D., Syracuse University, 1893. A. A. <^.
Born September 20, 1833, Berkshire, N. Y. Brother of No. 716. College
professor. Died May 5, 1910, Montclair, N. J.
557. ^ROBERT FIELD CROWELL. B.A.; LL.B., University of,
Albany, 1858; M.A., Wesleyan University, i860. <^. N. O. $. B. K.
Born April 23, 1830, Ware, Mass. Brother of No. 118. Lawyer and
government official. Died September 15, 1896, Westboro, Mass.
558. *JOHN WESLEY CURRIER. B.A. ; M.A., i860; LL.B.,
University of Albany, 1861. ^. T. Born September 7, 1836, Danville,
Vt. Lawyer. Died June 8, 1887, Alton, N. H.
559. *JOSEPH WHITNEY GUSHING. B.A. ; M.A., i860; M.D.]
Harvard University, 1861. Born January 26, 1837, Ashford, Conn.
Physician. Died May 9, 1897, Brookline, Mass.
560. *DAVID HOUGH ELA. B.A. ; M.A., i860; D.D., Cornell
College, 1876. A. A. 4>. a>. B. K. Born January 19, 1831, Canaan, Me.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died October 7, 1907, Hudson, Mass.
561. *WILLIAM THOMAS ELMER. B.A.; LL.D., 1907. Born
November 6, 1835, Rome, N. Y. Judge. Died November 11, 1907, Mid-
dletown, Conn.
562. *HENRY JEROME FULLER. B.A. ; M.A., i860. *. N. O.
*. B. K. Born May 5, 1834, Mansfield, Mass. Lawyer. Died October
17, 1903, Taunton, Mass.
563. ^ALGERNON KNOX JOHNSTON. B.A. ; M.A., i860.
A. A. ^. *. B. K. Born April 19, 1837, Blandford, Mass. Son of Pro-
fessor John Johnston; brother of Nos. 696, 741, and 926. Manufacturer.
Died October 3, 1909, New Brighton, N. Y.
Born November 16, 1833, Onondaga, N. Y. Teacher and preacher.
Died 1861.
D.D,, East Tennessee Wesleyan University, 1874; LL.D., New Orleans
University, 1891. ^. T. *. B. K. Born December 11, 1828, Sutton,
Methodist Episcopal minister. New England Conference, 1858-84. Pre-
siding Elder of Boston District, 1882-84. Bishop of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, 1884-1904. Retired, 1904. Trustee of Boston Univer-
sity, New Orleans University, American University. President of the
Trustees of East Greenwich Academy. Delegate to General Conference,
M. E. Church, 1872, '80, '84. Author: The Why, When and How of
Revivals; The Fullness of the Blessing of the Gospel of Christ; Words
of Cheer and Comfort. Died August i, 191 1, Auburndale, Mass.
Married October 13, 1858, Eliza Frances Atkins, of Sandwich, Mass.
Children: Willard Emerson, b. August 8, 1863; Ellen Bromfield, b.
September 11, 1865, d. March 17, 1874.
566. *MONROE NICHOLS. B.A.; M.A., i860. $. N. O. Born
April 2, 1834, Thompson, Conn. Teacher, later lawyer. Died January
17, 1867, St. Paul, Minn.
567. *NEWELL FITCH NICHOLS. B.A. X. ^. Born March
5, 1831, Vienna, N. Y. Lawyer. Died January 14, 1900, Aurora, 111.
568. *JOHN PETERSON. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A., i860. ^. T.
Born July 15, 1831, Coleraine, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died May 31, 1906, Boston, Mass.
569. *WILLIAM NEWTON RENO. B.A. ; M.A., i860. Born
July 26, 1819, Sharon, Pa. Methodist Episcopal minister, later druggist.
Died September 24, 1896, Spartansburg, Pa.
570. *HIRAM PAGE ROBERTS. B.A. $. N. 0. Born Septem-
ber 22, 1 83 1, Plymouth, Conn. Congregational minister. Died December
2, 1888, Colbran, Col.
571. *ANDREW ROE. B.A. ; M.A., i860. A. A. <l>. Born Octo-
ber 10, 183 1, Butler, N. Y. Brother of No. 522.
Taught in Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, N. Y., 1857-60; principal,
1860-63. Methodist Episcopal minister. Northern New York and Central
New York Conferences, 1860-87. Supernumerary, 1887 ; later super-
annuated. Assistant editor of The Marcellus Observer, The Camillus
Enterprise, and The Elhridge Citizen, 1887-95. Died March i, 1920,
Lockport, N. Y.
Married August 4, 1857, Roxalana Paddock, of Wolcott, N. Y. Chil-
dren: Gary A. (No. 1366), b. August 5, 1861 ; Willis Fenton (No.
1622), b. February i, 1868.
572. *CHARLES HENRY SEWALL. B.A. ; M.A., i860. X. ^.
Methodist Episcopal minister, later publisher. Died November 27,
1880, New York, N. Y.
573. *JOHN WHEATON SMITH. B.A.; M.A., i860. A. A. ^.
Born September 6, 1835, Warren, R. I. Lawyer and government official.
Died July 18, 1863, Warren, R. I.
574. *WILLIAM HENRY SUTTON. B.A. ; M.A., i860; LL.D.,
Southern Temperance University, 1900; D.C.L., Dickinson College, 1908.
'^. T. Born September 11, 1835, Haddonfield, N. J.
Taught in Asylum for Deaf Mutes, Hartford, Conn., 1857-60. Studied
in Law School of University of Albany, N. Y., 1860-61 ; in Philadelphia,
Pa., 1861-63. Practised law in Philadelphia, 1863-1913. Elected auditor,
1878 ; school director, 1880. Senator from the Twelfth Penn. District,
1882-86. Author : Teachers' Meetings (and other Sunday School publi-
cations). Died March 14, 1913, Haverford, Pa.
Married June 25, 1872, Hannah C. Anderson, of Haverford, Pa.
Children: Howard Anderson (No. 1867), b. April 24, 1873; William
Henry, b. May 29, 1874, d. September 26, 1876; Helen, b. August 29,
1875, m. N. E. Davis (No. 1949) ; Isaac Crawford (No. 2168), b.
January 10, 1877; Grace Anna, b. March 10, 1878; Corona, b. July 3,
1857-58] GRADUATES.
1879; Lucy, b. September 16, 1881 ; Henry Craig, b. August 24, 1883
(class of 1907) ; Mildred, b. July 3, 1885, m. O. F. McCormick (No.
2625) ; Joseph Aubrey (No. 3196), b. November 2, 1892,
575. *ALBERT DOUGHTY VAIL. B.A. ; D.D., 1877. ^- N. 6.
Born January i, 1835, Verbank, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died November 22, 1898, New York, N. Y.
576. *EDWARD WARREN VIRGIN. B.A. ; M.A., i860. $. N. 9.
Born June 29, 1836, Marlboro, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died September 18, 1910, Dedham, Mass.
577. *WILLIAM GEORGE WHIPPLE. . B.A. ; LL.B., University
of Albany, 1858. ^. N. 6. Born August 4, 1834, Warehouse Point, Conn.
Practised law in Milwaukee, Wis., 1859-68; Little Rock, Ark., 1868-
1914. Mayor of Little Rock, 1887-91. Republican candidate for governor
of Arkansas, 1892. U. S. district attorney for the Eastern District of
Arkansas, 1900. Died July 17, 1914, Little Rock, Ark.
Married September 9, 1862, Dencie S. Loomis, of Suffield, Conn., who
died January 3, 1866. Married October 26, 1870, Mary S. Dodge, of
Little Rock, Ark. Child: Durand, b. November 18, 1871.
578. *GEORGE EDWIN WHITNEY. B.A.; M.A., i860. Born
September 19, 1836, Phillips, Me. Lawyer. Died April 25, 1893,
Washington, D. C.
579. *ALVERD EZRA WINCHELL. B.A. ; M.A., i860; M.D.,
Columbia University, 1865. Born June 21, 1831, Egremont, Mass.
After graduating, studied medicine. Principal of a private school, East
Saginaw, Mich., 1858 ; Union School, Owasso, Mich., 1859 ; a boarding
school, Southbury, Conn., i860. Practised medicine in New Haven, Conn.,
1865-1912. Member of New Haven Board of Health for fourteen years
(president for several terms). Projector and builder of the Hyperion
Theatre, New Haven, Conn, Died March 6, 191 2, New Haven, Conn.
Married February 9, i860, Helen E. Hinman, of Southbury, Conn., who
died February, 1863. Married October, 1865, Mary Mitchell, of South
Britain, Conn., who died April, 1874. Married Catherine Worthington
Shepard, of Madison, Conn. Child : Helen Mary, b. September 16, 1866,
m. Dr. W. A. Brooks.
S.T.D., Claflin University, 1884. <['. T. *. B. K. Born December 30,
1833, Great Falls (now Somersworth), N. H.
Associate principal, Troy Conference Academy, Vt, 1858-63. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister, Troy, Vermont, and New England Conferences,
1863-1908. Presiding Elder of North Boston District, 1886-88; of
Boston District, 1888-94. Secretary. Church Aid Society, 1908-14.
Retired, 191 4. Delegate to General Conference, M, E. Church, 1888, '92.
Married October lo, 1858, Mary E. Wiggin, of Great Falls, N. H.,
who died January 9, 1895. Married June 14, 1898, Mrs. Martha M.
Ransom, of Medford, Mass. Children : Samuel George, b. July 6, i860
(class of 1884) ; Herbert Dudley, b. January 2, 1862, d. December 25,
1863; Edward Odiorne, b. August 6, 1863, d. January 6, 1866; William
Judson, b. December 7, 1866; Tames Pike, b. January 17, 1870 (class
of 1893).
Address : Melrose, Mass.
581. *HENRY ALONZO COLLIN. B.A. ; Sc.D. (Hon.), Upper
Iowa University, 1888. *. N. 0. $. B. K. Born August 14, 1837,
Hillsdale, N. Y.
Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science, Cornell College, Iowa,
1860-68; of Natural Science in the same, 1868-81; of Chemistry and
Physics, University of Nebraska, 1881-82; of the same, Cornell College,
1882-99; of Physics in the same, 1899-1906; Professor Emeritus,
1906-18. Died April 17, 1918, Mount Vernon, Iowa.
Married June 30, 1868, Chloe Matson, of Waterloo, Ind., who died
1905. Children : Ruth, b. June 16, 1869, m, George H. Burge ; Bertha,
b. October 4, 1872, d. March 22, 1873 ; Mary Margaret, b. September 24,
1877, m. Arthur M. Jayne.
September 15, 1830, Lorraine, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died February 21, 1897, Girard, Pa.
583. *HENRY ELLIOT EASTMAN. B.A. ; M.A., 1861. Born
October 12, 1833, Landaff, N. H. Teacher. Died October 27, 1865,
Landaff, N. H.
584. *ASAHEL COE EGGLESTON. B.A. ; M.A., 1861. X. ^.
Born September 4, 1834, Guilford, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York East Conference, 1859-1907.
Agent of Wesleyan University, 1876-77. Financial agent of Wesleyan
Academy, 1901-03. Superannuated, 1907. Died January 22, 1916, Mata-
wan, N. J.
Married March 27, 1861, Isabella V. Dare, of Selden, N. Y. Children:
Edith, b. March 7, 1863; Julius Wilbur (No. 1552), b. February 25, 1866;
Charles Fellows (No. 1601), b. January 8, 1868; George Mahon (No.
1684), b. November 10, 1869; Isabella, b. December 9, 1871 (B.A., Smith
College, 1895) ; Sidney Bruce, b. December 22, 1874 (class of 1897),
d. July, 1919; Henry Norman, b. September 22, 1878, d. June, 1904.
585. *JOSEPH WHITCOMB ELLIS. B.A. ; M.A., 1861. A. A. $.
*. B. K. Born September 18. 1829, Springfield, Vt. Teacher. Died
September 4, 1898, Albany, N. Y.
LL.B., University of Albany, 1859. *. B. K. Born August 19, 1835.
Ephrata, N. Y. School principal, later lawyer. Died August 4, 1901,
Dubuque, Iowa.
587. *GEORGE NEWMAN FALLEY. B.A. X. ^. Born January
2, 1837, Fulton, N. Y. Engaged in banking. Died May 15, 1886,
Chicago, 111.
588. *NATHANIEL FELLOWS. B.A. *. N. e. Born Novem-
ber 19, 1828, Stonington, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
July 20, 1 90 1, Lynn, Mass.
589. *GARDNER FULLER. B.A. ; M.A., 1862. $. B. K. Born
November 21, 1833, Fullerville, N. Y.
Principal of Great Barrington Academy, Mass., 1859-61 ; Newtown
Academy, Conn., 1862-63; High School, Bridgeport, Conn., 1864-65;
Macedon Academy, N. Y., 1866-67; High School, Batavia, N. Y.,
1867-81. Superintendent of schools, Batavia, N. Y., 1881-90. Traveled
in Europe and California, 1890-95. Superintendent, N. Y. State School
for the Blind, Batavia, N. Y., 1895-1901. Died January i, 1914, Wil-
liamsville, N. Y.
Married August 4, 1868, Julia M. Tarbox, of Lockport, N. Y.
590. *ARZA HILL. B.A.; M.A., 1861. A. A. ^. Born December
29, 1831, Phillipstown, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died April
20, 1891, New Britain, Conn.
591. *JOHN WILLIAM HOYT. B.A. ; M.A., 1862. X. ^. Born
March 27, 1839, Sag Harbor, N. Y.
In business, New York, N. Y., 1858-60. Publisher of The Methodist,
New York, N. Y., 1860-62. Real estate agent, New York, N. Y., 1863.
Secretary of Middlesex Mutual Insurance Company, Middletown, Conn.,
•1864-66. Civil engineer, Springfield, Mass., 1867-81. Lay delegate to
General Conference, M. E. Church, 1880. Died July, 191 1.
Married February 6, 1862, Mary Elizabeth Camp, of Middletown,
Conn., who died December, 1911. Children: Frank Clasen (No. 1360),
b. March 6, 1863, d. December 20, 1904; Alice, b. August 31, 1867.
Born November 13, 1829, Goshen, Conn. Brother of No. 372.
Secretary of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Mil-
waukee, Wis., 1859-70. Vice-president of Republic Life Insurance Com-
pany, Chicago, 111., 1870-73. Engaged in banking and brokerage, Chicago,
111., 1873-76. Loan and note broker, Chicago, 111., 1876-80. Bookkeeper
and cashier, Milwaukee, Wis., 1880-95. Broker in Milwaukee, 1905-11.
Retired, 191 1. State treasurer, Wisconsin Anti-Saloon League, for
ten years. Lay delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1892.
Author: A Concise History of Methodism in England and America,
Married August 19, 1858, Belle Mary Phelps, who died August 25,
190T. Children: Louise Phelps, b. May 12, 1862 (B.A., Milwaukee
College) ; Clara Belle, b. July 31, 1873, d. March i, 1876.
Address : 209 West Oilman St., Madison, Wis.
593. ^GILBERT SCHUREMAN KEYS. B.A.; M.A., 1861. Born
February 14, 1839, Hyde Park, N. Y. In business. Died January 30,
1891, San Francisco, Cal.
594. *DANIEL CLARK KNOWLES. B.A.; M.A., 1861 ; D.D.,
1886. ^. T, ^. B. K. Born January 4, 1836, Yardville, N. J. Brother
of No. 489.
Taught in Troy Conference Academy, Vt, 1858-59; Pittsburgh
Female College, Pa., 1859-60; Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1860-61.
Captain of Co. D, 48th Regiment, N. Y. Volunteers ; resigned on account
of sickness, 1861-62. Principal of Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1863-66.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New Hampshire and New England Con-
ferences, 1867-84. Financial agent for Tilton Seminary, 1884-85 ; Presi-
dent, 1885-91; financial agent, 1892-95; Ladd Professor, 1895-1913.
Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1880, '88; Methodist
Ecumenical Conference, 1891. Prohibition candidate for governor of
New Hampshire, 1894. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1885-1909.
Author: A Life that Speaketh; Chapel Talks. Died February 12,
1913, Southern Pines, N. C.
Married November 10, 1863, Lucia M. Barrows, who died April 20,
1912. Children: Nina Elbert, b. July 20, 1867, d. October 17, 1875;
Frederic Lawrence (No. 1803), b. September 8, 1869, d. September 20,
1873. Born May 16, 1831, West Needham (now Wellesley), Mass.
Brother of No. 517.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New England Conference, 1858-1910.
Superannuated, 1910. Died February 5, 1913, Newton, Mass.
Married August 6, 1858, Olivia L. Olmstead, of North Manchester,
Conn., who died December 5, 1899. Married May i, 1901, Sabina E.
Wait, of Peabody, Mass. Children : Lora Olmstead, b. August 19, 1859,
m. Hugh Camobell; Jennie Greenwood, b. September 17, 1862, m.
W. R. Baird; Artena Olivia, b. July 5, 1866 (B.A., Boston Univ., 1888),
m. D. F. Barber; Clarence George, b. August 26, 1874, d. August 26,
1881 ; Burdett Packard, b. July 13, 1876.
596. *SOLOMON PARSONS. B.A. ; M.A., 1861. *. N. 0.
4". B. K. Born August 10, 1832, Dover, N. J. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died November 21, 1897, Paterson, N. J.
sityof Albany, 1859. <l>. N. O. Born August 31, 1837, Manchester, Conn.
Lawyer. Died December 18, 1886, Pueblo, Col.
598. nVILLIAM ALBERT REYNOLDS. B.A. {salut.) ; M.A.,
1863. ^. T. *. B. K. Born May 18, 1837, Cincinnati, Ohio. Teacher,
later accountant. Died July 21, 1906, Wilmington, Del.
599. *CHARLES SMITH ROGERS. B.A. ; M.A., 1867. *. N. 0.
*. B. K. Born May 13, 1831, Himtington, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died July 16, 1894, Dorchester, Mass.
600. *WILLIAM ROMER. B.A. A. A. $. Born May 28, 1834,
Pleasantville, N. Y.
Studied law in White Plains, N. Y., 1858-61. Practised law in Yonkers,
N. Y., 1861-70; New York, N. Y., 1870-76; White Plains, N. Y., 1876-
1913. Died August 30, 1913, White Plains, N. Y.
Married February 20, 1879, Elgiva E. Purser, of New York, N, Y.
Children: William Purser, b. November 16, 1879; Charles Henry, b.
August 9, 1 88 1,
601. *HIRAM PLINY SHEPARD. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A, 1861.
A. A. $. $. B. K. Born December 28, 1828, Turin, N. Y. In business.
Died April i, 1905, Forestville, N. Y.
602. *EDWIN SMITH SNOW. B.A. ; M.A., 1861. Born Decem-
ber 26, 1832. Eastford, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died May
21, 1874, Eldorado, Kans.
603. HENRY TAYLOR STAATS. B.A. A. A. <l>. Born June i,
1836, Hudson, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, 1858-60. Congregational minister, 1860-
1906; emeritus, 1906 .
Married June 23, 1858, Mary J. Macy, of Hudson, N. Y., who died
February 25, 1888. Married March 2, 1889, Martha L. Stearns, of
Chicago, 111., who died May 18, 1919. Married February 26, 1920, Vir-
ginia deTrava Carter, of New Orleans, La. Children : Carrie Louise,
b. November 12, 1859, d. May 12, 1861 ; Charles Lansing, b. July i, 1861 ;
Henry Taylor, b. May 22, 1863; Mary, b. March 20, 1865, m. Dr. D. S.
Green; William Richardson, b. August 8, 1867; Emily, b. June 16, 1871,
m. C. P. Carter; Hiram Macy, b. June 27, 1873, d. May 3, 1899; John
Stearns, b. February i, 1890.
Address : 447 North Raymond Ave., Pasadena, Cal.
604. *NELSON STUTSON. B.A. ^. N. 6. $. B. K. Born Sep-
tember 20, 1830, Monson, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
April 16, 1871, Springfield, Mass.
605. *GEORGE HUSSEY TRACY. B.A.; M.A., 1862. A. A. *.
Born April 7, 1835, Nantucket, Mass. Journalist. Died September 17,
1867, Mobile, Ala.
606. *GEORGE HENRY WHITNEY. B.A.; M.A.. 1865; D.D.,
Mount Union College, 1873. A. A. *. *. B. K. Born July 30, 1830,
Georgetown, D. C.
Principal of Macedon Center Academy, N. Y., 1858-59; Oneida Semi-
nary, N. Y., 1859-61. Methodist Episcopal minister, Newark Conference,
1861-74. President of Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown,
N. J., 1874-95. Supernumerary, 1895-1900. President Emeritus, Cen-
tenary Collegiate Institute, 1900-13. Trustee of Wesleyan University,
1880-1902. Member of Advisory Board of Columbian Parliament of
Religions ; honorary vice-president, National Columbian Education Com-
mission, 1893. Author: Hand-book of Bible Geography; Lesson Com-
pend (3 vols.), etc. Died June 5, 1913, Plainfield, N. J. _
Married November 17, 1858, Carrie A. Shepard, who died December
16, 1865. Married December 24, 1867, Nettie French, of Plainfield, N. J.
Children: Irving S., b. September 23, 1859, d. 1892; May Vincent, b.
July 3, 1869; Bertha Hurst, b. January 14, 1871 ; George Harold, b.
October 2, 1882; Helen M., b. April 26, 1886.
607. *ANTHONY WOODWARD. B.A. Born March 20, 183S.
Upper Freehold, N. J. Lawyer. Died July 26, 1865.
608. *HENRY CROUNCE ABBOTT. B.A. ; M.A., 1862. Born
November 23, 1830, Schoharie Co., N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died March 29, 1905, Fulton, N. Y.
Trinity College, Conn., 1873. Born June 22, 1836, Washington, D. C.
Preached in Somerset, Mass., 1859-60. Methodist Episcopal minister,
Providence (now New England Southern) Conference, 1860-64. Chap-
lain of 22d Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers, 1862-63. Ordained deacon
in the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1864. Minister at St. Alban's
Church, Danielsonville, Conn., 1864-66. Ordained priest, 1865. Rector
of various churches in Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, and Iowa,
1865-83. Received into the Roman Catholic Church, 1883. Founded the
Society of Middletown Upper Houses, 1905. Author: Middletown
Upper Houses.
Married October 3, i860, Elizabeth Gridley Ranney, of Cromwell, Conn.
Children: Elizabeth Virginia, b. November 3, 1861, m. J. H. Kincaid;
James Mortimer, b. June 30, 1863; Charles Samuel Gridley, b. August
17, 1867; Arthur Ranney, b. June 10, 1870, d. April 27, 1893.
Address : Cromwell, Conn.
610. DAVID ALLISON. B.A. (saint.); M.A., 1862; LL.D.,
Victoria University, 1873, Queen's College, 1900, Wesleyan, 1903, and
Dalhousie University, 1919. A. A. ^. Born July 3, 1836, Newport, Nova
Scotia, Canada.
Principal of Stanstead Academy, Quebec, Canada, 1859-60. Taught in
Mount Allison Wesleyan Academy, Sackville, N. B., Canada, 1860-62.
Professor of Classics, Mount Allison College, Sackville, N. B., Canada,
1862-69; President, 1869-78, 1891-1911. Superintendent of Education,
Province of Nova Scotia, 1878-91. Delegate to Methodist Ecumenical
Conference, 1881. Author: Text-book of English Grammar; Outlines
of British History; History of N'o^.'a Scotia.
Married June 18, 1862, Elizabeth Powell, of Richibucto, N. B., Canada,
who died December 14, 1898. Married July 3, 1902, Ellen Elizabeth
Cummins, of Souris, P. E. L, Canada. Children : James Whidden, b.
September 16, 1864, d. March 29, 1870; Edmund Powell, b. July 9, 1866
(B.A., Dalhousie College, 1888) ; Charles F., b. August 22, 1868, d.
March 29, 1885; David, b. July 22, 1871, d. December 20, 1904; Henry
Augustus, b. August 6, 1877 (B.A., Mount Allison, 1898).
Address : Halifax, N. S., Canada.
X. ■^. Born February 3, 1837, Bethel, Conn. Methodist Episcopal, later
Presbyterian, minister. Died March 28, 191 1, Kingston, N. Y.
612. *ASA BOOTHBY. B.A. ; M.A., 1862. A. A. «J>. Born Sep-
tember 23, 1834, Limington, Me.
Taught in Falley Seminary, Fulton, N. Y., 1859-65, 1879-81. Druggist
in Phoenix, N. Y., 1865-67, 1874-79. Taught in Wesleyan Academy,
Wilbraham, Mass., 1867-74. Principal of Union School and Academy,
Fulton, N. Y., 1881-85; School for Patients, State Hospital, Willard,
N. Y,, 1886-96. Engaged in private tutoring, and soliciting agent for a
firm of nurserymen, 1898-1912. Author: Nomenclature of Chemistry;
Pamphlets (published by the National Temperance Society). Died May
2, 1912, Westbrook, Me.
Married November 19, 1863, Julia Elizabeth Hutchinson, of Phoenix,
N. Y. Children: Frank Lincoln, b. November 21, 1864; Anna Louise,
b. October i, 1867, m. F. E. Gillette.
613. *EDWIN OSCAR BRIM. B.A. Born September 19, 1835.
Teacher. Died March, 1868, Monmouth, 111.
613fl. *HENRY BASCOM BROWN. B.A., 1911. Born July 5,
1833, Middleboro, Mass.
Left college during Senior year, 1858. Engaged in journalism, 1858-63.
Acting assistant paymaster, U. S. Navy, 1863-65. Served on the editorial
staff of The Boston Journal, 1865. Engaged in manufacturing in New
Haven, Conn., 1866-78; East Hampton, Conn., 1878-1913. Helped to
organize the prohibition party in Connecticut, 187 1. Editor and proprie-
tor, State Temperance Journal, 1871-74. Ordained minister of the Second
Advent denomination. Chairman, Prohibition State Central Committee,
1896-1903. Died June 13, 1916, Woodmont, Cal.
Married May 14, 1853. Adeline Strong Gates, of East Hampton, Conn.,
who died February 19, 1875. Married May i, 1878, Genevra Jane Sexton,
of East Hampton, Conn., who died March 23, 1916. Children: Grace
Adeline, b. June 10, 1858, m. Abner Watrous Barton, d. April 2, 1914;
Charles Sumner, b. August 23, i860 (Ph.B., Yale) ; Harry Bushnell, b.
July 15, 1862; Bertha Gates, b. April 3, 1865, m. Frederick Steele Black-
all; Ethel Northrop, b. October i, 1866, m. Charles F. Englebach (who
died), m. Henry Enos Tuley, M.D. ; Edith, b. June 29, 1869, m. John
Milton Kinder; Caroline, b. June 12, 1879; Genevra Vivien, b. June 26,
188 1, m. Rev. Ralph George Hartley.
614. *ROBERT PAGAN BUCKNAM. B.A. ; M.A., 1862.
A. A. 4>. $. B. K. Born September 15, 1832, Columbia, Me. School
principal. Died February 23, 1865, Bangor, Me.
615. *JAMES CARR, Jr. B.A. Born September 18, 1829, Bethany,
Pa. Teacher. Died November 6, 1873, Stroudsburg, Pa.
615a. BENJAMIN HICKS CHENEY. B.A., 191 1; M.D., Uni-
versity of Louisiana (now Tulane University), 1861. ^l'. T. Born Octo-
ber 10, 1838, Vicksburg, Miss.
Left college at the end of Freshman year. Acting assistant surgeon,
U. S. Army, 1861-62. Assistant surgeon, 41st Ohio Volunteers, 1862.
Medical purveyor, 21st and 4th Army Corps, 1862-64. Examining sur-
geon of the provost marshal's bureau for the 6th District of Illinois,
1864-65. Associate editor of The Medical Investifj^ato"^, 1871-73. Presi-
dent of the Board of Examining Surgeons for Pensions, New Haven,
Conn., 1874-82. Practising medicine in New Haven, Conn., 1871 .
Member of New Haven City Board of Health, 1878-84. Department
Commander, G. A. R., Conn., 1917-18.
Married March 10, 1863, Sarah Jane Austin, of Newcastle, Me.
Children: Benjamin Austin, b. June 10, 1867 (B.A., Yale, 1888) ; Arthur
Sanford, b. October 4, 1869 (Ph. B., Yale, 1889), d. December 28, 1908;
Harold Clark, b. June 19, 1877 (B.A., Yale, 1899) ; Alice Josephine, b.
August 7, 1879, m. Walter L. Ferris.
Address : 249 Park St., New Haven, Conn.
December 16, 1837, Philadelphia, Pa. Lawver. Died July 20, 1898, Ashe-
ville, N. C.
617. *GEORGE GAMALIEL DAINS. B.A.; M.A., 1862. ^. T.
Born May i, 1828, Randolph, Vt. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
August 3, 1884, Hamilton, N. Y.
618. ^JONATHAN HARNED DALLY. B.A. <ir. T. <E>. B. K.
Born October 7, 1838, Woodbridge, N. J. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died May i, 1885, on shipboard.
619. STEPHEN BROOKS DAVIS. B.A. A. A. ^. *. B. K.
Born August 10, 1839, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Studied law, 1859-61. Practised law in Iowa City, la., 1861-63. Quar-
termaster's clerk; with Sherman's army to Atlanta, 1863-66. Chief
clerk in Quartermaster's Department, Central District of Texas, 1865-66.
Agent in Paris, France, for W. & B. Douglas, pump manufacturers, of
Middletown, Conn., 1867-68. In the coal business in Middletown, Conn.,
1869-96. Judge of probate, District of Middletown, Conn., 1897-1909.
Coroner, Middlesex County, Conn., 1889 ■ Practising law in Mid-
dletown, 1909 . Member of City Board of Education, and of Common
Married December 8, 1870, Hattie S. Woodward, of Middletown, Conn.
Children: Clara Southmayd, b. November 17, 1871 (class of 1893), m.
C T. Guildford (No. 1955) ; Stephen Brooks (No. 1838), b. November
18, 1874; Rachel Louise, b. September 11, 1879, m. Henri deMagnin.
Address : Middletown, Conn.
620. *SPENCER RILAND FULLER. B.A. ; M.A., 1862. A. A. 4>.
<i>. B. K. Born June 6, 1829, Fullerville, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died September 16, 1870, Watertown, N. Y.
621. *WESLEY CURTIS GINN. B.A. ; M.A., 1862. A. A. $.
^. B. K. Born December 11, 1830, Vinal Haven, Me.
Principal of High School, Bristol, Conn., 1859-61. Vice-principal of
High School, Hartford, Conn., 1861-63. Made a voyage to India, 1863-64.
Principal of High School, Stamford, Conn., 1864-65. Conducted a home
boarding school in Stamford, Conn., 1865-69. Principal of Ithaca
Academy, N. Y., 1869-75; Syracuse Classical .School, N. Y., 1875-85.
Superintendent of schools, Hillsdale, Mich., 1885-89. Financial repre-
sentative of the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass.,
1889-91. Representative of Ginn & Co., publishers, Boston, Mass., 1891-
1906. Retired, 1906. Died June 8, 1918, Delaware, Ohio.
Married May 26, 1859, Mary Jane Lj^on, of Easton, Conn. Children :
Agnes Rebecca, b. January 17, 1862; Calderwood Bramhall, b. October
9, 1867, d. August 16, 1870; Carleton Whiton, b. September 6, 1870, d.
April 8, 1885.
622. *ALLEN GRISWOLD. B.A. ^. T. *. B. K. Born May 28,
1839, Middletown, Conn. Lawyer. Died January 4, 1862.
623. *EDWIN BAYARD HARVEY. B.A.; M.A., 1862; M.D.,
Harvard University, 1866. ^. T. Born April 4, 1834, Deerfield, N. H.
Taught in Troy Conference Academy, Vt., 1859-60. Principal of
Macedon Academy, N. Y., 1860-62. Taught in Wesleyan Academy,
Wilbraham, Mass., 1862-64. Studied in Harvard Medical School,
1864-66. Practised medicine in Westboro, Mass., 1866-1913. Visited the
principal hospitals of Germany, Austria, and Great Britain, 1872. Presi-
dent of Worcester County Medical Society, 1882-83. Member of School
Board, 1869-87. Superintendent of schools, Westboro, 1887-90. Trustee
of State Reform School, 1873-79. Member of Massachusetts House of
Representatives, 1884-85 ; of Massachusetts Senate, 1894-95. Member
and secretary, Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine. Presi-
dent, Massachusetts Medical Society, 1898-99. Died September 28, 1913,
Westboro, Mass.
Married July 31, i860, Abby K. Tenney, of Concord, N. H.
Born June 5, 1834, Scarsdale, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died June 7, 1890, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
September 5, 1841, Jefferson, N. Y.
Principal of Madison Seminary, Ohio, 1860-61. Captain, U. S. Volun-
teers, 1861-64. Universalist minister, 1866-74, 1884-87. Congregational
minister, 1887-1905. Practised law in St. Louis, Mo., 1877. Engaged in
farming in Macon Co., 111., 1880-84. Retired, engaged in literary work,
1905 . Author: The Secret of Christianity; History of Wisconsin
under French Dominion; Philosophy of History.
Married July 15, 1869, Ella Smith, of Decatur, 111. Children : Arthur,
b. June 21, 1870; Edward S., b. April 28, 1872; Charles, b. December
28, 1873; Guy, b. October 10, 1878 (B.A., Beloit, 1902); Mary, b.
October 5, 1884, d. November 5, 1884; Nellie, b. January 26, 1888.
Address : 77 Milton St., Maspeth, New York, N. Y.
626. ^SAMUEL JACKSON. B.A.; M.A., 1862. A. A. «l>. Born
May, 1833, in Ireland.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Conference, 1859-1900.
Supernumerary, 1900-14. Died January 11, 1914, Melrose Highlands,
Married November 10, 1859, Sarah Morrill Davis, of Lake Village,
N. H., who died August 28, 1906. Children: Frederic Asbury (No.
1273), b. August II, i860; Barnard Morrill, b. December, 1864, d. Janu-
ary, 1866; William Atwell, b. April 26, 1867; Rhoda May, b. February
23, 1871, d. December 18, 1883; Carl Newell, b. October 23, 1875 (B.A.,
Harvard, 1898) ; Arthur Morrill, b. October 25, 1878.
627. *GEORGE EDWIN KING. B.A. ; M.A., 1863, LL.D.,
University of New Brunswick, 1886; D.C.L., University of Mount Alli-
son, 1893. ^. T. *. B. K. Born October 8, 1839, St. John, N. B.,
Canada. Brother of No. 628. Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada.
Died May 7, 1901, Ottawa, Canada.
628. *STEPHEN JAMES KING. B.A. ^. T. *. B. K. Born
January i6, 1838, St. John, N. B., Canada. Brother of No. d^y. Ship-
builder and owner. Died July 4, 1897, St. John, N. B., Canada.
629. *ASA PRIOR LYON. B.A. <^. T. Born December 11, 1837,
New York, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York Conference, 1859-64, 1867-80.
In business in New York, N. Y. ; preached in Fordham, N. Y., 1864-67.
Preached in Millbank, Dak., 1880-83; in Sioux Falls, 1883-85. Pastor
of Congregational Church, Perry, Iowa, 1885-87; Congregational Church,
Marshall, Iowa, 1887-91. Lecturer on English Literature, Manning
School of Oratory, Minneapolis, Minn., 1891-94. Pastor of 38th St.
Union Church, Minneapolis, Minn., 1894-97. Supplied pulpits in Brook-
lyn, N. Y., 1897-1903. Acting pastor, Sunnyside Reform Church, New
York, N. Y., 1903-07. Instructor in Public Speaking, Y. M. C. A.,
Brooklyn, N. Y., 1906. Died June 8, 1912, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Married October 2, 1861, Mary J. Lane, daughter of Professor H. B.
Lane (No. 20). Child: Frances Hoe, b. July 24, 1877.
September 23, 1839, Middletown, Conn.
Left college during Junior year. Studied in the U. S. Military
Academy, West Point, N. Y., 1858-62. Colonel of the 24th Connecticut
Volunteers, and captain of engineers, U. S. Army, 1862-65. Major of
engineer corps, Galveston, Tex., 1881 ; lieutenant colonel, 1888; colonel,
1898 ; brigadier general, 1903. Engaged in much important engineering
work. President, Yosemite National Park Commission, 1899. Retired,
1903. Massachusetts Harbor and Land Commissioner, 1906-12.
Married April 16, 1874, Mrs. Anna Baldwin Wright, of Detroit, Mich.
Address : 231 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.
630. *JOHN HENRY MOORE. B.A. Born August 2, 1838,
Clinton (now Benton), Me. Teacher. Died August 25, 1863, Augusta,
631. *JOSEPH LELAND MORSE. B.A.; M.A., 1862. X. ^.
<!>. N. 0. *. B. K. Born May 4, 1837, Wilton, Me. Teacher. Died Jime
18, 1905, Evanston, 111.
Born August 24, 1839, Lowell, Mass. School principal and journalist.
Died April 16, 1876, Worcester, Mass.
633. *JOHN EMORY POWERS. B.A. ; M.A., 1862. Born April
20, 1837, Augusta, N. Y. Brother of No. 543.
Principal of Ball Seminary, near Troy, N. Y., 1859-60. Engaged in
the nursery business in Lima, N. Y., 1861-63. Teacher of physical cul-
ture, Chicago, 111., 1864. Engaged in the life insurance business, New
York, N. Y., 1865-66. Manager for Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine
Company, London, England, 1867-71. Variously employed in New York,
N. Y., 1871-74. Publisher of The Nation, New York, N. Y., 1874-79.
Engaged in the advertising business with Lord & Taylor, New York,
N. Y., 1879-80; with John Wanamaker, Philadelphia, Pa., 1880-86;
independently, 1886-1919. Died April 20, 1919, Hartsdale, N. Y.
Married December 15, 1862, Emily V. Downing, of New York, N. Y.,
who died in 1880. Married 1881, Emily McKay. Children: Ethel, b.
May 2, 1864, m. C. M. Hough; Anna, b. July 6, 1866 (B.A., Bryn Mawr,
1890), d. 1894; John Orville, b. July 23, 1868 (B.A., Harvard, 1891).
634. *SILAS EVERARD QUIMBY. B.A. ; M.A., 1862; D.D..
Syracuse University, 1910. "ir. T. ^. B. K. Born October 19, 1837,
Haverhill, N. H.
Taught in Newbury Seminary, Vt, 1859-62. Methodist Episcopal min-
ister. New Hampshire Conference, 1863-64, 1867-78, 1886-1913. Taught
in Newbury Seminary, Vt, 1864-66; principal, 1866-67. Principal of
New Hampshire Conference (now Tilton) Seminary, 1878-85. Secretary
N. H. Conference, 1877-1913. Delegate to General Conference, M. E.
Church, 1880, '96. Died February 23, 1913, Bellefonte, Pa.
Married July 10, 1862, Anna W., daughter of Rev. Orange Scott, who
died March 7, 1901. Children: Clarence Everard, b. May 4, 1863;
Carl Noyes (No. 1621), b. November 27, 1866; Mabel Alice, b. February
6, 1870, m. H. S. Moore; Ernest Scott (No. 1911), b. July 15, 1872;
Anna Lucy, b. September 21, 1877, d. August 30, 1878.
636. GEORGE LITCH ROBERTS. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A., 1862.
<ir. T. f>. B. K. Born December 30, 1836, Boston, Mass. Brother of
Nos. 703 and 876.
Studied law in Middletown, Conn., 1860-61. Entered Harvard Law
School ; also studied with Hon. B. R. Curtis, Boston, Mass., 1862.
Practised law in Boston, Mass. (specialist in patent cases), 1864-1920.
Retired, 1920.
Married December i, 1865, Hinda Barnes, of Middletown, Conn., who
died May 27, 1909. Children: Odin Barnes, b. January 22, 1867 (B.A.,
Harvard, 1886) ; Harold Barnes, b. August 8, 1869 (B.S., Mass. Inst,
of Tech., 1890).
Address : 62 Upland Road, Brookline, Mass.
♦JOHN SANBORN. B.A. A. A. *. Born July 16, 1836,
Sanbornton Bridge (now Tilton), N. H. College professor, later in
business. Died May 23, 1902, Fayette, Iowa.
637. *ALFRED HENRY SAXE. B.A. ; M.A., 1862. Born August
5, 1839, Middletown, Conn. Son of No. 84. Methodist Episcopal min-
ister, later in business. Died November 11, 1881, Warwick, N. Y.
638. *FRANCIS ASBURY SMITH. B.A. Born November 29,
1837, Salisbury, Mass.
Commenced the practice of law in Johnstown, N. H. ; enlisted in 3d
N. Y. Volunteers, 1861. Commissioned first lieutenant, 1862. Honorably
discharged, 1863. Practised law in Elizabethtown, N. Y., 1865-78, 1891-
1915. County judge and surrogate of Essex Co., New York, 1878-90.
Author : The Critics versus Shakespeare. Editor : Antony and Cleopatra
(Bankside Restoration Series of Shakespeare). Died October 12, 191 5,
Elizabethtown, N. Y.
Married April 11, 1863, Julia M. Scott, of Salem, N. H.
Law School, 1862; LL.D., Wesleyan, 191 1. A, A. $. Born May 18,
1838, Cape Vincent, N. Y.
Principal of Moravia Institute, N. Y., 1859-60. First lieutenant, 39th
N. Y. Volunteers, 1861. Admitted to the bar, 1862. Captain of 7th
Independent Company, Ohio Sharpshooters; commanded battalion, ist
Ohio Vol. Sharpshooters, 1863. Judge advocate of the District of
Tennessee, 1864-65. Commissioned colonel by brevet, 1866. Manufac-
turer of military arms ; treasurer of Remington Arms Company, 1866-79.
Engaged in building and improving property, Seattle, Wash., 1879-83.
President, Union Trust Company, Seattle, Wash., 1898 . Traveled
extensively in Europe, 1877-78 ; in Mexico and the United States, 1878-79.
Governor of Washington Territory, 1884-87. U. S. Senator for the State
of Washington, 1889-97. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1875 •
Married December 23, 1868, Ida Remington, of Ilion, N. Y. Children :
Remington, b. February 22, 1870 (class of 1893) ; Shirley, b. April 13,
1872 (class of 1895); Aidine, b. March 8, 1877, m. A. V. White;
Marjorie, b. August 18, 1881.
Address: 558 Empire Building, Seattle, Wash.
640. *WILLIAM HENRY STARR. B.A.; M.A., 1862. 4>. N. 0.
Born October 20, 1834, Groton, Conn.
Principal of High School, Westfield, Mass., 1859-60. Taught in
Onondaga Academy, N. Y., 1860-61. Principal of public school, New-
London, Conn., 1861-62. Methodist Episcopal minister. New England
Southern Conference, 1863-91. Pastor of Congregational Church, Thorn-
ton, R. I., 1891-1900. Superintendent of schools, Johnston, R. I., 1898-
1912. Died May 6, 1912, Thornton, R. I.
Married November 25, 1859, Nancy Williams, of Groton Bank, Conn.
Children: Frederick W., b. October 15, i860, d. July 30, 1861 ; William
Lincoln, b. October 21, 1864, d. February 7, 1874; Mattie Louisa, b.
October 22, 1866, m. Dr. A. H. Wood ; Harris EUwood, b. May 7, 1875
(B.A., Brown, 1897).
641. *HORACE SUMNER TARBELL. B.A. ; M.A., 1862; LL.D.,
Brown University, 1896. A. A. $. Born August 19, 1838, Chelsea, Vt.
Superintendent of schools. Died September 16, 1904, San Francisco, Cal.
642. ^FREDERICK WOODS. B.A. ; M.A., 1862; D.D., University
of Mount Allison, 1886. ^. T. *. B. K. Born September 7, 1833, St.
Johns, Newfoundland.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Conference, 1859-1908.
Supernumerary, 1908-14. Died January 28, 1914, Melrose, Mass.
Married June 21, i860, Sarah H. Shenstone, of Harbor Grace, New-
foundland, who died January 21, 1872. Married November 19, 1873, Anna
Odlin May, of Boston, Mass. Children: William John, b. June 16, 1861 ;
Frederick Shenstone (No. 1413), b. March 8, 1864; Emily, b. March 8,
1864; Alice May, b. May 12, 1876; Marion Hill, b. November 21, 1878.
643. *JOHN W^ESLEY YOUNG. B.A.; M.A., 1862. *. N. 6.
Born January 31, 1833, Pocono (now Jackson), Pa.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Newark Conference, 1859-91. Secretary
of appointments for the Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, 1891-
1913. Died March 23, 1913, Jersey City, N. J.
Married February 20, i860, Carrie M. Musk, of Jersey City, N. J.
Children: Mary Elizabeth, b. November 19, i860; Ella Musk, b. July 20,
1862; Blanche, b. February 16, 1864; Carrie Wilson, b. January 30, 1874.
CLASS OF 1860.
644. *BENNETT TYLER ABBOTT. B.A.; M.A., 1863. ^. T.
Born October 16, 1836, Middlebury, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died April 22, 1905, Derby, Conn.
Born September 3, 1833, Coventry, R. I.
Principal of Manchester Centre Academy, Conn., 1860-62. Methodist
Episcopal minister. New England Southern Conference, 1863-83. Super-
numerary, 1883-1914. Retired, 1914. President, Anthony Screw Com-
pany, of Worcester, Mass. President, Jewett City Savings Bank.
Married April 16, 1861, Abbie Gould Bailey, of Hingham, Mass., who
died November 15, 1915. Child: Albert Hayward, b. November 28, 1863,
d. December 30, 1918.
Address : Jewett City, Conn.
November i, 1837, Beaver, Pa. School principal. Died March 14, 1899,
Covington, Ky.
647. *WILBUR FISK BURNS. B.A. ; M.A., 1863. Born August
29, 1837, Harper, Liberia. Lawyer. Died 1869, Sierra Leone, Africa.
648. *EDSON WYLLYS BURR. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A., 1863;
D.D., 1890. *. N. e. *. B. K. Born March 29, 1841, Middletown, Conn.
Brother of No. 254. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died March 19,
1900, Island Heights, N. J.
649. WILLIAM RILEY CARR. B.A.; M.A., 1863. Born Octo-
ber 14, 1830, Freetown, N. Y.
Headmaster of Oakwood County Grammar School, Ontario, Canada,
1860-61. Taught and preached, 1861-63. Appointed to Sydney Circuit,
Methodist Church of Canada, 1863. Principal of a grammar school,
Brighton, Ont, Canada, 1863-65. Gave up teaching on account of ill
health, 1865. Resided in Smithfield, near Brighton, Ont., Canada.
Married December 23, 1861, Miss E. S. Eraser, of Bowmanville, Ont,
Canada. Children : Daniel Cecil, b. January 4, 1863 ; Rose Alma, b. May
31, 1865; Melvin Eli, b. September 14, 1867.
Address: unknown.
660. *GEORGE CLARKE. B.A. ; M.A., 1863. A. A. $. Born
April 15, 1833, Cavan, Ireland.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York Conference, 1860-90. Super-
numerary, 1890-92. Agent, New York Conference Temperance Society,
1892-1908. Supernumerary, 1908. Died January 19, 1921, Ocean Grove,
Married October 10, i860, Lydia A. Barber, of Vernon Center, N. Y.,
who died March 25, 1908. Married January 26, 1909, Margaret G. Currie,
M.D., of Ocean Grove, N. J. Children : Emory Zenas, b. October 24,
1862, d. April 21, 1885 ; William Lawrence (No. 1546), b. August 7, 1865 ;
Grace Crary, b. October 24, 1868, m. Professor Walter Jones; Emma
Belle, b. July 29, 1871, m. Professor C. G. Shaw; Helen May, b. May 26,
1873, m. C. E. Apgar (class of 1891) ; Cora Frances, b. November 19,.
1876, d. June 24, 1884; three others, died in infancy.
S.T.D., Hamilton College, 1880. *. N. 6. $. B. K. Born October 23,
1840, Sing Sing (now Ossining), N. Y.
Taught in Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., 1860-62 ; Amenia
Seminary, N. Y., 1862-63. Principal of Amenia Seminary, 1863-64.
Joined New York Conference, M. E. Church, 1864. Taught in Oneida
Conference (now Cazenovia) Seminary, N. Y., 1864-65; principal, 1865.
Professor of Modern Languages, Genesee College, N. Y., 1865-66 ; of
Greek and German, 1866-68; of Greek and Latin, 1868-71. Professor of
Greek, Syracuse University, 1871-73; of Greek and Ethics, 1873-91;
of Philosophy and Pedagogy, 1891-97; of Philosophy, 1897-1913. Died
August 13, 1913, Hamburg, Germany.
Married July 23, 1863, Louisa Guibord, of Plattsburg, N. Y. Children :
Herbert Guibord, b. February 6, 1865 (B.A., Syracuse, 1886) ; Gertrude,
b. March 13, 1868 (B.A., Wellesley), m. W. C. Stimson; Winifred, b.
January i, 1873; Ethel, b. February 27, 1876, d. 1891.
652. *ANDREW KERR CRAWFORD. B.A. ; M.A., 1863. Born
April 22, 1830, Economy, N. S., Canada. Methodist Episcopal, later Con-
gregational, minister. Died October 11, 1897, East Oakland, Cal.
653. *EDWARD EDSON. B.A. ^. B. K. Born October 2, 1834,
Yarmouth Port, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died May 23,
1902, Yarmouth Port, Mass.
654. *JAMES THOMAS EDWARDS. B.A. ; M.A., 1863; D.D.,
Allegheny College, 1877; LL.D., Allegheny, 1891. ^. T. Born January
6, 1838, Barnegat, N. J.
Taught in Amenia Seminary, N. Y., 1860-61 ; Providence Conference
Seminary (now East Greenwich Academy), R. L, 1861-62. First lieu-
tenant, Co. K, nth Regiment, R. L Volunteers, 1862. Again taught in
Providence Conference Seminary, 1863-64; principal, 1864-70. Member
of Rhode Island Senate, 1865-69. Joined Providence (now New
England Southern) Conference, M. E. Church, 1867. Presidential
Elector for Rhode Island, 1868. Transferred to Erie Conference, 1870.
President of Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N. Y., 1870-92. Director
of Department of Experimental Science at Chautauqua, N. Y., 1880-92.
Member of N. Y. Senate, 1891-92. Extension secretary and lecturer of
the Chautauqua System of Education, 1893. Member of Advisory Council
of World's Congress of Religions, Chicago, 111., 1893. President of the
McDonogh School, near Baltimore. Md., 1893-98. Retired, 1898. Dele-
gate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1880, '84, '92. Author:
The Grass Family; Silva of Chautauqua Lake; Pen and Picture, etc.
Died August 18, 1914, Randolph, N. Y.
Married July 10, 1862, Emma Atwood Baker, of Somerville, Mass.
Children: Grace Ella, b. March, 1864, m. S. W. Baker; Laura Alice,
b. October, 1867, m. J. H. Lyman ; Florence Emma, b. February 5, 1876,
m. C. H. Sumwalt.
655. *HERBERT FRANKLIN FISK. B.A.; M.A., 1863; D.D.,
1888; LL.D., Allegheny College, 1899, and Northwestern University,
1904. *. N. e. ^. B. K. Born September 25, 1840, Stoughton, Mass.
Brother of No. 1006.
Taught in Delaware Literary Institute, Franklin, N. Y., 1860-61.
Principal of Shelburne Academy, Vt, 1861-63. Taught in Oneida Con-
ference (now Cazenovia) Seminary, N. Y., 1863-67. Joined Oneida
(now Central New York) Conference, M. E. Church, 1866. Taught in
Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Alass., 1867-68. Principal of Genesee
Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., 1868-73 \ of the Academy of North-
western University, 1873-1904. Transferred to Rock River Conference,
1878. Professor of Education, Northwestern University, 1888-1916.
Died December 20, 1916, Evanston, 111.
Married July 11, 1866, Anna Green, of Portageville, N. Y., who died
December 17, 1908. Married February 15, 1912, Car la Fern Sargent,
of Evanston, 111. Children : Aurora Thompson, b. February 4, 1868
(B.A., Northwestern, 1890), m. Professor Charles Zueblin; Ellen Green,
b. April 24, 1875 (B.A., Northwestern, 1906).
656. *SYLVANUS GALE GALE. B.A. ; M.A., 1863; D.D.,
Northern Illinois College, 1896. A. A. ^. *. B. K. Born August 22,
1838, Galesville, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York, Minnesota, and California
Conferences, 1860-1900. Chaplain of Minnesota Senate, 1878-79. Presid-
ing Elder of Winona District, 1880-83. Professor in Hamline University,
1883-86. Presiding Elder, Napa District, 1893-99. Superannuated, 1900-
15. Died February 14, 1915, San Jose, Cal.
Married September 11, 1861, Lottie Maria Brinton, of Falls Village,
Conn., who died September 7, 1863. Married September 9, 1864, Jane
Elizabeth Cloyd, of MortonviUe, N. Y., who died August 15, 1892.
Married SeptemlDer 12, 1893, Mrs. Annie Applegate, of Pacific Grove,
Cal. Children: Charlotte Cloyd, b. June 20, 1865 (B.A., Hamline), m.
Dr. C. H. Griswold; James Cloyd, b. February 18, 1867; DeWitt Clinton,
b. March 19, 1869; Sylvanus, b. March 24, 1871 ; William Slocum, b.
February 7, 1873; Mabel Louisa, b. December 13, 1874, m. W. F. Geary,
d. April 6, 1912; Walter Raymond, b. March 4, 1879; Emma Jane, b.
January 30, 1883 (B.A., Univ. of California), m. F. R. Hazard.
667. ^DANIEL FOSTER HALLOCK. B.A.; M.A., 1863. Born
April 2, 1833, New Village (now Lake Grove), N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East Conference, 1860-85.
Superannuated, 1885-1916. Died May 21, 1916, Smithtown Branch, N. Y.
Married May 7, 1861, Lora Kingsbury, who died November 10, 1868.
Married February 2^, 1870, Mary A. Hancock, of Madison, N. J. Chil-
dren : Lora Sophronia, b. April 18, 1862, m. W. Y. Stansbrough (deceased),
m. W. S. Sands (also deceased) ; John Foster, b. January 15, 1871 ;
Wesley Hancock, b. August 24, 1872 ; Mary Ellen, b. October 19, 1874,
m. Rev. N. R. Smith, d. August 31, 1907; Phebe Louise, b. February 2,
1877 ; Gertrude Hildreth, b. June 5, 1879 ; Jennie Mabel, b. January 8,
658. *GEORGE JANVRIN JUDKINS. B.A. ; M.A., 1863. "if. T.
^. B. K. Born December 21, 1830, Kingston, N. H.
Principal of Kingston Academy, N. H., 1860-65. Taught in N. H.
Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1865-71. Methodist Episcopal min-
ister. New Hampshire Conference, 1872-85. Prasiding Elder of Clare-
mont District, 1877-81 ; Dover District, 1881-85. Supernumerary, 1885-
1901. Superannuated, 1901-14. Delegate to General Conference, M. E.
Church, i88o. Trustee of Wesleyan LTniversity, 1878-84. Died July 31,
1914, Bristol, N. H.
Married August 16, i860, Myra Smith Dollofif, of Bristol, N. H. Chil-
dren : George Dolloff , b. December 24, 1864, d. May 25, 1899 ; Charles
Otis (No. 1848), b. October 2, 1868; Lydia Anne, b. September 16, 1873,
m. L. K. Willman (No. 1977).
659. *MELVIN DEWAIN KINNEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1863. «l>. B. K.
Born October 28, 1836, Rodman, N. Y.
Taught in Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary, N. Y., 1860-61. Methodist
Episcopal minister, Northern New York Conference, 1861-83. Presiding
Elder of Adams District, 1873-77. Supernumerary, 1883-1915. Presi-
dent, Thousand Island Park Association. Trustee of Wesleyan Univer-
sity, 1886-93. Died January 31, 1915, Philadelphia, Pa.
Married November 15, i860, Martha Coit. Children: Florence Elmira,
b. September 17, 1862; Frederick Abner, b. January 12, 1864; George
Coit, b. July 19, 1869, d. June 15, 1878.
6G0. *JOHN BROWN LAPHAM. B.A. ; M.A., 1863. Born June
7, 1832, Gloucester, R. I. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died March 13,
1910, Old Orchard, Me.
661. *WILLIAM HENRY LEE. B.A. ; M.A., 1864. Born March
5, 1836, Stanstead, Que., Canada. Superintendent of schools. Died
August 18, 1903, Plattsburg, Mo.
ber 8, 1834, Marshfield, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died May
20, 1875, Middleboro, Mass.
663. *ROBERT LAUDER MATHISON. B.A. ; M.A., 1880.
X. -^^ Born June 20, 1839, Middletown, Conn. Son of No. 129.
Taught in Killingworth, Conn., 1860-61. Methodist Episcopal minister,
New York East, East Maine, and Central New York Conferences,
1861-75. Ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1875, and
later priest. Rector of Protestant Episcopal churches in New York and
Connecticut, 1878-88. Returned to the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1893.
Supplied from time to time in New England Southern and New York
Conferences. In business in Springfield, Mass., 1894-1904. Retired, 1904.
Died December 31, 1918, San Francisco, Cal.
Married June 11, 1862, Kate Susan Roberts, of New Hartford, Conn.
Children : Robert Nash, b. June 27, 1863, d. September 9, 1878; Charlotte
Elizabeth, b. July 12, 1865, d. July 12, 1865 ; Sarah Matilda Ames, b.
June 25, 1866, m. F. W. Eliot; Edward Thomson, b. June 21, 1870
(B.A., Yale, 1893) ; Nellie Roberts, b. April 25, 1872, m. W. F. Geren ;
Frederic Huntington, b. December 5, 1873 (B.A., Yale, 1896), d. August
24, 1906; Isabella Selwyn, b. August 31, 1880, m. Robert Stuart.
1836, Rindge, N. H.
Taught in Chatham, N. Y., 1860-61. Studied law in Claremont, N. H.,
1861-63. Resided in Marengo, III., 1863-64. Member of Co. A, 8th III.
Cavalry, 1864-65. Studied in Garrett Biblical Institute, 1865-67. Gradu-
ated, 1867. Methodist Episcopal minister. Rock River and Nebraska
Conferences, 1867-76. Probate judge of York County, 1874-76. Editor
of The York Republican, Neb., 1876-92. Located, 1879. Editor and pro-
prietor of The Leader-Independent, Scotia, Neb., 1892. Memb-er of State
Board of Visitors and Examiners, Soldiers' and Sailors' Homes, 1893-97.
Postmaster, Greeley, Neb., 1897- 1914. Removed to Vienna, Va., 1914.
Doorkeeper under Sergeant at Arms, U. S. Senate, 1919-21.
Married November 28, 1867, Phebe W. Cook, of Provincetown, Mass.
Children: Roswell Douglass, b. September 28, 1868 (B.A., Doane, 1896) ;
Ephraim Cook, b. October 17, 1870 (B.A., Doane, 1896), d. May i, 1898;
Raymond Beveridge, b. July i, 1873 (B.A., Doane, 1897).
Address : Vienna, Va.
666. *JOSIAH HENRY NEWHALL. B.A. *. N. 9. Born April
30, 1837, Lynn, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died October 13,
1866, Lynn, Mass.
♦LEWIS WILLIAM OSGOOD. B.A. ^. T. *. b. k. Born
July 31, 1835, Gilmanton, N. H. Lawyer. Died November 28, 1874,
Woburn, Mass.
Born September 2, 1833, Holtsville, N. Y. Real estate agent. Died May
18, 1907, Brooklyn, N. Y.
668. *ICHABOD SIMMONS. B.A.; M.A., 1863; D.D., Fort
Wayne College (now Taylor University), 1890. '*■. T. '&. B. K. Born
December 24, 1831, Duxbury, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died April 14, 1898, Hartford, Conn.
669. *HENRY MOORE SIMPSON. B.A.; M.A., 1863. Born
August 17, 1837, London, England.
Studied theology, and engaged in business, in New York, N. Y., 1860-61.
Taught in Elm Park Collegiate Institute, Litchfield, Conn. ; studied
theology in Newark, N. J., 1861-62. Methodist Episcopal minister,
Newark Conference, 1862-92, 1898- 1906. Chaplain at Dr. Strong's Sani-
tarium, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1892-98. Supernumerary, 1906. Mem-
ber, Advisory Council on Religious Congresses of World's Columbian
Exposition, 1893. Died April 26, 1912, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Married January 23, 1879, Mrs. Maria Eliza Duncan, of Saratoga
Springs, N. Y., who died February 14, 1882. Married January 3, 1899,
Anna Amelia Dennitt, of Pittsburgh, Pa., who died November 26, 1905.
October 6, 1837, Fairfield, N. Y. Teacher. Died October 28, 1862.
671. *WILLIAM LAWTON SPALDING. B.A. (valedic).
*. N. e. *. B. K. Born July 16, 1836. Eastford, Conn. Law student.
Killed in battle, May 15, 1864, New Market, Va.
672. *SAMUEL MARTIN STILES. B.A.; M.A., 1863. A. A. 4>.
Born January 19, 1834, Pittsfield, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister,
later stenographer. Died January 24, 1904, Washington, D. C.
A. A. 4>. «l>. B. K. Born September 24, 1835, Prospect (now Stockton),
Me. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died March 2, 1896, Minneapolis,
674. *SYLVESTER EMORY STRONG. B.A. ; M.A., 1863;
M.D., New York University, 1862. A. A. 4>. Born December 2, 1837,
Palenville, N. Y.
Studied medicine in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1860-62. Acting medical
director in U. S. Army, 1862-63. Associate proprietor of a sanitarium,
Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1863-91 ; proprietor, 1891-1913. Died March
17, 1913, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Married March 3, 1863, Anna A. Ray, of IndianapoHs, Ind. Children :
Sylvester Ray, b. April 8, 1865, d. September 18, 1865; Anna Louise, b.
June 3, 1867, m. J. B. Yates; Emma Cruttenden, b. March 26, 1871, m.
Dr. E. A. Palmer.
$. B. K. Born January 5, 1834, Skinners Eddy, Pa. Methodist Episco-
pal minister. Died January 30, 1870, near Savannah, Ga.
Sk. T. Born May 23, 1839, Cliftondale, Mass. Methodist Episcopal min-
ister. Died March 4, 1897, Lawrence, Mass.
D.C.L., Dickinson College, 1905. 4>. N. e. Born April 19, 1839, Haddam,
Conn. Brother of Nos. 1197 and 1198.
Principal of Clinton Institute, Conn., 1860-62; Lewis Academy, South-
ington, Conn., 1862-66. General agent for S. Stow Manufacturing Com-
pany, 1866-70. Connected with the Peck, Stowe & Wilcox Company, 1870-
1920. Alderman of Brooklyn, N. Y., 1892-94; of New York (Borough
of Brooklyn), 1902-04. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1894-1919.
Died June 15, 1920, Durham, Conn.
Married December 25, i860, Harriet Elizabeth Camp, of Durham
Conn., who died February 13, 1910. Children: Winfield Davidson, b
October, 1861, d. March 11, 1903; Mary Emeline, b. December, 1863
m. G. L. Irwin.
1863. ^. N. e. ^. B. K. Born August 19, 1836, New York, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York East Conference, 1860-95,
Presiding Elder, New Haven District, 1884-88; New York District
1888-93; North Long Island District, 1893-94. Superannuated, 1895
Died September 18, 1913, Ocean Grove, N. J.
Married February 3, 1862, Harriet Clementine Phelps, of Meriden
Conn. Children: George Phelps (No. 1459), h. January 31, 1863, d
September 28, 1916; Mary LaFetra, b. May 15, 1867, d. October 13, 1894
679. *GEORGE CLARK WEBBER. B.A. ; M.D., Harvard Uni-
versity, 1863; M.A., Wesleyan, 1867. Born November 15, 1837, Hallo-
well, Me. Physician. Died June 11, 1895, Millbury, Mass.
680. *JOHN GOLLICAR WILLIAMS. B.A. ; M.A., 1863. A. A. ^.
Born May 4, 1834, Utica, N. Y.
Taught in Mohawk Union School, N. Y., 1860-61. Principal of Mora-
via Institute, N. Y., 1861-63. Vice-principal of Macedon Academy, N. Y.,
1863-64. Principal of Walworth Academy, N. Y., 1864-67; Jordan
Academy, N. Y., 1867-69 ; Norwich Academy, N. Y., 1869-71 ; Holland
Patent Union School, N. Y., 1871-73; Sandy Creek Union School, N. Y.,
1875-76; Schuylerville Union School, N. Y., 1879; Cambridge Academy,
N. Y., 1879-83; Sanquiot Academy, N. Y., 1883-84. Retired; engaged
in agriculture and poultry raising, 1884-1914. Died May 8, 1914, Holland
Patent, N. Y.
Married November 13, i860, Fannie Hannah Babcock, of Holland
Patent, N. Y. Children : William John Babcock, b. July 9, 1866 ; Luella
May, b. August 23, 1886.
1860-61] GRADUATES.
681. *SAMUEL AUGUSTUS WINSOR. B.A. ; M.A., 1863.
Born July 6, 1835, Johnston, R. I. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
March 17, 1899, Montrose, Col,
682. *JOHN YOUNG. B.A. *. B. K. Born March 31, 1839,
Stanstead, Que., Canada.
Principal of Derby Academy, Vt, 1860-62. Practised law in Troy,
Vt., 1862-67; Derby Line, Vt., 1867-81; Newport, Vt, 1881-1915. Mem-
ber of Vermont House of Representatives, 1894-96. Member of Ver-
mont Senate, 1898- 1900. Died November 29, 191 5, Newport, Vt.
Married June 3, 1866, Augusta Ann Young, of Troy, Vt. Child:
George Brigham, b. April 20, 1867.
683. ♦EDGAR HIRAM BANCROFT. B.A. ; M.A., 1864; M.Ag.
(Hon.), Delaware College, 1910. ■^. T. Born October 19, 1835, Nor-
wich, N. Y.
Taught in Amenia Seminary, N. Y., 1861-62. Co-principal of Classical
Institute, Milton, Pa., 1863-64. Engaged in farming in Brookfield, N. Y.,
1864-65; in horticulture, Camden, Del., 1866-1917. Appointed member
of Delaware State Tax Commission, 1891. Died December i, 1917,
Camden, Del.
Married March 4, 1863, Lucy Carrie Langworthy, of Brookfield, N. Y.,
who died February i, 1903. Children: Fred Langworthy, b. November
8, 1865, d. April 2.2, 1866; Frank Christopher, b. December 5, 1866;
Jennie Louise, b. March 17, 1870; Nellie Eloise, b. December 21, 1871,
m. W. P. Peach.
684. *JOHN WESLEY BARNHART. B.A. ; M.A., 1864. A. A. $.
Born September 9, 1833, Marlboro, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died January 25, 1897, Tarrytown, N. Y.
685. *WILLIAM JAMES BRAMBLEE. B.A. ; M.A., 1864. Born
September 20, 1834, Andes, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
June 10, 1868, Bellows Falls, Vt
D.D., Syracuse University, 1895. "^. T. *. B. K. Born July 12, 1837,
Augusta, N. Y. Brother of No. 771. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died August 28, 1900, Stamford, N. Y.
687. WILLIAM DAWSON BRIDGE. B.A.; M.A., 1864. Born
February 23, 1840, Duxbury, Mass.
Taught in South Coventry, Conn., and in Wesleyan Academy, Wilbra-
ham, Mass., 1861-62. Principal of Colebrook Academy, N. H. ; preached
in North Dana, Mass., 1862-63. Methodist Episcopal minister, New
England Conference, 1863-1901. Superannuated, 1901. Official steno-
graphic reporter for General Conference, M. E. Church, 1880, '84, '88.
In charge of official staff of reporters, General Conference, 1892, '96,
1900, '04, '08, '12. Official reporter for General Conference, M. E.
Church, South, 1898, 1910, '14. American delegate to First International
Shorthand Congress, London, England, 1887. Librarian-Historian,
National Shorthand Reporters Association, 1905-21.
Married November 26, 1863. Mary Susan Sanford Holway, of Boston,
Mass. Child: Florence Merlina, b. October i, 1869.
Address : 209 Snyder St., Orange, N. J.
X. ^. Born April i, 1841, New York, N. Y. Rector, Protestant Episco-
pal Church. Died March 26, 1893, Brooklyn, N. Y.
689. *EDGAR FREDERICK CLARK. B.A. ; M.A., 1864. ^. N. 9.
*. B. K. Born September 12, 1835, South Windsor, Conn.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Southern Conference,
1862-1908. Superannuated, 1908-14. Author : History of Methodism in
Norzvich; History of Norzmch Masonry. Died July 21, 1914, Taunton,
Married April 23, 1862, Julia Margaret Woodruff, of Farmington,
Conn., who died April 26, 1882. Married November 7, 1888, Helen
Millar, of North Providence, R. I., who died July 8, 1913. Children:
Franklin Edgar, b. June 25, 1863 (M.D., Boston Homoeopathic Medical
College), d. October 6, 1887; Frederick Lincoln, b. March 31, 1865;
Silvester Woodruff, b. October 5, 1868 (M.D., Phila. Medical College) ;
Edwin Noadiah, b. May 4, 1870 (M.D., Phila. Medical College).
January 5, 1840, Middletown, Conn. Engaged in banking. Died Feb-
ruary 9, 1907, Buffalo, N. Y.
691. *LEWIS FOWLER DEWEY. B.A. Born March 23, 1835.
Lawyer. Died November, 1868, Jacksonville, Fla.
M.A., 1864. <$>. N. e. $. B. K. Born September 26, 1841, Lowell, Mass.
Enlisted in 4th Conn. Infantry (later ist Conn. Heavy Artillery), 1861.
Second lieutenant in the same, 1862; first lieutenant, 1863-64. In the
life insurance business, Boston, Mass., 1865. In the mining regions of
California, 1866. Engaged in the commission business in New York,
N. Y., 1867-68. Agent of the Franklin Woolen Company, N. H., 1869-79;
of Plymouth Woolen Company, Mass., 1880-98. President, J. L. Thomp-
son Manufacturing Company, Waltham, Mass., 1896-1912; American
Lacing Hook Company, Waltham, Mass., 1898-1912. Lay delegate to
General Conference, M. E. Church, 1892, 1900. Trustee of Wesleyan
University, 1893-99. Died July 24, 1912, Plymouth, Mass.
Married January 12, 1870, Frances J. Clark, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Children : William Morgan, b. May 4, 1871 (class of 1892) ; Francis
Sawyer, b. February 28, 1873 (class of 1896) ; Marian E., b. September
22, 1874, d. October 25, 1874; Richard Washburn, b. July 15, 1876 (class
of 1901) ; Roswell Leon, b. November 14, 1879 (class of 1901) ; Arthur
Sylvester, b. January 16, 1883 (class of 1906) ; Gordon Clark (No.
2672), b. January 31, 1886; Grace Evans, b. October 31, 1890, m. J. A.
Murray; Josephine, b. March 11, 1892.
sity of Vermont, 1863, and Columbia University, 1864; M.A., Wesleyan,
1864. ^. N. e. Born August 26, 1838, Chatham, Conn. Physician.
Died January 19, 1905, Middletown, Conn.
Born November 25, 1834, Landaff, N. H. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died January 22, 1897, Bryantville, Mass.
Born October 19, 1837, Haverstraw, N. Y.
Engaged in farming, 1873-1903. Died February 2, 1903, Haverstraw,
N. Y.
Married Sarah L. Arms, of Stamford, Conn. Child : Samuel A.
696. *WILBUR FISK JOHNSTON. B.A. ; M.A., 1864. A. A. $.
$. B. K. Born Decemlfbr 25, 1839, Middletown, Conn. Son of Pro-
fessor John Johnston; brother of Nos. 563, 741, and 926. Manufacturer.
Died December 17, 1882, Clifton, N. Y.
697. *HIRAM LOAMMI KELSEY. B.A.; M.A., 1864. ^. T.
Born August 31, 1835, North Danville, Vt. Brother of H. G. Kelsey
(class of 1857). Methodist Episcopal, later Congregational, minister.
Died July 17, 1906, Northwood Centre, N. H.
698. *FRANK CURRIER MORSE. B.A.; M.A., 1864. ^. T.
Born February 23, 1835, Hopkinton, N. H. Methodist Episcopal min-
ister. Died January 14, 187 1, Ladore, Kans.
699. *WILBUR FISK OSBORNE. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A., 1864.
^. N. 0. *. B. K. Born January 14, 1841, Derby, Conn. Manufacturer.
Died March 30, 1907, Derby, Conn.
700. *HUBBARD BESTER PAYNE. B.A. ; M.A., 1864. ^. T.
^. B. K. Born July 20, 1839, Kingston, Pa. Lawyer. Died September
I, 1892, Kingston, Pa.
701. *DANIEL WARREN RAYMOND. B.A., 1864; M.A., 1867.
X. ■^. Born March 16, 1833, Litchfield, N. Y. Bookkeeper. Died
March 14, 1910, Hartford, Conn.
702. *AARON RITTENHOUSE. B.A. ; M.A., 1864; D.D.,
Dickinson College, 1878. A. A. *. ^. B. K. Born March 14, 1837,
South Easton, Pa. Methodist Episcopal minister and college professor.
Died May 5, 1906, Philadelphia, Pa.
*. B. K. Born December 25, 1839, Boston, Mass. Brother of Nos. 635
and 876. Lawyer. Died August 21, 1896, Boston, Mass.
January 14, 1840, Monroe, Me. Brother of W. F. Vinal (class of 1864).
Studied law in Middletown, Conn., 1861-62. First lieutenant, 24th
Conn. Volunteers, 1862-63. Practised law in Middletown, Conn., 1863-
1919. Retired, 1919. Clerk of Superior Court for Middlesex County,
1865-1906; assistant clerk, 1906-09; temporary clerk, 1910-11; clerk,
1911-19. Judge of Probate Court, Middletown District, 1867-68. City
recorder, Middletown, Conn., 1873 ; town treasurer, 1879 ; mayor,
1894-95. Member, Connecticut State Senate, 1897-1900. Secretary of
the State of Connecticut, 1901-04.
Married October 19, 1865, M. Amelia Hotchkiss, of Middletown,
Address : 281 High St., Middletown, Conn.
August 31, 1835, Kirkland, N. Y.
Principal of Union School, Waterloo, Iowa, 1862-63. Preached and
taught in Central Iowa, 1863-68. Stationed successively at Cedar Falls,
Nashua, and Ackley, Iowa, 1868-73. Engaged in stock-raising in Iowa
and Western Nebraska, 1873 .
Married Cornelia M. Parmelee, of Clinton, N, Y.
Address : imknown.
706. *GEORGE WHITAKER. B.A.; M.A., 1864; D.D., Fort
Worth University, 189a $. N. 0. #. B. K. Born May 14, 1836, Boston,
Mass. Brother of No. 823.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New England and Oregon Conferences,
1861-88, 1893-99, 1900-08. Presiding Elder of Springfield District,
1874-78. President of Wiley University, Tex., 1888-91; Willamette
University, Ore., 1891-93 ; Portland University, Ore., 1899-1900. Super-
numerary, 1908-17. Died November i, 1917, Somerville, Mass.
Married June 22, 1861, Harriet Clarke, of Forestville, Conn. Children:
George Edgar, b. September 8, 1862 (B.A., Boston Univ., 1886) ; a son,
b. September 11, 1865 (deceased) ; Harriet Clarke, b. January 11, 1868,
d. July 26, 1883; John Holland, b. August 16, 1872 (B.A., Portland
707. *NATHAN WILLIS WILDER. B.A. ; M.A., 1864. A. A. $.
Born February 25, 1835, Granville, Vt. Brother of No. 824, and of
R. H. Wilder (class of 1861).
Principal of Meriden Institute, Conn., 1861-62, Methodist Episcopal
minister. New York East and Vermont Conferences, 1862-99. Town
superintendent of schools, Derby, Vt, 1891-93. Superannuated, 1899-
191 6. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1884-88. Died August 2, 1916,
Watertown, Conn.
Married May 7, 1862, Jane Anne Hubbard, of Middletown, Conn.
Children: Frank Willis, b. May 9, 1863; Anna Lincoln, b. September 19,
1865, d. September 13, 1867 ; Alice Amelia, b. August 18, 1868, d. January
II, 1877; Mary Frances, b. March 14, 1870, m. G. N. Griswold; Henry
Hubbard, b. Jime 18, 1873; Edmund Janes, b. February 27, 1876; George
Pascal, b. April 16, 1879 (B.A., Boston University, 1907).
X. ^. $. B. K. Born April 4, 1841, Searingtown, N. Y. Manufacturer.
Died April 15, 1896, New York, N. Y.
709. *ANDREW PURDY AIKEN. B.A.; M.A., 1865. ^. T.
*. B. K. Born January 29, 1834, Galway, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died August 23, 1868, Palmer, Mass.
710. JOH^ EMORY ANDRUS. B.A. ; LL.D., 1912. A. A. $.
Born February 16, 1841, Pleasantville. N. Y. Son of Loyal B. Andrus
(class of 1838) ; brother of H. J. Andrus (class of 1868).
Taught in Bergen, N. J., 1862-64. Principal of Schuylerville Academy,
N. Y., 1865-66. Member of firm, Reed, Carnrick & Andrus, manufac-
turing chemists. New York, N. Y., 1866. Treasurer (later president)
of New York Pharmacal Association, 1877 . President of Palisade
Manufacturing Company. Treasurer of Arlington Chemical Company.
Mayor of Yonkers, N. Y., 1903. Representative of 19th New York
District, U. S. Congress, 1904-12. Trustee of Wesleyan University,
1899 . Treasurer of the University, 1892- 1902.
Married June 23, 1869, Julia Maria Dyckman, who died December 24,
1909. Children: May, b. July 24, 1870, m. W. H. Taylor (No. 1818) ;
William Loyal (No. 1735), b. September 2, 1872; Edith (No. 1983), b.
April 23, 1874, m. F. M. Davenport (No. 1549) ; Margaret, b. October
24, 1875, m. S. S. Thorpe; Jessamine, b. November 9, 1878, d. October
10, 1880 ; John, b. March 3, 1883 ; Hamlin, b. March 24, 1885 ; Ida, b.
June II, 1887; Helen, b. August 25, 1888.
711. *WILLIAM RANNEY BALDWIN. B.A. ; M.A., 1865.
^. T. *. B. K. Born October 24, 1840, Middletown, Conn. Baptist
minister. Died June 26, 1906, Friendship, N. Y,
6, 1841, New York, N. Y.
Bookkeeper in Stonington, Conn., 1873-75. Studied law in Mystic,
Conn., 1875-77; Brooklyn, N. Y., 1877-79. Practised law, 1879-1902.
Died 1902, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Married July 2, 1872, Alice Elizabeth Reed, of Bath, Me. Child:
Thomas Albert, b. February, 1874, d. August 17, 1874.
713. HENRY WARD BENNETT. B.A. ; M.A., 1865; D.D.,
1893. A. A. *. Born April 4, 1835, Constableville, N. Y.
Taught in Belleville College, Ontario, Canada, 1862-63; Fairfield
Seminary, N. Y., 1863-65. Methodist Episcopal minister. Northern New
York Conference, 1864-1900. Presiding Elder of Herkimer District,
1881-85; St. Lawrence District, 1889-94. Superannuated, 1900 .
Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1874-78, 1893-98. Delegate to General
Conference, M. E. Church, 1884.
Married March 10, 1864, Elizabeth Doxtater Blackstone, of Adams,
N. Y. Children: Manning Blackstone (No. 1941), b. August 30, 1872;
Bertha Ilione, b. February 26, 1877.
Address : 147 John St., Ilion, N. Y.
714. *HENRY MARTIN BLAKE. B.A. ; M.A., 1865; M.D.,
Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 1869. X. ^. Born November 29,
1836, Monmouth, Me.
Principal of Limerick Academy, Me., 1862-63 ; High School, Monroe,
Wis., 1863-65. Studied in Medical School of Maine, Brunswick, Me.,
1867-68; Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York, N. Y., 1868-69.
Practised medicine in Readfield, Me., 1869-75 \ Monmouth, Me., 1875-
1912. Member of Maine State Legislature, 1909. Trustee of Maine
Wesleyan Seminary. Died April 7, 1912, Monmouth, Me.
Married August 19, 1863, Frances C. Pierce, of Monmouth, Me., who
died May 27, 1902. Children : Frederick Kibby, b. October 17, 1868 ;
Bertha, b. May 25, 1879, m. N. M. MacCrillis.
715. JOHN MERRILL CALDWELL. B.A. ; M.A., 1865; D.D.,
Mount Union College, 1890. X. ^. Born August 29, 1839, Rockland,
Me. Brother of Asbury Caldwell (class of 1864).
Enlisted in 2d Conn. Volunteers ; discharged on account of sickness,
1861. Methodist Episcopal minister, Maine and Rock River Conferences,
1863-67, 1869-1903. Principal of Rock River Seminary, Mount Morris,
111., 1867-69. Presiding Elder of Joliet District, 1881-85; Chicago West
District, 1897-1901. Retired to a farm in O'Neill, Neb., 1903. Pastor
of Presbyterian churches in Nebraska and California, 1906 — — -. Moder-
ator of the Presbyterian Church, Synod of Nebraska, 1913-14. Delegate
to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1892. Author: The True Story
of a Crime.
Married July 10, 1865, Emma M. Hill, of Kennebunk, Me., who died
May 12, 1919. Children: Susan Olive, b. July 6, 1867, m. J. I. Merrill;
Asbury, b. October 13, 1868, d. October 9, 1910; Mavolta Mercer, b.
October 21, 1870, m. Dr. A. S. Pease; Anna, b. September 17, 1872, d.
December 21, 1872; Emma, b. October 18, 1873, d. January 16, 1874;
Florence, b. February 18, 1877, d. April 6, 1879; Calla Marie, b. August
28, 1881, m. N. S. Leane.
Address : Valentine, Neb.
October 2^, 1839, St. Louis, Mo. Brother of No. 556. School principal.
Died March 2, 1887.
717. *HENRY LESTER DICKINSON. B.A. ; M.A., 1865.
^. N. e. Born October 10, 1835, Chicopee Falls, Mass. In the life
insurance business. Died August 18, 1881, Chicago, 111.
718. *GEORGE ALLEN ENGLAND. B.A.; M.A., 1865. ^. T.
Born March 10, 1837, North Fairfax, Vt. Alethodist Episcopal minister.
Died December 4, 1883, Omaha, Neb.
State University, 1866. A. A. <l>. Born March i, 1838, Sandwich, N. H,
Brother of Albert Ethridge (class of 1853). Lawyer. Died June 7,
1900, Des Moines, Iowa.
720. *EZRA HALL. B.A.; M.A., 1865. *. N. 0. $. B. K. Born
May II, 1835, Marlboro, Conn. Lawyer. Died November 3, 1877, Hart-
ford, Conn.
720a. SAMUEL PROAL HATFIELD. B.A., 191 1. <ir. T. Born
June 6, 1838, Newark, N. J.
Left college, having pursued a special course, April, 1861. Enlisted
as private, 4th Conn. Infantry, 1861. First lieutenant, ist Conn. Heavy
Artillery, 1862-64; major of the same. Chief ordnance officer of siege
artillery before Petersburg, Va. Removed to Pacific City, Mo. Civil
engineer and planter in Tallahassee, Fla. In the Government service,
1880 ; assistant engineer of river and harbor improvements and
Address : Army Building, New York, N. Y.
721. *WILLIAM I. JOHNSON. B.S. Born October 18, 1832,
Sodus, N. Y. Died November 21, 1863, Wolcott, N. Y.
722. CRANSWICK JOST. B.A. {valedic.) ; M.A., 1866; D.D.,
University of Mount Allison, 1893. ■^. T. 4>. B. K. Born August 25,
1838, Guysboro, N. S., Canada.
Methodist minister. Nova Scotia Conference, 1862- 1900. Vice-presi-
dent of Mount Allison Academy; Professor of Hebrew and Acting
Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, Mount Allison College,
N. B., Canada, 1866-69. Supernumerary, 1900 . Delegate to General
Conference. Methodist Church of Canada, 1878, '80, '82, '86, '90. Direc-
tor, Board of Examiners, Nova Scotia Conference, 1869 ; president
of the Conference, 1886. Chairman, Board of Regents, University of
Mount Allison, 191 1-20. Acting editor of Bridgetoivn Monitor, 1913-17.
Married July 23, 1866, Lavinia Sophia Morton, who died September
13, 1891. Married June 29, 1894, Ada Elizabeth Elderkin. Children:
Harriet Joanna, b. October 10, 1867; Roland Morton, b. November i,
1868 (B.A., Mount Allison, 1891) ; Mary Starr, b. January i, 1872;
William Baldwin, b. February 27, 1874 (B.A., Mount Allison, 1895), d.
November 11, 1897.
Address : Bridgetown, N. S., Canada.
723. ♦JAMES MARCUS KING. B.A.; M.A., 1865; D.D., 1877;
LL.D., Taylor University, 1893. ^. T. *. B. K. Born March 18, 1839,
Girard, Pa,. Brother of No. 316. Methodist Episcopal minister; Secre-
tary, Board of Church Extension. Died October 3, 1907, Philadelphia,
724. *ENOS YOUNG LANDIS. B.A. ; M.A., 1865. A. A. *.
Born September 18, 1837, Coopersburg, Pa. Lithographer. Died Decem-
ber 17, 1907, Philadelphia, Pa.
725. *CHARLES TAULMAN REED. B.A. ; M.A., 1865. ^. T.
Born August 22, 1840, Trenton, N. J. Lawyer. Died January 7, 1885,
Camden, N. J.
726. *PHILIP BESSOM SHUMWAY. B.A. {salut,) -, M.A.,
1865. A. K. E. *. B. K. Born June 6, 1836, Burrillville, R. I. In the
railroad business. Died May 16, 1887, Evanston, 111.
727. *SMITH WILLIAMS. B.A. ; M.A., 1865. Born July 22,
1838, Parma, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died October 7,
1877, Allegan, Mich.
728. *GEORGE ROBERT ADAMS. B.A. Born August 26, 1840,
Charlotteville, N. Y.
Principal of Schoharie Academy, N. Y., 1864-65. Studied law in
Schoharie, N. Y., 1865-66. Practised law in Charlotteville, N. Y.,
1867-70; Kingston, N. Y., 1870-1915. Died December 14, 1915, High
Falls, N. Y.
Married December 20, 1866, Emma E. Fenton, of Johnstown, N. Y.,
who died November 21, 1905. Children: William Fenton, b. January 19,
1869; Emma Mott, b. December 24, 1874, m. R. M. VanGaasbeck;
George Francis, b. February 14, 1878 ; Charles Herbert, b. January 27,
1882, d. July 24, 1882; Willard McNamara, b. December 29, 1889.
729. CHARLES ALBERT BARNARD. B.A. {valedic). X. ^.
*. B. K. Born May 7, 1842, Augusta, Me.
Professor of Ancient Languages in Albion College, Mich., 1863.
Assistant clerk, Police Court of Boston, Mass., 1865-66 ; Municipal Court
of Boston, Mass., 1866-85. Bail commissioner for Suffolk County,
1874-85. Judge of the Municipal Court of Boston, Mass., for the
Brighton District, 1890 , Author: Forms of Complaints under
Massachusetts Statutes.
Married August 14, 1879, Ellen A. Hunt, of Boston, Mass.
Address : 45 Parsons St., Brighton District, Boston, Mass.
730. ^AMBROSE BLUNT. B.A.; M.A., 1866. Born November
14, 1835, Bristol, Me. Superintendent of schools. Died December 3,
1889, Ligonier, Ind.
731. *WESLEY DEMPSTER CHASE. B.A. ; M.A., 1866. X. >K
$. N. e. 4>. B. K. Born October 5, 1840, Watertown, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Northern New York and Colorado
Conferences, 1863- 1909. Chaplain, 193d Regiment, N. Y. Volunteers,
1865. General secretary, New York State Sabbath Preservation Society,
1909-16. Retired, 1916. Editor: History of Falley Seminary. Died
April 15, 1921, Hampton, Va.
Married June 25, 1868, Anna Emily Thompson, of Geddes, N. Y., who
died September 30, 1875. Married 1891, Harriet Eaton, of Hefkimer,
N. Y., who died December 2Z, 1918. Children: Clara Thompson, b.
February 20, 1871, m. Wm. A. Aery; Arthur Willey, b. October 30,
732. *GEORGE WALTER COOK. B.A. ; M.A., 1866; Ph.D.,
New York University, 1874. Born April 17, 1839, Stanford, N. Y.
Taught elocution in Waring's Military Institute, Dutchess County
Academy, Carey Institute, and Poughkeepsie Female Academy, N. Y. ;
also engaged in giving public readings, 1864-69. Principal of Cook's
Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1870-85 ;
Brighton Heights Seminary, New Brighton, N. Y., 1886-94. Retired
from school work, 1894, Engaged in farming and stock-raising. Tarry-
town, N. Y., 1894-1915. Died May 11, 1920, Cleveland, Ohio.
Married July i, 1867, Janey Elizabeth Holden, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,
who died September 13, 1908. Children : Walter Holden, b. May 10,
1869; Bertha, b. May 12, 1877, m. H. S. Thayer.
733. *EVERETT KENT DEXTER. B.A. ; M.A., 1866. 4'. N. 9.
Born March 15, 1840, Boston, Mass.
Studied in Harvard Divinity School, 1863-64. Employed by N. E.
Educational Commission for Freedmen, as teacher of colored soldiers ;
also served as corporal in 60th Mass. Volunteers ; assistant supervisor of
Government white schools in Portsmouth and Newtown, Va., 1864-65.
Studied law in Leavenworth, Kans., 1865-67. Practised law in Leaven-
worth, Kans., 1867-70; Boston, Mass., 1870-90. Retired, 1890. Died
January 30, 1921, Boston, Mass.
Born February 25, 1839, Middletown, Conn. Congregational minister.
Died December 3, 1905, Colchester, Conn.
735. *OLIVER HALEY FERNALD. B.A.; M.A., 1866; D.D.,
Dakota University, 1888. A. A. *. $. B. K. Born January 19, 1835,
Mount Desert, Me. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died July 23, 1903,
Dexter, Me.
736. *RICHARD HENRY GIDMAN. B.A. ; B.D., Union Theo-
logical Seminary, 1866. Born September 14, 1840, Stamford, England.
Taught in Manchester, Conn., 1863-64. Studied in Union Theological
Seminary, 1864-66. Pastor of Congregational churches in New York
and Connecticut, 1867-1906. Retired, 1906. Died September, 1911.
Married June 14, 1866, Susan R. Lobdell, of Brookfield, Conn., who
died July 27, 1877. Married September 16, 1880, Mary Humphrey, of
Marietta, Ohio, who died March 24. 1906. Child : Thusa Lindsley, b.
March 25, 1874, m. Rev. R. E. Turner.
737. *JOHN HANLON. B.A. ; M.A., 1866. ^. N. 9. Born June
^Z, 1836, Freehold, N. J. Methodist Episcopal minister, later engaged
in farming. Died January 4, 1875, Morristown, N. J.
738. *CHARLES DUDLEY HILLS. B.A. ; M.A., 1866; S.T.D.,
Claflin University, 1885. Born January 23, 1836, East Hartford, Conn.
Principal of High School, Westfield, Mass., 1863-64. Delegate of
Christian Commission in Army of tlie Potomac, 1864. Methodist Epis-
copal minister, New England, Troy, and New Hampshire Conferences,
1865-1905. Superannuated, 1905. Delegate to General Conference, M. E.
Church, 1896. Died March 7, 1917, Boston, Mass.
Married November 14, 1865, Emma Jane Martin, of Westfield, Mass.
Children: Mary Emma. b. August 8, 1866, m. V. L. George; Charles
Whitman, b. August 5, 1871 (C.E., Union, 1892).
1866. $. N. 9. «i>. B. K. Born December 24, 1843, Wheeling, W. Va.
Son of No. 124.
Practised law in Wheeling, W. Va., 1864-1914. Served in 3d W. Va.
Cavalry. Clerk of W. Va. House of Delegates, 1866-70. Secretary of
Republican State Central Committee. Delegate to Liberal Republican
National Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1872; Republican National Con-
vention, Chicago, 111., 1888, 1912. Member of W. Va. House of Dele-
gates, 1881-82. Chairman of a commission to revise the tax laws of
West Virginia, 1901-03. Representative of First District, W. Va., in
U. S. Congress, 1907-11.
Married May 21, 1868, Anna E. Chamberlin, of Thibodeaux, La., who
died June 7, 1901. Children: Julia Payne, b. May 18, 1869, m. W. I.
Kelly, d. June 19, 1916; Nelson Chamberlin (No. 1702), b. January
25, 1871 ; Alma Russell, b. May 13, 1873; Louise Pallister, b. December
16, 1874, m. Rev. W. E. Hudson; Sarah Pallister, b. November 20, 1877,
d. September 30, 1881.
Address : Elm Grove, Wheeling, W. Va.
A. A. $. Born October 16, 1838, Nahant, Mass. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died October 26, 1893, Winthrop, Mass.
A. A. <i>. Born July 2, 1842, Middletown, Conn. Son of Prof. John
Johnston ; brother of Nos. 563, 696, and 926. Manufacturer. Died
April 2, 1892, Los Angeles, Cal.
742. *TRUMAN HIRAM KIMPTON. B.A. ; M.A., 1866. *. N. 0.
$. B. K. Born November 14, 1840, Hunterstown, Que., Canada. College
professor, later in business. Died April, 191 1, Worcester, Mass.
$. X. e. Born October 2, 1840, Montville, Conn.
Principal of Norwich High School, Conn., 1864-65. In business in
Norwich, Conn., 1865-68. Methodist Episcopal minister, New England
Southern Conference, 1868-1908. Superannuated, 1908 .
Married October 10, 1866, Charissa Ashley Welch Davis, of Norwich.
Conn. Children: Charissa Augusta, b. July 20, 1870 (M.A., Mount
Holyoke), m. W. H. Thomson; Harry Augustus, b. August 31, 1875,
d. July 5, 1876.
Address : 300 Madison St., Fall River, Mass.
744. *GEORGE AMOS NEWCOMB. B.A. ; M.A., 1866. ^. N. 9.
Born February 14, 1841, Boston, Mass. In business. Died December
12, 1906, St. Louis, Mo.
745. *JOSEPH PULLMAN. B.A.; M.A., 1866; D.D., 1898; D.D.,
Willamette University, 1883. A. A. $. <E>. B. K. Born 1839, Skerries,
Ireland. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died January 4, 1902, Stamford,
746. *JOHN CLARK RAND. B.A.; M.A., 1886. <!>. N. 9.
<l>. B. K. Born June 6, 1842, Chelsea, Mass.
In the printing and publishing business, Boston, Mass., 1863-73.
Partner in the firm of Rand, Avery &'Co., 1873-87; president, 1887-89.
President, First National Publishing Company, Boston, Mass., 1889-91.
Vice-president and resident manager, Massachusetts Benefit Life Asso-
ciation, Chicago, III, 1891-98. With Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, 111.,
1898-99. On the staff of the Bradstreet Commercial Agency, Boston,
Mass., 1899-1911. Member of commission to revise the general statutes
of Massachusetts. Member of Massachusetts Legislature, 1879-81.
Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1871-79, 1881-92. Author: One of a
Thousand (biographical sketches of 1000 representative men of Massa-
chusetts). Died June 16, 191 1, Boston, Mass.
Married June 6, 1867, Katharine M. Bates, of Great Falls (now
Somersworth). N. H. Children: Katharine, b. December 2, 1868, m.
F. S. Mead; Philip, b. November 27, 1872.
747. *MOSES LEWIS SCUDDER. B.A.; M.A., 1866. «^. N. 0.
Born February 3, 1843, Charlestown, Mass. Son of M. L. Scudder
(class of 1837) ; brother of Nos. 991 and 1191.
In the office of the Elton Banking Company, Waterbury, Conn.,
1863-64; secretary, 1865. Treasurer of American Printing Company,
and editor of The Waterbury American, 1868-69. Engaged in the real
estate business, Chicago, 111., 1870-81. Vice-president of the Equitable
Trust Company, New York, N. Y., 1872-73. Engaged in the brokerage
business in Chicago, 111., 1881-85. Organizer and proprietor of the
Investors' Agency, 1885-1905. President, Investors' Agency, Inc., 1905.
President, St. Joseph, South Bend & Southern Railroad, and Lincoln
Traction Company, Neb. Died October 29, 191 7, Huntington, N. Y.
Married June 17, 1873, Clarine Williams, of Lake Forest, 111., who
died July 24, 1904. Children: Marvyn, b. May 20, 1875; Harold, b.
February 8, 1877; Philip Johnston; Lawrence Williams.
748. *ISAAC EDWARD SMITH. B.A.; M.A., 1866. A. A. $.
Born March, 1837, Sheffield, Vt. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
April 12, 1910, Mount Vernon, N. Y.
749. *WINFIELD SCOTT SMYTH. B.A. ; M.A., 1866; Ph.D.,
Syracuse University, 1876. '*■. T. *. B. K. Born October 21, 1839,
Franklin, Pa. In business. Died August 4, 1908, South Haven, Mich.
760. *TIMOTHY ELEAZER STEELE. B.A. Born September
I, 1837, Bolton, Conn. Lawyer. Died June 30, 1899, Hartford, Conn.
<ir. T. Born October 4, 1835, Hartland, Vt. Methodist Episcopal minis-
ter. Died July i, 1885, Riverhead, N. Y.
752. *FREEMAN PRATT TOWER. B.A. ; M.A., 1866; D.D.,
University of the Pacific, 1887. $. N. 9. *. B. K. Born February 13,
1838, Eastford, Conn.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York East, California, and Oregon
Conferences, 1863-79, 1895-1903. Agent of Willamette University, Ore.,
1879-89. Presiding Elder of Portland District, 1880-81. President of
Montana University, 1880-95. Superannuated, 1903-11. Lecturer in Free
Courses, New York City Board of Education, 1903-11. Died September
II, 1911, Everett, Mass.
Married August 20, 1863, Mrs. Julia A. Cleveland, of Barre, Mass.,
who died July 13, 1893. Children: a son, b. and d. 1864; Florence
Hamilton, b. August 22, 1870, d. September 5, 1870; Olin Freeman (No.
1728), b. March 19, 1872.
753. ALFRED AUGUSTUS WRIGHT. B.A. ; M.A., 1866; D.D.,
Ohio Wesleyan University, 1885. X. <ir. $. B. K. Born December 20,
1842, Boston, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Southern and New Eng-
land Conferences, 1863 . Founder, Dean, and Professor of New
Testament Greek Language and Literature, Boston Correspondence
School, 1882 . Author : Eight Graded New Testament Greek
Courses, 1882-90; Graduate Course, 2 vols., 1889; Complete Word Lists,
all New Testament Greek Writers, 1883 ; Thesaurus, 1883 ; New Testa-
ment Greek Words, Criteria of their Importance, 1889; A Comparative
and Synthetic Lexicon of the 400 Greatest Words in the New Testament
Greek Text, 1889; The Arts of Study; The Scientific Method of English
Bible Study; The W. C. T. U. Course of Study for Evangelists and
Deaconesses, 1888-92, etc. Lecturer on Exegetical Theology in semin-
aries, conferences, and assemblies, 1884 . Editor and publisher : The
Greek Student (1882-85) ; The Boston Academy (1886-98).
Married October 28, 1863, Dora P. Slade, of Bristol, R. I., who died
June 25, 1872. Married July i, 1873, Abby F. Shaw, of Fall River, Mass.,
who died February 10, 1917. Children : Rebecca Isadora, b. March 13,
1866, m. G. E. Benard; Charles Augustus, b. June 20, 1872, d. July 14,
1872; Alfred Wesley, b. January 16, 1876; Laura Judson, b. August 24,
1885, m. Harold D. Carew.
Address : 9 Clinton St., Cambridge, Mass.
The following thirteen alumni completed their college studies at Troy
University; on the closing of that institution, they were graduated and
received their diplomas from Wesleyan University.
Troy, N. Y. Died 1864, Washington, D. C, of wounds received in the
Battle of the Wilderness.
755. *HENRY NORRIS COPP. B.A. ; M.A, Union University,
1865; LL.B., National Law School, D. C, 1871. Born May 13, 1843,
Troy, N. Y.
Taught in Philadelphia, Pa., 1863-64. In the cavalry service, U. S.
Army; detailed as clerk in the War Department, Washington, D. C,
1864-65. Taught in Washington, D. C, 1866-67, Principal and pro-
prietor of a business college, Washington, D, C, 1867-69. President
and proprietor of Consolidated Business College, Washington, D. C,
1869-72. Examiner in General Land Office, Washington, D. C, 1870-76.
Assistant superintendent of public schools, Washington, D. C, 1876-83.
Practised law in Washington, D. C, 1883-1912. Author: Public Land
Laws, 1876, '80, '90;. U. S. Mineral Lands, 1882; American Settlers'
Guide, 1882 (27 editions) ; American Mining Code, 1878 (18 editions);
Prospectors' Manual, 1880 (8 editions). Editor: Copp's Land-Owner.
Died November 14, 1912, Washington, D. C.
Married July 26, 1870, Mary A. Hobbs, of Wakefield, N. H.
Ph.D., Cornell College, 1876; D.D., Wesleyan, 1881 ; L.H.D., Iowa
Wesleyan University, 1906. ^. T. Born July 9, 1837, Fort Ann, N. Y.
Principal of High School, East Bridgewater, Mass., 1862-63. Taught
in Newbury Seminary, Vt, 1863-64. Methodist Episcopal minister, Ver-
mont and Iowa Conferences, 1864-85. Principal of Vermont Metiiodist
(now Montpelier) Seminary, 1872-73. Western general agent of the
Sunday- School Union and Tract Society, M. E. Church, 1885-93.
Financial agent, Iowa Wesleyan University, 1893-94. Presiding Elder,
Muscatine District, Iowa, 1895-1901. Stationed at Knoxville, Iowa,
1901-03. Agent of the Permanent Fund, Iowa Conference, 1903. Asso-
ciate pastor. Central Church, Oskaloosa, Iowa, 1904-09. Supernimierary,
1909. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1874-78. Delegate to General
Conference, M. E. Church, 1872, '84, '88, 1900. Died July 28, 1914, Los
Angeles, Cal.
Married 1862, Mary Frances Shaw, of Troy, N. Y., who died Novem-
ber II, 1889. Married August 29, 1892, Mrs. Zerilda A. Caldwell, of
Elton, 111., who died December 15, 1904. Married February 9, 1907,
Mrs. Amelia H. Holden, of Napa, Cal. Children: Herbert Leonard;
Bertha Maria, m. C. C. Chase ; Ernest Watson ; John Clarence.
767. ALBERT DANKER. B.A. ; M.A., Hobart College, 1865;
Ph.D., New York University, 1874. Born October i, 1840, Troy, N. Y.
Taught in St. Paul's Church School, Troy, N. Y., 1862-63. Ordained
deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1864. Assistant minister of
Trinity Church, Cleveland, Ohio, 1864-65. Ordained priest. Rector of
churches in New York and Massachusetts, 1866-1906. Retired, 1906.
Married November 23, 1870, Isabella Stoutenburgh, of Coxsackie, N. Y.
Children: Walton Stoutenburgh, b. January 26, 1874; Elizabeth Harri-
son, b. August 13, 1876, d. May 4, 1877; Frederick Harrison, b. March
20, 1878.
Address : 37 Oak Ave., Worcester, Mass.
758. ♦DAVID WESTON GATES. B.A.; M.A., 1865; D.D.,
Syracuse University, 1895. Born July 25, 1835, Mount Pleasant, Pa.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Troy Conference, 1862-1906. Presiding
Elder, Albany District, 1884-88; Troy District, 1900-06. Superannuated,
1906-11. Died May 20, 191 1, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Married June 4, 1863, Anna Hazelton Robins"on, of Troy, N. Y., who
died October 17, 1868. Married April 6, 1870, Jennie Elisabeth McChes-
ney, of Eagle Mills, N. Y., who died April 30, 1907. Children : Alpheus
Weston, b. March 3, 1864, d. August 12, 1886; Anna Louisa, b. September
18, 1867, d. August 31, 1868; Catharine May, b. January 5, 1873, m.
Dr. F. W. Shipman, d. March 5, 1898.
759. ^GILBERT HOLMES GREGORY. B.A. ; M.A., 1865; D.D.,
1885; D.D., Syracuse University, 1885. Born November 28, 1837,
Modena, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died September 30, 1900,
Kingsbridge, N. Y.
760. *GEORGE ALONZO HALL. B.A. Born May 13, 1837,
New Castle, N. Y. Y. M. C. A. secretary. Died February 22, 1904,
Montclair, N. J.
D.D., 1882. A. K. E. *. B. K. Born October 31, 1842, Waterbury, Vt.
Brother of H. D. Harrower (class of 1867).
Taught in Amenia Seminary, N. Y., 1863-64. Methodist Episcopal
minister. New York Conference, 1864-98. Taught in Drew Seminary
for Young Women, Carmel, N. Y., 1898-1909. Retired, 1909. Died
June II, 1911-
762. *PHINEAS RICE HAWXHURST. B.A. ; M.A., 1865;
D.D., Dakota University, 1891. Born October 24, 1837, Ellenville, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died September 18, 1906, Asbury Park,
University, 1866; Ph.D., Cornell College, 1883. Born December 29,
1834, Chestertown, N. Y.
Taught in Whitewater College, Centerville, Ind., 1863. Principal of
New York Conference Seminary, Charlotteville, N. Y., 1866-67. Taught
in Maplewood Institute, Concordville, Pa., 1867-72; Montpelier Semin-
ary, 1872-74; Maplewood Institute, 1874-75. Traveled in Europe;
studied in University of Heidelberg, 1875-76. Taught in East Green-
v^rich Academy, R. I., 1877-79. In business in Providence, R. I., 1879-80.
Principal of Ward Academy, Pa., 1881-98. Engaged in lecturing and
literary work, 1898 . Author: A Sheaf of Song; A Siviss Tramp ;
Idyl of Lake George; The City of Doom; Out-Door Poems; The
Cruise of the Half Moon, and other poems.
Married August 18, 1863, Sarah J. Shaw, of Troy, N. Y., who died
December 9, 191 1. Children: George Colfax, b. March 27, 1869, d. in
infancy; Jerome Clarkson, b. November 10, 1870, d. in infancy; Fannie
Bush, b. July 5, 1874, m. William Howe, d. December 15, 1915.
Address : Chestertown, N. Y.
764. JAMES STEPHEN LEMON. B.A. ; M.A., 1865; Ph.D.,
Columbian (now George Washington) University, 1896. Born Jtme 26,
1839, Whitesboro, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. East Genesee and Central New York
Conferences, 1863-75. Taught in Marion Collegiate Institute, N. Y.,
1863-65. Principal of Almond Collegiate Institute, N. Y., 1865 ; Macedon
Academy, N. Y., 1867-68. Ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal
Church, 1875; ordained priest, 1876. Rector of churches in New York
and Massachusetts, 1877-94. Lecturer in George Washington University
and Howard University, 1894-96. Chaplain of American Episcopal
Church, Munich, Germany, 1902 ; English Episcopal Church, Leipzig,
1903. Delegate to Congress of Psychologists, Paris, France, 1900.
Author : The Body Considered in Relation to the Mind, 1875 ; Require-
ments for Public School Teaching, 1898; State Care of Dependent Per-
sons; Psychic Effects of Weather; Psychology of the Skin, etc.
Editor : Education and religious departments of The National Tribune,
Washington, D. C. (15 years).
Married August 2, 1862, Emily Frances Miller, of Buffalo, N. Y,, who
died December 7, 1899. Children: Ida May, b. May 3, 1864, m. Willis^
Waterman, d. April 10, 1891 ; James Frances, b. September 21, 1866
(B.A., Colgate), d. November 27, 1890; George Merritt, b. June 30,
Address : S. Royalton, Mass. Winter address : Cosmos Club,
Washington, D. C.
765. *THOMAS SHIRES WILES. B.S.; M.A., 1869. Born
September 28, 1838, Albany, N. Y.
In the laundry business, Troy, N. Y., 1864-1916. Engaged also in
manufacturing, in Troy, N. Y., and Chicago, 111., 1882-1916. Died
August 12, 191 6.
Married October 27, 1864, Ann Elizabeth Brown, of Albany, N. Y.,
who died December 7, 1881. Married May 8, 1886, Caroline Dean
Pettet, of New York, N. Y., who died January 30, 1888. Married
April 26. 1899, Grace Lansingh. Children: Amabel, b. May 2, 1866;
Bertha Helena, b. July 30, 1873, m. Rev. R. K. Smith ; Janet Dempster.
766. *GEORGE WINGATE. B.A.; M.A., 1865. Born July 24,
1837, Great Falls, N. H. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died December
4, 1869, Great Falls, N. H.
CLASS OF 1864.
767. *JACOB WORTHEN HALL AMES. B.A.ivaledic). <ir. T.
$. B. K. Born May 7, 1838, Croydon, N. H. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died June 12, 1866, Middletown, Conn.
768. *HENRY BAKER. B.A.; M.A., 1867; D.D., DePauw Uni-
versity, 1886. ■^. T. $. B. K. Born October i, 1843, Pennington, N. J.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died March 12, 191 1, Clifton Springs,
N. Y.
769. *JEDEDIAH DURKEE BEEMAN. B.A. ; M.A., 1867.
^. T. Born November 26, 1835, Fairfax, Vt Brother of No. 1068.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died September 18, 1903, Union Vil-
lage, Vt.
770. *GEORGE SLOCUM BENNETT. B.A. ; M.A., 1867. ^. T.
$. B. K. Born August 17, 1842, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Banker. Died
January 2, 1910, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Born May 24, 1835, New York Mills, N. Y. Brother of No. 686.
Government official. Died January 9, 1901, Washington, D. C.
772. *CHARLES HENRY BUCK. B.A. ; M.A., 1867; D.D.,
Dickinson College, 1897. *. N. 6. *. B. K. Born January 10, 1841,
North Easton, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died January 12,
1910, Yonkers, N. Y.
A. A. ^. 4>. B. K. Born May 8, 1834, Haverhill, Mass. Methodist
Episcopal minister. Died December 11, 1882, Seaford, Del.
A. A. $. $. B. K. Born September 12, 1839, Waterbury, Conn.
Taught in West Goshen, Conn., 1864-65. Preached in Middlebury,
Conn., 1865-66. Methodist Episcopal minister. New York East Con-
ference, 1866-70. Located on accoimt of poor health, 1870. Resided in
Lakewood, N. J. ; engaged in farm gardening and surveying, 1870-77.
Editor and proprietor of The Constitution, Middletown, Conn., 1877-88.
Clerk in Census Office, Washington, D. C, 1888-93. Book and insurance
agent, Waterbury, Conn., 1893 . Author : Simeon Church and his
Descendants, 1914.
Married May 10, 1866, Fannie A. Newton, of Middletown, Conn.
Children : Anne Maria, b. June 8, 1868 ; William Ward, b. December
14, 1873; John Newton, b. December 14, 1873, d. September 17, 1874;
Sarah Newton, b. July 21, 1876; Carrie Sumner, b. December 20, 1878;
Flora Adele, b. October 19, 1883.
Address : 17 Ridgewood St., Waterbury, Conn.
775. *GEORGE FORSYTH. B.A. ; M.A., 1867. ^. T. Born
January 26, 1835, Gateshead, England.
Taught in Wyoming Seminary, Pa., 1864-66, 1867-70. Principal of
Catawissa Academy, Pa., 1866-67. Methodist Episcopal minister, Wyo-
ming Conference, 1870-72, 1881-1907. Principal of East Maine Con-
ference Seminary, Bucksport, Me., 1872-81. Presiding Elder, Owego
District, 1895-1901. Superannuated, 1907-16. Delegate to General Con-
ference, M. E. Church, 1900. Died May 6, 1916, Avalon, Pa.
Married July 12, 1865, Miss E. J. Miller, of Bedford, N. Y., who died
June 9, 1872. Married March i, 1873, Hattie E. Lamb, of Owego, N. Y.,
who died September 2, 1888. Married October 16, 1889, Julia Kennedy,
of Scranton, Pa. Children: Eleanor, b. August 11, 1866, m. J. M.
Bailey; William, b. April 5, 1870.
776. *DANIEL GOULD HARRIMAN. B.A.; M.A., 1867.
4>. N. 0. 4>. B. K. Born July 9, 1833, New Sharon, Me. Judge. Died
December 31, 1896, Brooklyn, N. Y.
777. JESSE LYMAN HURLBUT. B.A.; M.A., 1867; D.D.,
Syracuse University, 1883. ^. T. *. B. K. Born February 15, 1843,
New York, N. Y.
Taught in Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1864-65. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Newark Conference, 1865-79, 1901-09. General agent, Sunday-
School Union, 1879-84. Assistant editor, Sunday-School department,
1884-88. Superintendent of schools, Plainfield, 1885-92. Principal of
the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, 1887-92; general super-
intendent, 1892. Editor of Sunday-school literature, and corresponding
secretary of the Sunday-School Union and Tract Society, 1888-1900.
Corresponding secretary of the Epworth League of the M. E. Church,
1889-92. Superintendent of Newark District, 1909-15. Director, Newark
Institute of Religious Education, 191 5 . Retired from active ministry,
1918. Author : Revised Norm-al Lessons; Teacher-training Lessons;
The Story of the Bible; Manual of Biblical Geography; The Story of
Jesus; Organising and Building up the Sunday-School; The Story of
the Christian Church; The Story of Chautauqua, etc. Editor: Sunday-
School Journal; Sunday-School Lesson Periodicals, 1888-1900.
Married March 5, 1867, Mary M. Chase, of New York, N. Y., who
died February 16, 1913. Children: Pierre Montclair, b. December 11,
1867, d. January 26, 1881 ; Helen Marguerite, b. August 23, 1869, d.
November 28, 1870; Charles Chase (No. 1799), b. September 21, 1871 ;
Mary Evelyn, b. December 4, 1874, m- H. B. Hurlbut; Jesse Lyman,
b. April II, 1877 (class of 1900), d. August, 1899; Leon Arthur, b.
September 18, 1880, d. May 8, 1881 ; Bertha Grace, b. 1883, m. Rev.
G. P. Dougherty.
Address : 74 Park Ave., Bloomfield, N. J.
1867; LL.D., 1903. $. N. e. *. B. K. Born May 2, 1838, Amenia,
N. Y. Brother of Nos. 191 and 288, and of T. M. Ingraham (class of
1844). Lawyer. Died February 15, 191 1, Brooklyn, N. Y.
7 79. COSTELLO LIPPITT. B.A.; M.A., 1867. *. N. 9. Born
December 12, 1842, East Killingly, Conn.
Transfer clerk, Thames National Bank, Norwich, Conn., 1864-65.
Dividend and insurance accountant for Norwich Savings Society, 1865-
yZ- Secretary of Board of Education, Central District, Norwich;
quartermaster, 3d Regiment, Conn. National Guard, 1873. Treasurer
of Norwich Savings Society, Conn., 1878 . Secretary, Board of
Trustees, Norwich Free Academy, Conn. Treasurer, Groton & Ston-
1864] Gl^ADUATES.
ington Street Railway Co, Mayor of Norwich, Conn., 1908-10. State
Treasurer of Connecticut, 1911-13. Lay delegate to General Conference,
M. E. Church, 1900, '04.
Married August 17, 1864, Emma H. Standish, of Norwich, Conn.,
who died May 20, 1889. Married June 4, 1890, Gertrude H. Lamphere,
of Norw^ich, Conn. Children : Mary Bell, b. July 28, 1865 ; Norris
Standish, b. December 25, 1867.
Address : Norwich, Conn.
780. *CHARLES AMOS MERRILL. B.A.; M.A., 1867; LL.B.,
Columbia University, 1868, and Harvard University, 1869. A. A. $.
4>. B. K. Born September 23, 1843, South Boston, Mass. Son of No. 11.
Lawyer. Died April 30, 1907, Worcester, Mass.
April 17, 1841, Pittsfield, Vt. Lawver. Died December 23, 1908,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
782. GEORGE NELSON PHELPS. B.A.; M.A., 1867. ^. N. 0!
Born September 12, 1839, Warehouse Point, Conn, Brother of C.
Phelps (class of 1875).
Taught in Providence Conference Seminary (now East Greenwich
Academy), R. L, 1864-67, Chemist and superintendent in Gowanus
Chemical Works, New York, N, Y., 1867-79. Proprietor of Phelps
Chemical Works, Brooklyn, N, Y., 1880-84. Manufacturer of bichro-
mate of potash, New York, N. Y., 1884-87 ; of pharmaceutical prepara-
tions, Goshen, N. Y., 1887-94. Retired, 1894.
Married October 26, 1870, Helen A. Brown, of Brooklyn, N, Y.
Address : Vernon, Conn.
783. *JOHN JOSEPH REED. B,A.; M,A., 1867; D.D., Ohio
Wesleyan University, 1887. A. A. ^, <I>, B. K. Born February 3, 1840,
New York, N, Y.
Taught in Pennsylvania Military Academy, Chester, Pa., 1864-69.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Newark, Cincinnati, and New York Con-
ferences, 1869-1911. Superannuated, 191 1. Died October 29, 191 1,
Leonia, N. J.
Married June 22, 1870, Sarah Elizabeth Roop, of Philadelphia, Pa.
Children : Horatio Roop, b. May 13, 1871 ; Joanna Ashton, b. January
26, 1873; William Lewis, b. October 18, 1874; Emma Louisa (No.
2121), b, January 12, 1877, m. A. E. Osborne (No. 1908); Helen
Elizabeth, b. June 23, 1881 ; Mary Lewis, b. October 30, 1882,
784. *STEPHEN AUGUSTUS SNOW. B.A. ; M.A,, 1867. X. ^.
Born November 17, 1842, Providence, R. I. School principal. Died
August 20, 1901, Pittsburgh, Pa.
A, A, 4>. Born July 15, 1837, Pitcher, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York East Conference, 1864-1907.
Retired, 1907, Chaplain of Connecticut Legislature, 1881-82.
Married July 26, 1864, Elizabeth Wilson, of Middletown, Conn., who
died October 15, 1917, Children: Lewis Lincoln, b. September 7, 1865,
d, October 15, 1918; Wilson Wallace (No, 1624), b. February 5, 1867;
John Angus (No, 1819), b. December 28, 1872.
Address: (June to October) 449 Argyle Road, Brooklyn, N, Y.;
(October to June) Sarasota, Fla.
GRADUATES. [1864-65
780. *WILLIAM SHERIDAN TODD. B.A. ; M.A., 1867; M.D.,
Columbia University, 1869. ^. T. Born January i, 1840, Coleraine,
Mass. Physician. Died February 19, 1893, Ridgefield, Conn.
787. *JOHN SWINBURNE WHEDON. B.A.; M.A., 1867;
D.D., U. "S. Grant University. A. A. ^. Born June 30, 1843, White
Plains, N. Y. Son of Professor D. D. Whedon. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died April 19, 1892, Yalaha, Fla.
788. THOMAS BOND WOOD. B.A., Indiana Asbury (now
DePauw) University, 1863, and Wesleyan (salut.), 1864; M.A., Indiana
Asbury, 1866, and Wesleyan, 1867; LL.D., DePauw, 1882; D.D., Wes-
leyan, 1901. *. N. e. Born March 17, 1844, La Fayette, Ind. Brother
of Nos. 945 and 968.
Taught in Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1864-67. Joined
New England Conference, M. E. Church, 1865. President of Valparaiso
College, Ind., 1867-70. Transferred to Northwest Indiana Conference,
1868. Missionary of the M. E. Church in Southeastern South America,
1870-79. Stationed at Rosario de Santa Fe, Argentine Republic, 1870-77.
U. S. consul at Rosario, 1873-77. Professor of Astronomy and Physics,
National College, Rosario, 1875-77. Stationed at Montevideo, Uruguay,
1877-87. Founded and edited El Evangelisfa. Superintendent of missions
of M. E. Church in South America, 1879-87. Founder of the Methodist
Theological Seminary, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1888; President of the
same, 1889-91. Superintendent of missions. Northwestern South America,
1891-1907. Founder and general manager, mission school system, Peru,
1892-1913. One of the founders of the Technical School of Commerce,
Lima, Peru, 1890; President of the same, 1899-1913. Founder of the
Methodist Theological Seminary, Lima, Peru, 1906; President of the
same, 1906-13. Delegate to Methodist Ecumenical Conference, 1881 ;
World's Congress of Missions, Chicago, 1893.
Married July 23, 1867, Ellen Dow, of Westfield, Mass. Children:
Elsie (B.A., College of Puget Sound), m. Robert L. Schofield, Mus.D. ;
Amy, m. Fred A. Hazeltine ; Anges, d. February 25, 1893 ; Edwin Dow
(B.S., DePauw University) ; Bertha (Ph.B., DePauw University), m.
Charles A. Robbins.
Address : 636 N. Sprague St., Tacoma, Wash.
789. *ALBERT HARMON WYATT. B.A. ; M.A., 1867. ^. T.
^. B. K. Born October 16, 1839, Speedsville, N. Y. Methodist Episco-
pal minister. Died April 29, 1909, Canaan, Conn.
790. *WILBUR OLIN ATWATER. B.A. ; M.A., 1868; Ph.D.,
Yale University, 1869; LL.D., University of Vermont, 1904. $. N. 0.
4>. B. K. Born May 3, 1844, Johnsburg, N. Y. College professor.
Died September 22, 1907, Middletown, Conn.
791. *THEODORE CHARLES BEACH. B.A. ; M.A., 1868;
D.D., Allegheny College, 1893. A. A. *. Born February 21, 1841,
Bristol, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died January 27, 1909,
Springfield, Mass.
1868; D.D., Iowa Wesleyan University, 1882. <ir. T. Born August 16,
1836, Fulton, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York East Conference, 1865-1915,
Superintendent of New Haven District, 1908. Editor : Tzventy-five
Good Sermons; Inter-denominational Sermons. Died October 8, 1915,
Flatbush, N. Y.
Married October 21, 1868, Jennie E. Campbell, of New Haven, Conn.,
who died June, 1905. Children: Emily Campbell, b. November 4, 1871,
d. November 6, 1871 ; Jennie Campbell, b. August 6, 1876; Agnes
(adopted) .
793. *WILLIAM HOMER BURNETT. B.A. ; M.A., 1868. X. <ir.
Born February 18, 1845, Milton, Vt. In the railroad business. Died
October 22, 1869, Cheyenne, Wyo.
794. *COLEMAN CLARK BURR. B.A. Born October 26, 1841,
Perry, N. Y.
Taught in Columbus City, Iowa, 1868. Deputy collector, Norfolk, Va.,
1868-73. Engaged in tobacco manufacture in Richmond, Va., 1873-81.
Settled in Detroit, Mich., 1881. Died August 15, 191 1, Denver, Col.
795. *ALLEN CLARK. B.A.; M.A., 1868; B.D., Union Theo-
logical Seminary, 1868. *. N. 9. Born October 12, 1842, Whitehall,
N. Y.
Employed in the office of The American Agriculturist, 1865-66.
Studied in Union Theological Seminary, 1866-68. Pastor of Congrega-
tional churches in Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, and Minnesota, 1868-1915.
Died January 27, 191 5, Akeley, Minn.
Married November 19, 1868, Rhoda Kendall, of Seymour, Conn.
Children: Mary K., b. 1870, m. O. Boist; Jessie, b. 1872, d. 1875;
Willie, b. 1874, d. 1875; Rose Alleine, b. 1876, m. F. H. Wheaton;
Kendall, b. 1878; Thirza K., b. 1881, m. L. Downing; Laura E., b.
1884, m. B. H. Fuller.
796. EDWARD CUTTS. B.A. ; M.A., 1868. Born November 25,
1842, Pittston, Me.
Traveled in Europe, 1865-68. In the shipping and commission business
in New York, N. Y., 1868-83. In business in Port au Prince, Haiti, 1883-
1910. Retired, 1910.
Married May 21, 1868, Ellen W. Tobey, of Middletown, Conn.
Children: Oliver, b. August 21, 1869, d. November 15, 1869; Frederic
(No. 1738), b. February 14, 1871 ; Helen Elizabeth, b. June 13, 1873.
Address : Middletown, Conn.
797. *LUTHER MUNSON GILBERT. B.A.; M.A., 1868; M.D.,
Long Island College Hospital, 1866. Born December 9, 1842, New
Haven, Conn. Physician. Died April 27, 1890, New Haven, Conn.
798. *BENJAMIN AYER GILMAN. B.A.; M.A., 1868. Born
September 8, 1838, Phillips, Me. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
March 14, 1906, Essex, Conn.
B.D., Union Theological Seminary, 1869. ^'. T. $. B. K. Born March
15, 1840, Salisbury, Vt. Brother of No. 282.
Taught in Jonesville Academy, N. Y., 1865-66; Drew Female Semin-
ary, Carmel, N. Y., 1866-67. Studied in Union Theological Seminary,
1867-69. Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East Conference,
1869-1901. Superannuated, 1901. Field secretary, Connecticut State
Prohibition Committee, 1892-94. Died February 15, 1919, Brooklyn,
N. Y.
Married June 25, 1873, Edith E. Wooster, of Bridgeport, Conn., who
died May 9, 1882. Married April 7, 1887, Mrs. Martha A. (Snow)
Abbott, widow of No. 825. Children: Carle Augustus (No. 2010), b.
October 15, 1875; Bertha Emily, b. March 2, 1877 (B.A., Woman's
College of Baltimore, 1899).
A. A. ^. «!>. B. K- Born June 19, 1841, New Village, N. Y. Brother
of No. 283, and of G. H. Hammond (class of 1868).
Joined Co. I, 6th N. Y. Cavalry, 1862. Returned to college, 1863.
Taught in Chilton Hill Academy, Elizabeth, N. J., 1865-66. Preached
in Huntington, N. Y., 1866-67. Methodist Episcopal minister, New York
East Conference, M. E. Church, 1867-70. Taught in Vermont Con-
ference (now Montpelier) Seminary, 1870-72; Fort Edward Collegiate
Institute, N. Y. (vice principal, 1873-75), 1872-75; Pittsburgh Female
College, Pa., 1875-76. Principal of English and Classical Institute,
Bound Brook, N. J., 1876-78. Teaching in Centenary Collegiate Institute,
Hackettstown, N. J., 1878 .
Married April 14, 1868, Mary E. Duff, of Thomaston, Conn.
Address : Hackettstown, N. J.
801. *CYRUS AUGUSTUS JOHNSON. B.A. ; M.A., 1868;
B.D., Union Theological Seminary, 1868, ^. T. Born May 11, 1838,
Middletown, Conn.
Studied in Union Theological Seminary, 1865-68. Ordained Baptist
minister, 1868. Pastor of Baptist churches in New York State, 1868-
1904. Pastor emeritus, 1904-21. Died October 19, 1921, Batavia, N. Y.
Married April 9, 1872, Sarah Scott, of Vergennes, Vt, who died
April 8, 1884. Married November 4, 1885, Mrs. Anna Maria (Elderkin)
Potter, of New York, N. Y. Children: Bertha, b. June 23, 1873;
Lester, b. December 24, 1874, d. June 24, 1904.
802. *SALMON DURANCE JONES. B.A.; M.A., 1868. Born
April 5, 1837, White Mills, Pa. Brother of S. K. Jones (class of 1866).
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died July 29, 1901, Ocean Grove, N. J.
D.D., 1883; L.H.D., Dickinson College, 1899, and Wesleyan, 1917;
LL.D., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1909. -^P. T. $. B. K. Born February
13, 1843, Plainfield, N. J.
Taught in Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1865-67. Methodist Episcopal
minister. New Jersey, Genesee, Philadelphia, Newark, and New York
East Conferences, 1867-93. Editor of The Methodist Review, 1893-1920.
Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1893 . Trustee of Peking Uni-
versity, China (President of the Board), and of Drew Theological
Seminary. Member of Interdenominational Commission on Divorce and
Remarriage, 1900; of Joint Commission, M. E. Church and M. E.
Church, South, on New Catechisms, 1900. Fraternal Delegate, M. E.
Church to Methodist Church of Canada, 1906, to Methodist Protestant
Church, 1916, and to Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1918. Member
of the Author's Club of London, England. Author : The Ripening Ex-
periences of Life; Doivn the Road; A Pilgrim of the Infinite; The
Illumined Face; Wiih the Children; A Salute to the Valiant, etc.
Editor : The Methodist Re^neiv, for 27 years.
Married July 27, 1876, Eliza McVeigh, daughter of John Whitman,
of Philadelphia, Pa., who died March 8, 1908.
Address : Hotel St. George, Brooklyn, N, Y.
804. *SIEGFRIED KRISTELLER. B.A. ; M.A., 1868. A. A. *.
Born June 25, 1838, Wollstein, Prussia. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died September 25, 1883, Brooklyn, N. Y.
805. *JOSEPH HENRY MANSFIELD. B.A. ; M.A., 1868;
D.D., Baker University, and New Orleans University, 1886. $. N. 0.
Born November 25, 1837, Whitehall, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal min-
ister. Died December 29, 1906, Brookline, Mass.
805^7. CHARLES DeWITT MARCY. B.A., 1915. X. ^. Born
October 24, 1842, Greenfield, Mass. Son of No. 104.
Left college during Junior year, September, 1864. In the 43d Mass.
Volunteers, 1862-63. Sergeant in the Signal Corps, U. S. Army, 1864-65.
Engaged in publishing directories, maps, etc., 1867 . President,
Sampson S. Murdock Co. Secretary and treasurer, U. S. Veteran Signal
Corps Association.
Married June 25, 1873, Sophia Augusta Hilliker, of Lynn, Mass.
Children: Annie Maude, b. August 20, 1876 (B.A., Smith, 1897), m.
Rev. Charles M. Crooks ; Harriet Murdock, b. September 25, 1881
(B.A., Mt. Holyoke, 1904) ; Grosvenor DeWitt, b. October 3, 1883
(B.S., Mass. Institute of Technology, 1905).
Address: 281 Ashmont St., Dorchester, Mass.
80G. *JAMES MUDGE. B.A. ; M.A., 1868; B.D., Boston Theo-
logical Seminary, 1870; D.D., Wesleyan, 1891. '^. T. $. B. K. Born
April 5, 1844, West Springfield, Mass.
Taught in Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1865-67. Studied in Boston
Theological Seminary, 1867-70. Methodist Episcopal minister, New
England and India Conferences, 1868-1908. Book editor, Zion's Herald,
Boston, Mass., 1908-12. Lecturer on Missions, School of Theology,
Boston University, 1888-1904. Secretary, New England Conference,
1899-1918. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church (and assist-
ant secretary), 1900. Author: History of Methodism; The Best of
Browning; The Life of Love, etc. Extensive contributor to religious
papers and periodicals, the secular press and encyclopedias. Editor:
The Lucknow Witness (9 vols.) ; Good Stories and Best Poems (3 vols.),
etc. Died May 7, 1918, Maiden, Mass.
Married April 29, 1873, Martha M. Wiswell, of New Haven, Conn.,
who died February 20, 1908. Children : Bertha, b. October 12, 1874, d-
April 5, 1877; Mabel, b. November 20, 1875; James Wiswell (No. 2295),
b. December 11, 1879; Ada, b. July 20, 1881 (B.A., Boston Univ., 1903).
807. *JOSEPH ORLANDO MUNSON. B.A.; M.A., 1868.
*. B. K. Born July 21, 1840, Middlebury, Conn.
Preached in Litchfield, Conn., 1865-66. Methodist Episcopal minister,
New York East Conference, 1866-1910. Superannuated, 1910. Died
February 23, 1918, New Haven, Conn.
Married October 5, 1870, Henrietta J. Smith, of New Haven, Conn.
Children: Ralph Ira, b. December 24, 1873; Clarence Augustus, b.
February 6, 1886 (class of 1908).
A. A. <i>. Born December 7, 1843, Lynn, Mass. Brother of H. M.
Newhall (class of 1879).
Engaged in the manufacture of shoes, Lynn, Mass., 1865-87. Clerk
of the Lynn Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1887-94; secretary, 1894-
191 1. Author: History of Lynn; Legacy of an Octogenarian, etc.
Editor: Historical works concerning Lynn. Died May 18, 1918, Lynn,
Married June 14, 1893, Lucy Ellen Bacheller, of Lynn, Mass.
809. *WILLIAM AMOS NOTTAGE. B.A.; M.A., 1868. Born
March 15, 1838, North Braintree, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died January 8, 1904, Cochituate, Mass.
810. *JACOB NEAL PERKINS. B.A.; M.A., 1868. ^. T.
<l>. B. K. Born February 2, 1843, Hartford, Vt. Lawyer, later in
business. Died November 17, 1889, Syracuse, N. Y.
1868 ; Ph.D., University of Heidelberg, 1868. *. N. 6. ^. B. K. Born
July 25, 1841, Loughboro, Ont, Canada.
Studied in the Universities of Berlin, Paris, and Heidelberg, 1865-68.
Taught in Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1868-69. Professor
of Natural Science, Genesee College, Lima, N. Y., 1869-70. Teacher
and acting principal. Providence Conference Seminary (now East Green-
wich Academy), R. I., 1870-71. Taught in Wesleyan Academy, 1871-83.
Professor of Mathematics and English, South Dakota State College,
1884-90; of Mathematics, 189-96; Vice-president, 1895. Retired, 1896.
Author: Elements of Geometry; Modern Geometry.
Married July 19, 1871, Carrie E. Houghton, of North Bennington, Vt.
Children: Edward C, b. September 9, 1874; Florence Houghton, b.
June 24, 1881 (B.S., South Dakota State College, 1901), m. Benjamin F.
Haas; Caroline Louise, b. December 4, 1882 (B.S., South Dakota State
College, 1901).
Address: 1343 Clifton St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
812. JOHN RUFUS REYNOLDS. B.A. X. ^. Born November
22, 1843, Granby, Conn.
Engaged in drafting and designing plans for machinery, Hartford,
Conn., 1865 . Inventor of bookbinding and book-sewing machinery.
Married October 23, 1867, Josephine Gay Bidwell, of Middletown,
Conn. Children: Harry Marcy, b. July 13, 1868; Francis Pratt, b.
February 16, 1870.
Address : 83 Tremont St., Hartford, Conn.
813. WILLIAM NORTH RICE. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A., 1868;
Ph.D., Yale University, 1867; LL.D., Syracuse University, 1886, and
Wesleyan, 1915. *. N. 0. *. B. K. Born November 21, 1845, Marble-
head, Mass. Brother of Nos. 936, 988, and 1233.
Preached at Grace M. E. Church, Boston, Mass., 1865. Studied in
Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, 1866-67. Professor of
Geology and Natural History, Wesleyan University, 1867-84; of Geol-
ogy, 1884-1918; Professor Emeritus, 1918 . Acting President, 1907,
1908-09, 1918. Studied in the University of Berlin, 1867-68, 1892-93.
Joined New York East Conference, M. E, Church, 1869. Spent summer
vacations in zoological work with U. S. Fish Commission at Portland,
Me., and Noank, Conn., 1873-74. Spent part of the winter in Bermuda,
engaged in geological and zoological investigation, 1876-77. Member,
Middletown (Conn.) Board of Education, 1884-91; president, 1885-91.
Assistant geologist, U. S. Geological Survey, .1891-92, Chairman, Board
of Examiners, New York East Conference, 1896 . Lecturer on the
Relations of Science and Religion, Hamilton Theological Seminary,
Colgate University, 1897- 1900. President, Connecticut Council of Edu-
cation, 1902-05; Connecticut Gamma Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa, 1902-11.
Superintendent, Conn. Geological and Natural History Survey, 1903-16.
Vice-president, American Association for the Advancement of Science,
1905-06. Founding member, American Society of Naturalists ; presi-
dent, 1891. Vice-president, Geological Society of America, 191 1. Presi-
dent, Conn. Federation of Churches, 1910-11, 1919-20; honorary presi-
dent, 1920 ; secretary, 1913-19. Member, Association of American
Geographers, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Author :
Geology of Bermuda; Science Teaching in the Schools; Twenty-five
Years of Scientific Progress, and Other Essays; Christian Faith in an
Age of Science; Manual of Geology of Connecticut (with H. E.
Gregory) ; James Dwight Dana, Geologist (in Leading American Men
of Science) ; The Geology of James Dwight Dana (in Problems of
American Geology) ; The Return to Faith, and other Addresses;
Through Darkness to Dawn; The Poet of Science, and other Addresses.
Editor: Wesleyan University Alumni Record, 1873; Dana's Text-Book
of Geology (5th edition) ; William Rice: a Memorial.
Married April 12, 1870, Elizabeth Wing Crowell (daughter of No.
118), who died January 5, 1916. Children: Edward Loranus (No. 1718),
b. March 18, 1871 ; Charles William, b. September 19, 1879, d. June 30,
Address: Middletown, Conn.
814. *WILLIAM HENRY RICHMAN. B.A. ; LL.B., University
of Albany, 1866. '^. T. Born September 3, 1844, Woodstown, N. J.
In business. Died January 22, 1868, St. Louis, Mo.
816. *WILLIAM ROBINSON. B.A.; M.A., 1868; Ph.D., Boston
University, 1907. A, A. $. Born November 22, 1840, in Ireland.
Principal of High School, Ansonia, Conn., 1865-66. In the oil region,
Pennsylvania, 1866. Taught in Stamford, Conn., 1867. Principal of
Spring Valley Academy, N. Y., 1867-69. Engaged in the oil business in
Pennsylvania, 1869-72. President and general manager of the Robinson
Electric Railway Signal Company, 1873. Engaged in business in Boston,
Mass., 1875-81. Organized the Union Electric Signal Company, 1878.
Traveled in Europe, Egypt, and Palestine, for fifteen months, 1879-80.
Inventor of the Robinson wireless electric railway signal system, of the
Robinson radial car truck, of the coaster brake used on bicycles, and of
roller-bearing skates. Engaged in developing and practising electric
engineering. Author : History of Automatic Electric and Electrically
Controlled Fluid Pressure Signal Systems for Railroads. Died January
2, 1 92 1, Brooklyn, N. Y.
816. *RICHARD HUBBARD RUST. B.A.; M.A., 1868; B.D.,
Union Theological Seminary, 1868; D.D., Ohio Wesleyan University,
1880. -*-. T. ^. B. K. Born September 5, 1842, Ellington, Conn. Son
of No. 168.
Taught in Cincinnati Wesleyan College, Ohio, 1865-66. Studied in
Union Theological Seminary, 1866-68. Methodist Episcopal minister,
New York East, New England Southern, and Cincinnati Conferences,
1868-1906. President of Cincinnati Wesleyan College, Ohio, 1880-82.
Studied in several American universities, 1891-93. Presiding Elder,
Cincinnati District, 1894-1901. Retired, 1906. Died May 6, 1917, Cin-
cinnati, Ohio.
Married March 22, 1871, Emma O. Seybold, of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Children: Richard Frederick, b. May 21, 1872; Helen Catherine, b.
April 4, 1874, m. E. I. Kaiper.
817. ELIAS BENJAMIN SANFORD. B.A.; M.A., 1868, and
(Hon.) Yale University, 1888; D.D., Wesleyan, 1894. X. ^. $. B. K.
Born June 6, 1843, Westbrook, Conn. Brother of No. 818.
Joined New York East Conference, M. E. Church, 1865. Stationed
at Thomaston, Conn., 1865-68. Studied in Yale Divinity School, 1868-69.
Pastor of First Congregational Church, Cornwall, Conn., 1869-72. Act-
ing pastor of Congregational Church, Northfield, Conn., 1872-73. Edi-
torial writer, chiefly in New York, N. Y., 1874-77- Pastor of Eagle
Rock Congregational Church, Thomaston, Conn., 1878-82; Congrega-
tional Church, Westbrook, Conn., 1882-94. Secretary of the Open and
Institutional Church League, 1895-99- General secretary. National Fed-
eration of Churches, 1899- 1905. Corresponding secretary. Inter-church
Conference on Federation, 1905-08; Federal Council of the Churches,
1908-12; honorary secretary, 1912 . Author: History of Connecti-
cut, 1887. Editor: Concise Cyclopaedia of Religious Knowledge, 1890;
Proceedings of Inter-church Conference on Federation, 1905 ; Proceed-
ings of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, 1908;
Origin and History of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in
America, 1916; History of the Reformation, 1917.
Married October 10, 1870, Martha Sanford, of Thomaston, Conn.
Children: Adelaide Benton, b. January 21, 1872 (B.A., Smith, 1894) »
m. Professor A. K. Hardy; May Thomas, b. December 13, 1880 (grad.
Teachers College, Columbia Univ., 1903).
Address : Rockf all. Conn.
818. *WILBUR FISK SANFORD. B.A.; M.A., 1869; M.D.,
New York University, 1867; LL.B., Columbia University, 1877. X. <ir.
Born May 20, 1845, Riverhead, N. Y. Brother of No. 817. Physician.
Died December 12, 1880, Brooklyn, N. Y.
819. *HENRY EDGAR SMITH. B.A.; M.A., 1868; M.D.,
University of Vermont, 1870. Born January 28, 1839, St. Johnsbury, Vt.
Principal of a public school, Acton, Ind. ; also teacher of a private
school, Harrison County, Ky., 1866-67. Principal of a public school.
Garrison, N. Y., 1867-68. Taught in Saybrook, Conn., 1868-69. Studied
medicine in Burlington, Vt, and Boston, Mass., 1869-70. Practised
medicine in Wauregan, Conn., 1871-72; Weston, Vt., 1872-74; Burke,
1874-76; Lower Watefford, 1876-77; Burke, 1878-79; Westmore, 1879-
81; Newark (also engaged in farming), 1893-1911. Died November 30,
191 1, Burke, Vt.
Married August 18, 1872, Mary Ella Clark, of Chester, Vt, who died
January 12, 1892. Children: Nellie Sophronia, b. July 8, 1874, m. Burt
1865-66] GRADUATES.
Watson; Philip Edgar, b. May i8, 1876; Clarence Adelbert, b. Novem-
ber 20, 1878; Franklin Everett, b. December 5, 1880, d. January 23, 1881 ;
Luvia Hattie, b. June 13, 1882, m. Archibald Laron.
820. *SIDNEY KETCHAM SMITH. B.A. ; M.A, 1868. A. A. $.
^. B. K. Born March 14, 1838, Huntington, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York E^st Conference, 1865-93.
Superannuated, 1893-1921. Conference biographical secretary, 1880-95.
Author: Booklets: The Finger Touch of Divine Love; Valley Whis-
pers of Comfort and Peace. Died September 30, 1921, Boston, Mass.
Married September 13, 1865, Mary Frances Barnard, of Marlboro,
Mass. Children: William Barnard (No. 1535), b. June 22, 1866;
Frank Sidney, b. November 9, 1868; Ernest Ketcham (No. 1864), b.
October 28, 1873; Mary Louise, b. March 29, 1877; Jennie Woolson,
b. August 30, 1 88 1, m. G. R. Cleveland.
821. *DANIEL HAYDEN TAYLOR. B.A.; M.A., 1868. Born
September 28, 1838, Vassalboro, Me. School principal ; later book-
keeper and engaged in farming. Died January 16, 1910, Ontario, Cal.
822. *GEORGE LEWIS WESTGATE, B.A. {sahit.)] U.K.,
1868. ^. T. *. B. K. Born April 12, 1844, Fall River, Mass. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister, later college professor. Died June 28, 1885,
Norfolk, Conn.
1868; D.D., New Orleans University, 1888; Ph.D., Boston University,
1905. A. A. $. *. B. K. Born April 10, 1840, Boston, Mass. Brother
of No. 706.
Studied in Methodist General Biblical Institute, Concord, N. H.. 1865-
67. Graduated, 1867. Methodist Episcopal minister, New England, New
England Southern, and Maine Conferences, 1867-1918. Secretary, New
England Education Society, 1875 . Retired, 1918. Pastor, Com-
munity Church, Islington, Mass., 1919-20. Author: Christian Science —
Is it Safe? ; The Pastor's Helper; Sunday is the true Sabbath Day.
Married September 8, 1867, Helen S. Locke, of Concord, N. H.
Children: Samuel Edgar, b. June 3, 1870; Ethel, b. September 10, 1882,
d. July 29, 1885.
Address: 209 Sumner St., Newton Centre, Mass.
824. *CHARLES WESLEY WILDER. B.A.; M.A., 1868.
A. A. *. ^. B. K. Born February 22, 1837, Granville, Vt. Brother of
No. 707, and of R. H. Wilder (class of 1861). Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died May 24, 1901, South Walpole, Mass.
CLASS OF 1866.
825. *LARMON ROELLAS ABBOTT. B.A. ; M.A., 1869.
•^. T. Born March 18, 1844, New Haven, Conn.. Teacher. Died July
12, 1872, Winsted, Conn.
826. *OSMIN ATKINS. B.A. Born January 6, 1844, Middletown,
Conn. Lawyer. Died September 17, 1871, Middletown, Vt.
827. *GEORGE GARY BUSH. B.A. ; M.A., 1869; Ph.D., Syra-
cuse University, 1878. ^. T. 4>. B. K. Born March 19, 1843, Turin,
N. Y. Teacher and writer. Died October 15, 1898, Maiden, Mass.
^. N. e. Born March 29, 1840, Nelson, N. Y. College professor. Died
October i, 1894, Indianola, Iowa.
829. *HENRY THOMAS EDDY. B.A. Born March 25, 1841,
Bristol, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died September t."/, 1866,
Longmeadow, Mass.
830. *REESE BARKER GWILLIM. B.A. ; M.A., 1869. $. N. 0.
4>. B. K. Born November 29, 1838, Llandisilia, Wales. Lawyer. Died
June 8, 1905, Brooklyn, N, Y.
B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1870; D.D., Wesleyan, 1896. #. N. 9.
Born May 11, 1844, Hope, N. J.
Taught in Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1866-67. Studied
in Law School of University of Albany, N. Y., 1868-69; Drew Theo-
logical Seminary, 1869-70. Methodist Episcopal minister, Newark Con-
ference, 1870-1919. Presiding Elder, Newark District, 1900-06. Trustee
of Wesleyan University, 1906-17. Delegate to General Conference,
M. E. Church, 1904. Died January 7, 1919, Little Falls, N. J.
Married March 3, 1875, Emily Case Cleveland, of Jersey City, N. J.,
who died October 30, 1895. Married March 16, 1910, Margaret Engel,
of Sharon, Mass. Children: Warren Lanning (No. 2016), b. April 13,
1876; Harry Buttz, b. December 12, 1878, d. September 29, 1879;
Herbert, b. March 14, 1880,
832. *CHARLES PRESCOTT MATHER. B.A. ; M.A., 1870. X. SE^.
Born July 17, 1842, Manchester, England. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died August 18, 1880, Center Junction, Iowa.
833. *HENRY ROBIE MORRILL. B.A.; M.A., 1869. A. K. E.
Born August 12, 1840, Candia, N. H. Lawyer, Died July 12, 1883,
Waterbury, Conn.
die.)', M.A., 1869; Ph.D., Upper Iowa University, 1892; LL.D.,
Simpson College, 1905. ^. T. *. B. K. Born November 11, 1843,
Quincy, Mass.
Professor of Ancient Languages, Upper Iowa University, 1866-68.
Acting President of Northwestern Female College (now Women's Col-
lege of Northwestern University), Evanston, 111., 1868-71. Professor
of Ancient Languages and Teacher of Elocution in Simpson College,
Iowa, 1871-72. Superintendent of public instruction, Omaha, Neb., 1872-
74. Principal of Lake View High School, Chicago, 111., 1874-90.
Assistant superintendent of public schools, Chicago, 1890-92. Superin-
tendent of high schools, Chicago, 1892-1901. County superintendent of
schools, Cook County, 111., 1902-10. President, North Central Associa-
tion of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1894. Chairman, Committee of
National Education Association on College Requirements, 1895-99.
Member of the Educational Commission of Illinois, 1906. President,
Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, 1901. Author: Requirements
for Admission to American Colleges. Editor : Twentieth Century Text-
books for Secondary Schools (100 vols.).
Married August 24, 1866, Fanny O. Chase, of Brookline, N. H.
Children : Florence, b. May 22, 1868, m. Dr. W. R. Abbott, d. October
24, 1912; Carl Fred, b. September 26, 1869, d. September 2y, 1870;
Harry Thomas, b. October 11, 1871 (Ph.B., Univ. of Michigan, 1895) ;
Jessie Irma, b. February 27, 1873, m. H. M. Angle; Winifred, b. Octo-
ber 20, 1874, m. V. L. Alward; Pearl Romeyn, b. December 12, 1875,
m. W. D. Hess.
Address : 1240 Oak Ave., Evanston, 111.
835. STEPHEN HENRY OLIN. B.A.; M.A., 1869; LL.B.,
University of Albany, 1867 ; LL.D., Wesleyan, 1894. ^. N. 9. ^. B. K.
Born April 22, 1847, Middletown, Conn. Son of President Olin.
Studied in Law School of University of Albany, N. Y., 1866-67.
Traveled in Europe, 1867-68. Practising law in New York, N. Y.,
1869 . Trustee, Astor Library, New York, N. Y., 1888-95; New
York Public Library, 1895 . Vice-president, New York City Bar
Association, 1898-99. President, University Settlement Society, 1902-06.
Major and judge advocate, ist and 2d Brigades, N. Y. National Guard,
1882-89. Lieutenant colonel and assistant adjutant general, ist Brigade,
1889-98 ; colonel, and chief of staff. National Guard of New York, 1898-
1903. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1880 .
Married October 23, 1879, Alice W. Barlov/, of New York, N. Y.,
who died November 7, 1882. Married March 21, 1903, Mrs. Emeline
(Harriman) Dodge, of New York, N. Y. Children: Alice Townsend,
m. Tracy Dows; Julia Lynch, m. J. P. Benkard.
Address : 149 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Residences : Rhinebeck,
N. Y., and no East 39th St., New York, N. Y.
836. *GEORGE CARR ROUND. B.A.; M.A., 1869. A. A. $.
^. B. K. Born September 14, 1839, Kingston, Pa. Brother of No. 523.
Entered Wesleyan University (in the class of 1862), 1858. Served
in the 4th Conn. Infantry (later ist. Conn. Heavy Artillery), 1861-64,
Lieutenant in Signal Corps, U. S. Army; attached to headquarters.
Army of the Ohio, 1864-65. Reentered Wesleyan University, 1865.
Studied law in Binghamton, N. Y., 1866-67; Columbia Law School,
1867-68. Practised law, and engaged in the real estate business in
Manassas, Va., and Washington, D. C, 1868-1908. Attorney for the
commonwealth. Prince William County, Va., 1869. Appointed U. S.
commissioner, 1870. Clerk of the Manassas School Board, 1870-1910.
Clerk of the Corporation of Manassas, 1872-78. Postmaster at Manassas,
1871-73. Member of House of Delegates of Virginia, 1873-75. Lay
delegate to General Conference, M, E. Church, 1876. President, Veteran
Signal Corps Association, 1902-03. Vice-president. Society of the Army
of the Potomac, 1904-05. Died November 5, 1918, Manassas, Va.
Married September 9, 1877, Emily Caroline Bennett, of Manassas, Va.
Children: Norma Vera, b. August 30, 1878 (B.A., Woman's College of
Baltimore), m. W. W. Davies; George Charles, b. May 17, 1880;
William Maitland, b. November 5, 1889, d. June 17, 1890; Ruth Althea,
b. September 5, 1891, m. A. A. Hooff; Roswell Emory, b. November
23, 1895; Emily Maitland, b. August 25, 1900.
837. ^HERBERT JOEL STEVENS. B.A.; M.A., 1869. A. A. *.
Born March 4, 1839, Boston, Mass. Farmer. Died July 19, 1903,
Wellesley, Mass.
GRADUATES. {1866-67'
838. HENRY ADONIJAH STRONG. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A., 1869;
LL.B., Harvard University, 1872. *. N. 0. *. B. K. Born November
22, 1844, Portland, Conn.
Taught in Newburgh Seminary, N. Y., 1867-68. Principal of Union
School, Franklin, Pa., 1868-70. Studied in Harvard Law School, 1871-
72. Practised law in Franklin, Pa., 1873-79. Principal of Erie Academy,
Pa., 1879-81. Practising law in Erie, Pa., 1881 .
Married March 22, 1872, Mrs. Mary Gordon, of Franklin, Pa.
Address: Erie, Pa.
B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1874; D.D., Syracuse University,
1887; Ph.D., Grant Memorial University, 1887; D.D., Wesleyan, 1906.
■^. T. $. B. K. Born February 28, 1844, Bordentown, N. J.
Preached in Green Village, N. J., 1866-69. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Newark, Wyoming, and Baltimore Conferences, 1869-1914.
Retired, 1914. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1900.
Trustee of Drew Theological Seminary, and of Centenary Collegiate
Institute. Member of Missionary Board, M. E. Church. Author:
The Jezv; Bible Readings; Life of Nathan Bangs; The Living Word;
Egypt to Canaan; Life of Mary Porter Gamewell.
Married May 23, 1872, Charlotte Taylor Gamewell, of Hackensack,
N. J. Children: Charlotte Gamewell, b. May 21, 1873 (B.A., Woman's
College of Baltimore, 1897), m. C. H. Hampton; Frank Harrison, b.
January 3, 1882 (B.A., Princeton, 1905).
Address : 149 William St., East Orange, N. J.
840. *GRANVILLE YAGER. B.A.; M.A., 1869; Ph.D., Boston
University, 191 1. A. A. $. $. B. K. Bom March 30, 1840, Oneonta,
N. Y.
Taught in Falley Seminary, Fulton, N. Y., 1866-69; Pennsylvania
Military Academy, Chester, Pa., 1869-76. Traveled, studied, and
preached, 1876-78. Pastor of Congregational churches in Massachusetts,
1878-86, 1892-1907. Professor of Psychology, Ethics, and Civics, Mid-
dlebury College, 1887-88; of Psychology and Ethics, 1888-92. Resided
in Braintree, Mass.; engaged in preaching and lecturing, 1907-15.
Died May 4, 1915, Braintree, Mass.
Married July 23, 1866, Ella M. Lewis, of Middletown, Conn. Children :
Jessie O., b. March 13, 1871 ; Flora L., b. July 4, 1873, d. in infancy;
Granville Lewis, b. March 14, 1876 (B.A., Boston Univ., 1897), d.
April 13, 1905.
CLASS OF 1867*
841. *WILLIAM HENRY BURNS. B.A.; M.A., 1870; D.D.,
1892. A. K. E. Born September 11, 1840, New Glasgow, N. S., Canada.
Preached in Woodstock, N. B., Canada, 1867-69. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Rock River Conference, 1869-1916. Presiding Elder, Joliet
District, 1890-91 ; Chicago District, 1S91-97. Delegate to General Con-
ference, M. E. Church, 1892. Author: hiigher Critics' Bible, or God's
Bible ; A Crisis in Methodism. Died April 4, 1916, Biloxi, Miss.
Married May i, 1872, Anna P. Foster, of Aurora, 111. Child: William
Foster, b. April 10, 1873 (B.A., Princeton, 1895).
.•ia67] GRADUATES.
842. RCOBERT] NEWTON CRANE. B.A.; M.A., 1870;
D.C.L., 1921. *. N. e. Born April i, 1848, Long Branch, N. J.
City editor of The Daily Advertiser, Newark, N. J., 1867-68. Assisted
Richard Watson Gilder in establishing The Newark Morning Register;
associate editor and proprietor of the same, 1869-70. On the editorial
staff of The St. Louis Democrat, 1870-73. Managing editor of The St.
Louis Democrat (now The Globe-Democrat) , 1873-74. U. S. consul at
Manchester, England, 1874-77. Acted as Mexican consul by permission
of U. S. Government, 1875-77. Practised law in St. Louis, Mo., 1878-91.
Member of the Middle Temple, London, England, 1892. Called to tiie
English bar, 1894. Senior counsel to the American Embassy in London,
England; chairman of the American Society in London, England, 1898.
Representative of U. S. Government on South African Deportation
Claims Commission, 1901. Agent of U. S. Government in Samoan
Arbitration Award, 1903. U. S. Government despatch agent, 1904.
Chairman, London Branch, U. S. Navy League, 1909. Bencher of the
Middle Temple, 1919. Appointed King's Counsel, the first American to
hold the appointment, 1921.
Married December 12, 1873, Mary Frances Allen, of St. Louis, Mo.
Children: Gerard Allen, b. June 14, 1875; Robert Eugene, b. January
8, 1879; Lucius Fairchild, b. November 13, 1880; Allene Roberta Lucia,
b. January 13, 1891, m. Gordon Wemyss Syme.
Address: 4 Temple Gardens, The Temple, London, England. Resi-
dence: Berkeley House, Hay Hill, London, England.
843. EDWARD CUNNINGHAM. B.A.;' M.A., 1870. A. A. *.
Born August 13, 1840, Searsmont, Me.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East and India Conferences,
1867-1913. Retired, 1913. Presiding Elder of Oudh District, 1876-77;
Rohilkhand District, 1878-80. Delegate to General Conference, M. E.
Church, 1880.
Married June 21, 1871, Mary Eleanor Moody, of Searsmont, Me.,
who died December 8, 1919. Children: Melville Elliott, b. April 3, 1872;
Mabel Eleanor, b. April 3, 1872, d. July 19, 1872; Mary Edna, b. March
14, 1874, d. January 12, 1875; Joseph Atwood, b. September ii^ 1875;
Edward Warren Chandler, b. October 22, 1877.
Address : 640 E. 4th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
844. *JOSEPH ALBERTSON DILKS. B.A. ; M.A., 1870. ^. T.
Born February 3, 1839, Glassboro, N. J. Brother of No. 1172. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister. Died August 3, 1903, Philadelphia, Pa.
845. *JOHN RANDOLPH FARNUM. B.A. ; M.A., 1870. A. K. E.
Born August 26, 1839, Cheshire, Mass.
Principal of an academy, Franklin, N. H., 1867-68; High School,
Bristol, Conn., 1868-71. Practised law in Newtown, Conn.; acting prin-
cipal of Newtown Academy, 1872-73. Editor and publisher of The Litch-
field Sentinel, Conn., 1873-76. Assistant clerk, Connecticut House of
Representatives, 1875; clerk, 1876. Practised law in Danbury, Conn.,
1877-84; Washington, D. C, 1884-1911. Taught in the Berlitz School of
Languages, Washington, D. C, 1885. Special field agent, U. S. Census,
Fisheries Division, 1890. Died March 26, 191 1, Langdon, D. C.
Married September 2, 1876, Augusta L. Smith, of Norfolk, Va.
846. *DAVID BENSON FURBER. B.A. ^. T. *. B. K. Born
October 31, 1846, Marlow, N. H. Brother of No. 1007.
Entered Wesleyan University (with the class of 1865), 1861. Served
in U. S. Signal Corps, with the armies of the James and the Potomac,
and promoted to sergeant, 1863-65. Reentered college, 1866. Taught in
Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1867-68; High School, Westfield,
Mass., 1868-76. Agent for Ginn Bros., Boston, Mass., 1877-78. Pay-
master in paper manufactory of Crane Bros., Westfield, Mass., 1879-
1913. Chairman of school committee of Westfield, 1883-84. Died
November 24, 191 5, Westfield, Mass,
Married December 7, 1887, Florence Mallalieu Lawton, of Ware, Mass.
Children : Franklin Butler, b. October 3, 1890 ; Mary Beale, b. October
22, 1892; Rose Lawton, b. January i, 1895.
847. *FREDERIC TABER GLOVER. B.A. {salul.') ; M.A.,
1870. $. N. e. ^. B. K. Born September 10, 1843, Orient, N. Y.
Lawyer. Died December, 1899.
848. *EMORY JAMES HAYNES. B.A. ; M.A., 1870; D.D.,
Colby College, 1889. ^. T. *. B. K. Born February 6, 1847, Cabot, Vt.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Southern and New York
Conferences, 1867-77. Withdrew from the conference, 1877. Pastor of
Washington Avenue Baptist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1877-85 ; Tremont
Temple, Boston, Mass., 1885-90. Preached in Music Hall, Boston,
1890-91; People's Church (Methodist Episcopal), Boston, 1891-94.
Joined New York Conference, M. E. Church, 1894. Stationed at St.
James's Church, New York, N. Y., 1894-97; St. Andrew's Church, 1897-
1901. Supernumerary, 1901-08. Superannuated, 1908-15. Author: A
Wedding in War Times; Dollars and Duty; The Fairest of Three, etc.
Died January i, 191 5, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Married May 6, 1869, Jennie Crowell, of Norwich, Conn., who died
April 26, 1873. Married April 28, 1874, Grace Forby, of Poughkeepsie,
N. Y. Children: Blanche, b. January 27, 1875, m. J. W. Perkins;
Marion, b. September 5, 1877, d. October 16, 1886; Herbert, b. August
7, 1878, d. March 23, 1881 ; Alice, b. November 20, 1881 ; Mary, b.
August 27, 1883 ; Francis Seymour, b. July 20, 1886 (class of 1910) ;
Helen, b. September 14, 1888, m. D. R. Sedgwick; Harold Winfred, b.
December 26, 1890, d. May 31, 1891 ; William Forby, b. June 6, 1896.
849. EUGENE RUSSELL HENDRIX. B.A. ; M.A., 1870; D.D.,
Emory College, 1878; LL.D., University of Missouri and University of
North Carolina, 1888, Washington and Lee University, 1892, and Wes-
leyan, 1917; D.D., Wesleyan, 1903. A. K. E. $. B. K. Born May 17,
1847, Fayette, Mo.
Studied in Union Theological Seminary, 1867-69. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Missouri Conference, South, 1869-78. Made a tour of the
world, with Bishop E. M. Marvin, in the interest of missions, 1876-77.
Associate editor of The St. Louis Christian Advocate, 1877-78. Presi-
dent of Central College, Fayette, Mo., 1878-86. Elected Bishop of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1886. Made a missionary tour in
Japan, Korea, and China, 1895; Brazil, 1899. Fraternal messenger to
British Wesleyan Conference, 1900. President of the Federal Council of
the Churches of Christ in America, 1908. Delegate to Methodist Ecu-
menical Conference, i88r, '91 ; General Conference, M. E. Church,
South, 1882, '86. Author: Skilled Labor for the Master; Personality
of the Holy Spirit; Christ's Table Talk; The Religion of the Incar-
nation, etc.
Married June 20, 1872, Ann Eliza Scarritt, of Kansas City, Mo.
Children: Evangeline Isabel, b. May 13, 1873, m. G. H. Waring; Mary
Matilda, b. August 15, 1875, m. Mastin Simpson; Nathan Scarritt, b.
August 23, 1878 ; Helen Chick, b. August 28, 1880, m. Paul Mohr.
Address : 3242 Norledge Place, Kansas City, Mo.
D.D., Rust University, 1881, and Mount Union College, 1895. ^. T.
Born August i, 1840, Red Hook, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died February 17, 1908, Mexico City, Mexico.
Ph.D., New York University, 1891 ; D.D., Wesleyan, 1904. $. N. 9.
«l>. B. K. Born March 11, 1846, Hackensack, N. J. Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died May 11, 1905, Brooklyn, N. Y.
852. nVILLIAM FORMAN MORRIS. B.A. ; B.D., Drew Theo-
logical Seminary, 1869. ^. T. Born December 10, 1844, Vinton Falls,
N. 'J. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died June 23, 1870, Vinton
Falls, N. J.
B.D., Yale College, 1882. Born November 14, 1838, Victory, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East Conference, 1867-84.
Located, 1884. Studied in Yale Divinity School, 1879-82. Supplied Con-
gregational Church, Mound City, Kans., 1883-84; Blue Mound, 1885-87,
Taught school, 1887-88. Colporteur for American Bible Society in Linn
and Bourbon counties, Kans., 1889-90. Supplied in vicinity of Mound
City, Kans., 1892; Walnut (South Kansas Conference), 1893. Worker
in local church. Mound City and vicinity, 1894 •
Married January i, 1868, Hannah Cunningham, of Middletown, Conn.,
who died September i, 1900. Married July 26, 1917, Mrs. Helen Marr
Rogers, of Mound City, Kans. Children : William Augustine, b. January
10, 1869 ; Franklin Myron, b. December 20, 1876.
Address : Mound City, Kans.
854. *CHARLES RANDOLPH NORTH. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A.,
1870. *. N. 0. ^. B. K. Born August 27, 184S, Columbus, Miss.
Brother of No. 984. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died April 20, 1889,
New York. N. Y.
865. *WILBUR FISK SANFORD. B.A.; B.D., Boston Univer-
sity, 1873; M.D., Boston University, 1878. A. A. «l». Born December 2,
1843, Gouverneur, N. Y. Son of No. 169.
Entered Wesleyan University (with the class of 1866), 1862. Served
in 29th Mass. Heavy Artillery, 1864-65. Reentered college, 1865.
Taught in Providence Conference Seminary (now East Greenwich Acad-
emy), R. L, 1867-68. Studied medicine in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1868-
69. Principal of High School, Sandwich, Mass., 1869-70. Studied in
Boston Theological Seminary, 1870-73. Methodist Episcopal minister,
Troy Conference, 1873-77. Studied in School of Medicine, Boston Uni-
versity, 1877-78. Practised medicine in Taunton, Mass., 1878-79; Mans-
field, 1879-80; Webster, 1880-90; Athens-on-Hudson, N. Y., 1890-92;
Lebanon Springs, 1892-94; Warren, R. I., 1894-99. Engaged in farming,
1899-1905. In National Soldiers' Home, Tenn., 1905-17. Died March
30, 191 7, Washington, D. C.
Married December 25, 1885, Lucy Atlanta Tayer, of Stephentown
Centre, N. Y. Children: Sidney Wilbur, b. December 6, 1886 (B.A.,
Middlebury, 1909) ; Ellen Lucy, b. August 9, 1888.
GRADUATES. [1867-68
856. HENRY BRADBURY TERRY. B.A. Born April 21, 184S,
Raynliam, Mass.
Served in 9th R. I. Volunteers. Traveled in Europe, 1867-68, 1874.
Studied law in Boston, Mass., 1868-70. Practising law in Hyde Park,
Alass., 1871 . Trial justice for Norfolk County, 1870-97. Town
clerk of Hyde Park, Mass., 1870-1909. Master in chancery, 1897 .
Public administrator, 1898 .
Married September 19, 1872, Abbie A. Wetherell, of Newton, Mass.
Child: Sarah Miriam, b. June 23, 1873.
Address: Hyde Park, Mass.
^. T. Born September 12, 1840, Bethel, Conn. Teacher. Died March
17, 1886, Glasgow, Mo.
CLASS OF 1868*
858. *SAMUEL REED BAILEY. B.A.; M.A., 1871. Born
December 14, 1829, Eden, Me. Brother of J. S. Bailey (class of 1852).
Studied in Union Theological Seminary, 1868-69. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Maine and Troy Conferences, 1869-73. Ordained deacon in
the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1873, and later priest. Rector of a
Protestant Episcopal church in Boston, Mass., 1873-74; Rochdale, Mass.,
1875-79. Supplied M. E. churches at Livermore and East Livermore,
Me., 1880-82. Rector of St. Peter's (Protestant Episcopal) Church,
Oxford, Conn., and Christ Church, Quaker Farms, Conn., 1882-85;
St. Paul's Church, Huntington, Conn., 1886. Assistant at Emmanuel
Church, and later rector of the Church of the Prince of Peace, Balti-
more, Md., 1887-93. Rector of the Church of the Holy Comforter,
Brooklyn, N. Y., 1893-1900. Retired, 1900. Died September 30, 1914,
Middletown, Pa.
Married December 14, 1855, Lydia Ann Little, of Vienna, Me. Chil-
dren: Melville Knox, b. September 10, 1856 (B.A., Trinity, 1879);
Cora Gertrude, b. January 14, 1861, m. Rev. John H. McCrackan,
deceased; Frederick Augustine, b. October 27, 1865; Hubert Wallace,
b. March 20, 1874.
859. *CHARLES LEWIS BONNELL. B.A.; M.A., 1870; M.D.,
Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1871. $. N. 9. $. B. K,
Born October 15, 1846, Brooklyn, N. Y. Physician. Died January 15,
1902, Brooklyn, N. Y.
860. EDMUND GRIFFIN BUTLER. B.A.; M. A., 1871. ^. T.
Born June 11, 1845, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Sergeant of Pa. Volunteers, U. S. Army. Studied law in Wilkes-Barre,
Pa., 1868-69. Practising law in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1869 .
Married December 22, 1869, Clara Theresa Cox, of New York, N. Y.,
who died October 7, 1916. Children: Elsie Peironnet, b. November 11,
1870, m. A. A. Beaumont; Abi Harriet, b. June 9, 1872, m. J. G.
Blake; Caroline Cox, b. November 10, 1875, m. J. S. Van Nest.
Address : Wilkes-Barre, Pa. .
861. *LESLIE BINGHAM COOKE. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A,
1871. <ir. T. $. B. K. Born May 5, 1846, Hermon, N. Y. Brother of
No. 1 147. Engineer. Died March 9, 1907, Watertown, N. Y.
862. ROBERT McLEAN CUMNOCK. B.A.; M.A., 1871 ; L.H.D.,
Dickinson College, 1903; Litt.D., Northwestern University, 1919. "ir. T.
#. B. K. Born May 31, 1840, Ayr, Scotland.
Teacher of Elocution, Northwestern University, 1868-73 ; Professor
of Rhetoric and Elocution, 1873-1918; Professor emeritus, 1918 .
Instructor in Elocution, Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111., 1880-81 ;
Professor of Elocution, 1881-1918; Professor emeritus, 1918 .
Author: Cumnock's Readings; Cumnock's School Speaker.
Married November 25, 1868, Charlotte A. Nye (daughter of No. 24),
of Middletown, Conn., who died November 9, 1874. Married June 28,
1877, Annie C. Webster, of Evanston, 111. Children : Wallace Webster,
b. April 28, 1880 ; Claude Buchanan, b. July 30, 1884.
Address : 1804 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111.
A. A. •$. Born December 26, 1837, Edenville, N. Y.
Preached in Unionville, Conn., 1868-69. Principal of High School,
CoUinsville, Conn., 1869-70. Methodist Episcopal minister. New York
East Conference, 1871-1910. Superannuated, 1910. Died April 5, 1915,
Highwood, Conn.
Married May 2, 1869, Anna E. Atkins, of Provincetown, Mass.
Children: Charles Edgar, b. March 2, 1870, d. September 7, 1870;
Ralph Elliott, b. August 30, 1872 (Ph.B., Yale, 1894) ; Floyd Holly,
b. March 11, 1877; Emory Woolson, b. August 4, 1885.
864. *HENRY WARREN FLINT. B.A.; M.A., 1871. A. A. $.
Born February i, 1839, Braintree, Vt.
Served in i6th Vt. Volunteers. Taught in Minnesota and Kansas,
1869-70; in Hawleyville, Iowa, and in Missouri, 1871-72. Resided in
St. Paul, Minn., 1872-73. Engaged in farming in Bethel, Vt., 1873-79.
Preached in M. E. Church, West Hill, Chelsea, Vt, 1879-80; Topsham,
Vt, 1880-81; East Elmore, Vt, 1881. Died January 31, 1921, Orling,
865. *FREEMAN BIRNEY HAMBLIN. B.A. ^. N. 0. «l>. B. K.
Born August 13, 1841, Cayuga, N. Y. Theological student Died May
8, 1869, Boston, Mass.
866. *ELMER NULL HANCOCK. B.A.; LL.B., University of
Albany, 1869. ^. T. Born March 29, 1845, Salem, N. J.
Studied in Law School of University of Albany, N. Y., 1868-69. Prac-
tised law in Granby, Mo., 1870-75. Reporter on The New Orleans
Times, 1875-76; city editor, 1876-78; associate editor, 1878-81. Wash--
ington correspondent of The Neiv Orleans Times-Democrat, 1881-83.
Editor of The Savannah Morning News, 1883-1915. Died September
ID, 191 5, Savannah, Ga.
867. THEODORE MYERS HOUSE. B.A. ^. T. Born Febru-
ary 6, 1843, Cohoes, N. Y.
Enlisted as private in 177th N. Y. Volunteers; served as chaplain.
Preached in Norwich, Conn., 1868-69. ^Methodist Episcopal minister,
New England Southern, East Ohio, Genesee, Central New York, North
Nebraska, Florida, and Pittsburgh Conferences, 1869 . Member of
Massachusetts Legislature, 1873-74.
Married July 22, 1868, Margaret Austin, of Sandy Hill, N. Y., who died
December 18, 1905. Married October 7, 1907, Vienna Marie Robertson,
of New Cumberland, W. Va. Child : Earl Reynolds, b. May 12, 1875.
Address: Waterford, N. Y.
868. MARTIN AUGUSTINE KNAPP. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A.,
1871 ; M.A. (Hon.), Syracuse University, 1876; LL.D., Wesleyan, 1892,
and Syracuse University, 191 1. *. N. 6. $. B. K. Born November 6,
1843, Spafford, N. Y.
Studied law in Homer, N. Y., 1868-69. Practised law in Syracuse,
N. Y., 1870-91. Member of Interstate Commerce Commission, 1891-
1910; chairman, 1898-1910. Presiding judge of the Commerce Court,
1910-13. Judge of the Circuit Court of Appeals, Fourth Judicial Dis-
trict, 1913 . Member of the Board of Education, Syracuse, N. Y.,
1876-79. City attorney of Syracuse, 1878-83. Lecturer on Forensic
Medicine, Syracuse University, 1884-91. Trustee of Wesleyan Univer-
sity, 1888 . Appointed by the President of the United States media-
tor under the Erdman Act; also member of the Board of Mediation and
Conciliation created by the Newlands Act of 1913.
Married December 29, 1869, Marian Hotchkiss, of Middletown, Conn.,
who died December 4, 1904. Married August 10, 1907, Mrs. Nellie
Maynard Gardner, of Syracuse, N. Y., who died April 28, 1914.
Address : Stoneleigh Court, Washington, D. C.
869. *ENSIGN McCHESNEY. B.A.; M.A., 1871 ; Ph.D., Bos-
ton University, 1881 ; D.D., Wesleyan, 1889. ^. T. *. B. K. Born
March 17, 1844, Grafton, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister, later
college dean. Died November 30, 1905, Syracuse, N. Y.
870. ALBERT JULIUS NAST. B.A. ; M.A., 1871 ; D.D., Ohio
University, 1892, and Wesleyan, 1906. ^^. T. $. B. K. Born April 4,
1846, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Taught in German Wallace College, Ohio, 1868-69. Methodist Epis-
copal minister, Central German and Ohio Conferences, 1869-78. Pro-
fessor of Ancient Languages, Anglo-Saxon, and German, Cincinnati
Wesleyan College, 1878-80. Professor of Latin and German, Illinois
Wesleyan University, 1880-82. On the staff of Der Christ Hche Apolo-
gete, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1884-90; assistant editor, 1890-92; editor, 1892-
1918. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1896, 1900, '04,
'08, '12, '16; Methodist Ecumenical Conference, 1901 (London), 1911
(Toronto). Fraternal delegate, M. E. Church, to General Conference
of the Evangelical Association, Milwaukee, Wis., 1907. President, Board
of Trustees, German Wallace College, 1903-13 ; Baldwin Wallace College,
1913-18; William Nast College, China, 1904 . Member of the Com-
mission of the M. E. Church on Unification with the M. E. Church,
South, and of the Commission on the work of the M. E. Church in
Europe, 1916 .
Married September 7, 1876, Sarah McDermott, of Berea, Ohio, who
died December 19, 1883. Married July 29, 1896, Alice G. Kendall, of
Cincinnati, Ohio. Children: William Gamble, b. November 11, 1877
(class of 1900), d. March 5. 1900; Marie Eleanore, b. January 29, 1880,
m. Dr. W. B. Wherry.
Address : 816 Mann Place, Cincinnati, Ohio.
871. *D[AVID] WARD NORTHRUP. B.A.; LL.B., University
of Albany, 1870; M.A., Wesleyan, 1871. ^. T. $. B. K. Born Feb-
ruary 19, 1844, Sherman, Conn.
Taught in Fort Edward Institute, N. Y., 1868-69. Studied in Law
School of University of Albany, 1869-70. Practised law in Middletown,
Conn., 1871-1918. Member of Connecticut Legislature, 1871, 1881-82.
Judge of probate for the district of Middletown, 1873-80. Secretary,
Middletown Board of Education, 1878-80. Secretary of the State of
Connecticut, 1883-84. Mayor of Middletown, 1884-85. Postmaster of
Middletown, 1886-90. State auditor of Connecticut, 1891-92, 1897-98.
Member of Constitutional Convention of Connecticut, 1902. President,
Middletown Electric Light Company, 1885-1913. Trustee of Wesleyan
University, 1880- 191 1. Died December 15, 1918, Middletown, Conn.
Married September 14, 1870, Mary Almira Stewart, of Manchester, Vt,
who died June 27, 1914. Children : Clara Louise, b. August 20, 1872, m.
C. S. Ingham; Mary (No. 2055), b. January 11, 1875, m. A. H. Burdick
(No. 2072); William Ward, b.June 4, 1876, d. September 9, 1877;
Harold Stewart, b. April 24, 1878, d. September 5, 1913; Richard David,
b. August 30, 1886 (class of 1909)-
*, N. 0. *. B. K. Born November 17, 1843, Jay, Me. Brother of
No. 1095.
Taught in Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1868-69 ; Wes-
leyan College, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1869-70; Wesleyan Academy, Wilbra-
ham, Mass., 1870-85. Employed in ranching and settling estates, Pasa-
dena, Cal., 1885-1916. Trustee, University of Southern California, 1898-
1907. President, Lake Vineyard Land and Water Company, 1892-1912.
Died December 4, 1916, Pasadena, Cal.
Married August 17, 1871, Mary E. Hatch, of Sanford, Me. Children :
Emma Estella, b. June 10, 1874 (B.A,, Pomona, 1899) ; Mary Moulton,
b. April 9, 1877 (B.A., Pomona, 1899), m. Rev. W. E. Eckles, d. February
28, 1908; Edith Barrett, b. August 26, 1880 (B.A., Pomona, 1903), m.
G. S. Hinckley; Carl Horace, b. April 9, 1883 (B.S., Pomona, 1905).
873. *MICHAEL HAYS PERRY. B.A.; M.A., 1871. Born Sep-
tember 25, 1846, Red Bank, N. J. Brother of No. 1226. Government
official. Died July 3, 19 10, Washington, D. C.
874. *EVERETT IRVING RACKETT. B.A. ; LL.B., University
of Albany, 1870. ■*■. T. Born September 27, 1844, Orient, N. Y.
Studied law in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1868-69 ; Law School of University
of Albany, N. Y., 1869-70. Practised law in Greenport, N. Y., 1871-73.
Second officer on a coasting vessel, 1873-75. First mate of schooner
T. W. Haven, 1875-77. Master of schooner H. Craskey, 1877-78. Ship-
wrecked, 1878. Farmed and practised law in Orient, N. Y., 1879-82.
Associate editor of The Industrial World, Chicago, 111., 1882-84.
Engaged in farming and tutoring, Orient, N. Y., 1885-94. Ordained Con-
gregational minister, 1894. Pastor of Congregational church, Orleans,
Mass., 1894-1905; North Pownal, Vt, 1905-08; Bloomington, Cal., 1908'
15. Died June 30, 1915, Bloomington, Cal.
Married January 9, 1877, Clara Louisa Anderson, of Amsterdam, N. Y
Children: John Everett, b. May 31, 1878, d. 1879; Kate Esther, b.
March 28, 1880.
876. *FRANK REYNOLDS. B.A. ; M.A., 1871. $. N. 0. $. B. K.
Born June 30, 1848, Milton, N. Y. Son of No. 166. Lawyer. Died
October 22, 1905, Brooklyn, N. Y.
876. REUBEN LITCH ROBERTS. B.A. ^. T. Born February
i6, 1847, Boston, Mass. Brother of Nos. 635 and 703.
Studied law in Boston, Mass., 1868-71. Practising law (chiefly
patent), in Boston, Mass., 1871 .
Address : 209 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
877. *JOSEPH EMERSON ROBINS. B.A.; M.A., 1871 ; D.D.,
Norwich University. A. A. $. Born December 9, 1843, Littleton, N. H.
Taught in New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H.,
1868-69; Drew Ladies' Seminary, Carmel, N. Y., 1869-72. Methodist
Episcopal minister, New Hampshire Conference, 1868-1912. Presiding
Elder, Claremont District, 1885-90; Dover District, 1897-1903. Twice
chaplain of N. H. Legislature. Died October 15, 1912, Wolfeboro, N. H.
Married March 5, 1873, Margaret H, Bailey, of Rocky Hill, N. J.
Children: Joseph Winthrop, b. December 2, 1874; George Douglass (No.
2038), b. July 24, 1876; Margaret Anna, b. June 24, 1880.
^. N. e. Born May 2, 1847, Cincinnati, Ohio.
In a private banking house, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1868. Engaged in manu-
facturing in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1872-76. Resided in Cincinnati, Ohio,
1877-85. Ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1885.
Missionary in charge of St. Stephen's Church, Winton Place, Ohio, 1885-
88. Ordained priest, 1887. Rector of St. James's Church, Vincennes,
Ind., 1889-91. Priest in charge of Grace Pro-Cathedral, Indianapolis,
Ind., 1891-95. Dean of All Saints' Cathedral, Milwaukee, Wis., 1896-98.
Rector of St. David's Church, Indianapolis, Ind., 1898-1914. Retired,
Married June 15, 1870, Jane Findlay Torrence, of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Children : James Findlay Torrence, b. March 17, 1871 ; Edward, b. July
18, 1873; Christopher, b. February 24, 1876, d. November 14, 1880;
Rebekah Torrence, b. May 6, 1878, d. September 17, 1881 ; George Paull
Torrence, b. March 12, 1881 (B.A., Yale, 1905) ; Mary, b. January 22,
1884, d. July 3, 1884; Thomas Frazer, b. November 2.2, 1886, d. Septem-
ber 26, 1 89 1.
Address : 3213 Hueco St., El Paso, Tex.
879. ALMONA BENJAMIN SMART. B.A. ; B.D., Boston Theo-
logical Seminary, 1870; M.A., Wesleyan, 1871. Born December 27, 1838,
Prospect, Me.
Enlisted for three years, but soon discharged on account of sickness,
1861. Studied in Boston Theological Seminary, 1868-70. Methodist
Episcopal minister, New York East, Maine, and Rock River Confer-
ences, 1870-1902. Withdrew from the conference, 1902.
Married August 30, 1869, Rubie J. Jordan, of Garden Prairie, 111.
Children: Kara Grace, b. July 21, 1870; Abbie Lula, b. September 9,
1872; Allie B., b. January 16, 1874 (deceased) ; Rubie E., b. April 27,
1875 ; Bertha Alma, b. December 4, 1876.
Address : ZZ Olive St., Glendale, Cal.
880. *GEORGE HAPGOOD STONE. B.A.; M.A., 1871. A. K. E.
*. B. K. Born November 22, 1841, Collamer, N. Y.
Entered Wesleyan University (with the class of 1865), 1861. Enlisted
in 2d Pa.^ Artillery ; transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, 1862. Detailed
to assist in reading Confederate signals from Fort Wagner; discovered
the Confederate series cipher and "disc"; discharged July 11, 1865.
Resided in Binghamton, N. Y., 1868-69. In a chemistry laboratory, Chi-
1868-691 GRADUATES.
cago, 111., 1869, Taught in Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y.,
1869-72. Civil engineer in Chicago, 111., 1873-74. Taught in Maine Wes-
leyan Seminary, Kents Hills, Me., 1874-81. Professor of Geology,
Colorado College, 1881-88. _ Appointed assistant geologist, U. S. Geo-
logical Survey, 1884. Mining geologist and civil engineer, Colorado
Springs, Col., 1888-1917. Inventor of a universal surveying instrument.
Author: Where Gilia Blows Her Horn (poem) ; World Money. Died
February 20, 1917, Colorado Springs, Col.
Married July 13, 1871, Mary Emma Clarke, who died August 11, 1873.
Married November 20, 1876, Mary H. Hill, of Bowdoinham, Me. Chil-
dren: Willie Green, b. June 7, 1872; Emma Ingalls, b. June 19, 1878;
Alice Isabel, b. November 16, 1879; Beulah May, b. December 10, 1880;
Frederic Clements, b. August 18, 1884, d. April, 1898; William Hill, b.
May 18, 1887.
881. *JOHN EDWARD ABBOTT. B.A. {saint.); M.A., 1872.
$. N. 9. 4>. B. K. Born November 30, 1845, Norridgewock, Me.
Taught in Noble's Classical School, Boston, Mass.; studied law,
1869-71. Practised law in Boston, Mass., 1872-77; New York, N. Y.,
1877-79; Boston, Mass., 1879-1915. Member of Massachusetts House of
Representatives, 1893-94. Clerk of Senate committee on rules, 1896-1915.
Town solicitor, Watertown, Mass., 1896-1915. Died December 2, 1915,
Watertown, Mass.
Married June 12, 1878, Alice Greely Cockrane, of Compton, Que.,
Canada. Children : Charles Matthew, b. April 4, 1879 ; Mabel Louise, b.
August 15, 1880; Harriette Frances, b. September 8, 1885; Eleanor
Alice, b. July 29, 1891.
882. *HENRY SMITH CARHART. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A.,
1872; LL.D., 1893. '^. T. *. B. K. Born March 27, 1844, Coeymans,
N. Y.
Taught in Claverack College and Hudson River Institute, N. Y.,
1869-71. Studied in Yale Divinity School, 1871-72. Instructor in Civil
Engineering and Physics, Northwestern University, 1872-73 ; Professor
of Physics, 1873-76; Professor of Physics and Chemistry, 1876-84;
Professor of Physics, 1884-86. Professor of Physics, University of
Michigan, 1886-1909; Professor Emeritus, 1909-20. Research Associate
in Physics, California Institute of Technology (formerly Throop Insti-
tute), 1910-20. Member International Jury of Award, Electrical Ex-
hibition, Paris, 1881. President, Board of Judges, Department of
Electricity, Columbian Exhibition, 1893. Vice-president, St. Louis Inter-
national Electrical Congress, 1904. U. S. delegate to International
Conference on Electrical Units and Standards, London, 1908. Author:
Primary Batteries; University Physics; Electrical Measurements (with
G. W. Patterson); High School Physics (with H. N. Chute). Died
February 13, 1920, Pasadena, Cal.
Married August 30, 1876, Ellen M. Soule, of Ossining, N. Y.
Children: Margaret Sprague, b. June 28, 1877 (Ph.B., Univ. of Michigan,
1899) ; Emory Richard, b. June 17, 1884; Rose, b. October 26, 1886, m.
Lieut. Evans R. Cheeseman.
1 10
883. DAVID CASLER. B.A. ; M.A., 1872. ^. T. Born February
13, 1840, Minden, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Detroit Conference, 1869-1906. Presid-
ing Elder, Lake Superior District, 1883-87. Superannuated, 1906.
Married August 10, 1869, Caroline Maria Lincoln, of Windsor, Conn.,
who died February 7, 1908. Children : Emory Lincoln, b. June 23, 1870,
d. August 25, 1873; Howard Irving, b. April 11, 1872; Mary Theresa,
b. August 23, 1874; Lizzie Frances, b. December 14, 1876, d. December
13, 1916; Wilbur Lincoln, b. April 6, 1887 (B.M.E., Univ. of Michigan,
1912) ; Walter Benton, b. January 5, 1889 (B.E.E., Univ. of Michigan,
Address : 408 Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1872. $. N. 9. Born December 15,
1847, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brother of No. 1350.
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1869-72. Methodist Episcopal
minister. New York and Newark Conferences, 1872-1910. Super-
numerary, 1910. Died December 16, 1911, Ocean Grove, N. J.
Married December 25, 1879, Emily F. Ludington, of Carmel, N. Y.
Children: Elsie Miriam, b. October 3, 1880; George Irvin, b. September
14, 1881 (B.A., Yale, 1904) ; Albert Angell, b. December 10, 1882 (B.A.,
Cornell Univ., 1906) ; Edward Ludington, b. March 29, 1887, d. Decem-
ber 31, 1889; Harold King, b. July 28, 1890 (class of 1913)-
885. *ALDEN FITZROY CHASE. B.A. ; M.A., 1872; Ph.D.,
Colby College, 1886. ^. N. O. *. B. K. Born October 26, 1842, Wood-
stock, Me. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died October 21, 1898, Kents
Hill, Me.
886. ^NATHAN GILBERT CHENEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1872; B.D.,
Methodist General Biblical Institute, 1866. ^. T. Born September 29,
1840, Weston, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died September
23, 1904, Brooklyn, N. Y.
887. WILBUR FISK CRAFTS. B.A.; M.A., 1872; B.D., Boston
University, 1872 ; Ph.D., Marietta College, 1896. A. A. *. Born January
12, 1850, Fryeburg, Me. Brother of Nos. 950 and 1346, and of F. H.
Crafts (class of 1871).
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1869-72. Methodist
Episcopal minister. New England, New Hampshire, New England
Southern, and Rock River Conferences, 1870-80. Pastor of Congrega-
tional Church of Christian Endeavor, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1880-83; First
Union Presbyterian Church, New York, 1883-88. Founder and field
secretary of the American Sabbath Union, 1888-91. Chairman, World's
Fair Sabbath Closing Committee, 1893. Secretary of various reform
societies, 1889 . Founded International Reform Bureau, 1895 ; super-
intendent of the same, 1895 • Chairman of delegates of U. S.
Government to 12th International Congress on Alcoholism, 191 1.
Author : The Sabbath for Man; Successful Men of To-day; Princeton
Lectures on Practical Christian Sociology; forty other books on religious
and reform topics. Editor : The Christian Statesman, 1901-03 ; Twen-
tieth Century Quarterly, 1905 . Wrote Sunday-School lessons for
fourteen and b. half 3'-ears for The Chri^^tian Herald.
Married May i, 1874, Sara J. Timanus, of New York, N. Y.
Address: 206 Pennsylvania Ave., S.E., Washington, D. C.
888. CHARLES PITMAN CROFT. B.A.; M.A., 1872. $. N. e.
Born September 29, 1844, Putnam Valley, N. Y.
Preached in M. E. Church, Simsbury, Conn., 1869-71. Acting pastor
of Congregational Church, Avon, Conn., 1872-74. Pastor of Congrega-
tional Church, Hartford, Conn., 1874-76; Torrington, 1876-80; Water-
town, 1880-82; Terre Haute, Ind., 1882-85. Residing in Simsbury, Conn.,
preaching most of the time, 1885 .
Married April 19, 1871, Julia Mather, of Simsbury, Conn.
Address : Weatogue, Conn.
889. *JOHN RUSSELL CUSHING. B.A. ; M.A., 1872. A. K. E.
Born January 4, 1838, Epping, N. H. Brother of No. 976. Methodist
Episcopal minister. Died February 7, 1906, Newton Lower Falls, Mass.
890. *EDSON WARBURTON DAVIS. B.A.; M.A., 1872.
A. A. <l>. Born March i, 1842, Albany, Vt. Lawyer. Died December
12, 1903, Torrington, Conn.
891. *JOHN SAMUEL GREENFIELD. B.A. ^. T. Born August
15, 1846, Cincinnati, Ohio. Druggist. Died September 5, 1870, Meriden,
892. HORATIO NELSON HALL. B.A.; M.A., 1872. Born
September 29, 1839, North Groton, N. H.
Served in 15th N. H. Volunteers, 1862-63. Traveled and preached in
Michigan, 1869-70. Methodist Episcopal minister, Michigan Conference,
1870-78, Located; preached at Tilsonburg, Ont, Canada, 1878-79.
Engaged in teaching and farming, occasionally preaching, in Hersey,
Mich., 1879 .
Married August 29, 1871, Nancy Turner, of Ingersoll, Ont, Canada.
Children: Hale Pliny, b. Alay 3, 1875; Floyd Alexander, b. May 6,
1877; Truman Roy, b. March 24, 1883; Blanche Irene, b. August 6, 1888.
Address: F. R. D. i, Hersey, Mich.
893. *SAMUEL EMERY HOLDEN. B.A. ; M.A., 1872. A. A. *.
Born February 3, 1845, West Concord, N. H. Brother of B. F. Holden
(class of 1865). Manufacturer. Died December 31, 1900, Altruria, Cal.
894. *ALBERT GILLETT JEPSON. B.A.; M.A., 1872; Ph.D.,
Little Rock University, 1888. A, A. *. Born June 21, 1842, Hammond,
N. Y. College professor. Died February 23, 1900, East St. Louis, 111.
^. T. Born February 7, 1848, Dover, N. H. Teacher of elocution.
Died February 3, 1905, Boston, Mass.
89G. *TAMERLANE PLINY MARSH. B.A. ; M.A., 1872; D.D.,
Mount Union College, 1888; LL.D., Allegheny College, 1893. ■^. T.
*. B. K. Born July 30, 1845, Orland, Ind. College president. Died
July 22, 1903, Flushing, Ohio.
897. *DAVID EUGENE MILLER. B.A.; M.A., 1872. A. A. #.
Born April 5, 1842, Webster, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine
Conferences, 1869-1913. Superintendent of schools, St. Johnsbury, Vt,
1875-77; Brattleboro, 1880; Waterbury, 1884. Died A'ugust 13, 1913,
Concord, N. H.
Married June 8, 187 1, Adelaide L. Gleason, of Thetford, Vt, who died
May 4, 1906.
898. ALFRED NOON. B.A. ; M.A., 1872; Ph.D., McKendree
College, 1890. A. A. *. Born December 8, 1845, Elstead, Surrey,
Served in 426. Mass. Volunteers, 1864. Methodist Episcopal minister.
New England, Arkansas, and Des Moines Conferences, 1869-90.
President of Little Rock University, Ark., 1886-88. Assistant secretary,
Massachusetts Total Abstinence Society, 1890-91 ; secretary, 1891-1913.
Stationed at Lunenburg, Mass., 1913-17. Retired, 1917. Recording
secretary and assistant librarian, N. E. Methodist Historical Society,
1919 . Author: History of Ludlozv, Mass., 1874. Editor: The
Temperance Cause, 1890-1913. Compiler: Card Catalogue of ministers
of M. E. Church, 1773-1857.
Married June 29, 1869, Maria Amelia Cook, of Niantic, Conn., who
died May 25, 1879. Married May 17, 1880, Jane Louise Taylor, of
Dunstable, Mass. Children: Mabel Elsie, b. April 16, 1870, d. December
7, 1878; Edith Ruby, b. November 29, 1871 (B.A., Boston Univ., 1894) ;
Philo Gates, b, October 5, 1873 (B.A., Harvard, 1895) ; George Alfred,
b. June 15, 1876, d. November 26, 1878; Oliver Taylor (No. 2555), b.
May 27, 1881, d. May 28, 1917; Helen Fay, b. March 22, 1886 (B.S.,
Simmons College, 1907), m. Rev. E. A. Leslie; Raymond Wesley, b.
November 22, 1888; John Eliot, b. January 27, 1891 (B.S., University of
Illinois, 1914) ; James Arthur, b. January 27, 1891 (B.A., University of
Illinois, 1913).
Address : 24 Henry St., Everett, Mass.
899. FRANK EDWARD PORTER. B.A.; M.A., 1872; M.D.,
Harvard University, 1873. <ir. T. Born August 28, 1844, Scituate, Mass.
Brother of No. 987.
Studied in Harvard Medical School, 1869-72. Interne in Massachusetts
General Hospital, Boston, 1872-73. Studied medicine and traveled in
Europe, 1873-75. Practising medicine in Auburndale, Mass., 1875 .
Visiting physician, Newton Hospital, 1886-1906; senior visiting surgeon.
1906-10; consulting surgeon, 1910-20. Trustee of Newton Hospital,
1901-20. Author: Influenza (Harvard Medical Library).
Married October 14, 1875, Christine Washburn Taylor, of East Boston,
Address : Auburndale, Mass.
900. *J[OHN] HALE POWERS. B.A.; M.A., 1872. ^. T.
<E>. B. K. Born November i, 1840, West Newbury, Vt Publisher.
Died September 26, 1877, Cincinnati, Ohio.
901. GEORGE EDWARD REED. B.A.; M.A., 1872; D.D., 1885;
LL.D., Lafayette College, 1889. ^. T. Born March 28, 1846, Brown-
ville. Me.
Studied in Boston Theological Seminary, 1869-70. Methodist Epis-
copal minister, New England Southern and New York East Conferences,
1870-89. President of Dickinson College, 1889-1911. Stationed at
Grace Church, Wilmington, Del., 1911-15- State Librarian of Pennsyl-
vania, 1898-1902. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1896.
Married June 20. 1870, Ella Frances Leffingwell, of Norwich, Conn.
Child: George Leffingwell, b. February 4, 1885 (B.A., Dickinson, 1904).
Address : 2139 N. Second St., Harrisburg, Pa.
A. A. *. Born November 14, 1845, Steuben, N. Y. Presbyterian
minister. Died October i, 1893, Mount Clemens, Mich.
1869-70] GRADUATES.
903. *HENRY ALANSON STARKS. B.A.; M.A, 1872; D.D.,
1890. ^I'. T. *. B. K. Born August 6, 1846, Troy, N. Y.
Studied in Union Theological Seminary, 1869-71 ; School of Theology,
Boston University, 1871-72. Methodist Episcopal minister, Troy and
New York East Conferences, 1872-95. Supernumerary; traveled in
Europe, 1895-96. Lecturer on Ethics and Evidences of Christianity,
Wesleyan University, 1896-98 ; on the Bible and Evidences of Chris-
tianity, 1898-99. Financial secretary of Wesleyan University, 1900-01.
Superannuated, 1907-17. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1886-92.
Died August 22, 1917, New York, N. Y.
Married June i, 1875, Harriet Ellena Akin, of Troy, N. Y. Children :
Edson Akin, b. June 25, 1876; Elizabeth, b. March 31, 1880.
904. *ALBERT AURELIUS TYLFR. B.A. ; M.A., 1872. A. A. $.
Born July 5, 1832, Haddam, Conn. Lawyer. Died August 23, 1908,
Holyoke, Mass.
905. *JOSEPH DAME WEEKS. B.A.; M.A., 1872; LL.D.,
Allegheny College, 1888. ^. T. *. B. K. Born December 3, 1840,
Lowell, Mass. Journalist. Died December 26, 1896, Pittsburgh, Pa.
L.H.D., Dickinson College, 1892; LL.D., Wesleyan, 1919. >P. T. ^. B. K.
Born January 18, 1847, Uncasville, Conn.
Librarian of Wesleyan University, 1869-85; Professor of Rhetoric
and English Literature, 1873-90; of English Literature, 1890-1920.
Traveled and studied in Europe, 1880-81. Member, Committee of Revi-
sion, Methodist Hymnal, 1904. Author: Five Short Courses of Reading,
1892, 1900; Some Principles of Literary Criticism, 1899; The Life of
John Wesley, 1905; A Group of English Essayists, 1910. Editor:
Wesleyan University Alumni Record, 1873; Addison's Roger de Coverley
Papers, 1904; The Athencrum Press Series (with Professor G. L. Kit-
tredge). Died March 24, 1920, Middletown, Conn.
Married December 25, 1872, Julia Stackpole Smith, of Middletown,
Conn., who died June 25, 1877. Married April 2, 1880, Alice Goodwin
Smith, of Middletown, Conn. Child: Julian Caleb, b. June 23, 1877.
907. *HARVEY WOODWARD. B.A.; M.A., 1872. A. A. $.
*. B. K. Born July 18, 1841, Gilsum, N. H. Methodist Episcopal, later
Congregational, minister. Died April 10, 1902, Natick, Mass.
CLASS OF 1870.
908. DARIUS BAKER. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A., 1873; LL.D., 1906.
'^. T. 4>. B. K. Born January 18, 1845, South Yarmouth, Mass.
Served in 5th Mass. Volunteers, 1862-63. Taught in Chamberlain
Institute, Randolph, N. Y., 1870-72. Tutor in Latin in Wesleyan Uni-
versity, 1872-74. Practised law in Newport, R. I., 1875-1905. Judge of
probate, city of Newport, R. I., 1877-98. Trial justice of the Justice
Court of Newport, R. I., 1879-86. Justice of the District Court of the
First Judicial District of Rhode Island, 1886-1905. Associate justice
of the Superior Court of the State of Rhode Island, 1905-12; of the
Supreme Court of the State of Rhode Island, 1913-19. Resigned,
1919. Chairman, Rhode Island Commission, appointed to act with Massa-
chusetts Survey Commission to determine the boundaries of the two
states, 1879-99. Member, school committee of Newport, 1877-83;
chairman, 1879-83. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1887- 1912.
Married October 30, 1878, Annie Barker, of Providence, R. I., who died
October 7, 1886. Married October 8, 1891, Bertha Alicia Neales, of
Woodstock, N. B., Canada. Children: Hugh Barkly, b. June 17, 1882
(B.A., Harvard, 1903) ; George Yelverton, b. September 26, 1886 (B.S.,
Harvard, 1910), d. April 15, 1915; Dorothy Neales, b. April 19, 1893
(B.S., Simmons, 1915), m. Guy R. Jacobs; Alfred Colebrook, b.
August 30, 1894; Margaret Medley, b. July 31, 1901.
Address: 40 Cranston Ave., Newport, R. I.
909. *FREDERIC WILCOX CLARKE. B.S. Born May 6, 1851,
Chicago, 111.
City surveyor, Middletown, Conn., 1870-72. Civil engineer, Chicago,
111. ; chief engineer, Chicago Transfer Railway Company, 1872-74.
Engineer-in-chief of Calumet Drainage Works, 1874-77. Engaged in
the manufacture and sale of leather in Chicago, 111., and Boston, Mass.,
1879-1918. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1904-18. Died June 4,
1918, Brookline, Mass.
Married June, 1877, Charlotte Sharp, of Chicago, 111. Children:
Edythe, b. 1880 (B.A., Bryn Mawr, 1903), m. Dr. A. W. Fairbanks;
Charlotte, b. 1882, m. C. O. Zerrahn; Stanley, b. 1884 (B.A., Harvard,
1907) ; Elysabeth, b. 1894.
910. *ISAAC NEWTON CLEMENTS. B.A.; M.A., 1873; M.A.
(ad eundem), Syracuse University, 1887. A. K. E. *. B. K. Born
January 2, 1841, Draycutt, near Wells, Somersetshire, England.
Served in I22d N. Y. Volunteers, 1862-64. Taught in Chamberlain
Institute, Randolph, N. Y., 1870-73 ; Central New York (now Cazenovia)
Seminary, N. Y., 1873-82. Joined Central New York Conference, M. E.
Church, 1878. Vice-president, Cazenovia Seminary, N. Y., 1882-84;
president, 1884-96; president emeritus, 1896-1917. In the insurance busi-
ness, 1901-17. School commissioner, Second District, Madison County,
N. Y., 1902-08. Trustee of Cazenovia Seminary. Died July 30, 1917,
Cazenovia, N. Y.
Married July 10, 1872, Abbie Smith (sister of No. 939), of East
Bridgewater, Mass., who died July 9, 1876. Married March 8, 1881,
Harriet Cordelia Alvord, of Cazenovia, N. Y. Child: Theron Alvord
(No. 2532), b. August 29, 1883.
911. *WILLIAM EASTMAN DWIGHT. B.A. ; M.A., 1873;
D.D., Boston University, 1873. *. N. 8. Born June 10, 1847, Chelsea,
Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died March i, 1905, Boston,
A. A. ^. Born October 5, 1847, West Troy (now Watervliet), N. Y.
In an architect's office, Albany, N. Y., 1870-77. Architect in Rutland,
Vt, 1877-80; Albany, N. Y., 1880-90. In the general manager's office,
National Express Company, Albany, N. Y., 1890-1903. In the state
architect's office, Albany, 1903-14. Died August 9, 1914, Albany, N. Y.
Married June 5, 1877, Anna Louise Jenkins, of Albany, N. Y.
913. JOHN HESSIE EMERSON. B.A.; M.A, 1873. A. A. #.
Born March 19, 1845, Westboro, Mass, Brother of No. 1042.
Vice-principal of High School, Middletown, Conn., 1870-71. Studied
in School of Theology, Boston University, 1871-74. Methodist Episcopal
minister, New England and New Hampshire Conferences, 1874-1902.
Retired, 1902.
Married November 6, 1879, Adelaide Maria Collyer, of Lowell, Mass.,
who died July, 1918. Children : Grace Collyer, b. November 6, 1881 ;
Bertha Metcalf, b. June 26, 1887.
Address : 14 Park Drive, Brookline, Mass.
914. *LEON CHESTER FIELD. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A., 1873.
^. T. $. B. K. Born February 7, 1847, Southbridge, Mass. Methodist
Episcopal minister. Died April 17, 1885, Marlow, N. H.
D.D., Little Rock University, 1887. A. A. $. <l>. B. K. Born February
3, 1846, Boston, Mass.
Served in 4th Unattached Co., Mass. Volunteers, 1864. Methodist
Episcopal minister, New York East and New England Southern Confer-
ences, 1870-89. Presiding Elder of New Bedford District, 1887-89.
President of Lawrence University, 1889-93. Principal of Maine Wes-
leyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1893-97. Associate principal of Lasell
Seminary, Auburndale, Mass., 1897- 1901. President, National Training
School for Missionaries and Deaconesses, Washington, D. C, 1901-08;
Maryland College for Women, Lutherville, Md., 1908-16. Chaplain,
Department of the Potomac, G. A. R., 1905-08. Delegate to General
Conference, M. E. Church, 1888, '92. Trustee of Wesleyan University,
1896-99. Died December 13, 1916, Lutherville, Md.
Married September 13, 1876, Emily Eliza Hubbard, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
who died May 13, 1890. Married August 21, 1893, Evangeline Corscaden,
of Providence, R. L Child : Ethel Louise, b. November 13, 1882.
916. *BENJAMIN GILL. B.A.; M.A, 1873; D.D., 1904. ^. T.
*. B. K. Born July 11, 1843, Holmfirth, Yorkshire, England.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New England Conference, 1870-71.
Taught in Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1872-92, Professor
of Latin, Pennsylvania State College, 1892-95; of Latin and Greek,
1895-1912; Dean of the School of Language and Literature, 1895-1908;
Preacher, 1899-1906; Chaplain, 1906-12, Died February 11, 1912, Balti-
more, Md.
Married April 26, 1870, Lucy Eleanor Whitman, of Newton, Mass.,
who died September 30, 1897. Married June 19, 1907, Ellen Urania
Clark (daughter of No. 433). Children: Kitty Eleanor, b. November
23, 1871, m. B. S. Annis; Josephine Amelia, b. November 19, 1873, ^•
E. W. Oliver; Arthur Benjamin, b. December 16, 1878; Helen Louise,
b. June 10, 1 88 1, m. Edward Hanscom.
917. *G[EORGE] BROWN GOODE. B.A.; M.A, 1873; LL.D.,
1888. ^. N. e. $. B. K. Born February 13, 1851, New Albany, Ind.
Scientist Died September 6, 1896, Washington, D. C.
A, K, E. Born December 16, 1847, Philadelphia, Pa. Brother of No.
1215, and of E. "E. Hamilton (class of 1879).
Engaged in the manufacture of paper, Philadelphia, Pa., 1870 .
Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1880-87.
Married November 13, 1873, Ohvia Garret Phillips, of Philadelphia, Pa.
Children: Agnes Irvie, b. July 10, 1874; Rebecca Elizabeth, b. July 4,
1875; Charles Lacey, b. October 13, 1876; Lillian Olivia, b. August 4,
1880; Phillips Kay, b. June 10, 1882.
Address: William Penn P. O., Montgomery Co., Pa.
919. *SAMUEL PARKER HAMMOND. B.A.; M.A., 1873;
D.D., Taylor University, 1891. ^. T. Born March 4, 1846, Brooklyn,
N. Y.
Taught in Passaic Institute, N. J., 1870-73. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Newark Conference, 1871-1905. Presiding Elder of Paterson
District, 1888-94; Newark District, 1894-1900. President and agent of
Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, 1905-08. Supernum-
erary, 1909-17. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1892.
Died January 22, 1917, Atlantic Highlands, N. J.
Married January 8, 1874, Emma Louise Crasto, of New York, N. Y.,
who died August 16, 1881. Married October 10, 1883, Charlotte Irene
Green, of Nyack, N. Y. Children: Caroline Augusta, b. June 13, 1876;
Franklin Parker, b. June 16, 1878.
920. *DAVID HENRY HANABURGH. B.A.; M.A., 1873;
S.T.D., Syracuse University, 1902. $. N. 6. ^. B. K. Born November
ID, 1839, Rhinebeck, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister; president of
Drew Ladies' Seminary. Died December 5, 1907, Carmel, N. Y.
western University, 1872; M,A., Wesleyan, 1875. ^. N. 9. <l>. B. K.
Born February 20, 1849, New York, N. Y. Professor of Chemistry.
Died November 11, 1909, Chicago, 111.
A. K. E. Born March 21, 1843, Messina, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal
minister, later school principal. Died August 6, 1903, Potsdam, N. Y.
*. N. e. Born April 8, 1848, Boston, Mass. Journalist, and in business.
Died October 6, 1878, Brooklyn, N. Y.
924. *EBENEZER HILL. B.A. ; M.A., 1891. $. N. 0. ^. B. K.
Born October 15, 1849, Norwalk, Conn. Brother of M. A. Hill (class
of 1864).
Assistant superintendent of Norwalk Iron Works, 1870-71 ; secretary,
1871-73; vice-president, 1873-81; general manager, 1881-1915. Vice-
president, National Bank of Norwalk, 1880-82; president, 1882-1915.
Died February 26, 1915, Norwalk, Conn.
Married June 4, 1874, Julia W. Delliker, of Danbury, Conn., who died
April, 1885. Children : Ebenezer, b. February 22, 1875 ; Julia Dellicker,
b. September 29, 1876, m. Granville Whittlesey; Ella Laura, m. Roger
S. Fitch.
925. *EDWIN JENKINS HOWE. B.A.; M.D., Columbia Uni-
versity, 1873, and New York Homoeopathic Medical College, 1873 ; M.A.,
Wesleyan, 1878. $. N. G. Born July 2, 1849, Orange, N. J. Physician.
Died March 15, 1905, Newark, N. J,
April 3, 1851, Middletown, Conn. Son of Professor John Johnston;
brother of Nos. 563, 696, and 741.
Engaged in the manufacture of dentists' materials, New York, N. Y.,
1870-81. Superintendent, S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Company,
Prince Bay, N. Y., 1881-1920. Trustee of the same company, 1906-20.
Died January 14, 1920, New York, N. Y.
Married February 12, 1883, Minnie A. Morris, of Stapleton, N. Y.
Children: William Armour (No. 2547), b. May 6, 1884; Minnie Elise, b.
October 16, 1886 (B.A., Wellesley, 1908).
927. *GEORGE HA.RRISON McGREW. B.A.; M.A., 1873;
LL.B., Harvard University, 1873; B.D., Drew Theological Seminary,
1876; D.D., Wesleyan, 1891. ^. T. $. B. K. Born May 19, 1846,
Kingwood, W. Va.
Served as scout in U. S. Army, 1863. Entered Wesleyan University
(with the class of 1869), 1865. In poor health; out of college, 1866-^.
Acting cashier of the National Bank of Kingwood, W. Va., 1870-71.
Studied in Harvard Law School, 1871-73. Practised law in Kingwood,
W. Va., 1873-74. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1874-75.
Methodist Episcopal minister, North India, New York, and New York
East Conferences, 1875-92. Withdrew from the conference and united
with the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1892. Assistant in St. Bartholo-
mew's parish. New York, N. Y., 1892-97. Rector, St. Paul's Church,
Cleveland, Ohio, 1897-1906; Silver Spring, Md., 1907-17. President,
archdeaconry of Washington. Author: Outlines of Systematic Theol-
ogy (in Hindustani), three editions; Old Testament History; History
of the Apostolic Church, etc. Died August 15, 1917, Morgantown,
W. Va.
Married September 11, 1876, Anna Julia Lore, M.D. Children:
James Clark, b. June 26, 1877; Elizabeth Lore, b. November 17, 1878,
m. Everett Kimball; Dallas Dayton Lore, b. August 20, 1881.
928. *HOWARD AUGUSTUS McKENNY. B.A.; M.A., 1873.
<ir. T. ^. B. K. Born July 15, 1848, Gorham, Me. Government official.
Died November 2, 1908, Gorham, Me.
929. GEORGE PRESTON MAINS. B.A.; M.A., 1873; D.D.,
1889, and Syracuse University, 1889; LL.D., 1914. A. A. ^. #. B. K.
Born August 7, 1844, Newport, N. Y.
In the U. S. Navy, on steamer Valley City, 1864-65. Methodist Epis-
copal minister. New York East Conference, 1870-92. Presiding Elder,
New York East District, 1884-85. Superintendent, M. E. Hospital,
Brooklyn, N. Y.. 1885-86. Superintendent, Brooklyn Church Society,
1892-96. Agent, Methodist Book Concern, New York, N. Y., 1896-1916.
Retired, 1916. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1888,
'92, '96, 1900, '04, 'g8, '12. Trustee of Syracuse University, 1897-1903.
Author: Life of Francis Asbury, 1909; Modern Thought and
Traditional Faith, 1911; Divine Inspiration, 1915; Life of James
Monroe Buckley, 1917 ; Premillenialism, 1919, etc.
Married August 4, 1870. Mary Amelia Curtiss, of Mexico, N. Y., who
died June 15, 1907. Married December 9, 1909, Mary Kirkwood Calder,
of Harrisburg, Pa. Qiildren : William Curtiss, b. September 3, 1871
(B.A., New York Univ., 1892), d. January 2Z, 1909; Jessie May, b.
May 17, 1875 (Ph.B., Syracuse, 1896), m. A. E. Strong, M.D.; Mary
Pearl, b. April 21, 1883, m. C. L. Howland.
Address : 319 N. Front St., Harrisburg, Pa.
930. VIRGIL WADHAMS MATTOON. B.A. ; M.A., 1873; B.D.,
Boston University, 1873. *• N. 9. Born March 2, 1842, Vienna, N. Y.
Served in 24th N. Y. Volunteers, 1861-63. Studied in School of
Theology, Boston University, 1870-73. Methodist Episcopal minister,
New England Southern and Central New York Conferences, 1872-1910.
Superannuated, 1910.
Married April 2, 1873, Mary F. Reed, of Cortland, N. Y. Children:
Florence Amanda, b. July ^j, 1874; Wilbur Reed (No. 2092), b.
August 14, 1875; Howard Virgil (No. 2158), b. January 6, 1877.
Address : Horseheads, N. Y.
931. *WILLIAM LEE MILLER. B.A.; M.A., 1873. $. N. 9.
Born August 22, 1848, Springfield, Mass. School principal. Died Sep-
tember 2^, 1878, Westboro, Mass.
932. *HENRY GLEASON NEWTON. B.A.; LL.B., Yale Uni-
versity, 1872; M.A., Wesle3^an, 1873. $. N. 9. $. B. K. Born June 5,
1843, Durham, Conn.
Studied in Yale Law School, 1870-72. Practised law in New Haven,
Conn., 1872-1914. Member of Connecticut House of Representatives,
1885, '95. Referee in Bankruptcy, 1898-1914. Member, State Board of
Health, 1896-1905. President, People's Bank and Trust Company, New
Haven, Conn., 1907-09, Author: Probate Law in Connecticut; article
on Bankruptcy (Encyclopcedia Britannica) ; History of Durham. Died
March 21, 1914, New Haven, Conn.
Married September 11, 1885, Sarah Allen Baldwin, M.D., of Cromwell,
933. ABRAHAM JOHN PALMER. B.A.; M.A., 1873; D.D.,
Syracuse University, and Allegheny College, 1885. A. K. E. Born Janu-
ary 18, 1847, Frenchtown, N. J. Brother of No. 1187.
Served in 48th N. Y. Volunteers, 1861-64. Methodist Episcopal minis-
ter, Newark, New York, and New York East Conferences, 1871-1909.
Presiding Elder of New York District, 1887-92. Corresponding secre-
tary. Missionary Society, 1896-1961. Presiding Elder, Newburgh Dis-
trict, 1901-05; Poughkeepsie District, 1905-08. Corresponding secretary,
New York Conference Commission on Annuities and Vested Funds,
1909-15. Secretary, Ocean Grove Association, 1915-19. Secretary of
Annuities, Board of Foreign Missions, 1Q19 . Trustee of American
University, 1900 ; of Wesleyan University, 1908 . Senator,
State of New York, 1913-14. Author: History of the 48th N. Y.
Volunteers; A Pilgrimage of Patriotism. Editor: World-Wide
Married October 13, 1874, Emma T. Lacy, of Jersey City, N. J., who
died April 7, 1919. (Children: Agnes, b. April 13, 1876, d. April 16,
1879; Helen, b. November 25. 1878, m. W. L. Andrus (No. 1735);
Dudley Baldwin (No. 2225), b. January 19, 1880; Gerald Andrus, b.
June 17, 1888 (class of 1910), d. October 26, 1909; John Leonard, b.
November 4, 1895 (class of 1918).
Address : Milton-on-Hudson, N. Y.
934. GEORGE TOWNLEY PARROT. B.A. ; M.A., 1873. *. N. 9.
Born December 17, i8d6, New Providence, N. J.
Studied law in Elizabeth, N. J., 1870-73. Practising law in Elizabeth,
N. J., 1873 . Member of New Jersey House of Assembly, 1881-82.
Surrogate of Union County, 1887 . Member of commission to revise
New Jersey laws relating to probate, etc., 1898.
Married October 8, 1874, Ella B. Tichenor, of Irvington, N. J. Chil-
dren : Helen King, b. February 20, 1877, m. C. A. Van Orden, D.D.S. ;
Raymond Townley, b. March 15, 1880 (B.A., Princeton, 1902) ; Grace
Adelia, b. May 13, 1883 (B.A., Vassar, 1905), m. C. B. Keeney, M.D.;
Ethel Antoinette, b. March 5, 1887.
Address: Elizabeth, N. J.
935. WILLIAM HENRY PETERS. B.A.; B.D., Boston Univer-
sity, 1873. *. N. e. Born March 18, 1848, Beekmanville, N. Y.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1870-73. Preached
in M. E. Church, New England Village, Mass., 1871-73; Bloomville,
N. Y., 1873-74; Charlotteville, 1874-76. Methodist Episcopal minister,
New York Conference, 1876-1916. Retired, 1916.
Address : Copake Falls, N. Y.
936. *EDWARD HYDE RICE. B.A.; M.A., 1873. ^. N. e.
Born October 27, 1848, Boston, Mass. Brother of Nos. 813, 988, and
1233. School principal and college professor. Died May 9, 1895, Spring-
field, Mass.
937. *ALFRED SEELYE ROE. B.A. ; M.A., 1873. A. A. ^.
Born June 8, 1844, Rose, N. Y. Brother of G. M. Roe (class of 1874),
and of C. M. Roe (class of 1881).
Served in 9th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, 1864-65. Principal of High
School, Ashland, Mass., 1870-75. Taught in High School, Worcester,
Mass., 1875-80; principal of the same, 1880-90. Editor and publisher
.of Light, Worcester, Mass., 1891-92. Representative in Massachusetts
Legislature, 1892-95 ; state senator, 1896-98. Editor, Worcester Maga-
zine, 1901-03. Supervisor of Evening Schools, Worcester, 1902-17.
Author: Histories of Rose, N. Y., Worcester (Mass.) High School,
Worcester Y. M. C. A., Worcester in the Spanish War, 9th New York
Heavy Artillery, 24th Mass. Regiment, etc. Editor : Worcester
Light; Worcester Magazine. Died January 6, 1917, Worcester, Mass.
Married June 22, 1874, Nora A. Metcalf, of Ashland, Mass., who died
February i, 1910. Children: Addie Estelle, b. April 6, 1875, d. Febru-
ary 24, 1878; Annabel C, b. September 3. 1879 (B.A., Mount Holyoke,
1901) ; Delos Metcalf, b. January 8, 1883, d. May 28, 1892; Harriet
Eudora, b. June 5, 1885 (B.A., Mount Holyoke, 1907).
♦CHARLES EDSON SEAVER. B.A. Born December 25,
1843, Worcester, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died November
6, 1881, Holyoke, Mass.
939. *RICHARD WATSON SMITH. B.A. ; M.A., 1873. A. K. E.
Born May 16, 1846, near Richmond, Ky.
Taught in State Normal School, Peru, Neb., 1870-71 ; English and
Classical School, Providence, R. I., 1871-89. At home, in poor health,
1890-92. President and manager, Wallum Pond Ice Company, Provi-
dence, R. I., 1892-96. Principal, Hoyt School, East Providence, R. I.,
1896-97; Oxford Grammar School, Providence, R. I., 1897-98; Broad
St. Grammar School, Providence, R. I., 1898-1912. Engaged in farming,
1912-20. Died December 3, 1920, Barrington, R. I.
Married September 6, 1871. Georgianna Skillings, of East Bridgewater,
Mass., who died July 26, 1883. Married April 19, 1894, Emily Phebe
Wilbur, of Providence, R. I., who died July 26, 1912. Children:
Richard Edwin, b. July 22, 1872; Margaret Augusta, b. April 20, 1874, d.
July, 1874; Margaret Gertrude, b. September 11, 1878, m. C. E. Ridg-
way, who died, m. Louis I. Andrews ; William Percy, b. June 14, 1881 ;
Georgianna, b. April 11, 1883.
940. WILLIAM JONATHAN SMITH. B.A. ; M.A., 1873. ^. T.
Born November 3, 1842, Middletown, R. I.
Preached in M. E. Church, Higganum, Conn., 1868-71. Methodist
Episcopal minister, New England Southern Conference, 1871 .
Married December 21, 1871, Mary Abbie Harris, of Pawtucket, R. I.
Child : Beatrice Mary, b. January 28, 1877.
Address: Bridgeton, R. I.
941. *JOSEPH B. THOMAS. B.A. A. A. $. Born January 20,
1849, Philadelphia, Pa. In business. Died August 4, 1909, New York,
N. Y.
M.D., New York University, 1879. ^- Tf"- Born October 8, 1843, Homer,
N. Y.
Served in Co. D, 157th N. Y. Volunteers, 1862-64. Taught in Wayzata,
Minn., 1870-71. Traveling agent, Cromwell, Conn., 1871-72. Superin-
tendent of a toy manufacturing company, Cromwell, Conn., 1872-73.
Taught in Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, N. Y., 1 874-77- Studied
in Medical Department, New York University, 1877-79. Practised medi-
cine in New York, N. Y., 1879-80; Fort Edward, N. Y., 1880-99; Mount
Vernon, N. Y., 1899 .
Married September 15. 1870, Belle A. Stevens, of Cromwell, Conn.,
who died October 27, 1871. Married December 13, 1872, Mary Ellen
King (daughter of No. 316), of Fort Edward, N. Y., who died February
13, 1879. Married July 5, 1883, Helena Lucy Davis, of New York, N. Y.
Children: Fannie Ella,-b. August 12, 1871 ; Grace, b. December 12,
1873, d. January 12, 1874; Joseph King (No. 1870), b. November 29,
1874 ; Marie Gertrude, b. November 7, 1886 ; John Wallace, b. December
14, 1888.
Address : 107 Union Ave., Mount Vernon, N. Y.
943. JOHN BENEDICT WELCH. B.A.; M.A., 1873. A. K. E.
Born April 15. 1843.
Taught in Episcopal Academy, Cheshire, Conn., 1870-72. Principal
of High School, Willimantic, Conn., 1872-84; Westfield, Mass., 1884-87;
Pittsfield, Mass., 1887-91 ; McCollum Institute, Mount Vernon, N. H.,
1891-96; University Military Academy, Columbia, Mo., 1896 .
Married December 2, 1872, Sarah Louisa Hubbard, of Cromwell,
Conn. Children : Catherine Ventres, b. March 28, 1876 ; Austin Hub-
bard, b. June 12, 1879 (M.E., Univ. of Missouri, 1904) ; Howard, b.
November 15, 1881 (B.A., Univ. of Missouri, 1903) ; John Gunn, b.
January 25, 1885 (B.A., Univ. of Missouri, 1903).
Address: Columbia, Mo.
944. *JOSEPH KENNARD WELLS. B.A. ; M.A., 1873. ^. T.
4». B. K. Born December 11, 1849, Vincentown, N. J. Lawyer. Died
January 28, 1885, Pembroke, N. J.
945. JOHN STRANGE WOOD. B.A. ; M.D., Northwestern Uni-
versity, 1872; M.A., Wesleyan, 1876. $. N. 0. Born May 14, 1846,
Greencastle, Ind. Brother of Nos. 788 and 968.
Studied in Chicago Medical College, 1870-72. House physician, Cook
County Insane Asylum, 111., 1871-72. Practised medicine in Palatine,
111., 1872-73; Evanston, Chicago, and Benserville, 1873-77; Lafayette,
Ind., 1877-79; Buffalo Park, Kans., 1879-81; Chama, N. Mex., 1881-1908.
Retired on account of health, 1908..
Married July 17, 1873, Helen M. Kelsey, of Mount Vernon, Ohio.
Child : Katheryne, b. May 17, 1874.
Address : Long Beach, Cal.
946. *DANIEL STILLMAN ALFORD. B.A. ; M. A., 1874. A. A. ^.
Born October 2, 1848, Riverton, Conn. Lawyer. Died February 22,
1904, Lawrence, Kans.
947. *ELDON BENJAMIN BIRDSEY. B.A. ; LL.B., University
of Albany, 1872. A. A. cE>. Born July 26, 1848, Hamburg, Conn.
Studied in Law School of University of Albany, N. Y., 1871-72.
Practised law in Middletown, Conn., 1872- 191 7. Prosecuting attorney,
City Court, 1879-83. Judge of probate, 1883-93. Died December 6, 1917,
Middletown, Conn.
Married October 23, 1873, Caroline Elizabeth Chase (daughter of
No. I ) , of Middletown, Conn. Children : Frederick, b. March 20,
1875, d. in infancy; Laura Chase, b. March 23, 1878, m. R. R. Renshaw.
948. *BYRON ALDEN BROOKS. B.A.; M.A., 1874. A. A. $.
$. B. K. Born December 12, 1845, Theresa, N. Y.
Principal of Union Free School, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., 1871-72. Assist-
ant editor of The National Quarterly Review, New York, N, Y., 1873.
Engaged in teaching and literary work in New York, N. Y., 1873-1911.
Invented Remington No. 2 typewriter, 1878; the linotype (for auto-
matic type-casting), 1885. President of the Bandotype Company, New
York, N. Y. Autihior: King Saul: a Tragedy, 1876; Those Children
and Their Teachers, 1882; Phil Vernon and His Schoolmasters, 1885;
Earth Revisited, 1893. Died September 28, 191 1, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Married July 17, 1872, Sarah E. Davis (sister of No. 619), of Middle-
town, Conn., who died September 11, 1904. Married May 2, 1906, Ella J.
Ball, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children: Byron Harold, b. January 23, 1878;
Sarah Ethel, b. January 6, 1881, d. August 8, 1881 ; Helen Maria, b.
September 7, 1886.
949. ♦JOHN HARRISON COCAGNE. B.A.; M.A., 1874. Born
June 17, 1848, Delta, N. Y. Teacher. Died January 4, 1887, Gouver-
neur, N. Y.
950. *ALBERT BARNARD CRAFTS. B.A.; M.A., 1874.
A. A. <E>. Born September 4, 1851, Milan, N. H. Brother of Nos. 887
and 1346, and of F. H. Crafts (class of 1871).
Taught in Pine Meadow, Conn., 1871-72. Engaged in business, 1872-73.
Studied law in Westerly, R. I., 1873-75. Practised law in Westerly,
R. I., 1875-1907; Providence, 1907-18. Member of Rhode Island House
of Representatives, 1904-06. Died February 17, 1918, Edgewood, R. I.
Married October i, 1881, Jennie Louise Blake, of Ashaway, R. I., who
died November 19, 1884. Married December 17, 1892, Mary A. Stark,
of Mystic, Conn. Child: Alberta Barnard, b. July 6, 1901.
LL.B., Hamilton College, 1875. A. A. *. Born March 28, 1845, Rush,
Principal of Union High School, Bradford, Vt., 1871-73. Studied law
in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and Bradford, Vt., 1873-74. Principal of graded
school, Susquehanna Depot, Pa., 1874. Superintendent of schools,
Hornellsville, N. Y., 1875. Practised law in Utica, N. Y., 1875-86,
1904 . Special county judge of Oneida County, N. Y., 1886-92.
County judge of Oneida County^ 1892- 1904. Member, New York Con-
stitutional Convention, 1915. Treasurer, New York State League of
Building and Loan Associations, 1885-90; president, 1890. Vice-presi-
dent, Citizen's Trust Company, Utica. Director, Utica Homoeopathic
Married July 9, 1878, Minnie Elizabeth Goodier (daughter of No.
257), of Utica, N. Y., who died December 11, 1904. Married June 2j,
1908, Cora M. Wheeler, of Utica, N. Y. Children: James Sterling, b.
July 15, 1879, d. December 20, 1908; Watson Thomas, b. November 4,
1881 ; Clarissa Treadway, b. April 3, 1883, m. George L Hovey; Russell
Goodier (No. 2674), b. November 28, 1884; Earl William, b. December
7, 1886 (class of 1910) ; Adele, b. December 17, 1888.
Address : 501 Rutger St., Utica, N. Y.
M.A., 1874. ^. '^. ^- B. K. Born February 20, 1844, Haverhill, N. H.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died January 3, 1888, Pasadena, Cal.
953. *THEODORE E. HANCOCK. B.A. {valedic) \^ LL.B.,
Columbia University, 1873; M.A., Syracuse University, 1886; LL.D.,
Wesleyan, 1897. -A.. A. 4>. #. B. K Born May 30, 1847, Fulton, N. Y.
Studied in Columbia Law School, 1871-73. Practised law in Syracuse,
N. Y., 1 873- 191 6. District attorney of Onondaga County, 1889. Attor-
ney-general of New York state, 1894-99. President, Onondaga County
Bar Association, 1903-11. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1907-16.
Died November 19, 1916, Syracuse, N. Y.
Married June 7, 1882, Martha Blanche Connelly, of Pittsburgh, Pa.,
who died in 191 1. Children: Stewart Freeman (No. 2483), b. April 4,
1883; Clarence Eugene (No. 2542), b. February 13, 1885; Martha
Stover, b. July 4, 1892, m. E. M. Eustis (No. 3075).
954. *GEORGE INGRAHAM. B.A. ; LL.B., Columbia University
1873. *. N. e. $. B. K. Born May 10, 1851, Brooklyn, N. Y. Son of
No. 191; brother of No. 1177.
Studied in Columbia Law School, 1871-73. Practised law in Brooklyn
N. Y., 1873-86. Vice-president, Phenix Insurance Company, 1887-1910.
Died May, 1912, Flushing, N. Y.
Married December 16, 1874, Clara R. Crowell, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Child: Mary M., b. February 19, 1880, m. William Widis.
955. *ROBERT WEAVER JONES. B.A.; M.A., 1874. ^. T.
Born October 24, 1839, Bethlehem, Pa. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died December 28, 1905, New York, N. Y.
956. *WATSON ELI KNOX. B.A.; M.A., 1874- ^. T. Born
July 16, 1841, Blandford, Mass. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
July 12, 1902, Feeding Hills, Mass.
957. *JOHN HENRY LOWMAN. B.A. ; M.D., Wooster Uni-
versity, 1873; M.A., Wesleyan, 1874; M.D., Columbia University, 1877.
■^. T. Born October 6, 1849, Cleveland, Ohio.
Studied in Medical Department, Wooster University, Ohio, 1871-73.
Resident physician, Cleveland Charity Hospital, 1872-74; New York
City Hospital, 1874-75. First clinical assistant, MetropoHtan Throat
Hospital, New York, N. Y., 1875. Practised medicine and surgery
(specialties, throat and chest diseases), Cleveland, Ohio, 1875-1918
t Honor shared with E. M. Smith (no salutatory).
Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Wooster University
Medical Department, 1875-80. Professor of the same in Western
Reserve University, 1880-85; Professor of Medicine in the same, 1885-
1918. Visiting physician, Charity Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, 1875-78;
Lakeside Hospital, 1878-1918. Consulting physician in a number of
hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio. Vice-president, International Medical Con-
gress, Rome, Italy, 1895. President, National Tuberculosis Association.
Went to Italy in December, 1918, as head of the first Red Cross Tuber-
culosis Mission. Associate editor: Ohio Medical Recorder, 1881-84.
Died January 23, 1919, New York, N. Y.
Married June 26, 1890, Isabel Wetmore, of Euclid, Ohio. Children:
John Wetmore, b. February 12. 1893; Henry Mather, b. July 8, 1896;
Shepard Wetmore, b. May 22, 1899.
958. JOHN HUNTER MILLER. B.A. A. K. E. Born May 11,
1850, New Rochelle, N. Y.
Studied in Columbia Law School, 1871-73. Practising law in New
York, N. Y., 1873 .
Married Jime 4, 1873, Mary Wells, of New Rochelle, N. Y.
Address : unknown.
959. *GEORGE WATSON NEWTON. B.A. Born December 4,
1845, Durham, Conn. Brother of H. H. Newton (class of 1867).
Employed in U. S. Coast Survey, 1871-73. Engaged in civil engineer-
ing, 1873-80. Engineer on the Kansas & Missouri Railroad, 1880-83.
Leveler and assistant engineer on the Northern Pacific Railroad, 1883-84.
Engaged in farming in Durham, Conn., 1884-1918. Member of Con-
necticut Legislature, 1887. Died November 23, 1918, Durham, Conn.
9G0. ALBERT PEARNE PALMER. B.A. ; M.A., 1874. *• N. 9.
^. B. K. Born February 6, 1846, Cortland, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Southern and Northern
New York Conferences, 1871 . Trustee of Wesleyan University,
1903-13- Author: History of the Methodist Church, Wellfleet, Mass.
Married April 2, 1872. Flora S. Cobb, of Oneonta, N. Y., who died
May 21, 1873. Married March 11, 1875, Mina Morgan, of West Winfield,
N. Y. Children : Hattie Belle, b. May 20, 1873, m- John Gilmore, d. May
9, 1908; Morgan S., b. December 25, 1875 ; Stillman Fairchild, b. Decem-
ber 4, 1881 ; Emily Julia, b. August 24, 1887.
Address : Barneveld, Oneida Co., N. Y.
961. WILBUR FISK POTTER. B.A. A. K. E. Born April 30,
1842, Monson, Mass.
Served in the i6th Mass. Battery, 1864-65. Taught in Bernardston,
Mass., 1871-72; Providence Conference Seminary (now East Greenwich
Academy), R. I., 1872. In the employ of New England Marble Com-
pany, Boston, Mass., 1872; Oriental Oil Company, Boston, 1874-75. In
the insurance business, Springfield, Mass., 1875 .
Address : Box 1586, Springfield, Mass.
962. EDWARD AMASA RANSOM. B.A. ; M.A., 1874. A. A. *.
Born August 16, 1849, Somerville, N. J. Brother of C. A. Ransom
(class of 1879).
Studied law in Jersey City, N. J., 1871-74. Practised law in Jersey
City, N. J., 1874-82. Editor of The Hudson County Ledger, Jersey City,
N. J., 1882-83. On the staff of The New York Tribune and The New
York Times, 1883-90. On the editorial staff of The New York Press,
1890-94. Practised law in Jersey City, N. J., 1890-1906. On the editorial
staff of The New York Morning Advertiser, 1895-96; The Newark
(N. J.) Morning Star, 1903-06; The Knickerbocker Press, Albany,
N. Y., 1 91 2 .
Married December 24, 1874, Jennie Neale (sister of No. 1019), of
Middletown, Conn. Children : Edward Amasa, b. October 25, 1875 ;
Arthur Neale, b. November 4, 1877 i Jennie Neale, b. November 29, 1879,
m. Dr. W. K. Alsop.
Address : Knickerbocker Press, Albany, N. Y.
EDGAR MONCENA SMITH. B.A. (valedic.) ;t M.A.,
1874; D.D., 1887. $. N. e. *. B. K. Born August 4, 1845, Livermore,
Preached in Bristol, R. I., 1871-72. Methodist Episcopal minister, New
England Southern and Central New York Conferences, 1872-82. Tutor
in Mathematics, Wesleyan University, 1872-74. President of Maine
Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1882-93. Principal of Vermont
Methodist Seminary, Montpelier, Vt, 1893-98. President of Illinois
Wesleyan University, 1898-1905. Stationed at Areola, 111,, 1905-06.
Supernumerary, 1906-07. Dean of Carleton College, Mo., IQ08-13;
President, 1913-14. Retired, 1914. Trustee of Wesleyan University,
Married December 23, 1874, Marguerite M. Hauschild, of Metuchen,
N. J. Children: Mae Deering (No. 2122), b. November 18, 1875;
Burchard Hauschild, b. October 19, 1877 (class of 1900) ; Paul, b.
May I, 1883; Marguerite Hauschild, b. July 21, 1884.
Address: 1773 Autumn Ave., Memphis, Tenn.
964. *NORMAN JAIRUS SQUIRES. B.A.; M.A., 1874; B.D.,
Methodist General Biblical Institute, 1865. <ir. T. Born October 5, 1841,
Good Ground, N. Y.
Acting pastor of Central Congregational Church, Portland, Conn.,
1871-72; pastor, 1872-73. Pastor of Congregational Church, North
Manchester, Conn., 1873-81; West Haven, Conn., 1881-1914; Pastor
emeritus, 1914-19. Member of School Board, West Haven (Orange),
1885 ; chairman, 1888. Died May 20, 1919.
Married June 13, 1872, Mary M. Miner, of Greenport, N. Y., who died
July 29, 1914. Children: Norma May, b. December 22, 1874 (B.A.,
Vassar, 1898), m. Henry W. Beer; Annette Clara, b. March 4, 1876;
Delmar Louise, b. June 8, 1880, m. Prof. Frederick E. Pierce; Fred-
eric Norman Miner, b. January 14, 1884.
O.M., Emerson College of Oratory, 1889. Born November 29, 1836,
Milton, N. H. Methodist Episcopal minister, later in business. Died
July 14, 1893, Keene, N. H.
A. A. <!>. a>. B. K. Born August 10, 1845, Benton, N. H.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1871-72. Methodist
Episcopal minister, New England Southern Conference, 1872-81. On the
editorial staff of The Boston Traveller, 1881-83; associate editor, 1883-
85 ; editor-in-chief, 1885-90 ; literary editor and leading editorial writer,
1890-93. Pastor of Centre Church, Maiden, Mass., 1891 ; First Church,
Everett, 1892. Resigned from the ministry, 1896. On the staff of The
Boston Advertiser, 1893-98. Editor and proprietor of The Woodsville
Nezvs, N. H., 1899-1916. Chairman of School Committee, Maiden, Mass.,
t Honor shared with T. E. Hancock (no salutatory).
1871-72] GRADUATES.
1887. Member of New Hampshire Legislature, 1901, '03, '05, '07.
Member of New Hampshire State Library Commission, 1903-12.
Author: John Hurd, 1888; History of Coventry, N. H., 1905; Haver-
hill One Hundred Years Ago, 1909, and other historical works. Joint
editor : New Hampshire Families and Genealogies, three volumes, 1908.
Died May 31, 1918, Woodsville, N. H.
Married December 4, 1872, Jeannette M. Burr, of Middletown, Conn.,
who died September 25, 1894. Married November 4, 1896, Marietta A.
Hadley, of Stoneham, Mass. Child: Burr Royce, b. November 6, 1878
(B.A., Dartmouth, 1902).
967. CLARENCE WILLIAMS. B.A. ; M.A., 1875. $. N. 9.
Born March 18, 1845, St. George, N. B., Canada.
Studied in University of Gottingen, 1871-72; Hanover, Germany,
1872-73; in France, 1873. Clerk and bookkeeper, New York, N. Y.,
1876 .
Married. Children : two.
Address : 42 Warren St., New York, N. Y.
968. JOSEPH RAND WOOD. B.A.; M.A., 1874; S.T.B.,
Boston University, 1875. *. N. 9. Born March 2, 1848, Greencastle, Ind.
Brother of Nos. 788 and 945.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1871-72. Preached
in Congress St. M. E. Church, Lafayette, Ind., 1872-73 ; Brockton, Mass.,
1873-74; Bridgewater, 1874-75. Missionary to South America; stationed
at Rosario de Santa Fe, Argentine Republic, 1875-86. Methodist Epis-
copal minister. Northwest Indiana, New England, and Baltimore Con-
ferences, 1886-1910. Superannuated, 1910. Professor of English Bible
and Vocal Music, Storer College, Harpers Ferry, W. Va., 1904-06.
Supplied Webster Chapel, Baltimore, Md., 1911-13. Taught in Deich-
man's Preparatory School, and in Eaton and Burnell's Business College,
Baltimore, 1913; Steward's Business College, Washington, D. C, 1916;
city high schools, Washington, 1917-18. Translator, War Risk Insurance
Bureau, Washington, 1919-20. Supply on bilingual circuit (English and
Spanish), California, 1920 . Author: History of Exeter M. E.
Church, Baltimore, i/8g-jgo2.
Married November 10, 1875, Susie A. Blodgett, of Holliston, Mass.
Address : Piru, Ventura Co.. Cal.
969. DELOS RICHARD BAKER. B.A. A, A. ^. Born November
18, 1848, East Candor, N. Y.
_0n the editorial staff of The Cincinnati Gazette, Ohio, 1872-73. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister, Cincinnati Conference, 1874-79. Reporter for
The Cincinnati Daily Times, Ohio, 1879-80. Stenographer in Cincinnati,
Ohio, 1880-82. On the editorial staff of The Cincinnati Post, 1882-98.
Retired, 1898.
Married July 20, 1875, Georgianna Beecher, of Bridgeport, Conn.
Children: Ruth Isabel, b. September 20, 1876, m. Harry Leonard;
Charles Newton, b. March 28, 1878, d. January 31, 1906; Caroline, b.
April 9, 1880; Ernest, b. August 14, 1882; Jerome, b. August 28, 1884;
Frederick, b. June i, 1887; Delos Richard, b. May 22, 1892; Theodore
Andri, b. September 21, 1895.
Address : R. D. 2, Delaware, Ohio.
970. ^JOSEPH HENRY BEALE. B.A.; M.A., 1875. A. A. $.
Born May 23, 1842, Truro, Mass. Brother of F. H. Beale (class of
Entered Wesleyan University (with the class of 1866), 1862. Served
with Co. D, 31st Maine Volunteers; promoted to first lieutenant,
1864-65. Methodist Episcopal minister. East Maine and New York East
Conferences, 1868-80. Located, 1880. In business in New Haven, Conn.,
1879-81. On the editorial staff of The Loomis Musical and Masonic
Journal, New Haven, Conn., 1881-84. Preached in East Maine Con-
ference, 1884-90. Editor of subscription books with C. Gay & Co.,
New York, N. Y., 1890-94. Connected with the Five Points Mission;
New York, N. Y., 1894-96. Preached at Augusta, Me., 1896-97. Pastor
of Pearson Mission, Portland, Me., 1898-1900. With the Seamen's
Institute, 1901-02. Resided in Boston, Mass., 1903-13. Author: Prophet
of Thisbe; Patriotic Echoes; History of the United States. Editor:
Gay's Circle of KnoivJedge ; Gay's History of Four Great Nations;
Gay's Four Hundred Years of American History. Died April 14, 1913,
Boston, Mass.
Married February 21, 1867, Nellie R. Buell, of Killingworth, Conn.
971. *JAMES MADISON BEEDE. B.A. ; M.A., 1875. A. A. $.
cE>. B. K. Born March 20, 1846, Hebron, N. H. Teacher. Died Janu-
ary 6, 1881, Orange, N. J.
972. EDWIN ALONZO BLAKE. B.A.; M.A., 1875; Ph.M.,
New York University, 1894; S.T.D., Tavlor University, 1894. ■^. T.
*. B. }C. Born July i, 1847, Pittsfield, N. H.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York East, Pittsburgh, and New
England Conferences, 1872- 1907. Lecturer, Weston School for Girls,
Boston, Mass., 1907-12. Stationed at Amit3rville, N. Y., 1912-14. Re-
tired, 1914.
Married July 10, 1873, Amanda Hannah Tinkham, of New Haven,
Conn. Children: Eva May, b. February 9, 1876 (B.A., Goucher College,
M.D., New York Medical College and Hospital for Women) ; Mabelle
Babcock, b. October ip, 1881 (B.A., Adelphi College).
Address : Manchester, Conn.
973. *JOHN AYER CASS. B.A.; M.A., 1875. ^. T. *. B. K.
Born October 3, 1843, Cornville, Me.
Graduate student in Wesleyan University, 1872-73. Methodist Epis-
copal minister, New England Conference, 1873-86. Located, 1886. In
the insurance business, Philadelphia, Pa., 1886-93. In the real estate
business ; preached for several denominations, 1893-1900. Engaged in
editing and preaching, 1900-04. Financial secretary, Franklin Institute,
Philadelphia, Pa., 1905-10. Author: Is there a Hell? Editor: The
Carriage Monthly. Died January 29, 191 5, Philadelphia, Pa.
Married April 9, 1873, Lucy E. Packard, of Cambridgeport, Mass.
Children : Alfred Cookman, b. July 8, 1874 ; Viola Grace, b. September
26, 1875; Ella Lansing, b. May 10, 1877; Florence Houghton, b.
December 13, 1879; Albert Kinney, b. February 13, 1883.
974. PERRY CHANDLER. B.A. <ir, t. Born June 7, 1843.
Chatham, N. H.
Served in U. S. Army, 1863-65. Methodist Episcopal minister. New
York East, Maine, and Columbia River Conferences, 1872 . Asso-
ciated with Morgan Memorial, Boston, Mass., 1910 .
Married July 24, 1873, Abbie S. Fuller, of Augusta, Me. Children:
Perry Fuller, b. June 8, 1874 (B.A., Portland Univ., 1897) ; Ralph H.,
b. June 5, 1876, d. January 25, 1898; Webster Allen, b. December 10,
1878 (B.A., Boston Univ., 1902), d. October 7, 1918.
Address : 87 Glen Ave., Newton Centre, Mass.
A. K. E. Born September 15, 1848, New York, N. Y. Lawyer. Died
April 6, 1886.
A. K. E. *. B. K. Born March 15, 1849, Shrewsbury, Mass. Brother
of No. 889.
In the employ of the New England Marble Company, Boston, Mass.,
1872-75. Financial agent for Cincinnati, Rockport & Southwestern
Railroad Company, Rockport, Ind., 1876-77. Engaged in the boot and
shoe business in Knoxville, Iowa, 1877-81. Agent for a wholesale boot
and shoe firm in Burlington, Iowa, 1881-83. Member of firm. Manning,
Gushing & Co.^ wholesale boots and shoes, Ottumwa, Iowa, 1883-88.
Traveling salesman for Chicago firms, 1888-1917. Died November 20,
1918, Tampa, Fla.
Married November 24, 1874, Fannie A. Morse, of Charlton, Mass.,
who died June 8, 1881. Married December 18, 1882, Augusta Tyler, of
West Brookfield, Mass. Children: Harvey Morse, b. December 5,
1875 (B.S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1899) ; Russell Lane, b. October 26,
1878 (B.A., Cornell College, 1902); Benjamin Ralph, b. May i, 1880;
Frances Newton, b. April 27, 1884 (B.A., Oberlin, 1907) ; William
Tyler, b. October 11, 1886 (B.Chem. E., Univ. of Wisconsin, 191 1) ;
Albert Augustus, b. December 9, 1890 (B.Arch., Cornell Univ., ^917) ;
Edward Raymond, b. May 2, 1894; Charlotte Elizabeth, b. November 27,
1896, m. M. G. White.
977. JOHN ALPHONSO DAY. B.A. ; M.A., 1875. A. K. E.
Born July 21, 1847, New Salem, Mass.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1872-73. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister. New England Conference, 1873 . Author :
Church histories of Barre and Gleasondale, Mass.; Genealogy of
Anthony Day, of Gloucester, Mass.
Married May 28, 1874, S. Belle Savage, of Hubbardston, Mass.
Children: Eva Belle, b. April 6, 1876, m. W. M. Jenkins, who died, m.
Walter Loftus; Harold Alphonso, b. October 24, 1878; Marian Ethel,
b. May 17, 1887.
Address: Charlton City, Mass.
978. ALBERT MUNRO GRAVES. B.A. A. K. E. Born Decem-
ber 10, 1847, Randolph, Wis.
Principal of High School, Fort Smith, Ark., 1872-73. Principal of
schools, Eau Claire, Wis., and Lanesboro, Minn., 1873-74; West
Meriden, Conn,, 1874-76; Broad Brook, Conn., 1876-77; Kittery, Me.,
1877-78; East Dedham, Mass., 1878-80; Decatur, Neb., 1880-83.
Engaged in farming at Decatur, Neb., 1883-86. Principal of schools.
Friend, Neb., 1886. Superintendent of U. S. Indian School, Pine Ridge
Agency, S. Dak., 1886-87. Engaged in farming at Decatur, Neb., 1887-
88. Superintendent of U. S. Indian School, Uintah Agency, Utah, 1888-
91. Principal of schools. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1891.
Married July 17, 1872, Marion Elizabeth Palmer, of Kensington, Conn.
Children : Edith Marion, b. February 24, 1875 ; Royal Albert, b, Septem-
ber I, 1889.
Address: Roseau, Minn.
979. ALMON EVERETT HALL. B.A. ; M.A., 1875. ^.' T.
*. B. K. Born December 6, 1846, Stamford, Vt.
Studied in School of Tlieology, Boston University, 1872-73. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister, New England Southern Conference, 1873-78.
On account of poor health traveled in Mexico, 1877-78. Superannuated,
1878 . Resided in Stamford, Vt, 1878-84. In business in Clarks-
burg, Mass., 1884-86; in Williamstown, Mass., 1886 . Postmaster,
Williamstown, Mass., 1889-1901. Member of Massachusetts Legislature,
1896-97. Vice-president of Williamstown Savings Bank, 1890-1906;
president, 1906 . Treasurer and general manager, Prexite Comb
Company, Williamstown, Mass., 1908 . Chairman of Williamstown
School Committee for several years.
Married April 2, 1874, Caroline E. Beard, of Dighton, Mass., who died
December 12, 1908. Children: Damon Everett, b. December 6, 1875
(B.A., Williams, 1897) ; Elizabeth Mabel, b. January 5, 1883, m. Dr.
C. A. Hull.
Address : Williamstown, Mass.
980. *JOHN NEWTON HOLT. B.A.; M.A., 1875. ^. N. 0.
Born August 7, 1842, Rumford, Me. School principal. Died March 2,
1882, Archer, Fla.
981. *SILAS WILLIAM KENT. B.A.; M.A., 1875. A. A. ^.
Born September 20, 1850, Remsen, N. Y.
In business in Meriden, Conn., 1872-89. Traveling salesman, 1875-
1913. Died January 23, 1913, Cazenovia, N. Y.
Married September 16, 1872, Mary E. Chapman, of Little Utica, N. Y.
Children: Chester Chaffee (No. 2021), b. May 5, 1874; William H., b.
June 24, 1878; Edwin Mills, b. December 6, 1882; Robert Harrington, b.
July I, 1886; Silas Stanley, b. October 21, 1887 (class of 1910) ; Olney
Brown, b. November 16, 1890.
982. ISAAC J. LANSING. B.A. (valedic.) ; M.A., 1875; D.D.,
Lafayette College, 1909. Born October 3, 1846, Watervliet, N. Y.
Graduate student in Wesleyan University, 1872-73. Methodist Episco-
pal minister. New York E^st, Georgia, and Savannah Conferences, 1873-
86. President of Clark University, Atlanta, Ga., 1874-76. Acting assist-
ant secretary of Freedmen's Aid Society, M. E. Church, 1876-78. Pastor
of Salem St. Congregational Church, Worcester, Mass., 1892-93; Park
St. Congregational Church, Boston, Mass., 1893-97; Green Ridge
Presbyterian Church, Scranton, Pa., 1897-1911. General secretary, Inter-
national Reform Bureau, 191 1. Social service expert, with "Men and
Religion Foreward Movement," 1911-12. Pastor of West Side Presby-
terian Collegiate Church, Ridgewood, N. J., 191 2 . Author : Roman-
ism and the Republic, 1889; Romanism and the Nation, 1892; Why
Christianity did not Prevent the War, 1918. Assistant editor: The
Worcester Times, 1892-93.
Married October 21, 1873, Ella Theresa Griswold, of Hartford, Conn.
Children: George, b. and d. 1876; Gilbert Griswold, b. December 15,
1879; Philip, b. September 25, 1881, d. August 19, 1882; Elysabeth
Arnold, b. October 31, 1884; Annie Gwillim, b. December 22, 1886, d.
November 14, 1894; Helen Dysart, b. January 5, 1889; Miriam, b. Feb-
ruary 26, 1896.
Address : Ridgewood, N. J.
983. EDMUND MEAD MILLS. B.A.; M.A., 1875; Ph.D.,
Syracuse University, 1878; D.D., Wesleyan, 1888; Litt.D., Syracuse,
1918. A. K. E. *. B. K. Born July 17, 1848, B3^own (now Ottawa),
Ont, Canada.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Central New York Conference, 1872 .
Presiding Elder, Elmira District, 1895-99. Corresponding secretary, 20th
Century Thank Offering Commission, M. E. Church, 1899-1902. Pre-
siding Elder, Geneva District, 1902-07. Field secretary, M. E. Board of
Education, Sunday Schools, and Freedmen's Aid, 1907-08. Superinten-
dent of Syracuse District, 1909-13; Syracuse West District, 1913-15;
Syracuse East District, 191 5 . Trustee of Wesleyan University,
1886——; secretary of the Board, 1900-03. Delegate to General Con-
ference, M. E. Church, 1888, '92, '96, 1900, '04, '12, '16, '20; assistant
secretary of six general conferences ; acting secretary of General Con-
ference, 1918-20, and secretary of General Conference, 1920. Secretary,
Methodist Ecumenical Conference, 1901, '11. Honorary president, Ameri-
can Rose Society.
Married August 23, 1873, Emily Rexford Adams, of Fabius, N. Y.,
who died March 14, 1904. Married March 11, 1908, Mrs. Sadie Brown
Albright, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Address : loi Comstock Place, Syracuse, N. Y.
984. F[RANK] MASON NORTH. B.A.; M.A., 1875; D.D.,
1894; LL.D., 1918. *. N. G. *. B. K. Born December 3, 1850, New-
York, N. Y. Brother of No. 854.
In business. New York, N. Y., 1872-73. Methodist Episcopal minister.
New York and New York East Conferences, 1873 . Corresponding
secretary, New York City Church Extension and Missionary Society,
1892-1912; National City Evangelization Union, 1893-1912; Board of
Foreign Missions, M. E. Church, 1912 . Chief secretary, Inter-
Church Conference on Federation, 1905. Chairman of the Committee on
the Church and Modern Industry, Federal Council of the Churches of
Christ in America, 1908; president of the Council, 1916-20. Delegate
to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1908, '12, '16, '20; Methodist Ecu-
menical Conference, 1901, '11, '21, Trustee of Wesleyan University,
1899 ; Drew Theological Seminary, 1907 . Decorations : Cheva-
lier of the Legion of Honor, France, 1919 ; Officier of Public Instruction,
France, 1920; Offlcier of the Royal Order of George the First, Greece,
1920. Editor: The Christian City, 1892-1912.
Married May 27, 1874, Fannie Laws Stewart, of Philadelphia, Pa., who
died December 22, 1878. Married December 23, 1885, Louise Josephine
McCoy, of Lowell, Mass. Children: Adolphus Stewart (No. 2030), b.
August 19, 1875, d. May 5, 1913 ; Mason Longacre, b. September 29,
1877, d. March 22, 1878; Eric McCoy (No. 2761), b. June 22, 1888.
Address: 150 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y, Residence: Madison,
985. *JULIUS WILLIE PAIGE. B.A.; M.A., 1876. A. K. E.
Born May 30, 1850, Smithville, Miss. Rector, Protestant Episcopal
Church. Died 1893.
986. WATSON LYMAN PHILLIPS. B.A.; M.A., 1875; D.D.,
Wesleyan, and Dickinson College, 1889. A. A. $. $. B. K. Born Janu-
ary 28, 1850, Troy, N- Y.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1872-73. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister. New England Southern, New York East, and
Wyoming Conferences, 1873-90. Pastor of Church of the Redeemer
(Congregational). New Haven, Conn., 1890-1915; Pastor emeritus,
1915 . Supplying Congregational Church, Shelton, Conn., 1916 .
Married June 22, 1873, Ella Vernon Stetson, of East Pembroke, Mass.
Children: Arthur Vernon, b. September 25, 1877, d. March 18, 1917;
Frank Lyman, b. September 22, 1879; Ruth Palmer, b. October 4, 1885.
Address : 263 Coram Ave., Shelton, Conn.
987. *DAMON CLARKE PORTER. B.A. ^. T. Born October
29, 1846, Scituate, Mass. Brother of No. 899. Theological student.
Died December i, 1874, Scituate, Mass.
988. CHARLES FRANCIS RICE. B.A. (salut.) ; M.A., 1875;
D.D., 1893. $. N. e. a>. B. K. Born April 14, 1851, Chelsea, Mass.
Brother of Nos. 813, 936, and 1233.
Taught in High School, Springfield, Mass., 1872-73. Employed in
City Library, Springfield, Mass., 1874. Tutor in Latin, Wesleyan Uni-
versity, 1874-77. Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Confer-
ence, 1875 . Superintendent of Cambridge District, 1905-11. Presi-
dent, Board of Trustees, Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass.,
1898-1912. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1904, '08;
Inter-Church Conference on Federation, 1905; Federal Council of
Churches of Christ in America, 1912, '16, '20. President, Massachusetts
Federation of Churches, 191 1 ; Lynn Inter-church Union, 1918-19.
Director, Federation of Churches and Religious Organizations of Greater
Married August 25, 1875, Miriam Owen Jacobs, of Springfield, Mass.,
who died December 16, 1901. Children: Laura Owen, b. September 11,
1876 (B.A., Vassar), m. William G. Seaman; William Chauncey (No.
2228), b. September 11, 1878; Horace Jacobs (No. 2504), b. Septem-
ber 25, 1882; Paul North (No. 2826), b. February 9, 1888; Rachel
Caroline, b. July 16, 1889, m. Burton H. Camp (No. 2197).
Address : 59 Fourth St., Medf ord, Mass.
989. ^ROBERT JAMES ROUND. B.A. A. A. 4>. Born November
I, 1848, Fort Wayne, Ind. Son of No. 5. School principal. Died
November 24, 1910, Elmira, N. Y.
990. ARTHUR BENTON SANFORD. B.A. ; M.A., 1875 ; D.D.,
Syracuse University, 1893. $. N. 0. *. B. K. Born in Redding, Conn.
Brother of No. 1256.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East Conference, 1873 .
Assistant editor, Methodist Review, New York, N. Y., 1890-1901 ; acting
editor, 1892-93. Delegate to Ecumenical Methodist Conference, 1901 ;
General Conference, M. E. Church, 1904. Secretary, New York East
Conference. 1897 . Trustee of Syracuse University, 1899^ .
Representative of Church on Lord's Day Alliance, 1920 . Editor:
Methodist Year Book, and General Minutes of the M. E. Church, 1890-
1901 ; Proceedings of the Second Ecumenical Methodist Conference,
Washington, D. C, 1892; The Smile of the Christ-Child, 191 1 ; The
First and Seventh Reunions (consecutively) of the Sanford Association
of America.
Married June 10, 1886, Nellie May Hunt, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children :
Arthur Hunt, b. February 9, 1888 (B.A., Princeton, 1909) ; Laurence
Hunt, b. May 25, 1892 (B.Litt, Princeton, 191 5).
Address : 980 North Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y.
1872-73] GRADUATES.
991. HENRY TOWNSEND SCUDDER. B.A.; M.A., 1882. ^. T.
4». B. K. Born September 6, 1849, Middletown, Conn. Brother of Nos.
747 and 1 191.
Principal of High School, Huntington, N. Y., 1873-74. Practised law
in Sturgeon Bay, Wis., 1874-85. In the Surgeon-General's office, Wash-
ington, D. C., 1885-86. Practising law in Marinette, Wis., 1886 .
Married June 13, 1877, Mrs. Minnie R. Kimber, of Sturgeon Bay, Wis.,
who died February 27, 1884. Married September 14, 1885, Nettie Morri-
son, of Manitowoc, Wis. Children : Charles Morrison, b. February 27,
1890; Marjorie, b. June 4, 1898.
Address : Marinette, Wis.
992. ALLEN ROSECRANSE SHAY. B.A.; M.A., 1875. A. A. *.
Born August 10, 1850, Sandy stone, N. J.
Taught in Walpack Centre, N. J., 1873-74; Hamburg, N. J., 1874-75.
Studied law, 1874-77. Practising law in Newton, N. J., 1877 .
Common Plea Judge of Sussex Co., 1913 .
Married January 10, 1883, Amanda Josephine Hill, of Newton, N. J.,
who died August 11, 1889. Married December 26, 1893, Cora Shimer,
of Newton, N. J. Children: Henry Dildim, b. March 7, 1884; Emma
Westbrook, b. April 13, 1886; Hilda Josephine, b. August 11, 1889.
Address: Newton, N. J.
993. *EUGENE ALONZO WEBSTER. B.A.; M.A., 1875. S^'. T.
Born February 16, 1849, Montpelier, Vt. Lawyer. Died September 17,
1901, Orangeburg, S. C.
A. K. E. Born April 19, 1848, Beekman, N. Y.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1872-73. Methodist
Episcopal minister, New England Southern, Des Moines, and Vermont
Conferences, 1873-92. Pastor of Congregational Church, Bethel, Vt,
1892-93; Hanover, Mass., 1893. General manager for New England
states for Rand, McNally & Co., publishers, 1893-1919. Died March 29,
1919, Somerville, Mass.
Married June 4, 1873, Eugenia Adaline Harvey, of Cambridge, Mass.
(deceased). Married June 30. 1897, Etta Ward Turner, of Hanover,
Mass. Children : George Washington, b. April 3, 1875 ; William Daniel,
b. July 9, 1876.
995. *CHARLES WESLEY YOUNG. B.A. A. A. *. Born May
4, 1850, East Pittston, Me. Bookkeeper. Died 1902, Missoula, Mont.
CLASS OF 1873.
996. *ARTHUR PRINCE ADAMS. B.A., 1874; M.A., 1877.
<ir. T. Born November 29, 1847, Chelsea, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal miinister, New England Conference, 1873-78.
Suspended by the conference on account of heresy. Preaching inde-
pendently, 1878-1920. Author: Bible Harmony; The True Basis of
Redemption, etc. Editor: The Spirit of the World, 1885-1920. Died
November 22, 1920, Meredith, N. H.
Married August 24, 1870, Addie A. Shaw, of Lynn, Mass., who died
September 14, 1902. Married April 5, 1905, Mrs. Ophelia G. Burroughs,
of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Children: Arthur Franklin, b. November 17,.
1871, d. April 10, 1907; Charles Wesley, b. April 9, 1875.
LL.B., Columbia University, 1875; M.A., Wesleyan, 1876. ^. T.
^. B. K. Born January 13, 1845, Woonsocket, R. I. Lawyer. Died
July 3, 1904, Rochester, N. Y.
998. *CHARLES WESLEY BOYD. B.A. ; M.A., 1879. A. K. E.
Born August 3, 1843, Frederick City, Md.
Assistant principal of Hackensack Academy, N. J., 1873-75. Studied
in Universities of Leipzig and Heidelberg, Germany, 1875-78; General
Theological Seminary, 1879. Principal of Hackensack Academy, N. J.,
1880-84. Studied in the Philadelphia Divinity School, _ Pa., 1884-87.
Head master of Yale Institute, Lancaster, Pa., 1887-88 ; Diocesan School
for Boys, Salem, N. Y.j^ 1888-91. Protestant Episcopal minister, St.
Paul's Church, Greenwich, N. Y., 1891-92; St. George's Church, West
Philadelphia, Pa., 1892-93; Glassboro, N. J., 1893-97; Tupper Lake,
N. Y., 1897-1917. Died November 2, 1917, Tupper Lake, N. Y.
Married July 7, 1887, Marie Louise Kerzman, of Ghent, Belgium.
999. *GEORGE JAY BROWN. B.A.; B.D., Drew Theological
Seminary, 1876; M.A., Wesleyan, 1878. ^P. T. 4>. B. K. Born Novem-
ber 12, 1839, Brainard, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
December i, 1880, Utica, N. Y.
1000. *WILLIAM BARNARD COLEMAN. B.A. ; M.A., Trinity
College, 1881. ^. T. Born April 12, 1852, Elmira, N. Y. Brother of
Nos. 1073 and 11 19. Rector, Protestant Episcopal Church. Died
November 14, 1904, Utica, N. Y.
1001. HERBERT HULL COSTON. B.A. A. A. $. Born June
9, 1849, Honesdale, Pa.
Studied law in Scranton, Pa., 1873-75. Practising law in Scranton,
Pa., 1875 . Official reporter for the courts of Lackawanna Co., Pa.,
1880 — ^.
Married August 15, 1895, Addie Belle Pinney, of Fargo, N. Dak.
Children: Carl Herbert, b. June 15, 1896; Laila Anabel, b. August 15,
Address : Scranton, Pa.
1002. FRANCIS HOWARD COUSENS. B.A. ; M.A., 1878.
Born April 9, 1851, Kennebunkport, Me. Brother of W. F. Cousens
(class of 1872).
With the firm E. Cousens & Sons, fire insurance, Kennebunkport, Me.,
1875 (now owner and manager). Deputy collector of customs for
the District of Kennebunk, 1886-90, 1894-98.
Address : Kennebunkport, Me.
1003. NORMAN LANDON CRAMER. B.A. ; M.A., 1876. Born
October 15, 1844, Perry ville, N. Y.
Served in 2d N. Y. Cavalry, 1864-65. Principal of Ripley Female
College, Poultney, Vt., 1873-74. Principal of a public school, Portland,
Conn., 1874-76; a grammar school, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1876-77; public
schools, Baltic and Versailles, Conn., 1877-79. Clerk in book store,
Middletown, Conn., 1879-81. Assistant bookkeeper of a quarry company,
Portland, Conn., 1881-85. Wholesale dealer in leather findings and mill
supplies, Oneida, N. Y., 1885-1916. Treasurer, Oneida Cooperative Fire
Insurance Company, Rome, N. Y., 1897-1916. Retired, 1916. Delegate
to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1908.
Married November 26, 1878, M. Josephine Cady, of Portland, Conn.
Child: Myron Cady (No. 2411), b. November 6, 1881.
Address : 591^ Broad St., Oneida, N. Y.
15, 1844, Albany, Me.
Served in 20th Maine Volunteers, 1862-65. Taught in Portland, Conn.,
1873-75; Boston, Mass.. 1875-76; Uxbridge, 1876-85; Walpole. 1885-88.
Manager for Gay Bros. &. Co., subscription books, 1881-91 ; for New
England Memorial Company, Boston, Mass., 1891-1906. Special repre-
sentative for the Boston Consolidated Gas Company, 1906-16; Central
Trust Co., Cambridge, Mass., 1916 .
Married January i, 1873, Ella F. Cole, of Bryant Pond, Me. Children:
Leo M., b. April 6, 1877; Roy L., b. October 16, 1878; Mae Clotilde, b.
August 13, 1887.
Address : 223 W. Emerson St., Melrose, Mass.
1005. WILLIAM HENRY EUSTIS. B.A.; LL.B., Columbia Uni-
versity, 1874; M.A., Wesleyan, 1876. A. A. ^. «l>. B. K. Born July 17,
1845, Ox Bow, N. Y. Brother of No. 1043.
Studied in Columbia Law School, 1873-74. Practised law in Saratoga
Springs, N. Y., 1875-81 ; Minneapolis, Minn., 1881 . Mayor of
Minneapolis, 1893-94. Republican nominee for governor of Minnesota,
1898. Delegate to Republican National Convention, 1892, 1908. Special
commissioner to Hawaii, 1902.
Address: Corn Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn.
1006. EVERETT OLIN FISK. B.A. ; M.A., 1876; LL.D., Olivet
College, 1915. *. N. e. «!•. B. K. Born August i, 1850, Marlboro, Mass.
Brother of No. 655.
Taught in Wallingf ord. Conn., 1873-74 ; Enfield, Conn., 1874-75. New
England agent for Ginn & Co., publishers, 1875-85. President of Fisk
Teachers' Agency, Boston, Mass. (with branches in other cities),
1885 . Lay delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1892,
Married September 12, 1882, Helen Chase Steele, of Philadelphia, Pa.,
who died August 31, 1901. Married June 16, 1915, Louisa Holman
Richardson, of Olivet, Mich. Child: Harriet Storer, b. October 14, 1884
(B.A., Boston Univ., 1905).
Address : 2a Park St, Boston, Mass. Residence : 135 Winthrop Road,
Brookline, Mass.
1007. CHARLES HAMLIN FURBER. B.A. ; M.A., 1876. ^. T.
Born November 25, 1850, Northfield, N. H. Brother of No. 846.
Bookkeeper, Holliston, Mass., 1873-77; Natick, 1877-78; Lowell,
1878-79; Boston, 1879-90. Stockbroker in Boston, Mass., 1890 .
Married July 20, 1881, Nellie Eliza Farquhar, of Holliston, Mass.
Children: Harold Farquhar, b. January 2, 1884; Charles Leicester, b.
October 23, 1886 (B.A., Harvard, 1908) ; Ruth Hazel, b. June 22, 1888
(B.A., Mount Holyoke, 1910) ; Doris Eliza, b. December 24, 1892.
Address : 35 Maple St., Milton, Mass.
1008. BENJAMIN EMMONS GERST. B.A. ; B.D., Drew Theo-
logical Seminary, 1875; M.A., Wesleyan, 1876. A. K. E. Born Novem-
ber 20, 1848, Williamsburg, N. Y.
Taught school near Madison, N. J., 1873-74. Studied in Drew Theolog-
ical Seminary, 1874-75. Methodist Episcopal minister. New York East
Conference, 1875-78. Withdrew from the conference, 1878. Engaged
in private tutoring, and in business, Brooklyn, N, Y., 1878-79. Taught
in Millers Place, N. Y., 1879-80 ; Centre Moriches, 1880-81 ; Moriches,
1881-82. Principal of a graded school, Elmont, N. Y., 1882-84; Union-
dale, 1884-85; Northport, 1885-87; Crab Meadow, 1888-90; Maspeth,
1890-92. Studied at Long Island Business College, Brooklyn, N. Y.,
1892. Taught in Heidenfeldt Institute, New York, N. Y., 1893-95.
Private tutor, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1896. Taught in Moriches, N. Y., 1897,
Bookkeeper, Freeport, Rockville Centre, and Brooklyn, N. Y., 1900-07.
Author : Tables of Comparison.
Married April 19, 1876, Ann Amelia Gothard, of Cypress Hills, N. Y.
Address : 920 Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.
1009. COLERIDGE ALLEN HART. B.A.; M.A., 1876; LL.B.,
Columbia University, 1877. A. A. $. Born July 11, 1852, Peekskill,
N. Y.
Studied law in Peekskill, N. Y., 1873-75 ; Columbia Law School, 1875-
79. Practising law, New York, N. Y., 1879 .
Married December 31, 1885, Sara Estelle Wells, of Salisbury, Conn.
Children: Coleridge Taylor, b. October 28, 1890, d. in infancy; Cole-
ridge Wells (No. 3418). b. September 6, 1894.
Address: 35 Nassau St., New York, N. Y.
M.A., 1876. A. K. E. Born September 2, 1848, Osterville, Mass.
Teacher. Died July 8, 1888, Providence, R. I.
1011. *AMOS HOWARD HOAGLAND. B.A.; LL.B., Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, 1875. Born January 8, 185 1, Danville, N. J.
Lawyer. Died October 30, 1882.
1012. STEPHEN JUDSON KIRBY. B.A. ; M.A., 1876. $. N. 9.
Born May 10, 1847, Westport, Mass.
Bookkeeper, Lowell, Mass., 1873-80; Woonsocket, R. I., 1880-81.
Assistant treasurer of Lowell, Mass., 1883.
Address : R. F. D. 5, Vancouver, Wash.
1013. OLIN LEVINGS LIVESEY. B.A.; M.A., 1876. >^. T.
Born October 14, 1849, Nantucket, Mass.
On the staff of The New York Tribune, N. Y., 1873-74. Taught in
Ledyard, Conn., 1874-75. With a firm of wholesale druggists. New
London, Conn., 1875-76. With the Acid, Pump and Siphon Company,
New London, Conn., 1877-78; secretary and treasurer, 1879-81. Man-
ager and secretary of the Livesey Manufacturing Company, New London,
Conn., 1881-86. Delegate from Connecticut to the International Sunday-
School Convention at Chicago, 1886. In the real estate business, Los
Angeles, Cal., 1887-88. Managed a wheat ranch near Fairmont, Cal,
1888-96. Manager of the Manzana Colony, Cal., 1896-1901. In the real
estate and insurance business, Pasadena, Cal., 1901-02. Deputy city
assessor and tax collector, Pasadena, Cal., 1902-05. Clerk of Superior
Court, Los Angeles, Cal., 1905 .
Married October 14, 1878, Jennie A. Viets, of East Granby, Conn., who
died March 2, 1902. Married September 29, 1903, Mrs. Julia C. Sweeney,
of Dayton, Ohio. Children : Olin William, b. July 18, 1879, d. August 8,
1917; John Jay Viets, b. April 17, 1881 (B.S., Univ. of California,
1906), d. February 2, 1912; Carl Hubert, b. October 24, 1890 (adopted
by an uncle; name changed to Carl Livesey Viets); Ruth, b. April 6,
1895. ^- Charles Keith Green.
Address : 640 Galena Ave., Pasadena, Cal.
1014. *DELMAR RIAL LOWELL. B.A.; M.A., 1876; D.D.,
Ohio Wesleyan University, 1889. A. K. E. <?•. B. K. Born November
29, 1844, South Valley, N. Y.
Served in 121st N. Y. Volunteers, 1864-65. Studied in School of
Theology, Boston University, 1873-74. Methodist Episcopal minister,
Troy Conference, 1874-90. Post chaplain, U. S. Army, 1890-97. Chap-
lain-in-chief, G. A. R., 1892-93. Retired from U. S. Army, with rank of
captain, 1897. Promoted to major in the U. S. Army, 1904. Chaplain,
Connecticut House of Representatives, 1901-03. Author: The Historic
Genealogy of the Lowells in America. Died February i, 1912, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Married January 26, 1876, Irene Maynard, of Stamford, N. Y., who
died March 7, 1877. Married June 26. 1879, Hattie A. Davis, of Middle-
town, Conn. Children: May Irene, b. December 16, 1881 ; Roy Delmar,
b. September 16, 1884; Eloise Aristine, b. April 10, 1887 (deceased);
Elsie Geraldine, b. April 10, 1887 (deceased) ; Alwilda Grace, b. Octo-
ber 14, 1889; Percival Davis, b. March 12, 1893.
1015. GEORGE ASBURY McLAUGHLIN. B.A. ; M.A., 1876;
D.D., Taylor University, 1903. A. A. ^. Born October 13, 1851, Nashua,
N. H.
Principal of High School, New Market, N. H., 1873-74. Methodist
Episcopal minister. New Hampshire Conference, 1875-92. In evangelistic
work, Chicago, 111., 1892-1909. President, Central Holiness University,
1909-16. Pastor, Trinity Missionary Church, Los Angeles. Cal. ; taught
in California Bible College and Friends' Training School, 1919-21
(president, 1920-21). Author: Commentaries on St. Matthew, St. Mark,
St. Luke, St. John; a number of devotional works. Editor: The Chris-
tian Witness, Chicago, 111., 1891 .
Married October 27, 1875, Mary Ella Henshaw, of Middletown, Conn.,
who died January 21, 1910. Married October 27, 191 5, Mrs. Jennie
Reeves Walker. Children : Mary Hendley, b. December 9, 1876, m.
Rev. Herbert Boase; Grace Irene, b. January 2, 1880, m. J. H. Conroy
Address: 867 N. Edgemont St., Los Angeles, Cal.
1010. *EDWARD MESLER. B.A.; M.A., 1876. A. K. E. Born
March 22, 1842, Jackson, N. J. Brother of No. 1017. Methodist Epis-
copal minister. Died January 11, 1882, Clarksboro, N. J.
1017. IVINS ASHTON MESLER. B.A. ; M.A., 1876. A. K. E.
Born November 25, 1838, Jackson, N. J. Brother of No. 1016.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New England Conference, 1873-1910.
Superannuated, 191G.
Married September 20, 1874, Mary A. Sanborn, of Lakeside, Mich.
Children: Cyrus Eastman, b. June 23, 1875, d. March 31, 1905; Clinton
Sanborn, b. November 28, 1880 (M.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute) ;
Raymond Carlton, b. November 5, 1883, d. June 26, 1887.
Address : 88 Wolcott Ave., Beacon, N. Y.
1018. *HINCKLEY GILBERT MITCHELL. B.A. (valedic.) ;
M.A., 1876; B.D., Boston University, 1876; Ph.D., University of Leip-
zig, 1879; D.D., Mount Union College, 1888, and Wesleyan, 1901.
A. A. $. «J>. B. K. Born February 22, 1846, Lee, N. Y. Brother of
No. 1541.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1873-76; University
of Leipzig, Germany, 1876-79. Methodist Episcopal minister, Central
New York Conference, 1879-80. Tutor in Latin and Hebrew, Wesleyan
University, 1880-83. Instructor in Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis,
School of Theology, Boston University, 1883-84; Professor of Hebrew
and Old Testament Exegesis, and Instructor in the Semitic Languages,
1884-1905; Instructor in the Semitic Languages, 1905-06. Engaged in
literary work, 1906-10. Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Liter-
ature, School of Theology, Tufts College, 1910. Lecturer, Harvard
Summer School of Theology, 1899, 1910; Supply Professor, University
of Chicago Summer School, 1914. Director, American School for
Oriental Study and Research, 1901-02. Author: Hebrew Lessons;
Amos, an Essay in Exegesis; Theology of the Old Testament ; Isaiah,
a Study of Chapters I-XII ; The World Before Abraham; Tales Told in
Palestine (with J. E. Hanauer) ; Haggai and Zachariah (International
Commentary) ; Genesis (Bible for Home and School) ; Ethics of the
Old Testament. Died May 19, 1920, Boston, Mass.
Married June 29, 1880, Alice Sanford, of Alton, 111.
1019. *ARTHUR TAYLOR NEALE. B.A.; M.A., 1876; Ph.D.
(Hon.), Rutgers College, 1881. ^. T. Born October 14, 1852, Middle-
town, Conn.
Graduate student, Wesleyan University, 1873-74; Assistant in Chemis-
try, 1874-76 ; Instructor in Chemistry, 1876-77. Studied in University of
Greifswald, Germany, 1877-78. Assistant in chemical laboratory of
Experiment Station, Halle, Germany, 1878-80. Chemist, State Agricul-
tural Experiment Station, New Brunswick, N. J., 1880-89. Traveled
and studied in Germany, Holland, Belgium, and France, 1888. Director
of Delaware College Agricultural Experiment Station, 1889-1917. Died
September 10, I9i7j Newark, Del.
1020. *ISAAC HENRY PACKARD. B.A.; M.A., 1876. ^. T.
$. B. K. Born May 2, 1846, Somerville, Me.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New England Conference, 1873-1910.
Supernumerary, 1910. Author: History of Methodism in Charlestown.
Died February i, 1915, Boston, Mass.
Married June 26, 1873, Charlotte Vincent Smith, of Chicopee, Mass.,
who died October i, 1875. Married May i, 1879, Charlotte Huldah
Oliver, of Lynn, Mass., who died December 24, 1903. Married April 17,
1907, Grace Gertrude Smith. Children: Frederick Henry, b. May 7,
1875 (B.A., Harvard, 1898) ; William Oliver, b. March 13, 1880; Bertha
May, b. April 13, 1881 ; Annie Louise, b. January 8, 1886.
1021. *WILBUR MERTON PALMER. B.A. ; M.A., 1877. A.A.$.
^. B. K. Born October 6, 1850, Winterton, N. Y. Brother of No. 1051.
Principal of a public school, Richville, N. Y,, 1873-75; Scarsdale,
N. Y., 1875-76; Southington, Conn., 1876-78. Reporter on The New
York Tribune, N. Y., 1878-95. Secretary to the Mayor of Brooklyn,
1895-98. On the editorial staff of The New York Tribune, 1898-1908;
of The Brooklyn Eagle, 1908-13; of The Brooklyn Standard-Union,
1913-17- Died December 15, 1917, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Married September 26, 1882, Anna Mary Palmer, of Poughkeepsie,
N. Y. Children: Anita White, b. November 17, 1887, d. May 3, 1905;
Dorrance Wilson, b. June 15, 1889; Burton, b. November 29, 1892;
Harold Stanton, b. April 20, 1898; Katharine Sloane, b. March 3, 1900.
Ph.D., University of Nashville, 1893. ^. T. Born November 14, 1843,
Stepney, Conn.
Served in 6th Conn. Volunteers ; promoted to first lieutenant and adju-
tant, 1862-65. Traveled in Europe; studied in the University of Leipzig,
Germany, 1873-75. Taught in Fort Edward Institute, N. Y., 1875-76.
Professor of Languages in Xenia College, Ohio, 1876-77. Principal of
Commercial and Military Institute, Bridgeport, Conn., 1877-83. Profes-
sor of Biology, Peabody Normal College, University of Nashville, Tenn.,
1883-99. Cashier, Davidson County, Nashville, Tenn., 1903-07. Retired,
engaged in study, 1907 .
Married, 1873, Emilie Schneider, of Leipzig, Germany, who died
November 17, 1903. Married November 22, 1904, Sarah Adaline Roop,
of Nashville, Tenn. Children: Andrew J., b. September 19. 1874 (B.S.,
Univ. of Nashville, 1897) ; Elsa Maria, b. March i, 1878, d. December 2,
Address: R. F. D. 7, Nashville, Tenn.
*. B. K. Born October 12, 1849, Conway, N. H. Brother of Nos. 1159,
1367, 1399, and 1765, and of W. A. Russell (class of 1878). Died May
29, 1874, Middletown, Conn.
1024. HENRY THORNE SELL. B.A. ; M.A., 1876; B.D., Yale
University, 1877 ; D.D., Ripon College, 1902. <ir. T. Born September 30,
1852, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Taught in Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N. Y., 1873-74. Studied
in Yale Divinity School, 1874-77. Pastor of Congregational Church,
Lysander, N. Y., 1877-81; Cortland, N. Y., 1881-86. Secretary of the
Congregational Sunday School and Publishing Society, Chicago, 111.,
1886-92. Pastor of Union Congregational Church, Chicago. 111., 1892-96.
Engaged in lecturing, preaching, and writing, 1896-98. Pastor of Cove-
nant Congregational Church, Chicago, 111., 1898-1901. One of the editors
of The Advance, Chicago, 1901-02. Engaged in lecturing, preaching, and
writing, 1903-06, Pastor of Congregational Church, Fort Wayne, Ind.,
1906-10; Jacksonville, Fla., 1912-16; Kenosha, Wis., 1918 . Author:
Ten books of Bible studies; The Twentieth Century Story of the New
Married November 21, 1888, Mary Blackman, of White Water, Wis.
Child: Henry Blackman, b. November, 1889.
Address : 260 Park Place, Kenosha, Wis.
1025. *JOEL OSMON SHERBURN. B.A.; M.A., 1876. <if. T.
*. B. K. Born November 21, 1845, Plainfield, Vt Methodist Episcopal
minister. Died May 13, 1906, Bradford, Vt.
April 26, 1850, Plymouth, Pa. Lawyer. U. S, Congressman. Died
August 14, 1900, Washington, D. C.
1027. *GEORGE HENRY SMITH. B.A.; LL.B., Boston Uni-
versity, 1875. ^- T. *. B. K. Born January 10, 1850, Dover, N. H.
Lawyer. Died January 30, 1887, Chicago, 111.
1028. MARCUS LORENZO TAFT. B.A.; M.A, 1876; B.D.,
Drew Theological Seminary, 1877; D.D., Wesleyan, 1893. 4>. N. e.
<l>. B. K. Born August 2, 1850, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brother of No. 1194,
and of J. H. Taft (class of 1874).
Clerk in an importing and drug store, New York, N. Y., 1873-75.
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1875-77; in the Universities of
Leipzig, Bonn, and Heidelberg, Germany, 1877-79. Traveled in Greece,
Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt, 1879-80. Joined New York East Confer-
ence, Methodist Episcopal Church, 1880. Missionary at Kiu-Kiang,
China, 1880-82; Chin-Kiang, 1882-84; Tientsin, 1884-85 ; Peking,
1885-88. On furlough in the United States, 1888-90. Missionary at
Tientsin, China, 1890-91 ; Peking, 1891-94. Professor of Historical
Theology, Wiley School of Theology, Peking University, China, 1892-94.
On furlough, 1894-95. Missionary at Tientsin, China, 1896-99. On
furlough, 1899-1901. Stationed at Adams, N. Y., 1901-03; Clinton,
1903-05. Missionary at Tientsin, China, 1905-07; Changli, 1907-09. On
furlough, 1909-10. Engaged in Layman's Missionary Movement, 1909-11.
Stationed at Good Ground, N. Y., 1911-13. Retired, 1913. Professor on
Missions, Atlanta Theological Seminary (Congregational), Ga., 1921.
Author: Strange Siberia, 191 1.
Married September 29, 1882, Emily Louise Kellogg, of St. Louis, Mo.,
who died February 28, 1902. Married July 5, 1905, Mrs. Mary Swail
Wilkinson, of Herkimer, N. Y. Children: Frances Louise, b. April 2,
1887 (B.A., Wellesley), m. Fred M. Pyke; Marcus Lorenzo, b. May 26,
1889, d. May 30, 1889; Dwight Sanford, b. January 29, 1891 ; Marion
Leonora, b. August 2, 1907 ; Louise Swail, b. January 22, 1910.
Address: 114 W. 12th St., Atlanta, Ga.
1029. *GEORGE BICKFORD DAVEY TOY. B.A. ; M.A., 1876.
A. K. E. Born March 18, 1852, Simsbury, Conn. Manufacturer. Died
March 25, 1881, Cromwell, Conn.
1030. ALFRED CHARLES TRUE. B.A.; M.A., 1876; Ph.D.,
Erskine College, 1886 ; Sc.D., Wesleyan, 1906. ^. N. 0. $. B. K. Born
June 5, 1853, Middletown, Conn. Son of Professor C. K. True;
brother of No. 528.
Principal of High School, Essex, N. Y., 1873-75. Taught in Massa-
chusetts State Normal School, Westfield, Mass., 1875-82. Graduate
student in Harvard University, 1882-83. Instructor in Greek and Latin,
Wesleyan University, 1884-88. Editor, in office of Experiment Stations,
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, 1888-91 ; assistant
director, 1891-93; director, 1893-1915; director. States Relations Service,
1915 . President, Association of American Agricultural Colleges and
Experiment Stations, 1914; Dean of Graduate School of Agriculture of
that association, 1902-16. Chairman of delegates representing the United
States at International Institute of Agriculture, Rome, Italy, 1913. In
charge of expenditure of national appropriations for stimulating pro-
duction and conservation of food, 1917-18. Author: Numerous reports
and bulletins, published by U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Editor-in-chief :
Experiment Station Record; Experiment Station Work; periodicals of
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, etc. Contributor on agricultural subjects to
International Encyclopedia and Year Book, and Webster's International
Married November 23, 1875, Emma Rebecca Fortune, of Essex, N. Y.
Children: Elizabeth Fortune, b. September 17, 1887 (B.A., Goucher
College, 1910) ; Henry Hyde (No. 3133), b. May 9, 1893.
Address: 1604 17th St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
1031. *BENJAMIN JARVIS ADAMS. B.A.; M.A, 1877; M.D,
Columbia University, 1877. "ir. T. Born November 13, 1852, Amenia,
N. Y. Physician. Died July, 1890, New Orleans, La.
^. T. Born September 6, 1848, Lowell, Mass.
Principal of Colburn Grammar School, Lowell, Mass., 1874-80 ; Greene
School, Lowell, Mass., 1880-1914. Died October 8, 1914, Lowell, Mass.
Married December 25, 1878, Annie Fay, of Lowell, Mass. Children:
Alice Helen, b. September 28, 1879; Mary Fay, b. July 10, 1884, d. April
6, 1892.
1033. *FORREST EDSON BARKER. B.A. (gen. hon., ist
grade) ; M.A., 1877. A. K. E. ^. B. K. Born September 29, 1853,
Exeter, N. H.
Studied law in Worcester, Mass., 1874-75; Law School of Boston
University, 1875-76. .Practised law in Worcester, Mass., 1876-88. Mem-
ber of Board of School Committee, Worcester, Mass., 1881-87. Member
of Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1883-84. Member of State
Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners, 1885-1914; chairman
of the Board, 1894-1914. Died November 21, 1914, Washington, D. C.
Married August 11, 188 1, Flora L Hovey, of Worcester, Mass.
Children: Luliona May, b. October 20, 1884 (B.A., Smith, 1907) ;
Stanley Oilman (No. 2723), b. November 26, 1887.
Theological Seminary, 1877. ^. T. Born March 3, 1851, Brooklyn,
N. Y. Methodist Episcopal minister, later in business. Died September
22, 1905, Brooklyn, N. Y.
1036. *JOSEPH CHESTER BURKE. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1877. <E». N. 0. «l>. B. K. Born October 31, 1853, Middle-
town, Conn. Son of No. 92. Teacher. Died June 27, 1885, Middletown,
1036. *WILLIAM JOHN CHAPMAN. B.A. ; M.A., 1877.
A. K. E. Born November 19, 1847, Norwich, England.
Principal of Union High School, Morris, N. Y., 1874-75; High
School, Newport, Vt., 1875-76. Methodist Episcopal minister, Troy
Conference, 1876-1918. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1904-10. Died
October 26, 1918, Glens Falls, N. Y.
Married September i, 1874, Wilhelmina Hawley Munn, of Manchester,
Vt, who died October 28, 1878. Married November 12, 1879, Jennie
Mary Purdy, of Manchester, Vt. Children : Ellen Maria, b. November
16, 1877; William Munn, b. October 16, 1878, d. March 3, 1879; Mary
Ethel, b. October 21, 1880, m. G. E, Stannard; Arthur William (No.
2357), b. December 21, 1881 ; James Norton, b. December 24, 1883;
Frank Augustus, b. January 9, 1885.
1037. MORRIS BARKER CRAWFORD. B.A. {gen. hon., ist
grade) ; M.A., 1877. $. N. 0. $. B. K. Born September 26, 1852,
Ossining, N. Y. "
Tutor in Mathematics, Wesleyan University, 1874-77. Studied in Uni-
versities of Leipzig and Berlin, Germany, 1877-80. Instructor in Physics,
Wesleyan University, 1880-81 ; Associate Professor of Physics, 1881-84;
Professor of Physics, 1884-1921 ; Professor emeritus, 1921 . Trav-
eled in the West for his health, 1882-83. Traveled and studied in Europe,
Married December 25, 1883, Caroline Laura Rice (No. 1233), of
Springfield, Mass. Children : Holmes, b. 1884, d. 1886 ; Frederick North
(No. 2665), b. January 15, 1886; Margaret (No. 2841), b. April 19, 1889.
Address : Middletown, Conn.
1038. *ALBERT PRESCOTT DOE. B.A.; M.A., 1877. A. K. E.
Born September 16, 1848, Vassalboro, Me. School principal. Died July
27, 1899, Exeter, N. H.
1039. DANIEL DORCHESTER. B.A., 1874 (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; Ph.D., Boston University, 1891 ; D.D., Wesleyan, 1900. ^. T.
4'. B. K. Born April 28, 1851, Dudley, Mass.
Taught in Vermont Conference Seminary, Montpelier, Vt., 1874-76.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Conference, 1875-83. Pro-
fessor of English Literature and Political Economy, Boston University,
1883-95. Studied in Europe, 1886-87. Lecturer in the Emerson School
of Oratory, Boston, 1891-95. Professor of the English Language and
Literature, Boston University, 1895. Methodist Episcopal minister,
Pittsburgh, St. Louis, and New York East Conferences, 1895- 1916.
Lecturer in Boston University, 1917-18. Delegate to General Conference,
M. E. Church, 1908. Author : Sovereign People; Bolshevism and Social
Revolt] numerous articles in the publications of the New Shakespeare
Society of London, Poet Lore, and The Methodist Review.
Married July i, 1875, Cleora Elizabeth Clark. Children: Daniel
Clark, b. April 17, 1876; Mary Wright, b. July 10, 1878, m. George
Hatch, Jr. ; Elizabeth Wildman, b. October 22, 1879 ; Paul, b. September
21, 1882; Howard Dunn, b. September 5, 1885, d. November 27, 1889.
Address : Westbury, L. I., N. Y.
1040. *GEORGE BORDEN DORSETT. B.A.; M.A., 1877.
<l>. N. e. Born August 27, 1850, Middletown, N. J. Lawyer. Died
October 14, 1882, Keyport, N. J.
1041. *THEODORE AUGUSTUS DUNCAN. B.A. {gen. hon.,
2nd grade) ; M.A., 1877. A. K. E. Born April 13, 1849, North Clove,
N. Y. Brother of No. 1173.
Principal of High School, Hammonton, N. J., 1874-76. Professor of
Latin and Mathematics, Upper Iowa University, 1876-79. In business in
Fayette, Iowa, 1879-85. Professor of Mathematics, Dakota University,
1885-92; Professor of History, 1893-1907. Retired, 1907. Died August
13. 191 7, Los Angeles, Cal.
Married February 14, 1900, Stella E. Friars, of Hazelton, Iowa. Chil-
dren : Donald Theodore, b. March 11, 1901 ; Dorothy, b. August 31, 1904.
1042. *GEORGE RUSSELL EMERSON. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1877. A. A. ■$. 4>. B. K. Born February 4, 1849, Rox-
bury, Mass. Brother of No. 913.
Engaged in manufacturing. West Somerville, Mass., 1874-94. Taught
in Chatham, Mass., 1894-97. In business in Boston, Mass., 1897-1912.
Died March 11, 191 2, Watertown, Mass.
Married November 10, 1875, Bessie N. Rogers, of Watertown, Mass.
1043. JOHN EDWARD EUSTIS. B.S.; LL.B, Columbia Uni-
versity, 1877; LL.D., Wesleyan, 1910. A. A. 4>. ^. B. K. Born Janu-
ary 17, 1847, Limerick, N. Y. Brother of No. 1005.
Served in Co. M, 20th N. Y. Cavalry, 1864-65. Civil engineer in New
York, N. Y., 1874-77. Studied in Columbia Law School, 1875-77. Prac-
tising law in New York, N. Y., 1877 . Commissioner, Board of
Education of New York City, 1896-99. Park Commissioner for the
Bronx, New York City, 1902-03. Member of Public Service Commis-
sion, New York City, 1907-14. Trustee of Wesleyan University,
191 2 .
Married September 21, 1881, Minnie Rutty, of New York, N. Y., who
died January 6, 1892. Married May 31, 1894, Mrs. Permelia A. Quack-
enbos, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children: John Rutty, b. August 19, 1882;
Mary, b. December 24, 1883; Sarah Elise, b. March 31, 1885, m. W. D.
Cameron; Helen Frances, b. June 25, 1887, m. Rev. Francis M. Edwards;
William Henry, b. January 4, 1889, d. July 11, 1889; Constance, b.
February 11, 1890, m. Rev. John W. Moore; Edwin Markwick (No.
3075), b. December 15, 1891 ; Elmer Tice (No. 3233), b. March 26,
1895; Richard Clinton, b. April 12, 1899 (class of 1923).
Address : 200 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
1044. *LEVI GILBERT. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade)', M.A.,
1877; D.D., Hamline University, 1888, and Wesleyan, 1900; B.D.
(Hon.), Drew Theological Seminary, 1902; LL.D., Moores Hill College,
1905; LittD., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1907. A. K. E. $. B. K.
Born August 23, 1852, Brooklyn. N. Y.
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1874-75. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Minnesota, Puget Sound. East Ohio, and New York East
Conferences, 1875-1900. Editor, Western Christian Advocate, 1900-17.
Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1904, '08; Federal
Council of Churches in America, 1906, '08. Author : Side Lights on
Immortality ; Visions of the Christ ; Incense (poems) ; The Hereafter
and Heaven. Died December 24, 1917, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Married August 4, 1875, Annie Louise Murphy, of Dixon,' 111,, who
died February 4, 1885. Married February 9, 1887, Jennie Cole, of
Winona, Minn. Children: Paul Thomas, b. May 15, 1876 (B.A., Yale,
1901) ; Frances Elva, b. February 16, 1878, m. T. J. Goe; Harold
Arthur, b. February i, 1880 (Ph.B., Yale, 1901) ; Helen Irma, b.
October 10, 1882 (B.A., Western College, 1907) ; Donald Monroe (No.
2677), b. May 16, 1888; Mary Alice, b. June 22, 1889.
1045. *JOSEPH BROWN HAMBLEN. B.A. ; B.D., Boston Uni-
versity, 1878. SP". T. Born June 8, 1849, Boston, Mass.
Taught in Sandwich, N. H., 1874-75. Studied in School of Theology,
Boston University, 1875-78. Preached in M. E. Church. Tisbury, Mass.,
1879-80; South Carver, Mass., 1880-81. Agent for Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company, Boston. Mass., 1881-82. Proof-reader, Boston,
Mass., 1882-85; Greenfield, 1885-87; Boston, 1887-1917. Died January
7, 1917, Winchester, Mass.
Married June i, 1897, Julia Eleanor Chapman, of Millstream, N. B.,
1046. *GEORGE HENRY HARDY. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd grade) ;
B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1876; M.A., Wesleyan, 1877. A. K. E.
$. B. K- Born November 15, 1849, Brookline, N. H.
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1874-76. Principal of Spring
Valley Academy, Madison, N. J., 1874-75. Taught in Madison Institute,
N. J., 1875-76. Methodist Episcopal minister, New Hampshire Confer-
ence, 1876-96. Conference historian, 1896- 1920. Superintendent of
schools, Grantham, N. H., 1884-85. Member of Board of Education,
Charlestown, N. H., 1891-92. Died July i, 1920, Haverhill, Mass.
Married May 24, 1876, Frances Emma Guy, of Middletown, Conn.
Children : Frank Lapham, b. March 23, 1877 ; Blanche Guy, b. August
20, 1879 (B.A., Smith, 1903), m. Professor Moritz Schlick; Grace May,
b. February 17, 1882; Elmer Merton, b. August il, 1887.
1047. *THOMAS BOND LINDSAY. B.A. (gen. hon., ist grade) ;
M.A., 1877; Ph.D., Boston University, 1882. *. N. 0. $. B. K. Born
April 28, 1853, New York, N. Y. Son of No. 127. College professor.
Died July 22, 1909, Glenview, Ky.
1048. WILLIAM WALLACE MARTIN. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade); B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1877; M.A., Wesleyan,
1886. <E>. N. e. ^. B. K. Born June 25, 185 1, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Taught in preparatory department, Drew Theological Seminary,
Madison, N. J., 1874-76. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary,
1874-77; Universities of Leipzig and Bonn, Germany, 1878-79; Union
Theological Seminary, 1882. Methodist Episcopal minister. New York
East Conference, 1879-83. Supernumerary; studied in Syria, 1883-84.
Professor of Hebrew, School of Theology, De Pauw University, 1885-86;
Vanderbilt University, 1886-94. Western agent of American University,
Washington, D. C, 1895-97. Lecturer on Fine Arts, Syracuse Univer-
sity, 1898-99. Secretary, American University, 1900-01. Supernumer-
ary, 1902-04. Assistant editor, Sunday school periodicals, 1905-09.
Conference historian, 1909-20. Author : Epworth Catechism of Chris-
tian Doctrine, 1894; Manual of Ecclesiastical Architecture, 1897; The
Tora of Moses, 1900; The Law and the Covenant, 1902.
Married September 4, 1890, Elizabeth Hayes, of Brentwood, Tenn.
Child : Emily.
Address : 1930 Orrington Ave., Evanston, 111.
1049. *CHARLES FOSTER MERRILL. B.A.; M.A., 1877.
A. K. E. $. B. K. Born June 15, 1852, Rockville, Conn. Brother of
No. 1280.
Studied in Boston, Mass., 1874-75. Sub-master of a grammar school,
Salem, Mass., 1875. Master of a grammar school, Hyde Park, Mass.,
1875-76; Bennington, Vt., 1876-77. Superintendent of schools, Cornish,
N. H., 1877-78. Taught in Cathedral School, Garden City, N. Y.,
1878-80. Principal of High School, Ware, Mass., 1880-83. Superin-
tendent of schools, Willimantic, Conn., 1883-87; Cohoes, N. Y., 1887-88;
Dover, N. J., 1888-91. Institute lecturer, 1891-92. Not engaged in
active work, on account of illness, 1892-93. Editor, Tribune, Middle-
town, Conn., 1893-1902. Engaged in newspaper work in Boston and
Westfield, Mass., 1902-10. Editor, Daily Republican, Millville, N. J.,
1910-11. Died July 10, 191 1, Millville, N. J.
Married August 7, 1874, Mary P. Mann, of Ipswich, Mass., who died
October 26, 1884. Married August 4, 1886, Ella Chandler, of Willi-
mantic, Conn. Children : Sarah Foster, b. March 30, 1876 ; Mary
Ethel, b. April 16, 1878, m. J. R. Williams ; Bertha, b. January 6, 1881 ;
Charles Harold, b. May 12, 1883 ; Frederick May, b. September 30,
1884, d. August I, 1885; Frank Chandler, b. April 24, 1887; Howard
Leslie, b. July 25, 1890; Winifred Chandler, b. December i, 1892; Jean
Chandler, b. July i, 1897.
1050. *GEORGE WESLEY OSGOOD. B.A.; B.D., Bangor
Theological Seminary, 1877. A. K. E. Born April 27, 1851, Bangor, Me.
Studied in Bangor Theological Seminary, Me., 1874-77. Pastor of
Congregational churches, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Canada, 1877-
1902. In the insurance business, Boston, Mass., 1903-19, Died May 28,
1919, Lynn, Mass.
Married October 6, 1881,, Clara Agnes Peck, of Barre, Vt. Children :
Helen Flora, b. August 23, 1884 (B.A., Boston Univ., 1907) ; Rachel
Clara, b. May 28, 1886 (B.A., Boston Univ., 1909) ; George Wesley, b.
November 15, 1888 ; Margaret Scott, b. September 8, 1891 ( B.A., Boston
Univ., 1914).; Elizabeth Josephine, b. June 9, 1893, d. June 11, 1893;
Dorothea Lowell, b. August 25, 1894.
1051. A[RCHIE] EMERSON PALMER. B.A. (gen. hon., ist
grade) ; M.A., 1877. A. A. «J>. $. B. K. Born January 13, 1853, Winter-
ton, N. Y. Brother of No. 1021.
Reporter for The New York Tribune, N. Y., 1874-80; assistant city
editor, 1880-87; editorial writer, 1887-98. Secretary of the Board of
Education, New York City, 1898 . Editorially connected with The
New Princeton Review and The North American Review, 1888-92.
Author : The New York Public School, 1905.
Married September 26, 1876, Mattie Leavens, of Brooklyn, N. Y,, who
died January 9, 1880. Married October 12, 1881, Mrs, Rebecca Learned
Trail, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who died April 2. 191 1. Married November
2, 1912, Mrs. Jessie De Freest Sullivan, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children :
Bert Leavens, b. August 20, 1877, d. January 20, 1882; Arthur Roy, b.
December 31, 1882, d. February 18, 1906; Mary Learned, b. January 17,
1888 (B.A., Smith College, 1909), m. Raymond Tifft Fuller.
Address : 500 Park Ave., New York, N. Y.
1052. FRANCIS HUBERT PARKER. B.A. (gen. hon., ist
grade) ; LL.B., Yale University, 1876. $. N. 9. *. B, K. Born Sep-
tember 23, 1850, East Haddam, Conn.
Studied law, 1874-76. Taught in Enfield, Conn., 1875. Studied in
Yale Law School, 1875-76. Practising law in Hartford, Conn., 1876 ,
Member of Connecticut Legislature, 1878, '80, 1909, Prosecuting attor-
ney for the city of Hartford, Conn., 1887-91, 1894-95, I9i5-i7- Referee
in bankruptcy for Hartford County, 1898-1900, U. S, Attorney, District
of Connecticut, 1900-08. Corporation Counsel, city of Hartford, 1908-10.
Trustee, Connecticut School for Boys, 1898-1909; president of the
Board, 1899- 1909.
Married December 9, 1891, Mrs. Adelaide (Leeds) Fowler, of New
London, Conn.
Address : 902 Main St., Hartford, Conn.
1053. *WESLEY ULYSSES PEARNE, B,A., 1875. A, K. E,
Born April i, 1851, New York, N, Y.
Instructor of Music in city schools, Middletown, Conn,, 1874-75.
Studied law in Middletown, 1875-79. Practised law in Middletown,
1879-1917. Member of Middletown Common Council, 1880-82. Clerk
of the City Court, 1879-95; judge, 1895-1917. Trustee of Wesleyan
University, 1902-17. Died July 5, 1917, Middletown, Conn.
Married April 25, 1883, Harriette C. Arnold, of Middletown, Conn.
1054. GEORGE ADELBERT PERRY. B.A, ; M,A,, 1877. A. K, E,
Born June 2, 1845, Richmondville, N, Y,
Served in Co, B, 91st N. Y. Volunteers, 1864-65. Taught in Troy
Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt, 1874-76; Ives Seminary, Antwerp,
N. Y., 1876-77; Portland High School, Me., 1877-81; William Penn
Charter School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1881-85. Headmaster, Franklin
School, Philadelphia, 1885-93. Private teacher, New York, N. Y.,
1893 .
Married July 22, 1875, Susannah Chase Barton, of Willsboro, N. Y.,
who died October 10, 1919. Children: Ralph Barton, b. July 3, 1876
(B.A., Princeton, 1896) ; Edward DeWolf, b. October 2, 1880.
Address: Willsboro, Essex Co., N. Y.
1055. *JOHN NEHEMIAH PIERCE. B.A.; M.A., 1877.
A. K. E. Born April 7, 185 1, Edgartown, Mass. Lawyer. Died April
22, 1906, Edgartown, Mass.
1056.. *JOHN HENRY PILLSBURY. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1877. $. N. 0. $. B. K. Born December 20, 1846,
Limington, Me. Methodist Episcopal minister, later school principal.
Died December 20, 1910, Waban, Mass.
1057. *BYRAM GREENE SANFORD. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade)', M.A., 1880; B.D., Boston University, 1883. A. A. $. Born
October 13, 1843, Marion, N. Y.
Taught in Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., 1875-76.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1876-77. Preached
most of the year, 1877-78. Preached in M. E. Church, Sodus Point,
N. Y., 1878-79, Methodist Episcopal minister, Genesee, Central New
York, and Northern New York Conferences, 1879-1910. Supernumer-
ary, 1910. Died February 12, 1919, Wellsburg, N. Y.
Married February 23, 1883, Flora Ardelle Blen, of Dresden, Me., who
died September 2, 1907. Married September 23, 1909, Myra Manley.
Children: Edmund Byram, b. December 7, 1883; Morris Blen, b.
December 27, 1886; Elvyn Pratt, b. June 15, 1888; Leman Harold, b.
October i, 1889.
1058. *AMOS WILLIAM SEA VEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1877. A. K. E.
Born March 17, 1849, Greenland, N. H. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died January 20, 1886, Nahant, Mass.
A. A. *. Born August 8, 1846, New York, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York East Confeience, 1874-81.
Withdrew from the conference; ordained deacon in the Protestant
Episcopal Church, 1881. Assistant minister, Church of the Holy Apos-
tles, New York, N. Y., 1881-84. Ordained priest. Rector of Grace
Church, Port Jarvis, N. Y., 1884-86. Associate rector of St. Paul's
Church, Cleveland, Ohio, 1886-90. Rector of Trinity Church, Seymour,
Conn., 1890-93; St. Paul's Church, Portland, Me., 1894-1919. Secretary
of the Diocese of Ohio, 1888-90; Diocese of Maine, 1898-99. Died
March 22,, 1919, Portland, Me.
Married December 30, 1875, Emma Irene Smith, of Rockville, Conn.
Child: Marguerite Roe, b. December 25, 1887, d. June 24, 1898.
1060. CHARLES WESLEY SMILEY. B.A.; M.A., 1877. ^. T.
$. B. K. Born September 10, 1846, Fitchburg, Mass.
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary (assistant librarian), 1874-75.
Taught in Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1875-76;
Drew Ladies' Seminary, Carmel, N. Y., 1876-77. Resided in Madison,
N. J., engaged in literary work, 1877-79. Chief clerk and special agent,
9th U. S. Census, Fishery Branch, 1879-84. Chief of division and
editor, U. S. Fish Commission, 1884-88; librarian of the Commission,
1888-89. Expert special agent, loth U. S. Census, in charge of Fishery
Branch, 1889-91. Engaged in the printing business, Washington, D. C,
1891-99. Traveled and studied in Europe, 1891, '92, '95, '96. Engaged
in literary work, 1899 . Editor: Berean Bible Lessons, 1875-78;
Psi Upsilon Biographical Catalogue, 1877-79; The Fishing Industries
of the United States, 7 volumes (with No. 917), 1879-84; Non-graduate
Alumni Record of Wesleyan University, 1883; American Monthly
Microscopical Journal, 1887-1902; The Microscope (monthly), 1895-98;
Occult Truths (monthly), 1899-1902; nine reports of the U. S. Fish
Married, 1890; divorced, 1898.
Address : 1023 45th St., Oakland, Cal.
1061. EDWIN PITMAN STEVENS. B.A. {gen. hon., ;md
grade); M.A., 1877; B.D., Boston University, 1877; D.D., Syracuse
University, 1904. ^. T. $. B. K. Born November 29, 1851, Boston,
Mass. Brother of No. 2040.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1874-77. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister, Troy (Conference, 1877-1917. Retired, 1917.
Presiding Elder, Albany District, 1900-06. Delegate to General Con-
ference, M. E. Church, 1904.
Married May 14, 1878, Frances Caroline Saxe, who died March 18,
1888. Married September 7, 1909, Mrs. Nellie Joanna Packer, of
Mechanicsville, N. Y. Children : Grace Drury, b. April 13, 1880, d.
April 15, 1881 ; EHzabeth Frances, b. June 7, 1884 (B.A., Goucher
College, 1909), m. J. Fred Laise; Franklin Rand, b. August 23, 1886
(B.E., Union, 1908).
Address: 137 Circular St., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
1062. EMORY HARLOW TALBOT. B.A.; M.A., 1877. >I'. T.
Born September 11, 185 1, Sandwich, Mass. Son of No. 226.
Midshipman in U. S. Navy, 1864. Reporter for The Boston Globe,
Mass., 1874-75. News editor of The Hartford Times, Conn., 1875-77.
Engaged in daily journalism in Boston, as reporter, editor, and tele-
graph correspondent, 1877-1917. Editor for the Associated Press,
1917 .
Married September 12, 1876, H. Virginia Davis, of Baltimore, Md.
Children : Frank Earlougher Davis, b. October 20, 1878; Arthur Wil-
bour, b. October 23, 1884, d. December 21, 1918; Ethel, b. February 28,
Address: 3 Nottingham St., Dorchester, Mass.
LL.B., Yale University, 1877. A. A. $. Born February 22, 1854, Fair-
field, Conn. Judge. Died February 12, 1905, Bridgeport, Conn.
November 26, 1849, Poultney, Vt. Brother of W. U. Taylor (class of
Taught in Johnson College, Quincy, 111., 1874-75. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Nebraska, Troy, Vermont, and North Dakota Conferences,
1875 . Author: Full Salvation; Holy Fire; The Old Stump;
Bible Readings and Spiritual Essays. Editor : The Life Line, an illus-
trated magazine.
Married May 22, 1878, Letha Electa Horton, of Sandlake, N. Y., who
died April 24, 1894. Married March 19, 1895, Mrs. Lillie Estilla (Cun-
ningham) Wood, of Middletown, Conn. Children : Marian Aria, b.
March 7, 1879, ni- I- N. Thompson; William Henry, b. December 17,
GRADUATES. [1874-75
1880, d. February 3, 1885; Frank Chandler, b. June 15, 1882; Julia
May, b. April 6, 1884, m. Rev. E. C. Roberts ; John Horton, b. June 2,
1886, d. December 13, 1908; Anna Leonora, b. April 26, 1888, m. Rev.
Albert L. Balsmeier; Jennie Love, b. May 18, 1890, m. Henry W.
Hayford; Letha Elizabeth, b. July 2, 1892, d. November 5, 1893;
Henry Boardman, b. April 4, 1894 (class of 1915).
Address: Philip, S. Dak.
1065. EDWARD DAVID TOWLE. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade) ;
M.A., 1877. *. N. G. *. B. K. Born June 23, 1853, Boston, Mass.
Brother of G. H. Towle (class of 1873).
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1874-76. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister, New England Southern Conference, 1876-82.
Withdrew from the conference, 1882. Pastor of Unitarian Church,
Chelsea, Mass., 1882-87. Resided at Elizabethtown, Tenn., 1887-89.
Pastor of All Souls' Church (Unitarian), Chattanooga, Tenn., 1889-92;
East (Unitarian) Church, Salem, Mass., 1892-97; Second Unitarian
Society, Brookline, Mass., 1897-1908; First Unitarian Church, Peabody,
Mass., 1912 ,
Married July 25, 1877, M. Isabel Ward, of Hillsboro, N. H. Child :
Ethel Ward, b. April 8, 1880, m. George Warren Haslet.
Address: Hillsboro, N. H.
B.D., Protestant Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass.. 1877.
^. N. G. Born May 15, 1852, Jersey City, N. J.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1874-75 J Protestant
Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass., 1876-77. Ordained
deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1877. Minister of Grace
Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1877-78. Ordained priest, 1878. Rector of
St. Peter's Church, Beverly, Mass., 1878-83. Associate rector of Christ
Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1883-89. Rector of St. Paul's Church, Hol-
yoke, Mass., 1889-97. Chaplain of the 2d Regt. Mass. Volunteer Militia
(in service in Cuba, 1898), 1891-99. Rector of the Church of the Holy
Spirit, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1899-1914; American Church of St. John,
Dresden, Germany, 1914 .
Married December 11, 1882, Alba E. Wall, of Dorchester, Mass., who
died March 22, 1918. Child: Frances Amory, b. February 12, 1885
(B.A., Vassar), m. Capt. Ascanio Moreno.
Address: Reichsplatz 5, Dresden, Germany.
1067. ARTHUR LEONARD ANDREWS. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1878. ^. T. *. B. K. Born April 16, 1855, Marion,
Studied law in Albany, N. Y., 1875-77. Practising law in Albany,
N. Y., 1877 . Corporation counsel, city of Albany, 1900-20. Com-
missioner to revise the charter for cities of the second class, N. Y.,
1895. Hudson-Fulton celebration commissioner, 1909. Vice-president.
Albany College of Pharmacy; Albany Home School for the Instruction
of the Deaf. Government appeal agent, City of Albany, 1917-18. Lec-
turer on Municipal Corporations, Albany Law School.
Married September 4, 1879, Alice Anable, of Albany, N. Y. Child:
Harold Fourdrimer, b. July 3, 1884 (Ph.B., Yale, 1906).
Address : Home Savings Bank Building, Albany, N. Y.
1068. ^LEONARD LEMON BEEMAN. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1878. ^V. T. 4>. B. K. Born March 12, 1849, North
Fairfax, Vt. Brother of No. 769.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1875-76. Methodist
Episcopal minister, Vermont and New England Conferences, 1876-1919.
Retired, 1919. Principal of East Greenwich Academy, R. I., 1886-87.
Superintendent of schools, Barre, Vt, 1888-89. Presiding Elder of
Montpelier District, 1892-98. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1888-93.
Died October 20, 1920, Shelburne Falls, Mass.
Married June 29, 1876, Phebe Almeda Stone (No. 1138), of West
Brookfield, Mass., who died April 14, 1913, Married November 5, 1914,
Mrs. Mary S. Morgan, of Shelburne Falls, Mass. Children: Phebe
Stone, b. July 22, 1877, d. April 22, 1881 ; Bowman Stone, b. July 14,
1880 (class of 1904) ; Wilbur Stone (No. 2526), b. January 22, 1882,
d. April 15, 1920; Leila Stone, b. March 12, 1887, m. H. D. Arnold
(No. 2524) ; Francis Stone, b.. August 4, 1889 (B.S., Mass. Agr. College,
1069. *ALFRED EDGAR BEST. B.A.; M.A., 1878. ^. T.
Born December 12, 1848, Mechanicsville, N. Y. Engaged in journalism
and business. Died November 27, 1893, Utica, N. Y.
1070. ROBERT EDGAR BISBEE. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade) ;
M.A., 1878. $. N. 0. *. B. K. Born October 11, 1851, Wellington, Me.
Taught in Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N. Y., 1875-77. President
of Clark University, Atlanta, Ga., 1877-81. Financial agent of the
Freedmen's Aid Society, M. E. Church, 1881-82. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Maine, Columbia River, Vermont, New England, and New
England Southern Conferences, 1882 . President of Spokane Col-
lege, 1884-87, 1891-92. Chairman, Massachusetts Minimum Wage Com-
mission, 1914-15. On book reviewers staff, Boston Transcript, 1900 .
Married July 26, 1875. Ada M. Graves. Children: Rena Isobel, b.
August 14, 1877; Edna Caro, b. February 10, 1883, m. V. E. Peppard;
Robert Merrill, b. April 27, 1885 (class of 1906) ; Joseph Graves, b.
November 26, 1891.
Address : South Middleboro, Mass.
1071. *JOHN PARKER BRONK. B.A. ; LL.B., Yale University,
1877; M.A., Wesleyan, 1878. Born January 24, 1855, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Lawyer, later in the insurance business. Died January 22, 1904, Bridge-
port, Conn.
1072. *MORRIS DE VEAU CHURCH. B.A., 1910. A. A. $.
Born June 2, 1849, New York, N. Y.
Left college in Senior year, 1875. Ordained in the Reformed Episco-
pal Church, 1876. Pastor of churches in Chicago, 111., and Cincinnati,
Ohio, 1876-81. Methodist Episcopal minister, Newark Conference, 1881-
1918. Died March 6, 1918, Somerville, N. J.
Married September 15, 1880, Jennie Bentley. Children : Herbert
Bentley, b. August 21, 1881 ; Helen Everett, b. September 4, 1883, m.
J. R. Ekings; Marine Taylor, b. September 18, 1885, m. R. W. Matter;
Evelyn Marshall, b. November 3, 1888.
1073. OLIVER ALLEN COLEMAN. B.A. ; M.A., 1878. ^. T.
Born March i, 1854, Flatlands, N. Y. Brother of Nos. 1000 and 11 19.
Studied law in Cooperstown, N. Y., and Detroit, Mich., 1875-79.
Practised law in Detroit, Mich., 1879-81. City attorney, Baxter Springs,
Kans., 1881-83. Secretary and treasurer, Georgia Loan and Trust Com-
pany, 1883 (now vice-president and general manager). President of
the first Chamber of Commerce, Americus, Ga.
Married May 22, 1884, Vivienne Burke, of Americus, Ga. Children :
Cornelia, b. October 7, 1885; William Burke, b. November 27, 1889;
Ruth, b. February 7, 1893; Thomas Edmund, b. July 23, 1895.
Address : Macon, Ga.
1074. *WILLIAM ALBERT COTTLE. B.A.; M.A., 1878.
A. K. E. Born February 21, 1849, North Tisbury, Mass. Physician.
Died November 20, 1894, Mattoon, Wis.
1075. FRANCIS ASBURY CRANDALL. B.A. (sp. hon., Hist.).
^. T. Born October 13, 1854, New London, Conn.
Salesman with A. T. Stewart & Co., New York, N. Y., 1875-81;
manager of department, 1881-95. Vice-president, National Gramophone
Company, 1895-1905. Treasurer of various companies and manager of
estates, 1905 .
Married July 5, 1883, Isabella Hale Joslin, of Keene, N. H. Children :
Mary Hale, b. August 31, 1884 (B.A., Vassar, 1907), m, Abner Howard;
Edvarda Thayer, b. August 21, 1894.
Address: 168 Park Ave., Yonkers, N. Y.
1076. M[OSES] EUGENE CULVER. B.A.; M.A., 1878. ^. T.
Born July 10, 1854, East Haddam, Conn.
Studied law in Middletown, Conn., 1875-78. Practising law in Middle-
town, 1878 . , Prosecuting attorney. City Court of Middletown, 1883-
1903. County health officer, 1917 .
Married June 10, 1896, Lizzie H. Sparrow, of Mankato, Minn. Child:
Frances Baldwin, b. December 7, 1901.
Address : Middletown, Conn.
1077. • *WALTER HOLBROOK DOWNS. B.A.; LL.B., Columbia
University, 1877. Born March 26, 1853, South Berwick, Me. Brother
of F. A. Downs (class of 1855). '
Studied law in New York, N. Y., 1875-77. Practised law in New
York, N. Y., 1877-80; South Berwick, Me., 1880-1916. Town clerk and
treasurer. South Berwick, Me., 1880; postmaster, 1888-96, 1900-16;
trial justice, 1886-1907. Died June 17, 1920, South Berwick, Me.
Married October 20, 1904, Isabella Hurd, of North Berwick, Me.
1078. ASHTON CHAUNCEY EDDY. B.A.; M.A., 1879.
A. A. $. Born November 27, 1849, Theresa, N. Y. Brother of B. T.
Eddy (class of 1879).
Graduate student in Wesleyan University, 1875-76. In the drug busi-
ness, Theresa, N. Y., 1876-78. Studied in Drew Theological Seminary,
1878-80. Preached in M. E. Church, St. Lawrence, N. Y., 1880-81.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Northern New York Conference, 1881-87.
Located, at his request, 1887. Preached and farmed at Claremont, Va.,
1887-96. In the insurance business, Attleboro, Mass., 1896— — .
Married October 20, 1880, Ida L. Wells, of Middletown, Conn.
Children: Alice Clara, b. August 5, 1883; Ethel Elizabeth, b. August
15, 1886; Olin Wells, b. October 3, 1892.
Address : Gifford Block, Attleboro, Mass.
1079. *CHARLES FRANK ELY. B.A.; M.A., 1878. A. K. E.
Born July 3, 1850, Westfield, Mass. Lawyer. Died June 14, 1908,
Westfield, Mass.
1080. JUNIUS GUILFORD FALLON. B.A.; M.A., 1878; Ph.D.,
Harriman Universit)^, 1900; D.D., Rust University, 1900. <ir. T. Born
December 6, 1848, Keeseville, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Troy Conference, 1875-1910. Superan-
nuated, 1910.
Married July 8, 1875, Mary E. Nichols, of Peru, N. Y., who died
August 28, 1882. Married December 28, 1887, Ella S. Springer, of
Camden, N. J. . Children: John Henry, b. May 2, 1876; Junius Everest,
b. May 13, 1879; Rheuby Margaret, b. July i, 1889; Elsie Crawford,
b. August 3Q, 1890.
Address : 4629 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Chem.) ; M.A., 1878. A. K. E. Born February i, 1853, New Provi-
dence, N. J.
Principal of public schools, Summit, X. J., 1875-77; Linden, 1877-82;
Newark, 1882 .
Married September 26, 1877, Julia Vincent Brown, of Franklin, N. J.,
who died April 6, 1914. Children: Marion Brown, b. August 21, 1878;
Jacob Irving, b. June i, 1880; Bessie Sprague, b. February 27, 1884, d.
August 5, 1885; Frederick Westervelt, b. August 30, 1886.
Address : ^z South loth St., Newark, N. J.
1082. *FRANKLIN HARRIS GRIFFIN. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade). A. A. 4>. ^. B. K. Born January 6, 1852, Flushing, N. Y. In
business. Died March 5, 191 1, Flushing, N. Y.
1083. HARRY CLAY HEERMANS. B.A. ; M.A., 1878. A. A. $.
Born June 3, 1852, Fellowsville, W. Va.
Acting principal of Corning Free Academy, N. Y., 1875-76. Studied
law in Corning, N. Y., 1875-77. Member of firm, Heermans & Law-
rence, machinists and jobbers in plumbing supplies. Corning, N. Y., 1877-
1908. City engineer. Corning, N. Y., 1883-90. President of the Ontario
Land Company, of Duluth, Minn., 1886-1921. President and manager,
Hoquiam Water Company, Wash., 1898-1921 ; of the Olympia Water
Works, Wash., 1905-14.
Married September 25, 1878, Ella Weston, of Painted Post, N. Y.,
who died May 15, 1880. Married March 17, 1886, Annie Lawrence
Townsend, of Erwin, N. Y. Children: Ruth, b. June 3, 1888 (B.A.,
Vassar, 1910), m. M. J. Beatty; Joseph Fellows, b. November 28, 1891 ;
Jerome Townsend, b. July 6, 1893 (B.A., Univ. of Washington, 1916) ;
Helen DeKay, b. January 29, 1895, d. August 31, 1896; Donald, b.
September 11, 1861 (B.A., Univ. of Washington, 1921).
Address: Drawer 717, Olympia, Wash.
1084. AUSTIN HENRIE HERRICK. B.A. {gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Eng. Lit.); B.D., Boston University, 1878; M.A.,
Wesleyan, 1879. *• N. 6. $. B. K. Born March 7, 1854, Buckland,
Mass. Son of A. F. Herrick (class of 1853) ; brother of E. P. Herrick
(class of 1880):
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1875-78. Preached
in M. E. Church, South Athol, Mass., 1877; North Grafton, 1878-79.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Conference, 1879 .
Married April 20, 1881, Sarah Leonora Prouty, of Spencer, Mass.
Children : Asbury Haven, b. June 20, 1882 (B.A., Ohio Wesleyan, 1903) ;
Cyril Allyn, b. May 28, 1885 (B.A., Harvard, 1910), d. January 2, 1920;
Ilga Elaine, b. September 19, 1890 (B.A., Boston University, 1912).
Address: Brighton, Mass.
Born January lo, 185 1, Newark, N, J. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died July 24, 1884, Bridgeport, Conn.
1086. *LEWIS McLELLAN JACKSON. B.A. ; M.A., 1878. Born
April 14, 1854, Indianapolis, Ind. School principal, later in the insurance
business. Died January 25, 1905, Worcester, Mass.
1087. *WTLLIAM CHANNING KELLOGG. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade). A. A. $. <J>. B. K. Born July 11, 1850, Norwich, Vt,
Preached in M. E. Church, Norwich, Conn., 1875-76. Studied in Law
School of Boston University, 1876-78. Principal of Yarmouth High
School, Mass., 1878-81. Taught in Yonkers, N. Y., 1881-82. Practised
law in Yonkers, N. Y., 1882-1917. City judge of Yonkers. Died
August 1917, Yonkers, N. Y.
Married October 3, 1877, Emma J. Lewis, of Norwich, Conn. Chil-
dren: Ruth Emma, b. June 30, 1878, m. William Rayner; Lewis Chan-
ning, b. November 15, 1886.
1088. THOMAS RAYMOND KNEIL. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1878. ^. T. ^. B. K. Born November 6, 1851, West-
field, Mass.
Preached in M. E. Church, West Worthington, Mass., 1875-76.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1876-77. Principal
of High School, Belchertown, Mass., 1877-78. Taught in Troy Confer-
ence Academy, Poultney, Vt., 1878-80. Principal of Union Free School,
Crown Point, N. Y., 1880-87, 1889-91. Proprietor of The Ticonderoga
Sentinel, N, Y., 1887-89. Principal of High School, Saratoga Springs,
N. Y., 1891-92. Superintendent of schools, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.,
1892-1914. Grand Regent, Royal Arcanum of New York, 1914-16;
Chairman, Saratoga Springs Chapter, 1917-18. President and secretary,
Municipal Civil Service Commission, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1915-19.
Engaged in demobilization work under Y. M. C. A. in Virginia, 1918-19.
In Army Welfare work, under the War Department, with rank of first
lieutenant, 1919-20.
Married January 5, 1882, Carrie Maria Hawley, of Johnsonville, N. Y.
Children: Thomas Hawley, b. March 20, 1883, d. April 18, 1896; Philip
Colburn, b. April 24, 1888; Margaret Mary, b. June i, 1890; Robert
Chipman(No. 3169), b. July 27, 1892; Caroline Marcia, b. July 30, 1896.
Address : 767 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.
1089. ISAAC CHASE LIBBY. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade);
M.A., 1878. ^. N. e. $. B. K. Born March i, 1852, Cornish, Me.
Assistant superintendent of State Reform School, Cape Elizabeth,
Me., 1875. Graduate student in Wesleyan University, 1875-76. Vice-
principal of High School, Middletown, Conn., 1876-78; principal,
1878-80. Principal of High School, Great Falls, N. H., 1880-81. Engaged
in tutoring in Middletown, Conn., 1881-82. President of Spokane Col-
lege, Wash.; pastor of First M. E. Church, Spokane, 1882-84. Joined
Columbia River Conference, M. E. Church, 1883. Withdrew from the
conference, 1884. Proprietor of English and Classical School, Spokane,
Wash., 1884-86. Engaged in stock farming, Spokane, 1886-97. Superin-
tendent of schools, Spokane County, Wash., 1889-91. Taught in High
School, Spokane, 1897-1901 ; State Normal School, Cheney, Wash., 1902.
Head of Department of Ancient Languages, Lewis and Clark High
School, Spokane, 1902 . Lay delegate to General Conference, M. E.
Church, 1896. Editor: Among Student Friends.
Married July 25, 1877, Martha Edwina Libby, of Meriden, Conn., who
died January 21, 1916. Married July 28, 1917, Alice Carey Traver, of
Spokane, Wash. Children : Mary Ledoit, b. June 19, 1879, m- Rev. J. L.
Carpenter; Ruth Ronald, b. June 19, 1879, m. J. A. Brady; Fred Clark,
b. December 23, 1883, d. July 11, 1884; Laura Manning, b. January 28,
1887,. m. J- W. CorHss; Paul Thompson, b. May 30, 1888; Zadel, b.
July 25, 1892, d. May 12, 1893.
Address : 309 Wall St., Spokane, Wash.
1090. *CYRUS COLIGNI LOVEJOY. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1878. <ir. T. *. B. K. Born October 9, 1845, Landaff,
N. H.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Rock River and Wyoming Conferences,
1875- 1913. Taught in Wyoming Conference Seminary, Kingston, Pa.,
1875-80. President of Jennings Seminary, Aurora, 111., 1887-94. Retired
from the active ministry, and removed to Florida, 1913. Died January
26, 1 91 5, in Florida.
Married July 21, 1875, Ellen E. Renfrew, of Hartford, Vt.
1091. WARREN AUGUSTUS LUCE. B.A. ; ALA., 1878. *. N. e.
Born July 11, 1849, Vineyard Haven, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Southern Conference,
1875-1914. Retired, 1914. Associated with ihe Atherton Furniture
Company, Brockton, Mass., 1914 .
Married June 14, 1876, Mrs. Ella Arnold Hayes, of Haddam, Conn.
Children : Gertrude Scovil, b. December 23, 1877, m. Dr. A. R. Crandell ;
Arthur Whitaker, b. September 5, 1882; Warren Augustus, b. June 22,
1887, d. August 6, 1890; Marjorie Augusta, b. April 4, 1893, m. J.
Stearns Gushing; Mira Elma, b. June 17, 1894 (B.A., Mt. Holyoke,
1917), m. V. Ardsley Flood.
Address: 68 Glenwood Ave., Brockton, Mass.
1092. ERNEST ARTHUR MARKHAM. B.A.; M.A., 1885;
M.D., Eclectic Medical College, New York, 1877. Born October 16,
1853, Windsor, Vt.
Studied in Eclectic Medical College, New York, N. Y., 1875-77. Prac-
tised medicine in South Glastonbury, Conn., 1877-78; Durham, Conn.,
1878-85, 1886 . Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology, Eclectic
Medical College, New York, N. Y., 1885-86. Health officer and medical
examiner, Durham, Conn. Representative in Connecticut General
Assembly, 1895-96. Vice-president, Connecticut Eclectic Medical Society.
President, Connecticut Eclectic Examining Board. Post Surgeon, 6th
Regiment, Conn. Home Guard. First Heutenant, Medical Reserve State
Married April 21, 1876, Mrs. Annie Deering (Brown) Martin, of
New York, N. Y. Children: Oliver Irving, b. February 3, 1877;
Leonard Bailey, b. September i, 1878; Maude Minerva, b. December 15,
1879, m. L. E. Markham; Ernest Arthur, b. October 31, 1881, d. April 14,
Address: Box 106, Durham, Conn.
1093. *CALEB IRVING MILLS. B.A. ; LL.B., Boston Univer-
sity, 1877; M.A., Wesleyan, 1878; D.D., Albuquerque College, 1906.
$. N. 0. Born December 11, 1851, Medford, Mass.
Studied in Law School of Boston University, 1875-77. In business in
Boston, Mass., 1878-79. Studied in School of Theology, Boston Uni-
versity, 1879-80. Methodist Episcopal minister, East Maine, New Eng-
land, and Colorado Conferences, 1880-1902. President of Albuquerque
College, 1889-90. Ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church,
1903; priest, 1904. Curate, St. Mark's Church, Denver, Col., 1903-06.
Assistant priest, St. John's Cathedral, Denver, 1906-09. Rector, Ascen-
sion Memorial Church, Denver, 1909-12. Editor : The Colorado Church-
man, 1906. Died January 15, 1919, Los Angeles, Cal.
Married January i, 1878, Hittie S. Crawford, of Searsmont, Me., who
died November 25, 1878. Married August 30, 1882, A. Etta Whittemore,
of East Machias, Me. Children: Hattie Bacon, b. November 11, 1878,
d. November 13, 1878; Lillian Eliza, b. January 3, 1884; Charles Bailey,
b. June 20, 1885, d. November 4, 1905 ; Edgar Irving, b. March 6, 1888 ;
Samuel Whittemore, b. June 10, 1891, d. June 13, 1891.
1094. JAMES NIXON. B.A.; M.A., 1878. $. N. G. Born De-
cember 10, 1842, Petersville, N. B., Canada.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Maine and Columbia River Conferences,
1870-1910. Supernumerary, 1910.
Married May 12, 1879, Clara B. Merry, of North Anson, Me., who
died January 10, 1886. Married October 28, 1893, Fredrietta T. Hill, of
Lyman, Me. Child: James Arthur, b. January 9, 1883, d. May, 1886.
Address: Georgetown, Me.
1095. MILLARD MAYHEW PARKER. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1878. 4>. N. 6. ^. B. K. Born November 27, 1849, Jay,
Me. Brother of No. 872.
Principal of academy, Glastonbury, Conn., 1875-77; High School,
Holliston, Mass., 1877-82. Resided in the West for his health, 1883-84.
Taught in Sierra-Madre College, Pasadena, Cal., 1884-86. Principal of
Pasadena Academy, Cal., 1886-91. Vice-president and Professor of
Latin, Throop Polytechnic Institute, Pasadena, Cal., 1891-97. President
of the University of Arizona, 1897-1901. Retired; engaged in business,
1901 . Member of City Council, Pasadena, Cal., 1886-90 (president,
Married July 4, 1878, M. Josephine Miles, of Westminster, Mass.
Children: Alice Josephine, b. September 26, 1879, d. March 18, 1895;
George Millard, b. September 22, 1881 (B.A., Univ. of California) ;
Grace Miles, b. February 10, 1883 (B.L., University of California), m.
W. T. Olney.
Address : 610 Oakland Ave., Pasadena, Cal.
2nd grade) ; M.A., 1878. a>. N. 9. *. B. K. Born August 10, 1854,
Middletown, Conn. Son of No. 322,
Graduate student in .Wesleyan University, 1875-76. Taught in
Vermont Conference Seminary, Montpelier, Vt., 1876-78. Studied in
Yale Divinity School, 1878-80. Preached in M. E. Church, Lenox, Mass.,
1880-81. Taught in Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1881-82. Methodist
Episcopal minister, New York East Conference, 1882-1914. Died Janu-
ary 18, 1914, Guilford, Conn.
Married October 19, 1882, Katie Estella Parsons, of Lenox, Mass.
Child : Clinton Chandler, b. May 10, 1888.
^. N. 9. Born February 26, 1850, Meriden, Conn.
Resided in Hartford, Conn., 1876. In business in New York, N. Y.,
Address : unknown.
1098. *WILBUR SAMUEL RAYMOND. B.A. ; M.A., 1879.
A. A. <t>. Born February 10, 1852, Lockport, N. Y. Brother of G. P.
Raymond (class of 1876).
Editor of The American Educational Monthly, New York, N. Y.,
1^76-77. Engaged in journalistic work in Denver, Col., and in wool
growing in Kiowa, Col., 1877-79. In the hardware business, Lockport,
N, Y., 1879-81 ; in the hardware and mining business, in different places
in Colorado, 1881-1914. Engaged in real estate and banking in Denver,
Col. Mayor of St. Elmo, Col., 1882. Made a tour of the world in
1895-96, and again in 1900-01. Died August 2, 1914, Denver, Col.
Married August 29, 1878, Carrie E. Hall, of Lockport, N. Y. Child:
Claudius, b. March 20, 1884 (B.A., Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., 1908).
1099. *JOSEPH WALDO VINAL RICH. B.A. ; M.A., 1878.
A. K. E. Born April 5, 1849, Che.sterville, Me. School principal. Died
June 16, 1905, Providence, R. L
1100. *JAMES LATIMER ROBINSON. B.A. {sp. lion., Hist.) ;
LL.B., Columbia University, 1877; M.A., Wesleyan, 1878. Born Sep-
tember 13, 1854, Flatbush, N. Y. Lawyer. Died September 22, 1883.
A. K. E. Born October 8, 1845, Lunenburg, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Conference, 1875-1920,
Retired, 1920.
Married June 30, 1875, Grace A. Peabody, of Clinton, Mass., who died
March 11, 1900. Married June 18, 1902, Margaret Richmond, of Danvers,
Mass. Children : Gracie Emma, b. June 5, 1876, m. G. F. True ; George
Peabody, b. November 24, 1880, d. December 19, 1901.
Address : 1000 Riverdale St., W. Springfield, Mass.
^. T. Born August 28, 1853, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Traveled in Europe, 1875-76. In business in Philadelphia, Pa., 1876-77.
President of Gas-Saving Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1877. Practising
law in Philadelphia, Pa., 1880 . Assistant city solicitor of Phila-
delphia, Pa., 1881-84.
Married June 19, 1883, Emma Lathers, of New Rochelle, N. Y.
Address : 1420 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
1103. *CLARENCE MORGAN SKEEL. B.A. ; M.A., 1878.
A. A. ^. $. B. K, Born September 16, 1854, Williamstown, N. Y.
Brother of No. 1104. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died August 9,
1880, Denver, Col.
1104. FRANK DEUEL SKEEL. B.A. ; M.A., 1878 ; M.D., New
York University, 1881. A. A. $. Born February 7, 1851, Sterling Valley,
N. Y. Brother of No. 1103.
Resided at New York Mills, N. Y., 1875-77. Private tutor in Thomas-
ton, Conn., 1877-78. Studied medicine in New York, N. Y., 1878-81.
Practising medicine in New York, 1881 . Instructor in Diseases of
the Eye, Postgraduate Medical School of New York, N. Y., 1892.
Surgeon, New York Eye Infirmary ; ophthalmic surgeon. Deaf and Dumb
Married December 7, 1882, Mary Augusta Robertson, of New York,
N. Y. Child: Henry Robertson (No. 2771), b. October 4, 1885.
Address : 147 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. Residence : Bedford
Hills, N. Y.
1105. 'ARTHUR DAVIS SMITH. B.A. A. K. E. Born June 29,
1855, Middletown, Conn.
Studied law in Middletown, Conn., 1875-77. Practised law in Hart-
ford, Conn., 1877-82; Minneapolis, Minn.. 1882 .
Married November 17, 1880, Mrs. Jennie Matteson, of Rocky Hill,
Conn.; divorced. Married October 2, 1902, Stella Sophia DeHaven, of
Minneapolis, Minn. Children : Arthur Campbell, b. September 3, 1881 ;
Philippa Hilliard, b. August 15, 1903; Hilliard Henry, b. August 14,
Address : 915 Northwestern Building, Minneapolis, Minn.
New Orleans University, 1895. *• N- ©• Born December 4, 1852, Chel-
sea, Mass. Son of No. 172.
Principal of Bennett Seminary, Greensboro, N. C, 1875-81, President
of Clark University^ Ga., 1881-89. Methodist Episcopal minister, Maine
and Vermont Conferences, 1889-1911. Supernumerary, 1912-16. Pre-
siding Elder, Portland District, 1897- 1903. Delegate to Ecumenical
Methodist Conference, London, 1901. Trustee of Wesleyan University,
1 899- 1 904.
Married September 16, 1879, Clara A. Merrill, of North Conway, N. H.
Children: Eleanor Warren, b. June 15, 1880 (B.A., Syracuse, 1901) ;
Frances Haskell, b. April 11, 1883 (B.A., Univ. of Southern California),
m. G. C. Neill; Clara Edith, b. September i, 1885, d. July 25, 1887.
Address: 208 West Mariposa Ave., Eagle Rock, Cal.
1107. ABRAM SUTTON UNDERHILL. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Nat. Hist.) ; M.A., 1878. ^. T. *. B. K. Born August
28, 1852, Chappaqua, N. Y.
Taught in Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1875.
Studied law, and engaged in the insurance and real estate business, in
Ossining, N. Y., 1877-80. Studied in Columbia Law School, 1880-81.
Practising law in Ossining and New York, N. Y., 1881 . Delegate
to World Conference of all English-speaking Friends (Quakers),
London, 1920.
Married May 24, 1877, Annie Taber Murray, of Chappaqua, N. Y., who
died April 4, 1919. Children: Helen Murray, b. February 5, 1880, d.
April 5, 1885; Ruth Murray, b. August 22, 1883 (B.A., Vassar, 1905);
Margaret, b. February 17, 1886, m. Edward F. Barrows; Robert Lindley
Murray, b. March 3, 1889 (B.A., Haverford, 1909) ; Elizabeth Sutton,
b. November 21, 1892 (LL.B., New York Univ., 1921).
Address : Ossining, N. Y.
1108. CLARENCE ABIATHAR WALDO. B.A. (gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Nat. Hist.) ; M.A., 1878; Ph.D., Syracuse University,
1894. ^- '^- ^- *• B. K. Born January 21, 1852, Hammond, N. Y.
Taught in Drew Ladies' Seminary, Carmel, N. Y., 1875-76; Centenary
Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1876-77, 1881-82. Tutor in
Mathematics and Registrar, Wesleyan University, 1877-81. Studied in
the Universities of Leipzig and Munich, Germany, 1882-83. Professor
of Mathematics, Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind., 1883-91
(Acting President, 1885-86, 1888-89). Professor of Mathematics, De
Pauw University, 1891-95; Purdue University, 1895-1908; Washington
University, 1908-17; Professor emeritus, Washington University,
1917 . Official secretary, Methodist Episcopal Board of Education,
1918-19. College visitor, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching, 1919 . Sectional secretary, American Association for the
1876-76] GRADUATES.
Advancement of Science, 1893, 1902; vice-president, 1903; secretary
of the Council, 1904; general secretary, 1905. Arbitrator in athletic
matters for the Chicago Conference, 1898-1910. Author : A Manual of
Descriptive Geometry; numerous technical and educational papers.
Editor: Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1896, '97, '98;
Proceedings of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education,
1901, '02, '03.
Married August 2, 1881, Abby Wright Allen, of South Hadley, Mass.
Child: Alice Goddard, b. December 15, 1882 (B.A., Bryn Mawr, 1904).
Address: 435 W. 119th St., New York, N. Y.
1109. *GEORGE MELVIN WARREN. B.A. ; M.A., 1878.
^. N. 9. Born April 15, 1849, Deer Isle, Me. Lawyer. Died July 24,
1909, Castine, Me.
1110. *ALDON OWEN ABBOTT. B.A. ; M.A., 1879. ^. N. 0.
Born April 5, 1848, Springfield, N. H.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East Conference, 1877-80.
Located, 1880. Principal of a public school, Kazardville, Conn., 1880-81.
Preached in M. E. Church, Blandford, Mass., 1881-84. Methodist Epis-
copal minister. New England Conference, 1884-85. Located, 1885. Vice-
president, National Life Association. Hartford, Conn., 1885. Principal
of a public school, Whitefield, N. H., 1886-87; Noank, Conn., 1887-88.
Supervising principal of public schools, New Haven. Conn., 1888-96.
Engaged in agency work, 1896-1909. Retired, 1909. Died April 8, 1921,
New Haven, Conn.
Married November 14, 1876, Lizzie Reynolds Winslow, of Middletown,
Conn. Child: Henry Dana, b. September 9, 1883 (class of 1905).
1111. *EVERETT FREMONT ADAMS. B.A. {sp. hon., Chem.) ;
M.A., 1879; M.D., Bowdoin College, 1881. A. K. E. Born March 18,
1855, East Boothbay, Me. Physician. Died June 3, 1900, Council Bluffs,
1112. JOSEPH FITHIAN ANDREW. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1878; M.A., Wesleyan, 1879.
A. A. 4>. $. B. K. Born December 9, 1850, Woodbury, N. J. Brother
of H. B. Andrew (class of 1878).
Methodist Episcopal minister, Newark Conference, 1876-1905. Agent,
City Union, Paterson, N. J., 1905 .
Married March 22, 1882, Mary H. Green, of Morristown, N. J.
Address: 707 East 23d St., Paterson, N. J.
1113. EDWARD WEST ATWATER. B.A. A. K. E. Born Feb-
ruary 23, 1854, Westfield, Mass.
Taught in High School, W^estfield, Mass., 1876-77; Ware, Mass.,
1877-78. In business in Westfield, Mass., 1878-81; Holyoke, Mass.,
1881-84; New York, N. Y., 1884-1913. Accountant, Munson Steamship
Line, New York, N. Y., 1913 •
Married June 28, 1881, Grace Fowler, of Westfield, Mass. Child:
Ruth, b. January 10, 1886.
Address : 67 Wall St., New York, N. Y.
1114. BURTON THOMPSON BEACH. B.A. (sp. hon., Greek,
Hist.); LL.B., New York University, 1878; M.A., Wesleyan, 1879.
$. N. 9. Born December 24, 1855, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Son of No.
253 ; brother of No. 1630.
Studied law in Alexandria, Va., 1876-77; Law School of New York
University, 1877-78. Practised law in New York, N. Y., 1878-85, 1900-
05, 191 1 . Law editor of Rhodes' Journal of Banking, 1880-81.
Journalist, London. Paris, and Berlin, 1885-93. Member of the staff of
The Chicago Evening Post, 1893-96; New York correspondent, 1896-99,
1912 . Established (1896), and now manager of, the Beach-Living-
stone Bureau of Cable and Telegraphic Correspondence. Cable editor,
Associated Press, New York, N. Y., 1897-1900. Member of the staff of
The New York Commercial, 1905-08; financial and literary editor,
Married July 11, 1885, Juliet Livingston Broome, of New York, N. Y.
Address: The Coronet, New York, N. Y.
M.D., Boston University,. 1879. Born February 12, 1854, Chelsea, Mass.
Studied in Boston University Medical School, 1876-79. Practising
medicine in Chelsea, Mass., 1879 • On the staff of the Massachusetts
Homoeopathic Hospital, Boston, Mass., 1916 .
Married March 22, 1888, Colena E. Cook, of East Boston, Mass.
Children: Esther, b. December 29, 1888 (B.A., Radcliffe, 1909) ; Ruth,
b. July 22, 1895.
Address : 25 Cary Ave., Chelsea, Mass.
Latin). A. K. E. Born March 12, 1852, Hancock, N. Y. Methodist
Episcopal minister, later school principal. Died December 19, 1903, New
York, N. Y.
Litt.D., Taylor University, 1901. A. A. «l>. Born May 20, 1847, Bridge-
port, Conn.
Taught in Portland, Conn., 1876-77. Methodist Episcopal minister,
New York East Conference, 1877-1919. Retired, 1919. Author: The
Black Hand.
Married September 14, 1881, Etta Wilson Baldwin, of Newark, N. J.
Children : Edna Marion, b. July 14, 1882, d. March 14, 1891 ; Wilbert
Wellington, b. June 20, 1889.
Address : Centerport, N. Y.
1118. AUGUSTUS BURR CARRINGTON. B.A. (gen. hon.,
1st grade; sp. hon.. Math.); M.A., 1879; LL.B., Columbia University,
1881. *. N. e. *. B. K. Born January 31, 1853, Delhi, N. Y. Brother
of R. A. Carrington (class of 1874).
Studied law in Delhi, N. Y., 1876-77. Principal of High School,
Cochituate, Mass., 1877-78. Taught in Dickinson Seminary, Williams-
port, Pa., 1878-80. Studied in Columbia Law School, 1880-81. Practis-
ing law in New York, N. Y., 1881 . President of Manhattan Mort-
gage Company, 1901-21 ; chairman of Board, 1921 . Vice-president
and general manager. Guaranteed Mortgage Company of New York,
N. Y., 1909 . President, Alumni Council, Wesleyan University,
1912-14. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1916 .
Married August 2, 1883, Elizabeth Dart, of Williamsport, Pa. Child:
George Dart, b. May 17, 1888 (B.A., Williams, 1910).
Address: 200 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
1119. GEORGE SILAS COLEMAN. B.A. (gen. hon., ist grade) -
M.A., 1879; LL.D., 1908. ^. T. *. B. K. Born June 8, 1856, Flatlands,
N. Y. Brother of Nos. 1000 and 1073.
Studied law in Cooperstown. N. Y., 1876-77. Taught in Albany, N. Y.,
1877-78. Studied law in New York, N. Y., 1878-79; Columbia Law
School, 1879-80. In law offices, New York, N. Y., 1880-83. Managing
clerk of the law firm Bristow, Peet & Opdyke, New York, N. Y., 1883-
85. Assistant Corporation Counsel of New York City, 1885-92, 1899-
1908. Practised law in New York, N. Y., (member of firm, Eustis,
Foster & Coleman), 1892-99. Counsel to the Public Service Commis-
sion, New York City, 1908-17. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1897-
1919. Member, Executive Council, Psi Upsilon Fraternity, 1897-1921 ;
secretary, 1899- 1921.
Married June 5, 1888, Amelia Marion Bergen, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who
died July 26, 1921. Child: Gertrude Brainerd, b. August 31, 1889, m.
Albert T. Salisbury.
Address : Glen Cove, Long Island, N. Y.
1120. *BENJAMIN COULBOURN CONNER. B.A. (gen. hon.,
2nd grade); M.A., 1879; D.D., 1910. <ir. T. <i>. B. K. Born January
5, 1850, Marion, Md.
Taught in Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1876-80. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister. Central Pennsylvania Conference, 1878-1912.
Superintendent of Altoona District, 1906-12; Danville District, March-
July, 1912. President, Williamsport Dickinson Seminary, 1912-21.
Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1900, '08, '12. Trustee
of Williamsport Dickinson Seminary. Died August 18, 1921, Williams-
port, Pa.
Married August 16, 1877, Bettie S. Tyler, of Onancock, Va. Children :
Mary Coulbourn, b. September 9, 1878 (B.A., Goucher, 1900), m. W. V.
Hayes, M.D., Frances Rowland, b. September 24. 1880 (B.A., Goucher,
1902) ; Blanche McCabe, b. July 15, 1882 (B.A., Goucher, 1904) ;
Ralph Winchester, b. December 11, 1887, d. July 15, 1889.
1121. CHARLES ' EDWARD DAVIS. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade); M.A., 1879; D-D., 1909. ^. T. *. B. K. Born February 25,
1853, Dudley, Mass.
Taught in Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1876-77. Principal of
High School, Webster, Mass., 1877-82. Methodist Episcopal minister,
Wyoming and New England Conferences, 1878 . Principal of
Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1909-11. Financial agent, N. E.
Conference Board of Stewards, 1912-13. Trustee of Wesleyan Univer-
sity, 1907 . Author : Paul Leonard's Sacrifice.
Married March 28, 1877, Julia Ann Crowell (daughter of No. 118),
who died June 21, 1909. Married December 22, 1910, Clara Loomis
Bush, of Westfield, Mass. Children: Charles Harrison (No. 2141), b.
October 13, 1878; Henry Loranus (No. 2142), b. January 29, 1880;
Alice Martha, b. March 5, 1914.
Address: 7 Negus St., Webster, Mass.
1122. *STEPHEN OLIN GARRISON. B.A.; M.A., 1879; B.D.,
Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church, 1881. A. A. $. Born
December 25, 1853, Millville, N. J. Methodist Episcopal minister, later
principal of school for feeble-minded. Died April 17, 1900, Vineland,
N. J.
1123. WILLIAM McNAB GILLIS. B.A.; M.A., 1879. ^. T.
Born May 20, 1845, Inverness, Que., Canada.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Vermont and Minnesota Conferences,
1877-1916. Retired, 1916.
Married April 24, 1877, Mary Elizabeth Codville, of Quebec, Canada.
Children: Winnifred Martha, b. March 5, 1878 (Ph.B., Hamline, 1901),
m. Merton F. Baker; Mary Gertrude, b. September 20, 1879 (Ph.B.,
Hamline, 1901) ; William Hilary, b. January 27, 1881 (Ph.B., Hamline,
1904) ; Edith Mabel, b. July 2, 1882 (Ph.B., Hamline, 1905), m. C. C.
Albertson; Ernest Benjamin, b. July 11, 1888.
Address : Windom, Minn.
1124. *JOSEPH FRANKLIN HALEY. B.A.; M.A., 1879;
D.D., Syracuse University, 1900. A. K. E. Born July 26, 1851, Kenne-
bunk. Me.
Taught in East Maine Conference Seminary, Bucksport, Me., 1879-80.
Methodist Episcopal minister, East Maine and Maine Conferences,
1879 . Presiding Elder of Bucksport District, 1887-92. President
of East Maine Conference Seminary, 1898- 1900. Delegate to General
Conference, M. E. Church, 1896. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1894-
99. Died December 19, 1914, Saco, Me.
Married June 27, 1878, Lottie J. Farnham, of Bucksport, Me., who
died in 1911. Children: Emma Jennie, b. February 27, 1881, m. E. P.
Bickford; Arthur Benjamin Farnham (No. 2614), b. October 26, 1884;
George Addison Emery, b. January 18, 1888.
1125. JESSE MARTIN HITT. B.A.; M.A., 1879. *• N. 9.
Born October 16, 1854, Martin County, Ind.
Principal of High School, Delphi, Ind., 1876-79; Kokomo, Ind., 1879-
80. Taught in Vermont Conference Seminary, Montpelier, Vt., 1880-81.
Principal of schools, Northfield, Vt, 1881-88. With D. C. Heath &
Co., publishers, Boston, Mass., 1888-90. City superintendent of schools.
New Whatcom, Wash., 1890-91. County superintendent of schools,
Whatcom County, Wash., 1891-97. Superintendent of schools, Port
Townsend, Wash., 1897-1905. State librarian of Washington, 1905 .
Married June 5, 1878, Ida Asinath Collins, of Montpelier, Vt.
Children: Joseph Edwin, b. January 29, 1880, d. May 3, 1884; Henry
Collins, b. May 30, 1885; William Mayo, b. February 21, 1888.
Address : Olympia, Wash.
University, 1878. A. K. E. Born December 26, 1852, Southwick, Mass.
Studied in Law School of Boston University, 1876-78. Practising law
in Boston, Mass., 1879 .
Married December 25, 1879, Inez Norman Maynard, of Northboro,
Mass. Children: Amasa Maynard, b. October, 1882 (B.S., Mass. Inst,
of Tech., 1904) ; Arthur Norman, b. November, 1884 (B.A., Harvard,
1906) ; Elizabeth, b. August, 1886.
Address : 34 School St., Boston, Mass.
1127. HENRY SEWALL. B.S. (sp. hon., Nat. Hist.); Ph.D.,
Johns Hopkins University, 1879; Al.D. (Hon.), University of Michigan,
1888; M.D., University of Denver, 1889; Sc.D. (Hon.), University of
Michigan, 1912. Born May 25, 1855, Winchester, Va. Son of Thomas
Sewall (class of 1837).
Assistant in Physiological Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University,
1876-78; Fellow in Biology, 1878-79. Studied in the Universities of
Cambridge, England, and of Leipzig and Heidelberg, Germany, 1879-80.
Associate in Biology, Johns Hopkins University, 1880-81. Professor of
Physiology, University of Michigan, 1882-89. Practising medicine in
Denver, Col, 1890 . Assistant health commissioner, Denver, Col.,
1891-93. Professor of Physiology, University of Denver, 1891 '.
Secretary, Colorado State Board of Health, 1893-99. Visiting physician,
Denver County and St. Luke's hospitals, 1891 , Author of numerous
researches in physiology and clinical medicine.
Married September 21, 1887, Isabel Josephine Vickers, of Toronto,
Address : 1360 Vine St., Denver, Col.
November 25, 1851, Liberty, N. Y. Brother of C. H. Sherwood (class
of 1876).
Preached in M. E. Church, Northampton, N. Y., 1876. Methodist
Episcopal minister, Troy Conference, 1877-1914. Retired, 1914.
Married June 18, 1878, Catharine Ann McKinlay, of Mayfield, N. Y.
Children: Rosevelt Rensselaer (No. 2(iZ7) , b. September 25, 1885, d.
December 17, 1919; Clarence McKinlay (No. 2770), b. April i, 1888.
Address : 272 W. Lawrence St., Albany, N. Y.
1129. HENRY DWIGHT SIMONDS. B.A. ; M.A., 1879. A. K. E.
Born October i, 1850, Mansfield, Conn.
Taught in district and high school, Windsor, Conn., 1876-78. Principal
of graded schools, Broad Brook, Conn., 1878-79. Superintendent and
principal of graded schools, Milford, Conn., 1879-83. Principal of
Fairfield Academy, Conn., 1883-85; Prospect St. Grammar School,
Bridgeport, Conn., 1885-91; High School, Bridgeport, Conn., 1891-1917;
Principal emeritus, 1917 .
Married September 9, 1884, Fannie Abigail Tibbals, of Milford, Conn.
Children: Elsie Hurlbut, b. February 26, 1886 (B.A., Mount Holyoke,
1908) ; Helen Walker, b. May 24, 1890 (B.A., Mount Holyoke, 1912) ;
Bruce Tibbals, b. July 5, 1895 (B.A., Yale, 1917).
Address : 339 Norman St., Bridgeport, Conn.
1130. FRANK STEVENS THORPE. B.A. {sp. hon., Eng. Lit.) ;
M.A., Wesleyan, 1879, and Syracuse University, 1889; Ph.D., Syracuse
University, 1890. A. K. E. Born July 29, 1851, Napoli, N. Y.
Studied law in Jamestown, N. Y., 1876-77. Taught in Chamberlain
Institute, Randolph, N. Y., 1877-82. Admitted to the bar, 1880. Princi-
pal of High School, Gowanda, N. Y., 1882-86; Free Academy, Forest-
ville, N. Y., 1886-90; High School, Jamestown, N. Y., 1890-97. Taught
in New York, N. Y., 1897-1908. Examiner, Municipal Civil Service,
N. Y., 1908 .
Married August 16, 1876, M. Adelaide Burgess, of Cleveland, Ohio.
Children : Clara Amelia, b. June 12, 1879, m. F. S. Pendleton, d. August
7, 1917; Laura Cordelia, b. June 27, 1881, d. September 26, 1893.
Address : 708 East 19th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
1131. ROBERT VAN SANDS. B.A. Born June 14, 1854, Middle-
town, Conn.
Studied law in Albany, N. Y., 1876-77. Practising law in Chicago, III,
1877 . Supreme Regent of Royal Arcanum. 1907.
Married September 5, 1876, Alice M. Greenfield, of Middletown, Conn.
Children: Robert, b. June 23, 1877; Jessie, b. January 15, 1879; Edward
Walter, b. July 5, 1880; Clara, b. August 15, 1882; George, b. April i,
Address: 85 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.
1132. *WILLIAM COPELAND WALLACE. B.A. (gen. hon.,
2nd grade; sp. hon., Greek) ; LL.B., Columbia University, 1878; M.A.,
Wesleyan, 1879. A. K. E. $, B. K. Born May 21, 1856, Brooklyn,
N. Y. Brother of No. 1229, and of G. S. Wallace (class of 1883).
Lawyer; U. S. congressman. Died September 4, 1901, Warwick, N. Y.
1133. CHARLES HARVEY WALTER. B.A. ^. N. e. Born
November 22, 1850, Lowell, Mass. Brother of E. H. Walter (class of
Methodist Episcopal minister, Vermont and New England Southern
Conferences, 1876-1908. Retired, 1908. Superintendent, Stetson Home
for Orphan Boys, 1901-02. Assistant superintendent, N. H, Orphan's
Home, 1903. Superintendent of schools, Weston, Vt, 1880-81. Chairman
of school board of Wardsboro, Vt., 1888-90. Member of Board of
Education of Windham County, Vt., 1889.
Married December 12, 1877, Zoe Ella Colby, of Bradford, Vt., who
died April 14, 1920. Children: a daughter, b. February 28, 1880, d. in
infancy; Charles Wesley, b. July 14, 1881 ; Weston Colby, b. July 14,
Address: Needham, Mass.
1134. *JOHN WILLIAM WHITNEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1879; M.D.,
Long Island College Hospital, 1884. A. A. *. Born April 30, 1850,
Macomb, N. Y. Brother of R. A. Whitney (class of 1880). Physician.
Died June 21, 1908, Homer, N. Y.
1135. EDWARD ARTHUR WILKIE. B.A. {gen. hon., ist grade;
sp. hon.. Hist.); M.A., 1879; LL.B., Boston University, 1881. <ir. T.
<l». B. K. Born July 19, 1856, Westbrook, Conn.
Taught in Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, Mass., 1876-78. Studied
in Law School of Boston University, 1878-81. Practising law in Boston,
Mass., 1881 . Recorder of N. E. Telegraph and Telephone Company,
1907 .
Married December 31, 1887, Elizabeth Bellamy, of Brookline, Mass.
Address: loi Milk St., Boston, Mass.
Born December 22, 1846, Mansfield, Mass.
Engaged in book-canvassing, chiefly in Susquehanna County, Pa.,
1876-79. Taught in Adamsburg, Pa., 1879-80; South Fork, Pa., 1880-81.
Representative of the Louden Machinery Company, of Fairfield, Iowa,
1895 .
Address : 647 N. Main St., Mansfield, Mass.
1137. JENNIE EARNED (Thomas). B.A. (gen. hon., ist grade;
sp. hon.. Mod. Lang.) ; M.A., 1879. *. B. K, Born January 17, 1856,
Fishkill, N. Y.
Resided at home, Buffalo, N. Y., 1876-80. Taught in a public school,
Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1880; High School, Buffalo, N. Y., 1880-93.
Married July 27, 1893, Charles Edgar Thomas, of Springfield, Ohio.
Address: Mrs. C. E. Thomas, 1206 N. Limestone St., Springfield,
1138. *PHEBEALMEDA STONE (Beeman). B.A. (gen. hon.,
1st grade) ; M.A., 1879. ^. B. K. Born May 26, 1849, Gardner, Mass.
Died April 14, 1913, West Brookfield, Mass.
Married June 29, 1876, Leonard Lemon Beeman (No. 1068), who died
October 20, 1920. Children: Phebe Stone, b. July 22, 1877, d. April 22,
1876-77] GRADUATES.
1881 ; Bowman Stone, b. July 14, 1880 (class of 1904) ; Wilbur Stone
(No. 2526), b, January 22, 1882; Leila Stone, b. March 12, 1887, m.
H. D. Arnold (No. 2524) ; Francis Stone, b. August 4, 1889 (B.S.,
Mass. Agricultural College, 1910).
1139. HANNAH ADA TAYLOR (Wells). B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Mod. Lang.) ; M.A., 1879. *• B. K. Born June 10,
1852, Windham, N. H.
Resided in Bridgeport, Conn., 1876-80; Middletown, Conn., 1880-85;
Haverhill, Mass., 1885-98; Middletown, Conn., 1898-1901. Volunteer
worker, Hull St. Settlement, Boston, Mass., 1901-05 ; superintendent,
1907-09. Assistant secretary, Y. W. C. A., Haverhill, Mass., 1906.
Author : Birthday and Prayer Book.
Married August 28, 1876, George Henry Wells, of Middletown, Conn.,
who died February 23, 1885. Child: Henry Gordon (No. 2315), b.
October 12, 1879.
Address : Mrs. Hannah A. Wells, 4 Arlington Place, Haverhill, Mass.
1140. *ANGIE VILLETTE WARREN (Perkins). B.A. {gen.
hon., 2nd grade; sp. hon.. Mod. Lang., Eng. Lit.) ; M.A., 1879. *• B. K.
Born November 6, 1854, Danielsonville, Conn.
Resided in Danielsonville, Conn., 1876-78. Taught in High School,
Newport, R. L, 1878-79; Wellesley Collegfe, 1879-80. Preceptress in
Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis., 1880-83. Resided in Baltimore,
Md., 1883-87; Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1887-91; Knoxville, Tenn., 1891-1921.
Dean of woman's department, University of Tennessee, 1897-1900. Presi-
dent, Tennessee Federation of Women's Clubs, 1900-04. Director in
General, Federation of Women's Clubs, 1901-05 ; corresponding secretary,
1905-07. President, Knoxville Y. W. C. A., 1907-09. Member, Knox-
ville School Board, 1915-21 ; president of the Board, 1917-21. Author:
San Diego to Sitka; Our Year Abroad. Died January 28, 1921, Knox-
ville, Tenn.
Married September 19, 1883, Professor Charles Albert Perkins. Chil-
dren: Marcia Villette, b. February 11, 1885; Margaret, b. May 27, 1888,
m. Samuel W. Duggan; Alice Rose Standish, b. December 9, 1889, m.
Ernest R. Warren; Warren Albert, b. January 11, 1894.
1141. MIDDLESEX ALFRED BAH.EY. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade); M.A. (Hon.), 1898. O*. N. 0. *. B. K. Born January 31, 1856,
Middlefield, Conn.
Principal of a public school, Winsted, Conn., 1877-80. Head master
of Keene High School, N. H., 1880-85. Head of department of mathe-
matics, State Normal School, Emporia, Kans., 1885-99; N. Y. Training
School for Teachers, New York, N. Y., 1899 . Author: American
Comprehensive Arithmetic ; American Mental Arithmetic ; Elementary
and High School Algebra; Number Primer (with G. B. Germann) ; A
Handy Book on Teaching Arithmetic.
Married August 14. 1877, Ida Augusta Shelley, of Durham, Conn.
Children: Alfred Miller (No. 2260), b. November 7, 1879; Helen Edna,
b. November 22, 1882, d. January 2, 1886; John Finley, b. December 28,
Address: N. Y. Training School for Teachers, New York, N. Y.
1142. JEREMIAH FRANCIS CALEF. B.A. (sp. hon., Chem.) ;
M.D., Yale University, 1880; M.A., Wesleyan, 1882. <ir. T. Born Octo-
ber 14, 1855, Middletown, Conn. Son of No. 412; brother of A. B. Calef
(class of 1881). ^ , . .. ,, , ^, ^,
Studied medicine in Middletown, Conn., and in New York, N. Y.,
1877-78; Yale Medical School, 1878-80. Assistant in medical department
of Yale University, 1879-80. Practising medicine in Middletown, Conn.,
j88o . Resided and practised also in Cromwell, Conn., 1881-91.
Secretary of Middlesex County Medical Society, 1880-87. Member of
School Board, Cromwell, Conn., 1881-90. Town physician, Middletown,
Conn., 1891-95; health officer, 1896-1900. Surgeon General, State of
Connecticut, 1899-1901. Vice-president, Association of Military Sur-
geons of the U. S. Editor : Regulations for the Examination of Recruits,
C. N. G., 1900; Physical Standards for Efficient Military Service, 1901.
Married April 10, 1883, Laura Dart Hutchinson, of Cromwell, Conn.
Children: Lucy Foster, b. and d. April 9, 1884; Edith Dart, b. Decem-
ber I, 1885 (B.A., Mount Holyoke, 1907), m. H. E. Ackerson, Jr.;
Irene Hutchinson, b. April 9, 1891, d. September 12, 1904; Arthur
Benjamin, b. July 28, 1892 (class of 1915)-
Address : Middletown, Conn.
1143. GEORGE HENRY CLARKE. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade) ;
M.A., 1883. A. K. E. cl>. B. K. Born October 29, 1850, Milford, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New England Conference, 1877 .
Married June 26, 1878, Lizzie Isabel Packard, of Grafton, Mass.
Children : George Crowell, b. August 29, 1879, d. April 18, 1900 ; Lizzie
Ruth, b. September 23, 1880 (B.A., Boston Univ., 1902), m. C. H.
Staples (No. 2167) ; Carrie Rachel, b. December 18, 1892 (B.A., Boston
Univ., 1919), m. Nelson J. Sanford, Jr.; Vincent Packard, b. February
27, 1897 (LL.B., Boston tjniv., 1920).
Address : Sudbury, Mass.
1144. WILLIS GAYLORD CLARKE. B.A. {gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Greek, Eng. Lit.) ; M.A., 1880. "ir. T. <l>. B. K. Born
May 28, 1856, Detroit, Mich. Son of No. 333.
Graduate student in Wesleyan University ; also registrar and assistant
librarian, 1877-78. Studied in Yale Law School, 1878-79. Practising
law in Detroit, Mich., 1879 .
Address : 48 Mofifat Building, Detroit, Mich.
November 21, 1855, Boston, Mass.
Taught in Haven Normal School, Waynesboro, Ga., 1877-78; East
Hartford, Conn., 1878-79; Warehouse Point, Conn., 1879-80; East Hart-
ford, Conn., 1880-81. Connected with civil engineer corps, Boston &
Albany Railroad Company, 1881. Connected with the postal service,
Boston, Mass., 1882 . Superintendent. Roxbury Crossing postal
station, Boston, Mass., 1898 . Connected with Boston evening schools,
1883 . Principal of Franklin Evening School, Boston, Mass.,
1904 .
Married January 25, 1883, Georgette Kellogg Browne, of Lynn, Mass.
Address : 554 Weld St., Roxbury, Mass.
1146. *OLIN BURR COIT. B.A. ; M.A., 1880; B.D., Drew Theo-
logical Seminary, 1881; D.D., Syracuse University, 1896. A. A. $.
^. B. K. Born March 24, 1856, Hoboken, N. J.
Taught in Shaw University, Holly Springs, Miss., 1877-78. Studied in
Drew Theological Seminary, 1879-81. Preached in M. E. Church, Dover,
Del., 1880. Methodist Episcopal minister, Newark, Northern New
York, and New York East Conferences, 1881-1920. Presiding Elder,
St. Lawrence District, 1901-06. Chaplain, New Jersey State Senate,
1892-93. Chaplain, New York State Senate. Trustee of Wesleyan
University, 1898-1903. Field Director, American Red Cross, 1919-20.
Died January 15, 1920, Charleston, S. C.
Married November i, 1882, Emma H. Stitzer, of Philadelphia, Pa.
Children: Laurence S., b. October 29, 1883 (B.A., Syracuse, 1907);
James Olin, b. May 14, 1885 (B.A., Syracuse, 1907) ; Carl Scott (No.
2914), b. October 30, 1886; Lynde Harrison, b. May 19, 1888 (B.S.,
Syracuse, 19 14).
1147. *HENRY PRENTICE COOKE. B.A.; M.A., 1880. S^. T.
Born October 26, 1856, Canton, N. Y. Brother of No. 861.
Studied phonography in Watertown, N. Y., 1877-78. Stenographer for
Oneida County Court, Rome, N. Y., 1878. Stenographer and law
reporter, Watertown, N. Y., 1879. Stenographer for committee of New
York Assembly on investigation of the Plattsburg & Dannemora Rail-
road; stenographer for Franklin County Court, Malone, N. Y., 1880.
Private secretary and bookkeeper, Watertown, N. Y., 1880-81. Stenog-
rapher for R. M. Bingham & Co., Rome, N. Y., and for Burrell &
Whitman, Little Falls, N. Y., 1881-85. Stenographer and accountant for
Agricultural Insurance Company, Watertown, N. Y., 1885-1900.
General stenographer, 1901-03. Official stenographer, Jefiferson County,
N. Y., 1903-11. Died November 29, 1911, Watertown, N. Y.
Married September 5, 1883, Jennie Elizabeth Evans, of Rome, N. Y.
Child: Henry Edmunds, b. November 21, 1886.
Born October 21, 1853, Harrisburg, Pa. Brother of Nos. 1208 and 1679,
and of W. W. Cookman (class of 1882).
Taught in Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1877-78. Studied law in
Philadelphia, Pa., 1878-80. Practising law in Philadelphia, Pa., 1880 .
Married October 19, 1887, Margaret Louise Clarendon, of East Orange,
N. J. Child: Earl Clarendon, b. December 5, 1888 (B.A., Univ. of
Pennsylvania, 1910).
Address: 505 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Residence: 335 West
School Lane, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.
1149. GEORGE AUGUSTUS ERVING. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1880. A. K. E. *. B. K. Born Jime 17, 1851, New
Village, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Rock River Conference, 1877-1914.
Retired, 19 14.
Married November 21, 1878, Carrie Senseny Ruby, of Shippensburg,
Pa., who died February 28, 1885. Married September 23, 1890, Mina
Shimmin, of Pecatonica, 111. Children : Marguerite Katherine, b. August
4, 1891, m. Francis W. Hamilton; Raymond Robert, b. January 24, 1893;
Alice Mary, b. September 11, 1898.
Address: Yorkville, 111.
1150. SILAS HEDDING FITCH. B.A. Born December 8, 1855,
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Son of No. 70.
Studied law in Yonkers, N. Y., 1877-80. Practised law in Yonkers,
N. Y., 1880-82; New York, N. Y., 1882-1901. In business in Newark,
N. J., 1902-06. Librarian, Essex County Law Library, Newark, N. J.,
1907 .
Married Jime i, 1893, Huldah Munn, of East Orange, N. J.
Address: 15 South Munn Ave., East Orange, N. J.
1151. ELWOOD STOKES GERARD. B.A. ; M.A., 1880. A. A. ^.
Born January 20, 1852, Mount Bethel, N. J. Brother of No. 1305.
Assistant principal of a public school, Southington, Conn., 1877-78.
Principal of North East Grammar School, Hartford, Conn., 1878-82.
Traveled and taught in the West, 1883-86. Clerk in U. S. Custom
House, New York, N. Y., 1887-1901 ; acting deputy collector, 1901-02;
inspector, 1902 .
Married December 23, 1878, Hattie Lucy Chapman, of East Hartford,
Conn., who died June 29, 1882. Married December 25, 1884, Alice
Vincetta Browne, of Bevans, N. J. Children: Mattie Chapman, b.
October 18, 1879; Harriet Marjorie, b. January 12, 1881, m. W. H.
Bacon; Faith, b. September 26, 1885; Josefa, b. December 10, 1886, m.
Harold E. Dietrich; Elwood Arthur, b. October 23, 1888, d. July 20,
1890; Evangeline, b. November 7, 1890. m. Roland F. Hetzel; Lois, b.
June 7, 1892; Elsie Minion, b. January 4, 1895, m. William A. Coleman;
Ruth Lincoln, b. February 12, 1897; Edith Vincetta, b. October i, 1900.
Address: 208 Carmita Ave., Rutherford, N. J.
1152. *GEORGE HENRY HAMMOND. B.A. ; M.D., Yale Uni-
versity, 1879, and New York University, 1880; M.A., Wesleyan, 1880.
X. ^. Born December 21, 1855, South Glastonbury, Conn. Physician.
Died May 18, 1881, New York, N. Y.
B.D., Boston University, 1881 ; D.D., Wesleyan, 1899 ; LL.D., Wesleyan,
1921. *. N. e. *. B. K. Born January 30, 1856, Westfield, Mass. Son
of No. 284.
Taught in Claflin University, S. C, 1877-78. Studied in Drew Theo-
logical Seminary, 1878-79; School of Theology, Boston University,
1880-81. Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Conference, 1881-
99. General Secretary of the American Bible Society, 1899 .
Trustee of Boston University; Wesleyan University, 1907 .
Married April 25, 1894, Minnie Gertrude Speare, of Newton Centre,
Mass. Child: Gladys, b. July 26, 1895, m. Eric M. North (No. 2761).
Address : Bible House, Astor Place, New York, N. Y. Residence :
25 Fernwood Road, Summit, N. J.
1154. *EUGENE WEST MANNING. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1880; Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1886. ^. T. $. B. K
Born July 26, 1854, Vienna, Md. Teacher. Died September 26, 1904,
Philadelphia, Pa.
June 9, 1856, Fulton, N. Y. Son of No. 517.
In business in Westfield, Mass., 1877-82; Boston, Mass., 1882-98;
New Britain^ Conn.. 1899- 1900. President, American Emery Makers
Association, 1901. Manager of Southington Cutlery Company, Conn.,
1902-03. Representative of Eddy Manufacturing Company, Worcester,
Mass., 1904. Treasurer, Colonial Trust Company, Providence, R. I.,
1905-06. With the U. S. Immigration Commission, 1907-08. Repre-
sentative of Everett & Barrow Company, Providence, R. I., 1909-12.
Treasurer of the Cave Welding Company, Springfield, Mass., 1912-16.
Died August 29, 1916, Boston, Mass.
Married October 7, 1880, Belle E. Drepperd, of Westfield, Mass., who
died August i, 1914.
June 4, 1852, Preston, Lancashire, England.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Conference, 1877-1921.
Retired, 1921.
Married August 2, 1882, Carrie Eugenia Doane, of Dana, Mass.
Children: Ralph Edward (No. 2495), b. May 27, 1883; Harold CHfton
(No. 2552), b. August 30, 1884; Helen Elizabeth, b. March 20, 1886
(B.A., Syracuse, 1911), m. Charles W. Pitcher; Paul Preston (No.
3172), b. October 9, 1889; John Lawrence (No. 3527), b. February 8, 1896.
Address: East Longmeadow, Mass.
1157. *CRANDALL J. NORTH. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade) ;
M.A., 1880; D.D., 1909. *. N. e. ^. B. K. Born March 2, 1847,
Elbridge, N. Y.
Sergeant in Co. F, 9th N. Y. Artillery, 1862-65. Methodist Episcopal
minister. New York East Conference, 1877-1915. Presiding Elder, New
Haven District, 1893-99. Corresponding secretary. New York East
Conference Endowment Fund Commission, 1906-15. Retired, 1915. Dele-
gate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1896. Died June 20, 1921,
Washington, D. C.
Married August 15, 1872, Mary M. Evans, of Auburn, N. Y.
1158. CHARLES HENRY RAYMOND. B.A. ; M.A., 1880. <ir. T.
4>. B. K. Born May 5, 1855, Brooklyn, Ohio.
Taught in Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1877-89 ; Lawrence-
ville School, N. J., 1889 ; Assistant Headmaster, 1907-18 (resigned
on account of health) ; Head of Elocution Department, 1918 .
Trustee of Wilbraham Academy, 1912-21. Author : Outline Lessons in
Old Testament History; Outline of the Elements of Expression.
Married June 28, 1877, Minnie Idella Stillman, of Middletown, Conn.
Children: Charles Harlow (No. 2096), b. November 3, 1878; Clare
Stillman, b. September 19, 1880 (B.A., Wellesley, 1903), m. R. N.
Bennett (No. 1942) ; Constance Morgan, b. November 26, 1885, m,
J. T. Harrah ; Christine Douglas, b. January 3, 1890, m. J. F. McPherson.
Address : Lawrenceville, N. J.
1159. ALBIN CHARLES RUSSELL. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Chem.) ; M.A., 1880. $. N. 9. ^. B. K. Born August
II, 1851, Paris, Me. Brother of Nos. 1023, 1367, 1399, and 1765, and of
W. A. Russell (class of 1878).
Taught in Bridgeport Commercial and Military Institute, Conn., 1877-
78. Principal of a grammar school, Startford, Conn., 1878-85; High
School, Cfiicopee, Mass., 1885-92; High School, Weymouth, Mass.,
1892-94; High School, Norwood, Mass., 1894-99. Taught in Maine
Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hills, Me., 1899-1917. Engaged in farming,
1917-18, 1919 . Taught in the University of Maine, 1918-19.
Married July 31, 1885, Mary Tolman Clark, of South Royalston, Mass.,
who died June 30, 1905. Children: Robert Clark, b. May 8, 1886 (class
of 1908), d. November 17, 1906; Mildred Aseneth, b. March 20, 1887.
Address: Kents Hill, Me.
1160. *WILLIAM HANNA SMITH. B.A. ; M.A.,. 1880. A. K. E.
Born August 5, 1852, Churchville, Md.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Philadelphia Conference, 1877-1918.
Died August 12, 1918, Aberdeen, Md.
Married April 20, 1881, Mary P. Hendon, of Thomas Run, Md.
Children: Richard Hendon, b. September 19, 1882 (B.S., Lehigh, 1905) ;
Annie Amanda, b. January 29, 1884, m. J. F. Guppy; Francis Osborn,
b. and d. 1886; Elizabeth Hollis, b. July 8, 1888.
1161. *LEVI WHITE STAPLES. B.A.; M.A., 1880; Ph.D.,
Taylor University, 1902. A. K. E. Born April 19, 1849, Temple, Me.
Preached in M. E. Church, Lunenburg, Mass., 1877-78. Methodist
Episcopal minister, New England Conference, 1878-1916. Retired, 1916.
Died May 16, 1921, Maiden, Mass.
Married June 12, 1877, Emily S. Hathorne, of Solon, Me. Children:
Clarence Hathorne (No. 2167), b. July 9, 1878; Harold Clifton, b.
January 24, 1880, d. October 5, 1888; Zenas Carleton, b. August 30, 1882
(B.A., Boston Univ., 1902).
1162. *WATSON TRANTER. B.A. ; M.A., 1880; B.D., Garrett
Biblical Institute, 1880. A. A. *. Born March 10, 1853, Cincinnati,
Engaged in literary work in Covington, Ky., 1877-78. Graduate
student in Wesleyan University; assistant for three months, St. Paul's
M. E. Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1878. Studied in Garrett Biblical Insti-
tute, 1878-80. Methodist Episcopal minister. Rock River Conference,
1880-95. Superintendent of Sunday School normal work, in Cook
County, III, 1887-89. Vice-president of Mitchell, Tranter & Co. (steel
works), Cincinnati, Ohio, 1895-99. Corresponding secretary. National
Academy of American Civics, 1899-1901. Methodist Episcopal minister,
Cincinnati Conference, 1902-11. Author: Uniform Normal Lessons,
1888. Died June 29, 191 1, Covington, Ky.
Married April 30, 1889, Edith Roberta Reynolds, of Chicago, 111.
Children : James Reynolds, b. June 14, 1892 ; Lucy Mary, b. September
27, 1895 ; Watson Worcester, b. July 19, 1897.
1163. WALTER ELLIS WARD. B.A.; LL.B., Albany Law
School, 1879; ALA., Wesleyan, 1880. Born December 5, 1853, Dormans-
ville, N. Y.
Studied law in Albany, N. Y., 1877-79. Practising law in Albany,
N. Y., 1880 . Member of New York State Legislature, 1890-91.
Lecturer in Albany Law School (Union University).
Married June 27, 1881, Carrie Augusta Stanton, of Dormansville,
N. Y. Children: Stanton Ward. b. August 5. 1882, d. March 11, 1883;
Maude Elise, b. October 29, 1883, m. G. V. Schenck; Florence, b.
February 23, 1886 (B.A., Smith, 1910) ; Walter John, b. October 27,
1893 (class of 1916) ; Margaret Carolyn, b. September 2, 1898.
Address: 78 Chapel St.. Albany, N. Y.
M.A.. 1880; D.D., Syracuse University, 1904. X. ^. Born October
31, 1849, Bangor, Me.
Studied in Bangor Theological Seminary, Me. ; also taught, 1877-78.
Principal of South Brewer Grammar School, Me., 1878-79. Methodist
Episcopal minister, East Maine Conference, 1879-1905. Superannuated,
1905. Presiding Elder of Rockland District, 1888-94. Editor «.nd pub-
lisher of The District Tidings, Rockland, Me., 1890-93. Superintendent
of city schools, Ellsworth, Me., 1896-97. Trustee of Wesleyan Univer-
sity, 1899-1909. Secretary of East Maine Conference, 1887-88, 1897-
1904. Died July 15, 191 1, Winterport, Me.
Married October 15, 1879, Annie Blanchard Chambers, of South
Brewer, Me., who died December 3, 1894. Married December 24, 1896,
Lillian Mary Hardy, of Winterport, Me. Children : Edward Mansfield,
b. March 27, 1882 (B.S., Syracuse, 1903) ; Ralph Chambers, b. October
14, 1886.
1877-78] GRADUATES.
1166. WILLIAM SEYMOUR WINANS, Jr. B.A. (gen hon.,
2nd grade) ; M.A., 1880. *. N. e. $. B. K. Born June 28, 1853,
Bangall, N. Y.
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1877-78. Preached in M. E.
Church, Athens, N. Y., 1878-80. Methodist Episcopal minister, New
York, West Virginia, and New York East Conferences, 1880-1910.
Special agent, Anti-Saloon League, 1908-09. District superintendent.
International Reform Bureau, 1910-11. Superintendent, New York
Civic League, 191 1 .
Married December i, 1881, Frances Antoinette Macomber, of Sheffield,
Mass. Children : Harriet Marion, b. September 29, 1882, m. F. B. Bush ;
Mabel Driggs, b. December 11, 1885, m. J. E. R. Kunzman; William
Russell, b. June 7, 1887; James Hartley, b. July 19, 1890.
Address: 64 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
1166. *ELIZABETH JOHNSTON ELLIS. B.A. {gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Eng. Lit.). ^. B. K. Born May 4, 1855, Bristol, Me.
Teacher. Died June 4, 1878, Wellesley, Mass.
1167. *CLARA REBECCA PITKIN. B.A. (geji. hon., 2nd grade;
sp. hon.. Logic, Psych., Ethics) ; M.A., 1880. ^. B. K. Born January
20, 1850, East Montpelier, Vt.
Resided at home. East Montpelier, Vt. ; taught during winter, 1877-78.
Preceptress of Northfield Graded School, Vt., 1878-79. Engaged in the
millinery business in Montpelier, Vt. ; compositor for The Republican
Observer, White River Junction, Vt, 1879. Proof-reader for The St.
Johnshury Index, Vt, 1879-81. Compositor and proof-reader in various
printing offices in Boston, Mass., 1881-1912. Died April 24, 191 2, Boston,
CLASS OF t878.
1168. *CLARENCE EVERETT BACON. B.A. ; M.A., 1881.
<ir. T. ^. B. K. Born November 11, 1856, Middletown, Conn. Lawyer.
Died March 27, 1909, Middletown, Conn.
1169. ELWELL ALEXANDER BISHOP. B.A.; M.A., 188 1 ;
D.D., Mount Union College, 1895, and Wesleyatf, 1910. C. C. Born
August 24, 1852, Wrightstown, N. J.
Taught in Bordentown Female College, N. J., 1878-79. Principal of
Durham Academy, Conn., 1879-81. Acting principal of Vermont Metho-
dist Seminary, Montpelier, Vt, 1881-82; principal, 1882-93. President
of Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N. Y., 1893-1902. Methodist Epis-
copal minister, Erie Conference, 1902-03. Superintendent of Ferris
Industrial School, Wilmington, Del., 1903-04. Again principal of Mont-
pelier Seminary, 1904-12. President of Murphy College, Sevierville,
Tenn., 1912 . Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1908.
Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1910-12.
Married December 25, 1878, Clara Irene Brown, of Pointville, N. J.,
who died February 14, 1908. Married December 21, 191 1, Carrie Amelia
Miller, of Hartford, Conn. Children : Ethel Irene, b. March 8, 1880, m.
M. J. Cueto; Clara Evelyn, b. June 22, 1884; Helen Saxanna, b. Octo-
ber 25, 1885, d. June 16, 1903; Hallie Belle, b. February 7, 1888, d.
February 6, 1891 ; Harold Elwell, b. August 2Z, 1889.
Address : Sevierville, Tenn.
1170. JOHN SPENCER CAMP. B.A. (sp. hon., Latin) ; M.A.,
1881; Mus.D. (Hon.), Trinity College, 1921. A. K. E. Born January
30, 1858, Middletown, Conn.
Graduate student in Wesleyan University, 1878-79. Studied law in
Middletown, Conn., 1879-82. Organist of Park Church, Hartford, Conn.,
1881-1906; Centre Church, Hartford, 1906-18. Vice-president, presi-
dent, and treasurer of the Pratt & Cady Company, Hartford, 1898-1911.
Treasurer, Austin Organ Company, Hartford, 191 1 . Director of
tlie Hartford Philharmonic Orchestra, 1902-11. Composer of various
musical works.
Married April 8, 1885, Susie Virginia Healy, of Hartford, Conn.
Address: 38 Willard St., Hartford, Conn.
1171. *ELIJAH CRESSMAN. B.A. Born September 17, 1849,
Harmony, N. J. Died June 3, 1880, Morris Plains, N. J.
1172. JAMES BOUCHER DILKS. B.A.; M.A., 1881. A. A. $.
Born August 28, 1852, Glassboro, N. J. Brother of No. 844.
Taught in Deep River, Conn., 1878-79 ; in a private school, New York,
N. Y., 1879-87. Principal of Farnum Preparatory School, Beverly,
N. J., 1887 .
Married June 18, 1879, Jennie M. Farley, of Pennington, N. J. .
Address : Beverly, N. J.
Medical College, 1881. A. K E. Born April 22, 1852, North Clove,
N. Y. Brother of No. 1041.
Studied medicine in Fayette, Iowa, 1878-79 ; Rush Medical College,
Chicago, III, 1879-81. Interne in Cook County Hospital, Chicago, 111.,
1881-82. Practised medicine in Ellendale, N. Dak., 1882-88; Aberdeen,
S. Dak., 1888-96; Chicago, 111., 1896 .
Married June 8, 1887, Adelaide Courtney, of Ellendale, N. Dak.
Address: 6058 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111.
Theological Seminary, 1881. A. A. ^. Born December 29, 1857, Newark,
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1878-81. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Newark, Minnesota, and New York East Conferences, 1881-
1905. Located, 1905. In insurance brokerage business in New York,
N. Y. (firm Edward S. Ferry and Son), 1904 .
Married May 17, 1881, Mary Knowles (daughter of No. 489), of
Newark, N. J., who died July 27, 1917. Children : Ellin Elizabeth, b.
September 8, 1884, d. May 20, 1885; Louis Knowles, b. April 10, 1887;
Joseph Rutherford, b. August 27, 1888; Robert Edward, b. February 8,
1890; Helen, b. February 6, 1894; Ruth, b. May 8, 1897, d. April, 1898.
Address : 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N, Y. Residence : 1 1 Vernon
Terrace, East Orange, N. J.
1175. *JOHN PANCOAST GORDY. B.A. (gen. hon., ist grade;
sp. hon., Eng. Lit., Logic. Psych., Ethics) ; M.A., 1881 ; Ph.D., Univer-
sity of Leipzig, 1884; LL.D., Western University of Pennsylvania, 1891.
^. T. $. B. K. Born December 21, 1851, Salisbury, Md. Brother of
No. 1243, and of E. S. Gordy (class of 1885). College professor. Died
December 31, 1908, New York, N. Y.
Theological Seminar}^ 1879; M.A., Wesleyan, 1881. Born December 24,
1848, Sloansville, N. Y.
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1878-79. Preached in M. E.
Church, West Hebron, N. Y., 1879-80; Sharon Springs, N. Y., 1880-81.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Rock River Conference, 1881-92. Located
at his own request, 1892.
Address : unknown.
1177. FRED INGRAHAM. B.A. A. K. E. Born July 16, 1857,
Hempstead, N. Y. Son of No. 191 ; brother of No. 954.
Studied law in New York, N. Y., 1878-80. Practising law in New
York, N. Y., 1880 .
Address : 192 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
1178. *DAVID HARPER JACK. B.A. A. K. E. Born February
25, 1855, North Washington, Pa.
Studied law in Butler, Pa., 1878-80. Practised law in Bradford, Pa.,
1880-1912. Died October 7, 1912, Bradford, Pa.
Married April 28, 1881, Jennie Matthews, of Collins Centre, N. Y.
Child: Harry Matthews, b. January 12, 1883 (B.S., Princeton, 1906).
1179. *GEORGE WATSON JAMES. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1881. A. A. *. Born August 12, 1848, Rush, Pa.
Brother of No. 1527.
Taught in Luzerne County, Pa.. 1878-79; McClure Settlement, N. Y.,
1879-80. Superintendent of public schools, Kingston, Pa., 1880-81.
Principal of grammar schools, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1881-1907. Taught
in High School, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1907-11. Died November 5, 191 1,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Married November 7, 1889, Minnie Florence Oakley, of Wilkes-Barre,
Pa. Children: Harold William, b. October 19, 1890; George Vernon, b.
March 3, 1894; Wilbur Oakley, b. February 16, 1898.
1180. *SHELDON GAYLORD KELLOGG. B.A. {gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Eng. Lit.) ; M.A., 1881. A. K. E. *. B. K. Born
December 13, 1857, Leon, N. Y.
Studied in University of Leipzig, Germany, 1878-80. Studied law in
Detroit, Mich., 1880-81. Practised law in Detroit, Mich., 1881-83; San
Francisco, Cal., 1883-1911. Member of Board of Election Commissioners,
San Francisco, Cal., 1900-03 ; president, 1902-03. Member of Board of
Trustees, San Francisco Public Library, 1902-13. Member of Board of
Civil Service Commissioners, San Francisco, Cal., 1909. Died Jime 20,
1913, Santa Clara, Cal.
Married November 21, 1900, Annie G. Sheppard, of San Francisco, Cal.
Children : Louise, b. November 12, 1901 ; Sheldon Warner, b. July 16,
1181. ALPHA GILRUTH KYNETT. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade); M.A., 1881 ; B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1884; M.A.,
Ohio Wesleyan University, 1894; D.D., Cornell College, 1897, and Wes-
leyan, 1918. ^. T. ^. B. K. Born August 3, 1858, Davenport, Iowa.
Brother of No. 1330.
Taught in Rugby Academy^ Philadelphia, Pa., 1878-81 ; National
School of Oratory, Philadelphia, 1879-81. Studied law, 1878-81. Studied
in Drew Theological Seminary, 1882-84. Methodist Episcopal minister,
Philadelphia Conference, 1884 . Presiding Elder, South District,
1901-07. Recording secretary, Board of Home Missions and Church
Extension, 1907-12; recording field secretary, 1912-16; Centenary repre-
sentative and assistant treasurer, 1916 . Member of Board of Foreign
Missions, M. E. Church. Delegate to General Conference, M. E, Church,
1904, '16; Methodist Ecumenical Conference, 191 1. Assistant editor:
The Christian Republic.
Married April 15, 1884, Elizabeth Abbott Hardy, of New York, _N. Y.,
who died December 21, 1903. Married February 21, 1910, Catherine A.
Hardy, of Asbury Park, N. J. Children: Elizabeth Hardy, b. Febru-
ary 23, 1885, m. J. R. Van Tine; Alpha Hardy, b. January 13, 1887, d.
August 19, 1888; Eleanor Gilruth, b. August 25, 1888 (B.S. in Educa-
tion, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1921) ; Dorothy Dale, b. September 2, 1893,
m. F. Pierce Coggeshall ; Alpha Gilruth, b. January 13, 1895, d. Septem-
ber II, 1896; Katharine Hardy, b. January 13, 1895, d. September 8,
1896; Gerald Penfield, b. May 7, 1896 (class of 1918) ; Olivia Sterner,
b. March i, 1899, d. September 3, 1899; Willard Carpenter, b. Novem-
ber 15, 1902.
Address : 4820 Beaumont Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
1182. LORENZO GILES LA BAR. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd grade;
sp. hon., Latin) ; M.A., 1881. A. A. *. $. B. K. Born September 30,
1856, Northmoreland, Pa.
Principal of High School, Scranton, Pa., 1879-82. In business in
Scranton, Pa., 1882 .
Married April 6, 1882, Helen Silkman, of Scranton, Pa.
Address: 411 Jefferson Ave., Scranton, Pa.
1183. *WILLIAM DAY LEONARD. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1891. A. A. «S>. Born January 18, 1857, Jersey City, N. J.
Studied law in New York, N. Y., 1878-80; Columbia Law School,
1880-81. Practised law in New York, N. Y., 1881-1916. Died Novem-
ber 23, 1916, New York, N. Y.
Married October 17, 1888, Florence Gibbons Kendall, of Wilmington,
1184. EMORY LESLIE MEAD. B.A., 1890 {gen. hon., 2nd grade).
*. N. e. ^. B. K. Born October 5, 1855, Carmel, N. Y.
Principal of High School, Winsted, Conn., 1878-90. Taught in
William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1890-92, Traveled
and studied in Europe, 1893. Principal of High School, Natick, Mass.,
1894-98; Milton, Mass., 1898-1904; Utica, N. Y., 1904-12. Retired,
living on a farm, 1912 . Associate director, Canteen and Motor
Corps, American Red Cross, Potomac Division, November, 1918-March,
Married July, 1912, Henrietta Bausch, of Rochester, N. Y., who died
December 10, 1915.
Address : Fairport, N. Y.
1185. JOHN WARREN NOURSE. B.A. {sp. hon., Greek, Eng.
Lit.). <ir. T. Born July 12, 1846, Ipswich, Mass.
Engaged in civil engineering, Ipswich, Mass., 1878 . Member of
school committee, Ipswich, 1888 . Member of Board of Pkrk Com-
missioners, 1892.
Married February 11, 1885, Mary Foster Wade, of Ipswich, Mass., who
died November 2, 1895. Married August 31, 1901, Harriet E. Appleton,
of Ipswich, Mass. Child: Mary Appleton, b. July i, 1902.
Address : Ipswich, Mass.
1186. HENRY LESLIE OSBORN. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade;
sp. hon., Latin, Nat. Hist.) ; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1884.
^. T. *. B. K. Born July 5, 1857, Newark, N. J.
Graduate student in Wesleyan University, 1878-80; Assistant in
Natural History, 1878-81. Engaged during summers in service of U. S.
Fish Commission, 1879, '80. Fellow in Johns Hopkins University, 1881-
84. Professor of Zoology, Purdue University, 1884-87. Professor of
Biology and Geology, Hamline University, 1887 ; Dean, 1918 .
President of Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences, 1893. Professor
of Zoology, Chautauqua College of Liberal Arts, N. Y., 1895- 1903.
Editor : American Monthly Microscopic Journal, 1886-89.
Married July 7, 1887, Effie Miller Loag, of New York, N. Y.
Address: 1599 Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, Minn.
1187. *EDMUND JANES PALMER. B.A.; M.A., 1881 ; M.D.,
Columbia University, 1881. A. K. E. Born October 6, 1856, New Provi-
dence, N. J. Brother of No. 933.
Studied in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y.,
1878-81. Practised medicine in New York, N. Y., 1881-1917. Died
May 29, 1917, New York, N. Y.
Married October 20, 1886, Blanche Shove, of Syracuse. N. Y.
Children : Gene Shove, b. August 30, 1887 ; Blanche Shove, b. March 14,
1188. BURDETT ALBERTO RICH. B.A. (gen. hon., ist grade).
^. T. *. B. K. Born October 24, 1854, Cattaraugus, N. Y.
Studied law in Middletown, Conn. ; Assistant Librarian, Wesleyan
University, 1878-80. Practised law in Cattaraugus, N. Y., 1880-86.
Director, Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing Company, Rochester, N. Y.,
1886 . Vice-president, Board of Trustees, Genesee Wesleyan Sem-
inary. Editor: U. S. Supreme Court Reports, 1899 ; Digest of
U. S. Supreme Court Reports, 1887, 1897, 1908; Legal Monthly Case
and Comment, 1893-1909; Lawyers' Reports Annotated, 1899-1918;
Ruling Case Law, 1914 ; Reports of the Court of Appeals, District
of Columbia, 1918-19; American Lazv Reports, 1919 .
Married July 22, 1880, Nellie Hagerty, of Middletown, Conn. Chil-
dren: Anna Lucy, b. April 3, 1882 (B.A., Vassar, 1904), d. April 22,
1913; Merne Elizabeth, b. February 6, 1885 (B.A., Vassar, 1908);
Helen Margaret, b. December 13, 1889.
Address: 18 Fairview Heights, Rochester, N. Y.
1189. DANIEL LESLIE ROBERTSON. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon.. Hist.). Sk. T. $. B. K. Born March 8, 1857, Glens
Falls, N. Y.
Resided in Glens Falls, N. Y., 1878-79. Junior partner in Glen Shirt
Company, Glens Falls, N. Y., 1879-89. Senior partner in firm of D. L.
Robertson & Co., Glens Falls, N. Y., 1889 . One of the organizers
and founders. Merchants' National Bank, Glens Falls, N. Y., 1893 ;
vice-president, 1895-1915 ; president, 1915 . Vice-president, Butler &
Company, Inc., Boston, Mass., 1914 . Lay delegate to General
Conference, M. E. Church, 1912.
Married June 25, 1899, Susan Aurinda Paris, of Sandy Hill, N. Y.
Child: Alexander Paris, b. June 30, 1900 (class of 1922).
Address : Glens Falls, N. Y.
1190. WILLIAM EZRA SCOFIELD. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon.. Hist.) ; M.A., 1881. A. A. *. <l>. B. K. Born January
9, 1856, East Bridgeport, Conn.
Taught in New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H.,
1878-81. Principal of the Cummings Grammar School, Woburn, Mass.,
1881-82. Taught in Centenary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J.,
1882-85. Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East Conference,
1885 .
Married April 24, 1889, Phebe Elizabeth Brigham, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Children: Alice Brigham, b. February 20, 1890 (B.A., Goucher, 1912);
Gertrude, b. August 3, 1894 (B.A., Goucher, 1916).
Address: Sayville, L. I., N. Y.
1191. NEWTON PRATT SCUDDER. B.A.; M.A., 1881. $. N. 0.
4>. B. K. Born December 29, 1853, New York, N. Y. Brother of Nos.
747 and 991.
Engaged in tutoring in Huntington, N. Y. ; principal of High School,
Madison, Conn,, 1878-79. In the service of the U. S. Fish Commission,
1879. Instructor in Geology and Paleontology, Cornell University, 1879-
81. Assistant, U. S. Fish Commission, Washington, D. C, 1881 .
Married June 17, 1880, Anna L. Ketcham, of Huntington, N. Y. Chil-
dren: Sarah Agnes (No. 2521), b. December 29, 1880, m. G. A. Neeld
(No. 2499) ; Louis Townsend, b. August 26, 1882 (class of 1907), d.
November 21, 1906.
Address: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
1192. GEORGE ENSIGN STOCKWELL. B.A. ; M.A., 1881 ;
Ph.D., Harriman University, 1897. ^. T. Born July 30, 1853, Peters-
burg, N. Y.
Principal of Seymour High School, Conn., 1879-81. Principal of
public schools, Windsor Locks, Conn., 1881782. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Troy Conference, 1882 -.
Married December 25, 1879, Hattie Louise Allen, of Hartford, Conn.,
who died May 22, 1897. Married July 25, 1898, Sarah Grace Smith, of
Fort Plain, N. Y, Children : George Smith, b. August 14, 1899 ; Louis
Albert, b. August 23, 1900; Charles Elwood, b. May 5, 1902.
Address : East Worcester, N. Y.
1192a. *ROBERT BOWNE SUCKLEY. B.A., 1912. A. A. ^.
Born June 5, 1856, Rhinebeck, N. Y.
Left college during Senior year. Lawyer. Died January 2, 1921,
Rhinebeck, N. Y.
1193. *EDWARD ARTHUR SUMNER. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Hist.) ; M.A., 188 1. ^. T. Born November 3, 1857,
Rome, N. Y.
Principal of Portland School, Conn., 1878-81. Studied law in Middle-
town, Conn., 1879-82. Principal of Gildersleeve High School, Portland,
Conn., 1881-83. Practised law in Minneapolis, Minn., 1885-92; New
York, N. Y. (specialty, corporation law), 1892-1913. Died September
22, 1913, New York, N. Y.
Married January 29, 1885, Martha Dickenson, of Northampton, Mass.
Children: Robert Brooks, b. November, 1888, d. November 30, 1888;
Richard Erie, b. June 13, 1891 ; Margaret Helen, b. April 15, 1893.
1194. WILLIAM NICHOLSON TAFT. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1881 ; B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1882. $. N. 0.
<!». B. K. Born March 30, 1856, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brother of No. 1028,
and of J. H. Taft (class of 1874).
Traveled and studied in Europe, 1878-79. Studied in Drew Theolog-
1878-79] GRADUATES.
ical Seminary, 1879-82. Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East
Conference, 1882-1911. Supernumerary, 191 1 .
Married April 26, 1905, Mrs. Elizabeth Blake, of West Goshen, Conn.
Child: Elizabeth Seney, b. June 18, 1906.
Address: 1565 S. Liberty St., Salem, Ore.
1196. BYRON VINCENT TOMPKINS. Ph.B. (sp. hon.,
Chem.) ; M.D., Columbia Universit}'-, 1881. Born November 11, 1854,
Coeymans HoIIoav, N. Y.
Studied in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y.,
1878-81. Practising medicine, 1881 .
Married May 17, 1882, Julia A. Smith, of Adams, Mass. Child:
Sallie Vincent, b. November 7, 1884.
Address : Sheffield, Mass.
1196. JOSEPH HENRY TOMPSON. B.A. ; M.A., 1881. A. K. E.
Born July 9, 1847, Durham, Me.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Conference, 1878 .
Married October 14, 1880, Fannie Fish Reade, of Dighton, Mass.
Children: Frank, b. July 25, 1881, d. July 29, 1881 ; Helen Reade, b.
November 17, 1883, d. Jime 4, 1903; Harold Foss, b. June 29, 1885 (B.S.,
Mass. Agricultural College, 1905) ; Charles Wilfred, b. September 6,
Address : R. F. D. 4, Attleboro, Mass.
1197. *DAVID HART WALKLEY. B.A. ^. N. 0. Born April
23, 1857, Durham, Conn. Brother of Nos. 677 and 1198. Died Septem-
ber 15, 1878, Durham, Conn.
1198. *WILLIAM ENOS WALKLEY. B.A.; LL.B., Albany
Law School, 1879; M.A., Wesleyan, 1881. *. N. 9. Born February 21,
1856, Durham, Conn. Brother of Nos. 677 and 1197. Lawyer. Died
May 20, 1898, Belleview, Fla.
1199. EVERETT BARNES. B.A.; M.A., 1886. <ir. T. Born
January 24, 1859, Middletown, Conn. Brother of Gaybert Barnes (class
of 1869) and Culmer Barnes (class of 1872).
Taught and studied law, 1879-80. In business in New York, N. Y.,
1880-81. Studied law and taught in New York, N. Y., 1881-86. Prac-
tised law in New York, N. Y., 1886-96. Teaching in New York city
public schools, 1897 ; principal, 1901 . Author: Barnes's Short
American History.
Married March 4, 1893, Sara Louise Meyers, of Saratoga Springs,
N. Y. Children : Margaret Moore, b. December 8, 1893 ; Mildred Yates,
b. December 14, 1895; Everett Duane, b. December i, 1900; Edward
Turner, b. January 12, 1902, d. October 15, 1902; Richard Montgomery,
b. December 8, 1902.
Address : 1395 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
1200. LAHMAN FORREST BOWER. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1882. A. A. *. $. B. K. Born July 5, 1858, Berwick,
Pa. Brother of A. V. Bower (class of 1883).
In business in Berwick, Pa., 1879-80. Bookkeeper for the Jackson &
Woodin Alanufacturing Company, Berwick, Pa., 1880-84. Principal of
Dickinson College Preparatory School, Carlisle, Pa., 1884-87. Superin-
tendent and treasurer of the Carlisle Manufacturing Company, Carlisle,
Pa., 1887-89. Managing partner of Bower & Mallery, Carlisle Chain
Works, 1889-90. Superintendent of the Allison Manufacturing Company,
Philadelphia, Pa., 1890-92. General manager and treasurer of the Car-
lisle Manufacturing Company, Carlisle, Pa., 1892-96. Secretary and
treasurer of the Dickson Manufacturing Company, Scranton, Pa., 1896-
1901. With the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, 1901-18
(manager at Scranton, Pa., 1901-04; at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1904-06;
comptroller at Milwaukee, Wis., 1906-07; first vice-president, 1907-12;
secretary. 1912-18). Retired, living on a farm in Virginia, 1918-19.
Connected with Field Department, Inter-Church World Movement, New
York, N. Y., 1919-20. Director of lay activities for Committee on
Conservation and Advance, M. E. Church, 1920 .
Married September 22, 1880, Gertrude Eloise Hennigar, of Middletown,
Conn. Children: Florence May, b. June 17, 1881, m. C. S. Davison;
Russell Forrest (No. 2598), b. November 15, 1885; Harold Morton
(No. 2793), b. September 2^, 1888; Lahman Van Hennigar (No. 3381),
b. April 26, 1897.
Address : 740 Rush St., Chicago, 111.
1201. *HENRY ELWIN BRIGGS. B.A. {sp. hon., Chem.) ; M.A.,
1882. ■^. T. Born October 26, 1852, Williamstown, Vt. Traveling
salesman. Died July 4, 1901, Chicago, 111.
1202. SELDON LESTER BROWN. B.A. (^gen. hon., ist grade) ;
M.A., 1882. A. A. $. $. B. K. Born September 21, 1856, Buxton
Center, Me.
Principal of High School, Brookfield, Mass., 1879-81 ; Lancaster,
Mass., 1881-86; Wellesley, Mass., 1886-1916. Clerk, Quartermaster's
Department, U. S. Army, 1917-19. Teaching in Huntington School,
Boston, Mass., 1919 . Associate editor : Daniell-Brown's New Latin
Composition; Fair dough-Brown's Vergil's Aeneid, Books I-VI.
Married December 29, 1880, Nellie Ann Hubbard, of Worcester, Mass.
Children: Walter Creighton (No. 2352), b. August 22, 188 1 ; Seldon
Lester, b. January 30, 1883, d. December 25, 1894; Gladys Azubah, b.
October 24, 1885 (B.A., Wellesley, 1908), m. Ashton Rollins, d. July 19,
1917; Pauline Hubbard, b. January 23, 1896 (B.A., Wellesley, 1918), m.
Frederic L. Putnam.
Address : Wellesley Hills, Mass.
1203. *ALFRED COOKMAN BRUNER. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Chem.) ; M.A., 1882. A. A. $. 4>. B. K. Born May
18, 1858, Columbia, Pa. Brother of Nos. 1466 and 1509.
Real estate and insurance agent in Columbia, Pa. ; also studied law,
1879-82. Practised law in Columbia, Pa., 1883-1921. Solicitor for the
borough of Columbia. Associate editor of The Columbia Herald, 1880-
85. Died January 31, 1921, Atlanta, Ga.
Married October 27, 1887, Annie Mullison Bruner, of Columbia, Pa.
Children: Abram Breneman (No. 2975), b. October 13, 1891 ; Henry
Mullison (No. 2976), b. October 13, 1891 ; Alfred Evans (No. 3217),
b. October 4, 1894.
1204. WILLIAM BURT. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade; sp. hon.,
Greek)', M.A., 1882; B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1881 ; D.D.,
Grant University, 1888, and Wesleyan, 1902; LL.D., Dickinson College,
1908, and Wesleyan, 1909. A. K. E. *. B. K. Born October 23, 1852,
Padstow, Cornwall, England.
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1879-81. Methodist Episcopal
minister. New York East and Italy Conferences, 1881-1904. Presiding
Elder of Milan District, 1886-88. Superintendent of the Italy Mission,
1888-1904. Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1904 . Deco-
rated by the King of Italy with the Order Cav. S. S. Maurisio e Lassaro.
Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1913 . Author : Europe and Metho-
dism; Homiletics (in Italian).
Married April 14, 1881, Helen Bartlet Graves, of Lynn, Mass.
Children: Edith Helen, b. November 4, 1882; Carrie Graves, b. Sep-
tember 23, 1884; William Wright, b. March 4, 1887; Viola Romana, b.
May 23, 1890; Paul (No. 2977).. b. July 21, 1893.
Address : 202 Morris Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
1205. *N[ATHANIEL] WALLING CLARK. B.A.; M.A., 1882;
B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1883; D.D., New York University,
1899, and Wesleyan, 1906. '*'. T. $. B. K. Born February 12, 1859,
Plattsburg, N. Y. Brother of No. 1432.
Principal of High School, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1879-80. Studied
in Drew Theological Seminary, 1880-83. Methodist Episcopal minister,
Philadelphia and Newark Conferences, 1883-89. Professor in Martin
Mission Institute, Frankfurt-on-the-Main, Germany, 1889-92. Studied
at University of Bonn and University of Heidelberg, 1890-92. President
of the Theological School of the M. E. Church, Rome, Italy, 1893-1902.
On furlough, 1902-03. President of the Methodist College, Rome, 1903-
05. Superintendent of First District, Rome, Italy, 1905-14. Secretary
of church properties in Italy, 1914-18. Died March 12, 1918, New York,
N. Y.
Married August 22, 1883, Felicia Hemans Buttz, of Madison, N. J.
Children: Henry Buttz, b. December 14, 1884, d. September 18, 1885;
Isabel, b. September 3, 1888, d. 1894; Donald Buttz (No. 3300), b.
June 3, 1896.
1206. *EDWARD PRESCOTT COFFIN. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1882. A. K. E. *. B. K. Born June 22, 1854, Fairfield,
Me. Lawyer. Died November 16, 1897, Boston, Mass.
Born March 9, 1858, Lynn, Mass. Manufacturer. Died February 26,
1890, Lynn, Mass.
1208. FRANK SIMPSON COOKMAN. B.A. ; B.D., Drew Theo-
logical Seminary, 1882; Ph.D., New York University, 1898. A. A. 4>.
Born November 10, 1855, Pittsburgh, Pa. Brother of Nos. 1148 and
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1879-82. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Newark and New York Conferences, 1882-1905. Entered the
ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1905. Visited the parishes
of New York in the interests of the Men's Thank Offering, 1906. Vicar
of the Bronx Church House, New York, 1907. Assistant, St. Thomas's
Church, New York, 1908 .
Married October 21, 1890, Mary J. Hurst, of Baltimore, Md.
Address : 34 W. 58th St., New York, N. Y.
1209. LEWIS WHITTIER CRAIG. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Greek) ; M.A., 1882. A. K. E. ^. B. K. Born June
II, 1855, Farmington, Me.
Graduate student in Wesleyan University, 1879-80. Taught in Provi-
dence Conference Seminary (now East Greenwich Academy), R. I.,
1880; Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1880-81. Principal of Belleville
Academy, N. Y., 1881-82. Taught in New Hampshire Conference
Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1882-85. Principal of High School, Nantucket,
Mass., 1885-88; Holbrook, 1888-90; Merrimac, 1890-92; Parish, N. Y.,
1892-93; Wellsville, 1893-1901 ; North Tarrytown, 1901-08; Westport.
Married November 27, 1883, Lizzie Ella Stevens, of Fayette, Me.
Address : West Brookfield, Mass.
1210. *NELSON EDWARDS. B.A. ; M.A., 1882. $. N. 9.
Born January 24, 1853, New York, N. Y.
Preached in M. E. Church, Holbrook, Mass., 1879. Methodist Epis-
copal minister, New York East Conference, 1880-1916. Died June 26,
1916, Clinton, Conn.
Married January 24, 188 1, Mary Lucretia McLean, of New York,
N. Y. Children: Gertrude M., b. January 5, 1882; Harry D., b. May 29,
1883; Florence, b. February 2, 1885, d. August 15, 1885; Mabel, b.
April 15, 1887; Ethel, b. August 18, 1888, m. Edward Stratton Hine;
Mary Lucretia, b. March 13, 1891, m. D. G. Hurlbut; Wilbur Nelson
(No. 3232), b. April 15, 1893; Isabelle Evelyn, b. June 22, 1896.
1211. *JOHN GALBRAITH. B.A.; M.A., 1882; Ph.D., Boston
University, 1886 ; D.D., Wesleyan, 1906. <ir. T. $. B. K. Born August
24, 1852, Rooskey, Ireland.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Conference, 1879-1914.
Superintendent of Boston District, 1905-11. Died April 21, 1914, Glou-
cester, Mass.
Married October 15, 1879, Mary C. Weed, of Torrington, Conn.
Children: Mary Catherine, b. February 2Z, 1881 (B.A., Boston Univ.,
1905) ; Emma Weed, b. December 19, 1884, m. Frank A. Ewart.
1212. HENRY GILDERSLEEVE. B.A. ; LL.B., Columbia Uni-
versity, 1881. Born September 4, 1858, Portland, Conn.
Studied law in Columbia Law School, and in Hartford, Conn., 1879-81.
Practised law in New York, N. Y., 1881-82. Manager of a general
store, Portland, Conn., 1883-99. Engaged in tobacco farming, Portland,
Conn., 1905 .
Married April 16, 1885, Elizabeth Harvey, of New York, N. Y.
Children: Willard Harvey (No. 2678), b. September 17, 1886; Arthur
Lloyd, b. June 20, 1888 (B.S., Trinity, 1911) ; Genieve Northam, b.
September 6, 1890 (B.A., Smith, 1913) ; Amy Warner, b. May 6, 1892
(grad. Emerson College of Oratory, 1916) ; Samuel Barrett, b. July 12,
1894, d. January 18, 1920; Evelyn Louise, b. November 10, 1903.
Address: Gildersleeve, Conn.
1213. WILBUR FISK GILLETTE. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd grade) ;
M.A., 1882. Born January 22, 1849, Southwick, Mass.
Taught in Delaware Literary Institute, Franklin, N. Y., 1879-81.
Principal of High School, Saugus, Mass., 1881-94. Appointed librarian
of Saugus Free Public Library, 1887. Traveled in Europe, 1895-96.
Engaged in out-of-door work, teaching for a few months, 1896-1901.
Engaged in business, 1901 .
Married July 3, 1884, Julia A. Goodrich, of Sherwood, Mich.
Address : 256 Summer St., Somerville, Mass.
1214. CHARLES EDWARD GREEN. B.A.; M.A., 1889. Born
February 9, 185 1, Clinton, N, J.
Preached in M. E. Church, Northampton and Edinburg, N. Y., 1879-80;
Valcour and South Plattsburg, N. Y., 1880-81. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Troy Conference, 1881 .
Married September 10, 1879, Kate Amelia Peet, of High Bridge, N. J.,
who died January 20, 1912. Married September 18, 1912, Ellen Salinda
Anderson, of Callicoon, N. Y. Children : Ralph Vanderhoof , b. July 26,
1880; Karl Edward, b. July 22, 1882.
Address : Gansevoort, N. Y.
1215. WILBUR FISK HAMILTON. B.S. A. K. E. Born Decem-
ber 3, 1857, Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa. Brother of No. 918, and
of E. E. Hamilton (class of 1879).
Engaged in the manufacture of paper, in Montgomery County, Pa.,
1879 . Trustee of Wesleyan Uniyersity, 1912-17.
Married November i, 1883, Anna Matilda Donohugh, of Roxborough,
Philadelphia, Pa. Children: William Chalfant, b. August 7, 1884, d.
March 18, 1889 ; Russell Donohugh, b. March 28, 1886 (class of 1910) ;
Warren Wilmot (No. 2810), b. February 28, 1888.
Address : East Shawmont Ave., Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa.
Chem.). *. N. 9. Born March 16, 1858, Warwick, N. Y.
Corresponding clerk for the Bradbury Piano Company, New York,
N. Y., 1879-86; general western manager, Chicago, 111., 1886-1905; vice-
president and general manager, 1905-18. Retired, 1918. President,
Chicago Piano and Organ Association, 1912-13.
Married October 20, 1891, Anne Elizabeth Crawford, of Lexington,
Ky. Child: Gertrude Helen, b. January 14, 1894.
Address: 1212 Judson Ave., Evanston, 111.
$. N. e. Born April 5, 1855, Hartland, Conn.
Principal of Royalton Academy, Vt, 1879-82. In business at Wilbra-
ham, Mass., 1882-83. Principal of Union Free School, Rockville Centre,
N. Y., 1883-85. Manager of Fisk Teachers' Agency, Boston, Mass.,
1885 .
Married August 23, 1879, Lucy Arabelle Fisk (sister of Nos. 655 and
1006), of Wilbraham, Mass. Children: Olin Fisk (No. 2282), b.
July 8, 1881; William Allen, b. April 30, 1883, d. July 2, 1884; Marian
Lucy, b. September 18, 1886; Florence May, b. October 4, 1888; William
Franklin, b. July 31, 1890, killed in aeroplane accident in France, Sep-
tember 16, 1 91 8.
Address: 2a Park St., Boston, Mass.
November 18, 1853, Hope, Me.
Taught and studied medicine, in Thomaston, Me., 1879-80. Principal
of Machias High School, Me., 1880. In business in Saluda, Va., 1881-85.
Bookkeeper and assistant manager of a carriage factory, Saluda, Va.,
1886-91. Traveling salesman for Chicago branch of the Washburn &
Moen Manufacturing Company, of Worcester, Mass., 1892 .
Married April 8, 1882, Florrie Alice Morse, of South Union, Me.
Children: Edward M., b. April 3, 1883; George W., b. November 16,
1884; Edith C, b. February 22, 1886, d. September 29, 1886; Arthur M.,
b. November i, 1887, d. October 15, 1890.
Address : unknown.
1219. ERNEST HITCHCOCK. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade).
<ir. T. *. B. K. Born December i, 1856, Pittsford, Vt. Brother .of
No. 1272.
Studied in Yale Law School, 1879-80; in a law office, Newark, N. Y.,
1880-81. Practised law in Newark, N. Y., 1881-83. Assisted in organi-
zation of Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing Company; secretary of the
same, 1882. Practised law in Chicago, 111., 1883-89. Engaged in farming,
Pittsford, Vt, 1890 . Chairman, Board of School Directors, Pitts-
ford, Vt, 1893. Member, Vermont State Board of Agriculture, 1900-06;
Cattle Commission, 1900-02; State Forestry Commission, 1904-06; Tax
Commission, 1907-08. Member of Vermont House of Representatives,
1908-10. President, Rutland Co. Farm Bureau, 191-6-17. Joint editor:
New York Cotmnon Law Reports; U. S. Supreme Court Reports, to
Married November 6, 1883, Caroline Ann Curtice, of Webster, N. Y.
Children: Miriam Curtice, b. August 14, 1886 (Ph.B., Univ. of Vermont,
1909), m. Edward Eaton Chapin; Harry Merrill, b. June 7, 1888
(graduate of U. S. Naval Academy, 1908) ; Curtice Nelson, b. March 4,
1892 (B.A., Univ. of Vermont, 1913) ; John Allen, b. April 29, 1894
(B.Sc, Univ. of Vermont, 1918).
Address : Pittsford, Vt.
1220. ELBERT CLAY HOAG. B.A.; B.D., Drew Theological
Seminary, 1881 ; M.A., Wesleyan, 1882. A. A. *. Born February 21,
185 1, Columbus, N. Y.
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1879-80. Methodist Episcopal
minister. New York East Conference, 1881 .
Married May 7, 1884, Adelaide Corintha Kunkle, of Kingston, Pa.,
who died February i, 19 18.
Address: East Norwich, N. Y.
€>. N. 6. Born February 22, 1854, Cambridge, England.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New England Southern and New
England Conferences, 1880 .
Married June 25, 1895, Elizabeth Howland Davis Eddy, of New
Bedford, Mass. Children: Anne Bradford, b. May 2, 1896; Elizabeth,
b. May 18, 1897, m. Gordon W. Ayer ; Ruth Vincent, b. March 27, 1906.
Address: Morgan Memorial M. E. Church, Boston, Mass.
1222. ALBERT MANN. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade; sp. hon.,
CJtem.) ; M.A., 1882; Ph.D., University of Munich, 1894. A. A. *.
^. B. k. Born June 30, 1853, Hoboken, N. J.
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1879-80. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Philadelphia and Newark Conferences, 1880-92. Studied in
the University of Munich, Germany, 1892-94.' Professor of Botany,
Ohio Wesleyan University, 1895-1900. Collaborator at the University
of Munich, 1901-02. Engaged in investigations at the Smithsonian
Institution. Washington, D. C, 1903-04. Expert in U. S. Department of
Agriculture, 1905-19. Professor of Botany, George Washington Univer-
sity, 1906-19. Associate of the Carnegie Institution of Washington,
1919 •
Married October 6, 1880, Jennie F. Yard, of Trenton, N. J. Child:
Albert (No. 2550), b. September i, 1883.
Address : The Mendota, Washington, D. C.
1223. DANIEL ANSON MARKHAM. B.A. Born December 29,
1854, East Hampton, Conn.
Studied law in Middletown, Conn., 1879-82. Taught in Moodus, Conn.,
1879-80; Deep River, Conn., 1880-81. Resided in East Hampton, Conn.,
1881-82. Principal of High School, Stonington, Conn., 1882-84. Prac-
tising law in Hartford, Conn., 1884 . Member of the Board of Edu-
cation, Hartford, Conn., 1889. Recorder of the City Court of Hartford,
Married 1889, Grace Upson Goodrich, of Hartford, Conn. Children :
Daniel Goodrich, b. December 12, 1890; Margaret, b. January 21, 1893;
John Anson (No. 3336), b. November 15, 1894.
Address : 877 Main St., Hartford, Conn.
1224. *JESSE SAMUEL MERRILL. B.A. Born February 17,
1851, West Bradford, Vt. Died March 25, 1880, Bradford, Vt.
1225. WARREN AUGUSTUS MINER. B.A.; M.A., 1882;
M.D., New York University, 1882. A. A. 4>. Born April 13, 1853, New
York, N. Y.
Studied in Medical Department of New York University, 1879-82.
Resident physician at County House Hospital, Tarrytown, N. Y., 1882-85.
Practised medicine at Mount Kisco, N, Y., 1885-89 ; Sing Sing (now
Ossining), N. Y., 1889 . Visiting physician, Ossining Hospital.
Surgeon, New York Central Railway.
Married September 25, 1888, Allie Whitson, of Briarclifif Manor, N. Y.
Address: (Dssining, N. Y.
1226. *HOWARD PERRY. B.A. ; M.A., 1882. X. ^. Born
April 3, 1857, Camden, N. J. Brother of No. 873.
Studied law in Philadelphia, Pa., 1879-82. Clerk in Department of
Justice, Washington, D. C, 1882-94; chief of division of accounts, 1894-
1900. Died February 28, 1900, Washington, D. C.
1227. WILLIAM CYRUS STRONG. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1882. $. N. 9. *. B. K. Born July 12, 1853, Andover,
Taught in New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1879-
81 ; Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1881-91 ; High School,
Westfield, Mass., 1891-92. Professor of Natural Science, University of
Denver, 1892-95. Professor of Physics, Bates College, 1895-98. General
agent, Boston, Mass., 1898-1901. Manager, Fisk Teachers' Agency,
Boston, Mass., 1901-17. Engaged in business as mechanician, Natick,
Mass., 1917 .
Married August 13, 1879, Sarah Adelaide Fisk (sister of Nos. 655 and
1006), of Wilbraham, Mass. Children: George Franklin (No. 2390), b.
August 12, 1882; Katharine Chappell, b. December 12, 1883, m. E. M.
Sutherland; Herbert Fisk, b. September 3, 1885, d. November, 1892;
Helen Constance, b. September 7, 1893; Everett Fisk (No. 3469), b.
October 4, 1896.
Address : 64 Pond St., Natick, Mass.
1882; D.D., Whitman College, 1899- A. A. *. Born April i, 1854,
Harpersfield, N. Y.
Preached in M. E. Church, Lithgow, N. Y., 1879-80. Methodist Epis-
copal minister. Northern New York, Columbia River, and Idaho Con-
ferences, 1880 . Presiding Elder of Spokane District, 1892-98; of
Boise District, 1899-1906. Superannuated, 1910-20. Delegate to General
Conference, M. E. Church, 1896, 1904, '08. Author: Biasing the Way.
Married May 25, 1881, Carrie Reynolds Hedges, of Middletown, Conn.,
who died March 23, 1905. Married October 9, 1906, Daisy Miner
Marshall, of Boise, Idaho. Children: Cyrus Foss, b. July 25, 1884, d.
December i, 1887; Wilbur Fisk, b. October 25, 1885.
Address: 1209 N. Fifth St., Boise, Idaho.
1229. *EDWARD COPELAND WALLACE. B.A. ; M.A., 1882.
A. K. E. Born January 9, i860, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brother of No. 1132,
and of G. S. Wallace (class of 1883).
In business in New York, N. Y., 1879-1915- Died November 26, 1915,
New York, N. Y.
1230. HERBERT HAMILTON WARD. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Rhet., Eng. Lit.). ^. T. $. B. K. Born October 11,
1856, Sheffield, Vt.
Studied law in Wilmington, Del., 1879-82. Practising law in Wilming-
ton, Del., 1882 . Attorney general of Delaware, 1900-04.
Married December 27, 1881, Stella Emily Lewis, of Eden, Vt. Chil-
dren: Phoebe Minorra, b. October 3, 1888, m. William T. Stoops;
Herbert Henry, b. April 29, 1890; Sybil Ursula, b. June 24, 1894.
Address : 4042 Dupont Building, Wilmington, Del.
1231. EDWIN AUGUSTINE WHITE. B.A. {sp. hon., Chem.) ;
D. C. L., Trinity College, 191 1; D.D., General Theological Seminary,
1918. X. ^. Born December 27, 1854, Cornwall, Conn.
Studied law in Litchfield, Conn., 1879-82. Principal of Litchfield
(Conn.) High School, 188 1. Practised law in Cohoes and Ithaca, N. Y.
1881-86. Instructor in Mathematics, Rutgers College, 1886-87. Ordained
deacon, Protestant Episcopal Church, 1887; priest, 1888. Assistant
minister, St. John's Church, Elizabeth, N. J., 1888. Rector, St. John's
Church, Lafayette, Ind., 1889-91 ; Christ Church, Bloomfield, N. J., 1891-
1920. Delegate to General Convention of Episcopal Church, 1901, '04,
'07, '10, '13, '16, '19. Chairman, Committee on Canons, General Conven-
tion. Author: American Church Law; Diocesan Manual.
Married December 4, 1889, Elizabeth Craig Fielding, of New York,
N. Y. Child: Constance Fielding, b. August 25, 1891, m. William H.
Bleecker, Jr.
Address : 74 Park Ave., Bloomfield, N. J.
1232. JOSEPH ALBERT WRIGHT. B.A. A. K. E. Born Octo-
ber 25, 1855, Hutchison, Ky.
Assistant receiving teller in Park Bank, New York, N. Y., 1879-82.
Secretary and treasurer of the West India Manufacturing Company,
New York, N. Y., 1881-82. In business, 1882 . Member of six-
teenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth sessions of Oregon Legislature. Com-
missioner for State of Oregon at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893.
Address : Sparta, Ore.
CAROLINE LAURA RICE (Crawford). B.A. {gen. hon.,
1st grade) ; M.A., 1882. $. B. K. Born October 4, 1856, Chelsea, Mass.
Sister of Nos. 813, 936, and 988.
Resided at home in Springfield, Mass., 1879-83.
Married December 25, 1883, Morris B. Crawford (No. 1037). Chil-
dren: Holmes, b. 1884, d. 1886; Frederick North (No. 2665), b. January
15, 1886; Margaret (No. 2841), b. April 19,
Address : Middletown, Conn.
1879-80] GRADUATES.
1234. ANNA VAN VLECK. B.A.; M.A, 1882. *. B. K. Born
April 30, 1856, Middletown, Conn. Daughter of No. 406; sister of Nos.
1295, 1375, and 1505.
Graduate student in Wesleyan University, 1879-80. Taught in Cedar
Glen Seminary, Ossining, N. Y., 1880-81 ; Kingston Academy, N. Y.,
1881-82; Latin School for Girls, Boston, Mass., 1882-87. Instructor in
Wellesley College, 1887-91. Studied in Europe, 1891-93. Instructor in
Women's College of Baltimore, 1894-97. Taught in High School, New
York, N. Y., 1897-1907. Resided in Middletown, Conn., 1907-16; Brook-
lyn, N, Y., 1916 .
Address: 416 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
CLASS OF 1880*
1286. GOODSIL FILLEY ARMS. B.A.; M.A., 1883. ^. T.
Born January 22, 1854, Sutton, Que., Canada.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Vermont Conference, 1880-88. Mis-
sionary in Chile, 1888 . President of Colegio Americano, Concepcion,
Chile, 1888-93; Concepcion College, 1893-1915. Stationed at Coqtiimbo,
Chile, 1916— — . American Consul, Coquimbo, 1919 . Presiding
Elder of Concepcion District, 1894-1903; Superintendent of Northern
District, 1921. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1908.
Author: Los Vinos de la Biblia (in Spanish) ; History of the William
Taylor Self-supporting Missions in South America. Editor (for two
years) : El Cristiano (weekly periodical).
Married January 17, 1883, Ida Almira Taggard, of Northfield, Vt.
Child: Olive Demaris, b. June 21, 1885, m. J. S. Valenzuela.
Address : Casilla 362, Iquique, Chile, S. A.
1236. *WILLIAM MILTON BRUNDAGE. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Hist.); M.A., 1883; 'Ph.D., Boston University, 1889.
<lr. T. 4'. B. K. Born January 12, 1857, Stone Ridge, N. Y, Brother
of A. R. Brundage (class of 1885).
Taught in Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., 1880-82. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister, Troy Conference, 1882-1905. Pastor of First
Unitarian Church, Albany, N. Y., 1895-1905; Unity (Unitarian) Church,
Brooklyn, N. Y., 1905-18; Pastor emeritus, 1918. Author: Some Things
for Which the Unitarian Church Stands; Religion as a Personal Experi-
ence. Died August 14, 1921, Westfield, N. J.
Married August 3, 1886, Charlotte H. Flack, of Troy, N. Y. Child:
Percival Flack, b. April 2, 1892.
1237. CHARLES SUMNER CHAPIN. B.A. {gen. hon., ist
grade) ; M.A., 1883 ; Sc.D., Brown University, 1908. A. A. ^. 4>. B. K.
Born October 19, 1859, Westfield, Mass. Brother of A. W. Chapin
(class of 1865).
Studied law in Worcester, Mass., 1880-81. Principal of High School,
Brookfield, Mass.; also studied law, 1881-82. Taught in Worcester High
School, Mass. ; also studied law, 1882-84. Practised law in Worcester,
Mass., 1884-86. Assistant superintendent of schools, Middletown, Conn.,
1886-87. Taught in High School, Hartford, Conn., 1887-90. Principal
of High School, Fitchburg, Mass., 1890-96 ; State Normal School, West-
field, Mass., 1896-1901 ; State Normal School, Providence, R. I., 1901-08;
State Normal School, Montclair, N. J., 1908 . Co-author of a series
of school text-books on the teaching of English.
Married August 3, 1886, Minnie Gertrude Fisher, of Worcester, Mass.
Children: Gertrude, b. July 2, 1888 (B.A., Smith, 1910) ; Chester
Fisher, b. November 11, 1889 (B.A., Amherst, 1911).
Address : Normal School, Montclair, N. J.
M.D., Columbia University, 1886. *. N. 0. Born December 2, 1851,
East Corinth, Me.
Principal of High School, Dover, Me., 1880-81 ; Stetson, Me., 1881.
Studied in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y., 1881-
82, 1884-86. Practised medicine at East Corinth, Me., 1886-88; Saco,
Me., 1888 . Member of Board of Health, Saco, Me., 1888-91,
iQOi . Alderman of Saco, Me., 1893-95, 1900. President of York
County Medical Association, 1896.
Married February 12, 1898, Mrs. Ida M. Heald, of Lovell, Me. Chil-
dren : Chauncey Duncan, b. December 3, 1901 ; Sarah Abbott, b. October
9, 1902.
Address : 328 Main St., Saco, Me.
1239. *ANDREW JACKSON COULTAS. B.A.; M.A., 1883;
D.D., 1906. ^. T. Born August 26, 1853, New York, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Southern Conference,
1880-1919. Presiding Elder, Providence District, 1902-08; New Bedford
District, 1908-14. Staff secretary. Joint Centenary Committee, M. E.
Church, 1919-20. Associate secretary, Department of Church Extension,
Board of Home Missions, M. E. Church, 1920. Delegate to General
Conference, M. E. Church, 1900, '04, '12; Methodist Ecumenical Confer-
ence, Toronto, Canada, 191 1. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1905-20.
Trustee of East Greenwich Academy, 1899-1920. Died March 9, 1920,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Married July 7, 1880, Rachel A. C West, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Chil-
dren : Eugene Harrington, b. April 8, 1881 ; D wight Whedon, b. July 25,
Drew Theological Seminary, 1882; M.A., Wesleyan, 1883. A. A. $.
Born June 21, 1852, Cloonaguin, County Leitrim, Ireland. Methodist
Episcopal minister. Died December 4, 1910, Hunter, N. Y.
1241. CHARLES SUMNER DAVIS. B.A.; M.A., 1883; Ph.D.
(Hon.), Illinois Wesleyan University, 1906. Born September 13, 1855,
Webster, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New England Southern, North Min-
nesota, North Dakota, and Northern Montana Conferences, 1880 .
Married September 13, 1882, Frances Elisabeth Miller, of South
Glastonbury, Conn. Children : Charles Sumner, b. June 25, 1883, d.
January 7, 1907; Ruth Wilbur, b. September 10, 1884; Lucie Frances,
b. December 25, 1887; Grace Gladys, b. January 4, 1890; Marian Foster,
b. November 19, 1892, d. April 8, 1897; William, b. April 22, 1895, d.
April 25, 1895; Robert Raymond, b. May 9, 1896; Edgar Newton, b.
December 18, 1902.
Address : Kremlin, Mont.
1242. *ARTHUR MIDWINTER FREEMAN. B.A. (gen. hon,,
2nd grade) \ M.A., 1883. A. A. $. $. B. K. Born March 20, 1859,
Newark, N. J. Teacher and law student. Died March 3, 1888, Morris-
town, N. J.
1243. WILBUR FISK GORDY. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade;
sp. hon., Eng. Lit.) ; M.A. (Hon.), 1902, and Marietta College, 1904.
"ir. T. $. B. K. Born June 14, 1854, Salisbury, Md. Brother of No.
1175, and of E. S. Gordy (class of 1885).
Vice-principal of High School, Aliddletown, Conn., 1880-81. Superin-
tendent of schools, Ansonia, Conn., 1881-84. Principal of North School,
Hartford, Conn., 1884-1904. Superintendent of schools, Springfield.
Mass., 1904-11. Author: Abraham Lincoln; The Causes and Meaning
of the Great War; History of the United States for Schools; American
Beginnings in Europe, etc. Joint author : Language Lessons; Grammar
Lessons, etc.
Married July 9, 1889, Isabel Drummond Hunter, of Thompsonville,
Address : 104 Gillette St., Hartford, Conn.
1244. MARTIN WILSON GRIFFIN. B.A. {sp. hon., Chem.) ;
M.A., 1883. <lr. T. Born March 8, 1854, East Granby, Conn.
Taught in Wilmington Conference Academy, Dover, Del., 1880-82;
a public school. East Granby, Conn., 1882-84. Principal of a grammar
school, Tuckahoe, N. Y., 1884-85 ; a grammar school. West Stratford,
Conn., 1885-89; High School, Portland, Conn., 1889-1901. Insurance
agent, 1901-18. Retired, 1919.
Married June 30, 1880, Mary Minerva Richardson, of Port Jefferson,
N. Y., who died September 4, 1914. Child: Ethel Martha, b, January
24, 1890, d. July 16, 1890.
Address : Granby, Conn.
1245. ABRAM WINEGARDNER HARRIS. B.A. {gen. hon.,
1st grade; sp. hon., Eng. Lit., Chem.); M.A., 1883; Sc.D., Bowdoin
College, 1884: LL.D., University of New Brunswick, 1900, University
of Maine, 1901, and Wesleyan, 1904. A. A. *. ^. B. K. Born November
7, 1858, Philadelphia, Pa.
Taught in Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1880-81. Tutor in
Mathematics and Registrar, Wesleyan University, 1881-84. Studied in
Germany, 1884-85. Instructor in History and Political Economy, Wes-
leyan University, 1885-88. Assistant director of the Office of Experi-
ment Stations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C,
1888-91 ; director, 1891-93. President of the University of Maine, 1893-
1901. Director of the Jacob Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Md., 1901-06.
President of Northwestern University, 1906-16. Corresponding Secre-
tary, Board of Education, M. E. Church, 1916 . Trustee of Wesleyan
University, 1903-07, 1917 ; Drew Theological Seminary, 1921 .
Author : reports as director of the Office of Experiment Stations. Edi-
tor : numerous reports and bulletins.
Married February 28, 1888, Clara Virginia Bainbridge, of Philadelphia,
Pa., who died February 3, 1908. Child : Abram Winegardner, b. June
25, 1890 (B.A., Northwestern Univ.).
Address: 150 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.
1246. WILBUR FISK HOLMES. B.A. ; M.A., 1883. A. K. E.
Born March 9, 1849, North Brookfield, Mass.
Preached in West End M. E. Church, Portland, Me., 1880-81. Metho-
dist Episcopal minister, Maine and East Maine Conferences, 1881-1920.
Retired, 1920. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1904-09.
Married June 5, 1880, Mary Evalyn Howe, of Preston. Conn., who
died November 3, 1918. Children: Samuel Foss (No. 2428), b. March
9, 1881; Henry Alfred (No. 2487), b. August 15, 1883; Bessie Evalyn,
b. February 24, 1888, m. Clifford G. Knight.
Address : Lock Box 6, Holden, Mass.
1247. *CHARLES NOAH DIXON JONES. B.S. (sp. hon.,
Chem., Nat. Hist.) ; M.D., Long Island College Hospital, 1882, and
Columbia University, 1883. A. A. *. Born April 26, 1857, Elkton, Md.
Brother of H. J. D. Jones (class of 1880).
Studied in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y.,
1880-83. Interne, Brooklyn City Hospital, 1883-84. Practised medicine
in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1884-90; New York City, 1890-1919. Surgeon,
Woman's Hospital of Brooklyn, 1884-89; Southern Hospital and Dis-
pensary, 1886-88. Lecturer, New York Polyclinic, 1887-89. Surgeon,
outdoor department, Presbyterian Hospital, 1891-98. Medical school in-
spector. New York City, 1897-1919. Author: Compend of Surgery.
Died October 29, 1919, New York, N. Y.
Married April 26, 1905, Edith McCormack, of New York, N. Y. ;
deceased. Children: Doris D,, b. January 8, 1907; Charles Dixon, b.
August 8, 1908 ; one other child.
1248. ALSOP LEFFINGWELL. B.A.; M.A., 1883. A. K. E.
Born July 22, 1858, Fairfield, Conn.
In business in Middletown, Conn., 1880-81. Studied law in Ellsworth,
Me., 1881-82. Taught in Wilmington, Del, Bethlehem, Pa., and Drifton,
Pa. ; engaged also in journalism, 1882-86. Studied in Berkeley Divinity
School, Middletown, Conn., 1886-89. Rector of Church of St. John
(Protestant Episcopal), Hingham, Mass., 1889-93. Senior assistant at
Church of the Advocate, Philadelphia, Pa., 1893-99. Rector of Trinity
Church, Toledo, Ohio, 1899-1905. Locum tenens, Hingham, Mass., 1905-
06. General missionary, Diocese of Northern Ohio, 1906-09. Rector of
St. Paul's Church, New Albany, Ind., 1909-12. Private work, and supply-
ing at Milford, Conn., 1912-18. In charge of St. Andrew's parish,
Nogales, Ariz., 1918-20. Supplying Milford, Conn., and Bar Harbor,
Me., 1920-21.
Address : Milford, Conn. Summer address : Bar Harbor, Me.
1249. GEORGE ERNEST METCALF. Ph.B. Born June 30,
1853, Franklin, Mass.
In business in Ashland, Mass., 1880-82. Traveling salesman, 1882-94.
Mechanical engineer and inventor, 1894 .
Married December 30, 1880, Clara E. Smith, of Middletown, Conn.
Children : Mabel Ruth, b. May 25, 1882, m. J. H. Harrington ; Emeline
Olive, b. March 3, 1884 ; Frederick Knight, b. November 20, 1885 ;
Margaret Elizabeth, b. September 7, 1887, d. September 28, 1892; Miriam
Pauline, b. August 14, 1895.
Address : 20 Hollywood St., Worcester, Mass.
1250. HORACE EDWIN MORROW. B.A. $. N. 9. Born
August 27, 1858, Gloucester, Mass.
Principal of High School, South Harwich, Mass., 1880-81 ; a
grammar school, Essex, Mass., 1881-82. Studied in Andover Theological
Seminary, Mass., 1882-85. Graduated, 1885. Pastor of Congregational
Church, Wicasset, Me., 1885-87; Indian Orchard, Mass., 1887-91;
Jewett Cit}^, Conn., 1891-99; Deerfield, Mass., 1899-1901. Taught in
the Philippine Islands, 1901-04. Studied in State Normal School, West-
field, Mass., 1904-05. Taught in Wilmington, Vt, 1906; U. S. Indian
School, Rapid City, S. Dak., 1906-10. Principal of U. S. Training
School, Busby, Mont, 1910-12; Lower Brule, S. Dak., 1912-13. Teacher
and clerk, U. S. Indian Service, Pine Ridge, S. Dak., 1913-18. Principal
teacher, U. S. Indian Training School, Pine Ridge, 1918-21. Pastor,
Congregational Church, Ulen, Minn., 1921 . Editor : New Testament
Married May 25, 1886, Lillie Remington Hammond, of Andover, Mass.
Children: Mildred Hammond, b. April 6, 1892 (B.A., Smith, 1913), m.
Carlton F. Berry; Marita, b. September 22, 1898, m. Charles Theilig.
Address : Ulen, Minn.
1251. *GEORGE ALCOTT PHINNEY. B.A. ; M.A., 1883; B.D.,
Boston University, 1883 ; D.D., Lawrence College, 1905. $. N. 0. Born
December 8, 1856, Barnstable, Mass.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1880-83. Methodist
Episcopal minister, New England Conference, 1883-1911. Died Novem-
ber 20, 191 1, Boston, Mass.
Married April 30, 1885, Annie Wesley Raddin, of Saugus, Mass.
1252. WILBUR FISK RANDALL. B.A. ; M.A., 1883. A. K. E.
Born July 16, 1857, Portland, Me, Brother of No. 1485.
Clerk in a bookstore, Middletown, Conn., 1880-82. Assistant book-
keeper for John Boyle & Co., New York, N. Y., 1883-87; head book-
keeper and cashier, 1887-1905; treasurer, 1905 ; vice-president,
1912 .
Address: 112 Duane St., New York, N. Y.
M.D., Detroit Medical College, 1884. ^. T. Born April 7, 1857, East
Haddam, Conn. Son of No. 323; brother of No. 1336.
Principal of Wilton Academy, Iowa, 1880-81. Studied in Detroit
Medical College, Mich,, 1881-84. Interne in Harper Hospital, Detroit,
Mich., 1883-85. Practising medicine in Detroit, Mich., 1885 .
Studied medicine in Vienna, Austria, 1888-89. Professor of Genito-
urinary Surgery, Detroit College of Medicine, 1893 . Fellow,
American College of Surgeons, 1913.
Married November 11, 1891, Emily Francis Anthony, of Providence,
R. I. Children: Franklin (No. 2884), b. July 8, 1892; Frederick, b.
December 17, 1895; Edward Rawson, b. July 10, 1899 (class of 1921).
Address: 1212 Kresge Building, Detroit, Mich.
1254. *WILLIAM READING ROGERS. B.A.; M.A., 1883.
Born June 23, 1849, New Egypt, N. J. Methodist Episcopal minister.
Died September 14, 1886, Portland, Conn.
1255. IRA GILE ROSS. B.A. ; M.A., 1883. ^. N. 9. Born Feb-
ruary 13, 1851, Underbill, Vt.
Preached in M. E. Church, North Dana, Mass., 1880-81. Methodist
Episcopal minister, New England and Maine Conferences, 1881-95. Mis-
sionary at Concepcion, Chile, 1887-89. Retired from the ministry, 1895.
Engaged in investment securities business, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston,
and New York, 1895-1915. President, Pan-American Laboratories, Inc.,
Philadelphia, Pa., 1916 — — .
Married July 6, 1880, Ella E. Holcomb, of Starksboro, Vt. Children:
Myron Alcott, b. January 27, 1882; Samuel Holcomb, b. April 5, 1884.
Address: 5856 Pentridge St., Philadelphia, Pa.
1256. MYRON REED SANFORD. B.A. (gen. hon., ist grade; sp.
hun., Greek); M.A., 1883; L.H.D., University of Vermont, 1910.
*. N. e. *. B. K. Born April 15, 1854, Redding, Conn. Brother of No.
Taught in Wyoming Conference Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1880-86.
Assistant Professor of Latin, and Registrar, Haverford College, 1886-87;
Professor, 1887-93; Dean, 1890-93. Studied in the University of Leip-
zig, Germany, 1893-94; Italy and Mediterranean countries, 1912.
Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, Middlebury College,
j8p4 . Author: Temporihus Hominis Arpinatis.
Address: Middlebury, Vt.
1257. *BENJAMIN FRANCIS SIMON. B.A. (gen hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1883 ; Ph.D., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1900. X. St'.
<l>. B. K. Born February 16, 1854, Island of Guernsey, English Channel.
Methodist Episcopal minister. Died March 3, 1908, Bangor, Me.
1258. *HOWARD HUTCHINS SMITH. Ph.B. ; M.D., Harvard
University, 1882. A. K. E. Born April 6, 1859, New York, N. Y.
Physician. Died October 26, 1882, Boston, Mass.
1259. *JOHN MOTT SMITH. B.A. X. ^. Born August 8, 1856, .
Windsor, Conn. Son of No. 206. Teacher. Died October 25, 1902,
Middletown, Conn.
D.D., Southwestern College, 1903. X. ^. Born July 4, 1852, New York,
N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Southern and Iowa Con-
ferences, 1880-1909. Corresponding secretary, Iowa Methodist Hospital,
1909-18. Stewardship secretary, Omaha area, Methodist Centenary,
1918-19. Iowa Survey, Inter-Church World Movement, 1919 .
Trustee of Iowa Wesleyan University, 1898 . Author : Faith Foun-
dations; A Layman for the Times.
Married June 11, 1880, Elizabeth Stahl, of New Haven, Conn. Chil-
dren : Cyrus Foss, b. April 10, 1881 ; Lottie May, b. February 4, 1883 ;
Irving Walter, b. November 26, 1887.
Address: Grinnell, Iowa.
1261. HENRY MATHER WARREN. B.A., 1881. ^. T. Born
October 15, 1858, Boston, Mass. Son of No. 471.
Studied law in Philadelphia, Pa,, 1880-81. Practising law in Phila-
delphia, Pa., 1881 . Engaged in ranching in Colorado, 1886-93. Has
traveled extensively. Alternate delegate from Pennsylvania to Chicago
Presidential Convention, 1908. Author: Struggles for a National
Government; To and Fro.
Married April 25, 1882, Ida C. White, of Philadelphia, Pa. Children :
Helen White, b. March 13, 1883, m. H. T. Holladay ; Henry Mather, b.
June 2, 1885 (B.A., Harvard, 1908) ; Douglas Stockton, b. March 10,
1889, d. January 17, 191 1; Richard Fairfield, b. October 14, 1895.
Address : "Fairfield," Devon, Pa.
1262. *ASA HOPSON WILCOX. B.A. (sp. hon., Mod. Lang.) ;
M.A., 1883. X. ^. Born September i, 1857, Clinton, Conn.
Principal of Yalesville School, Conn., 1880-82. Taught in Scranton,
Pa., 1882-84. Clerk, 1884-85. General secretary, Y. M. C. A., Rondout,
N. Y., 1885-87; Norwalk, Conn., 1887-89; Meriden, Conn., 1889-98;
Torrington, 1898-1911. City editor, Torrington Evening Register, 191 1-
12. In the insurance and real estate business, Torrington, 1913-21.
Deputy sheriff, Litchfield Coimty, 1915-21. Died May 30, 1921, Torring-
ton, Conn.
Married October 4, 1888, Fannie Augusta Terwilliger, of Rondout,
N. Y., who died July 10, 1889. Married November 27, 1890, Melissa
Augusta Beadle, of Hartford, Conn. Child: Arthur Harrison, b. De-
cember 19, 1892.
1880-81] GRADUATES.
1263. CHARLES DAYTON WOODS. B.A. (sp. hon., Chem.,
Nat. Hist.) ; Sc.D., University of Maine, 1905. X. <ir. *. B. K. Born
September 11, 1856, Brooks, Me.
Assistant in Chemistry, Wesleyan University, 1880-83. Taught in
Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1883-88. Chemist in Storrs
Agricultural Experiment Station, Conn., 1888-96; vice-director, 1891-96.
Food expert, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1894-1907. Director of
Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, 1896-1920. Professor of Agri-
culture, University of Maine, 1896-1903. In charge of the fuel wood in
Maine, under Federal Fuel Administrator, 1917-18. Consultant in Agri-
culture, U. S. War Department, 1921.
Married June i, 1882, Mary A. Morgan, of Middletown, Conn. Chil-
dren: Harry Morgan, b. March 27, 1890 (B.A., Univ. of Maine, 1909) ;
William Colcord (No. 3048), b. May 9, 1893.
Address : R. F. D. 2, Ellsworth, Me.
1264. JAMES MARTIN YEAGER. B.A. ; M.A., 1883; D.D.,
Syracuse University, 1895. A. A. ^. Born November 2, 1857, Yeagers-
town, Pa.
Preached in M. E. Church, Carmel, N. Y., 1880-81. Taught in Drew
Ladies' Seminary, Carmel, N. Y., 1880-82. Methodist Episcopal minister,
New York Conference, 1881-93. President of Drew Ladies' Seminary,
Carmel, N. Y., 1893-99; Lecturer on Pedagogy, 1903. Commissioner of
schools, Putnam County, N. Y., 1899-1902. Elected to the House of
Representatives of Pennsylvania, 1906. U. S. Marshal, Middle District
of Pennsylvania, 1907-14. Candidate for Republican nomination for Con-
gress; 1914- Speaker for the Production Division, Ordnance Depart-
ment, Philadelphia District. 1918. Chief of Publicity Bureau (prohibi-
tion) for Pennsylvania, 1921. Author: Over the Peruvian Andes;
Yeager-Buffington-Creighton Families of Pennsylvania.
Married October 13, 1886, Emma McElroy, of Rhinebeck, N. Y. Chil-
dren: James Creighton, b. January i, 1888; Marion, b. October i, 1891.
Address : Auditor General's Department, Harrisburg, Pa.
1266. CHARLES HENRY BAKER. B.A.; M.A., 1887. ^. T.
Born September 18, 1855, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Son of No. 475;
brother of E. H. Baker (class of 1885).
Principal of Model High School, New Brunswick, N. J., 1879-80;
Betts' Military Academy, Stamford, Conn., 1880-81. Studied in Drew
Theological Seminary, 1881-82. Assistant correspondent for Tiffany &
Co., New York, N. Y., 1882-83. Taught in Columbia Grammar School,
New York, N. Y., 1883-85. In business in New York, N. Y., 1885-92;
Chicago, 111., 1892-94. Traveled around the world, photographing, 1894-
99. In business in Connecticut, 1899-1900. Traveled in Europe, Nortji
Africa, and Asia, photographing and writing, 1900-04. On the art staff
of The Nezu York Tribune, 1904-05. Residing in California, 1905 .
Married July 5, 1880, Alice Redfield Lockwood (daughter of No. 374),
of Bridgeport, Conn. Children : Lester David, b. April .4, 188 1 ; Laura
Alice; Arthur Edward; Isabelle Caroline.
Address: 594 13th St., Oakland, Cal.
Sk. T. Born March 18, 1853, Plymouth, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Detroit Conference, 1881-86. Principal
of schools, Croswell, Mich., 1884-85 ; Lexington, Mich., 1885-86. Super-
intendent of city schools, Stanton, Mich., 1886-90. Principal of an
academy, Lisle, N. Y., 1890-91. Principal of schools, Mineville, N. Y.,
1891-92. Stationed at Decatur, N. Y., 1892-93. Missionary to Chile;
taught in the English College, Iquique, Chile, 1893-99. Superintendent
of schools, San Juan, Porto Rico, 1899-1900. Missionary in Porto Rico,
1900-12. Died September 20, 1912, San Juan, P. R.
Married August 17, 1881, Alice Maria Queal, of Windsor, N. Y., who
died August 23, 1905. Married November 12, 1908, Mrs. Margaret Hill
Webster, of Princeton, N. J. Children: Mabel Alwilda, b. September
4, 1884; Frances Henrietta, b. July 8, 1892; George Bernard, b. April
27, 1898; Margaret Crandall, b. August 26, 1909.
1267. *JOHN THOMAS CROOK. B.A. «l>. N. 6. Born Febru-
ary 17, 1861, Dublin, Ireland. In business. Died May 22, 1896, Eagle
Pass. Tex.
1268. THOMAS HOOPER ECKFELDT. B.A. (gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. Hon., Metaphysics) ; M.A., Harvard University, 1897. ^. T.
$. B. K. Born May 5, 1853, Philadelphia, Pa.
Vice-principal of High School, Middletown, Conn., also graduate
student in Wesleyan University, 1881-83. Tutor in Greek, Wesleyan
University, 1883-84. Studied in American School of Classical Studies,
Athens, Greece, 1884-85; University of Munich, Germany, 1885-86;
Harvard University, 1886-87. Headmaster of Friends' Academy, New-
Bedford, Mass., 1887-1900; St. Andrew's School, Concord, Mass., 1900-
14. Resided in France, 1914. Instructor in French, St. Paul's School,
Concord, N. H., 1916-19. Private tutor, 1919 .
Married June 17, 1889, Grace Blanchard Weed, of Newton, Mass.
Children: Margaret Weed, b. April 24, 1890, m. William C. Greene;
Roger Weed, b. October 31, 1891 ; Thomas Hooper, b. January 28, 1896.
Address : 33 Concord Ave., Cambridge, Mass.
1269. CHARLES LEONARD FOSTER. B.A. ; LL.B., Columbia
University, 1883; M. A., Wesleyan, 1884. A. K. E. *. B. K. Born Sep-
tember II, 1859, Lakeville, Conn.
Studied in Columbia Law School. 1881-83. Practising law in New
York, N. Y., 1883 . Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1917 .
Married February 6, 1890, Evelene M. Smith, of Bridgeport, Conn.
Children: Elon (No. 3157), b. September 14, 1892; Evelene Smith.
Address: i Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.
1270. T[HOMAS] ALMERN GRIFFIN. B.A.; M.A., 1888.
^. T. Born August 18, 1861, Champlain, N. Y.
Studied law in Mechanicsville, N. Y., 1881-82. In business, 1882-84.
Studied law, 1884-86. Practising law in Albany, N. Y., 1886 .
Married May 22, 1889, Rebecca Davis, of Greenbush, N. Y., who died
August 23, 1901. Married June i, 1909, Gertrude Tallmadge Keefer,
of Mechanicsville, N. Y. Children: Marguerite Rebecca, b. July 28,
1890, m. Clarence E. DeLack; Almern Frederick, b. December 3, 1892
(class of 1914).
Address : Journal Building, Albany, N. Y.
1271. *LEE LIGHT GRUMBINE. B.A.; M.A., 1884. X. ^.
Born July 25, 1858, Fredericksburg, Pa. Lawyer. Died August 18,
1904, Lebanon, Pa.
1272. *MERRILL HITCHCOCK. B.A. (gen. hon., ist grade; sp.
hon., Metaphysics). SE'. T. $. B. K. Born November 20, 1854, Pitts-
ford, Vt. Brother of No. 1219. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died
March 7, 1907, South Shaftsbury, Vt.
A. A. *. Born August 11, i860, Springfield, Mass. Son of No. 626.
Taught in Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1881-82; Belleville Academy,
N. Y., 1882-84. Superintendent of schools, Monticello, Iowa, 1884-87;
Motmt Pleasant, Iowa, 1887-91. With the New York Life Insurance
Company, 1891 ; comptroller of the company. New York, 1905-11;
for the European department, with headquarters at Paris, France,
191 1 . Comptroller, Y. M. C. A., American Expeditionary Force,
November, 1917-March, 1918; chairman, finance committee, March, 1918-
March, 1919, and September, 1919-December, 1920.
Married August 4, 1885, Emma Jennings, of Pierrepont Manor, N. Y.
Address: 346 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
1274. WILLIAM ADELBERT JONES. B.A. (gen. hon., ist
grade) ; M.A., 1884. A. A. ^. <^. B. K. Born September 8, 1857,
Camden, N. Y.
Professor of Latin and Greek, Iowa Wesleyan University, 1881-83.
Associate, later managing editor, of The loiva State Register, Des Moines,
Iowa, 1883-90. Lieutenant-colonel on the staff of Governor Larrabee
of Iowa, 1888. Jn business as land and mining broker, Seattle, Wash.,
1891-93. Engaged in law and newspaper work, Syracuse, N. Y., 1893-99.
Assisted in founding The Syracuse Post, and served as editor four years.
Treasurer and general counsel of the Whitehead & Hoag Company,
Newark, N. J., 1899 ; vice-president, 1919 . Secretary-treasurer,
Williams and Anderson Co., Providence, R. I., 1920 . Trustee of
Wesleyan University, 1917 . President, Board of Trustees, Essex
Co. Homoeopathic Hospital, Newark, N. J., 1920 .
Married October 14, 1909, Gertrude Snodgrass, of Paterson, N. J.
Child: Dora, b. July 22, 191 1.
Address : 97 Glenwood Ave., East Orange, N. J.
Ph.D., Syracuse Universit)^ 1891, and New York University, 1893;
D.D., Wesleyan, 1910. 4>. N. 0. Born May 6, 1856; South Norridge-
wock, Me.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York East Conference, 1881 .
Married December 13, 1881, Jeanette Graves, of Florence, Mass. Chil-
dren: Benjamin Henry, b. June 5, 1883; Frank Howard (No. 2752),
b. September 16, 1886; Raymond Starr, b. November 17, 1890 (class of
Address : 210 S. Main St., New Canaan, Conn.
1276. FRANK BRUCE LYNCH. B.A.; M.A., 1884; D.D., 1896.
^. T. ^. B. K. Born November i, 1854, Moundsville, Va.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Philadelphia Conference, 1881 .
Presiding Elder, South District, 1895-1901 ; District Superintendent,
1907-10. Delegate to National Prohibition Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio,
1892. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1900, '08. Trus-
tee of Dickinson College, 1895 . Trustee, M. E. Hospital, Phila-
delphia, Pa., 1895-1909; Secretary, 1901-08.
Married June i, 1882, Ida Morton DeWitt, of Harmony, N. J. Chil-
dren: Mabel Kathryn, b. March 6, 1883 (B.A., Goucher, 1896), m. Rev.
Percy Wilmot; William DeWitt, b. September 4, 1884; Frank Bruce,
b. January 8, 1889 (M.D., Univ. of Penn., 1913) ; Rachel Marian, b.
August 4, 1896, m. Meredith Tyson; James Gillinder, b. June 2, 1899.
Address : 2022 E. Madison Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
1277. *CHARLES WESLEY McCORMICK. B.A. (gen. hon.,
2nd grade) ; M.A., 1884, and New York University, 1894; Ph.D., New-
York University, 1898; D.D., Syracuse University, 1897, and Wesleyan,
1910. <ir. T. *. B. K. Born December 14, 1856, New Prospect, N. J.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Newark, Northern New York, and New
York East Conferences, 1881-1920. President of Centenary Collegiate
Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1900-01. Superintendent, New York Dis-
trfct, 1916-19. Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1902-03. Died October
19, 1920, East Orange, N. J.
Married October 5, 1881, Edith C. Mirteenes, of Port Jervis, N. Y.
Children: Olin Foss (No. 2625), b. March 16, 1886; Josephine
Mirteenes, b. February 11, 1893.
1278. WILLIAM WESLEY McGILTON. B.A.; M.A., 1884;
Sc.D., Middlebury College, 1921. <ir. T. <I». B. K. Born June 25, 1857,
Waterford, N. Y.
Taught in Fort Edward Institute, N. Y., 1881-91. Studied in Uni-
versity of Leipzig, Germany, 1891-92. Professor of Chemistry, Middle-
bury College, 1892-1921 ; Professor Emeritus, 1921 .
Married July 2, 1881, Alice Eliza King (daughter of No. 316), of
Fort Edward, N. Y.
Address : Middlebury, Vt.
1279. WILLIAM EDWARD MEAD. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade ;
sp. hon., Eng. Lit.) ; M.A., 1884; Ph.D., University of Leipzig, 1889.
^. T. *. B. K. Born October 25, i860, Gallupville, N. Y.
Graduate student and Assistant Librarian, Wesleyan University, 1881-
82. Associate principal, Ansonia High School, Conn., 1882-84. Assist-
ant in Rhetoric, Wesleyan University; also taught history in State
Normal School, New Britain, Conn., 1884-85. Principal of High School,
Troy, N. Y., 1885-87. Studied in University of Leipzig, Germany, 1887-
89; University of Berlin, and Ecole des Chartes, Paris, 1889-90; British
Museum, London, England, 1890. Associate Professor of the English
Language, Wesleyan University, 1890-93 ; Professor, 1893 . Pro-
fessor of Middle English, University of Chicago (Summer Quarter),
1903. Lecturer on English, Columbia University Summer School, 191 1.
Vice-president, American Dialect Society, 1904-05; secretary-treasurer,
1906; secretary, 1907-12; president, 1912-15. Author: The Versifica-
tion of Pope in its Relations to the lyth Century; Elementary Composi-
tion and Rhetoric; Outlines of the History of the Legend of Merlin;
Selections from Malory's Morte Darthur; The Squyr of Lowe Degre;
Practical Composition and Rhetoric; The Grand Tour in the i8th
Century. Joint Author : Language Lessons ; Grammar Lessons.
Married June 21, 1893, Kate Campbell Hurd, M.D., of Newburyport,
Address : Middletown, Conn.
1280. ELMER TRUESDELL MERRILL. B.A. (gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Greek, Latin) ; M.A., 1889; LL.D., St. Andrews Uni-
versity, 191 1. ^. N. 0. 4>. B. K. Born January i, i860, Millville, Mass.
Brother of No. 1049.
Squire Scholar, Wesleyan University, 1881-82. Taught in State
Normal School, Westfield, Mass., 1882-83. Tutor in Latin, Wesleyan
University, 1883-86. Graduate student, Yale University, 1885-86.
Studied in University of Berlin, Germany, 1886-87. Professor of Latin,
University of Southern California, 1887-88. Professor of the Latin
Language and Literature, Wesleyan University, 1888- 1905 ; Trinity Col-
lege, Conn., 1905-08. Professor of Latin, University of Chicago,
1908 . Ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1894;
priest, 1895. Member, Managing Committee, American School of Classi-
cal Studies, Rome, Italy, 1895- 1901 ; secretary and acting chairman,
1899-1900; chairman, 1900-01; professor in the school, 1898-99. Honor-
ary editor, American Journal of Archceology, 1900-01 ; editorial con-
tributor, 1897 . Associate editor, and editor. Classical Philology,
1906 . President, American Philological Association, 1906-07.
Editor: The Poems of Catullus; Fragments of Roman Satire ; Selected
Letters of the Younger Pliny; Teubner Texts of Catullus and of Pliny's
Letters, 1921.
Married December 27, 1884, Ellen Clara Prentice, daughter of Pro-
fessor George Prentice, who died February 2, 1885. Married June 19,
1890, Edith Valentine, of Glendale, Cal. Children: Doris, b. April 13,
1891, d. March 4, 1894; Robert Valentine, b. November 24, 1892 (B.A.,
Univ. of Oxford, England, 1916) ; Cedric Valentine, b. June 17, 1895
(A.B., Univ. of Chicago, 1916).
Address: 5826 Blackstone Ave., Chicago, 111.
1281. *WILLIAM RICE NEWHALL. B.A. (gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Greek); M.A., 1884; D.D., 1897. *. N. 0. ^. B. K.
Born December 22, i860, Boston, Mass. Son of No. 296.
Taught in New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1881-
82; East Greenwich Academy, R. I., 1882-86. Methodist Episcopal min-
ister. New England Conference, 1886-1913. Principal of Wesleyan
Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., 1892-1907. Trustee of Wesleyan Academy,
1891-1913. Died December 4, 1913, Springfield, Mass.
Married August 29, 1885, May Tryphena Piatt, of Southampton, N. Y.,
who died August 18, 1890. Married May 18, 1892, Josephine May
Merritt, of Springfield, Mass. Children : Nina Jeannette, b. January 20,
1888, m. George F. R. Bohnson ; Fales (No. 2878), b. August 18, 1890;
Lois, b. August 18, 1890; Harriet, b. February 21, 1893; Parker (No.
3176), b. May 8, 1894; Sidney Merritt (No. 353i), b. May 21, 1896;
Eliot Martin, b. September 15, 1899.
1282. LUCIUS PAUL NOLAN. B.A.; LL.B., Washington Uni-
versity, 1883; M.A., Wesleyan, 1884. X. ^. Born September 5, 1857,
Glasgow, Mo.
Studied in St. Louis Law School, 1881-83. Practised law in St. Louis,
Mo., 1883-93; Macon, Mo., 1900-03. Traveled, and practised law occa-
sionally, 1893-1900. In the wholesale dry goods business, St. Louis, Mo.,
1903 •
Married February 9, 1888, Mollie Irene Gaty, of St. Louis, Mo., who
died October 16, 1890. Child: Irene Elizabeth, b. November 10, 1888.
Address : 456 North Newstead Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
1283. *ELTON SHERMAN RICH. Ph.B. ; M.D., University
Medical College, 1886. ^. T. Born September 26, 1854, Cattaraugus,
N. Y. Physician. Died October 7, 1908, Kennedy, N. Y.
1284. J[OHN] FRANK RICH. B.A.; M.A., 1884. ^. N. 0.
Born April 17, 1855, Hope, Me.
Taught in Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N. Y., 1881-82. Principal
of High School, Belfast, Me., 1882-87 ; Scituate and Bridgewater, Mass.
(also superintendent of schools, Manchester and Rockport, Mass.),
1887-92. Agent for Ginn & Co., publishers, in Batavia, N. Y., 1892-
1903. Living on a farm in Maine, 1903 .
Married June 19, 1886, Mary Perry French, of Belfast, Me. Children :
Perry Frank, b. February 19, 1887; two sons who died in infancy.
Address : R. F. D., Rockland, Me.
1285. *JOHN BELL SCOTT. B.A. ; M.A., 1884. A. A. *. Born
February 17, 1861, Philadelphia, Pa. Brother of No. 1451. In business;
later medical student. Died July 16, 1898, Philadelphia, Pa., of illness
contracted in the Spanish war.
1286. *JAMES BUCHANAN SHAVER. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Pol. and Soc. Science) ; M.A., 1884. X. ^. Born
January 24, 1859, Dallas, Pa. Lawyer. Died April i, 1887, Plymouth,
1287. *SAMUEL DIBBLE SHERWOOD. Ph.B. {gen. hon.,
2nd grade; sp. hon., Nat. Hist.). $. N. 6. Born November 26, 1853,
Redding, Conn.
Vice-principal of High School, Ansonia, Conn., 1881-82. Principal of
a grammar school, Derby, Conn., 1882-83 ; Union Free School, Irvington-
on-Hudson, N. Y., 1883-86; Worthington Street School, Springfield,
Mass., 1886-90. In the insurance business in Springfield, Mass., 1890-
1920. Died May 5, 1920, Springfield, Mass.
Married August 31, 1886, Ada Clarke, of New York, N. Y. Children:
Elizabeth Taylor^ b. November 26, 1888 ; Malcolm Clarke, b. October i,
1288. *WESLEY WOOD SMITH. B.A. ; B.D., Drew Theological
Seminary, 1891 ; M.A. (on exam.), Wesleyan University, 1899. A. K. E.
Born September 15, i860, Summit, N. J. Brother of F. S. Smith (class
of 1886).
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1881-82. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Wyoming Conference, 1883-94. Withdrew from the confer-
ence, 1894. Pastor of Congregational church, Portland, Conn., 1894-
1901 ; Staffordville, Conn., 1901-02; Weybridge, Vt, 1902-06; Col-
chester, Vt., 1909-16; Bakersfield, Vt, 1916-20. Died May 5, 1920,
Bakersfield, Vt.
Married May 21, 1884, Lucia Mabel Dewey, of Pittston, Pa. Chil-
dren: Ruth Mary, b. June i, 1885, m. B. O. Wales; Young Chalmers
(No. 2639), b. July 12, 1886; Henry Clay Dewey, b. August 19, 1888
(class of. 1911) ; Helen Rhoda, b. March 13, 1890, m. M. E. Day;
Lucia Pamelia, b. November 19, 1892; Sue Kathryn, b. March 3, 1895,
m. Keith N. Pearson; Elizabeth Donington, b. January 6, 1897, m.
Franklin P. Dwinell, M.D. ; Wesley Wood, b. March 16, 1898; Anna
Frances, b. June 30, 1899; Richard Bonsall, b. October 23, 1902; Pierce
Butler, b. June 5, 1906.
1289. WILLIAM LAING SOMERSET. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Nat. Hist.) \ M.A., 1884; M.D., Columbia University,
1892. X. ^. Born May 27, 1861, Portland, Conn.
Taught in Westminster Academy, Mass. ; also studied medicine, 1881-
^2. Taught in Fairfield, Conn., 1883 ; Portland, Conn., 1883-89. Studied
in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y., 1889-92.
House physician, City Hospital, New York, N. Y., 1892-93. Practising
medicine in New York, N. Y., 1893 .
Married February 15, 1885, Frances Mack, of Portland, Conn.
Address: 107 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y.
A. K. E. Born November 19, 1850, New York, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Southern Conference^
1881 . President of East Greenwich Academy, R. L, 1907-10.
Married October 7, 1878, Rachel A. Byers, of Wilbraham, Mass. Chil-
dren: Mae, b. May 13, 1882 (B.A., Brown); Daisy Elizabeth, b.
March 15, 1889, m. Murray S. Hinton; Lillian Sanford, b. May i, 1892
m. Rowland T. Peckham; Grace Asbury, b. May 8, 1899.
Address : Bridgewater, Mass.
1291. WILLIS KIMBALL STETSON. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1884. *. N. 6. ^. B. K. Born May 8, 1858, Natick,
Mass. Son of D. K. Stetson (class of i860).
Taught in a public school, Ansonia, Conn., 1881. Assistant Librarian
and Librarian, Wesleyan University, 1882-87. Librarian of Russell
Library, Middletown, Conn., 1884-87. Librarian of Free Public Library,
New Haven, Conn., 1887 .
Married November 25, 1886, Lillian Alia "Minor, of Middletown,
Conn. Children: John Minor, b. September 6, 1887 (B.A., Yale, 1909) ;
George Albert, b. May 6, 1889 (Ph.B., Yale, 1910) ; Mary Mead, b.
July 7, 1891 (B.A., Smith, 1913), m. F. G. Allen.
Address : Free Public Library, New Haven, Conn.
1885. <i>. N. e. Born June 10, 1855, Wilton, Me.
Teaching in Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1881
(acting principal, 1898-1900; principal, 1900-02).
Married July 2^, 1882, Alice Rosamond Porter, of Mount Vernon, Me.
Children : Evangeline, b. July 17, 1885 ; Henry Porter, b. April 5, 1887
(class of 1910) ; Mary Lois, b. January 28, 1890; William Webster, b.
November 20, 1891 ; Alice Ruth, b. April 28, 1893; Frances Esther;
Horace True; Joseph Muzzy.
Address: Kents Hill, Me.
1293. WILLIAM FLETCHER VAN LOON. Ph.B. {gen. hon.,
2ttd grade; sp. hon., Nat. Hist., Mod. Lang.) ; M.D., University of
Pennsylvania, 1884. X. ■^. *. B. K. Born November 18, 1856,
Plymouth, Pa. ^
Studied medicine in the University of Pennsylvania, 1881-84. Practis-
ing medicine in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1884 .
Married May 22, 1888, Caroline Howard, of Kingston, Pa. Children:
Marian Clarinda, b. January 21, 1899; William Howard, b. January 13,
Address: Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
1294. GEORGE HENRY WALKER. B.S. {gen. hon., 2nd grade;
sp. hon., Pol. and Soc. Science). ■^. T. Born August 27, 1859, Brown-
ville, N. Y.
Clerk in a law office, Watertown, N. Y., 1881-84. Practised law in
Watertown, N. Y., 1884-1901. Deputy county clerk, Jefferson County,
N. Y., 1887-91. tj. S. Circuit Court commissioner, 1892. Assistant
general attorney, N. Y. Central Railroad Company, 1901 .
Address : 466 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y.
GRADUATES. [1881-82
1295. CLARA VAN VLECK. B.A. (gen. hon., ist grade).
^. B. K. Born August 29, 1859, Middletown, Conn. Daughter of No.
406; sister of Nos. 1234, 1375, and 1505.
Graduate student in Wesleyan University, 1881-82. Taught in High
School, Middletown, Conn., 1882-83 ; High School, Hartford, Conn.,
1884-88. Resided in Middletown, Conn., 1888-1916; Brooklyn, N. Y.,
1916 .
Address: 416 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
1296. CHARLES MORSE ALLEN. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd grade) ;
M.A., 1885. $. N. e. $. B. K. Born April 6, 1859, Farmington, Me.
Teacher of Science in Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1882-89; of
Chemistry, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1889 . Author : Labora-
tory. Notes on General Chemistry ; Quantitative Chemical Analysis.
Married August 2, 1888, Carol Shepard, of Springville, Pa. Children :
Morse Shepard (No. 2904), b. October 13, 1890; Ruth Elizabeth, b.
May 10, 1899.
Address : 226 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
1297. GEORGE DANA BARTLETT. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1885. O*. N. 0. Born March 25, 1855, Dixfield, Me.
Instructor, Rockland College, Nyack, N. Y., 1882-83. Principal of
Amenia Seminary, N. Y., 1883-85; High School, Wiscasset, Me., 1885-
S7. Vice-principal, High School, East Orange, N. J., 1887-91. Instruc-
tor, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., 189 1 .
Address : 345 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
1298. LEO ALLEN BERGHOLZ. B.A., 1910. ^. N. 6. " Born
November 10, 1857, Burlington, Vt.
Left college in Senior year. Private secretary, American minister to
China, 1882-83. Acting consul, Chinkiang, China, 1883-87. Secretary,
New Rochelle Railroad Company, N. Y., 1888-90. Agent, Colorado
Humane Society, 1891-93. Foreign correspondent for a law firm, New
York, N. Y., 1894-96. Appointed consul at Erzerum, Turkey, 1896;
Three Rivers, Canada, 1903 ; Dawson, Canada, 1904. Appointed consul-
general at Tientsin, China, 1905; Beirut, Syria, 1905; Canton, China,
1906; Shanghai, China, 1909. Now consul-general in Canton, China.
Decorated by the Shah of Persia with the Order of the Lion and the
Address : American Consulate, Canton, China.
1299. GEORGE MILTON BRODHEAD. B.A. ; M.A., 1885 ; D.D.,
American University, 1903. <ir. T. Born May 21, 1857, Brodheadsville,
Methodist Episcopal minister, Philadelphia Conference, 1882 .
Married October 26, 1887, Clara Stevens Chaplain, of Cambridge, Md.
Children: Frank Chaplain (No. 2853), b. January 5, 1889; Rachel, b.
December 29, 1889, m. Rev. Samuel MacAdams; Charles Daniel (No.
3144), b. May 15, 1894; George Milton, b. May 23, 1904.
Address: 61 11 Catharine St., Philadelphia, Pa.
1300. WILLIAM LIVESEY BURDICK. B.A. (gen. Hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Latin) ; Ph.D., University of Chattanooga, 1884; M.A.^
Wesleyan, 1885; LL.B., Yale University, 1898. ^. T. *. B. K. Born
March 22, i860, East Greenwich, R. I.
Graduate student, Harvard University, 1888-89. Principal of Fargo
College, N. Dak., 1891-92. Taught in the University of Colorado, 1892-
95. Latin master, Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Conn., 1895-97. Studied
in Yale Law School, 1897-98. Professor of Law, University of Kansas,
1898 ; Vice-president, 1916 . Member, Kansas Civil Service Com-
mission, 1915 ; president of the Commission, 1919. Commissioner on
Uniform State Laws, 1914-19. Reviser of U. S. Statutes under Con-
gressional appointment, 1919-21. Author: Elements of Sales; New
Trials and Appeals; Real Property, etc. Compiler : Case-Book on
Sales; Case-Book on Real Property.
Married June 29, 1882, Nellie DeForest Gates, of East Haddam, Conn.
Children: Harry Salisbury, b. January 2, 1884, d. October 31, 1884;
Harold DeForest, b. July 30, 1885 (graduate of U. S. Naval Academy,
1908) ; William Leroy, b. September 20, 1887 (B.A., Univ. of Kansas,
1909); Helen, b. April 15, 1890 (B.A., Univ. of Kansas, 1912).
Address : University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans.
1301. LEWIS BATES CODDING. Ph.B. A. K. E. Born Sep-
tember 27, 1857, Taunton, Mass.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New England Southern and Maine
Conferences, 1882 .
Married May 10, 1883, Annie Frances Horton, of Taunton, Mass.
Children: Roby May, b. May 18, 1884, d. December 28, 1884; Sarah
Bates, b. October 24, 1885 (B.A., Boston Univ., 1909) ; Grace Amber,
b. November 23, 1887; Henry White, b. December 3, 1890 (B.S., Mass.
Inst, of Technology, 1912) ; Lewis Bates (No. 3302), b. May 4, 1894.
Address: Cochesset, Mass.
1302. JOSEPH FRANKLIN deCASTRO. Ph.B. ; M.D., Bellevue
Hospital Medical College, 1885. Born July 4, i860. New York, N. Y.
Studied medicine in Yale Medical School, 1882-83 \ Bellevue Hospital
Medical College, New York, N. Y., 1883-85. House surgeon, St. Peter's
Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1885-86; visiting physician, 1887-98. Prac-
tising medicine in Brooklyn, 1886 .
Married March 6, 1916, Fannie Murphy, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Address: 148 Midwood St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
1303. BRACE MILLARD GALLIEN. B.A. ^. T. Born April
5, i860, Albany, N. Y.
Engaged in ranching in North Dakota, 1883-84. Clerk, New York
State Board of Health, Albany, N. Y., 1884-86. Cashier, Albany branch
of a New York Stock Exchange house, 1886-88 ; manager, 1888-90. En-
gaged in public accounting, 1886 . Deputy city treasurer, Albany,
N. Y., 1900. President and manager. New York State Audit Company,
Albany, N. Y., 1909 . Certified public accountant, N. Y. State.
Married April 21, 1886, Ida Louise Bullock, of Albany, N. Y. Chil-
dren: Marietta Bullock, b. December 5, 1889, d. December 6, 1889; Faith,
b. and d. October 8, 1892; Brace Millard, b. December 27, 1894, d.
December 20, 1895; Brace Goodwin, b. September 27, 1896.
Address: 210 Lancaster St., Albany, N. Y.
1304. HERBERT PARVIN GERALD. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade); M.A., 1885; LL.B., Georgetown University, 1890. ^. T.
$. B. K. Born July 8, 1858, Camden, N. J.
Studied law in Columbia Law School, and in Newark, N. J., 1882-83.
Taught in Bethlehem, Pa., 1883-85. Clerk, U. S. Fish Commission,
Washington, D. C, 1885-88 ; in U. S. War Department, 1888. Assistant
examiner in U. S. Patent Office, 1888 .
Married December 16, 1890, Mrs. Kate Towson Brown, of Stafford
Court House^ Va.
Address : U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C.
1305. JOSEPH GERARD. B.A. ; M.A., 1885. A. A. <J>. Born
November 25, 1854, Mount Bethel, N. J. Brother of No. 1151.
Principal of a school, East Hartford, Conn., 1882-83 ; Southington,
Conn., 1883-84; Meriden, Conn., 1884-88. Clerk in Custom House, New
York, N. Y., 1888-89. School principal, Meriden, Conn., 1889-1912.
Taught in Owensmouth, Cal., 1913-14. School principal, Los Angeles,
Cal., 1915 .
Married July 12, 1881, Mattie Jones Chapman, of Middletown, Conn.
Children: Ruth Wilhelmina, b. March 4, 1883, d. July 12, 1883; Owen
Stephen, b. October. 3, 1884 (class of 1907)-
Address : Hynes, Cal.
1306. VALENTINE HALLENBECK. B.A. ; M.A., 1885. A. A. $.
Born March 12, 1854, Glenville, N. Y.
Taught in Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1882-84. Studied
in Boston University, 1884-85. Taught in Centenary Collegiate Institute,
Hackettstown, N. J., 1885-88. Manager, National Printing Company,
Buffalo, N. Y., 1888-89. Private secretary, Washington, D. C, 1890.
Assistant editor, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C,
1890-94. City editor, Schenectady Evening Star, 1894-95. Traveled in
Europe, 1896. Editor, Schenectady Daily Gazette, 1897-98. Engaged in
farming, Glenville, N. Y. ; contributor to various periodicals, 1897 •
Address : R. F. D. No. 6, Amsterdam, N. Y.
1307. FRANK KIRKWOOD HALLOCK. B.A. (sp. hon.,
Chem.) ; M.A., 1885; M.D., Columbia University, 1885. ^. T. <J>. B. K.
Born August 18, i860, Oyster Bay, N. Y.
Studied in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, N. Y.,
1882-85. Interne, New York Hospital, 1885-87. Studied medicine in
Europe, 1887-89. Assistant physician, Cromwell Hall, Cromwell, Conn.,
1889-98; medical director, 1898 . Trustee of Wesleyan University,
1917 . Member, State Council of Defence, Medical Section, 1917-19.
Captain, Ambulance Corps, 6th Infantry, Conn. State Guard (now re-
Married May 7, 1890, Kate Camp Avery (daughter of A. Avery, class
of 1848), of Boston, Mass. Children: Winthrop Avery, b. January 13,
1892; Abraham Avery (No. 3240), b. March 18, 1893; Mary, b. Feb-
ruary 10, 1898; Leonard Avery, b. January 2, 1900; Elizabeth, b. July
18, 1901.
Address : Cromwell, Conn.
1308. KARL POMEROY HARRINGTON. B.A. {gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Latin, Eng. Lit.) ; M.A., 1885. <if. T. $. B. K. Born
June 13, 1861, Great Falls, N. H. Son of No. 438.
Graduate student in Wesleyan University, 1882. Taught in High
School, Westfield, Mass., 1882-85; Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham,
Mass., 1885-87. Studied in the University of Berlin, Germany, in Greece
and in Italy, 1887-89. Tutor in Latin, Wesleyan University, 1889-91.
Graduate student, Yale University, 1890-91. Professor of the Latin
Language and Literature, University of North Carolina, 1891-99; Univer-
sity of Maine, 1899-1905; Wesleyan University, 1905 . Organist and
choirmaster, American Church in Berlin, Germany, 1888-89; First Con-
gregational Church, Bangor, Me., 1901-02; and in M. E. churches in
Stamford and Middletown, Conn., Chapel Hill, N. C, and Orono, Me.,
1882 . Director, Festival Chorus, Bangor, Me., 1900-02. Founder and
director, Mendelssohn Club, Bangor, 1902-05 ; Middlesex Musical
Association, Middletown, Conn., 1914-16. Director, The People's Chorus,
Bangor, 1901-03. Founder, The 20th Century Club of Middletown, 1908;
president, 1908-12, 1915 . Author: Hel^s to the Intelligent Study of
College Preparatory Latin; Greek and Roman Mythology (with H. C.
Tolman) ; Live Issues in Classical Study; The Roman Elegiac Poets;
various musical compositions and periodical articles. Editor : The Wes-
leyan Song Book; Songs of all the Colleges; Songs of the Psi Upsilon
Fraternity (loth and nth editions). Musical editor: Methodist Hymnal,
1905 ; The Chapel Service Book, 1919.
Married November 25, 1886, Jennie Eliza Canfield, of Middletown,
Conn. Children : Mark Edward, b. and d. March 23, 1894 ; Ruth Eliza,
b. May 5, 1897, d. May 21, 1897; Mabel, b. January 10, 1899 (B.A.,
Mt. Holyoke, 1920).
Address : Middletown, Conn.
June 29, 1859, Suffield, Conn. Brother of J. R. Henshaw (class of 1890).
Died August 13, 1882, Suffield, Conn.
1310. *JOHN LaMONTE HURST. B.A.; B.A., Harvard Uni-
versity, 1885. A. A. ^. Born May 14, i860, Passaic, N. J.
Journalist. Member of the American Legation, Rome, Italy, for
several years. Died October 10, 1919, Denver, Col.
1885. A. K. E. Born June 30, 1857, Harrisonville, N. J. Brother of
I. K. Mattson (class of 1882).
Taught in Pennington Seminary, N. J., 1882-83. President of
Sequachee College, Tenn., 1883-84. City editor of The Daily Commer-
cial, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1884-88. Editor and proprietor of The Chatta-
nooga Weekly Republican, 1888-93. Surveyor of customs and collector
for the port of Chattanooga, 1890; U. S. disbursing agent, 1891; cus-
todian of the U. S. court house and post-office, 1893; supervisor of
census, 1900. Proprietor of The Daily and Weekly Press, Chattanooga,
1893- 1 904. Manager of Chattanooga Vibrator Company, Philadelphia,
Pa., 1905. With N. W. Ayer & Son, Philadelphia, Pa., 1906. Secretary,
Religious Press Association, Philadelphia, Pa., 1907-13. Manager, Co-
operative Medical Advertising Bureau, Chicago, 111., 1913 .
Married January 12, 1892, Isabella Trimble, of Chattanooga, Tenn.
Children: Harriet Alice, b. December 31, 1892; Edith Elwood, b.
February 21, 1895, m. Frank A. Lewis.
Address : 1057 Columbia Ave., Chicago, 111.
1312. WILBUR ASHLEY MOTT. B.A. <ir. T. Born August 3,
1858, Alburg, Vt. Brother of Annie R. Mott (class of 1882).
Studied law in Newark, N. J., 1882-85. Practising law in Newark,
1885 . Prosecutor of the pleas, Essex Count}^, N. J. Author : Mott's
Practice Act (New Jersey law procedure).
Married Jarxuary 26, 1886, Alice Roe Hines, of Newark, N. J.
Address : 77 S. Munn Ave., East Orange, N. J.
1313. *WILLIAM SMITH PEARSALL. Ph.B., 1884; M.D.,
New York Homoeopathic Medical College, 1885. A. A. $. Born March
II, 1861, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Studied in New York Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital,
1882-85. Practised medicine in New York, N. Y., 1885- 1909. Professor
of Physiology, New York Homoeopathic Medical College. Associate
editor : North American Journal of Homoeopathy. Died February 18,
1915, Brimfield, Mass.
Married May 9, 1894, Florence Sherman, of New York, N. Y.
1314. *GEORGE RAYMOND PRENTICE. B.A. (gen. Hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Greek, Pol. and Soc. Science). $. N. 9. $. B. K.
Born July 23, 1862, Oxford, Mass. Son of Professor George Prentice;
brother of No. 1574. College professor. Died June 19, 1883, Middle-
town, Conn.
1315. WILLIAM MARTIN PUFFER. B.A.; M.A., 1885; D.D.,
Albion College, 1898. ^I^. T. Born June 12, i860, Sheldon, Vt
Principal of a school, Farwell, Mich., 1882-83; Clare, Mich., 1883-84.
Methodist Episcopal minister, Michigan Conference, 1884 . Presid-
ing Elder, Lansing District, 1896-1901. District Superintendent, Kala-
mazoo District, 1907-13, 1919 — — . Delegate to General Conference,
M. E. Church, 1900; Methodist Ecumenical Conference, Edinburgh,
Married June 11, 1883, Margaret McMichael, of Farwell, Mich. Chil-
dren: William James, b. May 24, 1884 (Ph.B., Kalamazoo College,
1907) ; Rodney Arthur, b. January 24, 1886 (Ph.B,, Kalamazoo, 1909) ;
Anna Margaret, b. March 29, 1888 (Ph. B., Kalamazoo, 1909), m.
Andrew Lenderink.
Address: 1514 Portage St., Kalamazoo, Mich.
1316. *CHARLES REYNOLDS. B.A. ; M.A., 1885. ^. N. 9.
Born July 10, 1849, Winslow, Me. In business. Died April 5, 1910,
Middletown, Conn.
1317. JOSEPH RICHARD TAYLOR. B.A. {gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Greek); M.A., 1885; M.A., Harvard University, 1894.
*. N. 9. *. B. K. Born January 11, 1858, New York, N. Y.
^ Professor of Greek, Hamline University, 1882-86. Studied in Univer-
sity of Leipzig, Germany, 1886-87; University of Berlin, 1887-88. In-
structor in Greek and Latin, Northwestern University, 1888-91. Assist-
ant Professor of Greek and Latin, Boston University, 1891-96; Pro-
fessor of Greek and Latin, 1896-1901 ; Professor of Greek, 1901 .
Author: The Captives of Plautus (translated into English prose).
Editor : Bostojtia, 1904 ,
Married December 25, 1882, Elvira Louise Polhemus, of Brooklyn,
N. Y. Children : Mary Katharine, b. May 30, 1887 ; Dorothy Sherwood,
b. September 24, 1894.
Address : 688 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.
1882-83] GRADUATES.
1318. HENRY SEELY WHITE. B.A. (gm. Jwn., ist grade; sp.
hon., Math., Metaphysics) ; Ph.D., University of Gottingen, 1890; LL.D.,
Northwestern University, 1915. <lr. T. *. B. K. Born May 20, 1861,
Cazenovia, N. Y, Son of No. 452.
Assistant in Physics, Wesleyan University, 1882-83. Taught in Centen-
ary Collegiate Institute, Hackettstown, N. J., 1883-84. Tutor in Mathe-
matics and Registrar, Wesleyan University, 1884-87. Studied in the
University of Gottingen, Germany, 1887-90. Assistant in Pure Mathe-
matics, Clark University, 1890-92. Associate Professor, and Professor,
of Mathematics, Northwestern University, 1892-1905. Professor of
Mathematics, Vassar College, 1905 . President of Mathematics Sec-
tion, St. Louis Congress of Arts and Sciences, 1904. Vice-president,
and president, American Mathematical Society, 1901-08. Member,
National Academy of Sciences. Author: Linear System of Curves on
Algebraic Surfaces (in the Boston Colloquium). Associate editor: An-
nals of Mathematics, 1899-1905; Bulletin of American Mathematical
Society, 1904-06; Transactions, 1906-12.
Married October 28, 1890, Mary Willard Gleason, of Hartford, Conn.
Children: Charlotte Lucy, b. September 23, 1892; Martha Isadore, b.
March 21, 1894, m. E. Stuart Hubbard; Mary Willard, b. June 15, 1899.
Address : Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y,
1319. AMELIA WARING PLATTER. Ph.B. Born November
18, 1854, Elrod, Ind.
Principal of Jeffersonville High School, Ind., 1882-83. Teaching in
Shortridge High School, Indianapolis, Ind., 1883 .
Address: The Wyandot, Indianapolis, Ind.
1320. CARRIE CLIFTON WEBSTER (Nichols). Ph.B. {gen.
hon., 2nd grade; sp. hon., Latin). ^. B. K. Born March 6, 1857,
Portsmouth, N. H.
Taught in High School, Middletown, Conn., 1882-85 ; New Hampshire
Conference Seminary, Tilton, N. H., 1885-87.
Married November 21, 1888, Rev. Charles Edward Osgood Nichols.
Children: George Henry, b. August 31, 1889; Mary Webster, b. Novem-
ber 23, 1890; Gilbert, b. March 27, 1894, d. June 30, 1901.
Address: Mrs. C. E. O. Nichols, Sanford. Me.
1321. G[EORGE] PRENTICE CARSON. B.A.; M.A., 1886;
LL.D., John B. Stetson University, 1915. A. A. *. Born February 28,
1864, Philadelphia, Pa.
Professor of History and Economics, John B. Stetson University,
1886 ; Dean, 1897 . Lay delegate to General Conference, M. E.
Church, 1900; Methodist Ecumenical Conference, 1901.
Married June 12, 1895, Marion Powell, of Jacksonville, Fla.
Address : De Land, Fla.
M.D. Died February 7, 1907, Baltimore, Md.
hon., 2nd grade; sp. hon., Pol. and Soc. Science) ; LL.B., Columbia Uni-
versity, 1885; M.A., Wesleyan, 1886. ^. N. 9. *. B. K. Born April
26, 1864, Willoughby, Ohio. Son of G. W. Clement (class of i860).
Lawyer. Died August 13, 1888, Wichita, Kans.
1324. J[ACOB] FRANCIS COOPER. B.A., 1884 (gen. hon., 2nd
grade); M.A., 1887; D.D., 1908. ^. T. *. B. K. Born May 13, 1858,
New York, N. Y.
Metliodist Episcopal minister, New England Southern Conference,
1883 . Superintendent of Providence District, 1914-20. Principal,
East Greenwich Academy, 1920 . Secretary, New England Southern
Conference, 1903 . Member of School Committee, Middletown, R. L,
1890-91. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1908, '16, '20.
Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1920 . Editor: Year Book of New
England Southern Conference, 1903 .
Married December 13, 1883, Eleanor J. Weeks, of Middletown, Conn.
Address: East Greenwich, R. I.
1325. LOYAL LENSEY DAVIS. B.A. (sp. Hon., Latin, Pol. and
Soc. Science) ; LL.B., Albany Law School, 1885; M.A., Wesleyan, 1890.
■^. T. Born July 11, 1862, Bolton Landing, N. Y.
Studied in Albany Law School, N. Y., 1884-85. Practising law in
Glens Falls, N. Y., 1885 . School commissioner, Warren County,
N. Y., 1887; first district, Warren Co., 1901-02. Chief engineer. Glens
Falls fire department, 1889-90. Chairman, Warren County Republican
Committee, 1891-92, 1902-07; Glens Falls Republican Committee,
1907 . Queensbury town auditor, 1893-1903; supervisor, 1906-07.
Member, New York Assembly, 1903-04. Warren Co. attorney, 1908 .
Colonel and brevet brigadier-general, 2nd Infantry, New York National
Guard. Retired as colonel on reserve list after 27 years of service.
Married September 26, 1888, Mary Frances Walker, of Albany, N. Y.,
who died October 5, 1895. Married June 27, 1903, Jeannette D. Roosa,
of Fredonia, N. Y. Children: Jessie Roosa, b. April 30, 1904; Joseph
Theron, b. August 22, 1907.
Address: Glens Falls, N. Y.
1320. *ELMER GOODRICH DERBY. B.A. (sp. hon., Pol. and
Soc. Science); M.A., 1886; LL.B., Boston University, 1890. X. ^.
Born April 2y, 1863, Middletown, Conn.
Taught in High School, Middletown, Conn., 1883-85; Watertown,
Conn., 1885-87. Studied in Boston University Law School, and taught
in the Boston evening schools, 1887-90. General secretary of the Boston
Intercollegiate Y. M. C. A., 1888-89. In charge of the Young Men's
Guild of Taunton, Mass., 1889-90. Practised law in Taunton, Mass.,
1890-92; Middletown, Conn., 1892-1912. Prosecuting agent for Middle-
sex County, 1893-95. Prosecuting attorney, Middletown City Court,
1903-05. Died November 12, 1912, Middletown, Conn.
Married October 24, 1893, Alice Gray Southmayd, of Middletown,
Conn. Children: Helen Goodrich, b. September 17, 1894, m. Earl P.
Stevenson (No. 3274) ; Esther Talcott, b. March 16, 1897, m. Harold
Davis; Elizabeth Burnham, b. March 14, 1903; Elmer Goodrich, b.
June 20, 1905.
1327. JAMES AYLWARD DEVELIN. Ph.B. (sp. hon., Pol. and
Soc. Science) ; LL.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1886. <J>.. N. 0. Born
May 6, i860, Philadelphia, Pa.
Taught, and studied in the law department of the University of Penn-
sylvania, 1883-86. Practising law in Philadelphia, Pa., 1886 . Presi-
dent of the Mortgage Trust Company of Pennsylvania, 1896 .
Member of the examining board for admission to the Philadelphia bar,
1892. Member of "Committee of Seventy," "Committee of One Hun-
dred," and other reform bodies. Director of Philadelphia Y. M. C. A.
Member, City Council, Philadelphia, 1920 . Trustee of Wesleyan
University, 1913 .
Married May 11, 1893, Mary Alice Scott (sister of Nos. 1285 and
1451), of Philadelphia, Pa. Children: Amey Massey, b. February 28,
1894, m. Frederick V. Geier; James Aylward (No. 3396), b. February
21, 1896.
Address: 400 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
1328. WILLIAM JOHN JAMES. B.A. (gen. hon., ist grade; sp.
hon.. Math, and Astron., Metaphysics) ; M.A., 1886; L.H.D., Dickinson
College, 1920. ■^. T. $. B. K. Born September 7, i860, Cincinnati,
Studied in the University of Leipzig, Germany, 1883-84; University of
Berlin, 1884-87. Tutor in Mathematics, Wesleyan University, 1887-90;
Instructor in Mathematics, 1890-95; Librarian, 1891 ; Assistant
Treasurer, 1908 . President of Connecticut Library Association,
Married July 16, 1890, Saidee Brakeley Walters, of Ossining, N. Y.
Child: Walter Thomas (No. 3006), b. May 17, 1892.
Address : Middletown, Conn.
1329. *GEORGE THOMAS JUDD. B.A., 1885; M.A., 1887.
^. T. Born July 6, 1861, Flushing, N. Y. Son of No. 315; brother of
No. 1392. In the publishing business. Died February 17, 1892, Chicago,
1330. *HARRY HAVELOCK KYNETT. B.A.; M.A., 1886;
M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1886. "*'. T. Born March 29, 1862,
Davenport, Iowa. Brother of No. 1181.
Studied medicine in the University of Pennsylvania, 1883-86. Prac-
tised medicine in Philadelphia, Pa., 1886-1917. Attending surgeon, M. E.
Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 1893. Editor : Medical and Surgical
Reporter, 1891-98. Died October i, 1917, Philadelphia, Pa.
Married March 29, 1887, Nina Goodsell Westcott, of New York, N. Y.
Child: Harold Havelock, b. September 13, 1889,
1331. JOHN McCarthy. B.A., 1910. a. a. $. Bom July 28,
1858, Tralee, Ireland.
Left college in Senior year. General secretary, Harlem Branch,
Y. M. C. a.. New York, N. Y., 1883-87. Correspondent, Hanover
National Bank, New York, N. Y., 1888-90. With the American Writing
Machine Company, New York, 1890-1903 (secretary, 1890-94; treasurer,
1894-1900; president, 1900-03). Assistant cashier. Continental National
Bank, Chicago, 111., 1903-06. With Hathaway, Smith, Folds & Co.,
dealers in commercial paper, Chicago, 111., 1906 (now partner).
Married November 5, 1890, Mazie Lincoln Taylor, of New York, N. Y.
Children: Charlotte, b. December 20, 1891 ; Agnes, b. February 16, 1893,
m. Godfrey J. Eyler; William Wood (No. 3439), b. August 7, 1895;
Lucy, b. February 15, 1902; Janet, b. October 12, 1904.
Address : 526 Greenwood Boulevard, Evanston, 111.
1332. WILLIAM STEPHEN McDONALD. B.A. ; M.A., 1886;
M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1889. $. N. 6. Born March 21, 1853,
Portland, Me.
Taught in East Maine Conference Seminary, Bucksport, Me., 1883-86.
Studied in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1886-89. Resi-
dent physician, Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., 1889-90. Practising
medicine at Fort Scott, Kans., 1890 .
Married September 25, 1890, Flora Rice, of Fort Scott, Kans.
Address: Fort Scott, Kans.
1333. BRADFORD OLIVER McINTIRE. B.A. (gen. lion., 2nd
grade); M.A., 1886; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1896. ^. T.
$. B. K. Born April 22,, 1856, York, Me.
Taught in Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1883-90. Pro-
fessor of English Literature, Dickinson College, 1890 . Lay delegate
to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1904.
Married July i, 1885, Mary Lenora Adams, of Litchfield, Me., who
died September 10, 1894. Married December 21, 1897, May Florence
Park, of Chesterville, Me. Children: Leon Adams, b. June 19, 1887
(B.A., Dickinson, 1907) ; Marjorie Lenora, b. October 24, 1889 (B.A.,
Dickinson, 1910) ; John Vinton, b. December 24, 1891 (B.A., Dickinson,
Address : 201 South College St., Carlisle, Pa.
1334. JOHN WALTER MAYNARD. B.A. {gen. hon., ist grade;
sp. hon., Pol. and Soc. Science) ; B.D., Drew Theological Seminary,
1886; D.D., Wesleyan, 1908. *. N. G. *. B. K. Born June 7, 1859,
Worcester, Mass.
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1883-86. Methodist Episcopal
minister. New York East Conference, 1886 . Chaplain, U. S. Army,
November, 1918-May, 1919. Engaged in reconstruction work in Europe,
for Methodist Centenary Movement; pastor American Church, Rome
and Venice, Italy, 19 19 .
Married October 21, 1886, Susan Maria Peck (class of 1884), of Strat-
ford, Conn. Children: Marjorie Blair, b. August 30, 1887, m. Kenneth
D. Cranstoun; John Paul (No. 3018), b. March 19, 1891.
Address : 38 Via Firenze, Rome, Italy.
1886. ^. N. e. Born May 31, i860, Willoughby, Ohio.
Engaged in the manufacture of clayworking and cement machinery,
1883 .
Married May 27, 1885, Minnie Patterson Botsford, of St. Louis, Mo.
Children: Harold Cassanove, b. September 10, 1887; Preston James, b.
April 24, 1893 ; Julia Marguerite, b. September 19, 1894.
Address : 50 Church St., New York, N. Y.
1336. GEORGE ANDREWS ROBBINS. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade). ^^P. T. 4'. B. K. Born March 21, i860. East Haddam, Conn.
Son of No. 323; brother of No. 1253.
Engaged in manufacturing, Chicago, 111., 1883 .
Address : 1801 North Central Park Ave., Chicago, 111.
1337. JOHN HENRY ROBERTS. B.A. ; M.A., 1886. A. K. E.
Born 1858, Omro, Wis.
Taught in Middle Haddam, Conn., 1883-84. Methodist Episcopal
minister, Maine Conference, 1884 .
Married July 4, 1884, Nellie Deane, of Maynard, Mass. Children:
Jennie May, b. July 12, 1885 (B.A., Colby, 1908) ; Ruth Olive, b.
January 27, 1887 (B.A., Colby, 1908) ; John Calvin, b. February 14, 1891.
Address : Sanford, Me.
1338. *THOMAS SIMMS. B.A.; M.A, 1886. A. K. E. Born
May 17, 1854, Bath, England.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Southern Conference,
1883-88. Pastor of Congregational Church, Norwich, Conn., 1888-91 ;
South Manchester, Conn., 1891-1900; Middlebury, Vt, 1900-06; Brain-
tree, Mass., 1906-11; Gorham, Me., 1911-18; Ipswich, Mass., 1918-20,
Died August 2.J, 1920, Ipswich, Mass.
Married February 2, 1887, Nellie Baxter Swain, of New Haven, Conn.
Children: Ruth Henrietta, b. February 2, 1888; Herbert Lincoln (No.
2957), b. February 21, 1890; Helen, b. September 28, 1894; Henry S.,
b. May 26, 1896.
1339. ALBERT LONG SMITH. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd grade);
D.D., Chicago Seminar of Science, 1910. ^. T. <l>. B. K. Born June
30, i860, Salisbury, Mass.
Taught in East Hampton, Conn., 1883-84; Ansonia, Conn., 1884-86.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New Hampshire Conference, 1887 .
Married May 15, 1901, Gertrude Elizabeth Lamprey, of Laconia,
N. H. Children: Addison Lamprey, b. September 22, 1906; Alberta
Farrar, b. June 13, 191 1.
Address: Claremont, N. H.
1340. A[UGUSTUS] LED YARD SMITH,- Jr. B.A. ; M.A., 1886.
A. A. *. Born May 20, 1862, Salem, Mass. Son of No. 495; broUier
of No. 1368.
In the banking, real estate, and insurance business, Appleton, Wis.,
1883-88. With the Combined Locks Paper Company, Wis., 1888-90.
Superintendent, Manufacturing Investment Company, Appleton, Wis.,
1890-93; general manager, Appleton, Wis., and Madison, Me., 1894-99.
Assistant to the president, Great Northern Paper Company, Madison and
Millinocket, Me., 1899-1912. President, Penobscot Log Driving Com-
pany, 1907-12. Vice-president, Eastern Talc Company, Boston, Mass.,
1912 . Member of Maine House of Representatives, 1903-06.
Married September 30, 1885, Augusta Adams Ogden, of Kings Ferry,
N. Y. Children: Edna Ledyard, b. October 18, 1886; Ellen Adams,
b. February 24, 1892, m. Harold S. Cutler.
Address : 45 Milk St., Boston, Mass.
A. K. E. Born July 30, 1858, Morrisville, Vt.
Taught in Vermont Methodist Seminary, Montpelier, Vt, 1883-86.
Principal of High School, Athol, Mass., 1886-89. Taught in Phillips
Academy, Andover, Mass., 1889-1900; Brewster Free Academy, Wolfe-
boro, N. H., 1900-13; High School, Maiden, Mass., 1915-16; Genesee
Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., 1916-20; High School, Burlington,
Vt, 1920 .
Married June 25, 1895, Annie Emma Perley, of Halifax, N. S., Canada.
Child: Ralph Perley, b. July 10, 1897.
Address: 22 Converse Court, Burlington, Vt.
S.T.B., Boston University, 1888. A. K. E. Born November 13, 1859,
Nashua, N. H.
Studied medicine^ 1883-84. Taught, 1884-85. Studied in School of
Theology, Boston University, 1885-88. Methodist Episcopal minister,
New England, Wilmington, Minnesota, and New Hampshire Conferences,
1 888- 1 920. Retired, 1920.
GRADUATES. [1883-84
Married August 31, 1886, Emily Adelaide Peaslee, of Nashua, N. H.
Children: Helen Vincent, b. November 3, 1888, d. July 8, 1890; Maurice
Eugene (No. 2961), b. July 8, 1890; Marion Emily, b. May 27, 1895, d.
August 31, 1896.
Address: Box 573, York Beach, Me.
1343. *WARREN TYLER. B.A. (sp. hon., Latin); M.A., 1886;
LL.B., Boston University, 1886. ■^. T. Born August 4, 186 1, Higganum,'
Conn. Lawyer. Died December 21, 1903, Bartow, Fla.
1344. THOMAS COOMBS WILSON. B.A. {gen. hon., 2^id
grade) ; M.A., 1886. A. K. E. $. B. K. Born June 28, 1859, Washington,
Studied law, 1883-86. Practised law in Wichita, Kans., 1886-1901.
City attorney, Wichita, Kans., 1889-91. Probate judge, Sedgwick, Kans.,
1901-03. Judge of the i8th Judicial District of Kansas, 1904 .
Married December 21, 1888, Julia Brewer Clement (daughter of G. W.
Clement, class of i860, and sister of No. 1323). Children: Julia
Christianna, b. October 13, 1889; Clement, b. June 21, 1891 ; Robert
Rogers, b. July 7, 1901.
Address : 1502 Park Place Ave., Wichita, Kans.
1345. *WILLIAM WALLS WOOD. B.A. ; M.A., 1886. A. A. $.
In business. Died March 14, 1891, Philadelphia, Pa.
1346. *ADDIE LOUISE CRAFTS (Barr). Ph.B. {gen. hon.,
2nd grade). $. B. K. Born September 17, i860, in Maine. Sister of
Nos. 887 and 950, and of F. H. Crafts (class of 1871). Married
September, 1883, Alfred E. Barr. Died February 9, 1893, Chicago, 111.
CLASS OF 1884.
A. K. E. Born November 13, 1859, Manchester, Conn.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New England Southern Conference,
1884 . Agent, Preachers' Aid Society, 1910-19.
Married June 22, 1885, Ella Jane Hunn, of South Windsor, Conn.,
who died January 14, 1918. Married December 25, 1918, Mary Brewster
Vinton, of East Hartford, Conn.
Address: 225 Main Road, Portsmouth, R. I.
1348. *CARLTON BANNISTER. B.A. ^. N. 0. Born 1861.
Son of W. H. Bannister (class of 1849). Lutheran minister. Died
April 22, 1902, Convent, N. J.
hon., 1st grade; sp. hon., Metaphysics). "*". T. $. B. K. Born May 21,
1862, Ravenna, Ohio. Brother of J. C. Carnahan (class of 1879).
Lawyer. Special county judge, Monroe County, N. Y., 1895-99.
Mayor of Rochester, N, Y., 1900-01.
Address : 35 East Boulevard, Rochester, N. Y.
$. N. e. Born February 8, 1861, Red Hook, N. Y. Brother of No. 884.
In the photo-engraving business, with the Pioneer Engraving Company,
New York, N. Y.
Married October 30, 1902, Agnes Florence Hardy, of New York, N. Y.
Children: John Vincent, b. September 28, 1903; Sumner Stone, b. July
14, 1905, d. April 2, 1913; Donald Hardy, b. July 15, 1910; Charles
Wesley, b. October 25, 1914.
Address: 137 E. 150th St., New York, N. Y.
1351. *HOWARD ABBOTT CLIFFORD. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Metaphysics) ; M.A., 1887. *. N. G. ^. B. K. Born
April 7, i860, Monmouth, Me.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1884-85. Preached
in M. E. Church, South Berwick, Me., 1885-86. Taught in New Orleans
University, 1886-88. Methodist Episcopal minister, Maine Conference,
1888-1920. Superintendent of schools, Richmond, Me., 1892-94; Wilton,
1896-98; Old Orchard, 1900-02; Paris, 1906-07. Trustee of Wesleyan
University, 1909-19. Died March 14, 1920, Strong, Me.
Married October 27, 1897, Mrs. Cora Knight Clifford, of Rumford,
Me. Children: Muriel, b. September 4, 1898, d. November 2, 1898;
Donald Knight, b. February 17, 1900.
1352. *WILLIAM MONTGOMERY CROOK. B.A., 1885. *. N. 9.
Born March 4, 1863, Dublin, Ireland.
Engaged in journalism in Texas. Later with a lumber company. Died
May 22, 1909, London, England.
1353. *GEORGE HERRICK DAINS. B.A. {sp. hon., Pol. and
Sac. Science) ; M.A., 1887. ^. T. Born July 22, 1861, in Windsor
County, Vt. Son of No. 617; brother of No. 1600. Journalist Died
October 7, 1904, Asheville, N. C.
1887. X. ^. Born July 21, 1861, Plymouth, Pa.
In business in Plymouth, Pa., 1885-88. Studied law in Plymouth, Pa.,
1888-90. Practised law in Wilkes-Barre and Plymouth, Pa., 1890-1921.
Register of wills, Luzerne County» Pa., 1894-96. Member of Fifty-sixth
Congress. Died September 26, 1921, Plymouth, Pa.
Married June 13, 1889, Mary Weir, of ' Plymouth, Pa. Children :
Marian Livingston, b. May i, 1890 (B.A., Goucher, 1912), m. Bryce W.
Blair; Isabel Weir, b. February 17, 1894, m. James E. James, M.D.
1355. DAVID GEORGE DOWNEY. B.A. (sp. hon., Pol. and Soc.
Science)', M.A., 1887; D.D., 1899; Litt.D., Cornell College, 1916;
LL.D., Wesleyan; 1920. A. K. E. ^. B. K. Born September 21, 1858,
Manor Hamilton, Ireland.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East Conference, 1884
Assistant secretary. Board of Education, M. E. Church, 1907-08. Cor-
responding secretary, Board of Sunday Schools, 1908-12; Book Editor
for M. E. Church, 1912 . Chaplain of the Conn. Legislature, 1886-87.
Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1904, '08, '12, '16, '20;
Ecumenical Methodist Conference, 191 1, '21. Trustee of Wesleyan Uni-
versity, 1902 ; secretary of the Board, 1903-20; vice-president,
1920 . Manager, Methodist Episcopal Hospital, 1916 . Member,
Joint Commission on Unification of the M, E. Church and the M. E.
Church, South, 1916 . Trustee of Drew Theological Seminary,
1921 . Author: Modern Poets and Christian Teaching. Editor:
Delta Kappa Epsilon Quarterly, 1890-91-
Married June 2, 1887, Lillian May Terrill, of Middlefield, Conn., who
died April i. 1915. Child: Bradford (No. 3231), b. October 29, 1894-
Address : 150 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.
1356. CHARLES HUTCHINSON DYE. Ph.B., 1894 (sp. hon.,
Mod. Lang.). , .
Teacher; superintendent and principal of schools. Vice-principal,
Wilmington Conference Academy, Dover, Del. With the U. S. Bureau
of Education, and the Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C,
1915 •
Address : Office of Indian Affairs, Dept. of the Interior, Washington,
D. C.
1357. PAUL FRANCIS ELA. B.A. ; M.A., 1888; M.D., Harvard
University, 1894. A. A. #. Born July 27, 1862, Woonsocket, R. I. Son
of No. 560.
Taught in East Greenwich Academy, R. I., 1884-85; Eagle Hall,
Goshen, Conn., 1885-86. Principal of New" Salem Academy, Mass., 1886-
88; High School, Mankato, Minn., 1888-89; Wesleyan Methodist Sem-
inary, Wasioja, Minn., 1889-91. Studied in Harvard Medical School,
1891-94. Practised medicine in Cambridge, Mass., 1894-98; East
Douglas, Mass., 1898 .
Married November 24, 1884, Carrie Augusta Aiken, of Chicopee Falls,
Mass. Children: Norris Theodore, b. May 25, 1894; Doris Mae, b.
October 28, 1902.
Address : East Douglas, Mass.
1358. WILLIAM ROGER EVANS. B.A.; M.A., 1887. X. ^.
Born September 15, i860. New York, N. Y.
Taught in Pittsburgh, Pa., 1884-85. Methodist Episcopal minister,
New York Conference, 1886-99. In business, 1899-1903. Public school
principal, 1903 .
Married 1890, Annie Noxon, of Central Valley, N. Y. Child:
Katharyn, b. May 2, 1891.
Address : 52 Liberty St., Washington Heights, Newburgh, N. Y.
1359. CHARLES HENRY GARDNER. B.A.; M.A., 1887.
A. K. E. Born January 10, 1858, Simsbury, Conn.
Taught in Rocky Hill, Conn., 1884-85. Methodist Episcopal minister.
New York East Conference; missionary to Nevada, 1885-97. Located
at his own request, 1897. In business in Beckwith, Cal., 1897-1910;
ranching, 19 10 .
Married June 27, 1883, Eva Mary Buell, of Clinton, Conn. Children:
Cornelia Easter, b. April 13, 1884; Beatrice Buell, b. August 12, 1885,
d. March 3, 1904; Robert William, b. January 13, 1887; Jessie Ruth, b.
September 24, 1889, d. October 12, 1890; Angeline Lois, b. February 12,
1891 ; Elizabeth Vida, b. February 12, 1891 ; Charles Henry, b. June 27,
Address : Pleasant Grove, Sutter Co., Cal.
1360. *FRANK CLASEN HOYT. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd grade) ;
M.A., 1887. #. N. e. $. B. K. Born March 6, 1863, Middletown, Conn.
Son of No. 591. In business. Died December 20, 1904, Englewood, N. J.
July II, 1861, Stamford, Conn.
In the leather business, 1884-99. Retired, 1899.
Address : Stamford, Conn.
1362. *LORENZO NICKERSON JOHNSON. B.A. (gen.Jwn.,ist
grade; sp. lion., Nat. Hist.) ; M.A., 1887, and Harvard University, 1892.
A. A. *. ^. B. K. Born December 20, 1862, Easton, Conn. Brother of
No. 1562. College instructor. Died February 27, 1897, Boulder, Col.
1363. GEORGE MASON LaMONTE. B.A. ; M.A., 1887. A. A. *.
Born June 4, 1863^ Danville, Va.
With the Brads treet Company, 1885.-86. Engaged in paper manufac-
turing, 1886 . President of the corporation, George LaMonte & Son,
New York, N. Y. Member of New Jersey Legislature, 191 1. Vice-
chairman, Federal Reserve Bank, Philadelphia, Pa., 1914-15. Commis-
sioner of Banking and Insurance, State of New Jersey, 1912-18.
Married October 12, 1887, Anna I. Vaill, of Bound Brook, N. J.
Children: George Vaill, b. 1889; Archibald Douglas, b. 1892.
Address : Bound Brook, N. J.
4>. N. e. Born August 9, 1856, Wells, Me.
Studied in School of Theology, Boston University, 1885-86. Methodist
Episcopal minister. New England Conference, 1886-1902. Supernu-
merary, 1902-10. Superintendent, Boston Missionary Society, 1896-98.
Located at his own request, 1910. Engaged in the manufacture of wooden
and paper boxes, Lynn, Mass., 1902 .
Married February 5,^ 1890, Annah Jane Whipple, of Maiden, Mass.
Children : William Bradbury, b. November 28, 1890, d. July 18, 1891 ;
Thompson Whipple, b. February 8, 1893, d. April 14, 1893 ; Dorcas Alice,
b. October 25, 1902; Horace Jackson, b. March 10, 1904.
Address : 5 Prescott St., Lynn, Mass.
2}id grade; sp. hon., Eng. Lit.); M.A., 1887; D.D., 1908. '^. T.
$. B. K. Born May 17, 1857, New Derry, Pa.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East Conference, 1884 .
Presiding Elder, New Haven District, 1902-08. Chaplain, Conn. House
of Representatives, 1897; Conn. Senate, 1899.
Married May 17, 1878, Emelda MacMillan (class of 1884), of
Latrobe, Pa. Children: Howard MacMillan (No. 2445), b. April 6,
1883; Merle DeForest, b. January 30, 1888.
Address : 95 Richmond St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.
1366. GARY A. ROE. B.A. (sp. hon., Nat. Hist.) ; M.A., 1887.
A. A. 4'. Born August 5, 1861, Gouverneur, N. Y. Son of No. 571;
brother of No. 1622.
Taught in Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1884-86; High
School, Saratoga, N. Y., 1886-87. Engaged in journalism in Marcellus,
N. Y., 1887-1906; Penn Yan, N. Y., 1906-07; Lockport, N. Y., 1907 .
Married June 30, 1886, Mary Lou Coats, of Watkins, N. Y. Child:
Ralph Coats, b. December 12, 1890.
Address : Lockport, N. Y.
1367. HERBERT EDWIN RUSSELL. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade); M.A., 1887; Sc.D., University of Denver, 1914. *. N. 0
^. B. K. Born April 7, i860, Paris, Me. Brother of Nos. 1023, 1159
1399, and 1765, and of W. A. Russell (class of 1878).
Taught in Maine Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill, Me., 1884-86
Graduate student, Johns Hopkins University, 1886-87. Taught in Boys
High School, Reading, Pa., 1887-91. Associate Professor of Mathe-
matics, University of Denver, 1891-96; Professor of Pure Mathematics
1896 — - — . Principal of preparatory school. University of Denver
1898-1909. Dean, Extramural College, University of Denver, 1914-17.
Married June 18, 1885, Carrie Lena Rogers, of Belgrade, Me. Chil-
dren: Mabel Edith, b. March 23, 1887; Annie Rogers, b. March 30, 1889
Herbert Owen, b. August i, 1894; Howard Willis, b. March 24, 1901.
Address : University Park, Denver, Col.
1368. FRANKLIN TAYLOR SMITH. B.A. ; M.A., 1887; LL.B.,
Harvard University, 1890. A. A. ^. Born July 14, 1864, Appleton, Wis.
Son of No. 495 ; brother of No. 1340.
Traveled in Europe, 1885-86. Studied in Harvard Law School,
1887-90. Practising law in Milwaukee and Appleton, Wis., 1890 .
President of the Ogden Abstract and Title Company, Milwaukee, Wis.,
Married October 11, 1893, Mary Eliot, of Milwaukee, Wis. Children:
Mary Eliot, b. December 23, 1894; Robert Eliot, b. May 24, 1899;
Augustus Ledyard, b. October 18, 1902.
Address : Appleton, Wis.
1369. ALBERT RADDIN SWEETSER. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1887. ^. T. Born July 15, 1861, Mendon, Mass. Son of
No. 676.
Studied in Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass., 1884-85.
Taught in Centreville, Mass., 1885-86 ; East Maine Conference Seminary,
Bucksport. Me., 1886-88; New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton,
N. H., 1888-93. Graduate student, and Assistant in Botany, Harvard
University, 1893-97. Professor of Biology, Pacific University, Ore.,
1897-1902. Professor of Botany, University of Oregon, 1902 .
Married February 28, 1888, Caroline Knowles Phinney, of Centreville,
Address : Eugene, Ore.
1370. FRED ELMER TASKER. Ph.B. {gen. hon., 2nd grade;
sp. hon., Latin, Metaphysics) ; LL.B., and LL.M., George Washington
University, 1886. ^. T. ^. B. K. Born May 9, 1862, Manchester, N. H.
Patent lawyer in Washington, D. C, 1884-97; New York, N. Y., 1897-
1918, 1920 . With the War Personnel Board, National War Work
Council, Y. M. C. A., 1918. Associate director of Industrial and
Religious Service, Community Motion Picture Bureau, 1919.
Married June i, 1887, Harriet Hickcox, of Washington, D. C.
Address: 220 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Residence: Interlaken,
Asbury Park, N. J.
August 31, 1862, Westboro, Mass. Brother of F. T. Tateum (class of
Practised law in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1884-1904. Engaged chiefly
in traveling for pleasure and sport, 1904 . Member of Mich. State
Legislature, 1892-94. Speaker of the House of Representatives, 1893-94.
Author : Before the Biasing Back-Log.
Married 1887, Mary Adele Morris, of Grand Rapids, Mich., who died
Address : The Stratford Arms, Grand Rapids, Mich.
1372. FRANKLIN HENRY TAYLOR. B.A. {gen. Iron., ist
grade; sp. hon., Greek, Mod. Lang.) ; M.A., 1887. ^. T. <l>. B. K.
Born December 10, 1853, Middletown, Conn.
Member American School at Athens, Greece, 1882-83. Taught in the
Episcopal Academy, Cheshire, Conn., 1884-85 ; High School, Middletown,
Conn., 1885-86. Tutor in Greek, Wesleyan University, 1886-91. Taught
in St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., 1891-95; High School, Hartford,
Conn., 1895-1917.
Married August 11, 1885, Sarah Lyman Van Sands, of Middletown,
Conn. Children: Horace Van Sands, b. May 28. 1886 (B.A., Yale,
1908) ; Paul Herbert, b. September 14, 1888 (B.S., Trinity, 1912) ;
Leon, b. January 17, 1891, d. November 24, 1892.
Address: 23 Lincoln St., Hartford, Conn.
1873. ARTHUR TITCOMB. B.A.; M.A., 1887. A. K. E. Born
December 22, 1853, Farmington, Me.
Principal of High School, Terryville, Conn., 1884-85. Studied in
Hartford Theological Seminary, 1885-88. Pastor of Congregational
Church, Gilbertville, Mass., 1888-95. Preached in various Congrega-
tional churches, as supply, 1895-99. Pastor of Congregational Church,
Saxonville, Mass., 1899-1903; West Stewartstown, N. H., 1903-04;
Feeding Hills, Mass., 1904-11. Serving as supply in various Congrega-
tional churches, 191 1 .
Married April 15, 1890, Anna Sophy Hubbard, of Middletown, Conn.
Address : Farmington, Me.
1374. JOHN ANDREW TUCK. Ph.B. ; M.A., 1887. A. K. E.
Address : Unga, Alaska.
1375. EDWARD BURR VAN VLECK. B.A. {gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Math.); M.A., 1887; Ph.D., University of Gottingen,
1893 ; LL.D., Clark University, 1909 ; Doctor of Mathematics and
Physics, University of Groningen (300th anniversary), 1914; Sc.D.,
University of Chicago, 1916. *. N. G. 4>. B. K. Born June 7, 1863,
Middletown, Conn. Son of No. 406; brother of Nos. 1234, 1295, and
Assistant in Physics, Wesleyan University, 1884-85. Graduate student
in Johns Hopkins University, 1885-87; Fellow in Physics. 1886-87.
Tutor in Mathematics, Wesleyan University, 1887-90. Studied in the
University of Gottingen, Germany, 1890-93. Instructor in Mathematics,
University of Wisconsin, 1893-95. Associate Professor of Mathematics,
Wesleyan University, 1895-98; Professor of Mathematics, 1898-1906.
Professor of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, 1906— — •.
Lecturer, Harvard University, 1919-20 (second semester). Vice-presi-
dent, American Mathematical Society, 1909; president, 1913-15. Vice-
president, American Association of Science, Section A, 1913. Member,
National Academy of Sciences ; National Research Council, 1921 .
French decoration : Officier de Vlnstruction Publique. Author : Theory
of Divergent Series and Algebraic Continued Fractions, 1903; mono-
GRADUATES. [1884-85
graphs in mathematical journals. Editor: Transactions of American
Mathematical Society, 1905-10.
Married July 3, 1893, Hester Laurence Raymond (No. 1633), of
North Lyme, Conn. Child: John Hasbrouck, b. March 13, 1899.
Address : Madison, Wis.
1376. *ALBERT PERRY WALKER. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1887. ^. T. $. B. K. Born June 9, 1862, Alton Bay,
N. H. School principal. Died March 28, 191 1, Newtonville, Mass.
1377. ELLA VIRGINIA BURR. Ph.B. (geri. hon., 2nd grade).
Born July 16, 1854, Haddam, Conn.
Studied in Charity Hospital Training School for Nurses (now New
York City Training School), New York, N. Y., 1884-86. Graduated,
1886. Practised as nurse, 1886-1904. Retired; residing in Higganum,
Conn., 1904 .
Daughter (adopted) : Ruth A. Burr, b. October 22, 1898.
Address : Higganum, Conn.
1378. CAROLINE MATILDA HILLS. B.A. {sp. hon., Latin) ;
M.A., 1887. Born March 18, 1863, Franklin, Mass. Sister of No. 1773.
Taught in High School, Middletown, Conn., 1884-85; Drew Ladies'
Seminary, Carmel, N. Y., 1885-88; High School, New Haven, Conn.,
1889-1901 ; Newtown High School, New York, N. Y., 1901 .
Address: Tennis Place Apts. 14, Forest Hills, N. Y.
CLASS OF 1885.
1379. STEPHEN SPURGEON ABBOTT. B.A. {sp. hon., Pol.
and Soc. Science) ; M.A., 1889. A, K. E. Born February 17, 1859,
Bethel, Me.
Studied law in Bethel, Me., 1885-87. Town clerk of Bethel ; member
of School Committee, 1886-87. Practised law in Denver, Col., 1887 .
Deputy district attorney for Second District, Col., 1889-92, 1892-95,
1898-1901. Assistant city attorney, Denver, Col., 1895. Judge of tiie
Municipal Court, Denver, Col., 1896-97.
Married September i, 1891, Kate Hutchins Locke, of Bethel, Me.,
who died December 15, 1918. Child: Katherine Elizabeth, b. November
9, 1907.
Address : 628 Ernest and Cranmer Building, Denver, Col.
1380. EDWARD DALLY BASSETT. B.A. ; M.A., 1888. A. A. ^.
Born September 22, 1855, Dansville, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York East Conference, 1885 .
Married May 14, 1890, Hattie L. Hughes, of Bridgeport, Conn., who
died February 26, 1895. Married April 6, 1898, Mrs. Kate Adams
Bassett, of North Manlius, N. Y. Children: Paul Adams (No. 3376),
b. May 15. 1892; Elliot Curtiss, b. February 26, 1895, d. March, 1895;
Helen Alida, b. March 23, 1899.
Address : Ridgefield, Conn.
1381. FRANK DAVIS BEATTYS. B.A. ; M.A, 1888. *. N. 0.
Born August 2, 1861, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Brother of Nos. 1382 and
New York agent for H. E. Holt, publisher, Boston, Mass., 1885. New
York manager for Silver, Rogers & Co., publishers. New York, N. Y.,
1886-87; Silver, Burdett & Co., 1888-91. In charge of New York
branch of same firm, with an interest in the business, 1892-1908. Member
of the firm, Frank D. Beattys & Co., publishers. New York, N. Y., 1908-
17. With the Central Union Trust Company, New York, 1918 .
Address : Central Union Trust Co., Madison Ave. and 42d St., New
York, N. Y.
1382. GEORGE DAVIS BEATTYS. B.A. (gen. lion., 2nd grade;
sp. hon., Pol. and Soc. Science) ; M.A., 1888; LL.B., Columbia Univer-
sity, 1887. *. N. 0. ^. B. K. Born July 20, 1862, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Brother of Nos. 138 1 and 1507.
Studied in Columbia Law School, New York, N. Y., 1885-87. Prac-
tising law in New York, N. Y., 1887 . Assistant corporation counsel
for Brooklyn, N. Y., 1896. U. S. prize commissioner, 1898. Trustee
of Wesleyan University, 1906 .
Married October 22, 1890, Jessie Lawrence McDermut, of Brooklyn,
N. Y. Children: Frank Lawrence (No. 3141), b. November 6, 1891 ;
Adele Mae, b. March 3, 1893; Madeleine Emily, b. February 4, 1898;
Jessie Brown, b. October 3, 1899.
Address: 11 1 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
1383. FRANCIS TRUMAN CHESTER. B.A. $. N. 0. Born
May 17, i860, Wilbraham, Mass. Son of No. 432.
Spent six months on a farm at Merricourt, N. Dak., 1886. Member
of New England colony at New England City, N. Dak., 1887-89.
Resided in Springfield, Mass., 1890 .
Address: 55 Lebanon St., Springfield, Mass.
1384. ERNEST PERLEY CLARKE. B.A. {gen. hon., ist grade;
sp. hon., Pol. and Soc. Science) ; M.A., 1888. A. K. E. ^. B. K. Born
December 13, 1859, Alna, Me.
On U. S. geological survey in Maine and New Hampshire, 1885,
Editor of Ontario Record, Cal., 1886-94. Instructor in Latin and
English Literature, Chaff ey College, Ontario, Cal., 1888-89. Member
of Board of Education, San Bernardino County, Cal., 1889-92. Manag-
ing editor. Daily Press, Riverside, Cal., 1894 • In Washington, D. C,
as private secretary and newspaper correspondent, 1905-06. Chairman,
Board of Managers, Southern California State Hospital for the Insane,
1900-13. Member, California State Board of Education, 1913 ;
president of the Board, 1915 . Trustee of the University of Southern
California, 1916 . Contributor to various magazines.
Married July 3, 1898, Louise Harvey, M.D., of Portland, Me.
Address : Daily Press, Riverside, Cal.
1385. SAUL OBER CURTICE. B.A. ; M.A., 1888; M.A. and
Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1891. A. A. $. Born March 13, i860.
Concord, N. H.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East Conference, 1885 .
Married July i, 1885, Sarah Comstock Scofield, of Orient, N. Y.
Children: Leon Hilliard (No. 2666), b. April 9, 1886; Raymond
Scofield (No. 2667), b. October 31, 1887; Lois Kate, b. July 4, 1889;
Eunice Mallory, b. May 27, 1892; Helen Boyes, b. December 3, 1893;
Kenneth Henry, b. November 7, 1897.
Address : 71 Washington St., Hempstead. N. Y.
September 14, 1862, Troy, N. Y. Brother of No. 1515.
In the employ of Fellows & Co., collar and cuflF manufacturers, Troy,
N. Y., 1885-88. Senior member of the firm, 1888-1913. Retired, 1913.
Married June 18, 1890, Flora Ayer Haynes, of Saranac, N. Y. Chil-
dren: Haynes Harold (No. 2991), b. July 14, 1891 ; Franklin Edward
(No. 3647), b. October 2, 1898; Anna Ruth, b. October 2, 1898, d.
April 8, 1903; Flora Elizabeth, b. April 2, 1907.
Address : 279 Pawling Ave., Troy, N. Y.
1387. *WILLIAM SCOTT FOSTER. B.A. (gen. hon., 2nd
grade) ; M.A., 1888. A. A. *. $. B. K. Born February 23, i85o. South
Windsor, Conn. Methodist Episcopal minister. Died August 6, 1899,
Foxvale, Mass.
1388. ADDISON LOOMIS GREEN. B.A. ^. T. $. B. K.
Born October 23, 1862, Westfield, Mass.
Taught in High School, Westfield, Mass., 1885-87. Practising law in
Holyoke, Mass., 1887 . Trustee of Wesleyan University, 1919 .
Married December 10, 1890, Maud Ingersoll Bennett, of Hartford,
Conn., who died June 17, 1901. Married June 22, 191 1, Gertrude
Metcalf, of Holyoke, Mass. Children: Addison Bennett, b. August 22,
1891 ; Donald Ross, b. April 8, 1894; Constance, b. August 5, 1898;
David Loomis, b. April 27, 1901 (class of 1923) ; Clarissa, b. October 12,
1913; Gertrude, b. January 15, 1915; Marshall, b. January 27, 1916.
Address : Meadowview, Holyoke, Mass.
1389. IRVING SAMUEL HAYNES. Ph.B. (sp. hon., Chem.) ;
M.D., New York University, 1887; Sc.D., Wesleyan, 1915. A. K. E.
*. B. K. Born August 29, 1861, Saranac, N. Y.
Studied in medical department of New York University, 1885-87.
Interne in Bellevue Hospital, New York, N. Y., 1887-88. Assistant
Demonstrator of Anatomy, New York University Medical College, 1888-
89; Demonstrator of Anatomy, 1889-94; Adjunct Professor of
Anatomy, 1894-98. Professor of Practical Anatomy, Cornell University
Medical College, New York, N. Y., 1898-1909; of Applied Anatomy,
1910-17; of Clinical Surgery, 191 1 — ■—. Visiting Surgeon, Harlem
Hospital, N. Y., 1895 ; Park Hospital. New York, 1909-21; Recon-
struction Hospital, 1921 . Consulting Surgeon, Physicians' Hospital,
Plattsburg, N. Y., 1910 . Author : Guide to Dissection of the Human
Body; Manual of Anatomy.
Married March 19, 1890, Charlotte Elmira Scribner, of Plattsburg,
N. Y., who died December 7, 1897. Married July 5, 1899, Laura Cordelia
Marsh, of Beekmantown, N. Y. Children : Harriett Marsh, b. Septem-
ber 4, 1900; Dorothy Helen, b. December 29, 1902; Irving Samuel, b.
September 11, 1908.
Address : 107 West 85th St., New York, N. Y.
1390. FRANK LESLIE HAYWARD. B.A. ; M.A., 1888; Ph.D.,
Milton University, 1917. A. K. E. Born April 26, 1857, Wesley, Me.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New England, Des Moines, East Maine,
Maine, and Wisconsin Conferences, 1882 . Presiding Elder, Bucks-
port District, 1902-06. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church,
Married August 12, 1883, Helen Frances Atkinson, of Biddeford, Me.
Children: Bertha Vivian, b. June i, 1884; Ralph Simpson, b. December
ID, 1887 (B.A., Bates, 1907) ; Ruth Winnifred, b. October 17, 1890, m.
Mark Burgess; Raymond Vincent (No. 3089), b. October 17, 1890.
Address : R. F. D., Brunswick, Me.
1888. X. ^. Born June 21, 1863, New Somerset, Ohio.
Bookkeeper with A. H. Cobb & Co., soap manufacturers, Boston, Mass.,
1885-93. Bookkeeper and superintendent with D. P. Nichols & Co.,
carriage and automobile manufacturers, Boston, 1893-1912. Treasurer,
Page & Shaw, Inc., candy manufacturers, 1912-18. In the accounting
department, Phoenix Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn., 1918 .
Married September 29, 1892, Frances E. Mowry, of Norwich, Conn.
Address: 1566 Boulevard, West Hartford, Conn.
1392. *JAMES STRONG JUDD. B.A. (sp. hon., Chem.) ; M.A,
1888. ^. T. Born December 25, 1863, Flushing, N. Y. Son of No.
315; brother of No. 1329.
In the office of The Prairie Farmer, Chicago, 111., 1885-86; associate
editor, 1886-88. Established, with Nos. 315 and 1329, The Orange Judd
Farmer, Chicago, 1888; associate editor, 1888-92; editor and manager,
1892-94; manager, 1894-95. Resided in Pasadena, Cal. ; with expedition
of the Smithsonian Institution to the Pueblo Indians, 1895-96. Employed
in nutrition investigations, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Middletown and
Storrs, Conn., 1896-97. In charge of the publicity department, Phelps
Publishing Company, and Orange Judd Company, New York, N. Y.,
1897-1901 ; Springfield, Mass., 1901-08. Secretary, Good Housekeeping
Company; circulation manager, Good Housekeeping. Associated with
The Motion Picture News, New York. Died June 23, 1919, New York,
N. Y.
Married October 22, 1891, Harriet Estelle Butler, of Evanston. 111.,
who died June, 1895. Married June 6, 1900, Betsey Chapman Chapin, of
Evanston, 111.
1393. OSCAR KUHNS. B.A. (gen. hon., ist grade; sp. hon.. Mod.
Lang., Eng. Lit.) ; M.A., 1888; L.H.D., Dickinson College, 1904. ^. T.
4'. B. K. Born February 21, 1856, Columbia, Pa.
Studied in Germany, France, and Switzerland, 1885-87. Librarian of
Wesleyan University, 1887-89. Studied in Italy, 1889. Instructor in
Romance Languages, Wesleyan University, 1889-90; Associate Pro-
fessor, 1890-93; Professor, 1893 . Author: German and Szuiss
Settlements of Pennsylvania; The Sense of the Infinite ; Dante and the
English Poets; A One-Sided Autobiography; The Great Poets of Italy;
The Sense of the Infinite; The Love of Books and Reading; The
Peaceful Life, etc.
Married April 6, 1892. Lillie Belle Conn (No. 1632), of Fitchburg,
Mass. Child: Austin Hubbert (No. 3170), b. March 27, 1894.
Address : Middletown, Conn.
1394. *JACOB CHRISTIAN LANGE. B.A. {gen. hon., 2nd
grade; sp. hon., Pol. and Soc. Science) ; M.A., 1888. A. A. *. *. B. K.
Born January 2, 1864, Scranton, Pa. Brother of Nos. 1529 and 1651.
School principal. Died August 22, 1898, Scranton, Pa.
1395. *LOUIS JONES MAGEE. B.A. $. N. 9. 4>. B. K. Born
September 8, 1862, Maiden, Mass. In the electric lighting business.
Died July 2, 1907, New York, N. Y.
139G. WILLIAM HOWARD MITCHELL. B.A. {gen. hon., ist
grade) ; M.A., 1888; LL.B., Boston University, 1887. *. N. 6. $. B. K.
Born August 14, 1861, North Yarmouth, Me.
Principal of High School, Spencer, Mass. ; also studied law in Port-
land, Me., 1885-86. Studied in School of Law, Boston University, 1886-
87. Practised law in Denver, Col., 1887-88. Treasurer of the Colorado
Farm- Loan Company, Boston, Mass., 1888-91. Practising law in Boston,
1891 .
Married October 2, 1889, Harriet Louise Orcutt, of Melrose, Mass.
Child: William Howard, b. September 10, 1891.
Address : 76 Gooch St., Melrose, Mass.
LL.B., St. Lawrence University, 1908. A. A. $. Born December 12,
1861, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York East Conference, 1885-1912.
Supernumerary, 1912-17. Retired, 1917.
Married June 24, 1885, Martha Wood, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children:
M. Pearl, b. March 11, 1886 (B.A., Goucher College, 1907) ; Ruby
Evelyn, b. September 23, 1887 (B.A., Goucher, 1907) ; L. Beryl, b.
September 12, 1889; Robert Clinton, b. September 25, 1891 (class of
191 1 ) ; Alwin Wood, b. October 15, 1893 (class of 1915) ; Opal Amelia,
b. August 23, 1898 ; Asteria Genevieve, b. April 24, 1901 ; Walter
Franklin, b. February 6, 1907.
Address: Fulton St., Lawrence, N. Y.
1398. WILBUR EVERETT ROWELL. B.A. (gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Pol. and Soc. Science) ; M.A., 1888. ^. T. $. B. K.
Born August 28, 1862, Amesbury (now Merrimac), Mass.
Studied law in Lawrence, Mass., 1885-87; Harvard Law School, 1887-
88. Practising law in Lawrence, Mass., 1888 .
Married September 22, 1891, Mary Amanda Rand, of Somerville,
Mass., who died May 4, 1905. Married March 18, 1908, Lillian Willard
Bridges, of South Framingham, Mass.
Address : 301 Essex St., Lawrence, Mass.
1399. JAVAN MASON RUSSELL. B.A.; M.A., 1888. $. N. e.
Born June 10, 1858, Paris, Ale. Brother of Nos. 1023, 1159, 1367, and
1765, and of W. A. Russell (class of 1878).
Principal of Newfield School, Bridgeport, Conn., 1885-89; Hitchcock
Free High School, Brimfield, Mass., 1889-93; High School, Somers-
worth, N. H., 1893-96. In the lumber business, Somersworth, N. H.,
1896 . Lay delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1904.
Married December 22, 1886, Elizabeth A. Gawell, of Berwick, Me.,
who died June 15, 1893. Married December 27, 1905, Edith M. LeGros,
of Somersworth, N. H. Children : Gladys Elizabeth, b. June 23, 1889 ;
Harriet Bates, b. November 18, 1907; Edgar LeGros, b. March 16, 1909;
Walter Adams, b. October 14, 191 1.
Address: Somersworth, N. H.
1400. JAMES ALFRED SAXE. B.A. ; M.A., 1888; B.A.,
Harvard University, 1888 ; LL.B., Harvard University, 1892. ■^. T.
Born December 2, 1863, Troy, N, Y. Brother of No. 1401, and of
W. A. Saxe (class of 1878).
Traveled in the western states, 1885 ; in Europe, 1886. Studied in
Harvard University, 1887-88. Traveled in Europe, 1888-89. Studied in
Harvard Law School, 1889-92. Practised law in Boston, Mass., 1892-
97 ; Worcester, Mass., 1897 . Founder of the Worcester County
Abstract Company.
Married June 23, 1892. Mary Alfred Wick, of Cleveland, Ohio.
Address : 20 Cedar St., Worcester, Mass.
1401. JOHN WALTER SAXE. B.A. ; M.A., 1888; B.A.,
Harvard University, 1888; LL.B., Union University, 1890, and Harvard
University, 1892. ■4'. T. Born December 2, 1863, Troy, N. Y. Brother
of No. 1400, and of W. A. Saxe (class of 1878).
Traveled in the United States and in Europe, 1885-87. Studied in
Harvard University, 1887-88. Studied law in Troy, N. Y., 1888-89.
Traveled in Europe, 1889. Studied in Law School, Albany, N. Y., 1889-
90; in Harvard Law School, 1890-92. Practised law in Boston, Mass.,
1892-1916; Worcester, Mass., 1916 . Associated with No. 1400 in
Worcester County Abstract Company.
Married April 11, 1899, Sara F. Burtis, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children:
Ellen Burtis, b. April 8, 1900; John Burtis, b. July 27, 1902; Burtis
James, b. October 22, 1904.
Address : Registry of Deeds, Court House, Worcester, Mass.
University, 1895. ^. T. Born August 31, 1862, Shelbyville, Ky.
Taught in Augusta Collegiate Institute, Ky., 1885-86. Connected with
The Stove and Hardware Journal, St. Louis, Mo., 1886-87 ; with a grain
firm, Des Moines, Iowa, 1887-88; with the Bankers Life Association,
Des Moines, Iowa, 1888-94. Practised law in Des Moines, Iowa, 1895-
1908. Investment securities dealer, Des Moines, Iowa, 1908-16. Presi-
dent, Jesse F. Stevenson & Company, Inc., bonds and mortgages,
1916 .
Married April 14, 1898, Lora Dart Ankeney, of Des Moines, Iowa.
Children: Helen, b. July 27. 1899; Sarah, b. November 15, 1902;
Richard Ankeney, b. January 8, 1906, d. April i, 1906.
Address: 208 Valley National Bank Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa.
1403. ARTHUR EUGENE SUTHERLAND. B.A. (gen. hon.,
2nd grade; sp. hon., Pol. and Soc. Science) ; M.A., 1888; LL.D., 1906.
*. N. e. "I>. B. K. Born September 20, 1862, Geneva, N. Y.
Studied law, 1885-87. Practised law in Rochester, N. Y., 1887-94.
County judge, Monroe County, N. Y., 1894-1905. Justice of the Supreme
Court of New York, 1905-16; resigned, 1916. Practising law in Roches-
ter (firm, Sutherland & Dwyer), 1916 . Direc-tor, Union Trust
Company of Rochester, N. Y. Trustee of Wesleyan University. 1910-12.
Married June 30, 1888, Eleanor Reed, of Nunda. N. Y. Children:
Andrew Reed (No. 2893), b. March 20, 1889; Mary McLean, b. July 13,
1892, m. Royal K. Baker (deceased) ; Jean McNair, b. July 21. 1894, m.
John E. Simonds ; Ellen Douglas, b. April 20, 1897, m. Capt. William D.
Wray; Arthur Eugene, b. February 9, 1902 (class of 1923).
Address: Rochester Savings Bank Building. Rochester, N. Y.
1404. WILLIAM JOHN TAGGART. B.A.; M.A., 1888.
Engaged in journalism.
Address: Ledger, Philadelphia, Pa.
1405. DeWITT BURTON THOMPSON. B.A. ; M.A., 1888;
D.D., Syracuse University, 1907. A. A. $. Born July 2, i860, Napanoch,
N. Y.
Methodist Episcopal minister, New York Conference, 1885 .
Financial secretary of Syracuse University, 1909-17 ; secretary. Board
of Trustees, 1917 .
Married September 15, 1886, Margaret R. Schofield, of Matteawan,
N. Y. Children: Ralph Schofield (No. 2894), b. October 26, 1887;
Grace Eloise, b. October 11, 1892.
Address : 120 Comstock Place, Syracuse, N. Y,
1406. JOHN LITTLEFIELD TILTON. B.A. ; M.A, 1888, and
Harvard University, 1895 ; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1910. A. K. E.
$. B. K. Born January 11, 1863, Nashua, N. H.
Principal of schools, Niantic, Conn., 1885-86. Assistant in Natural
History, and graduate student, Wesleyan University, 1886-88. Pro-
fessor of Natural Sciences, later of Geology and Physics, Simpson
College, Iowa, 1888-1920. Associate Professor of Geology, West
Virginia University, 1920 . Studied in Harvard University, 1894-
95; University of Chicago (Fellow), 1902-03. President, Iowa
Academy of Sciences, 1908. Geologist, Iowa Geological Survey; West
Virginia Geological Survey. 1921 .
Married September 4, 1890, Ida May Hoyt, of Nashua, N. H. Child*.
Besse Swinburne, b. June 15, 1891 (B.A., Simpson, 1913), d- December
S, 1918.
Address : Morgantown, W. Va.
1407. FRANK SUMNER TOWNSEND. B.A. (sp. hon., Eng.
Lit., Pol. and Soc. Science) ; M.A., 1888; D.D., West Virginia Wesleyan
College, 1915, and Wesleyan, 1921. Born April 19, 1857, East Greenwich,
R. I.
Methodist Episcopal minister. New York East and West Virginia
Conferences, 1885 . Superintendent of Ronceverte District, 1910-15.
Chairman, W. Va. Conference Board of Examiners, 1901-10, 1918 .
Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1916. Trustee of West
Virginia Wesleyan College, 1914 . Author: Hugh' Graham: a Tale
of the Pioneers.
Married June 25, 1885, Hattie Alice Sage,- of Cromwell, Conn. Chil-
dren: Grace Elizabeth, b. July 6, 1886, m. F. W. Stemple; Arthur Sage,
b. August 10, 1891 (B.A., Ohio Wesleyan, 1913)-
Address: Kingwood, W. Va.
1408. FRANCIS BOURNE UPHAM. B.A. (gen. hon., ist grade;
sp. hon., Pol. and Soc. Science) ; M.A., 1888; B.D., Drew Theological
Seminary, 1888, D.D., Syracuse University, 1903. $. N. 9. 4>. B. K.
Born November 21, 1862, Bristol, R. I. Son of No. 548.
Studied in Drew Theological Seminary, 1885-88. Methodist Epsicopal
minister. New York East Conference, 1888 . Superintendent of
Brooklyn North District, 1911-17. Secretary. Endowment Fund Com-
mission, 1920 . Author: Simon Peter, Fisherman; Simon Peter,
Shepherd; Life of Thomas Coke.
Married April 28, 1891, Fannie E. Williamson, of Norfolk, Va.
Children: Fannie Williamson, b. August 24, 1892; Francis Bourne
(No. 3199), b. May 29, 1894; Samuel Foster, b. January 16, 1897 (class
of 1919) ; Lucy Norman, b. March 26, 1899; Philips Webb, b. March 26,
Address : 2>7 Barry Ave., Mamaroneck, N. Y.
1409. *CHARLES SUMNER VAN DEUSEN. B.A. {sp. hon.,
Latin) ; M.A., 1888. Born December 14, 1863, New Brunswick, N. J.
Journalist. Died August 17, 1894, New Haven, Conn.
1410. *EDWARD AUGUSTUS WELCH. B.S. {sp. hon., Chem.) ;
M.D., Harvard University, 1888. A. K. E. Born May 10, 1862, North-
iield, Mass. Physician. Died November 29, 1897, Sutton, Mass.
LL.B., New York University, 1889. ^. T. Born February 3, 1862,
Everett, Pa. Brother of G. A. Williams (class of 1897).
Taught in Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1885-87. Librarian
of University Club, New York, N. Y., 1887-89. Studied in Columbia
Law School, 1887-88; Law School of New York University, 1888-89.
On the staff of The New York Evening Post, 1889-91. Practising law
in New York, N. Y., 1892 .
Married 1895, Ruth Williams, of Amityville, N. Y.
Address: unknown.
1412. ROBERT HENRY WILLIAMS. B.A. {gen. hon., ist
grade; sp. hon., Latin) ; M.A., 1888. ■^. T. ^. B. K. Born November
17, 1862, Ridgely, Md. Brother of No. 1460.
. Taught in Tilton Seminary, N. H., 1885-86. Tutor in Latin, Wesleyan
University, 1886-89. Practising law in Chattanooga, Tenn., 1889 •
Married November 26, 1901, Margaret Gillespie Sharp, of Chattanooga,
Tenn. Children : Eleanor, b. January 24, 1903 ; Margaret, b. Septem-
ber I, 1904; Emily, b. June 22, 1906; Robert Patten, b. November 23,
Address : First National Bank Building, Chattanooga, Tenn.
1st grade; sp. hon./ Math., Phys.) ; M.A., 1888; Ph.D., University of
Gottingen, 1894. ^. T. *. B. K Born March 8, 1864, Monson, Mass.
Son of No. 642.
Assistant in Physics and Astronomy, Wesleyan University, 1885-86.
Taught in Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., 1886-90. Studied
in University of Gottingen, Germany, 1891-94. Instructor in Mathe-
matics, Mass. Institute of Technology, 1890-91, 1894-95; Assistant
Professor, 1895-1904; Associate Professor, 1904-06; Professor,
1906 . Author: Plane and Solid Atmlytic Geometry (with F. H.
Bailey) ; Boston Colloquium Lectures on Mathematics (with H. S.
White (No. 1318) and E. B. Van Vleck (No. 1375) ; A Course in
Mathematics (with F. H. Bailey) ; Analytic Geometry and Calculus
(with F. H. Bailey) ; Higher Geometry, Editor : Annals of Mathe-
matics, 1 900-1 1.
Married June 20, 1899, Ethel Maria Eager, of Belmont, Mass. Chil-
dren: Emily, b. August 18, 1900; Helen, b. May i, 1903.
Address : 123 Sumner St., Newton Centre, Mass.
1414. W^INNIE MAY CROOK. B.A. ; M.A., 1888. Born January
31, 1864, Holyoke, Mass.
Resided at home, 1885-86. Taught in High School, Springfield, Mass.,
1886-1909; Chicago Training School, 1910-14; Boston Training School
for Christian Service, 1914-16; Nanking University, China, 1917-18;
Girls' High Scho